I Dry-Aged Steaks in Yogurt for 35 Days and this happened!

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Thank you Blue Fire Gloves for sponsoring this  video. This is greek yogurt and as you already know it's made from live bacteria. If you google is yogurt good for tenderizing meat? The results are shocking. Yogurt tenderizes meat much more  gently and effectively than regular marinades.   While acidic vinegar or citrus-based marinade  can toughen proteins like chicken breast to a   rubber consistency, yogurt slowly tenderizes them  resulting in meat that can practically be pulled   apart by hand. Be pulled apart by hand? Oh boy is  this gonna be like the pineapple experiment that   completely disintegrated the steak? Well we're  gonna find out together right now. And for that   I'm gonna be using this beautiful three bones rib  roast. Whenever i'm choosing anything to dry age I   just gotta make sure that it's big enough. That's  because I already know that it's not only going   to shrink, but i'm also going to have a lot of  loss. The first thing to do is to lay down some   parchment paper so that I can spread the yogurt. This creates a nice bottom layer so that the meat   can go right on top. Once that's done the next  thing to do is to make sure I cover the whole   thing with it. And whenever you're dry aging beef  you cannot be cheap. The last thing we want is to   have gaps, so to ensure that was not the case I  made sure to cover the whole thing. But once I   was done, this is what it looks like. If that does  not look like a cake to you I don't know what does.   My only fear that dry aging this beef is that the  bacteria will eat all of the steak. We're gonna go   ahead and push the limits and let it dry age in  my regular refrigerator for a total of 35 days. Once the time was up I opened up the refrigerator  and this is what I found. What in the world is that?  This is definitely something you do not see every  day. Once i laid it down on the table we can take a   closer look and it almost looks like an iceberg  especially with the cracks right in between. I   think the bacteria was looking for some oxygen. And  as you can see made cracks through the whole thing   like ice. That was totally unexpected. I've also  noticed some part of the actual yogurt became red   I'm assuming that that's the meat juices coming  out from the meat. And right where the bone is is   black. One of the most important part whenever you  dry aging anything is the smell if it smells bad   it's time to throw it away. But this one smells  like yogurt so I don't quite know if that's a   good thing or a bad thing. The only way to find  out is to remove all of it and that is exactly   what I did. Now here's where things became much  more interesting when I put the yogurt in it was   nice and easy to spread but now it's almost like  play-doh and it is not easily coming out. I thought   this part was gonna be easy, boy was I wrong.  The cracks where there was no juices from the   meat came out easier, but do not get mistaken by  easy this took me almost 2 hours to clean up.   And once I was done this is what I was left with. That  right there is a 35 days dry aged beef in yogurt.   I did my best to remove all of it but you can  clearly tell that I was not that successful. One   of the interesting things is that the fat looks  very unique and it also feels extremely tender,   that got me super excited. I know for a fact that  the live bacteria did something now if that's   gonna be a good thing or a bad thing we're gonna  find out real shortly, because the next thing to   do is to go ahead and trim it. For that i got one  of my sharpest knife and started to go to town.  I made sure to remove all of the parts that  was completely oxidized even though these are   not pellicles it is not something I want to eat. What I'm looking for are the parts that are red   and as I start taking it out it slowly revealed  itself. That looks good! With a closer look you   can tell the differences between them the nice red  colors is a go, but the oxidized one is a no-no. The   next thing to do is to go ahead and cut them in  individual steaks. And once i was done completely   with all of the trimming this is what i was left  with three nice beautiful steaks completely dry   aged with yogurt. That is something I never thought  I would say but judging on how tender these steaks   are I'm excited to find out how they're gonna  taste. I'll be saving two of them for further   experiments in the future because this is the one  I'll be cooking today. Now to really put this one   to the test this is what we're gonna do, this is  the yogurt dry aged one and here we have a real   dry aged steak which you know I'm a huge fan of.  And I've shown you how to do it the right way   several different times and the very last one is  a fresh steak. By the time we're done with this   experiment we're really gonna know if the yogurt  dry age is a good thing or a bad one. Now the only   thing left to do is to go ahead and season them.  For that I kept it as simple as possible only   a little bit of salt followed by freshly ground  black pepper as always one of the most important   thing is to make sure that you season it well not  only both sides but also the edges. But now that   we have all of our steaks ready the next thing  to do is to go ahead and cook them. My plan is   to first put a nice beautiful sear. Once that's  done I'll be cooking them in indirect heat until   they all reach an internal temperature of 135  degrees fahrenheit and for that i'll be using   my wireless thermometers. So now I say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! Before moving forward i want to thank today's  sponsor bluefire gloves. You guys have seen me   using these amazing gloves so many times and  that is because they work. These gloves are   932 degrees fahrenheit heat resistance for  5 seconds before any warmth can be felt. They   use the same technology as firefighters use,  now that's what I'm talking about. And they   also have silicone grips that are cut resistant.  Another thing that I really like is that they   have longer cuffs to protect your forearm. And  of course it's just not for grilling you can use   them in a wood burning stove, campfire, to manage  your logs in a fireplace and many other things.   Check them out at bluefiregloves.com to get  your pair. They have one size fit all for men   but they also have for the ladies. Thank you  blue fire gloves for sponsoring this video   and keeping my hands safe. But now I'm excited to  find out how these steaks are actually gonna taste.   All right everybody here we have our beautiful  steaks today. Are you ready Maumau? -They're looking   good! -I know they're looking good. -They're making my mouth water. -I know i was gonna say the same   exact thing. You know sometimes when you look at  it and you're extra hungry, I'm extra hungry today   and then the salivas are just like a waterfall  right now. Now as you can see and I hope that   came through the camera every single steak  was cooked to the exact same doneness.   By the time I pulled it out of the grill everybody  was at 135 degrees fahrenheit. -Okay. -They all hit   that exact temperature, but here's the deal this  one here is more pale. -I was going to say it   looks more well done than the rest but it's not  well done because it still look. -It's white it's   white. -Yeah pale like you said. -Well obviously it's  an experiment and we're going to find out yes. -Oh God! -Always get very scared with the experiment. -Wish me  luck guys. -I would never feed you something I wouldn't   eat yes. -Yes. -So at least that okay. -If we get sick  we get sick together. -Exactly, yes! All right. -So we starting on   this one? -Yes let's go for that one first and you  tell me. Oh lord! -It's gonna be amazing already just by the fork feel. My mouth is watering so bad. All right  Maumau enough okay. Cheers everybody. People ask me all the time do you get tired of  steak? -No way -How, how can you get tired of steak? It's   amazing! -Perfect Guga steak. -Yes! -That's all I can  say. Maumau knows what's he talking about Guga steak.   As you can probably tell we have the control right  here. -Okay. -All right that was amazing I would give   that one a 9.9 out of 10, that's how good it is.  All right let's go for the second one I'm excited. You ready? -It's been a while that I don't eat  steak. I know what they're gonna go in the comment   section right now say what are you talking about. -You have wagyu every week what are you talking about? -No every   day, in their eyes they think I eat i wagyu every  day. -No, no. -Second one cheers everybody. -Wow I missed dry age. -I cannot fool Maumau. Maumau knows exactly what's happening. -Wow! -That funkiness that little   extra flavor that gives inside of the steak. If  you know, you know. Let's be honest this is a 10.   -It's a 10 but we got to give it a little  margin so they don't a 10 would be a wagyu.   -Yes okay that's fair enough. What is it like for  you? -It's like a concentrated beef flavor. You   know the difference of a steak between a steak  regular and steak with msg? -Yes. -That's a steak   with msg and then some mushroom on top of it but  it doesn't taste like msg or mushroom, it's just   it's a steak on crak. -Exactly it's difficult to  explain. -There's no way to explain it. It is, it is   he's right on the money. For me I feel kind of like  you know a whinish taste, an earthy taste like   uh. Yeah you know it's a little bit earthier it's  like it's a steakier steak. -But if you've never had   a dry aged steak please give it a try. It is more  tender, it is juicier it is an amazing steak and   you should get one right now if you never had it. Okay I'm excited for this one. -This looks like one   of the ones that the Guga dreams about before  he goes to sleep. -Oh my god that's exactly right.   All right I don't know about this one here we're  gonna find out together. I'm excited at the same   time smells nice and beefy, it smells wonderful. -The  fibers are looking a little funky. -Oh boy here we   go look at that. -There's a little different smell  over here. -Maumau it smells wonderful. -It doesn't   smell bad but it smells a little... -It smells like  heaven, you're smelling heaven that's what you're   smelling. I say enough smelling and let's give  it a try, yes? All right last one, cheers everybody. Really? -It's a weird sm it's a weird taste. -You like it? -Oh I'm enjoying that. -Maybe if I when I know what  it is i'll like it better.   -Oh I like that Maumau. You don't like that? -It's  a little dry age. -It's a little dry aged for you?  -It's like it has a little dry age umami.  -Okay, look i don't want to influence your opinion   you tell me what you think. If you don't like it you  don't like it. -I'm not sure if I like it or not.   -What do you mean? You have to know you either like  it or you hated it. I'll eat it but if I order that   on a restaurant I'll think there's something  wrong with the meat. -Really? -Yes. -I wonder why. You don't like if you think there's  something wrong you don't enjoy it   you're going to ask hey what's wrong  with my steak. -Yeah. -What did you guys do?   -Is this a regular steak because there is something  different about it? What did you draw aged that on?  -Look at him he's already getting too smart on  me. I enjoyed everybody for me is a milder taste   and a unique kind of taste and I would say that  this steak right here is more tender than all   of the other ones. -It is, it is more tender that the other ones. It is much more tender than even the regular dry aged one.  So here's the deal. -Even the juiciness of that one like  when you bite the -yeah -they come out it tastes a   little different from the other one. -It is it  is it is different it is a very unique steak. Are you ready to find out what it is Maumau? -Yeah  let me go back to this one to wash my palate.   -This one here is obviously a dry age you can  tell that it is but i used yogurt to dry age it.   Now you know that yogurt is also a tenderizing on  meat. -That's why the fibers are a little funky. -Yes   it is no I'm not gonna say that it's mushy but  it's extra tender all of the fibers. -Yeah. -Here's   the deal all right, if you've never had a real  dry aged steak do a real drying steak. This steak   is better than all of the other ones. -I agree with  you, but it's something unique and I have tried so   many different weird things that I kind of enjoy  weird things now because I'm not expecting it when   I take a bite of it. You know what I mean? -It goes  like it catches me by surprise like what is that.   So yeah Guga likes the funkiness, that's all I can tell you. I enjoy the funkiness. -If you have   a lot of room in your fridge and you're gonna do  dry age do that one too. -Do an experiment. -For you   to experiment yourself. -Exactly. -It's not bad it's  not terrible but it's very different. -Anyway guys   these are the results. I hope you guys enjoyed this  video, if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a   thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to  subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are   interested in anything I use everything is always  in the description down below. Thank you so much   for watching and we'll see you guys on the next  one. Oh -Are you ok Maumau? -So much mouth juices!   -As you can see the dry aged steak is better.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,530,193
Rating: 4.9171643 out of 5
Keywords: dry age, dry age beef, dry age experiment, dry age steak, how to dry age at home, best steak, steak experiment, yogurt, tenderizer, best meat tenderizer
Id: UyY0ZoeELdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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