I Crafted a BEACON in Minecraft Hardcore!

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oh I am still so hyped that we got this bad boy last time look at it look at it it's glorious absolutely glorious yes and I also didn't realize how close I was to dying I'm pretty sure I had one heart left why did I do it I'm so stupid anyway today as you can see I've got some new things in my inventory and I've got 33 levels looking pretty spicy and that's because I have a plan today and it's going to be involving using this because I want to make a beacon which allows me to when powered up to a certain level instantly mine every single block I'm I'm pretty sure obviously I don't think we're about to do obsidian you can't do bedrock because you can't break bedrock with a pickaxe anyway and have a little story to tell you I've been doing some work off-camera not a lot but let me go all the way to the top this I've moved this and it's still ain't working so my goal for today is to get this working because I need loads of iron for this beacon I also need to find a place for this beacon to go I think I want it to go straight through the middle of my castle so I think that'll be cool underneath like the turtle sanctuary all the way up and then it's like in the center of my my main bit of world as well so the haste will work everywhere um what else did I want to do I want to tell you what this chest is about get this working and I've got an enchanted book here which has mending because this bad boy right here 'la pick is looking a little bit hurt and I was gonna go ahead and get enough levels which is 33 to combine it with a fresh pickaxe to be able to heal it but I thought why not just get a mending book and put that on it because that will be even better that means I only need 33 levels once so we're gonna do that today it cost me 30 emeralds from one of my lovely guys down in this pit over here I've also thought that these guys over here these iron golems are stopping these ones from spawning but when he gets to know him let's give it a test and see what happens another story is I found the last cat that I needed but I wanted to show you him on camera so I caught him with a lead without taming him and attached him to this and then he disappeared story of my life ad spawn and this chest right here is the beginning of everything we need for an XP farm literally the only thing that I need at 17 more hoppers which is why we need more iron so when I guess the night time which is gonna be pretty soon I'm gonna try and get some more zombies up here actually I should probably make a platform for it now just in case it does work so I feel like the villagers are just one block too far away from the zombie so where do I put all my wall I keep forgetting so I need to make a platform for them to be closer so let's grab some of this I've also got a t-shirt for my zombie as well which should which should work hopefully he'll put it on he's holding a shovel at the moment though which is a bit worrying I don't know how to get that out of his hand and I also moved down that thing by two blocks two whole blocks and it's still not working so my thought is because it was working the iron golems just don't need to sport him because the zombie isn't like scaring the villagers so let's see we can fix it so I just need more of this I think III don't want the the golems to spawn here by just one a place for zombies to spawn so they're close to the villages but also don't want it too close so I don't want them killing the villagers so hopefully this will be enough I'm just gonna collect a load in here pop them in and then block them in if that even makes sense hopefully it does can this guy hurt me oh he can okay let's not do that I forgot I had thorns on so this is gonna be a project for tonight let's see if that works now though let's create ourselves a beacon I'm pretty hyped oh and I also want to collect up all the cats today because some of you guys said I need the ragdoll cat some of you guys said I needed a different one so I want to line them all up and get them in the same place so we know which one we actually need right let's do this as well lepak is gonna get mending which is perfect takes all my levels and now we can go amend this bad boy so let's go into the nether I think that turns it to night as well is that right or is that wrong because do you know how quickly is to get experience from mining quartz it's crazy quick I got to level 33 from level like 10 in no time they had some science here as well I need to put some signs as to where all these go I think this goes through the cobblestone pillar I don't actually know where it goes from there but I was getting confused so oh no what are you doing here stop that why is there an Enderman here what are you uh what are you doing here since what could end up on lg's is another one can Enderman spawn in the nether all what a shot so you look how much experience you get from this I'm gonna take off this just so that mending works only on my pickaxe so real I want it to die yeah buddy look at this oh it's so good no no no no ow where did that even come from well I haven't got armor on I haven't got armor on okay uh yeah I forgot about that let's go let's get out of here we've got enough levels it's fine the pick is up to half health right let's go back and let's see Hopi it's nighttime I'm hoping it's nighttime or at least close to nighttime so that we can get these zombies up there it is sweet oK we've got a little bit time to do this where does armies at I need some zombies I'm actually gonna change shirts there we go oh you guys need to come up here please for the big test all right this is gonna be pretty scary for me because I'm gonna be trapped in here with all the zombies Beaudry this works otherwise the whole thing is broken and I'm not quite sure what to do come on in guys let's go let's get in here let's get all the snuggly oh no this is a bad idea this is a bad idea yeah this is a bad idea oh jeez please don't let me fall in okay you guys are dead there's a little baby zombie - he's so cute maybe I'll do this one at a time there we go goddamn Aldo oh why did that happen why did that just happen a creepers up there did it work though I feel like that that should work I feel like that should be scaring them are they not scared they not care a man sucks this really sucks oh no stay back beast can I need to punch these guys in yes look at them all falling in you're idiots at least we know it works look he's like he's going down a toilet it's great he's still going spin my pretty spin I've thought of something that we need to do and it ain't gonna be pretty I think we need to feed the iron golems that we've got to the Machine I know I know it's crazy but I think we've got to do it and to do that we're gonna need to put hoppers underneath I'm sorry it's it's just gonna have to happen cuz none of them feel like coming in so you know what it's unfortunate but they're gonna have to die right so I need to start putting these down here because even though I've already spent the iron on them this is gonna what it's supposed to create more iron so hopefully this will work it should at least gather it into the hoppers anyway why is this not working I'm doing it I'm gonna I'm gonna offer them as sacrifice I have to do it it's without a doubt the thing I have to do it's gonna make me slightly sad I'm gonna have to do it let me make a load of leanness right now I feel like there's six in there so six should be enough just put that in there that in there let's go grab them I don't even know how we're gonna get them out to be honest without the villagers all getting out I didn't even think this through how am I gonna do it how many villagers we got we could stick the villagers in boats how many villages we got one two three four and five iron golems I want to stick them all in boats and the iron golems are coming with me this is a sad day yeah kinda I don't know why I'm laughing but I actually have four boats already how old convenient well then fellas it's your lucky day I know you've all wanted to ride in a boat before and now you can yes I got him it's like catching pokémon but more fun let's just get you out of here oh you can see my sweater through here as well look at him he's like what are you doing to my friends possibly brother maybe even mother who knows there he goes another one it's actually a really good way to keep them in place I didn't think of this before oh and they can get in the same one since when since when can you guys do this that's glorious right it's happening the record the day of reckoning has arrived so I need to bring these guys out but also reproductive illa jizz write them fellas you guys need to come with me look can you guys get out oh I don't wanna hear any of them cuz they will hurt me right I need to I have block these villages back in so just give me a second all right give me a second just chill what'd I just say can I touch them fool - here that's crazy oh wait I still have some of them on me maybe you can't do three on one fence post now again the reason I am doing this is because I think they're already at the max of iron golems even though they were spawning before but this is like myth-busting it's like I desperately need iron golems to spawn I need iron all right don't go anywhere friends here we go here we go aw do you come in this way this is great can you guys this flow over the bridge or is this gonna be really awkward for everyone come on em let's go I feel really bad doing this and even if we do this we're gonna get the iron for it which is fine the day of reckoning is upon us friends you have served us well young ones but I think you can have to go in here now I'm sorry sorry this had to happen to you how do I do this I think if I just put like this and then jump over they should come in I feel bad I feel bad I feel incredibly bad right there's one I need your lead thank you whoa whoa almost felling myself almost petting myself oh I feel bad Oh No Oh No oh it's happening go get in get in you a hey you can't just avoid this this is gonna happen to one of you eventually and all your friends and all your family oh it's orrible it's so horrible did I get the iron for it that's the most important thing I'll listen to it I just killed five iron golems I just killed five iron golems how much did I get I got five got some poppies I feel awful but I also feel great 9 iron sweet okay some more in here I got 17 iron see how lucrative this can be nuts okay so if this doesn't work I've just slaughtered five iron golems for no reason this has to work there's no reason why it shouldn't I've got no iron golems I've got many cats but now I have no iron golems over there okay old friends I'm sorry it feels so lonely over here now doesn't it so lonely so quiet hey you know what you guys are sucking boats so you haven't really got much of a function anyway protect attack I'm sorry that I had to do this we went from being protected by you guys kinda you didn't do that well - now slaying your friends in the name of iron I might actually have to steal these two hiding goods at some point but for now I'm gonna keep them there wait wait a second there's one more you you survived coming up coming right now you do not deserve to be here you are not supposed to be here get over the ledge get over the ledge I thought I was missing a thing oh I gotta get stuck in there cuz if I get stuck in there I'm dead also sorry see you later it's tragic play the song if I'm not playing the song already play the song [Music] so sad so very sad wait that's him that's the cat that's the cat oh my god yes I've got the record okay I think this is the last cat that I need I sacrificed to the gods and they they pulled through a mr. kitty cat I think I need you for my collection please come here I'm a good man I'm a good man you didn't see what I just did come here get out the water you idiot come on what it's getting tonight time you're gonna die you can be in severe trouble if you don't just come here yes yes I did it come here come here right now ah you sacrifice to the gods and the gods pull through with this little beauty we just collected every single cat in Minecraft and got a secret sieve Minh this is beautiful what does it say tame all cat marrieds oh yeah a husbandry where we are that's the one and the purple ones I think like the extra little achievements oh that's so cool yah we got it oh we got him let's just hope that my karma isn't levelled out by the end of this episode somebody still in there that's good news the things ain't spawning does nothing is happening I have one theory I might uninstall Optifine and see if that works actually I'm gonna do that now [Music] ah you have got to be kidding me you have got to be kidding me I just bought into my world without Optifine on and it's porn straight away is that what was happening because now it's working I can't zoom in that's the only downside ladies and gentlemen we need this iron and it just worked you saw it with your very own eyes the only problem is I don't know whether it was sacrificing to the gods or Optifine that did it it could be any of them oh he's gonna fall out oh geez okay I need to sort that out let's go this is perfect it's working no I don't hit the zombies don't hit the zombie you don't wanna hit the zombie don't hit the zombie don't hit the zombie don't do it get to where you belong oh whoa okay I forgot they would come up from there all right this is perfect so because the other reason that I need this iron so badly is for the beacon because if I don't have iron I can't activate the beacon it only takes gold diamond ore what's the other thing gold diamond I thought it would take redstone but it doesn't I am obviously this is working boys and girls let's go so we should now be getting iron in here yes so let's leave this running for a little bit and then I can go ahead and grab myself what we need for the beacon which is just one piece of obsidian which I think I already have I think I've heard another one land yeah I've got 31 iron already what are you doing in here this is an employee's only zone so I'm guessing something in Optifine stops this from working and I'm not sure what it is so if you've got an iron farm and it's not working in Java edition don't think this works in bedrock either I'm not a hundred percent sure you have to check but that's the reason I'm so glad I figured that out but it means I can't zoom in which is really annoying but for now that is working and that's what we need to get iron so let's make our beacon now so we can cut start instead destroying blocks right let's do it let's grab our let's put some stuff back because he's getting outrageous call these beds the villagers I blame the villagers right we need we need some glass so let's grab that we also need three obsidian which I think we have where is it yes we actually do all that's perfect so we three obsidian nether star and the glass will give us a beacon can I have this please give me give me thank you so let's put this like this obsidian across the bottom and then we put the nether star in the middle grab ourselves a beacon doing an advancement for that I should get something for it I know there's an achievement in one version yeah construct emplace bring a beacons full power right so now what we need to do is make some blocks I have gold you can use a kind of a combination of everything but I think iron is gonna be our one so for I don't think we'll be enough but we also need to choose a place for this beacon to go I was thinking through the middle but annoyingly this is not symmetrical so I could do it I could do it through here it passes through glass I don't know I don't know I want to do it through the middle of the sanctuary didn't I do this feel so weird without that mod on it feels gross oh it feels disgusting it's not smooth at all but as long as this is working for now I really don't care okay is this still working I've got three more iron in there got some poppies going on too don't stop working again don't do that to me ah you actually did that you actually just did that okay I need to make sure there's no platforms up there scaffolding arise we need to sort this man out see you later sir thank you for your service right let's figure out where this beacon should go I feel like I really wanted it in the middle of here just like thought would be awesome but I also think up the middle of here would be great and probably easier to do would that be great or would that be weird let me ask I mean our skinny junior the second skinny junior old are you okay skinny skinny junior hello ah yeah sorry I thought you were busy you're deep in thought oh where should I put this beacon sir I don't really know where to put it I feel like eva in the the glass at the front or directly through the middle what do you think directly directly through the middle okay I'm on it let's go I think skinny might be right to be honest I think I'm gonna put it in front of my my bit here so where this great cat is excuse me sir I need to place something valuable there let's just go straight through this right through here and right through this cool so just need to shut down this area for a second guys and girls apology excuse me why you hey hey behave yourself stop it flappy arms so the beacon has to go on the top I'm hoping this goes through water as well so the beacon has to go here do I not get the achievement for that hello construct and place a beacon apparently I do not get that then we go underneath here and this is where we have to put everything it has to go down like a pyramid and I think it starts with all the way along here I'm pretty sure oh no what do I do what those do what those do I broke it so we need to place that does that activate it oh I think it's because that's blocking it up there so I need to fix that I've just realized this is gonna mess up my my staircase isn't it I'm an idiot I don't want that to happen if this goes yeah it's gonna ruin that maybe if I make this middle bit out of glass that would be pretty sick I'm gonna do that what colors stained glass can we have you could actually have brown but I think you need cocoa beans which we definitely don't have that would make a really nasty coloured light as well which I really one so we're just gonna go down through here so this needs to go back to what it once was Oh see that scale absolute skill that's fixed and now this I just need to go all the way up up up up up up glass all the way up we can always change this afterwards as well so let's make sure we've lined this one up correctly then we can place the beacon down right so now this is gonna move please don't break please don't break please don't break please don't break yes all that noise was kind of cool I like that and this is gonna go directly down here sweet beacon then the iron should go under here so we need one two three four five more blocks of iron this should work I said that for most things in this let's play but this should definitely work okay I have enough I have enough to activate the beacon let's do it here we go that should activate Hey look at that that's super cool it makes a noise now what wow this is so cool it's like a beer transports it to another dimension we still don't get the advance move for it construct and place a beacon bring a beacons of full power why is this not coming up is it because I haven't done something else dude that's weird that that's not happening anyway let's try to activate this so for two we get a haste and we can get regeneration as well but I think we need to put one of these in there so we go again emeralds we're pretty good for emerald so this should be fine to do that there's power it up let's get haste now I don't know how you get double haste because you can get haste - and what haste does is odd I look sick actually as if I change the color of this glass at some point I think that I look awesome maybe orange would be cool was it doing oh yeah emerald let's grab she just grabbed gold so if we put this in here power it up quick haste ah we need a full one to get haste to I should have haste now there it is haste for 10 seconds it just keeps rejecting over and over let me see how far away I need to be for this to work so Warren has a 20-block radius so he should be able to install my in these blocks right here because I've got efficiency 5 and haste let's see if these in so break are they do pretty much h2 would make it even quicker look how good that is ah this is a dream absolute dream is there any because the the shovel is so good with efficiency 5 yeah ok that sins the breaking it's so good you see on the top right I still have haste is it still going this far oh that's amazing actually amazing I really wanted to get Hayes to today but I don't think I can unless I max out another cat's there's a cat buying that box I see you I've got them all now so it doesn't matter but yet to get the secondary power we needs a full pyramid which is gonna be ridiculous to get cuz it has to be one of these materials I've got gold I've got emeralds how many blocks am I gonna need a hundred and sixty four blocks to be able to get the mag's beacon now that is a lot that's so much so yeah we're not quite insta break but we're very very close for cobble stone look at this it's so good look how fast my pickaxe is moving to I'm insane I so wished I had this before cuz I need to clean out this whole area and it took me hours to be able to do it but with the haste all right it's so much quicker what else could we get we can get resistance jump boost and strength as well and I feel like you can stack them as well or maybe you can only choose one of these on one of these but you can have multiple beacons at the same time which is pretty nice so for now let's cover this up we're going to make this a little bit bigger just because it's annoying me non-symmetrical if we go and have a look over this bit to the castle it should look pretty nice oh yeah okay skinny jr. you were this is the best way to do it what are you doing here don't ruin this moment for me please look at that that looks so cool so cool oh wow skinny jr. made a very good cool here it was also through there as well when we're in the house oh that looks great okay next thing I need to do is make some chests oh so much cobblestone it's crazy to call these chests I've got it's still organized by the way still organized I'm gonna make those chests and then I'm gonna come down to I'm gonna go to sleep first this is a bit dangerous how are you still falling in here how is that happening put that dirt block down you don't have to use that you crazy man oh no I can get shoes I will shoes my zombies what was I saying oh yeah I could I need to change these hoppers down here to collect it automatically which should be pretty easy so if I put a double chess in there and then move these hoppers to go like into each other I think that will work but that enter there that entered there and all the other ones into there that should work yeah this is perfect and shows you why you need so many hoppers for this to work as well so now anything that is thrown into those hoppers should go into the chest all we need is a willing volunteer from up here and that should work this looks so cool in here I love it I've had another thought as to why this isn't working I think that the somme be can't see the villagers now so I need to make it slabs but I don't know how I'm gonna do it so quickly there we go that's better I just made some quartz slabs so that I cared match the whites because I don't think there's whoa oh no that guy's gonna die now isn't he don't follow me off I knew you were gonna do that this guy's getting punched he's getting punched so bad oh jeez okay didn't think that through did I well that that didn't work did it I don't think this is working as well as it should be able to so if we now they can see each other I'm pretty sure oh bugger I've got a present for you to do you want this go and put it on be a lad put it on do you not want it I made it for you dude this is so weird I could like walk over him and he won't hurt me how weird is that you okay maybe sometimes he hurts me he doesn't want it that's upsetting booger real upsetting I want to try something real quick but I don't know if it's gonna break everything yep it broke everything it broke everything quick No oh geez why do I do this why do I do these stupid things oh no oh no I messed up I've messed up okay um wasn't meant to do that wait there's only two in here one of them died where's my the manor there should be another one in here how many is in that one there's definitely three in that one there's one missing oh okay it's working again this should be good I don't really know what I'm doing this anymore I just want it to work I wanted to test out the chest maybe I'm just not looking at it at the right time but now this should get you I am hey it shouldn't be getting stuck anywhere it's coming through every hopper should be empty cuz it's all going to the same one I just learnt how to Minecraft guys are you proud of me you should be I don't if it's more effective at night for some reason yeah I think this is working way better I don't know if it's a nighttime thing or if it was the line-of-sight thing or whether it's because one of my villages is Diet I am NOT getting another one in there that'd be tragic but I think it's working it may not be as effective as it should be but I'm pretty sure it's working now yep there we go there's another one I think I just need to get another villager in it doesn't really matter if they can move that much cuz they can still both sleep and then they're closer to the zombies so you can get more scared that's the main reason then they can gossip to each other then the iron golems arrived so I should be out so I will leave this overnight and see what happens see how much iron we get from a night cycle of Minecraft [Music] okay that seemed pretty successful I have to sort out one of the iron golems because they felt like spawning on the top but let's see how much iron we got from that no I will win this you will not hit me that's all I'm gonna stray for you here we go let's see how many we got whoa where did you get that excuse me uh where did you get that lead who's stealing from me now is that what's going on I've got protect hull protection order that's a good tunic Wow okay ah 30 okay sweetie overnight this should be perfect it's working we'll never need a more than a double chest there I don't think I think it's still a problem with it in the day but I think that's because I messed up that side a little bit I need to fix this guy as well because he is outrageous but now that I've got these iron ingots I can start making the 27 hoppers I need for my experience farm because even though the nether is easy I want to spend as little time there as possible and I want to add mending tool estab and I think that's pretty much all I want to do but an experienced farm will be good because then you can also instantly heal everything that has mending on it which is pretty much everything apart from my axe my shovel and list app because the rest all have mending on which is great now I need to wait to have enough so that I can make an entire bottom of the pyramid but that's gonna take a while as well and far from that we made some good progress today I didn't need to line my cat's up in the end but I would like some ideas of what to do with the cats because now we've got the whole collection I thought we should display them in some way I also need to extend this as well which is also what I need hoppers and iron and mine carts for overall today is a good day let's go and get a good view of our castle shall we look at this thing it's beautiful all the way to the sky and beyond but guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you clearly don't like the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well up for daily videos and catch up with the series as well and I'll see you all in the next one good right [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,006,862
Rating: 4.9281659 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft beacon
Id: toAWvtqY8w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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