Cash Became a NINJA in Minecraft!

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Nico are you ready to go to the ninja Village I've been ready for my entire life me too I want to learn so many ninja moves like Dodge and weave what oh my gosh I can't believe we actually made it that thing looks so koala I know right come on let's go oh what I just did a flip did you see that Nico I mean there's so many Ninja flips no way yeah look I could do so many flips like this you want to see me do a super long jump yes check this out no that's not how you do it Nico uh it's not working we have to learn that at the Ninja Academy come on okay now let's do it I can't wait come on let's go Nico keep walking whoa whoa whoa someone just jumped from that tree uh who is that excuse me who are you guys my mom says not to give out my legal name to anyone well you must tell me your name before entering the village okay I say we just give him a fake name okay okay uh my name is Robert no Nico oh my God what happened I said fake name something fishy is happening here what do you mean Mr um duck face sir we're not really uh what did you color me oh gosh uh duck face what you just have a cute face Elijah what is wrong with you dude I will strike you again if you call me duck face stop but they could you see how cute his face is yeah I think I have a dog face be careful object yeah yeah I could tell dico jeez listen um Mr duck face sir we're not here to cause any harm we just want to get through you want to get through but you have to pass me first and then the guard um Nico I think it's pretty easy to pass him yeah the one second you don't look that threatening see ya that's what you think oh my gosh um okay never mind Nico maybe it's not too easy to pass him what is that don't dude call your dog off nope have fun with that no no no uh listen listen sir we're sorry we didn't mean to do anything oh gosh I'm sure I'm getting out of here oh gosh no Nico no no no cash yeah I'm sorry Nico I have to get out of here before it's too late no oh my gosh I can't believe what I just saw Nico just got taken oh geez where even am I now this ancient Village isn't all what I thought it would be nobody's here it's like a ghost town in here jeez hello is there anyone living here I want to learn to become a ninja hello oh my gosh this place is a ghost town wait what hello oh my gosh no speak of the devil it's an actual ghost what do you want please please please don't hurt me ah stop it please my ears and wait wait wait wait don't don't get away from me hello come back here I need answers oh my gosh are you serious was that an actual ghost what is going on in this Village oh hey I see you up there hey dude oh my gosh why does he keep running away from me ah you know whoa whoa get away from me dude okay you know what maybe it was a bad idea coming into this Village no no oh a second one oh Jesus I'm getting out of here get out of the way yeah okay maybe I could stay up here please tell me there's no ghosts here are they after me oh wait I think I lost them thank goodness I just want to go back home it was a bad idea coming out here with Nico oh and speaking of Nico how am I supposed to get him back oh Jesus maybe I could just stay here for the time being oh wow who goes there what was that for hello ah there you are what are you doing in my house oh my gosh um listen I'm sorry I didn't know this was your house I was just running away from some ghosts well you gotta leave why yeah please I have nowhere else to stay uh no can't do hurry up get out of here this is my place no no no listen listen I'll do anything please I I want to learn to become a ninja like you anyways really yes everyone I've trained has failed so I highly doubt that you'll win what no listen I'm Different I would not fail like everyone else you think so yes will you please trade me I need to get revenge for my friend Nico he got taken by an iron golem all right fine I'll train you really yep but you owe me later oh okay yes whatever you want Mrs um what's your name uh let's just call me ninja I don't give out my name uh yeah I don't really give out my name either you can call me Robert Robert all right Robert well follow me okay where are we going well first off how good are you at parkour oh my gosh I'm the best really now all right let's see okay watch look I could do it first oh wait what uh-huh interesting let me try again let me try again first try hey wait what's going on ah interesting interesting no I promise I'm good at parkour listen I just don't know why I can't make this this thing's impossible you obviously have to grab the block wait what grab it how use your arms okay um grabbing ability go oh uh it didn't really work all right let me show you how it's done oh uh okay I guess all you gotta do is a quick jump and there you go oh what I can't do that that wasn't even possible uh you just gotta learn it come on hurry up uh okay you just do this and then boom Oh wait I'm holding on I'm holding back all right now carry yourself up now how do I carry myself uh how do I do I do that my you gotta jump use your legs I didn't even know this was possible until today okay fine job okay there you go there we I told you I was good at parkour why didn't you believe me Rising yeah I'll just pass you whatever wait what how am I supposed to make that one now uh you gotta jump better wait did you just wall jump sure did uh who is this guy ah there you are this is my pet wait what how is he so good you know I trained him pretty well oh my gosh well oh uh hello hello sir how are you doing uh I'm good my name is Robert Robert what a nice name thank you um I'm kind of trying to learn how to do this the Ninja's teaching me oh Maria what are you doing with the news hey I said not saying my name oh your name's Maria anyway hey buddy you don't even really have to do this parkour if you don't want you can just hit him with the uh bang wait what I don't know how to do all that though come on just try it just climb up these slaps uh I'm trying to climb up okay listen I think I'm just gonna do it the regular way dude I don't know how to do your guys's special ways uh you got it don't worry okay wait uh Maria can you show me how to do this wall jump up again all right sure but just don't call me that nope okay okay all you gotta do is a quick little jump on the wall whoa okay here let me try Okay here I go three two one oh gosh that's super hard come on do it one more time okay okay I'll try just give me one more chance here you just run up to it like this and look I think I did it hey now you're getting the hang of it oh my gosh I could just watch up wherever I want this is so much fun we got a natural here yeah not a natural yet I look like the Ninja Turtles now he's a little spritzy yeah wait but look here I think I finally learned how to do it I can just watch about this thing boom see I told you I got it Mrs um Marie I mean Ninja don't say my name oh sorry I didn't mean to but anyways how did you guys learn to become Ninjas Oh well back whenever my family lived in the village we weren't the best wait really yeah we didn't have a lot of money so I decided to take some jobs as a ninja wait really yup and now I'm here here oh my gosh well uh Mr Warrior how did you become a warrior oh well I was a child and the War was happening and I needed a train to become the best fighter blah blah blah boring boring so do you want to know or not I made it to the end do you guys see me up here he still needs to learn how to respect his Elders wait what are you guys talking about me uh yep oops we should take him to the sparring Dojo so he can get his butt beat ah the sparring dude that's a good one you know what next challenge the sparring Dojo let's go what what do you mean now can we stop throwing those smoke bombs every single time please no can do it's the only way we travel oh my gosh this oh my lungs are turning black because of this wait what are we in now welcome to the sparring rink oh this is where we Spar okay I'm definitely ready to spar you guys oh wait you're not sparring us yeah bro thinks he's a little tough Bean wait what you really think you could take us then who am I sparring oh you're taking someone much worse come on Warrior let's show them wait watch guys uh I don't really want to fight anyone I don't know yet oh no you're all good hey he's ready oh look at the little cute guys uh that guy doesn't seem that scary stop moving I'm gonna set him to Easy Mode wait what is that a robot what'd you do okay here's the coaching Katana all right now go easy on this young buck he's he's new to the dojo no I'm actually really good look you can't fight me analyzing enemies movements wait what what is he doing enemies difficulty is super super super super easy what no I'm not matching skill in order to defeat enemy I'll show you what's super easy get over here wait wait what where did he just go you thought it was gonna be that easy hey yo you get back here right now what oh my gosh what is going on why does he keep disappearing every time I charge him hey do not mess with me oh yeah well that's why Twitter trainer oh dear put that weapon away use the coaching Katana please wait what was he holding we don't want you to kill another newbie okay kill wait got it did he kill the Newbie before don't worry about it Robert oh my gosh Hey listen I don't think I want to do this training anymore I didn't know he killed someone turning off kill feature okay he he fixed it you're good uh no fun why'd you turn it off okay well then let's go Mr trainer commencing hard mode wait what no no no no no get over really that bad at all I could kill him so easily fighting with to reckon he's not even hitting me look oh system malfunction get back here dude yeah yeah dude well now verb defeat me nah yes I will dude my gosh I am done that was like the easiest robot I think I've ever fought what do you say we turn it up a notch wait what are you eating huh can I have some of that what is that please please ah this is getting boring I hate sitting here watching you guys eat okay do you want to fight one of us no no not really can I just go back to like a different training you're gonna fight one of us come here no I don't want to we're gonna show you what true pain really is oh geez okay fine let's go ready yeah oh my gosh uh did I really get knocked out from that sparring session yes sure did jeez I don't think I ever want to fight you guys again well you will so don't worry about it ah jeez all right buddy you really need to learn how to control your mind but I have great control over my mind okay I don't need anyone to tell me what to do Ah that's where it starts what do you mean all right come with me I'll show you some people that you need to meet oh my gosh fine but if this doesn't work we're going back home right we won't need to go back home because it will work okay let's go okay buddy here you go ah are we finally here my legs hurt hey Robert um I need you to take care of the other Robert wait oh his name's Robert what's up Robert oh uh hey Robert how are you doing today hello hello did you just bow at me how am I supposed to Bow him back or something yes you're supposed to Bow oh okay okay one sec nice to meet you Mr Robert nice to meet you Robert whoa Maria why'd you bring this kid to me uh he needs a lot of training specifically in his mind he's kind of airheaded what airheaded here you need to explore your inner mind I I don't even know what that means you've come to the right place all right Maria man whatever the other dude's name is you can leave it with me all right perfect I'm gonna go eat my ramen wait you guys are going this guy will take very good care of you trust me Dwight geez when can I come back home uh at some point just don't die oh my gosh uh okay how long is this gonna take Robert let me show you exactly what you need to do let's start off with your first training okay stand on one of these Stones then now go like this uh okay uh stand this is a standard practice actually and do this okay what does that do oh horrible form what I did the exact same thing you just did a full form what let me show you how it's done okay oh wait but that's exactly what I did okay here and hold whoa okay uh let me do it jeez stand up here and like that oh my gosh you're just not doing it correctly what do you I'm literally doing the exact same thing okay can we do something else I think it's your costume you look hideous my costume what are you talking about I think that's why uh well I can change if you want I think that's the play oh okay fine I'll I'll change just wait here all right geez I can't believe I'm doing this right now huh one sec okay how do I look oh my gosh you look Exquisite wait really you think this is good yes this is perfect okay well can we just get on with the training how do I ease my mind it's the key to Elegance okay this is how I ease my mind [Music] random things am I supposed to call an ambulance or something uh geez up wait uh do you know who this is Robert oh what's up man oh she's not a talker very much Robert I don't think he's very friendly oh what's up man have you been doing those practice that I told you about wait what oh wow what's going on my student don't mess with my students what is going on right now oh my gosh what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do yeah huh it's okay Robert I got you yeah what is going on right now this is the most confused I think I've ever been in my life you know what well he's fighting him I think I'm just gonna sneak away and go back home I've had enough of this get me out of here ah gosh I guess that kind of did help ease my mind though I feel a lot better ah finally you don't know how glad I am to see this house again no hey um Mrs um Maria I mean Ninja huh what are you doing back uh I'm back from my little meditation session with Robert Robert usually takes way longer than that oh yeah he um uh he said that I was a quick learner and that I could go home that's not something that Robert would say what do you mean he just told it to me listen Robert if you're lying just just come clean with us okay ah okay fine he started fighting some dude and I snuck away oh wait who was he fighting uh some Samurai guy I don't know oh those darn samurais they probably killed Robert not Robert well the samuraiser also who took Nico away from me who's Nico he's my best friend I can't came here with him and now he's gone wait a second so your friend is missing and you you didn't tell us this that's literally the first thing I said when I got in here wait uh Tony I didn't hear that part uh I didn't tell him oh my gosh well do you guys know anyway I can get him back where do they even keep those people that they take we have to invade the samurai base okay the samurai base yeah it's a house just down West that way and uh we need to go I don't even know where West is we'll show you okay but you need to make sure you're fully trained before you go okay well what else do I need to learn all right buddy come upstairs okay well what am I gonna learn I just want to go save my friend already we're gonna teach you how to wall run wall run but I can already wall jump see yeah yeah oh uh okay it's kind of hard this one's a little more important all right wait why is it important you'll see just watch and learn okay whoa what that looks so awesome yeah how are you doing that it's called wall running oh my gosh it doesn't even look like the ninja could do it uh hey I'm still in practice oh my God gosh yeah she's not the greatest wall Runner she's got weak shins okay can you show me how you do it one more time oh my gosh okay uh I guess I'll try it out real quick let me try god let's go how was that uh that was the wall jump but it was close uh well I don't know the difference between wall jumping and while running while running is you stay on the wall while jumping as you jump off the wall oh okay let me try and stay on the wall then all right here I go oh I think I kind of did it um great great job now try to wall run and then jump at the very end okay like this guy yeah that was great yeah I know I'm the greatest ever am I done with my training now um no one more thing are you serious what uh we're gonna teach you how to quick Vault like this whoa whoa whoa how'd you do that here let me get some training objects for you okay okay so act like maybe there's you know a desk there someone's chasing after you and you gotta be like oh okay so I just run up to it and I'm like that was kind of slow but you want to be in the motion and you're like oh geez I don't know how to do that my arms aren't that strong geez yo your arms are strong enough if you can wall run you can definitely Vault okay here I'll try it out one sec okay here I go God like that oh whoa that was great yeah I know I'm pretty good at it I was just lying to you yeah for sure okay fine can I go find my friend now it's been too long without him yeah just come upstairs we need to get you suited up okay I'm trying I'm trying to get up this stupid slab there we go I made it there you go all right come here now uh what's your favorite color um red obviously you see my oh wait let me take off the suit you see my suit yeah well I I didn't know because of the Axolotl suit but here you go oh why what what is this a red ninja suit the fire ninja are you serious what hmm you look sick I look awesome and I could do whatever I want wait I'm so fast now hey hey hey come back come back oh okay sorry Pick Your Weapon of Choice what would you like uh what are the options well there's a katana a scythe a Bushido I want the Scythe you want the Scythe yes are you sure yes they look awesome all right choose your Scythe this one where's the most red one or this one whoa that one please here you go oh my gosh let's go battle Scythe fire okay uh where's the samurai base well we'll have to show you there but you're gonna need to eat your protein before you go wait what oh I can finally have this yeah let's go oh uh that doesn't really taste as good as I thought well if you'll learn to enjoy it all right anyway we gotta go come on let's go oh whoa is this the samurai base can't be spotted oh geez okay well let's just go straight in come on hey hey hey we have to go in with the slower approach okay and why is your suit off well it was itchy oh okay this one's not itchy take these oh okay fine uh well anyways let's just go straight in I need to save my friend no this is the secret entrance oh my gosh secret entrance what oh fine okay let's go in here listen Rob if you go in too fast they'll kill you immediately oh geez okay fine here let me put my real armor on then okay all right are you ready uh yeah well this is where our adventure ends together now good luck and save your friend you're not coming with me of course not we trained you for this why yeah come with me please all right come on let's get out of here Maria no see ya Maria oh Jesus Oh my what what's going on oh oh my gosh I think I just heard someone die oh and of course I have to go through this myself I swear I would have just taken the front door if it was just me oh geez now how am I supposed to do this am I supposed to make it on top of that thing okay here wait I got this come on oh how did I even make that that was crazy okay and I think I could just maybe jump over here and okay maybe I can just uh wall run here oh okay and then one last leap of faith oh my gosh how did I even make that that was like it's super impossible okay well uh oh uh hello oh no not you again geez he's ready to die I'm not gonna die to you dude I took a lot of ninja training yeah we'll see about that oh geez okay well I'm Gonna Get You Gotta come back here oh dude you don't take like any damage do you you're super easy to fight what you can't even fight me look I can dodge you every school time you try to hit me ah you miss me this is kind of embarrassing okay I'm just gonna take you out of your misery that dude didn't even hit me for like one heart that was so easy but but wait how do I get out of here up hello open up oh geez wait maybe I was supposed to find one of these buttons or something why do they always do this kind of stuff they could have just made it super easy to get to their base but no they uh oh I think I activated it okay let's go hello oh uh Mr Cow whoa what just happened I got him hey why'd you kill that cow cause he was smelly obviously are you trying to kill me now of course now get over here no you get away from me I'm Gonna Get You Got wait how do I climb these things oh my gosh I can climb up with my suit you get over here Mrs Samurai Becca stop climbing up this thing you won't get the master Samurai hey stop shooting me down oh no he's getting up here uh you're a scaredy cat no get over here so let's go oh my gosh I'm so good at this stuff but wait I think I see the exit up there yes all I have to do is climb up these fences gosh killing these Samurai is like the easiest thing ever Nico I'll get you in no time ah let's see what else there is oh uh not another one of you guys hey what's up dude already killed some of your friends hey man look at this Punk oh what are you laughing at let's take them out oh gosh you guys will not kill me get away oh geez oh geez okay I need to run over here and heal up okay get away yeah yeah I'll get both of you dude you're super easy to hit what are you doing oh gosh your sword actually does a lot of damage I might need to run for a little bit wait you're running the same direction as me what's going on how much damage does this thing take oh my god oh oh there we go okay well that guy was definitely the hardest to kill but no match for my suit thank God that ninja gave this to me okay uh well Nico are you up here Nico day 1000 without cash they give pretty good food here actually but I'm a little uh Nico I'm right here wait I hear cash am I hallucinating Nico I'm outside the jail cell wait he's a ninja oh my gosh I've really gone insane oh my gosh look it's just me fake cash don't take off your armpit there's a stand right behind you wait what oh gosh no I didn't even see you oh wait what what are you doing you're just a floating head now um hello you can't see me yes I can't uh I can just see you right here whoa whoa um that was anticlimactic wait an HBO that could break through this uh yeah just because I got rid of all the Samurais for you you're welcome Nico oh my gosh those guys were so mean to me yeah but guess what I learned while you were stuck here in jail uh what I learned to become a ninja what yeah I know I look pretty awesome right and I can wall jump and wall run and everything yeah you look so look I know but um yeah I think we should definitely go back home I've had enough of this ninja school stuff yeah I agree but wait before we go can I please wear the suit ah yes fine Nico you can wear it oh my gosh let's go wait what is this I can fly wait did you know that was ability wait you can fly hey Nico give it back if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye [Music]
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,249,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash Became a NINJA in Minecraft!
Id: 1_Nu1xWAVgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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