Nico Is OP In Minecraft!

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oh me me me me me Nico Nico wake up knock knock what why did you sleep here could you tell Nico sleep is for the weak no beds for you what you just broke my bed up well I have something very important to tell you you're gonna want to hear this important like what important like I may have built an obstacle course for you in an obstacle course no way yup I built it for you shady and Zoe and I'm gonna hold a competition oh my gosh can I see it um not right now but just know that the winner is gonna get a thousand diamonds a thousand times know about this yup I already woke them up too oh my gosh I'm gonna beat you all in the cash obstacle competition no you're not I'm gonna be the winner of the a thousand diamonds and I need to go running bye he's already training you guys are so gonna lose I need to trade my running abilities super of a faster let's go come on I need to do jumping I need to do squatting because I need to become all-powerful to be cash Zoe and cheating my usual route is over here wait what what's this I swear this was just a lake before huh why am I kind of attempted to go over there even though it looks super scary and dangerous and probably I shouldn't go there oh gosh am I gonna make irrational decisions or do I go for the adventure let's go for the adventure come on let's go come on come on and let's go where am I is this some sort of ruined structure why is there like weird stuff here oh my gosh well uh this looks pretty scary but why am I attracted to it oh oh my gosh wait I check it back up oh my am I stuck down here casual Treasures only for King do not enter treasure what what is this room number one wait I think there's a bunch of rooms I'm so confused but you know what let's just go whoa what this just looks like a normal room with slime block parkour but there's lava oh no I can't believe I'm doing this all by myself without my friends but in order to win the competition I am going to need a train and get super powerful and overpowered oh gosh I was just fell into the lava there that would have been so bad okay do these slime block jumps like this let's go oh gosh come on oh we just fell off there that would have been so horrible go over here then go over here oh gosh this slime block parkour is difficult but time for the last jump and let's go oh my gosh this chest is surrounded by diamond blocks this is so cool wait this sign says super speed what it answers your sense of agility oh my when I hold this I get super speed what and I can do this parkour so easily whoa that is so cool that means I could just get out of here then break the button on this side and put it right here to enter room number two and what okay I think I understand now all the rooms will relate to a certain item that I'm gonna get at the end and each of these items appear to give a super powers what so that means I'm gonna have to use super speed to conquer this oh gosh and there's TNT so that means I only have one trial okay you know what YOLO let's do this come on WOW oh gosh I failed uh wait fortunately they respawned but this is still gonna be difficult how do I get back uh so it looks like the whole thing just exploded so you know what I'm gonna improvise I'm just gonna go over here use the super speed and then go right here and go up with the Polish black soul bricks to now get the next item which looks like Super Fly oh my gosh allows the wearer to fly through the air what oh my gosh look I'm flying whoa this is so cool oh my gosh I'm so excited to check out what the next room at this store for me let me just break out of here break this button and now use it to enter the next room room number three and oh my gosh yes I was right each room relates to the item we get in the last room so I could use this Superfly to fly through these oh my gosh that was super cool yeah but a little glitchy probably because this is a small area next we have the X-ray radar wait all the items just changed into my inventory oh my gosh the super speed actually looks like super boots and the Fly looks like wings and look the X-ray radar allows the wearer to see through whoa oh my gosh this is so cool I could see the last one we just did and now we could go back with the superfly like this nice then break through the sand and now we can enter the next room room number four I don't even need a button for this what am I doing but oh gosh this is another TNT course and wait due to the X-ray radar maybe I could just jump on these and get across oh gosh wait oh my gosh guess what I could figure out which ones are the right one just by jumping on them look oh my gosh come over here I'm gonna jump from here to here to here wow oh gosh oh no oh no [Music] uh guys I kind of exploded a lot of stuff but you know what it's fine which is good I was able to make it to the end and now I have super hoof what does a super hoof do disable all fall damage for the bearer okay so then that means I could just disable fall damage like this wait wait oh my gosh this is so cool I can't wait to check this out on the next room which should be room five but wait all the signs disappeared and I think that's because of the X-ray radar which changes all the blocks around me oh gosh that's a problem let's worry about that later this looks like some sort of dropper and I could use a super hoop to take no fall damage on each of these drops look at this this is so cool nice and nicer now I'm at the bottom wait it says fly back up where's my item one with the c what is that wait it gives me conduit Power Six wait can I breathe underwater with this oh my gosh well the only way to test it out is just enter the next room and see what's next and yes it was correct uh we kind of need to get through here so a minor throw come on uh okay wait this is not working uh oh and this chest is the King's pickaxe so I guess this works now I just gotta go one with the c and we can breathe underwater and go through blocks like this so we just gotta find the openings in each area come on let's go we did it well wait we can actually breathe underwater it goes super fast that's such a cool ability okay and the next one is called Giga explosion well that's the bear to detonate everything in sight oh uh yeah that is not good oh I gotta be careful holding that thing I just gotta get to the next objective this is so crazy I can't wait to show my friends these abilities but maybe I could use them to be Cassius obstacle course and win 1000 diamonds but let's just keep going on wait what is this whoa there's multiple doors here and wait I'm pretty sure I might be able to use this x-ray radar to see which doors are correct so this one's good this one's good whoa wait what the heck what's going on here this is so confused egg this one uh that was it are you serious that was such an easy objective why did the king hide this year this is so easy what is this aimbo your enemies can run but never Escape oh my gosh Piggies Piggies I'm Gonna Leave Here you guys live thriving lives but what I need to do is take explosion out of here come on WOW wait that actually works oh my gosh Okay giggle explosion over here oh gosh I am underneath the map it's okay I can fly if I need to get out of here quick but now we have the last room which I'm not so sure about this one there's a button on the ceiling and then a command block wait do we finish oh my gosh we've collected all the items wait but we got one more item the Superman's fish wait what look at this thing it gives us so many hearts oh my gosh what does this do oh it one shot's mobs are you kidding me oh my gosh I have to show my friends all the new abilities I just got the question is should I show them or should I keep it a secret and use it for the obstacle course and win the 1000 diamonds oh my gosh I think that's the plan but before I do that I need to test out this aimbo let's see if we can shoot this horse wait what that automatically holds it on the nearest mob look at that that's so cool well was that area just gonna go infinitely oh gosh uh let's try gig explosion a little bit whoa it Powers up like a TNT that's super cool and then extra radar just makes everything invisible around me oh my gosh that's so cool and then I could use super speed to go super fast super flight to fly and then I can use this one with the c ability to go super fast in the water oh what's going on oh gosh okay I think it's time to go back to my friends and then use these abilities to my advantage the obstacle course should be somewhere nearby oh my gosh I've been flying for so long oh gosh I killed my friend CD oh no they're literally right there uh hi guys oh hey Nico there you are gosh she was gone for so long uh I was just doing nothing I was training okay I was getting super duper fit for this obstacle course of course ah whatever he's such a tryhard oh my gosh well uh now that we're here we might as well just do the competition right yeah and I forgot to mention earlier I'm gonna be competing too to take the diamonds I am so gonna win but no way hey everyone get back here you guys are cheating uh first of all everyone get behind this line okay and then we're gonna do on your marks right yes and hey don't step over oh my gosh on your mark get set go okay the first obstacle is the water course and I'm just gonna let them get a little bit of a lead so that I can just go in from behind and go like this like this what how did he catch up oh my gosh okay now we got to parkour don't let him win I'm already good at this I don't need to use any abilities but for this part in particular I can use [Music] what what don't let him pass us oh my gosh you guys are not good oh yeah Nico how come I'm right behind you then what oh my gosh uh next part we have uh a boat and an arrow putter need to use that I'm gonna use my aimbo shoot the chicken shoot the chickens hey how is Nico doing it so quickly I'm done I shot all my chickens yeah me too I shot eight actually wait what okay well we have to mine our houses and guess what I have what oh my gosh that's not fair too bad but I also have something under my hands oh my God I'm gonna win uh cash what oh wait you already broke your house yup I broke my entire house already oh my goodness and I'm gonna help Zoe out a little bit how are you doing that uh don't worry about it oh my gosh uh just break okay that should be good so we broke our whole house up what is Shady doing man this wooden shovel is terrible I need some help oh my gosh do I really have to help all you guys uh can you help me Nico oh my God you have another AXA yeah but um that explosion is helping how are you doing that by the way yeah that looks a little weird uh just don't worry about it got it whatever I'm going to the last part okay fine I guess we're all going to the last part then come on give me all this stuff okay give me the gear wait another right armor I don't need that I'm just gonna use my Superman's Vista who's ready to lose to me hey uh why does an Eco not have any armor on yeah look he's so he's so ah get over here Nico guys uh you guys cannot kill me because guess what I am super powerful I'm not doing so much damage stop hey Nico what the let's go get over here Superman how is he oh [Music] gosh I'm running back to the water course go go go you're our only hope shady I don't know how I can beat him oh my gosh oh my God Superman's fist let's go oh gosh I beat everyone no fair Nico you're cheating no I wasn't yes you were how are you flying like that I'm just using my super abilities yeah I didn't know you were a superhero Nico yeah I actually just found super cool items in a dungeon far away what that's crazy talk oh so that's all that training that he did well yeah I have super speed super flights x-ray abilities whoa do you see this guys no what are you seeing what do you mean you don't see that no give me the ability oh my gosh fine here wait let me see if you can actually see it whoa oh my gosh there's Redstone down here I need to go get it oh gosh yeah well we could get exposure down that's also one of my abilities oh gosh that's better off no right here let's go but anyways I also got really cool abilities like the Superman's fist which allows me to have three rows of hearts and super strength what hey that does so much damage but also I got this really cool thing called the aimbo do you want to check it out yeah here follow me look it can hone on any mob like this what look it automatically shoots them so I can just Spam my bow and it immediately goes in your smob oh that's insane insane which is really good for that competition right there oh my gosh you know what Nico I guess you did win fair and square so here you go what oh my gosh guys I can't take that many diamonds we can all split it what shape my dashboard Nico catch Adventures to cook one on the screen if you enjoyed that please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye bye bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 3,481,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: Z02ouYGAI-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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