I Dated a HACKER In Minecraft!

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so whose idea was it to come out here okay it was we're getting no fish over here uh yeah I guess you're right Shady you getting anything yeah you guys just have to learn how to catch actually yeah uh wait guys what is that in the distance I don't know I've just been practicing my swing look at how far I could do it gosh I mean wait what is that a dolphin that is not enough how did it jump so high oh gosh do you know what those things are that's a shark Nico of course I know what it is you're gonna eat us like our boats why are they circling us I think they want to eat us and eat our flesh oh geez okay okay yeah you guys want boats anymore what oh my gosh she got him excuse me who are you well I'm the hacker she's calling for us what I'm not a bad hacker I'm friendly you're friendly yeah those sharks look like they were bothering you so I got rid of them oh my gosh thank you for saving us but I think we need to go back to shore yeah no kidding all right I'll come with you guys no you're a hacker I'm coming with you whether you like it or not or I will use my lasers yeah okay we're finally back home and I made it first but I need some explanation miss lady how could you fly I'm a hacker I was born this way in my family oh my gosh well thank you for saving us but I thought hackers were mean right cash yeah no kidding like they steal people's information and stuff like that well it's part of the family bloodline I kind of gotta do that stuff what so you're not gonna eat us or anything no especially not you Nico wait how do you know my name I'm a hacker I know everyone's name what's mine Shady what is this but wait Shady's full name is shadington what uh I never knew that about Shady me neither wait what okay what about cash cash my name is lotion that's just not true you tried to change your name to lotion but it didn't work how do you know that I know everything oh gosh isn't that kind of creepy cash yeah lotion is really smooth uh yeah that wasn't what I was referring to oh anyways Nico I think you're kind of cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date wow wow did you just say date yeah like you and me maybe the movie some dinner whatever whoa whoa whoa give me one second Nico come over here what are you doing do not go on that date with her why she's a hacker she's probably just doing this to steal your information and then identity fraud hey Shady stop we're having a series come conversation get back here oh my gosh it should be fine trust me no it's not okay fine I'll just reject her I can hear you guys oh gosh you know what hacker um I think it could be dangerous and probably not I'm sorry I can't go on a date with you well danger is part of the fun come on Nico let's go hey hey looks like he doesn't have a choice oh my gosh um hacker hi uh are you gonna be dying I really hope we can go on this date well I kind of said no but I guess I'm forced to go anyways where are we going we're going to Zoe's candy shop my favorite place your favorite place to get candy yep and Zoe's pretty cool too okay oh gosh all right looks like we're here whatever oh hello Nico hi Zoe who's she what I thought you knew each other she sounded like she knew you I've never seen her in my life um are you like a distant cousin or something no Zoe I mean you don't know me but like I know you is it that kind of creepy but anyways I was wondering if we could order some candy oh sure I've got some fresh cookies over here perfect wow Nico the state's going so well yeah I guess hacker oh wait a minute see what do you mean whatever uh oh looky here the cookies they I burnt them oh no oh man well I already got a cookie that's completely fine oh uh can I have that back wait wait wait watch out please uh you know just give it to me it doesn't exist anymore well Zoe is pretty common with getting colds what you're right she does get sick a lot well time to continue our date bye Zoe wait a better spot s always candy shop are you serious yeah her Shop's pretty good but I know some better places I'm still learning how to fly gosh alrighty time to go to the gym with my favorite person I thought we were gonna eat some food the gym I know a spot inside the gym trust me a spot inside the gym I've been here a million times attract me there's nothing you haven't seen the gym like I've seen the gym okay let's just go inside this boy here today oh what a wonderful day I'm good who is this uh lady you brought uh well this is the hacker I'm Nico's date oh wow all right well she looks a little strong but we'll have fun I guess okay boo thank you I have a question she was talking about some sort of area to get snacks around here you go Nico let's uh let's go over here wait wait wait wait wait what what probably here right now go away sorry I'm trying to hear what are you saying okay I thought if it was a secret bullet no but I guess not okay oh he's back again hi Paul sorry just please tell me I want to know oh my gosh no we can't tell you what go over there oh fine oh my gosh all right we need to sneak into the room while Bull's distracted so maybe we should call him weak which room am I talking about this room or that room the one on the far right what that one over there yep so go tell bull he's looking very weak today so he works out okay uh one second no no wait wait wait oh my gosh hey and whatever you do do not use this bathroom okay bye okay let's go now's our chance uh what in here is secret well look at this lever you think it's the toilet seat lover but it's not wait oh my gosh what is this place this is our special date room oh my gosh and I brought stick here but uh I don't want to eat that right now I'm just gonna put that over here are we gonna get food inside here yep our waiter should be in right now are you serious how are we supposed to have a waiter and not understand them well I understand him because I'm a hacker wait you understand minor language I know exactly what he's saying what's the coolest thing ever I'm not gonna watch well I'll take a water and Nico what would you like to drink uh Shirley Temple please he said a Shirley Temple do you guys have Shirley temples here oh my gosh I'll just take a water then Nico you really should date me being a hacker can make your life so much better so much better like how could it make my life better I already have amazing friends you can fly through walls figure out information and you can understand the miners thank you are we just getting water yep you can leave now waiter don't worry wait are we not getting food oh my gosh should we put my steak back up wait so why am I not getting food no no food in here he's only programmed to serve us water oh my gosh drink this that water was really good I found your little lob oh gosh oh gosh we gotta go Nico wait what oh wait I'm a hacker that was so cool Nico let me show you one of the perks to me being your girlfriend what kind of perks wait why are we going to my friend's houses well as you can see these are all your normal friends houses cash Shady Zoe and Mia yeah but they look kind of normal well I could make them so much better what do you mean by that well follow me Nico okay I'm so so confused what are you taking me look at Shady's house ew yellow uh yeah but that's Shady's favorite color well what about blue three two one anything for you Nico how did you do that hacker I control everything Nico that's what you should be with me uh I'm kind of hesitant on being with you still though okay well give me another chance let's go to caches I barely just bet you though uh what's gonna happen to Cash's house well I know red is like your best friend's favorite color but I think it'd be better blue I guess so three two one what's going on oh uh uh oh gosh it's too late yep and now it's blue they match your house [Music] it's okay don't worry about it it actually doesn't look that bad wait why are we going over here what's happening Nico you know it must be done uh oh why are you looking at toys house like that uh magenta just not my favorite color I guess so I think it would be better blue oh my gosh just with a snap of the fingers um you know what well right here we might as well just do Mia's okay are you ready I don't want to mess with Mia but for you I will oh gosh okay just blue what oh my okay my friends are gonna kill me what's going on I got I guess so but won't my friends be mad at this I highly doubt it but no no I'm having a nightmare I'm having a nightmare everything's blue oh gosh Nico Nico I'm having a nightmare right wait a second why are you looking at us like that why are you with her you too uh this is awkward oh this is the worst day ever ever Shady why are you working out of your house like that what's up guys do you not realize the color of your house right now yeah it's blue so you don't care no reaction huh I don't care what what Blue's not that bad guys I'm sorry this is horrible I need to get to work now on fixing this yeah you know what I think dang they seem pretty Fed Up about this Nico well Nico Nico friends want you to change the houses back but what do you want well you know I'm not gonna lie these houses kind of look cool they all look blue oh gosh cash is already starting on construction what's going on that's gonna take him forever well anyways you don't have to change it back I think they look better like this anyways Nico you're so cute thanks for coming around wait what where are we going now we're now going to our next place uh which is I'm feeling the pier wait the Peter's not this way oh gosh what is wrong with my mini map it's over at the right oh my gosh I guess you still need me hacker yeah I'm a bit of a noob we're here let's go hopefully we could win some amazing prizes here but just be careful because the workers are kind of scammers ooh a scam sounds perfect for me wait what oh I forgot you are a hacker wait what's going on whoa are they cycling the prizes here look I kind of want to win that Ender Dragon whoa well looks like we got a couple of players yeah hello all right you all want a game sure I would love to ten diamonds each [Music] all right here you go one bow each thank you and what's the objective you gotta hit as many targets with those 10 arrows I gave you got it oh uh you missed there a little bit buddy okay what's going on oh you can't hit me oh you can't hit me oh yeah what are you doing what do you mean no I'm actually gonna try and shoot you oh gosh Nico I did not mean to do that God are you serious right now dude I have a concussion now oh I'm very sorry sir gotta clean up this place well did I win no you did not so I can't win the Ender Dragon prize give me back my bow no I want to win theater dragonflies no buddy you lost Albert give him the prize how do you know my name I know everything Albert I also know your wife Jenny ah listen up lady I don't know what research you did but your buddy's not getting the prize give him the prize or what hey I shot myself uh Miss hacker hi Nico uh hello okay do I just Grant Theater Dragon up here yep it should be all yours uh isn't this unethical a little bit no you deserve that prize you won fair and square okay I guess so yeah I'm gonna bring this home now yay oh I'm so happy for you Nico but wait you can't go home just yet our date's not over it is it nope let's go Nico where are we going now we're headed off to the mines oh my gosh what a long journey but we're here okay um what are we doing at the mines well I brought this Scanner with me as well as your favorite pickaxe oh my gosh thank you my trusty handy dandy diamond pickaxe well you're probably wondering what that scanner does Nico uh yeah I have no idea what this thing does that scanner detects both mobs and ores like the miner let's see if the miner's a mob uh what is doing wow oh and it doesn't look like it's highlighted but look it highlights a bunch of other words around USA why are you looking at me like that Minority are you talking about this hacker do not hurt them okay they're just my friends stay away from nicoot I think we should just go over here all right okay let me detach some diamonds over here let's do it and look at the text everyone doors but wait why does it detect the Diamond Horse oh yes it does I guess that was just a glitch whoa and look at this this is so cool okay and then I could go over the diamonds and just buy them right here Nico your side wait what happened oh my gosh I gotta use my scanner wait how many mobs are there wait what are you holding uh zombies everywhere you mind helping me with Jack the powers of course of course Nico be gone [Music] I think we got all of them I think we could just leave now one more uh this zombie stands no chance I kind of feel bad for him yay and yeah uh hacker I think we should get out of here oh good because I was actually wondering if I could go visit an old friend wait an old friend yeah you might know him actually you do his name is Frank okay uh hacker I think I know who you're talking about oh yeah of course you do Frank knows everyone yeah is she the mushroom guy that lives right here yep he's gonna be so excited to see me uh Frank where's Frank today I'm gonna spook him he's coming just around the corner one sec okay what am I here oh oh gosh that was a good dump wait Frank ink oh gosh what did I do in the bathroom nothing uh but this hacker says she knows you get back on the counter get on the counter wait wait wait what oh gosh Frank is cooking axolotls again what do y'all want bro Frank that's your answer oh yeah I do remember you and why are you friends with this guy well this is my new boy wait boyfriend uh I liked you a lot and then you started dating this guy Frank don't you have a girlfriend yeah I did but not anymore typical Frank hey how are you gonna have a boyfriend when your dad is still on the Run wait don't mention that to Nico don't listen to him uh wait Dad is still on the run better listen to me boy this girl's scary uh wait how is she scary her dad is one of the most dangerous hackers in the world wait what yeah are you serious you gotta believe me I'm nothing like him are you sure but what if your dad comes for me oh no I won't be able to stop him if he does hey hey hey Nico he'll come for you and you know what he'll do to you but he'll throw you in the air and just spray TNT all over you hey bro anyway you're safe right now because he only appears at night time all right there's somebody at my door wait what oh gosh ah is that Axolotl I smell oh you're here for the cookout aren't you oh yes I am Daddy's hungry I think we're gonna end this today okay no I want to keep hanging out but Frank said your dad comes at night and I gotta be home before it turns night hey you guys aren't staying for the axolotl ake it's gonna be tonight Nico let me fly you home but okay thank you hey Nico Nico daddy's coming well you better run Nico I promise everything's gonna be okay yeah let's just go home uh knock knock oh no time to meet the Daddy huh I know you're in there uh hello sir hello come here you little pipsqueak what what huh just gonna talk with the guy um who are you who are you I'm or dad what do you think oh gosh you look eerie but it's okay trust me uh I wish it's going out on a date with your daughter but have a good to worry about me oh he's a good little boy isn't he listen I'm glad she chose a good guy all right I didn't want to have to kill anybody okay oh wait actually no settle down buddy anyways my daughter is not allowed to date non-hackers you can't walk on waterfly shoot fire do this what are you talking about man this is an easy fix anyway you'd look too General man you're not a hacker uh so I can't go out with your daughter oh I'm sorry no okay can you take care of away yeah after I bring you up to this building and drop you oh my gosh are you ready to say goodbye you know what let's just do it all right three two oh he thought I was gonna drop him you human but you're not you humans are so cute wait you're not gonna drop me no I'll just leave you on your statue I guess goodbye it's okay thank you oh gosh that'd be so much when you go catch your vegetable on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye my house is still blue
Channel: Nico
Views: 1,584,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: o8-MU0vH5Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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