I DRY-AGED Steaks in WASABI and this happened!

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Thanks Quip for sponsoring this video. This is  real wasabi most people think that it's a root but I've just learned that this is a stem. It is  also very expensive and difficult to find. Now   I'll be honest with you, I understand nothing about  wasabi and I've never even had the real deal which   is this, but I've just learned that there are so  many different kinds. -Fake wasabi powder, this is   a wasabi paste and this is a real wasabi. -I don't  know which one is going to be better. Which one   is better? This one? Hey master chef tells you  something you listen to what he says, and if   you love sushi make sure you go subscribe to his  channel, he is the master chef. And when you have a   master sushi chef in your house you know you gotta  try some sushi. That is exactly what he did here in   my house for his channel you can really see when  a master knows his craft and butchering a salmon   was nothing for him. All that work was just for us  to try some wasabi. Now trying different types of   wasabi got my mouth burning. Don't believe me? Well  just listen to this. -You're gonna feel this one Guga. -Hiro! Ahhh. Wow! That is powerful Hiro! -The whole taste test is going to be on his  channel, be sure to check it out once you're   done with this video because in the end just like  he said we determined that this is the best one,   real wasabi aka the real deal. Now in order to  process the wasabi properly you need a special   tool and we're talking about this, it's a grater  that has shark skin on it. Yeah real fancy stuff.   It does not belong to me, but I'm glad Hiro  brought it. Now the first thing he does is to   remove the top, that exposes the good stuff. Just  like a carrot you gotta remove the skin and I   only wish you could smell it. It's a pleasant  smell and at the same time it kind of burn   your nose. And as soon as he started grinding  it, it intensified by a thousand. This thing is   powerful! Now remember we need a lot because we're  gonna be dry aging in a large piece of meat. So   here went to town grinding the whole thing, but  not only one he had several to do and I've never   thought I would see Hiro sweating and almost  crying with pain because that makes your nose burn   like there's no tomorrow. But like a true master  once he was done this is what we were left with.   Now that is a lot of wasabi paste and I cannot  wait to find out what is it gonna do to steaks.   Talking about that this is the star of the show  it is a four bone rib roast. It's a choice grade   but at the same time it's gonna be perfect for  today's experiment. In order to determine how   different the wasabi dry age experiment is gonna  be we need a control. So for that I went ahead and   split the whole thing in half, because one of them  were going to be dry aging for real. And for that   if you've been watching my channel for a while  you know I like to use this, it is called UMAI Dry, it's a special membrane that looks like a bag  and it allows you to dry age at home without any   special equipment. All you have to do is throw it  in the bag vacuum seal it and it's now ready to   let it rest in your refrigerator. Because now it's  time to do the wasabi dry age. And the first thing   I did was to lay down some parchment paper, then  our meat went right on top. To my surprise coating   it with the wasabi was not that hard, it's just  like a paste. So I first started working on the top,   spread it nice and slow and then I moved right  into the edges. Now here's the interesting thing,   when this was being grated the smell was  very strong, but as I'm spreading it on the   meat it's not that bad at all, it's actually a very  pleasant smell so that gave me really high hopes.  As my goal was to make sure I covered the whole  thing with it, that is one of the most important   things. Because once I was done this is what it  looks like. This is the world's first dry aging   wasabi experiment and hopefully it's going  to turn out fantastic. But that must wait for   a total of 35 days, because the only thing left  to do now is to let it rest on my refrigerator. Once the time was up I took it out and  take a look. The wasabi actually hardened   real good. And if you take a closer look you can  see a little bit of mold, that is actually normal   whenever you dry aging beef. Now one of the most  interesting thing is the smell. It has a floral   smell similar to cilantro. Yeah, exactly! Not what I  expected. But at the same time the next thing to do   is to go ahead and remove all of it out. And as I'm  doing so this is not as easy as I thought. A lot of   the parts became extra hard, it actually glued  itself into the meat. So I went to work trying   to scrape it out as much as I could. And once I was  done this is what I was left with. The parts that   you see that I did not remove was impossible, if  I took it out I was going to be ripping out the   meat. Now as you know with every dry aging experiment  you must remove the outer crust, that is the next   step. And the first thing I did was to take out  the bone. And as I did oh wow take a look at this!  I see some nice red meat in there, so this is  looking real good. It gave me confidence to go   ahead and remove the rest of the sides. Now that  is looking even better. Like always whenever I'm   doing dry aging experiments like this I cannot  be cheap. Making sure that I remove all of the   outer crust is a must. As once I was done removing  everything that was necessary I was left with two   beautiful steak, take a look. If you just saw  this right now in a butcher shop you will   never know what it went through. And I'm super  excited to find out how they're gonna taste.   Now you gotta remember we have a control to  go against it, that way we're really gonna be   able to determine if it's better or not. Now like  always UMAI Dry Age membrane never disappoints.   Because after removing the bag taking out all of  the pellicles I was also left with some beautiful   steaks. Now that is what I'm talking about! As you  can see they turned out perfect. If I put them side   by side now you can have a true comparison.  We got the wasabi dry age experiment and the   real deal dry age. One of the most interesting  things that you can't see on the video is how   soft the wasabi dry age actually is, because when  I hold the real dry age one this thing is solid.  So that is a really good start for the wasabi  dry age. Now the next thing to do is to get them   seasoned, for that I first started with a good  amount of salt. One of the most important things   is to make sure we seasoned this thing properly.  Once I was done with the salt I went ahead and   used freshly ground black pepper. I want to keep  this thing really simple as the most important   thing to find out is how the taste actually is. But now that we got them fully seasoned the only   thing left to do is to cook them. I'll first be  putting a beautiful sear in them with some   butter. Once that's done I'll be cooking them  in indirect heat until they reach an internal   temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit, and for  that I'll be using my wireless thermometers. As   now I say it is enough talking and it is time  to cook these beautiful steaks. So let's do it! [rock music] Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Quip. I need my teeth in check so that   I can bite into all of my steak experiments  and Quip makes it easy by delivering all of   the oral care essentials I need for my mouth.  The Quip electric toothbrush has timed   sonic vibrations with 30 second pulses to guide  a dentist recommended two minute clean. And look   at it, it has a lightweight and sleek design for  adults and kids with no wires or bulky charger. Comes   with a multi-use travel cover that doubles as a  mirror mount for less clutter. And reusable handles   in a range of amazing hues and colors. Quip  also delivers eco-friendly refillable fresh floss,   anti-cavity toothpaste, refillable mouthwash and  gum refills every three months for five dollars. Shipping is free so you can save money and skip  the in-store shopping. With stylish and affordable   electric toothbrush starting at only 25 bucks.  You won't be paying through your teeth for better   oral health. So check them out and see why seven  million mouths including mine love this toothbrush.   If you go to getquip.com/guga right now  you will get your first refill free. To be clear   that's your first refill free at getquip.com/guga it's spelled g-e-t-q-u-i-p   .com/guga Quip the good habits company.  Thank you Quip for sponsoring this video. But now   let me go ahead and use my teeth to devour this  insane experiment. All right everybody here we   have our beautiful steaks, we got Master Sushi Chef  Hiro over here. If you guys don't know who this guy   is you gotta go check out his youtube channel  everybody true master chef. Well you guys already   saw him doing a little bit of the work with  the wasabi. It was hot Hiro? -Was very very hot.   -I grind so many wasabi like that. -I saw  him tearing up doing it. -Sweating! -He was really putting in the work. -This is one  of those experiments that we all know already   that it's the wasabi because he was here helping  me out, Angel was right there as well. So we don't   know what's gonna happen. This is the wasabi dry  age experiment right. So we got uh the regular dry   age here and then we got the wasabi dry age. I'm  super excited to find out if it's going to make   any difference. What do you think it's going to be  different or no? -I never tried of course but I had    wassabi, so I have to try. -Yeah we're going to find  out right now. So this is what we're going to do,   let's go ahead and try this one here first so we  know the dry age flavor and then we can compare.  -You ready? -Ok let's go. -All right cool let's go yeah grab  one right here Hiro. -I'm so hungry! -Oh that's good.   -It's not sushi but it's okay right? -I like steak!  You like steak. -I was waiting for this moment. -Oh   there you go there you go. Okay let's go cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Cheers everybody. -Ummm. -Ummm! -Super tender everybody, like falling  apart tender. -So, so good. -It's dry age   steak everybody, there's not much to say. -I  think that's perfect to have right before   something like what we're about to have.  Perfectly said there's not much to say   everybody this is a dry aged steak what  we're used to. At the same time that's not   what we're here for we're here for the real  deal. Are you ready Hiro? -Sure. -You look scared. -I'm actually excited, I have no idea what's  going to happen. Hiro you do the honors.   You go first. -After you. -Okay everybody  well we're gonna tell you right now   real dry age wasabi, not the  fake stuff, we use the real deal.   Real deal. We're gonna find out how it tastes.  Ready? -Yup. -All right cheers everybody. -Cheers. -That's delicious. -Oh, woah! -That's different! -So good. -Totally different. -You like it? -Wow! -There's a huge difference I'm telling you  right now. Not only is it extremely tender   it doesn't stop. Like i keep chewing this one  here I take a few bites and then it goes away   this one the more I bite. -More flavor coming out.  -It lingers, it lingers on your tongue.   It's a non-stop flavor that you're keeping  you're not really getting rid of it when   you like swallow the steak. -You know when I  first touch, is a little firm.   Y-eah you're right when you're touching  it and you're grabbing the slice   it's firm. You would think that it's going to be  like a little tough right. -A little tough, but once you start to chew... -So exactly. -That's a really good description. -Yeah  that's exactly, that's he's absolutely right. -I'm   going for more. -Go ahead and go for more so that we  can describe that to them. If you are thinking that   it tastes like wasabi. -No. -It does not. -Wasabi taste is not here. -No, not here whatsoever. it's not spicy. -No not at   all. What it is for me at least it's enhancing  the steak but most importantly I think it has   almost like an msg thing you know, it's like, right, it's like it's growing .-Yeah. -More flavor right.   Uncle Roger shout out to you it's more flavor.  That's all I can say. -Natural. -Natural msg. Give me five.   -Real wasabi. -Exactly. -Not the fake one.-Not the fake stuff. -I'm gonna say it. -Yeah it might be the best dry age that we've done.   -It it is extremely flavorful, obviously wasabi  real wasabi is not cheap you know. So I don't   know how well it will be to dry age it like we  did. But if you ask me if this experiment worked.   -Yes, yes, I highly recommend it. -You highly recommend. -You have to try. -Yeah you have to try it go buy some   wasabi everybody. -You really do. -Buy the real  stuff not the fake stuff. Yes? -Yes real stuff.   -Exactly. -Hiro what was the worst part about doing  the wasabi. -Spices coming to my eye in the nose. -Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you guys  enjoyed this video, if you did enjoy it make sure   to give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber  be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if   you are interested in anything I use everything  is always on the description down below. Thank   you so much for watching and we'll see you guys  on the next one. Make sure you guys go check out   Hiro's channel right now. We'll see you next one  take care. Or we say good afternoon. -Good afternoon.   -See you guys on the next one,  take care everybody bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 3,136,145
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Keywords: wasabi, steak, experiment, cooking, grilling, steak griling, dry age steak, best steak, steak experiment, cooking experiment
Id: 7rjC_dtdWVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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