I Caught a PRISONER in Minecraft Hardcore!

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guys I'm under attack look over my shoulder right there they're just chilling threatening me what they're outrageous banner so I was doing some work off-camera using some casual TNT to just explode most of this area and flatten it out don't come any closer stay where you are right now there's one over there as well some of them have enchanted bows okay let me pause it a second while I catch you up basically I was flattening this area out and then I look up from looking down when I was planting some things but I see these guys growing up now there's two things I need to do before taking them down number one I need to cover up my villages cuz they're stuck in a hole and they're not gonna be pleased I don't want them to die they've got incredible enchantment books on them so they cannot die number two I cannot die because obviously everything will be deleted and then number three I need to prepare the village for a raid because that is gonna happen pretty much instantly so you guys stay here I'm just gonna go and prepare for this I need to empty all of this Arno the eggs as well I'm gonna have to I think I'll have to quick fix this right now I can't have the eggs destroyed I think I'm gonna have to cover the eggs with glass let me gather some materials I also want to try and capture one of these images are they still there I'll wait to make some massive farms and they've ruined my plans but this is gonna be fine it's gonna be good it's gonna be fun I hope let's grab this glass as well just to cover over my villages and my eggs I do not want those to be killed I'll be so upset and it's a good job I didn't stare at them last time because they wouldn't have grown it's taking forever like an actual age here we go protect the eggs at all costs now I just need to protect my villages so let's just cover those up and then we're ready to begin it's gonna be a bloodbath yet again how am I gonna do this I'm just gonna do this cover them all up with glass I can't get this glass back because I've got silk touch but I also trade it with more of these villages can't get down get off those beds son we are I traded with more of these villages so i RG have some really really good books now I just need to save up the levels which is another reason of why I'm doing this watch out cat you're gonna have to move this way there we go perfect there we go you're all covered up nice and safe this should be fine let me check my armor I've got protection to all my slides protection for protection for I've got mending as well on this and the brain protector so I've got 13 levels let me see if I can upgrade one more time because I've got some extra books that I've traded for but I managed to secure in some other trades I got protection 3 which means we can upgrade everything to Mac's protection eventually then we have thorns too and sharpness 5 I might add thorns I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this thorns to this can I do this costs 15 I've only got 13 levels are they still there yet they're still there I need to get a couple more levels I'm gonna sleep first even though my villages are protected and then we're gonna take these guys on and then a full raid my idea is to just capture one of them and keep them as a prisoner so I need to use a level 4 a nametag I think that's gonna work let me grab a nametag real quick it's gonna be prisoner ok didn't break that's good I just need a couple more levels I don't want these guys to de-spawn because that would be quite tragic I have iron bars somewhere I think they might be in here I want 9 iron bars I need some more I might just trade some iron or gold in I need some experience to be able to put thorns on what do I need again 15 so I need 3 more levels just under three more levels look at them threatening me from over there right let's make some bars and there we go so that should be able to keep our prisoner contains how are we gonna capture him though I guess we just bury him and then lure him into a prison that's what I'm gonna try and do well let's grab this wheat and see if we can get up to the next level I just don't want them to be spawn that would be annoying because I really I really need the levels right now I don't think they get a despawn I'm pretty sure they're not going to I just want to get this extra level to get thorns because if those vectors come in I'm gonna be in big trouble where's my farmer at hey buddy I need to trade you all this stuff give me levels okay that gave me like no levels thank you I want to get your everyone's good you won't let me you're too expensive this is tragic let's take your too long you should have prepared maybe I can grind some levels of something else any oh yeah we definitely can grind some enchantments off here so I don't need any of this here we go make sure we do it properly okay we just went straight up to 15 that's perfect let's enchant this and then we're going into battle here we go put it on the chest plate bop bop bop look at this piece of merch right now protection for and breaking to mending and thorns and things an absolute boss and it's just healed because we got that experience that's so good right it's fight time and I also I'm gonna try and capture one of them I think I need to just apply a nametag to them if it even works that way I'm not even sure let's go let's see we can run in and apply a nametag to one of them I want to see if this works hey friends how are you why are you wrecking my new farm building huh you think this is okay how many are there 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm gonna run in here we go Bob yes I couldn't prisoner so don't kill that guy don't kill that guy I need the prisoner to stay alive Oh No right you could die all of you guys could die and as well thorns activates through our no thorns activates I didn't think about this which one's the prisoner I've got bad omen which ones prisoners this one ok you need to chill I forgot about thorns I might need to take off my chest plate to capture this guy that means I could die though this isn't this is tragic this is gonna end up really really bad for me here we go I need to lure him into this ow I knew he was gonna do that geez I'm just go have to take damage I'm just grab the tank it this is dangerous but I think it's gonna work come here come here you can't even see me I don't think he could see me then huh this is perfect come this way this way is he too smart he might just be too smart I don't want him to get hit by his own arrows I don't him to die come here he won't go in I'm doing it push push yes missed this is my chance got him oh he jumps okay I did not know they jump right I've captured him this is perfect now I need to complete the raids with thorns on but I also want to finish off this building real quick there we go and the reason I named him as well is because that means yes I did just use a hoe to destroy that wolf don't don't watch it I'm not a pro marine crafter and I'm a professional though at capturing people gotcha that was a little bit um there's a little bit tense because I thought he was gonna die did he shoot me in the oh oh we got me square in the eyeball what absolute Savage you are now our prisoner but the reason I named him prisoner is because I hope that he's not gonna be able to de-spawn now which is great I don't know when the raid is gonna start so I might sleep out here just to protect everyone keep everyone safe I think we're gonna absolutely destroy this I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep here and watch over my prisoner I'm gonna get you a much better cell by the way that's just your temporary cell okay I've wanted to capture one of these guys for ages my other option was going to the outpost that we found before but no they came to me this time all the way from the outpost and he literally can't do anything this is great oh okay never mind never mind he does get a little bit aggressive from time to time but I did just lock him in an iron cage so I guess that's understandable I also want to kinda see how many we can capture over time as well because this is classed as a village so they are gonna keep visiting every now and again as well let me just bounce on this until I need to go to bed luckily the arrow is is missing from my eye now and let's start this rate I'm kind of nervous this is so risky because the raids are intense but I want more totems last time we got six so let's try to beat that record shall we look at this Sun setting on potentially our last day on earth if I'm not feeling confident but I am ready so ready if I get rid of this yeah there it is bad omen seems to last for a while as well and since we've been doing the trades for the really really good enchanted books this is good because if we complete the raid that means we're still alive which is great but we're also gonna get discounts on all the books as well which are really really expensive so after this we can create the greatest armor we're pretty close already but let's do this here we go oh my goodness what wait where did you guys come from and what happened here how did you get out I think another one spawned I just saw the head of the other one below the glass oh no they're going to get him they're going to get him I'm gonna have to destroy these guys I wanted to capture them I don't think I can maybe they're upset that I captured one of their own Oh smart are we you can't get me from this far away I don't think so sir there's another one of these guys too what's oh I know he's going for him he's going for him oh I'm scared never mind got him onto the right side the raid has started I'm gonna get up to the top of my house so I can sort this out I think everyone should be safe eggs are safe villagers are safe the villagers are freaking out look at them down there Raiders remaining one wait was that the beginning of the raid already I'm so confused yeah look there's an iron golem in here and then iron gall about here we got two that's amazing everyone's safe but they are freaking out quite a lot are you in this with me buddy I think he's ready oh no do I have to kill my prisoner ah why I don't want to kill my prisoner I think that's actually what's happening here they've counted him as the Raider for this wave where where else are they that's annoying I wanted to keep one of the images as my prince Knut we didn't get to know each other for long I'm gonna have to actually go and collect one now but a boat journey with one is not gonna be fun I don't want to kill you but I think I'm gonna have to at least let's make it a trickshot shall we off the beds let's try this what this isn't gonna work I need to go a bit higher Oh God yeah I'm Porsha had to kill my prisoner so I've wasted a nametag that's unfortunate I'm not gonna name this other iron golem either because let's let's be honest he's probably gonna die from this but it's nice to have you here okay protect the realm do what you need to do where are the Raiders at hello ah okay this is uh oh man he is trying to sort them out but it's it's going well actually he's already killed almost all of them there's two left God kill he did the whole wave by himself this guy is an absolute hero oh if he stays alive I'm gonna call him hero of the realm this is where things get a little bit more scary though bye oh they're coming from over there I just heard it I'm going up to the top I think they're gonna try and take down I think I might be attracted to my villager pit I think that's what's going on here oh I need to get rid of these guys first why is it why is it liking we don't like that I cannot believe I just did that oh my goodness as soon as I let go of the right-click I knew that was a bad choice Katz was shot by dantdm using less shoots I shouldn't have had my cats around here I was skinny's dad's or his brother I'm not sure either way it's not it's not a good look I can't believe I just done that I feel awful hey this iron golem is going in look at him stay away from buddy - I dunno wanna kill buddy this bow is so good oh no he died I just want to check the nut and easier focus so I can deal with pretty much everyone apart from them I'm so sorry I didn't mean it Oh No skinny might die here I don't skinny to die either right buster gotcha I'm not getting many treasures from this am I go on give me your best shot you're dead now I'm getting crossbows I wouldn't experience but I'm not really when there's one left what are you doing here what is happening you had a bucket of puffer fish those are some good trades where is this last Raider huh is it him no no no no no no you did not see two cats here there was always just one eye pains me that happens as soon as I let go I knew that was going to kill him are they gonna make me kill the wandering trader because if they do the llamas are not going to be happy they're gonna spit right in my face is he lost I think it might be him you know I'm gonna try it he's still he's looking at my cat in a funny way I don't appreciate this right sir I'm gonna have to do it I know you're gonna spit at me look I agree they are so angry I think you're the last Raider boy to meet it the llama okay this is awkward he wasn't the last Raider what where is the last Raider these llamas are so upset you can join the cause if you really want to join the fight within credit armor he he might be on the verge of surviving two raids in a row oh I heard him oh what a shame you good definitely not well that's all quit I've murdered a cat and now I've murdered and wandering traveler who actually had decent trades I do feel pretty bad let's go up to the top and forget about it we've also lost one iron golem as well and then they're gonna be attracted to the pit down it well here they are here they are here they are that was almost a shot I need to make sure that if there's any focus they need to go down first any of ogres I don't know if this isn't a vocal right here this is a Ravager okay this one seems pretty tame Oh dunno you cannot go in there do not attack my eggs all my Turtles I will set you on fire and you will pay for what you do there we go sweet what happens if you never complete a rate like what if you wanted to keep one of them as a prisoner or keep the ravager or something what happens then it might be okay to go down here there's only two of them remaining I can't even remember what part of the Raider or look all my arrows get out here buddy I've got hardly any experience fall of this because I'm killing them from so far away two leads oh i got two leads perfect right then buddy give me your error words I need those mites get into nighttime as well this is gonna be this is gonna be risky but I need to look out for these Evo cos there is as witches no they're just the guys with the the axes I think we're safe from a bocas to be honest they're just attracted to my villages this is great man this bow is so good it was such good armor and stuff as well there doesn't even matter if we go down there and take a few shots because it's just gonna be so easy to take them out look at this I might go down and get some more emeralds I might just do it the witches are down there though why you near my horse away from my horse they're using my best friends against me there we go oh you almost hit buddy what are you gonna have to move I don't want to hit you I'm so close to hitting you and he's so close to hitting you as well no what do they say right which is our gonna have to go down this three of them witches are on fire one witch needs to die oh just missed what did you just throw at me slowness cheap shot right oh okay that really hurts these guys really really hurt there's my experience there's my emeralds I'm slow so slow I need to sleep as well come on how'd you kind of want some of the Evo cos to come because I want some more of the totems let's quickly sleep I'm sleeping during a rate I don't care man these things are scary so scary if Oh cos Enderman alright there he is there is I need to get rid of him as soon as possible oh yes I killed him straight away nope think we could that should give us another totem of undying which is perfect oh here they come oh here they come here they come here comes the cavalry look at them they're psychos it'd be so cool if you could actually tame one of these ravages like if it even if it took loads of loads of items to be able to do it that would be so cool these guys are bothering me I'm not quite sure what they're doing I think everything like all the mobs have an issue with the bridge for some reason but hey I'm fine with that how many Raiders left is it gonna be - yeah it's gonna be - okay I'm gonna go down and get my claim my totem okay this is which oh my goodness you're hilarious don't even you drink in that no don't drink that hey stop that I'm just coming to collect my prizes before the next Raiders come where's my totem the better be one they're supposed to drop it every time there it is rightfully claims okay one Raider left is he won the bridge what else have we got we've got ominous banners lots of stuff is just clogging up the inventory right now glowstone dust from the witches bit more experience Oh burn in with the campfire that'll do oh geez out buddy if you go on that and we so mad I'm actually gonna I'm gonna break it yeah there we go oh they're coming from the back I think but he do not walk on that campfire I'll be so upset with you yep here they are oh man if focus I need to look out for Evo cos I need to get higher he's got all the way up I don't want to be in the in the vicinity of an Avoca what do we got is that of oka down there I'm pretty sure that is isn't it I'm gonna have to get him well he's speedy so speedy oh I got him Oh killed him dead before I even got to evoke anything that's so good are there any more I'm not even sure but that's two so far that's really good whoa what what are you doing in here how did that just happen did he use the elevator there's no way he actually used it they could use the elevators guys that they're advanced they've advanced a little bit you've gone one step too far guys one step too far hey get out of here stop this you're bothering my Turtles why are you so fast how is that possible I'm missing every shot dude come on come on now he's panicking he's avoiding every shot I'm doing there we go finally jeez I'm not quite sure on oh there's 90 Raiders left oh man I don't have to wait for that totem of undying I cannot believe that one of them managed to get into my house how is that possible I think there's a zombie in my cloud - oh jeez okay I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm panicking thank goodness for feather falling I fell off the top of my car someone didn't die this is great right focus focus focus there is one is it just the one there's two oh there's three this is gonna be so difficult Oh three okay there's definitely just three and now he's coming across the bridge oh geez yep he burned himself well they may get stuck on the bridge actually there we go that's one of them out of here there's another one down here yes I gotta have all my boy skills are coming in clutch three are dead whoa oh no it's these things again it's these things let's go to that pull it up come on use to die need to die instantly where are they yes do these things got horrible they like destroy your armor as well come at me I dare you I love how the cats are just sitting there doing nothing like this is just easy okay got one is there another one well they got on me absorption that's perfect man they completely destroy you I think that's all the Evoque is gone though oh look there it is right there can I get it it's - over there one of them's getting affected by something I need these guys to go first I got one I got another one sweet okay I think we're free I think this is the last level of raid I'm pretty sure look at them coming across the river thinking it's gonna help them nah I've got infinite arrows up here and they're all covered in flames don't even think about coming back up here oh look the squids got a little bit of a potion effect how cute how many is left you got the ravager gonna have to get him out of here there we go wait I didn't see this when there was two ravages don't set these camp fires on please this dude needs to die you can leave my horse alone please and before I kill this last Raider I want to go and claim all the riches am I gonna be able to do it he's gonna be quite aggressive towards me understandably so okay I need to get rid of this there we go third totem of undying there's a fourth one down here so get rid of this get rid of this one two three let's grab this try and dodge his attack there we go spare with me buddy bear with me just chill out I'm sure there should be another totem somewhere I'm pretty sure what I play cat and mouse with this guy this bear be the last this bear be the last wave ape he just seemed pretty lover he just hits in credal armor I don't believe it no that has not happened here how dare you what oh he's spitting at me it wasn't me incredibly I'm a chill please chill it wasn't me oh my goodness we won though hero of the village you're safe I'm so pleased cradle arm is still just the spitting stir not sure why he's doing that buddy you survived I'm so pleased we've got so many more totemism dying for this we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine we have ten in total that's so good we got some iron some more ominous banners I don't even know where to put these loads of saddles just chilling we've got 19 every woods to Ivan you just noticed that's literally all the amaura woods that I have that's a bad time that's pretty much it okay sweet now we should get some pretty nice discounts from everyone which is great cuz I'm the hero yet again now I could actually update you on what happened I'm sad that we lost our prisoner though I feel like we should go and get one just to prove that it can be done I had a shield somewhere as well so I can repair this one okay this is on fire as well so I need to grab a water bucket put that out I need another camp fire too cuz I've ruined part of my Brigid it didn't even work Oh incredible is still angry an invisible person I wonder how long he'll stay mad for why are you doing this he got shot once oh and I shot my cat as well completely forgot let's try and tame these guys cuz they're now part of the crew they're gonna need an empty hand yeah there we go love me love me please I know I killed your guy but I mistook him for a villager please I mistook him for an evil one there we go that's number one love me number two love me I didn't mean it accept my apology thank you all right I got the leads from you guys so one of you can go here one of you can go here I think in credit Alma's stuck in a loop skinny skinny junior well done guys I'm so sorry for your loss it wasn't my fault okay it was completely my fault but I'm sorry I swear right now that chaos is over I can release the hounds where is my silk touch pickaxe here we go I protected one of the golems - I can't believe one of the golems took out an entire wave of them that was impressive so off-camera I feel like this should be the start of the episode but it was delayed a little bit what I wanted to tell you was I found another villager because remember our protection villager unfortunately suffocated in a tragic mine cart incident so I need sir I need to find another one and I found one it was protection three there we go so now the selection of villagers are this is a random one ah no wait here's the protection three he's the protection three dude ten emeralds and a book for the protection of three but he's give me you see that he just gave me a book as a present or they're throwing me gifts they're actually throwing me gifts you guys are the best you guys are actually the best thank you for the books I'm gonna sell them back to you in a second but that's cuz I got here over the village so you have sharpness 5 we have this guy which is bane of arthropods he needs to be changed we are mending which is locked in as well thorns which is locked in as well and then protection so all of these should allow us to get the best armor possible I need to buy protection 3 for this combine it and it should allow us to get maximum on our helmet and then two of them will increase our Gucci slides into protection for so I need to save up the 30 every once I think that should be fine I think I'm just gonna buy one right now let's do it oh he just threw a potato at me you're the best let's go in here and see if they'll give me ah why'd I do that let's see if they'll give me more gifts showered me enriches my friends these guys kind of don't like me though because you know I shot them in here for all eternity throw gifts at me you gonna give me anything huh no fine I'm out cartographer my friends ok maybe not my friend it's ok it's fine yeah none of these guys like me I'm not sure why you have perfectly beautifully comfortable apartments yet none of you like me I remember this I'll remember this when you need me next ok incredible armor is properly stuck he's aggressive towards that the guy that died and he's not gonna change his ways actually we need to unmute to unprotect the eggs I think they're safe now we need more emeralds so we need to start farming a little bit more which is why I was creating the big farms in the first place I've also got sharpness oh I've got two protection books already how much is this gonna cost me I need to make another anvil so I need to do I think brain protector this puts it up to max that's maximum you can get there we go we maxed out protection on this and now if we go to here and here that's gonna cost 10 and puts us up to three and then with one more book we have a full set of protection for armor which is maximum and it's so good then we need for mending on everything which will allow us to heal it for free when we get experience and we're looking ready to fight the wither soon I think I've someone gave me a cookie I'm going to enjoy that so much I kind of wanted to make the most of these prices though they're gonna be a lot cheaper than normal give me this give me this let's go make some money here we go the hero of the village has aw man 17 paper for one emeralds so he even gives me more emeralds as well so they give discounts and things you're selling too that's amazing wow you do in 14 oh this is so good oh he's almost an expert we can get cake suspicious you I actually wanted to do some things with suspicious stew at some point man we just made so much money what do we need to buy we only needed to buy one more protection book right that's what we needed to do and then it's just mending how much is mending 21 that's down 9 emeralds these guys are too nice to me oh I need thorns as well on everything 10 emeralds that's such a good deal such a good deal I need to get that right now oh I need to release these eggs as well as they can grow these take forever wait they've got cracks on oh why did that just why did that just smash I didn't touch it why did one of them crack look they call cracks in them oh I think they're ready to hatch guys I actually think they're ready to hatch I'm watching you eggs right where you at protection there we go right that's the last protection book that we needs this guy's still throwing books at me I love you guys even though I'm keeping you in a hole like this you seriously want to do this right so any what everyone's in a book can get mending as well so I'm gonna grab that as well I'm definitely not gonna have enough to apply this through everything but I can at least I can at least see how much it's gonna cost me I can grind up some levels too so I might do that as well what do you want to add it to first we need to do our protection first let's do this and protection 19 levels 17 levels okay how much for this one for protection three I don't need to put that on a tool mending mending is nine on these done deal is done so now we just need to add this to protection we need 19 levels I don't know how we're gonna get those but now we're on protection for protection for mending and thorns we to add thorns to the legs and they're perfect we're so close to like almost perfect armor that's crazy okay let's grab loads of these and start grinding off the levels let me see how much levels I get from this okay that's not bad dude I'm up to 14 levels already I need to get to 19 and I'm done here there you go last ones that goes all the way up to level 20 that's a legit way to get a lot of levels obviously you can't grind off what come on you grind off curse of vanishing and binding but that doesn't matter okay now I compare what's the Booker's gonna do protection 3 on my slides 19 BAM they used all my levels but now everything is protection for this is so good that raid is actually a blessing in disguise you know why because it makes everything so much cheaper I probably saved I've saved tens of emeralds doing this so we just need to do a little bit more farming which means I need to get my big farm going but a lot has happened today already how much was mending again it's 20 once that's 9 off so I need 42 emeralds to buy 2 and then we're completely on mending as well and that means we have unlimited armor we never have to make new armor again it's gonna be safe it's never gonna break it's fantastic I could even add it to like this stuff as well you're still spitting what's wrong with you okay so that was a lot in this episode already we've done a lot of enchanting we've done a lot of stuff we did a lot of killing as well we've got more totems of undying well 2 more llamas which is great news that there glitched great I really want to get my prisoner back though like desperately so let's go and do that it's gonna take a while because I need to get it all the way from the outpost and I think the outpost is on the bottom left how am I gonna how am I even gonna do that let's take all of this back first could I just get him to follow me the whole way would that work I want to see if I can do it I'm gonna get another nametag I've got one level which is perfect get prisoner but I need to build a little prison first I might keep him right next to a skinny jr. the second I feel that I'd be quite quite fitting so it's gonna be exactly the same as it was before don't mind me skinny just building something it's gonna he's gonna be our loyal servant here we go that's so he's gonna go in there I just need a name tag I'm gonna sleep and then let's see if we can capture this guy again the only problem is I think he's gonna be included in every raid not too sure but I guess we're gonna find out right let's go I'm not gonna take my horse with me because I don't want him to get shot and let's go hopefully the images don't get included in future raids but I guess there's only one way to find out made it and there's still someone up there I want to make sure that I don't get bad omen again so I cannot kill that guy absolutely not how am I gonna get just one to follow me oh wait whoa okay uh can you follow me come this way I've named you already you must come this way ow andis gonna hit me over and over again I take my thorns off I don't know if this is gonna work I'm gonna need to sleep at some point as well come on out let's go I will take so many shots to the head it's unreal no he even swims so nice of him this one's like a cooler looking one as well come on em let's go luckily he's actually got pretty quick feet this is great little does he know where he's gonna end up I can't believe he's actually following me like this this is so good well we may go home before sundown though I'm not sure this is gonna be risky even with half my armor on as well I'm tanking these hits look watch I think no damage I'm only wearing half my armor that's so good okay while he's there I'm gonna have to make myself a quick bed and go to sleep look at that fro I appreciate your cooperation oh we just broke my shields I had my pattern on it that took me so long to make as well I should have repaired it I'm an idiot rumors there we're so close I think over yeah over this hill it's right here this is perfect Oh the issue is I don't have the bars I don't have a shield anymore either so I have to try and trick him to not oh he just shot the he just shot the leader we have to take bullets I'm gonna have to do it and he is gonna be at inside ha-ah blocks haha we got him boys we got him that was close we almost lost one of our friends here but luckily the lead took it for you there you go buddy right lever you go and get the iron bars so we can finish this off properly but you're gonna have to chill buddy okay no shooting you know allowed to shoot anymore this is a no shoot zone and we'll leave that dirt in there with you as well so you can think about what you've done go get sign actually I'm pretty sure I have some oh let in credit line has stopped spitting as well I kind of wanted him to be in that infinite spit loop forever well mama three signs and we're gonna name we're not gonna name him just yet you guys can name him in the comment section down below give me your your name suggestions for this guy I'm just gonna add a little sign to him beware prisoner I need some exclamation marks beware prisoner of dantdm do not interact there we go you're staying here buddy you're staying here for life look at me when I talk to you look at me when I talk to you is he gonna spin around yeah there we go ow what did I just say no shoot zone buddy calm yourself skinny you can order him to do whatever you like literally anything just don't let him out because I don't want anyone to die we've already lost one special friends to an arrow today and you know what I think I'm gonna end this here we had a big pop off start to the episode with a brand new raid which means we now have 10 in total of these totems look at this it's beautiful 10 in total that's so good I got distracted obviously from what I was supposed to be doing so I will complete this farm out here by next time it's literally just gonna be loads of melons pumpkins and wheats just on a big flat area out here I just need to do it BA we did the raids we protected the Turtles surely we we put these little rules in I'm gonna make this even better I just need to get some more efficiency on my pickaxe to be able to do that I think these are close to hatching they've got a little cracks on them now so a couple more stages and they should be ready oh and we managed to get ourselves up to full protection on our armor all we need to do now is get it so that we can have mending and thorns on everything and then we need to take on the wither which is gonna be crazy because I really want to do that so that we can get the nether start and start making a beacon because I think that's gonna be really good if we can get haste to just destroy this massive cliff face I think that's gonna be perfect I'm really sorry about your loss it keeps looking at me stop I feel guilty but thanks so much for watching guys hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like they were greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well and I'll see you all all of you in the next one good [Music] posters high swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,984,955
Rating: 4.9175758 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: bMtBnN6iWBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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