Was This Too Tall?

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you know it's going to be good when the game is called tall man run tap to start you're the boss so we just okay run back and forth getting a little bit uh taller and wider as we go do we want to be both tall and wide uh oh we don't want that one actually that was a mistake so far i'm doing pretty damn good at this so we're going to jump all the way over to him and are we big oh we needed to be taller to get that we got a new item though we got part of a new item okay i get it now some of the panels you force your man to run through are not good and some of them are very good we probably want 125 that's a bigger number we'll time this out there we go now we got a girthy boy gonna feed him through the gap oh we're too tall now oh okay it's a bit of a puzzle game i get it we're still pretty tall though so i think we're gonna do pretty good here wouldn't it be funny to watch this guy fall over though okay so the more mass we have the further we get his head got to the finish line this is harder than it looks alright stupid start running we can't stop though so that's fine we can stop to see what's ahead so there's a small okay we want to go under this one probably oh we actually wanted to yeah okay we still should have gotten bigger there i think i get it now get your balloony self across that gap and make me some earnings made it all the way to not quite all the way okay i'm just gonna aim for making an unreasonably tall man there's very tall very thin this way he's aerodynamic i think that what was pulled me back before he just wasn't aerodynamic enough there we go get through here give me all of these that's going to add some girth is that a girth i don't know what that actually did anyways get across that gap and earn me something big times multiplier wow we didn't even get halfway okay we're so tall now we get triple diamonds i'm going to try very hard not to do that again i switched hands there that's my excuse look at this man he's so ridiculous he's 80 feet tall with one foot arms so do we need to make him bigger like do we spend this making him bigger i don't want to be faster i don't think okay i think this is going to help make him taller every time he hits these okay we're girthy we're going to be really tall and girthy we're going to lose a bit there that's fine we're going to plow through these guys i don't know if we're supposed to but i just wanted to times two times two look how big we are divide by three oh this is a learning game i just realized i'm learning math by doing this this completely works against everything i stand for i want to get stupider as i play and in fact i normally do okay we got some more crystals so i don't know we'll get some extra girthiness do i want speed i feel like i don't want speed i feel like that's just going to hurt like make me perform less good and speak worse also apparently so we don't want these because these are bad they're red don't touch those ow don't touch those can we sneak around them here okay we did ow good that time i'm pretty sure we did give me some of those coins i need to get bigger taller wider probably not faster maybe faster would help there only my head ever makes it to the end okay i've acquired a few more gems i'm going to take a little bit more speed for some reason then i'm also going to take some more girth and height and height again you know we'll take some more girth all right this one's a timing thing uh luckily for me i can just stop so i can stop and wait for it to come back if i want and grab that one and that one now i built the hulk i didn't mean to but i built that well we'll take an extra 100 height because that's a lot and we're going to jump over this if this guy can leave the ground times to height yes please and we'll jump over this 50 up so okay so we'll just kind of go through here and then we'll go through here and then i don't think i had anything negative happen this guy's going all the way this time he's gonna run right into the big man on that side of things you can't even see his head he's so big come on you can do it yeah we did it kill that man got him oh we get so many gems from the boss too we should do that more often so after all that we have 5 600 gems to spend so let's just you know go for something stupidly tall okay now we should have a little bit of a height advantage plus 75 plus 20. uh i don't think we want to hit the bombs just to guess so do we want to divide by one naturally then times two times one up times two wide yeah we like that girth don't we get all the way through and kill that man think we might have screwed this one up oh well we made it we're just a little man but we made it and we're gonna be rich on gems okay we got some extra coins to spend so let's go ahead and upgrade our width and then maybe a little bit of speed that has to do something anyways now that i've done clicking on things we're gonna go ahead and kick the blue doors down and hopefully not touch the red ones anymore and we're very tall whoops we're very wide we're taller again we're wider again we want probably twice the height yeah this seems like a reasonable person that i would build don't actually know how i just managed to touch that okay no we don't need to talk about that just run for it my friend run oh we're touching the top ball we didn't even touch the top row that time that's so weak oh but we got the boss level 11 complete uh upgrades are getting expensive so we'll just kind of indiscriminately go between them because i don't really know what they do anyway they help me that much i know what is this stuff is this like auto okay we gotta be tall enough to reach the top of the water i think we're also about to lose a little bit of height and divide by one because duh at least i think that's the right answer that was worth a good amount of gems so we'll just keep doing the same strategy go through and make us taller this is kind of interesting though do i move if i stand on this nope i'm gonna collect all of these um it's taking longer than i thought it might and they're just a few jams i'm gonna run through them oh those guys chase you they shouldn't though don't they see how big i am okay we're probably gonna take this one because that just seems to make more sense to me then we're gonna go around the flappy gates a very hard obstacle to maneuver through we should be tall enough to hit that top row we're almost never tall enough to hit that top row it's very sad and only his head made it through i've decided to change it up and make it a little bit festive uh we're now a viking who's gonna jump over these guys this is gonna give us tons of extra power probably why would you want to be shorter like i don't am i thinking too much about this look how tall we are this will definitely be a top rung all right get in there and get all them crystals keep going keep going i think we're going to do it just barely but we did it viking power oh we've got enough for more height so we're going to buy more height you can never have too much height that's just a fact it applies to everything ever and we definitely don't want to divide by three we definitely don't want a minus 40. we want a times two height though we're going to get clipped at the door nope we're gonna jump over it those little legs can jump us pretty high we're gonna weigh around that and we're gonna take plus 25 i don't know what tall we are is minus 250 less than divide by two i feel like it's not if like divide by two is probably the better option i didn't count how big we got i never do counting shockingly isn't really my strong suit but we made it through our little man kills the boss again so let's help that girth problem all right so whoops we could almost just run straight through that yes should have seen up in the beginning look how tall we're going to be on this one we're going to be a tall viking and reasonably girthy too and i've already done anything to upgrade them this guy looks like he would have many problems in life just functioning doing anything this guy's got to make it through he's got so much mass it's almost ridiculous we didn't the top row but we were close come on there we go taking through and dead okay lots of bumps ahead so we're not just gonna take more height for that yeah this should go perfectly fine i am an expert after all we'll take all the crystals and jump right over them plus 150 there's 200 times 2 is 400. i am going to try and somewhat keep track of how tall i am because when the math gets complicated i need to know whoops didn't mean to touch that i think we'll be all right that's definitely a top row guy we're getting tall now we're gonna tear right through to that boss just barely so he goes down again and we get even taller actually we don't upgrades are getting so expensive that we can barely afford them but that won't stop me plus 50 don't touch either of those whoops as i was saying can we maybe touch one of those we'll be all right we want the hundred for sure then we can kind of just um probably walk right on through this with a little effort at all thanks to what we touched i don't know if we're gonna make it to the end on this one but we got into kind of the yellow zone and i had fun isn't that what really matters so this is kind of like a puzzle i'm gonna try and do that without stopping because i'm a madman like that and we're gonna run straight through here without stopping then we're gonna take that and then we're gonna take that and we're gonna pick up a few extra crystals here but not losing that uh i think 150 is probably going to be the lesser yep that was definitely not half my height and then we run it on in we were a second row of crystals and while we make it just barely we're just a skinny little guy now but this little weirdo has big dreams i want height i'm saving up for more height i don't want either of those give me the can i get both of those oh you can get both of those i wish i knew that before and then we're going to run through the extra height there look at those little legs he's adorable um could you like limbo for a second well we'll just kind of take a few bites out of yourself that's your own fault i don't know how you get yourself into these situations but we just deal with them the best we can come on you can do it oh his head almost made it still can't afford any height so we're just going to go for it we're going to try and get both of those these guys are going to come get me so we're going to dodge around them the best we can well we killed one but that's fine that's the sacrifice i'm willing to make we can just run to the center of those we definitely don't want it two times divider uh it's hard to see he's so girthy i can't see past him i blame him for that and he'll get punished for that because he'll probably die before defeating his enemy he is pretty thick but he loses that pretty quickly and so close we really got to start winning again to get this guy more hype without height we just can't make it i mean it's called tall man run after all what else would you do okay we definitely don't want to touch a -100 we don't want to touch that and we don't want to touch that that was fairly straightforward we're very very girthy again couldn't touch the top row but i think we'll probably make it through on this one yep boss is dead hopefully we're rich plus we unlock the crown but that's not a viking helmet so we don't want it give me more height then i'll still girth and then we'll go through grabbing everything we can along the way am i gonna bonk my head here yep twice that's why we got the helmet on though three times as tall yeah might as well i mean that's i'm gonna lose it but that's fine your stubby little legs are just adorable okay run your way through there all the way through if you don't do that i'm executing you anyway and we made it one or two more hurdles that i would have been dead okay let's catch up on this it's a little bit behind and i gotta think that makes a difference somewhere otherwise why would it exist and then we're gonna girth the size ourselves and then we're gonna get even taller and we're gonna get even wider again just so we can smash this guy into walls and lose it all anyway well just take a little off the middle i won't miss it if he won't be hard to generate much speed with those little legs i think but i've never had legs that small so i'm not exactly speaking from experience look how big i am this time that boss is super dead we got almost a thousand gems for that probably because we were such a big boy all right back we go again plus plus plus we got a few pluses we need to collect here i mean i think if i just stand here for a sec i'll get that one and that one then i'm gonna take it divided by one and a minus twenty-five because oh we can actually go right over that i didn't even see that but a happy coincidence super tall this is the tallest i've been i'm as tall as the buildings around me we're gonna have to lose um that so we're very tall but we're not that girthy so we're gonna lose a little bit of here in the hurdles we might make it though we were just so tall we're just still gonna get through it take that idiot okay taller again because that's just too much fun i can't not be tall whoops i don't know what i was thinking there so we're gonna have to kind of fix that a little bit okay got the green arrow now we run for the next green arrow which is right above there whoops well that's okay i've done worse things and i will continue to do worse things it's going to be hard to time this one isn't it okay nope get me some of the okay we still yep we're good yep still tall very tall we're gonna lose a little bit here whatever that one was trickier than i thought from here he's just going to auto run it into glory is he going to make it probably not ooh he was just a stick man life goes on give me more girth give me both of these then all of this yeah this is going to be a good one i can feel it get way over there touch everything here there and we're going to uh dodge the bombs quite carefully i can't really see what that says 25 i'll take it don't trip over those though you're big enough you should just tear through them this great lumbering oaf and then we're going to take a few celebratory crystals and hopefully kill that boss i don't know what that guy did to us but we're sure trying hard to kill him every time oh so close all right i get a good feeling about this one look at all the green arrows we're walking right past so i'm just going to go ahead and go around most of those thank you and we'll jump way over all that crap then we'll swing it around so nicely and get some extra girth here hopefully and wow we're in a tank we're a short tank but we're a tank due to my little misstep at the beginning we might not make it though that girth really holds up we got our head through that's gonna count okay give me more running velocity then whatever that is and then just give me all the blue we can get we're gonna ignore the pretty pirate ships okay we're going to take more we're going to get wider we can sacrifice a little bit there the wider we are the more that sacrifices whatever we're going to jump right over this one i don't know what we are anymore we're just some kind of monster uh divided by 3 girth or height we've got lots of girth i feel like we'll lose less height oh that was maybe a bad idea now that i watched that unfold oh he's making the through not bad are we gonna make it just barely we're the tiniest little stick man in the world so let's take more running velocity 100 up 60 wide so after this we've got more width and girth but after this we've got more uh height i didn't think i'd actually have to pay attention to things like this i also can't see what's in front of me and i can't really move in time to see it so it looks like a single digit i'll take it i don't know what we just lost that might have been a divider which would not do very good things for us now we did it and we're not a complete stick i think it's time we treat ourselves to a bonus level so we're gonna run all the way around and get all the little gems we can get never realized you could run so far sideways but now we're very tall viking we're gonna eat up lots of these little gems we're gonna get even bigger the gems are really only worth so much here better off just make it to the end of the levels but that was enjoyable nonetheless it doesn't end with a murder but that's probably fine yeah this is a little bit better this will end with the murder and we have a little more to look at along the way like green up arrows and girthy arrows we won't touch the red ones we'll avoid the bomb we'll go around all of this and then we'll make it in go kill the guy at the end well we move a little bit slow in water ramming speed are we going to make it nobody knows yet and the girth held out on us all right we've suddenly got 5100 gems to spend so let's get tall and then garfield well this double looks so short i can see right through it this is gonna be great the 250 up though we're gonna be super big and girthy yeah this guy's hard to see past i don't think it matters any of this big though you can just kind of uh bowling ball your way through the world how he's hard to maneuver around things because he's so big that's the problem i realize i'm going to have but we'll take an exercise 75 up and that should be good enough to get this idiot through to the end was i right oh we're losing mass quickly and we did it and we still got some girth we're a real boy let's spend another 3 500 on everything okay let's take our new found capabilities all the way through we're gonna be so girthy we're not gonna be able to go around gates pretty soon you know here it's actually worth it to grab all of these we can get 200 higher plus one we get 300 higher for only 25 less girth why would we not do that we'll lose just a little bit there was still pretty girthy but look how tall we're gonna get and then we're gonna charge right on through and what do we have uh 200 plus 100 yeah we'll take that 200 yeah we're going to be tall we're not going to be super girthy but boy are we tall that should easily yeah we're way above that third row we're still getting down we're going to be pretty top at the end of this we've never had this much mass at the boss he's super dead i am the boss all right let's spend another 6 500 on height nothing but height well a little bit of girth all right we're gonna start by getting three times taller and then two times wider so we're definitely after a pretty good start add a bit of girth and then we're hopefully gonna hit every green arrow here we're big enough we should be able to and we're gonna jump over all that now we need to go minus two height or girth are we taller or wider uh let's sacrifice our height i think our girth is something to behold we're almost as wide now as we are tall will this carry us through looks like it probably will well we're just to stick by the end but we did it [Music] ah
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 521,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9V8azmCdWy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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