7 Ways To Date Zoey In Minecraft!

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knock knock knock knock who's that in the morning that's Argent Nico I'm coming in what all right I'm calm down what do you mean anyways do you know what today is what is today it's National get your friend a girlfriend day so I have to get you a girlfriend wait what yup that's pretty much how it works so go put on your best looking clothes and make sure to put some cologne on you smell like morning breath what do you mean I smell good uh were you just asleep oh my gosh fine I'll get ready all right I gotta go into my basement one sec ah okay I think I'm ready I look so good Josh where are you I'm outside hello oh India Hello whoa you're looking pretty snazzy Mia do you think I look good Zoey's gonna love it gosh how'd you do Zoe oh gosh cash was I supposed to speak about that you spilled it gosh you didn't hear anything what the heck anyways guys I gotta go somewhere wait what not without me what do you mean I gotta go I saw you on a date oh you think we're setting you up with Zoe uh yeah oh no we were gonna do the hobo yeah we were I guess Zoe is a better idea though oh my gosh I'm going over to Zoey's house good luck okay today's gonna be the best day ever gosh I demolished that donut hey hot stuff can I get some more hey what are you doing what's up kid why are you talking to Zoe like that because she's making me donuts are you serious what a blush she makes donuts for me too yeah but she makes mine with love she makes mine with even more lava yeah I doubt that oh my gosh so it was the best on it ever um okay here you go that'll be 500 diamonds okay yeah free of charge please fine Nico see I get the friend's discount oh yeah well she already made me a funnel cake today a funnel cake did you really do that Zoey yeah I did oh my gosh why do I keep hearing your telescope yeah uh what the heck what are you doing up there sorry I was just checking you out okay I need to get some manners wait Zoe you can actually grab me no no no no no I'm gonna and grab him never put me down Hey kid why are you flirting with my girl oh you think you're so tough little guy come here let me show you how to Rowdy oh yeah I'll fight a kid these hands are ready to eat for everyone yeah I should take it outside all right yeah let's go outside I'll take Zoey with me now now let's put it down whoa dude okay fine yeah Zoe can you help him yeah Zoe help me oh my gosh I'm such a weird kid yeah get that kid out of there I'm just a weird kid who's in love um so with that guy he's so weird uh yeah but I mean he pays for candy anyways now that they're gone uh do you mind if we have a chat a chat sure what's up just come over here just sit down uh is it something important uh yes very important okay what's up uh well I've been wanting to access for a while now but uh um Nico are you asking me out on a date uh as friends as friends you know what sure as friends what actually uh yeah a friend date dang it what do you mean dang it nothing uh sure when do you want to go ride out today okay okay let's go cash up cash cash uh The Stang TV the date what with the hobo no with Zoey oh nice let's go my job is complete well wish me luck okay wait wait wait Nico you know what this means what I win at get your friend a girlfriend day competition okay well good luck on your date then thank you cash see ya wait wait wait wait where should I take her first uh I don't know the ice rink yeah the ice rink yeah that's where I take most of my girlfriends my girlfriends what yeah I've had like hundreds of them gosh I've been with you all your life and you've had none yeah I'm lying oh my gosh okay whatever the ice rink is a good idea just go okay ice cream ice cream is uh as always sorry to keep you waiting you're all good I was just eating some donuts today I got a brilliant idea by myself we should go ice skating no no I love my love ice skating okay let's go ah so I think we're almost there and look it's right there oh what's up guys I mean uh what's up guys uh cash is that you no I'm not cash anyways I'm your chauffeur so I'm here to take you on your date uh you definitely look like cash Nancy come on come on Nico okay let's go all right let's go guys on our way to the ice rink finally we don't have to look we're here wait what that Ryan was only like five minutes uh what do you mean are you complaining wait not five minutes I made five seconds I took you there super fast it's really quick delivery oh my gosh uh cash you're silly I'm not cash um um dollar okay wait whatever anyways um excuse me yo what's good uh cashier yeah what's up well we have two skate rentals please two skate rentals yeah for ice skates hang on one second um yeah we're out what I see no one here though uh yeah we're out I'm gonna need you to leave right now wait what well can we just go on there with Adam you know what if you just uh hang on one second yeah you just gotta sign that and uh we're not liable for any harm or damage that's done to your body yeah just go inside your name there oh my gosh fine okay Zoe here you go sounds good to me give me that book oh okay I see what's going on here we got a little girl friend and boyfriend day going on or something oh y'all brother and sister my bad oh no I thought oh my God so soon to be girlfriend soon to be soon to be girlfriend hey he he like you he like you Zoey everybody okay y'all have fun out there girly and boy uh yeah how did he say that was sold out instead of empty era I don't know is there anything in these chests ooh snowballs so yeah you ready to get on the ice I sure oh gosh wait what are you doing after because I really like ice skating wait what are you doing that though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay wait uh what is that how did you get under there was he okay is that supposed to be there for the ice rink uh whatever so we let's just go out good idea uh cashier hello oh man what's good with y'all what's up I'm just out here skating aren't you supposed to be at the front why'd you do that though man I'm just a pro skater yeah whoa I could do some spins spins even spins sure uh yeah that is crazy yeah I mean I bet you could teach your girlfriend that I mean sister I mean cousin I mean mom I mean it's a friend friend yeah friend uh hey no sitting on the ice hey hey uh uh if you feel hang on come on buddy let me put on your training wheel come on oh gosh uh Zoey is this safe I think so okay you're getting the hang of it buddy come on [Music] let's go fast oh you want to race then oh gosh what's going on you think you quick now yeah [Applause] yeah oh he knocked me down I think we should get out of here oh my gosh I'm out of control let's get out of here I know about ice skating yeah me neither now that was crazy hey come back anytime come back anytime just gonna leave your car here it sure was and your bathing suit looks cool yeah I know right well next we're gonna go to the beach perfect yeah I'm sorry about the ice rink that was a little crazy oh it's fine unfortunately we could go in the water sure can and guess what water's amazing who's this no running on the beach it's the Beach Boys you guys could slip and fall and then that's my problem how are you liable for what happens at the beach also that swimsuit what do you don't like about this swimsuit anyways if I catch you guys running I will be back okay I'm sorry but enjoy your date date oh gosh got another one of these guys sup are you a real hot dog yeah you all enjoying your beach day so why doesn't this guy look yummy maybe we could see it listen listen if you guys are hungry I have some chocolate cockroaches in the back yeah what oh gosh I don't know if we should wait what is that uh Panda gosh where are the pets where are the beds uh dude that guy is crazy this is not Bed Wars right now oh my gosh uh Zoe I definitely don't think the beach either yeah let's find something else well the amusement parks right here so why don't we go over here perfect well maybe we could play some games you know the games here are kind of fun I'm not gonna lie they sure are maybe win some prizes you know what I'm gonna win you the biggest stuffed animal ever yes just for you oh thank you let's do it okay let's go oh hello oh hey guys how about yeah you like this new gig I got I'm getting paid like a diamond a day yeah go you got a job yeah I'm so much better than you guys now I'm rich well good for you hobo yeah I know anyways y'all want to play yeah sure all right here take this uh okay a bow and arrow okay what do I do you gotta shoot all the targets buddy shoot all the targets God it's uh come on oh gosh it's kind of hard to control oh oopsies what the scallop sorry dude you're gonna ruin my walls you have to shoot over here okay got it oh oh oh dude I'm sorry uh there's an arrow on my arm oh gosh oh I should probably get that checked out that's okay just keep playing I'll pull it out myself sure you don't need medical help oh I'm fine I can't afford that okay I'm going uh I'm trying to control this thing oh that one hit a nerve I'm done with this job I'm quitting oh gosh I'm so sorry oh so we I promise I did not mean to do that I know it's just you know what can I have a bow sure maybe these games aren't for unique yeah but do you want me to take one of those things yeah probably not then nope we're still gonna do it wait what okay fine let me get this one I want this one so wait look at this I want to see oh it's a puffer fish yes how do you know that because I could see the fins on the side oh I guess so well anyways let's see what the next game is Brandon you are terrible at this game oh come on you know me gang I'm a Hooper yeah why this guy's crazy look at what he's gonna get it wrong whoa Brandon you need to leave you're making way too many shots yep I'm on to the next game for oh my gosh well Nico can you do that uh Juliet could you give me balls well of course give me one moment alrighty and here you go good luck okay are you ready oh you got this whoa okay goodbye wait I think that was perfect Zoe wow you're super good at this game uh who are you oh my gosh can you win me the stuffed animal no back off okay let go of him oh gosh I'll make a deal with you I'll Make A Deal taking my candy store now him no hey hey oh gosh oh gosh sorry about that she got on my nerves yeah uh you know maybe the amusement park is not it yeah I don't think that's a good idea speaking of which you know I'm kind of hungry actually yeah me too I haven't eaten eaten would you like to go to a restaurant oh yeah oh yeah okay it sounds like a plan cash where'd you decide to take us well I kind of heard that that last date didn't go so well so I booked you a reservation here I have to get this date to work why because then I'll lose the national get your friend a girlfriend day I forgot about that why you so invested in that because I have to win so don't mess this up for me you have to win it what are you winning I don't know yo yo y'all seen the new uh air blockies air blockies yeah what what about the air stevies you're gonna ruin my plans for this perfect day get out of here hey man put me down Gang This Could Loki be a relic in the future okay so we I didn't even realize you look nice thank you well I thought the place would be fancy okay the waitress are you ready it is a fancy place welcome into the restaurant let me take you to your table okay thank you of course of course it's my pleasure here we go sitting at this table right here sit down enjoy wow so they have excellent service here you sure do uh we just uh what's your name I don't have a name I just didn't get one but that's okay I'll bring your waiter out in a moment get comfortable relax I'll see you soon well anyway did she just say she didn't have a name well I guess like if some people like that I'm so confused well but I guess we should just wait for our waiter we just gotta sit back and relax hello wait uh hello uh do you need help yeah can you give me some of your food when you order no ah what about you I'm buying you with my own money yes yeah you could just give me some you can't be so selfish oh gosh you know you actually sound like my friend Todd okay well whatever you know what I'll just sit here with you guys say no hey why are you replacing that because this is my seat oh gosh weird anyways where's the oh no I just wanted to join you so we I guess we just got two new people I guess so is this really good date then oh this is a date yes oh okay I'll go yeah and you I've never had a girlfriend before it's okay me neither how did you get this one here she's not my girlfriend yet what she's not my girlfriend yet what I don't want to see it again you said she is not your girlfriend oh don't be quiet she is your girlfriend huh what oh my gosh anyways where's our food our food chop chop Chop Chop oh dear I think I see a waiter my apologies my apologies I actually didn't get your guyses where's the chair where did the chair go uh you know I don't know it's okay my dad owns the place you are the owner's daughter yeah let me join you guys let me join you guys put in a good word for me oh my gosh you know what just get food real quick well what are the orders what are we ordering today uh raw salmon yes raw salmon oh my gosh I think we're out of raw salmon let me go check this is crazy yeah it sure is well well it looks like we did have some raw salmon guys here you go enjoy enjoy this isn't raw salmon it's it's it's good oh my gosh your dad used to get some better stuff Zoe don't forget to leave a tip of course here here you go thank you guys enjoy your date you guys are a lovely couple anyway let's get out of here so with that service isn't that good after all yeah I'll have to tell my dad later duh well whatever hey hey guys what happened wait what cash yeah that restaurant didn't go so well oh man uh who are you how did the date go bro not that well with your girlfriend hey I saw my girlfriend I told you hey girlfriend hey hey girlfriend I can't hear you what wait did he say girlfriend you finally asked her out Nico no I didn't get this guy out here I don't know what he's talking about I'll take care of him don't worry get out of here dude you're messing up my national get your friend a girlfriend day hey put me down so what were they saying I have no idea whatever well actually would you like to go to the gym today uh sure yeah you know you never know uh let me just change out of this real quick though yeah me too finally all better oh why would you change the men's restroom it's neutral my bad oh yeah I forgot both sleeps here ball is ready always I'm with Zoe and just Zoe today oh just Zoe huh yeah oh well are you guys on a date or something yeah okay so you guys are finally married sorry boyfriend and girlfriend no wow just friends both we haven't done anything yet oh okay have you given her a hug you know man once I think once oh did you say yo where's my hog ass girl no I didn't oh okay well that is good then get on the bench wait what just on you got this Nico you are doing push-ups on the bench what are you doing I don't know what is this you're pushing me nothing right now oh who is this guy huh look at him tough guy uh whoa you're some ancient man do you speak English oh gosh uh Zoey this is our cutie wave you do not attack a bull come here gosh uh why are they going to the restroom well Zoe we gotta get out of there I should have known the gym wasn't a good idea well you know what Zoe I have one last idea what's the idea it's gonna make the steak the best thing ever are you sure yes I'm 100 positive okay follow me so you said this romantic yeah it's quite relaxing too wow hey can you guys quiet down it wasn't us what do you mean robbing a picnic over here yeah well you don't need to be screaming every five seconds that wasn't even me then who else would it be you two are the only ones out here oh gosh I just heard you do that again whatever just cut it out okay okay gosh I'm going back home are you serious that's not Isa I can hear you guys I'm calling the police no no please I will make a noise complaint if you do it one more time we're not doing it whoa what I know it you guys are trying to prank me or something nobody yeah you're trying to make a little funny Tick Tock where's the camera they're not here not here look up what it's not us doing it uh I don't see anything you gotta wait um nope you're lying to me buddy I knew it so we seriously I didn't know I'm making a complaint to the police are you serious we just want to have one nice thing I know right let's just eat our cake oh my God um Zoe do you know who's actually doing that I have no clue I'm pretty sure it's Frank you think so yeah he might be in a Time Loop oh boy oh my goodness finally I'm out of that wait what the fake what happened I drank the wrong potion oh my gosh well Frank till Todd it wasn't us what's the matter with Todd well he thought we were screaming and you were the one screaming oh I'll show that little dude up where's he at what do you mean Todd come out of here punk yes officer it was the blue boy and the pink girl wait what oh they're in my house come quick wait what what's going on we didn't do any they're trespassing they're gonna kill me oh my gosh did you actually call the cops yep you're gonna get what's coming to you oh my gosh all right sorry you guys are gonna have to stay in here for a while oh my gosh so we didn't even do anything I know this is annoying Frank this is all your fun how is it my fault I just drank the wrong potion what do you think wait a second I still have one of these potions if we want to use it wait what yeah we can get out of here okay the tickets okay well it's a splash potion so here we go Adventures to cook on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 2,008,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: Glxv0zy72XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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