Adopted by an ELEMENTAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

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well limited line I have great news I just got warning that you guys have been officially adopted no way L what the heck we're going to have a family oh my gosh let's go lemon wait Santa Claus where are our parents hey now lemon I'm not Santa Claus I'm just old what about your parents they said they want you two to come to their house what the where do they live Santa Wellen I'm not Santa Claus it appears they live at the end of the neighborhood so you two can go right on ahead and they should be waiting for you all right see you later let's go lime we have parents I'm not Santa let's go lime Santa Claus Santa Claus is really mean in the offseason lime all right where are parents he said at the end of the neighborhood wait could it be that massive Mansion down there I think it might be lemon but it's like on fire lime we're actually going to have parents can you believe it I believe it lemon I always knew this day would come somebody really wanted to adopt us I mean wouldn't want to adopt lemon and lime yes we're going to be the best kids ever and have the coolest parents in the world oh my gosh lime do you see this what the these people are rich I know look at all the other houses in the neighborhood and look at our parents house it's huge I know a literal Mansion lemon oh I hope they're nice oh my gosh I see them no way lime look mom and dad what the heckin Melvin what the heck is this heck Hello lemon and lime welcome to the family where are your new parents oh my gosh what's up Mom and Dad hello new parents guys really thought you would have first me adopted no I've been here the whole time what the heck Melvin how did you get here they adopted me first because I'm superior to you absolute dweebs oh my gosh he's so mean what the heck oh Melvin he's such a funny little rat ah take that Melvin I called you a red yeah that's why you got a mustache and you're like two years old and you're bald all right kids calm down well if you couldn't tell me and your mom are Elemental my gosh no way you guys are Elemental I guess that would explain the house it's like half water and fire even the trees and everything yes we're Elemental we have been Elemental our whole life and now we're going to show you our ways since you're are kids does that mean we're going to become Elemental lime we're going to get magical powers lemon I want to learn how to breathe fire like a dragon all right why don't you kids go inside and become familiar with your new home all right let's go lime all right let's go oh my gosh what the they have guards whoa Elemental statues or something I don't even know what the heck lime the bookcase is on fire that seems like a safety risk lime they're Elemental it's fine oh this must be our parents' bedroom it's pretty cozy in here oh what the heck is that what the is that an elemental or is that a horse I think it might be both no way lime look at the size of this tub our parents are rich Elementals this is so cool this is the best day ever all right let's see what else they have around here what the why is Melvin staring at me I feel like he's blood something devious you guys will never be Elementals I have already arested the powers and I will not be sharing with you my gosh Melvin what the heck why is he so mean I don't know what the heck is that lime what the these are lava drips yeah I mean it makes sense this is an elemental house lemon lime look at this Elemental kitchen it's so cool in this Elemental fridge in these Elemental plants all right let's go find a room lime which room should we take this must be Melvin's room it's pink yeah I I'll take the blue one got to do a little makeover though yes let's do it it it's time to lemon and lime I have the perfect thing lime what is it we need a gaming setup bro what no way fin the lemon L carpet oh maybe we need a TV you're right we do put a TV down lime I got the TV stand and there's the TV oh my gosh it's sick we can watch so many YouTube videos on this this is going to be awesome yes it's a little dark in here maybe we need to upgrade the lights I know just the thing oh my gosh it's so bright lemon it's perfect and we can see the whole neighborhood in our elemental house in the elemental Fountain all right let's go show Mom and Dad oh they're going to be so proud hey Mom and Dad me and lime we finished our room do you want to come see it oh we would love to lemon and lime let's go check it out all right let's go follow us my gosh it's the best room ever I'm telling you I can't wait to see what you boys did this is what we did with our room it's lemon and lime down what the heck a how did he get in here I don't know you absolute buffoons this room is dooo and it stinks like dooo what the heck Melvin what the what do you mean why are you such a hater I can literally make the better room in my sleep I'm not impressed in the slightest with this room he really do stink what the heck Melvin yeah you stink Melvin that's why you're bald all right boys let's all get along we're a family now an elemental family I guess you're right Dad but what about Melvin he's so mean he come from a troubled home he doesn't really know what he's saying at the time I know what everyone's saying I'm just purely more intelligent the heck Melvin oh yeah it's always B to you Melvin wait a second Melvin how did you even get in this room like we shut the door and then we opened it and you're in here a magician never reveals a Secrets what the heck Li I think he's crawling through the vents or something how else did he get here so quick maybe Melvin's more powerful than we think I think he might be wait Melvin do you have any elemental powers I have power all right let's just leave it at that all right boy well do you and lime want to learn the powers of the elements yes that' be the coolest thing ever all right boys meet us in the backyard and we'll teach you everything we know and you two will become Elemental no way let's go oh my gosh this is awesome this backyard is so cool W even the backyard is Elemental oh I'm glad you guys like it is that a lava swimming pool no way I'm going to jump in it ow what the heck it's too hot it's too hot we're not Elemental yet so Mom and Dad how do we we become Elemental well since you guys are fully Elemental I'll have to give you each a scroll a scroll these Scrolls will help you train your elemental powers no way lime did you hear that we're going to have elemental powers all right Dad where do we get the Scrolls I got them right here all right boys I have put the Scrolls in your inventory go ahead and try them out but please be careful it's a lot to take in for a beginner oh my gosh li no way all right what do you want to use first bro I like the sound of Fireball but where are we going to use it uh probably in the fire pit right Mom and Dad oh yes boys right in the fire is fine all right 3 2 1 go oh my gosh oh my gosh no way I'm so powerful oh gee thanks Mom and Dad you guys are the best Li let's try the flame cleave all right I'm sorry Mom oh my gosh oh just kidding I'm an elemental that didn't hurt it was like a nice warm blanky but please be careful lime all right I'll over here H ha oh my gosh this is crazy wait they even have elemental basketball no way all right lemon or lime I want you two to have a little battle a nice friendly Battle of course all right um wait this isn't a basketball court no of course not this is the training Court lime all right me and your mother are going to be sitting outside you guys need to learn your power so go ahead and train together all right I guess we can do that yeah all right all right Li I'm going to kick your butt bro yeah all right lion we all know I'm going to win we'll see about that all right lime it's just you and me bro it's time this is a friendly training session lme right so don't take it too serious when I kick your butt come on L we all know it's going to be me actually we all know I'm the real winner what the heck who said that what thein he's in the tree Li he's in the tree what the Melvin how'd you get up there don't ask questions you don't want the answer to what the heck Melvin oh he's always so ominous Lon you guys think you're training but really all you're doing is putting on a show for us this is like watching some donkeys wrestle this is just our entertainment for the night what the heck lime did hear you just called us a donkey now go on Dance World dance what the heck what the yeah I like to see you dance around this that's why you missed I'm only in training all right lime let's begin our training come on dad give us a countdown all right son in three 2 one go I'm sorry l oh I'm sorry oh this L take this the court this is so dangerous it doesn't feel right it's okay L we're just training I'm sorry lemon it has to be done can you believe these amateurs what the heck Melvin that's why you're scared you're not even fighting take this ow it burns lime oh I have a admit take that oh he got me oh Li I guess you won fair and square yeah it was a close one though lemon you boys both did great for your first first try I think you'll grow up to be amazing Elementals oh really Dad thanks thank you yes I believe in you boys you can do it oh thanks ma oh you're the best we have the best parents ever well actually you guys are clearly amateures and have no skill what the heck Melvin all right Melvin I've had enough I've had enough Melvin you absolute PL him who do you think you are smacking me I barely even felt that the heck is wrong with Melvin I don't know all right boys well I just got word that there's another Elemental family moving into the neighborhood I think you two should go and greet them and maybe have them over for dinner tonight we can all have a party an elemental party oh yes all right lime Elemental party wait oh my God how are we going to know which house is theirs well lemon when Elemental moves into a house the house begins to turn Elemental itself like ours so it should be pretty easy to spot all right let's go wait boys what you have to bring your brother Melvin with you oh what the heck what don't make me go with those absolute dad Melvin listen you're going to be grounded again dang it all right Melvin come on come on Melvin wa what the heck lime how did Melvin already get over here before us how was he always one step ahead lemon I so surprise let's just get this thing over with all right let's go Melvin where the heck are we going to find this elal house I don't see one guys listen dad clearly said there be s now just keep walking and shut your trap oh my gosh I wonder what type of element our neighbors are going to be wait a second I think I see something down there yeah that must be it lime look at that big house no way that looks crazy first we have an elemental family now we have elemental powers and now we're going to have elemental friends yes I even know there's a purple element oh my gosh their house looks so cool I'm kind of jealous yes whoa lime look at it it's so cool they're floating elements all right uh I guess we can just walk in right shouldn't we knock first what are you scared just walk in like a man what the heck Melvin all right I'll knock uh Knock knock hello it's your neighbors lemon and lime I should say the elemental neighbors lemon and lime yes we could be Elemental friends come on open the door can't you see they don't want to be friends with you they won't even open the door yeah Melvin I think you're scaring them away with your bald head just walk in you buffoons I have better things to do than be following you two Julians all right Melvin well if we get in trouble it's your fault wait what the heck oh my gosh there's no furniture in here this is so weird what's in here what the it's a door to nothing it's weird I must say this is a little sketchy even more so than you two I'm going to stick back here YouTube FS can go check it out and report back to me this trail of elements is leading up the stairs you're right what is this place lime my go what the heck is that lime what the heck is that what the some sort of purple Crystal my gosh Li be quiet there's people here and they don't look very friendly they can't be that me there're are neighbors the heck is this lime is that an elemental book I don't know an ancient home it has life Steel on it I'm putting this away I think they're evil Elementals I don't think they're friendly ones why are they looking out the window lemon don't tell me they're plotting against Mom and Dad I think they are oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck oh my gosh run run Melvin run he's evil he's evil he's evil I told you before run oh my gosh all right we have to tell Mom and Dad right now this is crazy yes hurry lemon wait I think Melvin's still in the house I don't see him he's still in the house lime no l what do we do do we go back and get him I don't know he's pretty mean let's just keep going I hope Mom and Dad aren't mad that we left Melvin there I know he was supposed to follow me lime but he didn't he just stayed there yeah he was just roasting us how is it our fault I hope we're not grounded in our first day of being adopted no don't even say that lemon Mom Dad I have bad news I have what the heckin he's sitting on the table how'd you get back Elin Melvin you were in the evil house what happened I don't know what your two buffoons are talking about I've never even left I've been here the whole time with mom and dad cuz I'm the superior child what do you mean you were literally walking with us I have no recollection of that what the heck Li was that a fake Melvin or his Melvin just messing with us I don't know anymore oh anyway Mom Dad bad news the elemental neighbors they're not nice they're evil and they're plotting to attack us they even smack lime in the face yes they're evil oh my goodness if what you're saying is true lemon and lime the prophecy is coming true what prophecy dad it is said that when an elemental adopts two non- Elementals it creates a shift in the elemental realm and now they are coming to attack us what the heck what do we do what do we do you boys will have to use everything you've learned today to help us defend from these Elemental enemies all right well do you think we're ready um oh surely you boys are ready if you say so Mom lime you heard them we have to get ready for an elemental attack this is crazy I think we got this lemon all right you boys get ready me and your mother will go and get ready as well meet in the front yard in 5 minutes all right let's go lime five minutes all right my gosh I can't believe this is happening lime I really can't believe it velvin how did you get up here again lime how was he doing this I don't know I don't like it I will not be revealing my secrets to you let's just get ready for this battle if we want to survive I think for once Melvin actually made a good point yeah I think we should get some armor surely there's some armor around here that's Elemental yes let's go look in Melvin's room what the he has books in here all he does is read maybe he is smart maybe there's some armor in this chest no way look at this he has so much armor and a fire sword a water sword oh my gosh golden apples look how Elemental we look this is crazy oh my gosh we're going to take on the battle whenever they come over here oh my gosh lie look they're here they're here no they're already here lemon we have to go get Mom and Dad go on little boys get your parents it's too late we will defeat you oh my gosh Li let's go he's so scary this is crazy M dead Melvin they're here the evil Elementals and they just threatened us come on it's time to fight all right boys this is it it's time to prove that you two are actually Elemental yes you boys can do it now let's defend this home all right yeah yeah whatever let's go lime come on let's go this is it Go lemon the whole family's coming out let's go oh my gosh mov so quick my gosh holy crap this is it the elemental battle right in our front yard oh my gosh let's go lime oh my gosh this whole Elemental Army I can't believe it the statue's lemon they came to life no take these elemental powers Fireball oh my gosh lime use all the elements that we have my gosh I'm trying they got me take this flame cleave and this oh my gosh they're coming in take this flame sword get away from our house we're Elementals now oh my gosh Melvin Melvin's going crazy he's so fast he's running around and he's smacking them all this is light work Bas take this go Mom and Dad yes let's go Mom and Dad the elemental War line is happening you were supposed to be our friendly neighbor ow stop hitting us take this yes yes oh my gosh let's go Melvin he's so quick look at him I try to warn you guys all right the last one the get him get him he's trying towi he's scared take this you're not getting away this time buddy oh there's another one what's get him no get him Melvin get him yeah Melvin let's go oh my gosh he woke back up oh my gosh how strong is he he's like a cat he has nine lives I think he's getting all his power from that Crystal you're right maybe we have to go take out the Crystal and stop I'm coming back all right let's go lime hurry let's go quick that's the source of all their power we have to take them out once and for all come on Lime let's go oh my gosh destroy everything this is so intense lemon yes take this I know what this is make sure they can't come back and take this too this creepy painting I think that's it let's go back and see if it worked wait a second lime I think it worked look there's no more Elementals they're on the floor they're not respawning yes Mom and Dad did it work yes boys it looks like we did it we have defeated the elemental threat the evil Elementals are gone we won no way Li did it well really it was all thanks to me but I guess you guys did a decent job today oh that's the nicest thing you've ever said to us Melvin I must admit you really were doing your thing out there melon I may be small but I Really T A Punch well lime we did it I can't believe it we got adopted by an elemental family and then we learned the elemental powers and then we just defeated an Elemental Evil Army this this was the coolest Day Ever Lon so guys leave a like And subscribe if you want to join our Elemental family too and if you guys want to watch the next video click the video on your screen hey Melvin what do you think of these moves bro what do you think of this ow
Channel: Lemon and Lime
Views: 9,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lemon and Lime, Lime and Lemon, Lemon, Lime, Lemon Minecraft, Lime Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, aphmau minecraft, cash minecraft, johnny minecraft, sunny and melon, sunny and melon minecraft, sunny minecraft, nico minecraft, cash and nico, aphmau, minecraft cash, Adopted by an ELEMENTAL FAMILY in Minecraft!, adopted by elemental family, elemental family, minecraft elemental family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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