Breaking 28 Minecraft Records in 24 Hours!

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so i'm going to attempt to break 28 of the toughest minecraft world records in just 24 hours starting with the fastest ever death oh come on this is a great spawn no i was two seconds over i just need that perfect seed oh my god yes it's just 2.84 seconds that is the first of 28 records broken next up is the furthest distance traveled across lava without effects the record speed is 37 blocks and i have a plan see if your time perfectly placed the boat on top of lava you can actually jump on and off therefore one two three no oh it's doing so well come on come on ah i know come on man let's make this the one please do it okay so far almost there [Music] wait was that the record let me check the replay and have a look it just has to be over that green line oh let's go i beat the record by one i am currently building the outline to what will be the world's largest emerald block i've now built the bottom layer of this and my finger is starting to hurt a lot but i still have four sides to complete and the roof [Music] this is actually looking pretty good i've just got fill in the roof and we'll be pretty much done we have now placed every block let's go and from the largest to the fastest we're going to attempt one of the toughest ever minecraft speedruns the fastest timescraft ever tool which was done in 12.32 seconds this was actually one of the first ever records i broke when i started making minecraft videos and recently the youtuber preston who i used to watch all the time when i was younger beat my record and i can't let that stand so today i'm getting my record back okay that wasn't great precious time was over a second faster than my previous best and i practiced for hours but the best time i could get was over two seconds slower than his current record i don't know if i can make up that time to beat him i'm gonna have to give up on this record for a bit and attempt it again later on because right now i need to make some time back this record is for the longest ever trident kill the current record is 199 blocks but if i manage to perfect my throw come on come on that one felt good it must be close yes 201 blocks traveled that is a new world record this is the current best for the furthest height reached in 60 seconds but by using a mixture of these vines and bone meal i'm going to attempt to break it i just have to get above 125 blocks ah that's not high enough this method definitely stands potential i just have to time it right 125 no i'm literally on par with the record and got five seconds of bow mill this is the time to start climbing this does feel pretty fast right now i have to say clock's ticking down though yes 129 blocks is 60 seconds i'm attempting the longest active redstone line most pistons activated by one lever and the most anvils dropped at once this line in front of me is 69 000 blocks of just redstone pistons and ambulance so by flicking this lever once i have the longest active redstone line and the most pistons activated then by flicking it back again that is how the most samples dropped as well i'm currently standing in front of 9123 blocks each with a two block gap between them and i'm trying to break the current record of 2 400 late jumps that's 100 jumps done 150 jumps and now i have to start all the way back at zero and one thousand jumps done this is better 2 000 jumps crossed i'm coming for that record less than 50 jumps to go now but on the final straight three two one yes now let's see how far we can keep going is that the end of the course i think it might be we've officially beat the old best with 3031 jumps the code record for the most bees killed is 7400 however if i beat that and do it in another two hours i'll break not one but two world records and the timer starts right now it's quite a slow progress to kill each of these so to do this in less than two hours will be a challenge we're making good time right now though that's one hour past the 3700 b is killed okay that is now two hours up seven thousand 437 beats have been killed in that time period two more records broken this is a moose room with just a 0.09 chance of spawning they often take hours to fight however today i've attempted to speed rock silly one in less than two minutes and 34 seconds time to load into thousands of worlds and hope for the best come on game give me that luck i need oh my god is that yes yes it is it is i'm just gonna swim screw a boat ah this is really slow it could be quite close all i need to do is kill that mooshroom as quick as i can one more come on yes with one minute and 31 seconds we've absolutely smashed the old world record i may have an opportunity to set the strangest minecraft world record in history currently frog tongues can only reach three or four blocks but with some slight modifications that a professional model named ezb has made for me we can be the first people to make a frog tongue do this oh my god this looks crazy and move the pig the pig the pig let's go next up is the fastest time to experience level 100 oh my god yes we are flying right now 10 minutes past and we're already at level 85. the current record is 40 minutes and 29 seconds so it's gonna be close yeah this is gonna be a lot closer than i thought level 90 xp passed come on these last few minutes are going to be tense oh my god i don't think i'm going to do it am i yes yes yes level 140 minutes and 17 seconds i'm currently trying to travel over 50 kilometers on a peak this record is one i'm super concerned about because of how long it's gonna take me five kilometres done so far but this is so incredibly slow look at it does this actually work oh my goodness i could in fact be a genius by putting a pig in a minecart and riding it that way you could trick the game into thinking you're still just riding on the pick and by being in this minecart i'm moving four times faster than i was before 15 kilometers done 30 kilometers i don't even need the carrot on the stick anymore either because the pig is literally doing nothing 40 kilometers done now we're gaining on that record and 49 kilometers done we've passed the record we're going to keep going for a bit longer we have now traveled over 50 kilometers on a pig at this point the clock had just passed 14 hours leaving me with less than 10 hours to break 13 records one of which being the fastest crafting record by preston which i failed earlier but before attempting that record again i decided to get some revenge i'm going to attempt to beat preston's record of three minutes for the fastest time to find buried treasure i think we can beat it provided i get that perfect scene okay well this spawn's insane but what is this shipwreck it's gonna take me ten minutes just to find the chest room but i i give up won't be close because we're close no why is the treasure not spawning close to me wait we have a shipwreck which chest is the map in nope must be the other one aha now if this is close oh my god time's tight but if i find this quick we can do it it should be around here yes yes yes 59 seconds i've absolutely demolished that record wait i could also get the heart and see speed run here too yes that's two records broken take that preston time's still ticking though so i need to keep going here is ten thousand logs and in my hand there's an axe to beat this record i have to right click every log and make each of them strip blocks i don't know how long this will take but i'm determined to break this record all right we're probably like 20 of the way through i'm actually powering through this a lot quicker than i thought yes this is going nicely two rows left uh done let's go this record is for the advancement zombie doctor and the only way to get it is to feed a zombie villager a golden apple and the best place to do that igloos the only problem is it takes roughly 5 minutes and 30 seconds for the zombie to heal and the record is 5 minutes 45 seconds therefore i have to find an igloo in less than 15 seconds oh this sport is insane this is the best possible opportunity i can get for this and now i just wait come on zombie hurry up mate this time's getting far too close oh okay i didn't think it was gonna happen but that is a new world record this next level i have to attempt to craft over 29 821 cookies in less than five minutes three two one go good start every second is vital here i cannot afford to make a mistake and that's my first five thousand cookies crafted in one minute time to empty my inventory and start again we're halfway there now twenty thousand twenty two thousand twenty five thousand twenty nine thousand only 15 seconds left this is gonna be really close please yes i've just barely beaten the record of 29 885 cookies crafted in five minutes this record is for the most endowments in one world by using this command and spamming it a few times i should spawning a lot of endermites okay yeah that's definitely over a thousand record broken this is the fastest ever time to punch an axolotl oh good spawn is that an axle in the water there as well oh my god it is this time could be unreal let's go we beat the previous record by over 20 seconds longest time spent on fire the only two rules for this record are you must be taking damage from the fire at all times and you're only allowed five stacks of food the timer has begun we have a time of 43 minutes to beat the food i've chosen is golden apples this is gonna be tough that's my first five minute start that we're doing pretty well okay we're halfway there now to breaking the world record this is gonna be close oh come on come on yes i think we should do it let's go that is a brand new world record i am now attempting to find an enchanted golden apple in less than 33 seconds all i need is a report or when i stand a good chance of breaking this speaking of this is my best chance it's a great sport i just need that golden apple please oh my god it's golden apple yes that was insane a two hour clock has just started and i have to try and plant as many seeds as i can within that time frame the previous record for this is 35 000. i have a method of dual wielding the seats to get as many down as i can at one time oh i feel unstoppable right now knowing how little time i had left and the difficulty of some of the records coming up i had to get this right thankfully my method paid off and i broke the record with over 44 000 wheat planters in under two hours let's go this left me with three records to beat two of which had me floating over one million wide by falling all the way down to ground level i'll set a world record for the world's longest fall but by placing this water just before i land i'll also break the record for the tallest ever water bucket clutch the only issue is this record is gonna take me about four hours to get down there and if i fail my water bucket clutch the entire video is failed but if i succeed i still have one more record to attempt we have now fallen 100 000 blocks in 21 minutes we are getting there but this is long two hundred thousand blocks have now been fallen we're halfway there now while i'm here i remind you this is my dream to hit one million subscribers and we are so close now please check to see if you are subscribed two hundred thousand blocks remaining before the hardest water bucket clutch i will ever attempt one hundred thousand blocks to go i can feel my heart beating now as i get close to the ground we're going so fast yes oh my god well the system's fallen broken a tallest ever water mlg broken let's go oh wait there's only 28 minutes left and i have to try and beat the most extreme minecraft speedrun before that time runs out this time though i have a new plan when i previously set this record over a year ago i used the keys on my keyboard to help assist my craft this way i wouldn't have to click and drag the items into the crafting menu however this method requires extreme precision okay how quick was that that felt decent 13 seconds okay that is an improvement with the time ticking down i kept trying over and over again wow that felt so good no i'm literally four milliseconds away that's a joke it felt at this point that even if i had another 24 hours i wouldn't be able to break this record but i knew that given up at this point wasn't an option 12.3 seconds to beat come on come on let's just get the clicks right decent decent one that felt quick but i don't know let's have a look oh my god yes i have taken my record back with a time of 11.52 seconds and by doing so with just a few minutes left i've broken 28 records in 24 hours
Channel: Dom
Views: 3,494,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dom, dom minecraft, bigboydom, bigboydom yt, minecraft challenges, extreme minecraft, minecraft, Breaking 22 Minecraft Records in 24 hours, Jumping, Placing, Mining, blocks, World Records, Minecraft Speedrunning, Breaking Records, longest from tongue, Most cookies crafted, Longest Trident Kill, Fastest crafting Speedrun, Largest Emerald Block, custom pc
Id: pALkutZ82JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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