I Couldn't Keep The Fish Off My Hook!

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where it's a chilly one out here this morning how's it going everyone I'm back again it's mid May and I'm out here in Minnesota today we're gonna chase some smallmouth it's only about 30 degrees out here right now but look at that water it is as smooth as glass those Bosch should be about two weeks from starting spawn - so I got a feeling that despite the cold they're still gonna be willing to bite I've got my kayak all loaded up let's hit the water and see if we can catch a few well you really can't ask for a much nicer day than this to be able to kayak so today I'm fishing a lake that's part of a river system and that's where I'm paddling up to is where the river flows in or at least I'm working my way up to that typically this time here I'd head straight up to the river but as cold as it got last night I wouldn't be surprised if the bass moved off the river and into the first deep water it hits on the lake here there's a few rocky points that we'll check first and if we don't find him there we'll just paddle on up to the river might have to do a little bit of searching out here today but I'm pretty confident that we'll find him eventually there's one right there little guy hey you have to start buddy hotel dark this one is wow what a pretty fish well that's a good sign nice little smiley to start off the day let's see if we can find his big sister out here so I am fishing a bass assassin elite shiner on a 3/16 that one sky Tech jig show you guys my setup here to you real quick I've got a 6/8 st. Croix Legend tournament rod this is a medium power extra fast action I've got a quantum smoke reel with 12 pound trial Ian's sensations pulled up on that I gotta get my brakes set up right down this thing my lines gonna fly enough though today and as I'm doing that something came and picked up my jig jeez I don't even think that hit the bottom I just started reeling and there's a fish on okay got another one chasing them too man I think they're gonna be schooled up here in this deeper water I'm sure the temperature warms up that sunshine and they'll move up onto the river eventually bit man I think today is gonna be a awesome day of fishing get some good light on that one another little guy jeez look at this I was just dangling my jig over the side oh man I can't keep him off the bus this morning I bet that's the one that just chased that last one up man I keep getting a little bit bigger - geez like that I wasn't even trying that is awesome what am I doing with that jig in my boat I should be letting that dangle over the side it's a squirrel I'm just kind of twitching that jig along the bottom over here there's a little bit deeper out here the water to level is up quite a bit why hello there is there such Paiste little buggers aren't there we haven't found the real big ones yet but I'm not gonna complain about fish like these at all it's a decent little guy right there there we go now it feels like a better fish that's a good one that one's more along the lines of what I'm looking for out here today Wow look at this small motor Jays beautiful fish so I'm just throwing this little jig up there ahead of me we've got some scattered boulders up there I'm just letting it sink down and bouncing it along the bottom this guy came along and gave it a real nice thump there beautiful smallmouth oh you got off that's alright it wasn't a giant I don't mind one the little ones self-released like that big ones I'd prefer to get my hands on those Oh [Music] goddess brand at least and they are aggressive out here today little guy got about 20 the size so far today I didn't get that one a real nice one mixed in so we're gonna keep working our way forward I don't know maybe most of the big ones are hanging out up on the river there today there's one that looks like a good fish right there it's not too bad a little bigger than the ones I was testing back there behind me very good I'd worked my way up there to the river I was catching a ton of fish back there but they are all small to medium sized fish both the sides of this one maybe a little bit smaller a good sign though he was up here in the current let him go and work our way upstream see if we can find some bigger ones up here nice and rocky up here summertime it's pretty rapid but it's water level is up a good three feet right now compared to the summer level like this little crease right here is definitely worth checking out you can see a bathroom on there that's a good sign there was a small e right there while we turned around and looked at my jig got him oh that was freaking cool I saw him swim by gave that jig a little twitch and he nailed it little buddy yeah that's a quality fish good sixteen seventeen ensure I did work my way a little ways upstream found a few up there but it has been kind of slow up here on the river water temperature is still only 52 degrees so I don't think all the fishes moved up there quite yet here's a decent one oh yeah I'll get that one in the net that's probably the biggest one I found up here on the river so far is it pretty one all right I made my way back over here to this little area where I started out this morning did find a few fish up there on the river I think the water temperature needs to warm up a little bit more for everything to start getting in place up there but I figured I'd come try this point it's a bunch of boulders that extend though it off of it we'll see if there's any bass hanging on those hopefully I can catch one more and then I'm gonna head back to my truck I think maybe go grab some lunch and try a different structure over for the rest of the day Caetano ton of fish out here just not quite the size I was looking for and did catch a few nice ones but hey you know complaints out of me those smaller ones still put up a heck of a fight there's scrappy little buggers there's one that won't thumped it good no this one might be a better fish that's about the average size I've been getting out here today I tell you what there's nothing wrong with that he's all guys put up a heck of a fight on that note I think I'm gonna head back to my truck well it's been a lot of fun out here today probably caught 30 smallmouth most of them are about the size of that last one but I had a few nicer ones mixed in I sure did have a lot of fun I hope you guys enjoyed it too thanks for coming along with me again I'll see you next time
Channel: NDYakAngler
Views: 269,038
Rating: 4.9422455 out of 5
Keywords: NDYakAngler, North Dakota, kayak, kayak fishing, fish, fishing, smallmouth, bass, bass fishing, river, sping, MN, Minnesota, couldn't, keep, off, hook, relaxing
Id: 4gycFaOHjzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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