Nico Goes To A ROMANTIC CITY In Minecraft!

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why it's a beautiful day it's Square City oh my gosh oh I just accidentally broke my window what I'll get someone to fix that later anyways I haven't checked my meal in a while is there anything in there hmm oh did I get a letter the city of Romance by Perry tourism Department what does that mean romance love come visit the city of Perry the city of romance only two hours away don't delay a city of romance wait is it romance like love what if I take Zoe to this city and maybe she'll love me or not but it's worth a try let's go Zoey hello knock back how are you doing today I'm pretty good just restocking the candy store well I gotta show you what I just saw what is it a fly era a flyer oh yeah but you can't read it it's to go to a city oh what kind of City uh a super cool City oh is it an adventure yes an adventure oh I'm down wait actually yeah I love Adventure well you're fine going tomorrow yeah sure just get out of here I told you to fix my window um ew excuse me why does everyone always interrupt you when I'm trying to speak to Zoe can I get a cookie a cookie if you help build my house sure what all right anyway so yeah you fight going tomorrow sir I am I need a break who's the way allowed me to go with this trip I need to get my trusty backpack and then let me get some diamonds and with some raw salmon to pack for the trip oh this is gonna be the best trip ever a trip just me and Zoe oh my gosh this is a trip of my dreams anyways let me get some diamonds this should be perfect for the trip uh four Stacks should be good enough and you know what I'm gonna need some flowers to give to Zoe for the trip I've been growing these for a while these are gonna come in useful okay I think I'm all set time to go see if Zoe packed up oh my sorry are you packed up I sure am Shady help me break these stairs come on what's going on oh my God guys my house uh yeah you were taking kind of long to get out oh my gosh wait where'd you go to my roof oh me and Shady are just doing some decorating oh Shady why'd you fall asleep are you serious oh uh sorry I fell asleep cash yeah you were taking super long to get out but anyways are you ready for the zoo trip what's your trip we're going to the zoo remember all four of us you agreed uh that kind of busy packing today cash I'm sorry we gotta go somewhere tomorrow wait what where are you even going um just a city a city that doesn't give me much information it's called Perry yeah Nico's gonna take me on a new what yeah it's just me and Zoe are you serious right now bro what are you what do you mean we come because I already bought four tickets for the zoo yeah uh well you're just gonna have to tell them to refund us I'm sorry cash what this is a bunch of baloney that's what I'm saying break it break it that's what you get well you know what I'm not fully finished packing it so I'll see you guys later fine Shady let's go to the zoo alone yeah okay it should be the next day now oh my gosh I couldn't go to sleep waiting for this day this is gonna be so exciting uh wait Zoe hurry up Nico you're now friends this is our driver our driver uh hello hello Nico hello Zoe are you ready for your trip yeah just give me one second I have to say goodbye to catching Shady cash Shady hello wait who are you guys watch it Buster uh okay okay is Cash not home weird uh Shady shady is she no home either wow they're usually always home at this time come on Nico let's get going whatever okay are we all ready yep take us to the airport Miss driver let's go okay uh wait Zoe do you know where the airport is um oh wait I think it should be over here right I sure hope so hopefully the driver knows where we're going uh yeah driving where you're going right of course I do wait what are those guys following us do you know them um probably nothing they're probably going to the same place are you sure I hope so uh you know whatever okay over here we are here enjoy your trip oh thank you thank you to miss driver anyways Square City airports oh my gosh so we were finally taking a flight out of square City I'm so excited uh yeah me too and our driver just left the car out front uh are we supposed to do that I'm sure it's fine uh yeah anyways where are those two men go whoa why are they looking at us like that no let's just hurry and get on our flight uh yeah that's kind of weird whoa whoa whoa slow it down what what's your bag on the side now oh okay okay and I'm putting all my diamonds wait how do I put stuff in my backpack uh gosh you're holding up the line sorry sir I got a bunch of kids in the line ah man I'm just trying to really get out of here I'm tired of teaching these kids teacher teacher oh it's heal too yeah a buddy in the blue you forgot to turn in your assignment what no what are you talking about yeah you did uh your name's Nico right uh no I am uh my name is actually Nick dude whatever wow anyways Mr Sir city of romance hey go look at that all right who are you yelling at just get oh your gosh all right come on through oh this backpack does kind of fit me hey give me that done whoa whoa whoa did you just hit a TSA agent Nico you're gonna get us in trouble you're trying to try this belongings what do you mean I'm not stealing anything man here take it back just give me my stuff Gosha here's the way you take your backpack I'm keeping these flowers though no give me my flowers and my diamonds uh what are you doing whoa whoa whoa do not yell at a tease agent okay caution ah kids the square City TSA is not very good yeah I think he was trying to rob us what does CSA even mean um I don't know nah well whatever it's time to head to our flight Zoe we got a long flight ahead of us okay Zoe uh I think our flight's not starting and for a little while so you want to get something to eat oh of course look at the coffee shot Mr Enderman ah I love this new job I don't have any weird orders sir hello hello Zoe I don't really know what I want to get do you have any idea oh here I'll order for you okay got it um hi can I get two salted caramel white mochas with two pumps of caramel two pumps of vanilla and a salted cream foam oh with a caramel drizzle as well uh what happened oh why does that always happen I just want my drink what happened I don't know oh maybe he can help make her food um excuse me how to make coffee I can't understand you let me get closer hello [Music] what are you gonna do wait you weren't here may I have a coffee please yeah hey watch it Buster tail wait why you're disrespecting a TSA no I wasn't done oh yeah you don't think you were buddy uh no well maybe I was just being quite mean hey what does CSA even stand for anyways it stands for Transportation Security Administration what there's so many big words together Zoe did you get any of that uh nope maybe he's just grumpy because he hasn't had his coffee yet yeah definitely you know what I feel kind of sleepy I need some of this is good thank you I think he had too much coffee oh my gosh what's hurry and go over here before they blame us yeah I think we should just wait for our flight okay I think we should wait up here oh Nico your flight's gonna be ready soon wait Miss driver I thought you were our driver I'm also the flight attendant silly actually yes come sit with me okay thank you of course uh fight attendant who's that behind you I'm not sure might be somebody on the flight oh gosh that's Josh uh so we just ignore him yeah I cannot wait to go to this place man this sounds Exquisite gosh I take one of the same place we're going please Adventure so maybe ah gosh and where's my baby uh Mark gosh has anyone seemed like baby please please your baby how can you be so I lost him somewhere here right get up real quick oh gosh I'm not sitting on your baby oh not under there oh hello pretty lady hello have you seen my baby anywhere actually you know what I don't care about the baby anymore wait what oh gosh my wife's gonna kill me oh okay come on you little scoundrel yeah let's just ignore that guy yeah yeah man that little dude is Goofy bro Josh what are you doing here hang on a second bro am I really about to get on a plane with y'all bums no we're not bums you guys are some bums for real hey anyway listen listen flight lady where are we going again we're actually going to Perry follow me your flight's ready wait actually let's get it let's go welcome to Paris Airlines please board your flight parade Airlines what I can't wait for this adventure hey watch out hey Josh oh my gosh I can't believe he's going on here with us oh and she's going in the back so I think we should just sit here hey man get this little goofy baby off me little bro what you doing wait is that Mark's mark uh yeah let's just ignore that I'm glad we're in the middle the disgusting Baby Bro nasty so wait don't worry about any of this just ignore these people until our flight starts okay as long as it's a fun adventure Nico wake up what what those weird guys are on the plane what what are they doing here I don't know are they following us I sure hope not uh they look a little bit suspicious oh gosh uh you know what I think it's fine let's just not worry about it let's just wait till we get there yeah I guess we have now arrived hey we're already here oh finally that was the quickest flight ever yeah those guys are pretty suspicious yeah I just hope we don't see them again uh well whatever why did it yes uh you know we're not actually prepared for the city what is there to do in Perry well Perry is the most romantic city of all time anything you want romantic yeah I don't know what you said about that romantic part Zoe yeah just don't worry about that okay as long as they're Adventure this is so cool no there's so much Adventure wait pilot yeah I know right guys it's so awesome wait did you fly us here oh yeah uh are you sure oh yeah then explain to me why there's a villager in the pilot seat dude that's my co-pilot wait actually yeah okay whatever uh do you know where the hotel is here nah Loki just came over here to hang out with y'all wait are you serious yeah I have no friends ah gosh I guess we're gonna have to figure this out by ourselves Zoe yeah I think we should check out over here uh okay you ain't gonna be my friend Nico run down that is kind of weird I also saw the guys in trench coats walk over there so I don't want to go over there oh yeah good idea those guys were kind of creepy is any of these places a hotel the city is so big and the buildings are so tall it's awfully pretty too perfect for a romantic City but she doesn't know that uh hello hello you are looking for a hotel uh yeah oh I I can show you wait you can't and Diamond please oh sure here what no no going down give me 10 Diamond thank you so this is not Square City what do you mean okay and now um goodbye red oh hello sir yo what's up you know where a hotel is yeah it's gonna be that way wait are you staying there too yeah it's radical Give Me Your Money wait Give Me Your Money okay give me your money yeah Zoe no let's just stay away from people people here seem friendly friendly really yeah friendly is a word to describe it ah let's check out this hotel anyways this thing looks huge hello oh hey wait are you the receptionist I just happen to be welcome to the fancy fancy hotel fancy fancy hotel no fancy fancy hotel I feel like I've seen you before you don't look familiar wait what uh well whatever what is your reservation going to be under uh Nico let me check really fast ah perfect room one room one okay thank you Zoe huh oh hi it's finally time for me to propose to you propose what wait how we're in the most romantical City ever no no you get out of here Nico he was gonna propose something not proposed something he was going to propose to you no he needs to give me back my money uh well whatever we gotta go to room one Zoey all right you know I'm pretty sure room one should be up here uh is it this one over here uh what's going on here oh hey what's up yeah nope I don't want to go in that room hey what's in that backpack of yours [Music] give me your backpack oh my gosh side step side steps oh God nice one Nico we got him is it this one nope is it this one I guess this is room one uh yo what is good my dog Derek what are you doing Kiara and I'm about to take a fat nap on this bed Derek I think this is our hotel room no I want to sleep too wait what's going on ew she probably has cuties cooties Zoe I think we should just leave our bags here I don't really trust anyone yeah good idea but let me bring a little bit of some money because we're gonna go with a little Adventure anyways do you want to explore this city yeah I want to go on an adventure Nico yeah and you know I actually heard of a really cool place to visit oh where uh you'll see uh it should be right over here this thing is so tall oh and it's really pretty yeah just like nope never I'm not gonna say that nothing wait what is this place called anyway this is called the Apple Tower the Apple Tower I wonder if there's apples on top yeah wait what are those guys doing over there well whatever yeah there may be apples on the top but this place will give us a really cool view of the city so Zoe come on up I'm coming oh gosh there's some super long stairs this might take a while oh these stairs are making me dizzy ah well we've reached the tapa finally this place better be worth it and look you could go up even one more floor whoa what's on the top whoa yeah Nico don't break it and this should be fine well whatever this view Isn't that cool of course it is a lot better what do you mean this view is beautiful I guess you're right and you know it's nice celebrating this with you yeah this is a great adventure Nico 's guys over there huh what guys uh on on the blood reindeer they're gone what do you mean I swear I'm not I don't know is your head feeling okay Nico yes 100 all right are you sure yes sir okay well I think we should get down from here are you hungry yeah I'm starving yeah me too let's go get some food um Nico why did you want me to wear this because we need to be in formal attire for the restaurant well I guess so is it really that fancy yeah of course do you like my outfit I sure do you look really nice wait actually how about me yeah you look super pretty Zoe oh thank you well this is gonna be so fun let's do it uh I think we gotta we'll just wait over here I made a reservation um hello hello hello cut it out already I mean cut cut it out already dude and you look familiar yeah you look really familiar gosh get this plant on my face uh I'm not familiar at all hey uh cash dude are they there um you look familiar too yeah you look just like my friend oh we have some guests hello dollar we should seat them at those tables yes yes of course um where is our young server lady where is she at I'll go get her don't worry sandal oh okay um so these guys are kind of weird yeah so how are you liking the place Perry is actually a really beautiful city oh yeah uh it's really nice I've never been here before wait no I've lived here for many years I mean okay all right here here She is Brianna aren't you the person that works at the hotel gotta make your money somehow oh my gosh uh can you see this please of course follow me ah thank you right here at this table with the lovely flower oh why okay this is gonna be so nice yeah I know right hey wait uh I can't wait to eat with you guys I've missed you me too is this a part of this uh sorry uh just go ahead and get their drinks yeah so yeah I got a little ahead of myself okay oh they were kind of nice yeah they were nice so what would you guys like to drink just just two waters would be okay of course ah thank you wow this city people is kind of weird oh I think they're just being nice but aren't you kind of suspicious those guys kind of look like our friends wait suspicious I guess a little bit but how would those guys even be our friends we're like so far away from home what if they followed us that's how the unlikely but that would be crazy I know right well whatever what can we do let's just eat our food uh hello isn't that Clyde's monkey George get out of here this is not the time what is going on oh hey I thought this place was fancy me too well I got your guys's Waters sorry about Derek well thank you Brianna hey baby Derek you're looking pretty good go sit outside yes ma'am anything for you okay weird let's just continue on with our day good idea all right we've gotten your food ready wait we didn't even order anything okay here you go I believe you guys asked for raw salmon yup yup that's right sandal this is not raw salmon whatever I heard this place was five stars so whatever oh God uh I don't feel so good I wanna barf [Music] I think we should go back to the hotel yeah let's get out of there uh this is definitely not for us oh leaving so soon bye sir you're feeling sickening us yeah shady I got more oh they're leaving okay did you just say Shady dollar get it together sorry sandal I swear he just said Shady huh whatever Nico Nico wake up wait how did I don't know rooms I feel like I just passed out I had to carry you remember wait no I did not remember that yeah you got all sick and then you went what I guess that happened you did that too though yeah but I was still strong enough to carry you gosh are you okay where's the weather I heard your stomach was hurting yeah yeah Shady why are you here um we were just visiting yep just visiting what do you mean you flight to get here yeah we heard that you were sick so we came super fast yeah yeah we we definitely just flew here and we weren't spying on you um I'm not so sure about that because our flight was the only flight that was happening for the last week what no yes oh right we took a boat yeah yeah what do you mean what do you mean you don't get here okay we took a helicopter uh we took a horse oh my gosh you guys uh have you been following us ah Shady do we tell them the truth yeah I guess okay fine give me one sec what are they doing nope One Mississippi two Mississippi gosh you see wait what it was us we were following you the entire time you guys were these guys on the plane yep oh my gosh we followed you to Perry because we were kind of jealous that you guys got to go on a cool trip and not us yeah it's just a trip for me and Zoe well why why couldn't we come I guess because I was afraid you guys would ruin it ruin what you know what never mind uh so we let me just talk with them oh okay guys I allow you to be here for this trip as long as you let me and Zoe have some time together oh I see what this is all about now yeah you see what I mean yeah no wonder they call this the Romantic City uh well whatever you guys want to hang out all four of us yeah but I think you mean five wait five what do you mean come look at my new friend new friend yup he's right out those doors okay oh gosh if you want to watch more cash Adventures the cooking on the screen and if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe
Channel: Nico
Views: 2,025,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: VbsX07Kr0Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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