EASY Homemade PASTRAMI, Step by Step to Perfect DIY Pastrami!

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Here I have a 14 pounds brisket which is choice grade and I am going to be making homemade pastrami out of it. As you can see after opening the package it comes with a lot of fat, but since we're gonna be smoking and brining this brisket it is important to remove the fat and here's how I like to trim it. Since the point is the fattiest part of the brisket there's enough intramuscular fat so I try to remove almost all of it. But as you can see that is not the case for the flat, since it's normally dry I like to leave at least a quarter inch of fat so that we can enjoy it. In order to be considered pastrami we have to brine it in a cure, and these are all the spices I'm gonna be using for today. And remember exact amount and ingredients on the description down below. The first thing I like to do is toast a few of them to enhance the flavor, so my black pepper, coriander and mustard seeds get toasted just for a little bit. Be sure to keep the pan moving and do not let it burn. After just a few minutes you can really smell the fragrance that comes out of it, that lets you know that it's ready. In order to keep them course I like to grind it with my pestle and mortar and this is what I'm looking for. Once that was done I like to combine everything together and here's what I got; a tablespoon of whole cloves, red chili flakes, allspice berries, ground ginger, ground mace, two crushed bay leaves and to finish it off the crushed cinnamon stick. Now mix it well and my pickling spices are done. In a large pot I threw in a gallon of water, threw in my pickling spices, followed by some salt, granulated sugar and finished it off with curing pink salt. Now mix it well and bring it to a boil. As soon as it starts boiling remove it from the heat. In a large container I like to put a cooling rack and throw in about a gallon of ice. There are two reasons for the ice; one is to cool down our brine and the second one is that we need an additional gallon of water this will match up perfectly with a ratio of two gallons of water. It is important that you cool down your brine you don't whatsoever want to cook your brisket at this time, so before inserting it make sure it's a hundred percent cool. Once that's done the next step is to put in our brisket. Now there's a good chance that your brisket will float just like mine so I'm using some weights to keep it down. Now all there's left to do is close it well with clinched plastic so that it can brine on my refrigerator for seven days. Once the seven days were up I quickly removed the Clinch paper followed by the weights, on a sheet pan I laid some paper towels and removed my brisket from the brine. And this is what it looked like check it out. Now if we just went ahead and cooked this brisket as is, it will be extremely salty. Since it was brining for seven days the salt really penetrated all the way through, so to tone things down I am washing the salt off completely. When you're washing it don't think that you're gonna be washing out all the salt trust me you can wash it like you mean it. If you skip this step you will be extremely salty. Then I brought it back into the house and dried it thoroughly. For my rub I kept it pretty simple. I added some black pepper and coriander. After grinding it course I mixed it up with some garlic powder, then I mixed it well and my rub was done. To ensure that my rub was thick I lightly coated it with yellow mustard. It is important for you to remember that the brisket will shrink as it's cooking so, even though I'm seasoning all the way through, I keep that in mind so that I don't overseason it. Then I transferred it to my smoking pan and here is the perfect amount of seasoning for your pastrami. Now all there's left to do is to smoke it. I am smoking this beautiful pastrami at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for five hours. So let's do it! After five hours I removed it from my cooker in here's what we got. I just wish you can smell this. The red mahogany color is an indication that we have a beautiful smoke throughout the entire brisket. Now that I have the perfect color and the exact amount of smoke I want, I want to finish it cooking. And in order to speed up the process I am wrapping in aluminum foil. To finish cooking it I am leaving it inside of my cooker for an additional five hours. But I am not going by time I'm going by feel. When I poke my probe and there's no resistance that's when I know it's done. Once it was done cooking I quickly removed from my cooler, wrap it in the towel and put it on a cooler so that he can rest for at least 2 hours. As it was resting I decided to toast a few breads to make it Reuben sandwich, just throw in some butter and toast it until it's golden brown. After two hours I quickly unwrapped, it as you can see, it's still blazing hot but I could no longer wait. So I was rewarded with this. Check it out! To my surprise a very small part did not get the cure, but if we do a band test you know how this is gonna taste. Extremely tender and if I pull them apart, oh yes, as tender as it can be. And there you have it, the perfect pastrami made at home. To finish off my Reuben sandwich I threw in some Thousand Island dressing, my incredible homemade pastrami, a little bit of sauerkraut, baby swiss cheese melted using my searzall and my Reuben sandwich was done. Alright everybody we have our beautiful, you know what this is Angel? What? You know you've been asking me for pastrami, pastrami, pastrami? Mm-hmm That's a Reuben sandwich with pastrami. You never had it, Angel never had it he always wanted to give it a try he want to know what he was like. What is Reuben? Reuben is called this kind of sandwich and inside of it you've got some pastrami and some other goodies which I'm not gonna tell you, it's gonna be a surprise. I want to know if you like it. There's no green stuff and that's a promise. There's cheese. Yes there's - no you can't dissect it and take the stuff out you have to go for it all right. That's not fair. All right let's give it a try, you tell me how you like it with everything. I'm gonna get cheesy, I'm gonna get the cheesy side. The Cure as you saw it there when I sliced it, apparently didn't go all the way throughout the brisket but at the same time it gave a nice color where it did. I was just trying to see what the heck is in there, trying to figure it out. Anyway cheers buddy. Let me know how you like it go for it. Mmm so soft. Super, oh my goodness super tender. I love pastrami man. Wow. That's good. That is good huh? It is so much more superior than the ones that you buy on the supermarket everybody. It's so, so soft. Super tender. Yeah. Wow. And I cut it thick too. It's like I barely chewed it. Yeah exactly you know a lot of people never had it especially from other countries for example in Brazil, that is not popular. So if you never had pastrami, how can we describe it to somebody that never had an Angel? It's very peppery, super, super tender, it definitely leaves... A little tangy on your tongue? That tastes of pepper at the end. Right how's the aftertaste it like on your tongue you feel it. Feel a little numbness because it's so peppery right. Yeah because so that crust has a little peppery taste. The brisket is come on it's like butter. The brisket is super tender everybody falling apart. It's super, super soft I think the biggest thing is that's smoky and and peppery flavor comes through the most I think that's probably the biggest punch in the face. Mm-hmm. It's good. It is amazing. Angel approves. Angel approves? Angel approves. It is so much superior than store-bought like, it's not even close. Angel never had it because he can't compare it to it but I have something for you to compare it to it, I bought it so that you would compare this one here with the one from the refrigerator from the store the supermarket. What the heck is this? Come Angel. What is that? Pastrami. That's pastrami. Dude that looks like so thin. Yeah it's like ham, look. Obviously this one is gonna be cold but you get the feeling of it you never had it. I'm not excited. I really like pastrami regardless but go for it. I'm not excited Why not it's like ham. Yeah but you just gave me a really good one and then you want me to try this one. Of course this one is better Angel but this one is still good I like it as well. It's okay, yeah of course is better. But you see that taste? Very, very similar taste. Way less flavor though. Yeah the flavor is not as strong not as much pepper. Mm-hmm. Not enough smoke. If you had to pick Guga's or this one Angel? This is so much superior and I hope you give it a try everybody. And if you live somewhere that you have never even tasted the taste of pastrami try it you won't regret it, you won't regret. it it's really good. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below. Thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,757,655
Rating: 4.9383712 out of 5
Keywords: how to make pastrami, homemade pastrami, best pastrami, pastrami recipe, pastrami sandwich, pastrami, homemade, diy
Id: gEZcfjPIN0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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