I Built The MOST DANGEROUS Farm in Minecraft Hardcore!

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hey guys dan here welcome back into minecraft hardcore now today's episode is gonna need a little bit of backstory because something weird happens so i was live streaming uh doing some odd jobs in minecraft hardcore and i came across because i was making some farms i came across an enderman farm which is very very good for experience very very good for ender pearls and also extremely dangerous to make now we'll get to why it's dangerous to make in a second but um basically in my live stream i said this wait hold on okay if this egg hatches we have to do it [Music] i don't believe it the magic chicken what's the odds what are the odds what are the odds of that are you kidding me and guess what guess what one in 32 chance of that happening so um everyone say hello to lord tendees this is the baby all grown up now and can now lay eggs of its own and this is the mama hen chicken whatever you want to call her this is the mama oh how convenient how convenient this happens right now come here that definitely did not that didn't spawn a torch did it but say hello to lord attendees who has now forced me to attempt to make this uh the most dangerous minecraft farm it's gonna be really good for all of my experience and um experience needs for mending but not so good for my blood pressure and my heart rate because there's two things that could definitely kill me but there are two ways i can definitely die in minecraft hardcore uh without even with the use of totems the first one is in lava which has almost happened twice i think but i managed to escape luckily very very close though the other one is the void where apparently totems don't work for the void so i have to have the elitra on and fireworks ready to get myself out of that situation if that arises so i need to be stupidly careful or i'm gonna be stupid and the whole series ends because of um because of me trying to make an op farm but we're gonna try and do it apparently uh we are in 1.16 the most recent version of minecraft and apparently this works in this so i also need to find the end i don't actually know where my end portal is that's bad isn't it anyway we're going to try and find that but first off i need to empty out my inventory a bit and if you didn't catch the live stream why do my dogs keep moving you guys keep moving all over the place wizard dogs very strange but before i leave for my little expedition you will see the inside of the cactus looks very different i've made my attempt at recreating the farm we had before but without the zero tick exploit because with the update of minecraft 1.16 it broke my speedy experience farms that's why we're building this new one but i still wanted at least some farm to be in here because i didn't want to waste the cactus that i built so um i've tried to recreate a version myself all from my own brain which is kind of crazy so basically the cactus hits the observer the observer observes and then the piston will break it it will go down to the hoppers and this is all exactly the same boring onto the enderman farm let's go okay so we're definitely gonna need some more fireworks because we're going to the end and i need to go and find the end in the first place so let's grab this how many we're gonna make i guess like a stack would work a stack plus one why not okay so i have a shopping list i need to go and grab some stuff the main item being leaves i need leaves i need nine stacks of leaves which is kind of crazy so we're going to fill this entire row right here with leaves so let's do that i need some shears got any shears in here i will take those down 2dm away i am going to make all of these trees bald trees oh that's satisfying that is very satisfying we're gonna have these in no time ah definitely underestimated the amount of shears i would need i've only got one two three four and a half stacks right okay i'm gonna i'll be back in a second i need to go make more shears is there an enderman nearby there he is there is i actually need these poles come here come back this instant where did you go where did this man go i actually need his ender pearls slightly annoying right i made three she's that should be enough i think nine stacks of leaves and naked trees center it center it these these trees are naked okay i've got my leaves i also need uh hoppers chests ender poles slabs two stacks of building blocks and carpets and stuff so let me grab everything i need pop it into a shulker box don't actually know if i've got one spare but i'll see if i've got one and then we're gonna go to the end don't remember where it is but we're gonna try and find it okay all right i think i've got everything i need now this be the shopping list and shout outs to too many skills on youtube for making an incredible tutorial five minutes no nonsense gives you the shopping list super easy so hopefully we can replicate probably not in five minutes but hopefully we can replicate how to do this um right i'll leave a link to uh his video in the description below uh what are we gonna do what do we need next ah we need a name tag i need to go down here i might need to take some paper with me actually because i need to i gotta sell some things to a man to obtain a name tag now as you know not only did they break the the xero tick cactus farm but they also broke the fishing like the afk fishing farms as well so they have added uh name tags to a librarian so that you can now buy name tags and i've got a pretty cheap one from this guy but i need oh please give him whatever was come on buddy no you just ran out you just ran out you're gonna do this to me huh 24 19 anyone else got some better trades 24 no okay right we're gonna go for this guy over here i need five more come on buddy give me five more two three oh i'm going to paper i'm going to paper why do these things happen to me let's get some paper now these farms always seem like they're going to be super easy and then they're just not i feel exactly like these guys stuck in a hole sometimes right i'm back with paper i got me some paper to trade for some of that minecraft paper come on in let's get that minecraft bread i need emerald i need two more two more please one two sweep so now i can buy from this guy the nametag now we need to decide what we're gonna name an endermite because that's part of the trick to this farm that's basically our scapegoat that the endermen are going to chase so i need a name for an enderman endermites babe baby ender it doesn't really matter to be honest with you um oh he's gonna tell me i just think of a name it doesn't even matter it doesn't even matter i'm just gonna call it blob i'm just gonna call it blob blob has been chosen okay so these are hopefully all of the materials that we need now we need to go to the end and i need to make sure that i've got everything on me to prevent myself from dying i just don't want to fall in the void please this is the riskiest minecraft farm so i think my stronghold is this way i have no way of knowing but i'm gonna just fly this way and see what happens okay actually i'm dumb i've got a um i've got a nether pool that does this for me never mind i always forget that don't i always and yes i will be fixing the castle and these clouds as soon as possible part of this enderman farm was part of the project for me to get as many um minecraft farms as possible inside my minecraft world so i if i need something i can just go get it as many farms as possible and i want to put them all on the clouds that's what i want to try and do but for now let's start with this one which isn't even on a cloud but it's going to be epic there's there's one main reason i want to make this farm and that's because it is hilarious when it works i always forget which way my end portal is at oh no this is risky this is definitely risky why do i do these things why do i play minecraft hardcore why do i do these things to myself okay give me a second i'll go and find it be right back it's this way i always doubt that it's this way but i'm pretty sure it's this way if i see a cobblestone column there it is oh geez oh no oh no let's be careful it's right down here let's be super careful it's not the easiest place to get to if i could get out of here pretty quick that'd be great oh man oh man we're good hello sir how are you how you doing looks like you're doing good okay this is my end portal this is gonna work let's go in beautiful welcome back to the spicy end now what we need to do here is we need to find and this is the risky part we need to find zero zero in the end it shouldn't be too hard right so this is zero right here and now we need to go this way uh and then go down so we need to this is the hard bit okay we need to go down 62 blocks that's what's going to be a pain in my butt wait this isn't what i need to find at all i need to go this way i'm being i'm being so stupid wait no i'm gonna do this over near where i come into the end otherwise this is gonna be pointless so lots of enderman spawn here because it's on what they like to walk on end stone they like to feel on their feet is this where we is this where we spawn in i'm pretty sure it is i'm going to dig this way until i find the end of the island because i kind of want to be i want it to be where i spawn in there we go right this is the end of oh geez yeah this is um this is not gonna go well is it oh i'm scared i'm actually scared okay so what i need to do now is drop some water down here and float down this until i get to y zero which is 49 blocks down um i feel like i'm gonna grab i'm gonna grab some end stone i don't know how much of the materials i've already bought with me in the recipe for this i don't know how many of those it allows to be used in this tunneling and bridging section but this shouldn't be too bad there should be enough end stone to get us there okay so i'm gonna put this on four my fireworks are on four so if i fall i just need to smash four on my mouse and it will take me straight there okay just like this and i'll be fine elitra 100 on my back so this is this do be the dangerous part though um oh no i'm scared i'm actually scared so i need to go down and i need to do it like this because the water goes all the way down but i don't know what happens when the water gets to zero oh man oh i thought i blocked off the water oh no i'm drowning i'm drowning i'm drowning oh no not like this not like this no no no no i forgot about it i forgot that i need to survive underwater as well i am such a dummy why am i doing this oh no i'm just gonna float like this there's no need for it to get even more complicated i just need to go down to zero oh don't look down boys girls oh do not look down no it will be worth it will so be worth it i promise you right i've got 19 blocks to go i don't know if i can go further down than zero because if i go further down than zero i've just thought of another issue i'm gonna pause it so i stopped moving we're gonna be at y zero if we fall we'll automatically go in the void okay now i'm even more scared i didn't think of that possibility if we fall off the bridge that automatic void scarier than i thought i'm at six does the water run out oh i think it does oh no i don't like this i don't like this at all yeah the water definitely runs out okay so we're gonna try and make it down to here can i go a little bit further is that zero or is the next one zero i need to check because i i swear if i die i'm gonna be so mad so i need to put it where the water ends and i think oh geez yeah i think that's this okay right now we need to put that there and all should be good with oh world this is one though zero is one underneath that do i risk it i think i'm gonna risk it okay let's try it i need to get slightly under i need to get slightly under oh no oh no oh i didn't even make it i don't think you can build any lower than that oh my heart just left out my chest i don't think i can go lower i'm pretty sure i can't go any lower than that i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and fly by and see what happens let's float very very carefully yeah i definitely can't i definitely can't okay it's good i can fall off and i'm safe what i need to do is i need to i need to put down my shulker box which is scary in itself and i need to grab all nine of um oh oh i thought i deleted my shulker box what is going on today okay now i need to go 200 blocks this way so i'm on 115 so i need to go 315 this way so i'll see you in 200 blocks time okay no joke we need to get this far wait i need to go to 315 don't i my maths is not very good okay don't judge right we're almost there we need to go 200 blocks away i hope that's far enough that's definitely far enough right so i want to build this again because if i put the blocks down and mine them they're gone gone for good right that should be good i didn't think this through i need other blocks from here um this should be fine right this should be fine it's not gonna it's not gonna fall off the edge it's gonna be okay so i need to now build on this last bit here and do it 11 across so one two three four five oh this is so nerve-wracking one two three four five and then it needs to be four blocks wide so it needs to go up to here and then we just need to fill this in this shouldn't take too long at oh geez i need to not mess around here because one missed block and it's all over one misstep and i go into panic mode right one two three four five six seven eight nine okay that is a four by f eleven block right this is starting to look good this this looks crazy oh no i need to go one two three four five and i need to do that the whole way around which is gonna take a little bit of time but it's gonna be worth it okay it's gonna be mad worth it and the reason why you use these by the way why you use leaves is because apparently endermans they don't like leaves their legs are so thin that they can't stand on these blocks it just goes straight through them so they just don't bother to stand on it at all to be honest with you so this actually isn't going to take me long as long as i thought it was going to so let me just finish this up and then we'll see what happens hopefully no ender men spawn while i'm doing this otherwise i'm gonna get a big old fried i probably should have bought extra leaves as well just in case this isn't enough i'm running dangerously low uh and if i went too far on one of those that's gonna make this farm way less effective so i'm a little bit worried i haven't got enough of these let's see though is that it look at this platform incredible incredible work oh geez right now we need the torches uh and i apologize this is gonna be like a bit steppy but we definitely need to make it this way so i need here here and then like every every two blocks one two but one two bop one two bob okay sweet that is gonna just light this place up i guess so i'm a bit scared because the tutorial is done in um creative mode so i'm a little bit worried that if i go too far away from this they're actually legit gonna start spawning and that scares me quite a bit but i need to put three uh i put these in the wrong place by the way so i need that no no no don't fall off the edge please i can't be afforded to make these mistakes but i've gotta go 18 blocks that way i'm worried they're gonna spawn to be honest and then i'm just gonna get attacked by enderman's hey you know what i think i have to try i need to do 18 leaves this way so i'm actually going to count these out myself let's do 18 there we go so i need to go 18 this way if they spawn if i look up and there's endermen you better hope this is another reason why it's dangerous i didn't think of that either because if i look up and i look into the eyes of an enderman yo they're all coming to kill me all of them right now i need to do 18 the other way right that is all connected up this is looking pretty sweet actually i like this so now we need to make a little ramp apparently so let's go three up here then we need to do two here and then one here not actually sure why that's a thing but i think the enderman might come up here and fall down not 100 sure though how cool does this look now comes a little bit of a tricky bit i need to make it so that i need to get rid of these leaves without them dying oh no cobblestone okay sweet so i need to put a chest on this outside part so let's do that like this oh no did not mean to do that i'm holding shift okay this should be fine it should still work i'm hoping so anyway goodbye cobblestone nice knowing you so now i need to put hoppers down here which is scary let's do hopper hopper i kind of want to keep these if i can come on stay in the hopper at least yes no it's gone i'm so upset someone's gonna go into there that one's gonna go into there hoppers genuinely are scaring me right now okay that should work oh jeez i hate this i hate this i've said this so many times but it's got me nervous and then we pop some carpet on top now i think we make a we're making some more leaf action if i needed that one leaf i'm gonna be i'm not gonna be happy i'm gonna put it out there i would be pretty upset so we now need to make a thing on each side that is three higher than this so one two three three i'm pretty sure it's three and then you put it on top of the chests as well but then how do you get your stuff out i don't actually know at this point i just want it to work i don't care if it doesn't look the best or is the most practical i just want it to work okay this is looking like some kind of leaf palace i like it i like it a lot now we make a little like cubby hole so one two three is this right i'm scared it's not right and we make it three high add this up and then i think it goes like this i'm worried i'm running out of leaves i haven't got i've got 17 leaves left don't tell me any more leaves i'll be upset oh i need to get rid of more leaves if i i don't want to lose these leaves come on buddy they both went into the void yo you guys suck all right now i need slabs so i need to slab this up over here slapped declare yourself slapped then this is this next bit it's kind of looking like a classic farm a little bit so this is where you do the old trapdoor trick maybe this is where the endermans fall into actually so you do that and then you slab over your head sweet then you trap door this side and i like it when you start to run out of materials because that means that the farm is going well i think the enderman actually fall down here i think that's the case because they can't touch you here i think that's what happens you just slap stop stop you know so now you do something super weird uh let's get back up to the top i need to like layer some carpets in a weird way so do that and then i have to do this how weird is that that's so weird why does minecraft work in these ways who knows then you grab some more of your bricks do this and then this i think this is where the endermite comes in i'm pretty sure this is what's going to keep everything running so i need name tag for blob i need ender pearls to make sure this works i need rail probably the minecart as well and the goal is to make sure that blob ends up on top of there now again my man uh does it in creative mode so the endermite doesn't attack him so this is going to be pretty tricky for me i think so i go do two rails like this and then oh man this is gonna be tough because i need to catch him in a minecart somehow maybe if i do it like this actually i'm gonna teleport with the ender pearl as well i didn't think this through this is gonna be nuts i'm gonna have to be quick it's gonna have to happen okay so what i need to happen is i've got a five percent chance of an endermite spawning uh with an ender pearl and that's i think where the endermen are gonna get lured to so here goes oh my goodness oh my goodness that did not just he died um he died that's fantastic news um are you kidding me i got it first time and then it does that what killed him my thorns do i have thorns i have thorns on this and i have thorns on this okay right oh i got it first time and it does this i don't believe it i don't believe it i don't know how many ender pearls i've got and i'm gonna have to go to the overworld again and then come back oh i need to get this bit done it needs to happen i'm gonna try and catch it in the minecart first i think otherwise i risk naming it and then it dying you know [Music] not like this not like this leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone oh jeez oh jeez i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i haven't got another i haven't got another thing oh oh no i just used two tones on an endermite oh believe it there must be a different way to do this i'm not doing this i'm not doing this i need a break this is not fun this is not fun at all i almost lost my entire hardcore from an endermite i didn't even see it spawn there must be a better way to do this but i almost fell into the void i didn't have my fireworks in my inventory i told you this was dangerous and i didn't think oh this is so bad i'm putting my thorns back on i need those things to die and i've got no totems on me i need to take a break i'll be back in a bit [Laughter] guys it's been two days pretty sure it's been two days i was too scarred and i was trying to think of a way to actually pull this farm off without that happening again i've only just realized if i missed one of those punches that ended might have killed me like full-on killed me no respawn world deleted all that good stuff so i'm i thought it'd be funny to post a tweet and see if you guys can guess what kind of mob almost killed me and um yeah only two of you got it two the first one is uh zilla who actually got it in 15 minutes and also despicable dominoes who i think is exactly the exact same guy who's got the name on my on my bridge who gave me the idea for the bridge so i'm shout out to you guys but now that is done fun little game none of you were expecting this but um it's happened so i'm gonna go back to the game and this is where we left off now i think i thought of a way to do this now the problem is i can't spawn an endermite away from me they're always gonna spawn on me because that's just the way they work oh do you have another totem oh thank goodness so i could have saved myself that would have been great wouldn't it i can't believe that hilarious so my new plan uh definitely keep a sword in my inventory i only have 19 ender pearls left which is a massive massive problem so i need to make a platform around here because the endermite has to end up on the uh on the carpets so it has to be around here so it has to be caught on these bits so i'm going to make a platform so that when it spawns i can run away from it a little bit then i need to guide it towards this part which is going to have the minecart on it and just push it in because i also have to name it first as well i tried this in a test world and um you can't name the endermite after you put it in the minecart so we just need to hope that we get ourselves an endermite we're so close to completing this farm and um it's gonna be really really good but it's it's taken some uh my goodness it's taking some brain power come on bro come on five percent chance over the next five smart people can work out how much a percent chance that is i've had two out of these whole stacks come on no no don't make me do it please please just be the last one please i i hate you i hate you a lot do i have any left i don't think i do do i i'm pretty mad i'm not gonna lie to you i'm pretty mad about that what is happening why is there a why is there an enderman up there what are you doing you should not be up there now i'm gonna have to beat you and i really don't want to actually oh no oh no no no no don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me please come on boy don't kill me don't kill me oh they do no damage with netherride those other ones on the island are way more powerful i'm sure of it let's try this again so i need an endermite and then i need to lure it into here i'm gonna make the platform even bigger because i'm scared for my life and i need to make sure i have enough health as well oh yes yes yes yes okay okay okay let's name it it's named getting the money card yes your punk what now huh i don't know if he's got a name or not but i think it worked i think i need to get him down there okay let's uh let's do this i need to re-replace the carpet so i need him to be on the main section go oh oh oh i don't like this this guy has caused me so much pain anguish and suffering i need to push him a little bit more as well it needs to go even further that should be about it i think okay that's perfect that is perfect i'm just going to drop him down because i don't want to waste my time on any more shenanigans right now so let's make sure that this guy gets where he needs to go look at him spin he's beautiful okay this is good next step so i need to build that and that and apparently that's it done i'm hoping so anyway cause i think what the next step is is opening this bad boy up and i think the farm is complete i'm hoping so now this is where the fun bit starts but i'm also a little bit worried to start it because this is gonna spawn in a lot of angry endermen what we need to do is break all of these and then just fly away let's just do this very very carefully and then i'm just gonna bash these out and then if i get a certain distance away they should just start spawning oh yo it works now we have to check if we built it correctly though oh my goodness yo the noise yikes bro okay so now we should be able to just oh my goodness oh this is crazy are they dying they're definitely dying but overall yo this bad boy worked this is such a good farm as well the amount of we're gonna get even though we don't need them right now is crazy all right let's jump in here then sleep because it's night time and then what we're gonna do is grab i'm gonna grab two fence gates just to make it super safe and then this is an incredible and i mean insane farm ah there's one here okay sweet let's put all that in there beautiful now we just need to go back to the nether so let's go i'm excited to try this out properly oh buddy i needed that i needed that break that little kickback because i feel like i've almost died so many times in this episode to make one farm hardcore it's got my brain all fried but i feel like i'm all right all right there we go let's run it back so everyone's in there looks like the endermite didn't despawn as well so we did the name tagging correctly as well which is great these guys are mad so i'm gonna put what fence gate here and fence gate here look at the experience come to me come to papa can you get me yeah what do you think you're doing huh that fence gates thing is genius it's so loud look at the levels going up oh my goodness look at the levels look at the levels look at the levels yo but i want to get around this edge i think i should be able to use leaves so i should be able to do this to access both of these yo look how many we've got already oh my goodness wow it's working perfectly so there you have it world's most dangerous farm complete now we need to go and see the boy whose fault this is right now we need to have some words where is he there he is attendees what's good my friend we got any more royal offspring today we do not how are you hope you're doing good you're the reason that this all happened and i'm on instagram now because i'm pretty sure lord tendees already has fan art can you see it look at that if only i could put the cape on him in real life that's actually that's really cool attendees enjoy from dan's earlobe what's wrong with your instagram names guys come on but anyway guys that's gonna be pretty much it for today's episode i hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like and greatly appreciate this one of my most dangerous episodes even more dangerous than i went to kill all the bosses i assure you but um thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it again if you did leave a like to be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new as well and if you're feeling super generous i want to be the first to know when a new video goes live then hit that bell as well and i'll see you guys in the next one stay safe i love you goodbye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,986,142
Rating: 4.951241 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft
Id: E5ggZadeaZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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