I cooked a WAGYU COW for 3 Million | Guga Foods

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-Let's go, let's go! -What's going on? Hey! Chill, chill! -You asked to cook him? -No! They said dry age, they said dry age! For a huge cookout like this we need a big smoker  and at 2am this is what arrived. I don't know about   you but this is the biggest smoker I've ever  seen in my life. This thing is humongous but   that was not enough because remember we're doing  a 3 million subscriber special, so we went ahead   and got the biggest drum smoker in the world. Now  this thing is a beast, just moving it around we   need a forklift because for today's cook we're  doing something really epic and I cannot wait   for you to see the results. Now the smoker itself  is something else. Are you ready for this? -I don't,   I don't think i could do anything to be ready  but you're just gonna have to do it. -That's right!   To ensure that the wood is nice and dry we'll put  it underneath. We also have several other cookers   around that's because we're going to be preparing  the most amount of food I've ever did in my life.   The first task was to get the stack up and this  thing is heavy, but with four guys we managed to   do it. Now this smoker is quite impressive. You're  wondering how big it is we're talking about a   thousand gallons and about two tons, that's how big  it is! If you think I can run this thing by myself   it is impossible everybody, I just can't do it. So  I got Jeremy here from Mad Scientist Barbecue. You   gotta help me out there's no way I can do this.  -Happy to! -All right what are we cooking?   -We're cooking half a cow, three million special,  half a cow, wagyu cow. -Oh not even a regular cow   we're cooking a wagyu cow everybody. Okay enough  talking let's just do it. -Guga Foods, take it to the top. -Let's   just do it! In order for that to happen the first  thing we needed to do is to get the tables ready.   And after laying down some parchment paper trust  me it was not enough so we went ahead and used two.   Now that might be able to do the job. Because as  we started to gear up we went to see where the cow   actually was and that face says it all. Now here's  where everything starts getting really exciting   because this thing is heavy. We had to use  a tarp in order to manage, but not only that   we had to break apart the refrigerator in order  for this to happen. And as we start taking it out   all hands are on deck. We definitely needed  all the help we can get. Don't believe me?   This is the workout for today everybody no  joke. And believe me that was a good workout.   Now the next big challenge was to put this on  the table and this I'll just let you listen. One, two, three let's go. Up, up up. C'mon! - It's slippery. -One, two, three. -Nope, nope, no. -With seven adults we were not  able to take it up, so I decided   to trim a little bit of the fat.  Once that was done we managed to   put a rack right underneath and with  everyone's help this is what happened. -So close! -Pick it up! Oh my finger almost got jammed. Let's go did it!  Give me five man! -Yeah man! -Yeah! That was no joke. No joke indeed,   this thing is humongous and I am so honored to be  able to cook this for you guys. Now let me give you   a little bit more information about this piece  of meat and for that I got Tim to explain. -This   is a 100% full blood wagyu beef that we raised  at our farm in New Haven Missouri. -One hundred   percent Wagyu? -Hundred percent. -It's not American mix wagyu. -No fifty -fifty here. -Oh man we're going all out everybody.   How big is this thing right now? -Right now it's  about 450 pounds. This was about a 1400 pound   live weight cattle. -Tim it did not feel like that,  it felt like a thousand pounds. -It definitely did!   As you can probably already tell this has a lot  of fat so we got four people to go ahead and start   the trimming. This was really no joke because you  gotta remember one thing if we don't remove it   it's just gonna go to waste, that is the last thing  we want. We gotta put this wonderful fat to go to   good use, so we made sure to trim a good amount and  as we kept going with the trimming you can see the   wagyu beef being revealed. Now that is what I'm  talking about. Now the biggest challenge of this   cook is the massiveness this thing is and try to  cook everything to perfection is going to be hard.  And the more we trim the better this thing started  looking. And as always we got to trim both sides   and flipping this is no joke. Being extremely  careful not to cut each other we went ahead   and finished the other side and we had a crazy  ridiculous amount of fat left. And as we continued   working it was time to take a break. The first meal  was this beautiful wagyu tomahawk. This should give   us a lot of energy to continue the work. Since  we had a lot of people we decided to go ahead   and make some tacos. That was great to give us  some energy however it was still not enough,   so we went ahead and throw in some wagyu picanha  into the smoker. Now when you're cooking it on the   smoker after you need to get a good sear. For  that we went ahead and got the grill as hot as   possible and seared this thing up, and honestly  this was a boost of energy that we all needed.   This is absolutely delicious so once all the  bellies were fully it was time to get back to work.   And remember we just finished trimming that whole  thing and here's what we had to do next. Perfectly   trim the only thing left to do is to get it seasoned  in the smoker. We're going to inject it first Jeremy?  -We're going to inject it with more tallow. -Just  because it doesn't have enough, right? -It doesn't   have enough we're going to do even more we're  going to take everything to 11. -Let's be specific   wagyu tallow. Now I've done an experiment where  we inject tallow into the beef and it does make   everything better. You gotta remember this thing  is gonna be cooking for a very long time so a   little bit of fat inside does not hurt. And when  I say a little bit you know what I mean because   as we all know fat makes everything taste better.  Then we went ahead and started with the seasoning   and we're talking about a ridiculous amount of  salt. We're using kosher salt because we think   that's the best and it does not matter how much  we put there is no way that we can over season it.  Since this is a large piece of meat there's no  way that it's going to penetrate deeply inside.   Wait, wait, wait. Salt Bae? -Yeah why not? -That guy. Once the  salt was done it was time for the black pepper.   So yeah this is the most amount of salt and pepper  I've ever used in my life. If I'm not mistaken we   used about eight pounds of salt and eight pounds  of pepper. It is a crazy amount and to say that we   were all exhausted was an understatement. You look  tired. -Yeah it's a lot of work man. -This is no joke   everybody I'm telling you right now. -Not at all. -To  boost up the energy was time to eat once again and   for that Tim went ahead and made some incredible  ribs, they were absolutely phenomenal. A nice sweet   tangy taste was perfect to boost up the morale.  Huge shout out to Joe and Josh you guys should   definitely check them out on the description.  We also had some incredible jumbo lobsters, we   just threw them in the smoker and chopped them up  because what we really all wanted was some brisket,   and this one turned out fantastic. To say that this  thing was juicy was an understatement. After that   boost of energy it was time to get back to work.  I'll be honest with you there's no way we can pick   this up and put it in there right now. -Not gonna  happen. I think we should split it into a couple   different pieces that will help it cook a little  faster and make it possible for us to transport   it because otherwise without like a forklift it's  not getting in there. -That's right I'm no forklift   neither are you. Using a handsaw Jeremy went to  town that was a tremendous amount of work. After   the first card he immediately passed it on to me  and I'll tell you one thing this is hard work.    I quit! Maybe I won't quit. Let's go! Because we were  finally able to separate the pieces. This thing   is humongous everybody, and as we're splitting  everything up it allows us to see the beautiful   intramuscular fat this thing has. As now we have to  go ahead and prep the cookers. We're gonna be using   real wood. Having Joe to manage the fire there was  awesome, firing it up takes quite some time and you   can actually imagine how long it takes to get it  up to temp. Talking about that we are aiming for   250 degrees fahrenheit because once that was reached  it was time to throw in all of the meat. And after   all of us being extremely exhausted we went ahead  and did our best to put this thing inside. We were   all struggling because this was no joke. In the end  with everyone's help we managed to do it. Remember   that we're not only cooking a wagyu cow we're also  cooking a mangalista pig. We finally got everything   inside of the smoker how does it feel Jeremy? -Feels  good but I'm tired. I am too yeah it's no joke   everybody. Tonight's gonna take a long time to cook  this thing right Jeremy? -Probably about 24 hours.   -We're gonna be spending the whole night cooking  this thing. It's a lot of work make sure you guys   check out his channel Mad Scientist Barbecue. I'm  gonna put it on the link on the description down   below so you can see it right after this video  because I'll tell you one thing there's a lot   that is going to be behind the scenes that you  guys won't get to see here. -I love to explore the   science and so we go through the nuts and bolts of  how I cook this thing and I think you're going to   see some minds be blown by incredible beef that's  going to be cooked with a lot of love and for a   long time. -I couldn't say it any better you know  what I say now, enough talking and let's do it! [rock music] It's pork time baby! [rock music] Right now the deal is, uh, you guys are here to eat!   We need you to eat it. Eat it as much as you want  all right. -All right! -That's enough let's do it! [music] -Unbelievable thank you Guga, thank you everybody  for letting us enjoy this with you. -So I'm not sure if this is the pork. the wagyu cow or the  Angel meat, but i'm looking forward to trying it.   -Oh that's definitely Angel, that's definitely  Angel. -It's really good, really good! -It's great I love it. -Here's the scoop that's just on a different  level, so it's good but put all capital letters   with exclamation points amazing. Is that good? Give me five yeah! My daughter right here y'all [music] -Oh my God! [music] -Wow that was a lot of work Jeremy. -It was a  ton of work I'm still sweating. -I know,   I am exhausted everybody, I think Jeremy as well. It's fair  to say that I think we did a good job. -I think so   if the people's reactions is any indication  we did a good job. -I know, I don't know if we   can top this one but I love to hear  your comments. What you guys think.   Make sure you put it down in the comments down  below and let us know. Anyway guys these are the   results. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if  you did make sure you give it a thumbs up, if   you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe.  And remember this was not done by just me and   Jeremy, there was a lot of people that help  us. This is for a lot of people and I'm going to   put everybody on the description make  sure you check out every single one of them.   With that being said thank you so much for  watching we'll see you guys on the next one.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 6,020,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wagyu, steak, bbq, cooking, world record, cooking steak, grilling steak, bbq steak, best bbq, mangalitsa, bbq hog, how to cook bbq, bbq party, 3 million special
Id: zZcyiA8cFkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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