The Insane $750 Steak & Eggs Experience | Guga Foods

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I would have appreciated more explanation on what cuttlefish ink brings to the egg other than the black color. Maybe the color is most of the motivation behind that. Otherwise, Guga's done it again.

That Wagyu Kobe Beef tho 🥵

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xXlasagacatXx 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thanks to Bright Cellars for sponsoring this video.   This is the most expensive steak in the world. Yes,  it is a Japanese Wagyu a5 grade, but not only that   it is Kobe Beef which is by far the most expensive  steak in the world and for good reason. Take a look   at this marbling. I mean this is not something you  see every day, it is a marbling score 11 and 12 the highest grade there is. Eating a steak like  this is something to celebrate and because the   quality of this meat you want to keep it as  simple as possible. You are paying for that   flavor and the last thing you want to do is put  weird rubs on it, so I like to keep it very simple;   A little bit of kosher salt and freshly ground  black pepper. If you've never had this steak let   me tell you it is very rich and I always  recommend eating it with something else.   And for today we're gonna be pairing it up with  eggs. I'm gonna be making four unique eggs for   us to give it a try and let you know which one  is best, and some of them are delicious others   are just weird. This is the most expensive  steak and eggs in the world. So let's do it! And the very first one we're gonna start off  is this one. Let me tell you something this   is addicting, and to make it it's super easy and  here's how. I first started by boiling my eggs I   like a runny yolk so six minutes was good enough.  Then I immediately transferred to a water bath.   I know a lot of people have trouble peeling  the eggs but let me show you the easiest way   for that not to happen. What I like to do is to  first break the whole shell apart with a knife,   then I put it back in the water and let it soak  for another 2 minutes. These little microscopic   cracks that we just made allows water to go inside  making it 10 times easier to peel the egg. As you   can see they come out perfect every single time.  You don't need to use a spoon or anything else,   that is how easy it is. Now for the marinade, as  always remember exact amount of ingredients always   on the description down below for you. I first  started with a good amount of soy sauce, followed   by some water, then I threw in white onions, garlic,  red bell pepper, brown sugar, korean chili flakes   and finish that off with green onions. That's how  easy it is to make these wonderful eggs. The only   thing left to do is to add your eggs and let  them marinate on your refrigerator for at least   four hours. Once the time was up I took them out  and take a look at this. The egg whites actually   absorbs a little bit of that marinade and to eat  it you can do it by itself or you can eat it with   some sushi rice. I have already shown how to make  this rice and if you want to check it out make   sure you look on the description down below later  on, because this is heaven on earth. I'm telling you   my friends give this one a try. Now this next one  here is even easier and at the same time take a   look at it. I know it looks insane but hey never  judge a book by its cover, and here's how to make   it; The first thing we need to do is to break up  some eggs and if you're going to do this recipe   I recommend you doing a bunch, don't just do one or  two because they are really good. Then you want to   separate the egg whites from the yolk and do not  forget to remove that little gem as much as you   can, obviously without breaking the yolk. Now the  only thing left to do is to let them marinate   on a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. Now this  container is okay to use but as you can clearly   see it does not cover the whole egg yolk, so I  recommend putting it in a cup because you will   also use less soy sauce. We're just trying to make  sure that every single egg yolk is covered with   the marinade. Now the only thing left to do is to  let it rest in your refrigerator for 4 hours, once   the time is up I took them out and take a look at  this. I mean they don't look that appetizing but   you just wait and see how wonderful they actually  taste especially when you pair it up with that   sushi rice. Now the next one is weird I'm talking  about real weird. Have you ever seen anything like   this? I mean come on now! What is this? Halloween?  And to make it it is crazy easy and here's how.   The first thing we need to do is to separate the  egg whites from the yolk. Now with the egg whites   we're gonna add a little bit of ink, yes you heard  that right. But not any type of ink I'm talking   about this one right here, Cuttlefish ink. And this  thing take a look at it, it is black, real black. It   also smells kind of fishy, so I'm wondering how is  it gonna transfer to the egg whites. As you can see   this thing is as black as it gets so the only  thing to do is to go ahead and mix everything   well until you get a nice black mixture just like  this. I threw in a little bit of olive oil to my   egg pan and first started cooking the egg whites.  And as you can see to my surprise it did not come   out that good, it's turning white. But I went ahead  and continued to try to make this thing work,   that's just by adding the egg yolk right on top.  In my very first try I was left with this take a   look at that. That is not black this is the whole  problem right here it was because of the foam, so   if you're gonna try this out make sure you remove  all of the foam and most importantly add more ink,   especially if you want it to come out real black. Once I've done that I went ahead and started over   and as you can see this is a huge difference. Now  that is what I'm talking about! As it's cooking it   will turn slightly white. Do not be alarmed because  after you add your egg yolk cook that up a little   bit you are left with some nice black eggs. Now  that is something you do not see every day. And   i'm wondering if the ink changed the flavor of  this one. Well we're gonna find out real shortly.   Our very last one is this one, it is a cured egg  yolk, and I'll tell you one thing this thing is   addicting. And to make it it is super easy, you just  need a little bit of time because the first thing   you need to do is to make a 50% mixture of salt and  sugar. Then you want to make some crevices with a   spoon and add the yolks. One important thing you  got to remember is to make sure that you cover   the whole thing with that mixture you just made  because once that's done you want to let it rest   in your refrigerator for five days. But once that  time is up look what you are left with, perfectly   cured egg yolk. Just wash it out in a little bit of  water and take a look. Come on now! The only thing   left to do is to dry them out as much as possible  and for that you just want to put it in your oven   at the lowest setting for about one hour. Because  once the time is up take a look at what you're   left with. Put this in anything and it will make it  taste better. Now the only question is is it going   to make a Japanese Wagyu A5 steak taste better  than it already does? Well we're going to find   out right now. And to grill this beautiful steak is  actually very tricky the most important thing you   got to keep in mind is to move the steak. Anytime  you have flare-ups you gotta move it real quick   and keep flipping it as many times as needed. But  how about I stop talking about it and just show   you. So now I say it is enough talking and it is  time to cook this beautiful steak. So let's do it! Before moving forward I would like to  thank today's sponsor Bright Cellars.  I mean, I drink wine I cook with wine. Wine is just  wonderful and with Bright Cellars you get a wine   box experience that will match you to wines that  you will absolutely love. It's simple you take a   quiz with simple questions for you for example  what type of chocolate do you like? Bingo! And   you paired up with a box of six wonderful wines.  I mean they show up right at your door. These are   amazing wines from around the world match to you  and you don't even need to leave your house to get   them. This one right here I am enjoying the subtle  flavors it's called Dead stars and Black Holes but   in a few minutes I'm gonna be making an incredible  pen sauce with this one right here. I mean I just   love some amazing perfectly matched wine man.  If you want to enjoy this experience Bright   Cellars is giving all of my viewers 50% off their  first six bottle box. Just go to   to get that 50 off your first box. The  link is on the description down below now   go get yourself that discount. Thank you Bright  Cellars for sponsoring this video. Guys I'm gonna   go back to this wonderful wine so that you can  get right back to the video. And let me tell you, ah that is nice man. All right everybody here we have our beautiful feast today Maumau. Steak and eggs! -Weird feast today. -Why? -Because what the  heck is this? -You don't like the black egg Maumau? -That's a weird egg everybody I'm telling you  right now. But to make it up for it we got a   Japanese Wagyu A5 Kobe beef Maumau, Kobe beef everybody. -That's gonna be good! -Are you ready Maumau?   -Oh my God my mouth can't stop watering. -I feel like  I'm talking too much. I recommend you grab a little   piece of Wagyu. -I'm not gonna complain about that.  -Which one you want to go for first? -I don't know   you're the you're the host so you guide me through  this culinary adventure over here. -Well I say that   this one right here what that is, see I already  broke the yolk for you. It is a little bit of a   cured egg yolk with uh soy sauce. -Okay. -So mix it  up a little bit like that put a little bit of your   wagyu in there and just try it and let me know if  it's good. Cheers everybody! Wow that is amazing! -Wow! -Creamy, soy sauce, it's incredible! A little salt  look at Maumau going for seconds already.   You didn't even care about the wagyu Maumau. -No, no, no the  creamy egg with a sticky rice. -I know it's amazing.  -Wow! The fattiness of the of the egg with the  stickiness and dry like dryness of the rice.   -It's perfect, it's just perfect everybody. -And then  you throw the fattiness of the Wagyu on top of it  to compliment everything. -It's like an amazing combination. I'm  telling you right now soy sauce cured egg yolk   definitely a winner everybody big big champ  right here. I could eat a whole wagyu right here. -I know right it's amazing! Okay I   say we go for the weird stuff huh let's go. Food  needs to be appetizing if it's not appetizing   you're not gonna go for it. This one does not  look that appetizing to me. -I mean it looks   intriguing. -You know what it looks like, honestly?  Halloween. Well you guys saw the trouble that I  went to make this egg here black egg whites. -I  need more Wagyu. -Maumau you ate the whole Wagyu don't play everybody. -I told you  I can't eat the whole wagyu by myself with that. -Maumau don't play with the Wagyu I'm telling you right  now. Black eggs with Wagyu everybody. Cheers! -I mean it's a little bit saltier but. -It just  tastes like a regular egg. There's no difference.   -Let me try, let me try it by itself. -Try it by itself Maumau. Is is it. -No it's just the black.   -Really? It's different? -It has a  little hint of the little seafood.  -Really? -In the beginning, just a little bit, just  a little whiff. -Oh yeah. -Yeah. -Little fishy.   -But it doesn't change the egg at all. -But, but,  but it's very little. -Very little. -Almost nothing.   -There's no difference at all, all right. Now you  guys know that I had to put quite a bit extra   because I wasn't getting the black Maumau, it was  keep coming white, white, white. I said no I want   black man, come on. This is good but there's  nothing special about it. It's just a black   egg with a yellow egg yolk and it tastes like  an egg it doesn't do anything different for you.  -Listen if you want to repeat the flavor of this  fry some shrimp on a pan. -Yeah. -And take them out   and then fry the egg on it. -Yeah exactly. -That's about as much as you get. -Not worth you spending the money for the ink everybody all   right. Let's go for the next one Maumau. -I want to go  for this one. -I know this one look good huh. Look at Maumau. -That looks promising. -It smells amazing  everybody. Okay let's go with this one   here with the salsita. Don't forget the  salsita Maumau, aka the sauce. Cheers everybody! That's what I'm talking about, that's what I'm  talking about. That's what I'm talking about!   -That egg is amazing. -That is phenomenal. -Wow -You  know what it is? The soy sauce, the acidity,   you know fights the Wagyu and you just  make some wonderful experience everybody.  It is a hundred times better than all the other  ones, I'm telling you right now. What do you think Maumau? -I don't know if it's 100 times better  than that one. -Really? -Yeah 50 times. -It is better. -It is better, it is better. -It  is better. -The thing is that all these little   extra spiciness of little things there the little  vegetables. Yeah the little vegetables yeah they add   a little bit extra flavor on top of it. -Yeah. -So  it does make a difference. -Absolutely. We got the   very last one Maumau you already know how this one  works. You just shave it right on top everybody   that's all you got to do. I'll do you the honors  Maumauzin. -All right. -Shave, shave, shave. Let's see if   this cured egg yolk can actually beat that one. You  ready? -Let's do it. -Let's find out. Cheers everybody! Too creamy. -The fat from the Wagyu  dissolves into the creaminess of the thing   and it's it's really good, but it's missing more -The acidity from this stuff here. --It's missing  more variety. -Yeah the acidity from this thing is a   better combination. -Yes actually the cured egg yolk  cuts a little bit of the richness of the wagyu but   it has its own richness so your your taste buds  get like. -Confused it's too much. -It's too much.   -Your body can't handle it okay that's basically  what we're trying to say. We can't handle this,   is too much. -Now with this one over here. -Look at you,  you're going for, I already know which one is   your favorite. -This is gonna be my favorite there's  no question about it. -Absolutely this one here is   the best it is our favorite. I highly recommend  you give this one a try even if you don't have   a Japanese Wagyu Kobe beef give it a try this type  here you will love it, I guarantee you. If you love   eggs you will like this one. Anyway guys I hope  you enjoyed this video. If you do enjoy this video   make sure you give it a thumbs up, if you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.   Remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,323,704
Rating: 4.928484 out of 5
Keywords: steak, wagyu, kobe beef, a5, steak and eggs, experiment, best steak, tea eggs, marinaded eggs
Id: FtZT5Q4nHbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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