I Dry-Aged Steaks in BLACK Garlic and this happened!

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[Music] [Music] this is black garlic it is a very unique ingredient the dark coloration comes from the maillard reaction and if you've heard that turn before it's what we all love in steaks this caramelization you see right here is called the maillard reaction and it is absolutely delicious but going back to the black garlic we're gonna be using this to maximize the maillard reaction on a steak and to use it it's pretty simple the first thing to do is to make a paste and that you can use almost anything a cleaver will do the work which is basically smashing them up as best as you can or you can also use a fork anything will work we just want to smash them up real good until it becomes a paste as in the end you are left with something like this it does not look appetizing but hey we're going to find out if it's going to go well with steaks real shortly as this is the star of today's show a beautiful ribeye steak notice that it's not prime grade it is choice but even though it's not the highest quality you can see a little bit of intramuscular fat that is a good thing we're going to be doing several different experiments with black garlic but the very first one we're going to be dry aging for 24 hours we just got to spread out the black garlic all over the stake and make sure every single edge is fully covered as you can see once i was done this is what i was left with i'll tell you what this is not something you see every day now if that's not an experiment you tell me what is because now that we have fully covered the only thing left to do is to let it dry age for 24 hours in my regular refrigerator for that i transfer it to a baking tray and into the refrigerator it goes and i'll see you tomorrow as that was happening i went ahead and prepared the second steak now with this one i'm gonna be treating it a little bit different the first thing i did was to season it and for that i kept it really simple with a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder as always i made sure to season both sides that is the key of having a great steak because the next thing to do was to go ahead and add the black garlic right on top as once i was done the only thing left to do was to throw it in the bag vacuum seal it because it was now ready for sous vide and that was perfect because it allowed me time to go ahead and make a side dish and this one i've never seen done before because it is black garlic mashed potatoes and to make it here's what i did into a food processor i threw in two black garlic followed by melted butter and a little bit of roasted bell peppers blended on high in the end i was left with this black garlic compound butter throw it in some steaks and it's gonna turn out fantastic but hey we're gonna be making some mashed potatoes with it so after boiling my potatoes in salted water i went ahead and mashed them up threw in my black garlic compound butter in there and mixed everything well as now it was time to add in some cream cheese followed by some milk i mixed everything well and combined those ingredients together as once that was done i throw everything into a baking dish now that was really easy however i did not like how it looks on top so i wanted to go ahead and make a nice crust into a pan i threw in some butter and let it melt once that was done i went in with some bread crumbs mixed everything well to incorporate with butter and threw it right on top of the mashed potato i spread everything evenly and made some dimples into it take a look again this is an experiment as well i have no idea if it's gonna turn out good or bad but we're gonna let you know real shortly as the only thing left to do was to throw it in the oven and get a nice little crust and in the end i was left with this now is it gonna be good well we're gonna find out real shortly put it down in the comments below and let me know right now if you think it's gonna turn out good or bad because by this time my 24 hours dry age black garlic experiment steak was ready and take a look at this it almost looks identical as yesterday for some reason black garlic is a great insulator because i see almost no difference but just like every dry edge experiment the next thing to do is to go ahead and remove the crust working with my knife to make sure everything was removed i went to town not only did i do the top but also the edges and once i was done take a look what i was left with now that is a funny looking steak as the only thing left to do was to throw in the seasoning and i went with salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder just like the previous steak i made sure to season it well the only thing left was to throw it in the bag vacuum seal it and it was ready for sous-vide talking about that i'll be cooking all of the steaks including a control one at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours and i cannot wait to find out which one is gonna turn out best [Music] what do you think is gonna happen is it gonna turn out fantastic or a complete disaster i'll tell you one thing black garlic looks kind of weird whenever you put it on top of the steak because the color is black and it's not that appetizing at the same time black garlic tastes fantastic it's a little bit sweet it's a little bit savory with all that being said is it going to be good on steaks well we're about to find out right now because the steaks are ready we are hungry and it's time to take it out let's do it that does not look appetizing i know exactly what you're thinking google this one is going straight down the drain well don't judge it until you try it all right that's exactly what we're about to do even though the steak looked like it was already perfectly charred because of the black garlic we still need to put a wonderful sear and for that i'm going to be using my good old flamethrower he never lets me down always put a nice wonderful crust on every single steak but with all that being said i know what you're thinking i know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks are you hungry my mom i'm starving to go but did you sear that a little extra crispy today maybe the flamethrower was extra crispy today it has nothing to do with the flamethrower everybody the flamethrower is perfect every single time you guys know what it is enough talking let's give it a try also i have a little side dish but let's go for the steaks okay we go this direction today all right go for it mamamoting this one looks like a control you know it you better believe it all right let's try this very first one everybody so that we have a base to judge from yes my mom yeah cheers guys that's what i'm talking about everybody that's a sous-vide steak the way it's supposed to be absolutely amazing what do you think delicious right let's go for the second one i skipped the first one but you know we have to have the side dish all right let's try that this is a little weird though i know right it's a little glue it's mashed potato what yeah but it's a funny mashed potato that doesn't look like mashed potatoes yeah i know right i didn't test it for salt or seasoning but we're gonna find that right now you ready let's do this all right let's see cheers everyone that's delicious i'll tell you that right now what do you think my mom if you like mashed potatoes but he tired of the same old mashed potato yeah do whatever he did over there even though it's a little red and then some black spots inside doesn't matter it's amazing it tastes really really nice that's all i can say about that are you ready for the burnt steak black steak nope clean up let's go for it okay i'm excited smells unique smells unique all right cheers little sweet it's a lot sweet is half a tablespoon short of being a full tablespoon sweet that's what i like mama all on this teeth do you enjoy it or you don't i usually like a little sweet but that's too much too much that's what happened with this special ingredient which he doesn't know yet it's a sweet ingredient and uh it becomes a sweet steak that's all i can say not bad by the way no no not bad i don't know if i recommend it or not because it's not my favorite are you ready for that one mom no really i want to go back to the original one let's go ahead and try this one let's see just to make it official let's see if this one made any difference or not as you guys know i cooked this one right here which is the one that we previously tried with the special ingredient inside of the bag now this one here i dry aged it with a special ingredient mama and i dry age it only for 24 hours you ready to try them out is this special ingredient like squid ink like squid games no no no it's not squiddy all right ready for it all right let's see cheers everybody very different steak very different but it's still sweet damn it it changed the flavor of the steak you're absolutely right it's not bad by any means no we're not saying that it's bad at all actually i prefer this one over that one yeah i mean i agree too because it's less sweet yeah the problem with this ingredient by the way the special ingredients is black garlic oh hey black garlic we had that garlic yeah but i wanted to dry it and see what happens if there's any difference big difference big difference right yeah i'm telling you right now using black garlic with the steak sous vide like this not the best idea because it's kind of sweet and it brings that sweetness to the steak it's not bad but i just much rather have it savory right one more look at my wall but it's not going here by the way there's some black garlic also on the mashed potato but i guess the mashed potato is a good combo yeah anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up look at him like in this area the savory is better if you did enjoy make sure you give that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,055,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, experiment, cooking, black garlic, dry age, how to cook, sous vide steak, cooking steak, best steak, mashed potato
Id: aa59LcP7kkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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