ONE CAT on a DOGS ONLY island!

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cats hate the water and I've been stuck at sea for so long I need to find an island yes finally an island I can now survive all my problems in life are solved wait a minute Dog Island no cats allowed huh attention to all dogs We Gather here to pray to our prize statue the dog statue who this is a whole island of dogs and I'm a cat but luckily these guys seem really really cool they were able to build that gigantic statue maybe if I go talk to them they could maybe help me out since I'm stranded and all and remember everybody if we see a cat what do we do to them we eat a w okay never mind those guys said that they're going to eat a cat if they see them I'm a cat I better lay low and ooh over here it says follow to survive yes this path will lead me out of this island and I'll never have to run into those dogs again maybe it's going to lead me to like a boat or something o the path leads all the way here and it says press me uh oh maybe this is going to call out for a boat I'm going to press the button and get myself out of here Boop wait a minute I don't think that's calling a boat oh no the dog statue this was your prize possession oh my gosh OMG I can't blew up this our dog statue who did this oh gosh oh gosh go that was a huge mistake I have to hide if those dogs find out it was me they're going to tear me apart why would they put a button that explodes it everybody search around for who did this oh oh gosh dogs have really good senses of smell I better hide Far Away I smell a cat oh gosh they smell me they smell me oh no a hello group leader Luke a cat oh no they spotted me um hi everybody uh I didn't mean to blow up your statue so you admit it it was you who destroyed our Doug statue um yeah it was me I'm I'm really sorry sir I didn't mean to I just stumbled upon the island cuz I was really lost but I'll be on my way now okay yeah thank thank you guys see you later uh not so fast you're not going anywhere everyone surround him what um uh guys look look we could talk about this guys don't bark at me I'm I'm just a cat how about this you just let me go and um that's forget about this you guys could probably all work together to build a dog we're dogs we don't know how to build we would need someone to help us um well uh I can't really help you guys I'll just be on my way my my boat should be right over there in the front of the island Roxy go bite that boat and destroy it all right got you sir what no don't destroy my boat that's my only way out of [Music] here no they destroyed my boat now I'm stuck here now we could do this the easy way or the hard way what the easy way or the hard way what are you guys doing uh we're going to tear you up what tear me up I don't want to be torn up either you rebuild our dog statue or we eat you kitty cat uh okay I I can help you rebuild a dog statue I'm actually really good at building where I'm from yeah and very handsome Luke don't kill him let him live oh yes I like this girl over here don't kill me please sir this should be a very easy fix and then you guys can go back to having your statue now you're trying to visit my dogs you don't talk to her I'm sorry sorry sir sorry I'm getting straight onto building guys I'm getting straight on to building just please don't eat me hey I think he's kind of cute too hi my name is Heather the dog oh hello Heather my name is SS and I'm a cat hey stop getting rzy with the girls oh sorry sir I wasn't getting rzy I I was just making friends okay I I don't want any problems with anybody here I'm just here to help as far as we're concerned you're enemy cuz you blew up our statue there was just a button I thought it would get me home if you talk one more time without building that statue the girls will eat you a man do I have to uh yes you'll have to take his head off what okay I'm building sir look everyone um we have to do a little bit of clean up because um his body's all on the floor so do you think you could clear that up Mr um what's your name group leader dog sah the name is Luke AKA your master I am not someone Master duh I'm OHS and actually I am an awesome cat I hate you cat people we should be eating you right now well if you eat me sir then you'll never have your dog statue back so you need me and as the person helping you guys I'm the new Master excuse me who's the red one red one you have to get rid of all the TNT that's your duties Yes master I'm on it wait what oh dogs just listen to you if you say it's strict enough okay hey pink girl over there St destroying all the blocks on the floor okay okay yes master wait what this is awesome okay green one Luke start helping me build the legs hey not so fast I have to let you do that to me first oh gosh are you the alpha wolfa you're not going to control me get up there and build before I eat you with my teeth okay okay sir oh gosh it looks like the main one is that Luke guy if I get on his bad side he totally going to shred me to Pieces but uh guys we have to build the legs up again and actually I know something that's a really easy way to do it we could use these commands with the magical wand what are you using witchcraft no no no it's it's not witchcraft sir it's just a magic wand look first we just have to finish one of the legs so red guy What's Your Name by the way my name is Roxy Destroyer 2000 oh okay Roxy the Destroyer 2000 help me finish off this leg over here and then with the magical wand we could just copy and paste it over hold up Roxy copy and paste that's witchcraft kill him wait wait no don't kill me don't kill me we're going to eat you it's not guys it's just it's a wooden ax it's it's a wooden axe look read it read it wooden ax it smells weird what it doesn't smell weird it it's just a wooden a let me put it in in my mouth let's see if it's chewy enough chewy enough what are you talking about you're not supposed to chew on it uh the stick is really hard right now get it out of my mouth what you're not supposed to chew on it guys oh my goodness look over oh gosh it's a big boss um hi sir I was just showing them something called the magical wand check it out uh is that witchcraft are you trying to get our dogs killed get over here no no no no no sir look at it it's just a normal wooden axe it's not going to hurt you M it looks very tasty H okay he's also biting it okay these guys are crazy I think it's better if I just show you guys look if I put the first coordinate over there then the second one over here I could do slash slash copy then I could fly right over here and guess what I could do guys uh what can you do tell me tell me I could slash slash paste it uh now we have the second leg completely made huh is that magic are you doing cat Magic no it's literally the magic wand I just showed you how to do it look try it in the back go all the way back over there then type in sl/ paste it should work for you too dude all right let me try out this cat magic SL SL paste wao it looks so cool is this a b o o it tastes good it's the leg Luke is the one that did it good job dude you made your first magical wand move wao I can get used to this SL SL paste this is awesome froo wait why did I just bark uh what the what are you trying to take our culture what no ma'am I I just felt like it was appropriate to to move cuz oh so you think things are appropriate you can't do whatever you want as a cat you're a cat not a dog so act like one okay sorry guys oh goodness these dogs are so super mean to cats guys I'm just trying to help look at how much I've helped so far I done all the legs now let's do the body look we just have to go around and do the outside of it and then if we all work together we could fill up the base uh are you saying we have to build no no no no if you if you if you want if you if you want to finish the dog you have to build so to help me out please sir Mis oh okay I'll help you out a little bit oh wait a minute they're done do what am I doing watch this if I just grab a little B NE e who's a good boy who's a good alpamare Loop leader give give give they're all over here okay if you guys want the bone be silent that worked perfectly okay if you want the bone red Roxy boy start placing blocks on the bottom for a stomach Yes master I want that bone wao the bone is like magic okay um pink girl over here if you want the bone start placing this wall over here see oh she's talking in Spanish okay now purple girl if you want the bone do a dance and entertain me a captain this is awesome I can control the dogs with this bone I just need to not lose it okay you Canan girl build the top please okay no problem master and then you master Luke do I have your control for this bone it looks so delectable I will do anything for that bone all right well start placing the floor with Roxy and make sure that it's random blocks just like the way he's doing it and holy smokes we're actually doing crazy progress cuz everyone is doing their own side this is awesome sauce go everybody go wow who knew kittens were really that bad they even are starting to like cats I just need to not lose this thing you're not fing me give me that oh no everyone you can have one we don't have to help him I'm not building anymore what oh no cut stink here I will take one oh gosh they took the bones delicious I'm so tasty um guys we have to continue building the dog so let's go back to working okay listen here you little kid if you don't start building we're going to kick your butt out of here what you're not our Master little boy what you were just under my control what happened do you have bones yeah I didn't think so so go to building okay ma'am oh gosh I should not have dropped that bone that lime girl Alexa took it from me now I have to do all of this well at least I could use the magic wand right guys no that's magic give it up what I can't give up the magic one look at how much faster I can do look I can just go over here and do SL set and then white just like that guys instantaneously I just did so much work are you not taking orders for my dogs give me that oneand right now hey yeah stop taking it they don't know about my second one all right uh I'm going start building over here guys okay um just let me start building dogs have really good ears give me it what you heard me you think I'm a cat I'm a dog okay fine here you go I guess I'll place all by hand this is going to take a bajillion years it's okay I'll help you only cuz you're really really cute oh thank you what was your name again miss dog lady uh my name's Crystal but be nice around them oh okay I'll try my best can you give me any tips on Surviving cuz all of them seem really really mean towards cats just listen to them obey the rules okay I I'll obey the rules and hold up I did the side over here Mr Luke are you proud of me your voice is so high it sounds like a dog whistle shush up that's just my normal voice what do I do about it my ears are you guys trying to make fun of my voice right now really it's not that high pitched okay really that's not funny at all I need to find another way to get them in my control what do dogs like that I could give them I know exactly what I know what dogs like to do they love to play fetch let's go play with some doggos oh here doggy doggy who wants to play fet all right if you want to play fetch everyone we have to play the listen to OHS game then I'll throw it to you and this time I chose a slime ball so it stuck to my hand give me that ball right now I need it it's not coming out of my hand okay guys we're back on building duties go do where you were building last yes sir Master on it let's go the dogs are back to building this is awesome and I think I have control of the master too excuse me Alpha M leader Lucas pukas II I'm actually the sigma mail leader officer Lucas uh stop your yaps cuz I have a oh do you want to play catch boy you want to play catch you want to play catch come on all right well if you want to play catch start working on the M of the dog with everybody else because the entire back is complete and the tail the dog is looking nearly finished on the backside over here let's go when these dogs are all organized they work so well and bro I looked away for a second and the side of the main is already completed and the bottom too wait does someone here know how to use the magic wand uh um blue boy don't tell anyone but I do ooh awesome crystal that's so good and finish up this side over here and now all the main should be complete now we just need to do the face of a dog I'll spawn one in over here uh let's Boop put that boy and I need a help her uh who wants to play catch come over here one one person one person one you want shut up oh that works really well Okay who wants to be the dog holder say I I okay okay okay oh they're really enthusiastic about this ball how about this I'll say the least important person holds the dog uh Alexa hold the dog please uh yes of course course okay you hold it so now we know what the dog face looks like okay now I need a really smart person that's good at building relax I didn't say anything about the ball if you want the ball stop talking oh my gosh I should have this thing more often okay um you red boy Roxy we need the face of the dog to be three blocks forward so move in one block and then make it three blocks forward and start working on its face then pink girl over here you finish working on the ears and then help the red boy all right uh yes master thank you then purple girl you could be my one of my girlfriends is that fine with you that's perfectly fine with me okay and uh what do you want to do sign girl I want to be your first girlfriend and she can go away okay and what about you sir uh hold up I'm starting to feel like you're using us with that ball of yours what no no the ball totally isn't like mind control for dogs H how about we test that you throw the ball and I'll throw it back oh like like a game of fetch is is that what you want to do yes that's what we love okay well hopefully Luke is the type of dog that actually brings the ball back to the owner all right fetch boy fetch that's my ball forever guys we don't have to listen to them anymore are you serious I hate these type of dogs when they just take the ball oh my gosh wait guys listen to me Heather you still want to be my girlfriend right the ball I want the ball are you serious well Crystal you want to be my girlfriend right shut up blue boy oh my gosh Alexa do you want to hold the dog instead of just keeping it up over here can you hold it please uh why would I listen to a fart face like you my gosh well well Roxy how's the face coming along why'd you stop building give me that ball and shut up blue boy a brother now Luke has total command and since you disrespected of us give me one reason why I shouldn't command the dogs to kill you oh well um no guys uh I don't really have a reason all right everyone turn into a dog and kill them wait who [Applause] wait you have to water about the face I have to BU it so you need me hold everyone stop oh my gosh that was a close one this dog is literally sniffing on me right now my mouth is open okay um sir you need me to finish a dog right so how about I I get back to work is that cool with you yeah but be a good boy and listen to us wait I'm actually a cat you don't really call cats good boys unless you want me to be a part of your dog family I'd be really happy to join I don't really have much friends back at home so being your guys' friends would be awesome listen here you're lucky we didn't eat you yet you're not being our friend ever these dogs are so mean well can I at least have an assistant hold up the dog so I know how to build him I hold up the dog for one second why that's just a nuisance done okay that was just unnecessary you're just being rude then be faster before I eat you all right um these dogs there's no way I could build without having a helper I need another way to control them luckily I know exactly what dogs like doggos love them some raw beef everyone look what's in my hand not everyone stop I have a command to make how does one become the alpha dog in the group he has to defeat the old leader in a fight hm all right excuse me Mr leader Luker I challenge you to a battle and the winner becomes the alpha of the Great group why would I accept that I'm already the leader of the group how about I seden up the deal I'll throw in a stack of raw beef if you beat me and I'll never come back to the island again yeah are you going to look weak and Afraid in front of your entire crew Mr alpha male oh gosh we have to fight now all right let's do it let's go in game mode survival I shall become a dog oh yeah you think so I'm use your magic wand against you wait are you in survival mode yeah you want to go wa check it out it's a really pretty green dog over there are you serious did you just kill him yes sir and I feel a little bit different new Alpha leader down oh my gosh let's go I'm the new Alpha everyone bow down to me your highness what is our first task your first task is to follow me let's do a silly dance everyone do some goofy ey dances right now oh yeah that's good that's good that's good dab dab dab no why do I have a cat tail oh no second rule of business everyone laugh at lukia he's a cat he's a cat cat wa wait I feel bad now Luke I'm sorry for making fun of you you could join the dog crew if you want to wait what even after I told you you couldn't join our group when I was in power yeah exactly it's all G bro we could restart and guys I say we finish up the statue I'm going need Alexa to hold on to the dog here's some raw beef to do it there you go M that is delicious all right everybody let's do it hold up the dog and then I'm going need you to show the dog to everyone cuz we F to make this F okay um who was working on this cuz this John is looking cursed what is that that's a dog okay that is not the dog at all guys it's because he has like a weird nose so basically his face goes ow I don't know how to do this we need someone smarter than me don't worry I did most of it guys wait what whoa Lily actually popped off Alexa come down over here we need to see the reference please all right everyone take a good luck wait just come down so we could build from over here so it no out of the nose please out of this old sniffer we got to put it like that uh um wait and then put blocks like this and then fill it up does that look like right Alexa you keep running away so I can't tell I'm right here farty chingus hey I'm the group bleeder you can't call me that type of stuff no more oh sorry sir yeah it's all good okay yeah and then we just do it like that and then boom God guys the dog statue is back to its former glory OMG everyone to the Shrine we must bark Luke out here take some raw beef bro become a man and start bar barking like a dog my boy meow meow I think it's changing him it's changing him there we go I'm feeling like a real dog now everyone B today we're having a wild family and I am a wolf oh and wait a minute if I'm a wolf that means my wife SLG girlfriend slri is also a wolf hi Crystal you're a wolf hey babes we're married we're not married I said friend it's possible we're just friend right stop guys why are you oooing do not hit oo wait a minute waa Luke and Alexa you guys are slimes yes I'm going run my boogers all over you hey y yo yo Luke get your girl Alexa that was not a good one at all but slimes are super cool and Lily you're up wait why why does Lily look basically normal she looks slightly different I'm a pig oink oink oh I get it and hold up that means Roxy is a too oh my gosh you look so cute Roxy yeah but I say oink like this oink what was that dinosaur usually you are not a dinosaur Roxy you're a pig though and oh nor Heather go you're a creepy spooky spider yes I'm going to bite you hey yo Watch Out J my boy get out get do not bite me do not bite me that's super susp hold up guys look around us there's an island over here and it looks like a pig island Roxy look it's Pig just like you and Lily wo and look up top there's a cage hold up I see it wait a minute look there's a whole slime Island over here oh that place looks just like home and wait on top there's another cage up over there and oh my goodness gracious Heather wo look at the spider one this one actually looks super spooky it is actually so cool and on top there's another cage and wait a minute all of you guys have Islands Crystal come over here and wa there's an island for us as well and wait a minute I think I see a cage all the way in the back our kids must be in there oh my goodness gracious guys we have to save our children everyone we're on mining duties don't laugh I already predicted you were going to laugh oh my gosh are you serious that is not funny at all dude that is not funny but guys we have to mine up the trees to collect blocks everyone mine and then pass me the blocks I will organize them yes s ski and we can even turn them into slabs for even more blocks exactly so right now at oh my gosh seven logs I'm literally grinding right now I'm grinding Roxy I'm himothy I'm himothy well I'm himothy you're not kimothy what I am totally gimy emoy and that guy pal I have 10 whole logs everyone slide me your logs I'm at the middle over here throw it on me yes there you go thank you Alexa oh thank you ly oh thank you Crystal as well no problem and Heather you too oh my gosh guys hold up our teamwork is actually crazy we have 28 logs in holy gton over a stack and a half of logs now if we use the crafting table we could craft up a bunch of slabs oh my gosh I'm going to use like almost all of it for slabs and bro I have two stacks here Roxy take a bunch of slabs for yourself Heather you could take a bunch as well Luci is pook is take a bunch here Crystal takes up Alexa oh my gosh takes up there are so many Lily don't think I forgot about you here take a bunch like that thank you no problem now we have a ton of slabs and we're going to go off to the Slime Island Luke we're saving your children yes s ski ly Junior I'm coming to save you oh my goodness gracious and wait a minute Luke did you have one kid or two kids because you know it's you and Alexa is there a girl and a boy there's two Alexa junor oh no so Alexa you're saying that you and Luke are together of course well no it's kind of complicated we're just friends and uh we have kids what oh no you like to do the honors I would like to do the honors my friend 3 2 1 super awkward but wa we're on the Slime Island but how are we going to reach the cage all the way up there and wait a minute Roxy what did you just do like Bounty thing wait what a bounty thing are you sure it's not wait a minute parkour hold up Roxy flick that lever all right 3 two one blast off and wa guys it's slime parkour oh no I was born for this oh L give it a shot you're the slimy boy let's see if you got what it takes bro first try you're actually that guy my boy all right go on the jump and slime parkour is actually super duper hard everyone watch and learn I am a professional y Luke pick me up my boy I'm really scared 3 2 one W Luke oh my gosh that was actually clutch and bro slime jumps are so hard yep we're bouncing all over the place I know but wait look bro I'm just doing the pickup method and oh my that was intense don't worry my boy we're W clutching go guys bro Roxy is cheating bro what are you doing my boy I need a cheat hey bro just breaking blocks no way bro are you serious right now Luke I got boomed bro I got boomed bro how you f to get up now Roxy toasted it I know but hold up slime blocks are super duper easy to break so I'll just place up with the Slime and Luke you're going to pick me up all right all righty I'm waiting for you all right I'm about to jump to you is this close enough all right ready three two oh my gosh what are you doing Luke what is going on my boy I got Roxy oh oopsies bro drop me and Roxy oh thank you luk and okay I'm back I'm back I'm back and I have never failed these jums before Luke this is all first try my boy we can't fold right now we're almost up there yes sersi it oh my gosh oh hi Roxy how did you get here is you cheating my boy what no oh bro no slime but don't worry I am a professional at the Slime jumps oh my God Luke I'mma save those kids my boy I'm going to be uncle OHS yes sir ski they're going to love you what was that sound did you fall Luke but wait right now I'm going crazy I'm actually going crazy it's all about being slow and steady and what Roxy how did you yo bro's placing blocks oh that's going to be way easier okay oh Nar yeah actually Roxy you're totally right let's just place the blocks up place them over here please all right have 22 still oh nice smart thinking Roxy Luke we're totally not cheating on your side bro you guys can't even do the parkour legit it's cuz it's like impossible and Crystal's cheating as well hi Crystal sup babes hey don't be sus I am not your babes we're just friends that's smooch what we do not smooch ever that's very not true yes we do OHS cuz I'm a spider and you're the wolf what are you talking about Heather now we like actually don't smooch because you're a spider and CST is actually a wolf that is not true oh my gosh Crystal look up we are literally so close and wait Crystal life hack check this out I'm going just break the blocks above then just build straight up oh my gosh ly oh I'm here with Roxy what's good Roxy and your children huh are you serious yes sir my boy pull up over here guys how did you all get here Luke did you build a staircase ersi I use the Roxy method oh my n bro is actually using the Roxy method and children Uncle SS is here to save you everyone break in Roxy did you fall my boy he totally fell oh my Nar Luke the kids the kids H out children and oh my gosh they look just like you and Alexa say hi to Papa hello what's good Papa I Naro guys now that we save Luke's kids we have to save Roxy and Lily kids Roxy I see them let's go to the pig side oink oink bro is literally oinking right now all right let's get out of here and oh my goash wait am I going to survive are you serious right now I got boom but guys now I'm at Mid and I could easily get to the pig side and I'm going to put some water down so in case someone Falls we could clutch on it ooh SS you're thinking smarter not harder yes Siri my boy and oh you have blocks thank you Roxy W clut my boy all right how do you actually have so many how does Roxy always yo all right what has bro been doing I he grinding blocks when you guys were up there he no way Roxy you're whiling but oh yeah I'm speed bridging on slide blocks check this out oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah easy picky what was that bro bouncing the blocks yo Crystal casat here catch them I I may or may not have dropped them oh gosh guys do not drop the blocks we made it to the pig side this is awesome oh my gosh Roxy's won with the pig and wait we could just easily go up over here it's not even parkour no oh you have to do it the right way what what's the right way Lily what are you talking about and hold up there's a chest over here and uh Roxy why do you have a carrot on the stick this is the right way dude you have to ride a pig oh I get it check it out Crystal there's a bunch of Pig eggs and oh my gosh we have to run up oh my gosh this is lit you can control them with the Cara on the stick yes sir but oh gosh this is actually bad hard Luke this is bad hard they actually don't know how to themselves oh my gosh Roxy are you good how do you love this thing oh my oh Lily are you oh wow crystal is that okay wait what Roxy you made it to the top yeah it's super hard I know R dude that was literally lit Piggies you guys are awesome sauce now let me y eat you off I'm sorry Roxy I forgot you are technically part Pig but yo children what's good children I am Uncle SS I am technically related to cuz me and Roxy are best friends and he also copied my outfit so that means you copied my outfit no um you copied our outfit that is not true at all Lily but Roxy and Lily's kids are saved but oh gosh I do not want to go to other side it's scary no we have to save my kid and it's probably with you SS what is Heather talking about the kid is not with me she's probably right she is not right my kid would probably be with a different girl Luke what are you doing my boy did you just survive that whoa whoa whoa Roxy Miss I luk oh my n but wait I have a better strategy instead of clutching like that wait wait Lily can I borrow the pig you're holding in your hand please yep here you go thank you now watch and learn how to clutch I caught his the pick H never mind I died with it oh gosh what was that L you laughed you're not even upset you literally laughed but now we're going up to the spider ey oh gosh that's so scary Luke is a spider going to bite my to sh yep and they can leave you with poison Oh no just like when I poisoned you with my good looks what's good shotty bro are you Rising me or Heather up the sorry sorry I don't know why I said that I just feel like in the rizing mood right now and I also feel like in the trolling mood bye Roxy oh no to break your that's what he gets he tried to troll me earlier are you serious oh my gosh you better not troll me babes I would oh gosh do not call me that Heather Crystal's right behind you and you know how she gets when you say that oh don't worry babes I'm not going to do anything uh you have a wooden ax oh oh no oh no hello are you serious Crystal you just said you weren't going to do anything oh my n and all right bye Roxy oh sorry Crystal you got Crystal your baby Wy she is not my baby wavy but guys chill we made it to the spider side oh no this John is looking devious and Luke there's deadly dangerous TNT do you want to light it up with me yep that would be awesome all right how do we Light It Up does anybody have anything to light it up with I have my poison bite me oh no she has a Ste dip dip dip oh my gosh are you serious Heather really are you serious right now bro is bugging but hold up guys look over here it looks like there's ladder parkour we have to jump like a spider oh my are oh I'm literally a spider wa I'm doing so good right now Heather I'm literally a spider this is awesome come on come give me a spider kiss what is I'm coming come here yo Crystal where are you she's too close to me right now Crystal they're smooching I'm not get away Luke what are you doing is seriously size I want to be in my spider Arc right now oh yeah look at the last jump Roxy is literally yapping bro got all the way to the top and fell Roxy are you are you serious I just fell as well did you spook oh my gosh you spoke to Su too Luke but wait I got a little spider thing called building block stop cheating it's not cheating spiders are able to build blocks hey chill Roxy but I'm doing it legit guys oh oh spider jump oh spider jump oh my gosh spider jump and okay good and oh my gosh this jump is actually crazy I have to really become a spider hiss hiss hiss hiss oh yeah that's good what was that that's professional spider oh I made it up and guys I'm next to the ginormous spider this boy is serious uh wo oh ises he look friendly no no he looks not at all friendly he looks like he would bite me and then I would literally go right away that's literally my dad what that's your dad are you serious oh no his name is Nester yeah what's good Nester my name is SS and I'm going to Boom you I don't like spiders uh hey dude chill what was that your dad that was crystal stop talking for my father girl oh oh gosh guys there is a crazy wall side oh Luke you made it dude look at this jump we have to jump on the wall and like crawl like a spider do ooh this is some spider stuff I know right do you want to give it a shot my boy of course I do I'm that wait bro there should be a block over here so it could be easy oh my gosh I'm literally crawling like a spider doww I made it look that was awesome saome everyone watch and learn I got to go over here jum bro I almost just fell and then wait I do not feel comfortable jumping off a slime block let me jump off a normal block and wall jump oh my gosh Heather I'm literally right next to your kid right now let me bro I almost just folded Luke did you see that I want to see him I want to see him that was super clutch I know and Heather why are you assuming it's a him if it was a him that would make it my son as well and that is not possible and wait let's check it out okay L yes Heather guess what's up here who what's up here it's just a girl ether it looks like you don't have a husband my boy sorry what do you mean I don't have a husband you're my husband husband no Luke tell her proof tell her that there's only just a girl over here no boy no there's a boy that looks exactly like SS you're married what no that's just me he's just talking about me no no Crystal it's literally just me he's lying right now I want to bu this person it's a kid okay look Crystal's wiing on a kid right now you're get mad seriously better not touch my son yo it's there is no son oh my gosh all right watch and learn Luke you ready for this W clutch yes sersi let's see it my boy are you serious right now Roxy you didn't see that right I saw it Oh My Gosh but now it's time for the Wolves to Feast Crystal there's sheep's over there come here what was that Crystal that was not a scary wolf howl Roxy show her how it's done oh that was really good just for that Boop I'mma sple you what up are you serious right now Roxy bro actually just you trolled me are you serious Roxy ain't no way now I got the speed Bridge everyone follow my booty but please I'm going tole you again do not do it Roxy do not do it I'm Ain't No Way Ain't No Way Roxy can you chill my boy we trying to get across don't SPL me you my boy I won't and it's wood as well so it's not even possible and we made it and oh my gosh everyone there's sheeps you can eat oh yeah boom sheeps have the best Tas in butts I know right oh my gosh and since I am a wolf no no I'm not what was that Crystal I not a sheep I am not a she yo yo Crystal's Wilding on me right now oh my gosh relax my boy Crystal I see where our kids are they're back over here in the cage and roxxy's already cheating really dude I'm going to make a first hey yo bro oh bro I almost just slipped off did you see that Luke that would have been # embarrassing super newbie am not superb hey hey Luke are you okay boy that was newbie that was actually newbie are you okay all right how was everyone get eat it how you got this i got this 360 what are you guys do oh my gosh Alexa maybe you have a better chance at this I'm actually the parkour Queen oo that was Sister Sligh oh my gosh Lily show her how it's dead please uh watch and learn o Lily's here all right Lily you got this my boy you got oh that was w right you have to go for this jump it's only for professionals okay and boom oh what the oh my gosh Li actually made it and I made it too why is Roxy trolling bro bro luk can you tell Roxy to chill with the trolls my boy please yo let me handle this easy pickings bro Luke kill Roxy right now ain't no way bro already done wait you boomed him yes SK oh nice job I'm going to get L N Chill Roxy I want to get to my kids I need to know if they're there and I need to know if it's with Crystal or if it's with Heather cuz there's still a chance that my kids could be with Heather it's going to be my kids ain't no way Heather it's not going to be yours I have a good feeling it's going to be me and Luke so bro I know you did not just say it's going to be me I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but wait let's see let me break it from the top what boom and the kids are o I see an oops kid hello my boy you're very handsome and oh awward I'm going to Boom this girl what the no what look she's trying to Boom my kid got coll by ro oh y Roxy boom head boom head what what just happened Heather Are you seriously trying to boo Crystal Juni whose child is that it's my child what is wrong with you my boy Crystal pull up we have to protect our kids from these crazy people L yes especially like Heather I know right me and Alexa are going to protect our kids better NOP me and Lily are nope no one's getting to my daughter oh my gosh are you serious right now krysto we have to make our kids so much more secure they're literally just on this floating block anyone can just come and yeat them from underneath or on top or even on the sides yes just like Heather did oh yeah she was actually about to Boom them you came in W clutch with that ax I was like BR Crystal's crazy but we have to make our animal family live in a great house and Crystal are ready for the greatest idea of all time a barn oh my gosh yes that's why I was born you know yeah cuz we're animals that's where all animals are born everyone knows that and for a bar we have to make it red and the roof is white and the floor is white so let's do the floor all right let's do it grab some quartz and let's build down all the way here at Crystal you build on that side and let's meet up my boy all bab I'm definitely winning what you are not winning Crystal I'm going super duper hyp speed right oh hello you actually kind of won that that was crazy nice job thank you now we have to fill up the entire floor and we could use our hands or we can use the magical W so let's grab the first position over here then fly all the way down here and set the second position like this and make it into some smooth quart eating tin oh my gosh Crystal our kids are about to live in the biggest kington ever yes they can run around and play all they want yes oh my gosh Luke you heard that you're going down my boy don't even try don't even try no fam my base is going to be way better yeah yeah that's what they all say but Crystal now we have to pick a red block for the barn and the options are wool terra cotta concrete or red stone red stone oh yeah red stone is busted and Roxy would love Redstone right oh yeah normally but today I like pink oh yeah I forgot you're a pink pig today not a red pretend to be dinosaur well what is boy capping about what all right Roxy that literally sound like it came out of Luke's head that is not a Roxy sentence Bo you're going to have to stop you got to be messed up Luke you're going to have to stop talking cuz you're making Roxy talk like you my boy oh what's the problem with that ain't no way Roxy normally sounds like this and now he's talking like what's good my boy that's how you sound what's good my hey Roxy stop oh my gosh Luke you're a bad influencer no it's a w influence he's getting Swagger oh my God swaggy sauce now ain't no way but hold up let's make a little staircase up to the Barnyard over here like that boom and Crystal what stairs should we use oh how about mangroove it's red yes great idea all right let's throw that down over here just like that Yi now we have to make the Barnyard door so let's make it super big like this and we should make it look like the Barnyard is opening up by having the doors open yes and we should make it out dark oak ooh dark oak yeah actually that does look right so let's make one dark oak going out over here like this cuz it's opening on this side and then we can make one side over here and that actually looks so swag right yes it's sister slay what oh my gosh Alexa you're making crystal talk like you as well yes it's actually girl bossing oh my gosh but Crystal now that we have the outside of the barn done we have to make the white roof and the white roof is made out of a staircase so let's do the first layer like this and then for the staircase we have to make it go up one like that all right babes on it and we have to meet up in the middle and since I'm the fastest builder in the entire universe I'm going to be there before you no caps involved no wait I'm going so fast are you sure about that boom I already made it to the middle now I just need to fill it all up and why are you doing my side Crystal what do you mean this is my side ain't no did you just finess my side bro you just finessed my side are you serious right now ain't no way yes that's sister slle that is not sister slle she just finessed my entire side bro but hold up I'm coming back right now Crystal oh yeah I already have three layers done and I have four are you serious wait I just came up with a W life I'm just going to use the magical wand first let me just set each side just like that so it's super duper easy pickings boom then let me do the same on this side over here let me make it staircase all the way up just like that so it's super easy pickings boom now I can just go down like that and then set it down with a quartz oh no Crystal it's over for you my boy I'm literally about to speed run this it's over holy quaca ble before I had to place the whole road now I could just quickly type in a command oh my gosh let go well Crystal I'm catching up and wait you actually are almost done oh no slow down please no way I only have like five layers left hey no no no no okay let me set it over here and um Crystal guess what uh you are you're literally baing you're baing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and let's go done I'm you are not done and wait yes I am you are not but wait I'm technically not done I still have one more layer up over here yes why are you saying yes like you're going to beat me have literally three layers left and I'll even do the middle one just for the both of us over here just like that but Crystal we actually have a big problem we have to fill it all up how are we going to do that bab it's going to take forever well it would take forever if we were newbie butts but we could just use the magical one just like that and boom we get most of it done like this yes this is going sister SL oh my goodness gracious I hear you Crystal hey y stop talking Alexa please I beg you what what's the problem oh my gosh I don't know what any of those words mean sister slay yes and girl boss oh my goodness gracious queen waa it's looking so good on the back wait let's see if it looks good in the front bro Crystal you didn't even start in the front yet are you serious right now my boy uhuh I I finished I finished you did not finish bro was capping but hold up don't worry we could just do it like this with the magical wand just make the back side look good in case there's any mess ups and I'll work on the front and the two layer at once works so well you go super duper superer fast like this boom and then finally boom Oh My Gosh our barn is looking amazing Crystal yes no way anybody has this much buildt I know right and oop you fixed up the back oh I love it so much but wait a minute Crystal since our two kids who are wolves are going to live in here we need to make it super duper fun to be in so Crystal you already know what I'm about to do you're going to buy a TV and com through on what all right seriously how did you just guess that Crystal cuz I know you babes oh my goodness gracious boy ain't no way hold up let me throw the TV like that then let's fill it all up just like this y eating to now Crystal I know you think I'm only going to put one but guess how many I'm about to put one two how did you actually and what the what is that it's a bu a skeleton what the heck get that out of here and oh my n now we have four Kung Fu ohes on our kids is going to enjoy this this is liness but we have to make a place to sit and since they are animals we have to make them sit on the floor just please put this floor is making my butt hurt I know right it's mad hard we have to make the children sit on the floor but not on the super duper hard floor but I know exactly what we could use two words light blue carpet okay that's three words Crystal carp is just one word um well it's better than three words yeah okay okay okay let's go around and let's set a little carpet down in front of the ginormous TV and we have to make it even so let's go down like this then make it turn and check out this cool little pattern I'm doing oh my gosh this is Sister slay right yes slay quen oh I okay but now let's set down the cyan after the light blue it's going to be in a pattern it's going to be light blue then cyan then light blue again so let's go all around over here boom perfect and wait oh gosh the pattern goes uh Crystal what just happened oh bab you just have to go like that oh I don't know I know what I did wrong I messed up the C now it should be good cuz now we can put the light blue next over here then go around this way Boop then throw the S down yes this is looking so sister SL I know right and wa that's such a cool pattern now we can sit down and chill but Crystal I do want my kids to be animals not just like indoor animals they have to be a little bit wild so I'm going to put a little dirt area over here so they could chill in the dirt yes and they can roll around and go like this I exactly so let's put some fences down over here just like that boom and then I'm going to replace the floor all with some super duper dirty dirt yes I need a bite of this dirt what Crystal do not eat the dirt my boy that Crystal what yo no why are you biting the dirt so loud bro that is not healthy oh my gosh but check it out there's so much dirt over here yes now I can roll around in the mud but Grumble Grumble my tummy starting to her oh Nar Crystal what type of parents are we how are we going to feed our kids and wait a minute since we are wolves we like to eat sheep so we need to make them eat raw mutton that's what sheeps drop when we boom them yes let me have a bite of that all right here you go take a bunch but kids we have to make it so you guys can get them super easily and Crystal I know exactly how we're going to make it so our fridge automatically eats out raw mutton y it's going to be the mutton feed 9000 ooh that's a great name for it and wait I know a super awesome way to make a fridge that automatically yeets out food first we have to grab an iron block cuz we want to make the fridge look like a normal fridge so let's put it over here like that then we want to go around put an iron door over here then a dispenser like that oh my gosh yes but there's no food coming out of it so well Chris I'm still baking the fridge silly check it out if I put a lever it opens the fridge door but not only that since there's a lever it's going to activate this dispenser inside and if we throw some ra m in here check out what happens when you what Crystal why is it not working none of the food is getting eaten wait I know it's cuz we're next to redstone blocks oh my gosh it's holding the dispenser activated so if we make all of them turn into quartz like this when we flick the lever we get food oh my gosh Crystal this is actually awesome the fridge eats out food that is so cool right yes now our kids can get food whenever they want I know right but hold up Crystal what if they're not tall enough to reach the lever we need to wait for them to just walk up and it automatically opens yes what do we do wait if we put a pressure plate right over here it activates the door but it doesn't activate the dispenser but to do that all we need is some Redstone to go around over here up to this block and now it should wait wait wait wait wait if I go around here and uh wait Crystal I know I'm do no don't worry I know what I'm doing if I just Boop here and then Boop Bo Boop here and then make this like that uh I think it should work hold up let me give it a little test why is it activated the Redstone is broken Crystal wait okay now it should work what the what are you oh my gosh it works yes sir now if we walk up to the pressure plate it still shoots out food so we don't even need the lever we'll just use the pressure plate method this is way better oh my gosh I love it but we need to make the kitchen still look nice we don't even have a place to sit at what if the other families come over yes and where are we going to even eat our raw mutton exactly oh my gosh okay first things first every kitchen needs some furnaces so let's throw a ton down over here like this and we're going to need some cabinets and shelves so let's grab some cabinets up over here some shelves down here and we can grab a sink to do all of the dishes like that and throw water inside wash wash wash oh nice job Crystal and we're going to need a ton of plates to eat our food so let's grab some of the plates boom and I'm going to throw them in the cabinets down over here so we have some extra now we need a little sitting area for everyone so let's grab some tables in everyone's color yes let's make our like white oh yeah since we are white wolves and I remember luky was a green slime so this is close to Green Roxy a ly worth Pig and Heather was like black and red oh my gosh Crystal we literally have all the colors so this is going to be mine and yours and this is going to be our kids then this is going to be Roxy and Lily then Roxy and Lily kids then this is going to be Heather's and then Heather's kid and then luky Alexa ly Alexa kid this dining table is gigantic yes but what if our legs de tired we need some seeds oh my gosh yeah you're right I do not want to stand while I eat that sounds terrible let's grab some cheers and I want to make the match so let's grab white chairs let's grab some green let's grab some pink and then some red and some black now we could throw one two one two then one two one two over here one and one then finally one two one two oh my gosh this table is gigantic let's throw it out the plates and Crystal let's serve up the food for everybody first we have to serve me and the kids food so let's go to the fridge and grab a bunch of raw buttons yes now let's put it down on the plates o all right I got exactly four 1 2 three and four but wait a minute now we have to get something for Roxy and Lily and they're pigs right yes but what do pigs like oh I know they like carrots Roxy Lily do you guys like carrots oh yeah give me some right now oh all right perfect Lily said that they like carrots let's grab carrots and we could throw it for them and their kids now Heather what do spiders like to eat Heather Heather eat pigs what the what Roxy you did not hear that what hey oh my no I guess they eat pigs all right let's throw some pigs on the plate let's grab some pork chops and elash it's right next to Roxy and Lily and then finally we have Luke and L is a slime what the what do Slimes even eat Luke what do Slimes eat what what the heck what was that Luke oh that's just slime language for we eat slime oh slime do you want balls yes that's my favorite way to eat eat them he ain't no way bro eating balls no way bro you're sus Luke you're sus it's slime balls so it cancels out the sus nness oh my gosh but Crystal the living room is missing a little bit of fun over here and I know exactly what to give our kids we're going to give them a pet wolf yes so then they can run around and play and while the wolf goes back exactly so wait let's make a little fenced area over here just like this and kids I am about to give birth to a brand new pet W boom my gosh he's actually adorable wait Crystal we have to tame him let's grab some bones and let's see if we can get him come on my boy please yes I Ted him and I want to change his color to light blue so let's Dy him up and Crystal we have to pick a name H I know I know I know Milo oh my gosh hi Milo yeah Milo's a fire name all right let's run that name up Milo and what boom we got Milo to dog ohar bro is actually mad chill look at him just chilling hello oh my gosh now our kids is f to Vibe with him all day but Crystal major problem alert major problem alert what's the problem babes we have everything in the house but we don't have any rooms our kids are going to be so sad if they don't have bedrooms yeah where are they going to sleep what if they get tired exactly but luckily we are the best parents in the world so let's make them their very own bedroom come on crystal let's make the floor and since it's the bar we have to make out of redstone blocks yes let's do this thing all right let me set the first position over here second position over here then destroy crystal in speed boom that was not you that was not you my boy but now we need a way to get up over here and wait we could literally just make a little staircase right over here boop boop boop boop and Boop just like that now oh my gosh we got Le up straight to the upstairs and wait Crystal we need actual stairs so we can go up quickly so let's grab some bickington and throw them down just like that Y and do the same to make it two layer so the kids don't slip off like total noobs just perfect w we made it upstairs and we want to make a room over here and this is going to be our son SS Junior's room so let's make one ginormous wall just like that and wait since this is his room we should make the wall out of a cool color how about we make it out of gray yes that's going to match him perfectly exactly so let's set the first position here second position here and let's sub like gray concrete oh no Crystal that actually looks very swag right yes it's sister slay I know right let's go up over here Boop set it like that then go over here on the back like this first position second position and set it down wo awesome sa but bab we need a door to get inside of his room oh my gosh you're right let's break the door right over here like this side oh my gosh there's so much space in here Chris Crystal and we're going to make this our son's room his name is going to be omy junior yes yes yes his name is SL I know right here let me put a sign over here so everyone knows it's omy Junior y ye tington awesome now in his room what should we make his bed out of we should make his bed a giant wolf oh my gosh wait Crystal I'mma base it off of your face stand right over here so I can collect all the blocks I need look at me in the eyeballs look at me in the balls all right babe I want to M you what the what is bro talking about all right wait just stand right there okay now I need to grab the I yo don't move are you actually Crystal please please stop moving Crystal stop with the trolls my boy let me grab the black let me grab the white yo yo back up bro I want to Mo bro and then finally you have poopy Brown on your face all right let me grab the poopy Brown wo and boom perfect now we must make your face so it is one two can you please stop moving 1 2 3 four blocks up 1 2 3 four blocks up then you have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I already counted it 1 2 3 4 5 6 and seven then we want to make it four again this way now we have to make the face and you have two blocks of poopy Brown over here just like that then you have the white and it's like a little U shape of white underneath then we could throw the black for the nose down in the middle just like that Y and hold up wait I think we made it one too thick so if we just shave one side off like that boom fix it up Crystal now it looks great now let me see what the eyeballs look like and it's just two blocks up over there so one two one and two and wait crystal is that looking right yes it looks so sister slay hold up it actually does look sister slle now if I throw the gray in the middle like this oh my goodness gracious he's adorable hold up let me put blocks around and give him little ears that could pop up just like this oh my n this boy is adorbs right yes I would love to sleep here I know right and hold up wait I'm going to put some pink for his ears so let's grab some pink will put one over here like that one over here like this and then we can put the bed right over here in the middle and since he is my son I'm going to make the bed light blue oh my gosh Crystal this is the most litty bed ever yes I love it so much me too no it's so cool and wait we have this whole area over here and we could give him a w wardrobe yes this is where he's going to put his drip sauce on yes sersi all right let's put the wall over here and Crystal build it super duper high with me I'm faster than you so just try and be almost as fast as me all right already done what oh wow you actually finished nice job Crystal and let me finish these blocks over here now let me grab a door and Double Y them like this now we can enter and Crystal I'm going to give him some super sauce drip go what's the first outfit you're going to give him well first I'm about to put a armor stand here and this is going to be his little confit No Cap so let me grab a sign and make that John say little calm fit oh yeah so now when he walks into it it's going to give him a little confit you ready to see this yes put it on all right Boop and I'm feeling drippy Crystal do I look swag what what's so funny why are you laughing what's funny you look like you're going to your first day of kindergarten what what the yo the lowc com fit is actually so lowc com fitting oh my gosh this is swag I have a backpack oh no this is actually W drip Crystal this is seriously W drip wait now that we have the lowc fit on let's put the more drippy type of fit so we'll put it right over here grab the sign and we want super drip fit oh no this one's going to be serious Crystal peep this boom bam you're wearing a dress what what are you talking about this supposed to be super drip am I drippy yeah what the what is this bro I'm literally wearing a dress right now I'm literally wearing a dress do not take a picture of this Crystal end wait I actually look super duper sister slay I have hearts all around and I even have a Christmas hat and what are you doing right now say hi to the camera hey yo oh my gosh are you serious right now but we gave him a w wardrobe now let's give him a little door like this and boom perfect and wa am I still wearing the dress yeah you are oh my gosh I don't know how to take it off but now we have to make our dog room Crystal so let's make the wall right over here and speedrun placing the blocks Crystal I'm going so fast right now you're not anywhere near as quick what was saying is not going to make you fast Crystal oh ohar bro just turned on the super drives but wait I could just use the magical one grab the first position up over here second position all the way down here then set it with some light gray concrete and Crystal you are not done Brown that that was me that was literally me that was me that was not you Crystal Bros baing but boom now we need a little door over here let's throw it down and we're going to name this one Christal Jr Christal is that her name yes it's Christal Crystal Chrystal wow I love Crystal but now we need her to have a w bed what would a girl dog want for a bed bab a giant bump but with a ribbon on it with oh my gosh you're actually so smart yes we're going to make a giant bone for her to sleep on so check it out let's put it like that then put it like that and that looks so cool and we can put a ribon and since she is your daughter I'm going to make it C yes copy the ribbon in my hair wait what okay turn around turn around that that's not a ribbon crystal that's a flower but sure I'll give her a flower ribbon yes it's slime W that actually looks so good I like it a lot now we have to give her her beds and I'm going to make it C beds boopy Boop boopy Boop and boopy Boop this looks so cool now she can jump and she can literally sleep on a bone and Crystal is you sleeping my boy honey I'm going to take this bed what do not call me honey crystal that's actually W sauce but Crystal her room is mad empty we need something super duper lit in here than I want a doggy pool a doggy pool oh my gosh that would actually be awesome oh yeah let's do a little doggy pool around here so let's just put some slabs and we're literally giving our daughter a hot tub in her room this is literally where all the fun parties is about to go down so let's grab the water and Y eat it everywhere doggy pool oh yeah why am I still wearing the dress my boy excuse me m who are you talking to who are you calling a mama who there's nobody where the doggy pool mayama hey that's me crystal are you serious right now think she's funny I am not a m but wow the doggy pool is chill but Crystal we need our room as well where the parents are I'm getting so tired I want a little place to slay I know right but BR we literally used all the space ball what if we made the room oh no this actually about to be a genius idea up over here it could be like above everyone we could have the top room in the house yes and we're going to have it all to ourselves yes sersi all right let's put the floor down Crystal let's go crazy I'm going so fast right now you can never beat me stop making that sound you're not even placing that fast my boy bruh bro bro thinks that she's that guy oh yeah oh yeah I'm going crazy oh yeah oh yeah e and Crystal that was me I finished first but we need to make the stairs go higher so let's make it continue on right over here just like that going all the way up like this then we can make that John turn but we're going to make it turn into some slabs so let's grab the slabs over here and Boom place it like that Crystal now let's set the stairs up better just like that y yeting tin and boom now we have the second floor here but if you want to go up to the third floor you just have to hit a quick spin of the block then boom go up oh my gosh Crystal say hello to our room hello SL but we need our room to have a bunch of beds and I'm going to make in a cool pattern check it out it's light blue and San now let me flip it over here light blue and cyan it up like that oh my gosh our bed is gigantic in case our kids ever want to sleep with us yes and I get to sleep next to you hey yo Bros being sauce but let's add a little dressing area over here with a mirror so we can check ourselves out when we wake up so let's set it down with a light blue then we got to grab the glass and check it out Crystal boom we have a mirror now oh yeah check yourself out oh my gosh I'm so beautiful wow Crystal you are truly beautiful as a friend as a friend don't be weird he was to dat me what Luke how did you hear that bro how did you hear thats I can hear you trying to Riz from a mile away I am not trying to Riz my boy me and Crystal are just friends no R necessary my boy no R necessary nope extremely sus activities that is not sus activities right crystal we're just friends and that's all we're ever going to be corrects that smoo bro we've never smooched before but let me fit the wall over here like this and yes our room is super duper awesome but Crystal I came up with a really good idea oh my gosh what's your idea I want to make a way to get quickly to everyone else's Island and bro oh my gosh Heathers looks awesome Roxy and LLY look awesome and even Luke's look awesome I want to be able to visit our friends bab let's make a run coaster to all of them oh my gosh you're actually a genius Crystal I'm going to put the redstone blocks and you put the rails let's do this and first I'm going to make it lead all to Mid so we can have four ways to go on yes and then we can pick our ways exactly but first we have to go through our Island so let's break this tree and then make it go down over here and which island do you want to go to First Heather's Island over here or Luke's Island over there let's go to Luke all right let's spin the block over here like this and y'all ly yo Alexi we're pulling up to your cribbons here my boys wait hold up hold up hold up what are you guys doing check it out we're making a giant awesome roller coaster we're going to make it lead all around what that's actually super sweet I know right so I can always visit my BFFs forever do so we're visiting my BFFs right now hi Luke hi Alexa now let's visit our other BFFs Roxy Lily we're pulling up to the kington hey dude what you doing right now we're making a giant roller coaster bro your side looks awesome oh my gosh hurry up Crystal we have to do it quick I need to see what their side looks like from up close yes it looks like a big oink oink what a big huh oink oink do you mean Pig what do you mean oink oink oink oink oink oink ay no way Chris being s but let's go over here and hello Roxy hello Lily whoa this oink I mean Pig not oink o is looking super cool what are you doing why are you building on our side we're making a roller coaster to reach everyone's side what this is so big yes sir and wait I'm about to Le it to Heather's side now hello Heather yes that looks amazing yes sir Heather we're making it go all the way to your side hello and wait I want to avoid that spider that JN is mad scary let's go all the way to the back of your build over here hello and we're about to make it go through down just like that let's spam the blocks and Crystal how is the rails going good I'm making a few touchups ooh very smart and wait we have to make it go one block up to fit over Heather side hello Heather bye Heather bye hes bye hes see you later oh yeah yeah let's go down like this and Crystal we're about to reach Back To The Barnyard no cap and wait instead of reaching To The Barnyard let's just reach down over that way so we could lead back to the crib yeah so you can go back to where we started exactly so let's go down over here just like this y t TI and we're about to make it Crystal hurry up hurry up place the rails place the rails and I'm about to make it go up so it can reset us around so let's go right here make a turn and then go down one perfect Crystal here I'll help you out the rails let me Place some down over here like this and connect with you just these are so many I know right it is like a bajillion but we're about to link up right now what's good Crystal hey babes what's up and wait put a normal rail right over here I missed the quarter now should we give it a try yes I want to go say hi to all of them all right let's do it let's hop into mine carts here I'll put one for you and then one for me right over here 3 2 1 go and yeah we're off and why am I still in the maain dress what is this hey Ma are you serious I am not a ma'am yo Luke we're pulled up to your crib check it out check it out what's goody shees this thing's swaggy I know right and hold up hold up hold up I want to see what you added to your crib now that we're here let's parkour up what did you do luky you know just made some awesome slime parkour baby wait where is it I want to try is it right here yep it starts over here and there's a game over here that I'll show you later o all right all right let me give it a shot so it starts right here right uh-huh see if you can make it all the way to the top oh y did the first one oh made the second one oh my gosh look this actually M mad fun oh my gosh this is hard yep it it's so much fun yeah it is I love how my booty bug goes boom boom I just hit my head I just hit my head oh my gosh look this is actually kind of hard y'all what's good to like so watch and learn oh I'm going crazy oh I'm going crazy way you could do it just did it adop someone messed up the Redstone over here bro it's locked I got y'all boys wait wait okay I don't got y'all boys Luke activate it and then turn it off again I got yous oh run it up and oh gosh ohar this is some serious bounce I'm getting wait wait wait wait let me oh gosh I don't know what to jump oh oh gosh wait I'm wait for the next giant boost okay let me stop right yo yo oh my door I'm crazy I know you saw that Alexa I know you saw that I made it all the way to the top that was lit LCA yes sersi this is how my kids are going to learn how to jump oh this is awesome yeah I do feel a little bit more bouncy right now but Luke what is this game my boy what is this game check it out grab some snowballs you have to bounce them off the slime block into the net what bro are you crazy at huh how do you do that what the oh oh you have to go over here get on the trampoline oh you have to do a mid jump is what you're saying yes s ski oh n that makes it mad hard yeah and hold up hold up hold up hold up come on bounce bounce bounce oh my that was wait let me try and Shoot actually a bucket oh every time you make it there's a firework this is actually sauce wait roxxy's here what's good Roxy let's go what is bro it dude this is actually lit Luke bro made basketball I love it but hold up Roxy let's pull up to your side with the rails hop inside the mine cart I'm pulling up yo Lily we're pulling up to your crib my boy yay now you can finally see my piggy oh I want to see it bro Roxy trolled by adding a bunch of mine carts and hey Roxy my my boy oh my gosh bro just spawned like a thousand of them but wait let's go down over here and this piggy so cute yeah we worked really hard on her oh my gosh this boy looks a little bit deformed I'm not going to lie Lily I'm not going to lie nope it's just the face that looks weird what oh my gosh but hold up wait there's parkour over here and luckily I am a professional and I made it to the Piggy's back luk look at me I'm on his butt bro yo ma'am what are you doing what are you talking about L it's o I thought you were someone's grandma what oh my I am not a grandma bro but yeah that's what I thought too y Lily are you serious right now ain't no way but come on let me parkour like a pro y y y oh gosh then go up here what's up Chris really Crystal you didn't warn me that there was a BL right here oh my no wait let me jump over here like that yting it's complicated yeah it's super complicated bruh are you serious right now bro doing more parkour as you're doing what that's why it's like not ending I'm like bro why is it so hard oh my God Roxy wait what is this up over here who's in here oh that's our kids they're super protected oh I get it that's why the parkour leads up here wait wait just let's make it a little easier let's set it like that oh no let's try to get in but said they're super protected I wanted to try it out bro just sumon TN hello children what's going on yeah Roxy you're right these kids are very protected good job but let's check out Heather side everyone M card up and let's Zoom oh yeah Heather's side literally looks super duper cool yo Heather we're pulling up it hold up did you make another spider yeah I made that by myself wow I like the double spider that's lit and bro your side looks mad scary No Cap but hold up what's this giant building oh right here you just have to free the pig spiders what the pig spiders what is bro yapping about it bro but you got to do it in survival mode what what do you mean free the P who's the pig spiders locked up in here look oh I see them all right I'm going to test it out what what are those SS Rock even start yet nothing's happening bro wait what armor am I of wearther here look come you have to grab your diamond armor ooh that's W swag all right I got it on me now I'm about to throw it on I'm going in game mode survival everyone watching oh my gosh the spiders are escaping wait I'm in survival now what's good y'all what's good y got this I can't do it cuz I didn't get a pickaxe someone give a p please you just break the fence it's not it's not I can't break I need a pickaxe please I help you I'll help you I break one please bro oh like where is it where is it wait am I supposed to kill these boys I have to kill them y y are crazy oh my gosh I about die they're infecting the normal spiders oh my bro brh brh BR jump boost bro what jump boost are you talking about I'm getting absolutely destroyed right now bro bro bro someone please help your boy I'm going give you some strength my boy hey yo I am completely suck right now this is not good yo what's up oh look the start's coming yo yo yo you're not that guy buddy you're not that guy yo what's up bro what's you're not him bro you're not him stop it stop it you're not the topic bro yo yo yo yo what's up Bo oh my gosh and wait I need to free this boy too what's good bro Boop let's go and I got the jump boost oh my gton check me out guys I got serious hops you're welcome Heather I saved the day yay you want to smooch what's up bro I am not smooching you Heather bro now that I have serious so I can make it up to your kids easier oh that's why we have to get the jump boost so you can make it up fast okay oh I ran out of jump boost oh my gosh I have to do the rest legit wait I have a better idea check it out guys it's called game mode creative what's goody with the hood it's not hacking Roxy and I got to your kid awesome sauce and guys all of us made awesome family houses yes sir we did it yay and I'm still in a m dress are you serious wo guys we're on a one chunk wait a minute Alexa Roxy Lily Luke where's Christa oh no your girlfriend has been taken brah who took my girl I mean who took my friend I say that it's your girlfriend I didn't say that oh no hey babes we're playing a one Chuck together oh my what guys it's Heather bro why am I the only one that doesn't sound happy luk are you happy to see her yeah she's kind of a baddie what well Lily why are you happy to see her super popular what Roxy what what about you it's because Lily likes her and I like whatever Lily likes she literally took Crystal away from us oh my gosh are you serious Alexa I'm not even going to ask you're just going to say cuz she's popular slay Queen slay Heather give me a hug hey are you serious right now she literally kidnapped Krystal oh my gosh Heather give her back right now where is she I put her in an N Dimension forever what the end Dimension Heather you're cruel you're cruel you're never getting her back are you serious right now brah Heather is the worst B we're on a one trunk and wait a minute there's a bunch of blocks so that means the end portal is at the bottom let's Dig Down Boys e no oh gosh we're already toast dude netherite blocks how are we supposed to buy netherite blocks we need a pickaxe and wait a minute Roxy I know exactly how to get a pickaxe from the wood everyone we're on tree mining duties yes let's get some crafting tables oh yeah yeah I'm mining right now I'm going fast everyone stop you don't want to save Crystal Heather nobody is going to listen to are you serious right now just because you're popular doesn't mean the girls are going to listen okay I stopped what what do you mean Lily why' you stop because she's popular and she told me to do it oh my goodness gracious Roxy can you please give me the wood yes s I'm just grabbing this last piece oh my gosh F Rox you're like the only normal one I already know Luke would have gave Heather all the wood no I wouldn't oh almost passed me the wood so I can give it to Heather but hey don't I thought you were going to CR are you serious right now thank you l oh my go Heather can I have some of the wood uh what are you going to do with it save Crystal with it of course I won allow you to save Crystal I'm throwing it out the world no no no are you serious please don't do hether please byebye bro how did get it Roxy wasn't even close bro bro just walked off oh my goodness gracious good thing I collected some wood from the other tree and sticks are falling from the leaves perfect everyone slide me all the materials you got all right boom thank you oh I already have some sticks but who should I trust to have a pickaxe with Lily are you going to give the pickaxe to Heather if she asks of course I will what you're not even going to lie about it oh my gosh all right what about you Alexa G over here we're on Heather's team oh my gosh what about you Luke are you going to be on Heather's team or OHS Heather does have a g but you are my boy what bro are you seriously talking about a g over your bro yep I'll never forget the bro code yes sir and Roxy I already know you're on my team right yes I the Bros are in oh yeah yeah you hear the Heather you may have the girls but I have the Brows here you go Luke take the pickaxe and Roxy take the pickaxe and even though it's netherite we could still mine it if we all work together you can mine it if we get in your face he are you Ser are you Ser you y oh my gosh girls stop we're going to have to Boom you get away from me everyone this going to be too crazy going to be too crazy how about you just let us M and we won't boom you deal oh fine that's the only way I guess okay few boys I just bought it some time everyone mine the netherite blocks boom W let's go we got it and now boys we can go down quickly go go go go go in there's bone and snow everyone come down quickly we have to gear up yes sir we got to get the goodies oh yeah yeah and then we're going to free crystal and then guess what Heather I'm never going to speak to you again cuz you're a Mei patini you're a meie p pants what uh are you serious I am not a Paton what does that even mean a me peti pants what oh my gosh BR boys look underneath our toes we can make a little upgrade on our pickaxe this is all Stone yes sir ski now we can mine way faster oh yeah yeah yo Heather can you get the crafting table from up there only cuz I have a crush on you I'll bring it what oh my gosh Heather why do you have a crush on me stop being weird I don't have a crush on you back well you're so cute and like look at your dimples dimples these are not dimples those are my Rosy Red cute cheeks for girls I am not a girl are you serious you're literally blushing while we're speaking I am not blushing that's my natural skin texture she's Rising you up she is not Rising Me Up Just place the crafting table down oh my goodness gracious are you serious right now w l Riz L Riz and wait I got to make some sticks no Roxy don't encourage her behavior I'm making sticks I just got a stone pickaxe we're leveling up and I'm also going to make a stone shovel because I notice underneath our toes is gravel and look at how fast I'm mining Roy are you okay oh no that boy stuck in cobwebs but luckily I know the solution it's also with stone we could grab some Stone and make a stone sword with it I'm doing it Roxy don't worry oh my go there you go buddy boom use the sword easy and also the sword is good for blicking your enemies easy peasy hey why are you doing that to the queen Lily she's not the queen she just has like popularity I guess wait why do you guys like her no like for real she's super popular so you have to treat her like a princess is there any other reason she's also a cheerleader anything else why do we like her why do you guys like her so much cuz she's super fun and pretty oh I think it's just because she's popular so you're pretending like you like her even though she's annoying yeah I said that Heather I said it what you said that you love me to smooch me come here he Roy move away oh my God yo Boomer all right that's actually Super S stuck yeah you're stuck and you're getting boomed oh my gosh Roxy did you just hear what you said that was literally sus right no I'm going to cover you up thank you I appreciate it my boy Luke watermelons watermelons oh I was getting hungry too oh no me too I was actually starving and guys there's even some more wood underneath our toes yo Heather can you bring the crafting table down please I got you cue please don't call me that oh my gosh I'm going to call you cutie for now on never do that are you serious right now yo oh my gosh Heather's making everyone be weird Heather where's my crafting table my way sweetheart what oh my gosh don't call me sweetheart that's actually weird I'm going to tell Crystal another girls calling you sweetheart hey don't do that and wait Alexa can you get me some Cobblestone cuz I want to make an a please yes here's three thank you very much Alexa I appreciate you my boy now with these three I can make an axe and I can join in on the melon farming and the wood farming let's go I'm making such good progress and I'm going to save some of these melons for Crystal show he's going to love me what did you say about Crystal I said I'm going to get her a gift so she's going to love me you heard that you heard that Crystal won't love you as much as I love you cuz I'm popular oh my D put your last arms only oh my gosh Roxy Boomer please oh oh wow Roxy's pretty good at that I think Roxy's a professional ohms and Crystal shipper yes II here some water oh oh thank you very much oh no I'm more of a Heather and Ms type of guy hey bro oh my gosh actually don't sh me with anyone no one Shi me with anyone I'm only shipped with my muscles that's the only person you could do that with Luke is speaking facts right now what oh my gosh Luke who do you me with semi muscles right now or you're against the bro code homes your muscles Heather what really bro are you are you serious right now boy away Bo Luke look what's underneath the ice right now bro look what's underneath the ice bro let me take a look oh no but wait a minute oh no Luke there's a major problem to break emeralds you need iron what no don't break them you're going to waste it yeah okay I only broke one so we can make it through and la oh no oh no oh really bro but guys I'm about to actually cry do you know what or I just saw what it la it was lapis but he took Crystal you're getting boomed you're getting boomed hey what's up Crystal's not here so you can't not booming you how dare you Crystal would have loved the lap stay away from the queen what was that Luke I mean go ahead boom not fair luk that was really sus of you my boy No Cap but Roxy watch this W clutch easy pickings made it down you guys can come wait oh gosh the lapis is falling in the lava oh goodness C oh oh sorry Roxy wait we need to grab some lapis for Crystal wait a minute Roxy did you even realize this look if we mine the lapis the purple sand above Falls and we still get the lapis oh my gosh that's very overpowered and we also get levels let's go how much levels are you at I'm already at four and I know you're going to say five just cuz you're trying to one up me how many are you at I at five I knew it I knew it but I got a ton of lapis so I could enchant and I could also get her a gift but boys come on let's mine down more and wo bookshelves Roxy bookshelves we can mine and cakes oh my gosh wait L are these your cakes no I totally didn't get hired to make them oh my gosh Lily these cakes are actually busting did you know that Lily owns a bakery that's why her cakes are always so good but oh we need to find iron in order to mine all the good blocks ums look down yeah I see cakes what about the cakes mine the cake and then look down okay and iron my wish came true let's go w we F to get some iron pickax is oh yeah yeah wait wait to make a full set of iron is 24 iron plus if you want a pickaxe that's 24 + three of focus on my G stop mining Focus what okay n n n you got me all the way messed up that was actually weird bro Lily why do you even like her that was weird right yeah that part was pretty weird but she's popular so I have to what oh my goodness gracious really but wait I'm at a iron and I need 24 + three that's 27 iron in total yeah I learned math and okay I'm at 11 pieces well I'm at 12 I'm catching up right now Ro 16 I'm at 17 I'm I'm at 14 I'm catching up I'm at 19 all right really bro oh my goodness gracious you don't even know how much I'm at well now you're probably at like 20 no I was just kidding about like 17 a stack in 17 oh are you serious right now bro Luke Roxy's try Harding well my iron already in a furnace what boy ay no way you're actually baing you're you're literally baing you're literally baing well I'm about to make the furnace chill chill bro it's capping oh my gosh dude really but wait make extra furnaces so everyone has some boy I ain't got that much Cobblestone are you serious right now oh my gosh oh nice Roxy can you throw some over to me I should asked Roxy not Luke Roxy always has overpower stff 31 iron what uh oh thank you for the iron I guess why are you guys just give me your iron oh so you can make stuff for us oh okay sure I got you guys and oh I'm stealing Luke's iron thank you Luke hey I put it in the roof so no one would notice bro that is mad noticeable but I'm going to make the smelting area right over here cuz guys we also have to get a lot of armor because when we save Crystal we have to protect her from the Dragon no just let it get bomed by the dragon oh no no no now I actually have to destroy you no no no how dare you how dare you bye not fair super Fair how dare you say that about a crystal but wait let me throw the stack in here and bro guys we need something to smell with and I know we could use some wood and then Boop put that John in there and Luke we should go upstairs and get some more blocks to make furnaces oh yes and then we get smell the iron in literally no time yeah I know right but oh my goodness gracious we have to go up from the side because there's lava above our heads and we would get roasted yeah your butt cheeks would get melted I know right but oop I just passed the emeralds over here and I made it yes back to the Cobblestone I'm going to mine a ton of these bad boys I need enough for two furnaces how many Cobblestone pieces is that guys 8+ 8 is 16 oh all right nice math and wait is that actually right Lily confirm is that right you're the smart one at math yep it he what yo Luke how are you actually that guy at B it's cuz I heard Lily say it I'm not going to lie bro oh my gosh bro is literally just baing right now but o I'm at six seven eight okay I have enough for one furnace I might have get enough for two so we could split it up and go twice as fast yes that's going to get us so much iron I know right and Boop 14 then Boop 15 then Boop 16 easy pickings now let me go down this side over here and oh gosh oh gosh guys um the fire from the through the lava may be spreading ow ow oh gosh I'm literally burning I'm literally burning bab let me blow you off you literally killed me your breath killed me yo your breath literally killed me are you serious yo your breath was mad hot my boy I was just eating watermelons they smell juicy oh my n but wait I got to clutch down here and oh gosh CR go down here and hello guys I am back and I have enough for two furnaces but we have to make the crafting table over here and then check this out I'm about to double furnace up Y and wait where's the other furnaces o right over here so if we split up the iron and all the wood we could put it in here and make it go so much faster yep we're going quadruple fast right now oh yeah yeah wait even luuk has some Boop finesse that jot and I'm about to make me an iron pickaxe let's go and I'm also going to make an iron chest plate cuz I need to protect myself especially from Heather yeah you heard that right Heather I'm gearing up just cuz of you what about me you always make crystal armor but never me yeah because Crystal's mad chill and she doesn't actually try and like boom me um she does always try to smooch you though yeah well well um um uh do you like it no I don't like it when she does that I'm just saying that like she's not weird though she's not weird that's why dude she's pretty weird I'm not going to lie wow wow she's she she she's really pretty no no no no heed it hammer and Crystal in a tree all right well at least you guys didn't sing part two then comes marriage then comes the baby and baby car are you serious wait we're having kids no I would never have a kid with you oh my goodness gracious audacious B I'm collecting even more iron I'm about to have a full set of iron armor no caps involved I just need to make me some pants and some booties I'm about to have a full set too oh here Roxy do you have to make you a helmet my boy yes sersi here's some iron oh I already made it but oh thank you for the iron but I need to make you some pants so let me go to all of my furnaces and Boop I have hey now I can make you pants Roxy here you go I am actually stuck in that cheese oh yeah yeah and um Heather you still don't have armor H why you being rode oh there's lava oh no Roxy emergency what do we do what do we do I'm going to put her in the lava what Roxy Roy wow that was crazy you're going to pay for that Roxy Alexa chill yo yo yo yo everyone chill Alexa girl get Roxy oh no the girls are fighting Roxy what is going on right now Roxy what are you okay guys chill oh my Lily you just boomed Roxy that wasn't me that was Alexa I'm getting iron okay fine that was oh no yo Luke Roxy like are beefing okay wow she just went off the edge gosh it's cuz Roxy so scary but no I need to get him what no guys chill chill chill chill chill chill all right Fally have to stick together boys yes sir we already have an enemy known as Heather that literally stole Crystal are you guys not upset about that you think I'm upset I'm super upset oh oh thank you I thought Roxy was going to be like psych I'll say it for him psych really bro oh my n but hold up Luke you need some booties here you go my brother M and wait Lily do you need some armor too yeah can I have a helmet yeah I got you I'll make you more than that there you go helmet and there you go chest plate and I'll even make you a sword Lily no way thank you no problemo there you go why are you giving another girl stuff what because lill is like one of my BFFs we literally have like basically the same outfit on she copied me I no you copied me no no no no Lily you totally copied me how dare you Lily you're not a part of the popular girls anymore oh no see Lily see how bad being friends with Heather is she literally just cut you out of the popular girls whatever being friends withes is better oh let's go oh yeah Boomer Boomer boomer this is what you got this is what you get did you lost all your powers oh no oh yeah Rox you're on spam blicking duties very smart all right boys let's continue going down cuz we now have a full set of ir armor let's voyage and Roxy's going to spam her in wait guys oh my gosh this is perfect we just got some nether core ores these give us mad XP no caps yep so we can enchant our booty oh yeah yeah bro Roxy did you already Blick her up oh no she just fell in the lava wait what did you even do anything oh no Heather you're a n oh my gosh that was a big newbie moment for me oh Nar I'm already at 10 levels let's go boys all right let's continue voyaging down Roxy all right Boo oh Luc is about to while out oh is about to while out diamonds emeralds oh no I'm about to have the most wrong I already know you're this the dream I don't even have a pickaxe wait what you don't have a pickaxe wait here Roxy I got you I don't even have iron does anybody have extra iron wait instead of iron I can just make you a diamond one place down a crafting table all right B thank you very much and does anybody have sticks I need to make me and Roxy a diamond pickaxe three sticks oh thank you Roxy I appreciate it let me use these sticks and double up on diamond pickaxe here you go Roxy and one for myself thank you let's do this oh yeah the boys is going crazy and Lily you're a part of the boys official thank you I'm making myself a diamond pickaxe and Alexa are you still a part of Heather squad or do you want to turn to the light aka the bro side H are you going to give me subscribers dos what what does subscribers even mean what are you talking about on YouTube duh what YouTube uh I don't have any subscribers on YouTube I don't know what you're talking about no I won't then I'm staying with other cuz she got Cloud what oh my gosh are you serious right now why do you care so much H take that o are you serious hether really you're not even down over over here where all the goods is oh no sorry I think I reminded Roxy please stop call my phones fine fine Roxy chill you don't need a boomer anymore all right all right all right she's chill he's chill but Heather don't be weird don't try and smooch me or anything weird like that okay Roxy Boomer Roxy Boomer no no no you got me all the way messed up thank you Roxy yesi nice and oh I have 28 emeralds and 22 diamonds let's go bro that's almost enough to get a full diamond set I know right and Crystal's going to be mad impressed no caps involved and wait I have 27 that's enough for a full set and even a pickaxe so let me use this John over here make the chest plate make the pants make the helmet make the boutes make the sword and I'm literally stacked out but wait wait I also need to make a shovel so I can literally just have everything diamonded out yeah boy those are them drip points I know right wait wait I need two more so I can also make a diamond axe just to have maximum drippage diamondy I don't need your diamonds my boy I'm already stacking boy I'm already stacking my boy and oh my n let me throw this old iron armor thank you oh no I didn't mean to throw it you Alexa oh man but wait now I have a full set of diamond and even the tools I'm going to even make a hoe just to show how rich I am o that's actually might be useful well that's never going to be useful ever Roxy but okay yeah it's totally just for the swag points I know right just so we have the full tools baby so so let me grab it all get the hole and no I'm literally stacked wait babes can I have some diamonds too what who are you talking to Heather uh why are you looking at me I'm talking to you babes give me some diamonds oh my God can you not be weird about it just ask me like a normal person say yo OHS you mind getting me some diamonds my boy and I'll get you diamonds but you're making it weird by calling me babes okay yo babes can you give me some diamonds all right Lily she's yelling at me Lily tell her to stop stop Heather right now thank you yeah Lily's on my side Lily's not a popular girl anymore so she can't say anything to me oh my God see see now why would I help you if you're being mean Heather I think you have a problem with being nice to others oh well I'm a popular Chiller so everybody has to be nice to me oh my gosh all right Heather look I'm going to get you diamonds but not because you're popular or a cheerleader it's just to show you about friendhip which is what we are friends okay I don't know anything about that friendship word what are you serious right now yo Roxy she's being weird about I'm trying to work with her right now I'm trying to no no no Roxy chill Roxy chill chill chill guys stop Roxy chill I'm chill I'm trying to make her into a normal person I think if we just keep booming her it's not going to work right Luka yeah it hasn't worked before so it's not going to work now exactly cuz every time we kill her she just comes back and she's even weirder so I'm just going to hit her with some kindness so I already got eight diamonds for you Heather do you want to make a chest plate no I'm popular do it for me what oh my gosh all right fine I'll do it for you all right I'm I'm going do it for you Luke talk to me real quick yo yo yo Heather stay over there Luke I need some words with you yeah what's goody my boy uh do you think it's smart for me to like listen to her do you think it's going to make her more bratty or what should we be doing here H this is a tough pickle all I know she's got to guess are you serious okay here you go oh my gosh really guys but there's your chest plate head there you're welcome thank you hubby poo all right see like come on bro yeah I don't know Roxy why does she keep doing stuff like that I'm trying to be chill that's really sus hi lyly how many diamonds do you have I have 59 what oh my go can you slide some of those over everyone give me your diamonds please thank you Roxy and L throw some some Emerald thank you bro you even had Emerald Roxy oh my n you're crazy and now let's go over here and I'm going to make you some pants Heather there you go some helmets and some boutes y y and I'll also make you a sword perfect now I'm going to Boom Roxy I don't think you should do that Heather roxxy's crazy oh my go okay already oh go what you oh wow wow um Roxy I was in my inventory not fair are you serious everyone oh my gosh Luke that didn't even work yeah I I'm not sure what we should do mess with we have the best fighter here's a shark who's a shark I'm a shark she has a chance against Roxy is she serious right now oh no she's getting smoked oh my good okay guys guys break it up break it up break it up break it upy break it upak break break it up Roxy break it up break it up you almost killed me oh my goodness gracious every everyone just walk over here we should all be friends cuz underneath us is some hay and Hold Up Wait the ho is actually really useful over here are you serious I know it oh my n everyone get some hay cuz we can make bread with this and bread is such a better food so let me grab the hay wait what wait oh my gosh guys I just realized we get levels from these skull sensors yesi it's actually just called skull oh these are just skulls thank you Roxy I'm going bra on these Johns and wait are these bookshelves underneath us Roxy got bookshelves so we can ench I already have 39 bro leave it to Roxy to just be try Harding and wait I already have 48 wait I'm also try Harding too let's go we just some try hard boys yes sersi everyone M Lily Alexa Heather come down here we're getting bookshelves now cuz this is Mega overpowered all right I just hit my 30 levels o what are you actually at 30 levels are you serious right now yeah I'm getting at 40 right now what the hold up hold up hold up I got to M some of these skulls as well cuz I want to get my levels up thank you very much let's get Roxy I'm at 21 too but now I'm at 22 easy and wait does anybody have a crafting table I could use I have some wood oh thank you slide them Johns over to me my brother Luke take that garbage pickaxe and oh thank you place it down now let's make some bread boys yes we going to eat good oh yeah here's some bread guys Alexa take some Heather take some Li take some y Lu pook is the third takes some now everyone this so good this is actually busting No Cap I wish Crystal was here to try it no you don't you wish I was here all right y y Heather please I'm going ask you very respectfully back up my brother man just stop talking and give me a smooch oh yo oh my goodness gracious are you serious right now but ooh there's purple blocks here oh my gosh wait I'm going to get this as a gift for Heather so she stops being weird O A gift well well not in a weird way just like a nice gift like a friendly gift as friends you know not in any weird way I'm going to get some cuz she has a gift what all right really Roxy Roxy just saying it cuz he likes the word yeah but Roxy peep underneath me look there's a red wool your favorite color my boy can you mine some up for me all right I got you and wait Heather here I got you a little gift take this it's 11 purple blocks cuz I know you like purple and that's a friendly gift wait is this a wedding gift yes I do I'll marry you all right really okay only you can be weird like that but Roxy the strategy is you want to mine the wool and then when it hops into the dropper you can just break the dropper and get it all right I'm in all this but wait wait do you have two pieces of Iron by any chance yes S I have four here you go oh okay perfect slide that and check this out I can make two shears with these bad boys one for me and one for you now look at how much faster we mine the red wool oh no oh no oh no we're going crazy and then after we can buy the dispensers and get all the red wool you want so get it Roxy oh yeah you're welcome my boy you're welcome and Luke there's literally mud underneath bro what are we going to do with that I don't know I thought you were going to want to eat the mud cuz you're silly sometimes said o even copper underneath and some gold lamps yo Roxy oh kelp Luke do you like kelp yep that's my favorite snack in the world oh no wait wait Roxy kelp mine super fast if you have a hoe oh my goodness gracious look at how fast we're shredding why are the hoes actually useful I told you these jws are crazy but bro light blue concrete I'm getting a stack of these bad boys light blue is my favorite color I'm going to get a stack of kelp ooh nice we could Twan Mission this right over here I'm going bra easy I already have 10 pieces of light blue concrete baby 16 17 18 19 20 oh thank you Roxy slide whatever you have so I can go twice as fast all right I already have 13 bro you're actually insane Roxy W bands W bands and let me grab these over here easy pickings up thank you very much let me grab these and bro I'm already at 48 and Luke I mined a bunch of kelp and since my inventory is full there's a ton just on the floor so you could run around and pick them up ooh this is like a dream for me yes sir about 56 wait Roxy slide it slide it I think I'm about to hit a stack perfectly and let's go you're a w Roxy you're actually a w who OHS and looking blocks oh this is lit guys that must mean we're getting close to Chris looks about a while out Luke's about a while out Luke's about a while out Emerald blocks move out I'm getting some I'm getting some they're mine they're mine they're mine move Mo move these are super valuable this is literally nine emeralds per block bro nine emeralds per block yep imagine all the stuff you could do with it I know right dude are you going to make a crib out of this yeah and I'm going to get some for my butt what what does that even mean look I'm going to make an emerald toilet Emerald toilet what the what an emerald toilet that actually sounds super swag guys oh my not guys stop you're making too much progress Heather be quiet we're not making too much progress we're saving Crystal whether you like it or not well what if I just went behind you and smoed you yo yo L go oh my God literally a jump scare bro literally a jump scare my turn what did you just say uh nothing oh my gosh but wait guys I just found a new strategy instead of mining the mud with your pickaxe shovels are way faster check this out so you could save so much time by first mining out the mud then you could get the emeralds yep and then I pick up the mud and put it in my mouth uh what Luke I thought you said you know what that's chocolate oh what Luke I thought you said mud was useless now you're eating it yeah it tastes just like chocolate cake oh my n Lily does it taste like chocolate cake I am not trying that that's nasty wait Heather you should try the mud if you do it I'll give you a smooch really really where's it at where's it at uh right over here Heather what do you mean where's it at the only mud looking block she licked it I'm not going to use smooch pranked pranked pranked come here come on smooch your mud lips yo yo she trying to smooch me Luke tell her to stop yo Heather chill it you heard you owe me a smooch stop it no I'm not giving you a smooch Heather I was literally just pranking you no smooch will be given I need to kiss somebody with my mud lips oh a volunteer hey Luke don't be weird don't actually Luke you know what you can have Heather as a girlfriend cuz then she'll stop annoying me Heather do you want to be Luke's girlfriend Luke uh how many subscribers do you have is it over 10 million what nope I'm I'm working on it I'm almost there how many do you have Luke I have two it's just me and you oh yeah I subscribed yesterday to that's a lot Heather so you should totally date him oh no I'm jumping off this clip that's it what wow you literally just boomed her without doing anything are you serious you would rather boom herself than literally be with you oh no that's disrespectful my boy that's disrespectful BS she backed up off you so I just need to keep trying to rise her up for you oh are you sure that's the reason you want to do it not that you want to just rise her up and eventually get lucky what no hey Roxy Lucas trying to rise hether up like for real bro oh no that's literally rly bear I know Luke you not the rizzly bear I'm the rly Baka oh my God guys stop saying Baka easy bers okay anyways B okay if you Smooch me I'm going to Boom you had stay over there but no no no you getting comboed you're getting comboed oh yeah what's up boom comboed her comboed her but guys I got a stack of emerald blocks I got a stack of emerald blocks too oh nice job Alexa wait do we all have a stack oh no we're crazy yet Lily Lily Roxy Lily oh my God you guys are about to go crazy pink concrete and Redstone literally the Wombo double combo get out of here oh my no okay guys no need to fight oh my goodness gracious you guys can get it all together and I'm going to get a stack of each and wait Redstone is super easy pickings to get a stack of cuz you get like 10 every time you m it yes sir ski I'm already at nine roxxy's literally insane bro and wait I'm already at 5 so oh my gosh he's going crazy Luke he's going crazy luk oh my gosh oh no that's what be like what already wait I'm at 36 I'm actually catching up I'm at 45 49 oh my I think had a stack something me too I'm at a stack now I'm about to get the light pink concrete it's super easy pickings to mine a whole lot of these yep I already almost have two stacks what oh my n you are crazy I'm happy with one stack so let me go over here and M that John thank you very much easy pings then let's go down this way m a son more like this y easy P pickings and let's go down how many do you have Lily I have two stacks bro wait I'm at 50 and wait Luke how many do you have I'm we're going for the sea lanterns underneath it's green oo those look super swag 27 already nice that's going to make such a nice lighting Block in boom stack of the pink now I'm going to continue going down baby and O there's some light blue but H I really want to get something overpowered right Roxy yeah look some diamonds call it who wait wait wait wait wait we need something better than diamonds I have a feeling since there was Emerald blocks that there should be diamond blocks huh no that's way too crazy I know right but if we get lucky maybe there's going to be something wait iron blocks hold up obsidian M with me so we can go to xped all right we're almost done oh yeah yeah we're going crazy we got this my boy w we did it nice job dude and come on diamonds where's the diamonds at where's the diamonds at we just keep getting wait gold that all right Heather why are you here with us know where it is I smell it yeah I smell it too bro hent de bre are you sure Roxy are you being serious right now I am so sure all right let's mind the ancient the breeze babe stop it you're going too fast right now Roxy was right my gosh Luke diamond blocks RP diamond blocks oh we got to go we got to go oh my n it's actually crazy overpowered here get out I don't know what's happening oh nice job Roxy F that was a close one everyone come down and bu the diamonds I'm making space in my inventory me too I need a stack of these bad boys five Stacks what five Stacks Roxy I don't even think there's five stacks on this entire Chun layer I'm just going to try to get a stack I'm just kidding Oh no you're crazy nice job dude wait guys we're actually kind of close to the bottom Lily L are you okay no it was such a you guys made a big hole sorry oh no I'm going to go to the obsidian real quick ooh Why are you getting obsidian Roxy oh no reason no reason they're making a chant table I already know I already know wait what do you make it let me know okay all right let me just grab the materials real quick o fire my brother made and I need to get a stack of diamond blocks oh no we're actually super duper Mega over powered oh nice job dude but I'm still at 21 diamonds I need to get my money up not my funny up cuz I'm not a goofball like Luke hey I'm not the goofball cuz I got eight pieces of obsidian what the oh my n are y'all just going to make like 50 bajillion enchantment tables yes y so we can enchant our butt cheeks what the but I need at least one stack of diamond blocks hey there do you have any diamond blocks you want to give me uh only if you give me 10 Kisses bro I am not giving you 10 Kisses Heather never mind keep your diamonds I'll just get it myself oh my gosh L can you believe this she wants to give me kisses what's wrong with that she's a baddy she deserves to get smooched oh my gosh wait what oh what's up bro bro I don't want obsidian you are so overpowered dude I don't want it actually wait just hold on to that we'll make the enchanting table together all right I have so much oh yeah yeah and come on I need 10 more diamond blocks and I'll literally be that guy Pals you're not that guy cuz I'm that guy that guy not not you're not that guy you guys are not that guy cuz I'm that good gu gu pal you think this because you said guy a lot of times that makes you that guy pal yeah it does I think it was pretty impressive oh my goodness Luke says it that means it's true hey yo but hold up hold up hold up I'm at 62 63 64 diamond blocks hi Heather hey babes are we going to make a house with your diamond blocks what uh no but you can make but no make a house with Luke you're weird Heather Luke if you don't have any subscribers I can't talk to you bro what oh my go are you Ser a bunch check out I got diamonds what that's not even a subscriber l oh my goodness gracious that means you have no clout my boy no clout up well wealthy handsome and successful is what I am well what does that me Alexa what does any of those words mean please L's just trying to say that he's that guy pal uh oh what's up Alexa I'm going all the way upstairs to make a house no for Heather just for me and Crystal cuz when she comes back she's going to love it nuh-uh she's popular so you have to date her are you yo Alexa why are you weird like all the time oh my goodness gracious but Roxy look at how fast I'm going up because I'm using water bucket methods W I'm going to copy you what get over here are you serious Roxy bro literally copying my genius strategy I'm going to get some wood over here you guys are being so silly oh no the water disappeared Roxy put the water back water I have a bucket oh my not oh my why would you okay are you serious right now Roxy really bro we're never going to get up like this oh my not I got it back bro it literally glitched because I put it next to the lava oh my God bro y keep the water running up under you oh my yo Luke you know what that means you tasting my pee right now right uh I'm peeing that's why it's so warm y you cut us off that's what you got L for literally being a you're being a you're being a bro dude you're actually trolling us are you guys okay just literally climb up and oh no yo it glitched again it glitched again come on oh F I made it to the tippity top oh what's up Roxy did you make it up oh Place some water I placed it what's goody guys what's goody everybody y we made it to the surface Roxy and F just me and you do you want to help me make the SS Crystal crib yes sersi all right let's do it and no Heathers allow so first I want to start off with some light blue concrete Luke light blue concrete y that's pretty cool but what about a full Emerald house for luky and Alexa hey wait wait hold up Luke I literally don't get you my boy do you have a crush on Alexa or Heather or like Lily or who do you have a crush on who is your girlfriend my boy brother man let me give you the secret tip what uh okay are you giving me big bro advice right now yes you got to keep your options man what yo what the what oh my gosh are you serious bro really dude let me just give you an example if Alexa is whing out then Heather is the girl I want are you Ser bro yo Roxy Luke is a player Luke is a player oh not that boy's extra sauce Luke are you sure you're just saying that because you just don't get any girls at all my boy bro what no that's totally why Luke I think it's because you haven't successfully rised up Alexa yet that's why you're saying that you're keeping your options open hes I'll have you know I have a plethora of girls trying to get with me I mean date me my friend Roxy what does plethora mean I don't know Luke what does plethora mean my boy are you just capping right now plethora just means like a bunch oh so I have a bunch of bro is literally capping bro oh I have a good idea boys I'm going to make the frame all out of diamond blocks but then I'm going to make the walls out of lapis and O it's good that Heather hasn't come up yet cuz she would be whing out if she saw the ohms crystal house hey babes what are you doing nothing Heather I'm totally not making ohms and crystal house only and you're not going to be allowed in here because you're actually kind of crazy and a little bit weird and very actually extra weird with a side of weirdness I'm not weird at all babes you're being the weird one right now oh my gosh stop calling me the b word babes babes and babes bro oh my gosh Luke are you serious right now Luke you just said that you have a plethora of woman can you make her go away from me and you could just rise her up all right I got you say less oh oh thank you very much Luke oh Luke's about to go in action Roxy Roxy we're about to get a lesson in rology okay let's see this Heather what what was that uh what what is going on right now uh luk we should go on a date sometime what uh Luke is that supposed to be RZ yep you're messing up my RZ dude oh sorry sorry sorry okay continue continue Heather are you liking the RZ so far uh get away from me green boy right now bro oh no oh no we're down but we're not out check me out check me out I'm a fake leave okay and I'm going be like hey Heather what's good oh hi what's up whoo whoo whoa whoa wo hold up it's working okay okay it's working let's see what happens take all my emeralds and you become wife uh thanks for the emerald now get out my face w wow W RZ let's go she just robbed you okay whatever I'm not even going to question it Luke that was literally lrz my boy you got robbed no you bugging here you go SS I got you some Emerald BLS what you literally just stole that oh my n boy no way boy no way I do not want your Emerald blocks but yo the elm's crystal crib now has the outlining and I have to fill it up with straight lapis blocks baby Hey where's the purple in this what um there there's purple in here purple concrete oh my gosh Roxy kill Heather repeatedly please all right I'm going to come up not again not again perfect oh my gosh oh oh no oh no she has Roxy leash on her a shark shark oh no shark did shorty just get boom ly it's my time to save Heather Roxy get out of here oh my oh my he's too strong I'm not a part of this what is even going on right now I'm going to kill your bab oh my I do Roxy oh wow Roxy you just boomed Alexa that wow okay um Roxy you can chill out now all right I'm chill oh thanks and oh my God Roxy such a w to have BR guys look at the hmes and crystal house it's literally lapis and diamond and light blue uh destroyest now babes why why would I do that no thank you heather I am not going to do that if you don't destroy I'm breaking up with you what uh okay sure yeah break up with me I don't even think are we together or something Roxy what's going on here Short's being S I know right yo Heather just just go away shoo sho I'm making a bed right now I'm going to do a light blue one over here then I'm going to do a Lapis one right next to it so let me put a crafting table make some lapis blocks like that boop boop and I need some white blocks and ooh bone block work perfectly for the bed oh my gosh look at me at Crystal's bed Luke oh you guys are relationship goals we're not relationship goals she's just a good friend of mine but it's super duper cute hey no remove the bed why are you hitting me oh my gosh how about this just awkwardly walk out yeah thank you L we'll make a house together but it's on friendly Vibes not no sus activities I know what you're going to say before you even say it friendly vibes okay smooch vibes it is what all right see no now I'm not doing it oh my goodness gracious and what the G yo Luke your crib is lit my boy yes sir this is my bed right here why is it yellow oh no I'm moving I'm moving hey hey it's not like that what is it it's just pee Dude y it's literally exactly how I thought it was going to be are you serious Alexa why are y'all having pea beds what ly did you pee in the bed oh my gosh bro bluke how old are you bro oh my goodness gracious no it was not me I don't pee the bed only sometimes like last night uh-huh cuta boy are you oh my gosh oh my goodness gracious what is even going on right now but Heather fine we'll make you a purple kington there you go that's your house go to sleep what is this what it's pretty big it's a lot of land am I supposed to sleep here uh yeah it's like enough for a bed and like a bathroom right next to it so enjoy it all right bye no I'll only have it if you sleep next to me on this block what uh Roxy what do I say to that say yes say yes okay all right fine yes I I'll just stand next to you on okay is this good Heather do you take SS to be a husband what the yo we're not getting married what was that bro we're not getting married dude are you serious right now no we're not but wait a minute Roxy did you even realize what I'm realizing that we just realized that there's netherite blocks oh my dude we have Diamond Pickaxes all right let's do it together and with all these netherite you know that we can make all of our armor into nether armor yes s ski we both have netherite oh yeah yeah Help Me Mine this one so I can get all of my stuff netherite all right I'm mining oh yeah yeah y we F to get super opy and wait we have to make a smithing table Roxy let's do it right over here all righty let's do it and wait to make one I need two iron ingots and four wood planks can I have the items please here you go my boy oh my gosh roxxy's always prepared with the actual sauce and bro my inventory is so fall I can't even pick up the items oh my goodness gracious let me throw this out right quick boom get it then let's craft the smithing table and now we can combine all of our stuff yay I'm putting it in my house so Crystal is going to see that it's super duper stacked out so let me clear up and bro Rox are you doing it yesy done done wait I forgot my boy you looking crazy I want netherite armor too babe make it for me I am not making you netherite armor yo this is mad bread no cap it's so expensive I have some netherite yo Roxy chill chill chill don't do that don't do that I'm chill I'm chill I have netherite a house a car anything you want Heather really yo Luke are you serious right now my boy can you not kid you Nots it's no cap bro what are you serious oh my gosh all right you know what Luke don't be weird I'll just make you netherite he just just give me all your stuff please yes make me some right now all right you have to throw your diamond armor oh my goodness gracious you dude oh my gosh at least give me some that the right Ingot yes my boyfriend's spending all his money on me what that is not at all what is happening oh me too thank you Ms hey all right no no no no that's too far bro that's literally hey yo bro that's literally hey yo but there you go whoever wants that armor you can pick it up yay I'll take it oh no Luke finessed you Heather Luke finessed you why does Luke get it first because Luke is my bro my boy and wait let me throw all the rest over here like this Y and boom now I just bought both of y'all armor so Heather it's not like me giving it to you because I have a crush on you it's only me giving it to you because like I'm a really nice person everyone you're welcome can I have some netherite too you too Alexa oh my gosh yeah but I got some ingots though oh oh thank you actually that's very useful uh Alexa are you trying to steal my mans what me I would never oh my not yo had are you really going to start problems with the only person that likes you so far you're trying to steal my mans and we're going to have beef my go what beef y look no we're like FRS right oh n this is not good let's square up right now look they're fighting oh yes I need to watch this what are you serious bro those are like both of your girlfriends I thought you were going to be the nice popular girl but you're just no oh no watch out oh my God yo Roxy it's going down it's going down I almost never wanted you anyway sis oh no Alexa is so strong not fair w wow Alexa I did not know you had it in you like that my boy yeah that should teach her a lesson per what why did Alexa was Alexa a cat what was that that was amazing what oh my n Alex I think you just rided up ly Pooky yes that's going to happen naturally cuz I'm that girl oh my goodness gracious but wa wa guys we have to go back down yo Luke peep this you're what's goody my boy yo Luke guess what last second clutch my boy and we were at the diamond area so let me put a block right here oh what's up guys Heather how did you get here so fast hey cutie patootie Bud never ever ever call me that bro cutie patootie but okay sorry babes I just wanted to munch on it what all right this is actually super weird this is super weird but everyone pull up to me right now because I think we're close to the end block okay come on and wait guys I just reached the bottom and the portal is here yes s ski 's girlfriend we're on the way what are you serious Luke she's not my girlfriend but oh no there's no Eyes of Ender in the portal we can't activate it wait SS check out the chest wait what wait ender pearls that means all we need is blaze rods but blaze rods are in the nether Dimension Roxy do you still have that obsidian you got before yes sir ski have 12 a what the oh hi Roxy what's good all right slide all them Johns over Luke we have to make some space so break around all right oh no bro's going brazy with it bro going brazy with it oh yeah yeah let's hit up here up over here and okay now we should be good now slide me all the ups you got Roxy there you got my boy oh oh no roxxy's actually crazy okay now with 24 we could place the portal right over here so one two three 4 we got to go down over here like this down over here like this then throw it right over here like that and boom it's ready now we need to light it up does anyone have a flint and steel yes sir I do boy oh nice but wait no one go in cuz the nether is super dangerous we have to make an enchantment table to get super stacked and what do you mean I already have it I have 25 bookshelves I your mind are you serious right now okay wow Roxy just that guy pal all right we have to make some room to put the bookshelves thank you very much Roxy now let's grab this bad boy put it in the middle and with the bookshelves we can get crazy high levels stop this now why why are we stopping Heather what's going on I don't want you to enchant stop trying to save Crystal what do you mean stop trying to save Crystal we have to Crystal is like the best she's super sweet sometimes not a lot of times but she's super sweet sometimes yeah but I'm sweet all the time right uh LC is she sweet all the time bro just say yes that's how you get girls to like you I don't want her to like no Heather no but oh I just got sharpness two on my sword oh my Nar Roxy I'm getting such goods and Fortune One efficiency 2 on the pickaxe BR bro you're crazy oh yeah yeah I'm breaking to on the ax should I enchant the hoe you know what why not I'll do it and oh I'm breaking one efficiency too but now it's the real stuff I'm going to do the netherite armor so let's throw the lapis and okay blast protection that's actually good against a dragon protection one that's always good oh depth strier and protection two Unbreaking two oh my g boys we is literally shining right now sweets check out this pickaxe I just got what the Gat is that bro that is the most overpowered pickaxe ever my boy this thing could shred yes sir but it's wooden oh my n dude got the most overpowered enchant on a wooden pickaxe um look at my sword okay let me see I don't want to talk about it elar bro definitely got the most oh my go sharpness three sweeping knock back two that's literally a godsword but boys let's go and get some blaze rods fine I'll join just a smooch you okay there your sauce and oh my God blazes everyone let's attack we need all of them we can get we need at least six rods and oh gosh Roxy watch your J my boy Roxy is crazy Roxy is literally crazy I killed one oh no when Roxy is op he's awesome why Happ Roxy lava bro oh my gosh where are you where are okay Roxy just in the lava right now wait are you going to bridge out I made it oh no Roxy's bugging right now yo there's like 50 blazes watch your J everyone watch your J oh my oh my Luke are you okay yeah I made some cover oh very smart my boy oh gosh Roxy is you getting the blaze rods my boy um no a blaze just hit me into the lava oh my bro get back up are you serious I have zero rods how many rods do you guys have HS I literally have zero I actually just double you clutch did you see that dude that was crazy but here's the first Rod I got oh let's go Luke is literally that good pal oh yeah you y it's getting serious out here oh no y'all boys need my help don't worry everyone oh my gosh like 10 okay watch Roxy Roxy oh watch out jck oh my God I'm about to die I'm about to die I'm about to die I'm to die are you guys crazy I need food right meow oh no have nine golden apples where are you oh my God wait what how do you have nine golden apples has bro been not telling us bro are you serious the gold you did get the gold oh the gold from the one chuun okay Roxy I need that right now Roxy I need that right now where are you run away okay I'm hiding I'm hiding oh my goodness gracious I need my bread right next to me at all times to munch on that John Roxy where you at my boy um I'm just getting chased by a bajillion Pigman oh my why would you the Pigman are you good oh no but let's go I got a blaze one I'm at two oh what's up Roxy where you at my boy I need I need the golden apples nice dude and oh goodness gracious the blazes are staring at me I got one here you go babes give me a smooch for it though are you serious I'm not giving you a smooch just give me it please please please I'm dying oh my gosh I'm eating please if you don't give me a smooch I'm throwing it in the fire you would not do that you have to smooch your four crystals oh my gosh fine I'll give you a smooch give it first all right here you go I lied I lied ohar I C for Crystal i c for Crystal I have three rods now Luke we just need three more go for the spawner and let's boom these boys up yes sersi let's get them oh yeah yeah boomed what is oh my oh my this is not good this is not good come on we just need three wait I'm at four we just need two oh gosh oh no I'm super low right now guys oh goodness gracious oh wait I'm not running Rocky I'm not a maybe anything Crystal let's go over here guys wait there's blazes let's boom this boy yeah bro you got to save it oh no bro it's crazy but come on we need two more two more oh oh guys I have five I have five but I'm super low we just need one more run run oh let's go slideing the blaze roded let's dip my boy run run run there blazes oh no gosh go oh my goodness gracious this is crazy watch this guys I'm risking it for the okay I literally fell I have half heart right now I have half Roxy oh I'm going to get you another Golden Apple oh my goodness gracious slide that John over right now your boy is super low and bro look at the obsidian I did when I was nervous hes you got to do what you got to do I know right but wa wait I know how we get out of here really fast and bro the netherite pickaxe shreds we could use the obsidian here plus the obsidian I have to make a portal let's do this okay let's go on this side b boom b boom oops quickly there's more places oh my Roxy Help Me Mine Help Me Mine help me mine I have a better pickax oh my goodness gracious this is not good okay I got one give some cover they're literally coming Luke we need more cover oh no go Roxy go and wait let me Place one down here grab it Place one down here nice Roxy come on hurry up we're running out of time I'm so low and wait lit come on go go go go go let bounce oh no I'm so low I'm so low teleport we did it oh that was actually insane what just happened oh that was so crazy I know right but hold up 12 + 12 equals 12 eyes avenders boys y'all know what we just did right we got enough eyes to get your babes back I mean Crystal Crystal all right really luk she's not my babe she's just Crystal yeah I'm your babe no you're not my babes but boom I'm going first come back here no no no that was to me and I'm getting out of here I'm going to be the one to destroy the dragon so Crystal gives me the smooch oh yeah hold up I want to kill the dragon to get the smooch first what what what what Rox you want to smooch from Crystal no I just want to kill the dragon first what oh my go Ro she just a try hard everyone go we got to get the crystals at onar your boy's blind right now I think I just got hit by a m Enderman oh no this is scary oh the M Ender is CRA Crystal dude he's literally eating me he's literally yo Luke yo yo what the what is happening oh no I'm going I'm going I'm going oh one Crystal has been broken oh nice job dude I'm getting this one over here Heather don't troll just help out please okay all right I won't troll promise oh good everyone go for the crystals I'm getting this one over here Roxy dude this is crazy what oh no Roxy oh bro just got buil by a crystal nice you're going brazy I'm literally speed bridging right now I'm speed bridging Luke I'm building oh nice job Heather and ohar I'm running out of blocks guys I'm running out of blocks that's why you should have got a bow that's what I'm doing oh very smart Alexa boo all the crystals from down below and yes made it to this one over here y got him and I got to get that one in all of the bars oh yeah why Roxy I would just go for a different one yeah exactly I appreciate it bro and bro I need to just use literally everything oh no I need to save at least one lapis block to give to Crystal though oh no bro thinking about his girlfriend what I do not have a girlfriend ly I'm a shark I'm a sh what's up oh my gosh bro did you see that hether no that was the last Crystal let's go everyone the dragon is Ping get him oh yeah yeah I'm the one I'm the one I'm saving Crystal and she's literally going to smooch me no caps you want her to smooch you no no no no I didn't say that I didn't say that that's crazy bro Roxy got that boy dumb low no caps you didn't even notice that you said you want a smooch Crystal yeah yeah just ignore that but wait my axe does more damage than my sword we going to pick that boy up easy all right yeah yes oh it's cool did it that says my name that says my name easy pickings and you know what that means right lus pus the one two 3 third then I'm going in the portal for see you yes sir wait babes you better not give her a smooch when she comes see you later bab wait what let's go we saved the day give me a SM H wait what uh no no no a today we're playing speed draw we each have to draw what the game tells us and then we vote on who has the best drawing and when we vote we give the person a point so whoever reaches the red on top first is the winner OHS you know I'm going to the top first baby cuz I'm going to get that smooch what what are you talking about he's speaky blacka yeah I know B it's final whoever gets the red line first gets a smoo from you SM are you serious guys no Roxy boyfriend what the sus oh no oh my gosh bad everybody's been sus lately but let's see what we're drawing first and ooh the first one is bathroom so funny I know you guys are getting smoked I'm going to draw the best bathroom and guys we only have 3 minutes no funny business buiness no one distract me babes I'm going to get a Smo oh my gosh wait what are you guys drawing for a bathroom I may be drawing a poop station no caps involved you're drawing a toilet uh maybe and wait let me do the back seat over here just like that oh gosh wait wait it's mad hard to draw let me go down this way then okay up over here and I need to make sure that it's perfectly even cuz I do not want an uneven toilet seat that would be terrible oh no then you're going to follow the toilet wall hey yo Roxy toilet water is actually gross my boy do you be drinking on that yeah everyone drinks that right yeah oh my I'll be sipping on it like some yuck my that's actual serious aopo you could change the size of the brushes to go quicker y'all's is actually getting smoked right now so this is the back my sticky poop looks way better excuse me stinky poop the it says bathroom not poop well bathroom is poop I guess yeah that is that is pretty true but wait this is the back toilet SE area now we have to make the part where um you know the things go inside like the poop that's seriously gross oh my gosh it's not gross but I'm going to make the toilet seat out of gold yep you guys heard that right I literally have a golden toilet seed so let me make this one side for one Roxy butt cheek then let me do the other side over for the second Roxy but odar odar but I am not a bud cheek Roxy are you yo no one laugh at that you got owned I did not get owned I am not a bud cheek I've never butd cheek oy really bro boy in no way he just said that boy in no way he actually just said that that is sus with a side of sus I know right but hold up I'm trying my best to make the toilet seek completely even I do not want to mess up even a little bit I need it to be perfect so let me go up over here and oh my gosh it kind of looks like two bananas I'm not going to lie two bananas I love bananas oh no this is sus wait let me go and fill it all in and wait I need to make it a little thicker so boop boop boop oh my gosh dude it's literally two bananas oh my Nar but let me go around fill this John up on this side fill it up on this side and let's go now I need to make the inside of it and wait what color should I make the inside of the toilet bowl you should definitely make it yellow with some brown bro I making it blue that's mad gross ly oh are you talking about before after I'm done with it yo oh no Luke is you going to tear up the bathroom my boy yep and I ain't even going to flush bro are you actually being serious right now are you actually being serious right now yeah so I can show you when I'm done boy e but wait I need to make the B Roxy I just saw you run across the screen what are you doing are you copying ideas I'm moving all of your guys's paintings hey yo bro trying to copy right now LCA oh no keep that up we going to take some points away for real Roxy cuz you do know that all of us vote so we might not give you a high score if you be copying no caps involved oh fine fine I'm going to throw all the poop over here what the gut but oh this is perfect so this is the back seat over here and we need to make the little flusher Luke so we can flush it all down and oh I'm going to make it out of dark gray like this boopy whoop so you guys know how to flush it and I'm going to leave a little bit of uh treats in the toilet bowl you know what I'm saying Roxy not I just saw you again Roxy are you literally copying my boy no that's not me but guess what's in my shower oh wait what shower you're not doing a toilet Roxy I made a sink a toilet and a shower in my shower butt cheeks boy way boy way I do poop diarrhe on P what the to much information TM bro TMI but wait I have an awesome idea since Luke sometimes misses when he uses the bathroom I'm going to just throw some on the toilet seat like this oh yeah that looks really good it's very artistic and sometimes Luke be having to go number two but it's a little explosive so I'm going to go oh yeah that's this is Luke this is Luke right here my boy I'm actually a very clean person I never missed a toilet are you sure about that oh gosh come to think of it I kind of got to go right right now oh my go Ro's literally pooping on me there's literally someone do something someone do something I'm good I'm good it's in my inventory it's in in my inventory my boy it's literally there all right that's fine I'll just pick it back up and eat it what not too Alexa are you saying this your boyfriend's so weird yeah I agree Lily uh Alexa your boyfriend's super weird girls you can't say I'm dating him I've never dated Luke we're just friends oh wow awkward Luke wow what I told hes that we were dating but wait I left a little log over here cuz this is going to be Roxy I'll put some red in it Boop a little texture like that all right guys the timer is going to be up in 5 seconds everyone go to your stations 4 3 2 1 hands up hands up wait sign it sign it I'm going to sign it by SS oh yeah yeah that's lit whoa I'm first I'm first I'm first everyone pull up oh all right judging time girls everyone this one's funny what the one what is that it's Roxy pooping in the toilet y it looks like he's peeing out the poop bro Roxy you're peeing poop my boy you're peeing poop I love it what Roxy are you serious right now do you actually like this uh yesy this is atin he gave us a real life the final T bro Ain't No Way Li's really trying to get that vote I know right but now it's voting time everyone has seen it right follow me and oh gosh it is pretty funny Let Me Take A little peek should I give it a green or a red okay since this is the first one and it is pretty funny I'll give it a green so boom you have one point oh gosh you're making it up all right who's voting next I love it green of course Roxy gives it a green oh my goodness gracious Heather your turn next what do you think I think that's one of the best drawings I've seen so far what that is the only drawing we've seen bro are you serious right now oh my God boy no way Alexa your turn what do you give it Lily is Sister sigh and everything but I didn't really like it so it's a red oh no oh no you know what that means when you get a red that John deletes a green that's awesome hey finally all right who's next L is pooki is the third what do you give it a green or a red the painting got me cheesing up so it's definitely a green o nice Lily you're going back up now Crystal it's your turn do you give it a green or a red it's the most hilarious think I've ever seen boo W hold up Lily you're actually mad high right now congratulations nice job all right next up is Alexa what the G is that check it out guys look closely it's a toilet and there's a shower built in Roxy do you see the shower all I see is like throw up what the what is that Alexa go I can't even understand any of this guys chill just look at it it's a toilet in the water coming down so you could shower and poop at the same time okay okay wait where's the toilet where's the toilet right here you sit on it just like this and it showers you at the same time is this the shower over here yeah that's where the water's coming from and then what's that green over there that's the toilet it's green and then the Blue Water why would you make the toilet green hey yo that is the smartest most genest thing ever are you serious Luke bro is just saying that cuz he has a crush bro is literally just saying that the BR C dude what boy no way boy no way I love got this girls I love girls oh my go should wait a minute Alexa what is that yellow on the bottom that's cuz liy us it in Miss just got exposed but I'm going to give it a green I like it oh nice and oh gosh I don't know if I should give this a green that's not really a toy Alexa I'm not going to cap I'm going to have to give it a red oh man you couldn't even just be generous go you know fine Alexa fine just cuz I'm feeling nice I'll give you a green so now me and Roxy gave you a point Heather your turn what do you give it I'm not going to lie Alexa you're usually sister slay but this was definitely not it oh no Heather rejected Heather rejected oh my gosh Heather what can I do to make it better oh my gosh Alexa chill chill chill relax relax it's all good it's your turn you know I'm giving it a green my boy oh no bro has a crush bro has a crush Crystal your turn what do you give it to be honest I do not understand what any of this is I'm voting a r oh no oh no oh no delete a point sorry sis that's fine girl oh gosh Lily your turn what do you give it I can't be mean so I give it a green what hey Li can't just do she can't just do that oh my gosh are you serious right now all right boys check it out it's my painting what the what hey what are you doing hey I'm peing wait wa that's cuz look it's like coming out of you into the toilet and uh Luke why is the water green and why is there poop down there it's cuz I use green water and I'm trying to hit the poop of my pee hey yo whoa whoa actually this is awesome cuz it's like the art is here and then like you're actually peeing and it's coming out of you my boy that's literally an my butt oh my no that is gross Roxy I think me and you are agreeing let's give him a double green yes esy let's double it up oh at Luke you already got two greens for me and Ry go now your turn what do you give it this is definitely a red if I've ever seen one oh no oh now Shorty's violating all right well that's only one red right Luca yeah she just doesn't understand real art mhm that's definitely what it is Alexa your turn I thought it was actually super hilarious so I'm going to give it a green as well o nice and wait that green cancels out the red and now crysto your turn what do you think about it oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this it's a green y oh look at the green W all right Lily your turn what do you give this painting that had real life activities in it I love it because it actually has a you yeah cuz you could literally PE on it Bo yo Lucas time for first place yes sir now it's your turn arms all right everyone welcome to my art show this is a toilet look you could literally like go like this but cheeks yes what hey Roxy those are not butt cheeks those are the golden seats my boy and that's a log that you dropped I left the little red hey yo Roxy watch out let me give you guys a tour really bro you just had to sneak that one out Bo no way but as you can see this is the back of it and there's some Luke throw up over here some PE and a little bit of poop slipped out and then there's normal water and then a big log down there and then two golden seats because it's Cen why did you get poop on the golden seeds that was Roxy that's literally Roxy you can tell cuz it's a little bit of red right there I love it I'm giving it a green oh let's go cha ching Luke your turn what do you think about it dude this is the swaggiest toilet ever I'm giving it a green all right crystal your turn uh babes you're my bab so dug R let's go I have the power of R Lily your turn oh gosh I don't know if Li's going to like the poop on the toilet the poop is by Roxy so it's a green oh I mean nothing what hey yo she likes Roxy for sure that much to like his poop that's a little bit sus I'm not going to lie but now Alexa y turn what do you think I'm not going to lie it's a little gross but I like the green so I'm also giving it a green oh first place first place first place oh no Heather you better not fold right now you better not fold right now what do you actually think about it I have a crush on you but since Crystal gave you a green I'm going to give you a red hey that's not even how the game works what the can she do that Luke is that in the rules though yeah dude we could vote whatever we want boy way so that means no I just lost my lead I'm now outside in first place but next up is crystals and BR what the what the what is this song so you see this little yellow pile it's my pee oh my what and then it's the poopo Roxy she has a poop pyramid she has a poop pyramid po pyramid is mad funny I know Ryan is that a sandwich oh no that's just my toilet which one's the toilet what are you talking about the one with the cion what that is not a toilet bro where is the toilet well you see the Orange is where you put your butt cheeks on butt cheeks the side is where you but your juicy back on okay I don't see and then the inside is where you put your fights in bro what is this thing diarrhea oh no but it is green so I'mma give it a point are you serious oh my gosh Roxy what about you look at lot this is hilarious oh no already got two p let's go ly your turn what do you give it crystal is my BFF so green oh no yo Crystal you're actually popping off right now oh no uh Heather what do you give Crystal this is the ugliest piece of work I have ever seen in my life oh no I agree with whatever Heather says what oh no Alexa literally just oh gosh and wait am I the last one babes please please please all right fine only cuz your diarrhea looks like a sandwich I'll give you a green let's go that's a goofy reason oh no Shorty's TI with Alexa and wait now it's roxxy's turn in whoa what am I looking at I was signing it so it's just poop oh actually that's mad funny and wait is this a toilet over here with a little bit of poop in it yesy this is the poop particles hey y bro particles oh wait what is this blue thing cheek what what uh where's the butt cheeks right yellow yellow hey yell L your eyes chicken oh my not and wait what's all this green over here that's the Poo particles oh my n wait that's the Poo particles I thought it was the little ones but it literally spread it all throughout the air yesy this is all stinky and wait what's this gr thing over here oh that's just a sink oo nice and actually I really like it it's very creative Roxy but I don't really see the butt cheeks H but the bathroom is is really good the toilet's awesome all right fine I'll give it a green Roxy boop I'm the first vote Yes I'm going to win ly your turn what do you give it I got to give my boy Roxy green that thing was fire o roxxy's popping off Alexa y turn what do you give it uh I'm going to have to think about it cuz it's like really tiny so I'm going to give it a red hey yo L Alexa all right crystal your turn what do you give her well since my bab's C him my green I'm going keep it a green too o w Roxy you're coming back what about why am I even asking Lily just put the green Lily just put the green yeah yeah Lily totally has a crush and finally Heather what do you give it not going to lie I like the things in the middle they look like boogers what that's the poop particles and hold up hold up Roxy according to my conations if we delete that we got to remove that and put that there Roxy's in the lead what the what how did that even happen now it's my turn everyone take a look what the hold up this is actually fire wao that's babes that's in the shower dabbing what dabbing yeah you're dabbing yeah it's like how Ro is doing that's uh what's coming out of my but OA so he was dancing so hard and then he pooped everywhere y are you serious right now oh my gosh wow and wait am I taking a shower right now is that the water coming out of the faucet yeah that water smells like stinky poops though oh my n you know what hether that's actually so fire I'm giving it a green rock what do you give it oh you don't even need to ask me oh double green Crystal your turnning oh gosh Crystal and Heather be beefing what are you going to give her I hate Heather so much but you're in her drying so a green what oh no she got that Crystal vote that's how you know it's good W that's actually so crazy cuz they both want to be your girlfriend they don't want to be my girlfriend have any ideas oh my before v v I'm going to give it a green I liked it a lot oh all right Alex it your turn I liked it so much cuz it was like mine but the whole thing so I'm giving it a graen what oh no Lily it's now up to you is Heather about to be in first place what do you think Heather's sister slice of green what oh no oh no wait Heather's literally halfway to getting a smooch from me are you serious right nows is going to get a smooch going to get a smooch really fck her up those lips oh no super sus and wal you guys going to be easy I already know what I'm drawing I'm drawing something that's blue that's my only hint no one else is getting a hint is it going to be a blue dog hey all right how did you actually know Luke cuz you're a blue dog duh oh wait what did you just admit that I'm actually a real blue dog you literally just admitted my boy I was just like saying like that's what you want to be no no no my boy you admitted it but I'm making the blue dog first I'm starting off with his ears I'm going to make this boy extra cute with a side of cuteness no caps involved and then is going to sound like this baaka baaka what hey yo baaka what why would you bro we're not calling it bakalo don't be weird my boy don't be weird that's what I would name my pet dog oh my dude it's not a pet he's his own person cuz dogs have feelings Luke dogs have feelings yeah well turtles have feelings too oh are you making a green turtle yep and he's going to be the cutest little thing ever ooh nice and Roxy I already know what you're making I could take a guess you ready what is it what is it red dinosaur I knew it just say I'm right just say I'm right you're not right you're not right I am literally right I literally know I'm right my boy I literally know I'm right but you're not I am all right then what are you actually doing then um I'm doing a red poo no bro's doing a red dinosaur oh my Dara guys I am not going to lie right now my puppy is actually looking mad cute zero caps involved I'm giving him such a cute little face I'm giving mine waves what what does that even mean what do you mean you're giving him waves it's a type of hairstyle ah I've never heard of that hairstyle before babes I'm doing a glow squid ooh that literally suits you so well cuz it's a little s and Heather what are you doing I'm making a purple sheep ooh that matches you so well and wait I need to fill up the face over here so let me make it extra thick and fill that John up and Lily I already know what you're doing don't even say you're making a pink cat that did you know because you love pink and you're like pretending to be a cat with your little outfit I'm not pretending yeah you're totally pretending you're pretending to be a blue dog hey yo no it's true no I'm not no I'm not bro no I'm not but wait let me make the doggy ears go down the face a little bit more like this let me do it the same on this side like that turning it actually makes it look mad adorable yes now I need to do the cute little doggy eyes and this is going to be mad hard to not make it look scary yeah you have to make him look cute so everyone wants to pet him I know right and oh gosh no no no those eyes look terrible wait wait wait I have an idea for the eyes I'm just going to make them super adorable like this just looking like a happy little boy oh oh Luke I literally found the best way to do eyes I'm not even going to cap oh gosh I can't wait to see it you're going to love it my boy so let me go down over here like this and he just looks like a happy little guy a and wait I'm going to throw some white over here like this so it makes it super duper shiny oh my goodness gracious that looks so good everyone my alligator is Sister slaying what you're doing an alligator Alexa that literally suits you so well you remind me of an alligator yeah cuz I'm ferocious Earth oh what was that I'm ferocious that was Goofy and Roxy you are not ferocious my boy you're adorable what no my dinosaur has a ferocious looking Tong he admitted it he's doing a dinosaur oh Roxy you said it you're doing a dino oh yeah you did and wait I need to make a little cute tongue for my puppy and bro oh no I just made it look so bad what is that he you can't pee Roxy yeah I'm still working on it it's a work in progress It's a work in progress bab mine is already almost done oh no guys Slow Down slow down oh gosh I'm running out of time okay okay let me make the tongue just look very very cute just like that and okay maybe not making it huge is a smart idea so let me do it like this then let me grab blue like that and oh yeah yeah that looks so good oh my gosh he just wants to lick you e that's yucky but I think we should move it up like that and yes that looks so much better and I'm going to give him a little Gray nose like that and wait let me make it small so I can make it three blocks wide then use a little black in the middle and that's looking so good now I need to make sure that he has textur so let me grab the black and let me outline him all the way so he looking super thick zero caps involved Luke you going to love this my boy and I'm going to get all the votes um you know we going to be the judge of that right yeah you literally will be and you going to be like sh dead John is lington so let me go up over here and oh my gosh highlighting it literally makes it look 10 times better cuz it makes him pop out so much more ooh I'mma copy that strategy hey chill do not copy my genius strategy bro it's literally super smart so let me go down over here y down over here very careful then okay go down here and then fill the bottom up then go over here fill the side and oh my Jeepers Creepers but wait now the question is should I fill up the ears as well with black or is that going to look weird no boy that's going to look crazy I don't know wait let me give it a little shot so let me move it down I need to make it away from the eye so it doesn't mess with it so let me hit it like this go like that around hit it like this okay and wait I'm actually making it so it's going to look good Luke I promise so let me go down here throw the black down and oh gosh wait I just got to cut it off and dude that makes the ears look so good this looks so goofy hey he does not look goofy my boy you're not allowed to peek you're cheating sorry I just need some inspiration inspir bro you better not copy you better not copy I'm going just use some of your elements oh my gosh bro that looks so good wait this ear needs to go out a little bit more on this side and Boop that looks good now let me get the black and let me highlight it around over here like this and that actually looks amazing now I'm going to throw in some highlighter for the ear area like that do the same on that side and wait a little bit on the tongue oh my gosh and I need to give him something very very important a light blue collar oh then you have to give him a name yes sir ski so wait let me go around over here I'm going to make the outlining of his collar out of gold cuz my boy stacking bread no caps so sheesh that boy got a swag yes sir so let me make his collar go all the way down and around like that then I'm going to grab the light blue and fill it all up just like this y'all yeting tin and make sure to not go outside the lines hey oh my gosh I'm not messing up I'm not messing up and wait right over here it needs to be a little bit skinnier so let me shrinkify the gold like this and make it go all around here grab the white and clean it up a bit and ooh that's literally perfect put the gold back here then let's fill it all up with the light blue M this looks so cute thank you I'm grinding right now my boy now I need to give him a little dog chain that says his name so let me grab oh I'm going to make it in silver so let me go over here make the little charm like this oh gosh wait making this even is actually super duper difficult yeah SS it has to be perfect everyone's grading it hey I'm trying my best right now hold up wait wa wait I'm actually doing a pretty good job let me fix the bottom part over here grab the right and if I fill it up oh my n this John is lit now I need to give him a little name and of course I'm going to name him OHS yep that's the perfect name for a cute little blue dog oh yeah yeah bro oh gosh how am I going to fit SS oh no that does not fit at all okay okay wait let me reset let me reset let me grab it and I think I need to make a little bit wider on the side so let me make it wider like that then for SS I'm going to do a little life hack I'm going to make the O like that then the M over here just like this then the Z at the end just like that oh my gosh guys I literally have ohms ridden down that's crazy oh go that is an i low keyo cap wait what if I did this Roxy wait wait wait wait trust the processor what is that what wait wait wait wait trust the process bro boom do you see it and then I can just make that lower now we have ohms wow this looks so cute and adorable thank you and wait I'm going to make the chain go all the way around so it fits right just like that yeah heating tin then go up over here and oh my gosh I'm not even going to cap Luke I think it's no chance for you toing bro no I'm definitely taking this dub ski are you sure and wait I'm going to make the background something that pops out at you should I make it out of pink yes oh go of course he likes that idea I'm just using pink cuz SES has a little bit of pink and wait I'm going to give him some Pink Cheeks over here as well now it's literally going to pop so much so let me fill it up and guys we're running out of time hurry up final touches final touches I'm adding my last dot nice nice wait let me go over here quickly make it bigger oh goash oh goash okay let me throw this up over here this side okay yting shrink it and Roxy hurry up my boy running out of time dude okay don't rushing me I'm not rushing you I'm just saying hurry up we're run out of time oh wait wait wait I'm almost done I'm almost done wait let me throw the pink up over here come on okay up over here down this way and boom okay guys pencil's down okay hands off hands off oh my gosh this John is literally awesome I am so proud of it start on this side since I was last last time oh all right we're starting with hether everyone pull up and oh my that is the goofiest cutest thing ever at I think he spelled sheep wrong uh don't don't look at that that that doesn't matter hey yo look that John says Shake bro sh you need to learn how to spell I know wait what hey hey hey hey who's doing go hands off oh L that was literally you my boy that was literally you you're the only one with the pallet out oh oh it was me oh Dar but it's so cute it's almost pink yeah good point Lily it is pretty cute and I like how it's Derpy all right Heather fine you get a vote from me it's a great oh no Heather's actually getting up there Roxy you're turn what do you think about the purple sheep I think it's silly and I like silly green hey yo oh no Heather's actually getting up there she's about to win Alexa your turn what do you think about the purple sheep I thought it was super sister sleigh so I'm giving it a per thank youex lucus pus it's your turn what do you give it I'm thinking about giving it a red OHS I don't know what are you serious oh gosh oh gosh I'll give you a fist pump if you give me green do you really think luk is going to are you serious look bro why are you bro he literally teleported oh my gosh bro that was w r my boy all right crystal your turn honestly do you like the purple sheep oh it is awesome yes fine I like it he oh oh my gosh bro she's literally 1 2 three away from getting a smooch are you serious right now pickings Roxy's turned up oh and bro that's awesome yeah I know I know bro that's so cool yesi so first we have this 3D grass wo guys look at the grass it's 3D look at the texture very very cool Roxy he's raing lava wo wait that's actually pretty lit bro that's not that's very lit scary too yeah it is very scary and wait talk about the dinosaur talk about the dinosaur all all right so this is his ferocious looking teeth W and it's just like mine are you serious Luke bro Roxy that is not you my boy you got adorable pajamas on zero caps involved no you have a pajamas on hey these are not pajamas this is really me I'm a blue adorable doggy wo w you're so awesome I know but Roxy continue describing your dinosaur please and next we have these claws that's going to tear your face apart hey Roxy why would you do that to me I'm just a kid and wait keep going keep going this is and then we have these awesome toils I think there's still claws cuz his feet are technically claws still and then there's clouds a sky a sun in its eyes wow Roxy this is actually awesome my boy I'm not even going to have to say anything green bro that's literally a green Luke just do it just do it bro yep I'm right here with you ly hurry up put the green put the green it's so awesome Heather Alexa Crystal just throw your greens Up Throw Your Greens up yes he slay yeah he actually just slay on that zero cap H that picture was amazing what you even got Heather's vote oh my gosh Roxy and Heather are tied right now yes I'm going to get that Smo w we are not playing for smooch oh my go oh Crystal it's your turn what the what is this so there's the so glow squid glow squids o that's so awesome and then there's the teenager oh look it's a teenager he's going through phases yep he's growing up and he's going through puberty oh my goodness gracious but wait what about these bottom two so the one right under the teenager is the kid o hello kid he's very normal and cool kids are awesome Yep they're little bakas yep Luke please stop saying Bak who started with that that means kid in my language oh my gosh all right wait what about this bottom one Crystal and cute baby a adorable and I love how you did the eyes cuz they're a loving family Crystal I ain't going to cap my girl that's fire Green Let's Go bab you're awesome now Roxy your turn what do you give it my brother M I'm thinking I have to give it a red what R Roxy just W finessed Ro just W finessed all right Alexa your turn what do you give it that was so wholesome that I'm going to give it a green psych I'm giving it a red wait what are you serious double greeny she just W up oh my go L your turn your turn oh my gosh this is the cutest thing ever oh nice now Heather you're turn oh gosh Heather's voting on crystal she was nice to me so I'll be nice to her H green go you know it's good when Heather gives it you know it's good Heather gives it bro no cap it's my turn now and I mess with the heavy so Green Oh n so now Roxy and Heather are in first place and Crystal's a close second she can literally win the smooch next round oh Nar you got to lock in Crystal you got to lock in okay I going to make it just as good as this one yes sir but now everyone pull up to the oh one so cute wow babe this is amazing really do you guys actually like it oh he's so cute dude thank you ly I appreciate so first we have the C ears over here and I put a little bit of lighting on it that's the best that's the best oh my gosh Chris is just like C then I trace it out with some black and gave him a very cute face and look at my face guys can you see where I got the inspiration from look at me look at me look at my head I can see the resemblance yep I put some blush on it as well and made the background pink so he really pops up then I gave him a gold chain oh cuz he's stacking bread he's stacking bread he's Rich he got that cheese I got to give him the green oh wow I didn't even finish and Bros already giving me a green let's go there's the S I love it are they literally fighting to give me greens oh my let's go Roxy what you giving it my boy a green let's go chit what is he is it Greeno rolling all right Alexa your turn I'm going to give it a green cuz he's so cute how could you give it a red yay I made it cute and oh my gosh wait I'm about to pass Crystal Lily it's now literally your time are you going to give it a red or green give we get a red I think it's R Ser she's literally going to do the Roxy thing I promise I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it oh my go and now it's Luke's turn boy what the what is that boy what the what is that this is my swaggy Turtle his name's Anthony what Anthony what goody Anthony dab me up my Bo he dabbed you up oh that's Roxy's literally dabbing bro is literally it's CU anon's chill like that check out these butt hey yo he's putting his butt in Anthony's face yo chill let Anthony Rock my boy does he have a mohawk y Andy standing on his feet what the word bro Andy can walk are you serious right now my boy are you serious yeah he's just chill like that and O you even gave him an awesome Turtle shot wait does he have a ring that's a pinky ring that boy cost a th000 Diamonds oh no bro literally made a rich Turtle That's A V for me zi shout out to you hes thank you and now Roxy your turn what do you give it I'm going to give it a red cuz I like red are you serious oh wow oh no that's so cool dude it hit the last second psych what bro do you literally hit a last second psych boy in a way dude he really had me in the first half I know right Heather your turn what do you give Luke he did vote for me so I'll vote for him too oh W oh no l wa you're actually going crazy Crystal what is your vote going to be it's a muscular turle a great oh yeah he does have some leg muscles W leg muscles Alexa your turn and oh my gosh you're going to get a green cuz she likes green I'm going give it a red what hey are you serious she's about to say s no I'm just kidding guys I'm going to give it a green Roxy called it he said it I heard you say Roxy I heard you say it w Roxy nice and now Lily it is your turn my lady it's a green double onar luky is tied no this is not good what you ready to are you serious boy hey no wait Luke we're not smoochi again what the what the what goest thing ever uh Alexa what the what is that uh it's the alligator he's just chilling like this what what oh no where is even the face Alexa what am I looking at just look like a green blob yeah he's like a squishy version of an alligator oh no okay well are these the arms over here no these are his what what where's his face it's like right here and then those are his teeth uh Alexa yes I'm I'm so sorry I'm going to have to do it I'm going to have to do it I'm sorry boom Roxy what are you giving it I'm going to have to give it a red wait are you going to psych out oh no is he going to psych no no I'm not going to psych I'm not going to Psy are you serious oh my goodness gracious all right Heather what about you not going to lie I got to give my girl Alexa some points so no knew she was real oh my God she's a real one for that no caps all right Lily what do you give it I don't like it at all but I'm too sweet I me mean I'm giving it a green why oh no are you serious right now oh go me too I got to stack up her cheese why why are you giving her a green Luke cuz I got a crush on her keep it low keep it oh my gosh all right I'm going keep it on the low I don't think anyone knows about it all right crystal your turn girls have to stick together I'm giving you the grain what she just got points from girl power oh my gosh are you serious but now it's the turn oh no that's actually M cute that's actually mad cute yeah it says purr oh no Shorty's purring Shorty's literally purring oh my goodness gracious I love it so much it's such a cute guy don't forget the little sparkles in the back oo oh my gosh oh my gosh instant green instant green Roxy just put the green I already know what you're going to say yes sir a green for l oh nice Alexa what you giving this one just off the part I'm giving it a green oh my gosh short is literally purring okay Crystal your turn what do you give it this is so cute I love it green he N I wish I could give it too wow she's actually doing crazy oh my goodness gracious Heather what about you that so cute per oh my gosh Lily you doing the purs was so smart but Luke it's your turn what are you going to give it I'm giving it a sister slay approval oh and hold up oh my gosh Lily Luke and SS are tied in second place and Roxy and Heather are tied in first place oh goodness gracious is almost up there yeah you are almost up so everyone can technically win the smooch except for Alexa you're not wi no smooch girl No Cap you never know and I never even wanted in the first place hey yo what the oh my gosh that is not happening and oh no are you serious bro I already know exactly what I'm going to draw I'm going to draw a San person with a big butt no no no not you Crystal and wait what color is your hair oh my gosh don't make this weird better not be drawing Crystal oh I'm not drawing Crystal I'm just drawing a girl you better not be drawing Heather drawing anyone I'm just drawing a girl that has like oranges blondish hair I'm not saying anyone in particular I have oranges blondish hair no no no no no no no you don't but just let me throw all this down like this and she happens to have light blue flowers in her hair hey you're drawing me no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not that's so romantic how is that romantic at all but hold up let me go down over here and short guys have the beduna dunk if you know what I'm saying you talking about them cheeks my boy yeah and wait Luke what are you drawing for the gat oh I'm just going to draw myself cuz I got that thing on me hey yo W sauce literally W sauce Roxy what are you drawing oh I'm just trying a G oh wait what just like a butt cheeks that's it two butt cheeks yeah hey yo but oh my n guys M looks mad funny wait I have to do the rest of the body over here like this yting tin over here bro this looks mad silly and I'm going to make a hand being raised just like that perfect and let me go on this side do another hand being raised like this and oh my gosh this looks awesome oh no that looks sus and wait I'm going to throw in some nice details I'm just going to put some stains over here what what kind of stains uh chocolate stains chocolate stains hey I don't sit on chocolate oh yeah yeah okay it's not chocolate then wait I'm going to put some um yellow lemonade on your pants as well hey I don't sell on yellow lemonade either that's not what it is it's not yellow lemonade oh no oh no and wait guys no think I may have the most awesome one yet it kind of looks like a butterfly I'm not going to lie bro that looks bad goofy it looks like a dirty butterfly wait wait I have an idea I'm going to just do some of this at elash now it looks like pee up over here wait let me just put like eyes and like a smile oh gosh Crystal I don't think you want to look at this don't don't don't look yet don't look yet hey what is that don't look oh my gosh wait I think I need to fix the hands as well and oh gosh now it looks like you have PE hands oh goodness gracious wait I'm I'm fixing it up I'm fixing it up fix it right this m I'm fixing and wait let me just put some gray shoes down over here like that Boop oh no uh yeah there's no fixing it wait maybe the black outlining strategy is going to make the Gat look better oh no bro's trying to fix the Y bro I'm trying my best right now it's going to be very hard to fix this I'm not going to lie but wait I'm going up and around with the dark black oh my gosh wait this is actually making it look so much better dude black just makes everything better Luke make sure to outline yours oh that's going to make it pop out yes sir ski we poping out out right now so let me go down and around make sure the same on the face like that yeah eating tin then go up over here and okay up there hand like that boom then down and around Roxy how's your Gat going my gat is going G what okay that's a good explanation right yep makes sense to me and I'm going down and around like that oop I made a little mistake let me fix that white grab the black do it over here like this go down and oh my gosh I don't know if that did anything I'm not going to lie bab to be honest it still looks goofy what is that I'm trying my best oh gosh um um um I don't know how to make this Gat look better wait maybe I should add some Shining Light coming off the G oh yeah so the Cheeks is busted in the sunlight okay now it looks way better and wait I'm going to put a little crack down the middle right over here yep that makes it look so much better bro oh yeah I actually just fixed it I literally fixed it that was actually clutch yes sir and wait let me round off the two cheeks and separate it from the legs over here and oh no I actually made that look so good all right guys the time is officially up hands off hands off hands off I want to my side to see the ultimate G all right let's go Roxy what are you doing hilarious it's butt cheeks hey yo did that John just make a ginormous dump ohar Lily are you serious right now he had to go don't judge him oh my no Roxy what is you giving this my boy automatic G don't even ask me oh my n are you serious right now Alexa what about you the butt cheeks aren't filled in I'm going to have to give it a red I'm sorry girl oh no oh no oh no no oh gosh deducting green right now boom Oh gosh Luke your turn what do you give this John that thing is sitting right so I'm giving it a green oh all right Lily you're back up nice Heather your turn what are you giving it I move Alexa on this there's not enough details sorry red oh goodness gracious this is mad intense this is mad intense but wait that leaves oh gosh just me and Crystal to vote Crystal what are you going to give it that thing has a yach oh Crystal doesn't care about detail and I'm not going to lie I like the ginormous poop Lily I'm going to give it one point ohar bu is the way to go there's two points away from WI oh and wait now it's Alex turn I want what the what does that say G where's the second T there's two T's in the word Gia I didn't have enough space for it oh no Alexa come on Roxy what are you giving this I'm sorry Alexa but this is a red automatic oh no oh no okayo bloop bloop bloop all right Lily your turn what do you give just the word g no to Alex I'm sorry I don't want to be mean but it's just I just have to do r no oh no a it's getting serious BL BL BL BL BL all right Luke what are you going to give it hes you know I have to support my babes I'm giving her a green oh W RZ W RZ Alexa that is W RZ thank you nice Heather your turn what are you going to give Alexa she's so sister SCE so green what you're not voting based on the oh whatever you're not even voting based on the painting all right what about you crystal I think it's funny how she spelled it I'm giving it a green oh W clutch Alexa you're actually making a comeback right now and wait is it my turn yes but it's your turn what going to give it OHS oh gosh it honestly looks like it says Yak that looks like an X I'm not going to lie no it's cuz it's leaning sideways oh my gosh fine Alexa I'll give you a green just cuz I'm feeling nice but it's Luke St oh no bro is mad close to getting the smooch are you messing with my guy or not oh my n what even is that Roxy what is happening right now like a caterpillar bro you're a CP creeper a ly creeper wait I actually got to see at why is there yellow coming out of him it's cuz he's peeing and pooping at the same time oh I see the P oh wait is this his gat back over here yeah he poops when he blows up oh oh my gosh wait that's actually Super Creative green for me yes I'm going to smooch you boy oh no Roxy what are you give oh nice wait Crystal you too oh no wait Luke you're getting mad points right now you're getting mad points Heather what about you he's not getting that smooch I am red oh no bro you're about to win there's only two more chances and Alexa what are you gonna give him I really liked it so I'm gonna give it a green oh Luke you're mad cloes you're mad close Lily it's literally up to you it's literally up to you what are you going to get like a caterpillar oh no oh no I'm sorry I'm so so sorry bro was literally one wi for get to Smo oh n bro was about to cry but now it's my turn everyone pull up to the yach oh my God bab I got didn't look like me that is yeah I know I tried my best I look like a parrot oh I actually do see the parrot on the top but it's it kind of looks like a butterfly I'm not going to lie but these are two ginormous cheeks this is no one in particular no one it looks like Crystal no it's not Crystal it's not Crystal but these are two giant but cheeks yeah um she might have you know let one rip if you know what I'm saying oh but Roxy what are you giving it I'm going to give it a green cuz it's super duper funny let's go odar all right crystal what are you going to get I want to keep it a red but I have to keep it a green hey let's go ly your turn my good friend that J look like a butterfly I'm giving it a red hey yo no blue blue blue blue blo oh my goodness gracious Heather what do you give it that is Crystal and I don't like Crystal at also right oh no no no no no no are you serious right now bloop bloop bloop bloop bro all right Alexa what about you come on this is artwork this is artwork I'm going to give it a green cuz that girl got a dump truck yes sir SK I do not have a DB track onar Lily what do you give it it SS like green oh let's go and onar me and Luke are tied right now and bro it's Crystal St now let's see what she made at what is that so you see the yellow is the legs okay and the butt Bo no wa bu a no wa literally she just put like two butt cheeks sitting down are you serious it looks like I'm looking at a map yeah is this the map to your butt yeah you see this hole this is the entrance and now you could never come out red red red red red red red red oh no the double red Roxy what you giving this my boy I'm going to give it a green cuz you can go inside the butt oh my n bro is crazy what about you Heather this is not it babes I'm giving it a red oh no Crystal you going down below right now what about you Lily I feel so bad everybody's giving you the red I'm giving you the green o w Lily thank you li so much oh nice said what is that Roxy it's my butt cheeks where what how why it looks like he's trying to hack into the database yeah literally this looks like a hacker's computer Roxy my brother M I love you I'm sorry I did the blue I did the blue cuz I was trying to get some points what I don't even know what I'm looking at Roxy what is this that's a light blue you like blue give me a green what uh Luke what you give Roy bro what this boy thought he ate but he a e oh no Crystal your turn whaton you give him that I give him red cuz Roxy likes red oh that is a good point okay everyone give me red wait are we all W are you going to give him red too sure anything that he likes oh okay and Heather what about you red is and hold up it doesn't even fit wait wait it's 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 bro just went below Alexa how is that even possible oh my n but now it's time for Heather and Heather needs one two three points to win oh no and let's see if it's a good end wow what is that I know you like what you see babe what even is that dinosaur Heather oh my gosh and she even has a g pooping dinosaurs is Green Oh My Nar Heather already has a point Alexa what are you thinking about this this is actually sister slaying and I love the green booger green I didn't even Noti the boogers point oh no oh gosh Luke it's your turn oh no SS you better pucker up them lips wait what what's happening what's happening what's happen green you're going to kiss hea don't listen listen no no no that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's all that's done the game is done I know crystal is feeling good about this come here no and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 41,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, maze build, noob vs pro, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, kory, omz, mia, maizen, Jeffy, ONE CAT on a DOGS ONLY island!
Id: 9ekjgL_cADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 24sec (11244 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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