I Created A World Designed Only To Cause Suffering

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this is the perfect land full of all the resources a kingdom needs to thrive and this is a Barren piece of dirt where nothing at all exists and this is going to be where our heroes start I'm gonna disperse 10 humans on each small island and once it begins they can race their way to the center to have a thriving civilization or they can stand the outside and die a slow horrible death I don't really care which happens as long as they're suffering in theory as soon as we start it should be a race to the center but these guys aren't always that smart so we'll see how they react alright off they go they started an Empire right where we were staring at them the other ones seem to be dispersing themselves amongst their own little Islands we already see them starting to run they're probably going for the center if they were smart they would be whoever gets to the center first is going to establish probably a powerful Kingdom which the other ones are all going to want at all times uh this guy's named himself King and just sort of abandoned his kingdom already he's just taken himself for a walk they're starting other kingdoms along the little tentacles while they're clearly not very smart because they've already segregated themselves into a bunch of smaller kingdoms that are probably gonna have to fight each other they have managed to create fire out of nothing though and a house I did mean to give each and every one them a single berry bush so that's my bad you're gonna have to survive without their single berry bush but so far the red team is the closest because they at least made it to the turning point where they can get closer to the good land and the grassy biome will try and make its way up to here but I think the sand is going to stop it this end over here did grow palm trees though so that's going to be some wood for them they can utilize the great pie is also getting close to the promised land he is currently an Empire of one though and he doesn't look particularly excited about his prospects his name is atut and he's the most boring person in the entire world I really don't know what they can afford to do without any resources though the realm of badesh is gonna have it figured out soon it's very interesting to see the different approaches the guys on top and bottom uh didn't really spread out anywhere the sidewinds did for whatever reason maybe because they're closer to here because it wasn't exactly a symmetrical design but if you wanted to watch things done barely you've come to the wrong place this is the king of Redlands so far he is miracle-born and he's honest luckily he likes fish because that that's pretty much all there is in this world if there even is fish it's been four years the world population has increased by 11 so far but that will get exponentially better I can understand why they haven't Maybe started to thrive yet the realm of the Desh team red has at least uh gotten some wood they've made it to the sand but to get to the center they need to pass the guardian of the island crowbo I believe he's a crab I never really realized they needed so very little to actually survive like they have literally dirt but even giving nothing they build houses to multiply but they don't really make their way for better resources yet even though there's trees even right here they have no no urge at all to go towards this abundance of food and resources and comfortable living since you're not in the bakery let's speed time up just a little team Red's clearly going to be in the lead because at least they're smart enough to harvest the trees that are readily available and I'm pretty sure the very least that's going to turn into things like boats and they can use boats to get food with this so they can have easy survival it's been eight years the grassland is almost made it up to the sand and maybe at that point they'll see that and follow the resources in words though I don't have very high hopes team yellow down here has started to move towards the palm trees also I think as soon as they start to realize there's better stuff here they'll expand rapidly these guys at least made a boat that goes nowhere oh wait he can get in there so they can Farm fish they're taking what they're taking fish they've clearly got the lead this is the strongest Kingdom so far given that it's only 15 population they don't currently have an army but they did also put a boat on the outside of the circle which is smart so far they're the only ones smart enough to actually gather with and make stuff with it everyone else is just kind of living off of dirt and they're lucky they even get dirt I was gonna give them sand their appear started as slowly starving they have the means to do better they just don't it's been 15 years and I couldn't be bothered to walk a few hundred meters to the promised land aliko the king of his top Kingdom his favorite food is Burgers yet he lives here in the dirt foreign basically live off noodles and air they've set up boats everywhere this kingdom is going to absolutely Thrive it's already got a 35 population everyone else has started Starving in the dirt because they're stupid it just happened they sent like a little uh scouting party and they set up a kingdom right here these guys are gonna Thrive so quickly now they're gonna take over all because they were the first to make it to the trees and collect boats that probably helped them so they didn't have to scrounge for food so they could Explore More these guys kind of had the right idea they just didn't make it to the trees but look at the difference this was a cast off Community to begin with they're up to 62. these originally colonies went from 10 to 11 and 10 to 13 they're not going anywhere fast these guys using the trees are just making boats boats are the key to this all really can look at them go now that they're in here they're just gonna tear down all these trees and berries and resources they're going to be the absolute dominant Force so far nobody's really fighting anyone but ninety percent of the population is just starving in the dirt like these guys are here there's chickens literally on the edge of the Empire they could least want you to grab this chicken and then this chicken and then the sheep and say hey there's trees and chicken and grass and follow their way in yet they choose the dirt knife even these guys are taking their sweet time like they found all the good stuff they're just not really diving into it fully they're in content to just sit on their boats and fish all day and I don't know if I could blame them I think they even found their way in the other way I'm not sure which way they came about here but they landed here to start a kingdom amongst the trees and resources so this team is very smart well let's not be too kind it's not necessarily that they're very smart they just walk to the obvious pile of easy resources it's more so that these guys are just really really dumb and the red team just keeps expanding after 130 population they have two functioning armies at this point so if one of the other teams doesn't get in there very soon this team is going to absolutely dominate everyone they're even expanding to get more of their fish well since when kingdom is clearly flying ahead of everyone else let's introduce some proper competition we're gonna drop some Orcs in that are going to set up their own things and they also hate humans and this destroy everything in their path so they're going to start to make a mess of everyone else and expand rapidly they're already tearing into the humans which is weird yeah I thought they would go this way and maybe set up a base first but they're Orcs so they're just gonna do what they do these guys might set up an Empire they're not that smart and they're very destructive there we go strong oh grid so that's going to be some big competition for these guys they're gonna have to deal with them or the Orcs are going to get very strong and hurt to humans the Orcs down here are mostly just destroying the kingdoms but those kingdoms are weak so they don't deserve to live these guys are already up to a party of six and they did manage to get into a little bit at the corner of the good resources so they'll be able to thrive and expand quick plus these guys down here are also going to push in on them and I think that was pretty much a catalyst for this continuous War as soon as we introduce Orcs to the mix they're gonna fight everyone always like they're already diving right in here to the edge of the humans and they're gonna fight over the boundaries here because they want these resources there's only 14 Orcs on the map currently they're kind of uh not great survivors because they're constantly attacking humans which could be good for them or bad they're really actually tramping the humans down at this point even though they have a Empire of 250 at this point because they ate this Empire these Orcs down here are more likely to thrive because they're not constantly fighting the giant army of humans up here although they seem to be doing quite well and it's beautiful because their strategy is basically just we don't need a base or anything let's just go attack the humans there's no strategy or thought at all uh these dirt idiots are also just planting a house right beside the Orcs which probably isn't going to last very long uh people are mass migrating now and I'm not really sure why oh it's Team Pink they're surrounding the Orcs which is also really stupid or maybe it's actually smart I don't really know yet these Orcs are full of all sorts of good things Savages when I like look at the boat these humans have made they made such good progress but that is also simply because they made it into the resources like this is one of the founding Empires they made wooden paths somehow they've got 12 people and at this moment the humans and Orcs more or less are getting along never mind they're fighting they were just passing through each other no problem okay the humans are definitely fighting the Orcs now so that's bad news for the Orcs the Orcs are a lot stronger than any humans normally but when they're outnumbered it's a little bit of a hard battle for them looks like the humans had enough of them so they're going to push them off their Island and that ends the orc Empire the humans finally got smart and did something about it they're up to 310 population though so these Orcs down here beer is the way well it's up to them to build an army they can fight them they currently have zero Army at all but they are particularly some of the resources and I'm pretty sure the Orcs can thrive on very little they even made their first boats so now they don't have to worry as much about food so they could worry about just sort of thriving elsewhere currently the mass of humans has four different armies going for itself wait make that five there's one up there at the Orcs Kearney of 26 people but if they start to turn that into an army the tides will shift very fast if the Orcs were smart they wouldn't go too much further this way to get the attention of the humans they would continue to utilize these resources to build boats and go kill these humans with their stuff and slowly expand down here into they were strong enough to actually challenge the humans the humans have things like legendary walking sticks they also have a giant with a legendary walking stick they ran another ore a while ago because or wasn't that much so they probably don't have that much in sophisticated tools that also means their armies are nearly as strong as they could be oh and the Orcs finally have an army uh there might only be one or two people in it but they're actually going to be quite strong the Army did quickly go up to eight though so an army of eight is actually pretty strong the human armies are probably still stronger but Orcs are just inherently stronger and I'm pretty sure if the Orcs kill the humans it can pick up their gear so they'll be much stronger again if they manage to pick up those sticks I've also noticed the Orcs tend to have a lot of traits where the humans seem to have very few so far the humans Army totals 110 nuts three times the Orcs population and we've started a war curiously though that's humans attacking humans over here and ignoring the Orcs for now I don't know why they have a problem with these 10 guys these are just guys trying to survive in the dirt uh also they've declared war on all the other humans yeah literally all of them oh and also yeah they just declared war in the whole world at this point so the orc Army is sitting here waiting for them and the battle begins okay so we're gonna slow it down so we can watch what happens we'll see how many humans the human humans join the battle the Orcs might lose this because I think they're really outnumbered the origami really wasn't very big so they're not looking too hot they fought very bravely and died very quickly also a second Army came in so they would have been wiped out based on that the Orcs are still alive but I'm pretty sure the humans are about to uh pillage them real bad yeah I think the humans are gonna take over the orc still have 40 population surprisingly but the humans are also a little distracted fighting fronts everywhere but they're also now going to focus on the Orcs they're attacking from all sides and the Orcs don't actually have an army anymore they're just a bunch of like regular things running around some of these 10 humans are still over here they're under attack really but the humans are clearly focusing on the Orcs first it is taking them quite a while to destroy the Orcs so the Orcs are putting up a pretty good fight considering so it's pretty clear at this point that because pink made it into the resources very early they were able to just really Thrive and get so far ahead that no one's gonna catch up 340 population and growing and the Orcs as strong as they were are about to be eliminated there's three of them left in the entire world and they're probably sitting on boats fishing they have no idea their family's been slaughtered and the Orcs officially extinct the pink team is gonna go destroy the yellow team like they're really gonna destroy them these guys are sitting here Starving in the dirt that's why they're flashing every once in a while and they just took them over I'm pretty sure they surrendered and said yeah you know we'll join your kingdom because you guys actually have food so the red team destroyed everyone else at least so far so what if we had a little bit of land down here and fill this with say a hundred Orcs are they going to be able to build up an uh an Empire strong enough to take this out they should want those resources that's officially 100 Orcs spent right there so from there they're gonna spread out and rather neat fashion they even call themselves Warriors so they mean business they've already divided themselves but they're gonna go start rampaging around and really annoy the humans probably gonna grab their attention way faster than they should have but they will also Destroy Humans quickly I've also given them absolutely nothing to work with so they're also just going to enjoy their dirt Empires but they are also moving into the trees very quickly and the sand so they know that much before long they should build their boats and be able to build a thriving Empire maybe we did put down almost a quarter of the number of humans humans are obviously a lot more advanced and resourced but we'll see what ends up happening pretty sure the humans are already getting an annoyed by the new Orcs that have shown up so they're gonna try and move in on them ASAP they just sort of wandering around in the dirt they don't really have anything to do they don't know what to do the problem is the ones that are most set up to thrive are on the edge of the human Empire and they're going to want to keep moving in on those resources and the humans probably aren't gonna love that here is either the humans do have some units sitting here that are starving to death probably because they're living in this little dirt Kingdom so I don't know why they're fighting over this but they earned their fate if the Orcs are smart they might just go over take over this Kingdom and take these guys gear they don't have great stuff but they do have some stuff the Orcs are building their boat so that means they'll be able to feed themselves pretty sufficiently if they were smart they would just join into one Empire and live off this food and I'll put their resources into making themselves better because they're getting closer and closer to humans and humans are not gonna like that the problem might more so be that the Orcs don't like humans so as soon as they see them they're gonna attack them because they're stupid but that's their own problem the humans are now walking through the Orcs for some reason not really sure why that guy's on his way through there he walked through with a legendary weapon a bronze smart Reaver whatever that is maybe he's just flexing on the Orcs to show how strong he is so basically we've given the Orcs a tiny little corner of the map they're not really utilizing it super well but well enough they gotta get a Little Bit Stronger to do anything against the humans anyway the humans are really thriving because they've just got everything they want like they've got so many resources they're just building big statues of nothing they've declared war on okay they don't like how big the Orcs are getting so they're gonna go try and Destroy them they were in a hurry to get there and boy did they get there quick they sent uh had two of their armies to get there so far maybe even on boats over there once again dismantling the Orcs very badly I think it's because the orc population got high and they probably started to develop their own armies and the user ranged weapons is really bad for Orcs as it turns out they have epic iron bows so they're able to sit way over here and just rain down on the Orcs And it turns out the Wii uh Orcs are weak to arrows I mean the York leader seems to have an epic wooden stick so he can hit people with that but he's also seems to be beating a hasty Retreat yeah they're destroying the Orcs once again there's just no way to have them build up as soon as they get even slightly strong the humans move straight in because they still sit at about 380 population and they have armies everywhere all right well that Empire's certainly been destroyed there's still the other org Empires they don't seem as worried about this one does have an army but this one's also starving but at this point I can't help but wonder will the human Empire eventually split itself the answer is yes of course it will they're humans I've also got a mod installed where speed 5 isn't speed five anymore it's turbo speed so we're going through a year every two or three seconds so we can just let this run for the next million years to see exactly what transpires in the world without any help the humans didn't entirely destroy the Orcs but they did push them all the way out of the resources but now they're also sick of the York so they're going to go in and Destroy them that uh Empire also broke off temporarily and the Orcs are getting wrecked just one Empire though they take a one Empire at a time before leaving to show the rest of the Yorks this is what's coming for you soon there was a big split 75 of the humans just split off over here they probably don't have the resources to fight the main Empire but they do have a bit over here all right well the pink Empire just took them right back over and there's three of them left up here and they're gone it was a short-lived Rebellion 100 something years later and we've got a pretty big shift in things the Empire has turned purple because the red ones are being eliminated population has jumped up uh this is a population of 500 but they're currently being bored really bad so they're losing numbers but they are also getting to be a really Advanced civilization at this point they have nice houses and mountains and everything and there even is still some art hangout down here I think no one bothers them because they're not bothering anyone living in the dirt and just like that the red Empire has been completely destroyed it's shifted into the Panic with 800 population and they've declared war on the two Orcs down here and now Orcs have been eliminated once again the purple have taken over and they're really thriving on this screwy little world I don't know why they keep going to the outside but they do you think they've learned to take some of the seeds from here and bring them over the sand and plant them here to turn all this into good stuff well it's clear who the winner is here they're up to 1100 population now and that's going to keep growing but that kind of makes you wonder how many Orcs it would take to actually overrun this I could just send them in a whole bunch at a time like if I throw it on 700 Orcs is that going to disrupt the entire world that badly the humans are obviously not gonna love that super much they're going to be very basic but even very basic Orcs are very strong they're having a big chaotic battle here like ants but they're definitely hurting the humans because the humans are down to 1 000 in New York you're sitting at about 500 the armies won't move in but they'll distill their numbers at them I can already tell we're gonna need more Orcs so the Orcs are just gonna paddle on to whatever there's ranged units aren't that good anymore because the Orcs is charging right into them that's a scary spot where the range things to sit but we'll see who overcomes this battle the Orcs are losing a lot of numbers maybe the humans at this point are just too advanced they arranged weapons they can just bottleneck them here in this rain arrows on them and Destroy them all yep we can tell by the numbers New Yorks have lost half their population the humans have lost like 10 just because they're so much better militarized the Orcs are very quickly being eliminated the humans are actually growing in number but that's the power of this controlling where all the resources are as soon as the humans got to hear it they would just wave far ahead of everyone else how good do you think they are about putting out fires if we rain some fire and all corners of their little world is it is going to continue to move inwards into story like everything and as they started raining fire on the Empire is split again yeah it looks like they're pretty good about putting the fires out there's a little bit of fire there uh we could just gonna add a few dragons to help the fire along oh I can shift-click spawn these oh this whole World's Gonna burn okay correction the whole world has burned these guys were quick I never realized how destructive these were uh yeah I sorted This Game of Thrones the whole world I didn't realize I was gonna go so quickly it turns out that dragons are the winners after all humans are all but eliminated they just lost like 99 of their units and that's going quick because if they're not currently dead they're probably on fire another very scientific experiment concluded foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 193,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CdCSgZX0plE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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