I Compared Every AFK Gold Farm to Find the Best One - PALWORLD - #palworld

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hello everybody I Jen here there are a lot of ways to make golden Power and today I'll be comparing every AFK gold for method to find out which one is the best to determine which one's the best I will test out all their methods to find their per hour gold rate as well as their per hour gold rate per individual pal so for example if a farm uses three Pals I will take their hourly rate and divide that by three and if a farm uses 20 Pals I will take their hourly rate and divide it by 20 at the end of the video I will tell you the best farming method by both of their gold per hour metrics as well as some pros and cons about each method and finally which method I think are worth doing I will time stamp that in the description but there will be video chapters for you to go there if you only care about the results the first goal method we'll be looking at is an AFK nail producing base the goal of this Farm is to have Pals mining ore which you will turn into bars and then finally into nails with a two or to one bar to two nail rate or a one or to One Nail each nail will sell for 160 gold to a merchant the nice thing about this base is that it can be fully functional with only four Pals three of these Pals will be mining and transporting this will be Anubis and one will be cooking metal which can be your best kindling pal I'll be using gerti ignis as he's the best in the game for the location of this base I chose this spot right here CU I believe it is the only location in the map where you can fit more than eight or into a single base r radius additionally this location is raid safe so you don't have to worry about being raided while you are AFK to begin building the farm you'll once to placed on your PO Box in this area so you can make sure to Encompass nine or rocks then Place chests near but not too close to the or rocks to allow Anubis to transport ores into the chests without stopping the ores from spawning additionally you'll need to place beds for your pals and a feeding box optionally you can place your nail producing setup here as well so a furnace an assembly line and a power generator otherwise you can just bring your or back to your main base when you are done afking and cook it there finally you can also place a pickaxe in helmet station for your mining bells to work faster if you desire I tested this farm for a little over 2 hours 2 hours and 8 minutes to be exact and when I came back I was able to craft 627 bars which would sell for 2,640 gold which would give us an hourly rate of 200,000 divided 2133 hours 9465 gold per hour and a per pal this would be around 31,3 155 gold per hour the second method I tested was actually a comparison of two methods one being farming berries and cooking them and selling them to a merchant for 10 gold each and one being farming lettuce and tomatoes turning them into salads and then selling them to a merchant for 120 gold each one thing to not about these Farms is that I will be testing them using the flopy method as using Transportation PS is significantly slower in case you didn't know floppies are a pal that can be used to transport items while you are in the base as long as you have the Floy necklace in your key items inventory floppies will run around and pick up items in a certain radius around your character one thing to note is that the Floy pickup range increases with st level so it is recommended to either build your Farms close to your central AFK location or to upgrade your Floy Star level to increase their range to Encompass your entire base to set up these Farms you'll need to place a PO boox down in an area with a lot of space for plantations next the amount of plantations you need to place down are entirely dependent on the Star level and passive skill bonuses of your Palace for a baseline zero Star level and zero passive skill lyine and derti farm you need to place down 51 Berry plantations for the Berry Farm and for the salad Farm 19 lettuce plantations and 13 tomato plantations Additionally you will need to place down a water fountain a flower box a silo a feeding box one electric cooker for the salad farm and three electric cookers for the Berry Farm as well as one electric generator the petat used for the Farms are as follows on your character you'll want to have four floppies preferably upgraded as much as you can afford and one electric P to power your generator ERS for the Berry Farm you will want 14 liline four geran tide and two jide ignis and for the solid Farm you'll want four geran tide 15 lilene and one J tide ignis in 6 and 1 half hours of testing the Berry Farm was able to produce 125,50 berries which when sold will give us 1.25 million gold and a gold per hour of 193,194 keep in mind that this is a base level with zero passive skill and zero Star level and with adequate passive skill and Star level investment can be increased to about nine times of this efficiency in 1 hour of test with 10 Pals the salad Farm produced 580 salads or 1160 salads for a 20 pal Farm which would be about 139,900 gold per hour at a per P rate of 6,960 as you can see from these results farming for berries is much more profitable on top of being easier to set up as Berry plantations don't require pal fluid additionally the bar plantations do not take up much space as lettuce and tomato plantations the last basic farming method that I tested was using ranch animals as you probably already know Mao the black cat pal can produce gold coins when assigned to the ranch theoretically you would expect this to be a good gold AFK but the amount of gold they produce is abysmal a minimum level M produces 10 gold coins every time it enters its production phase and in case you didn't know how Ranch animals work I believe all Ranch animals have a same Baseline production rate the only thing that differs is what they produce so a level one chicken and a level one cow would produce milk and eggs at the same rate the only difference would be that one would produce eggs and one would produce milk so let's say that a ranch anal produces its resource every minute it would get 10 gold coins per minute per Mount at level one to put that into perspective of how bad this is a cilx at level one produces one high quality cloth which sells for 44 gold which is Baseline four times better than a mauo for science sake I tested four Mau and four CX over the course of an hour and 5 minutes and here are the results of that in 1 hour in 5 minutes four M managed to produce 1180 gold and in that time four civix were able to produce 133 high quality cloth which was a rate of 1 to 40 gold would be worth 5,320 gold which is a little over that four times more per pal than a mauo if we scale these rates up to 20 pal base we get 5,900 gold from a 20 pal base filled with Ma and we get 26,600 gold from a 20 pal base filled with cix the one p rates for these Farms are a 295 gold per hour per P rate from a m farm and a 1330 gold per hour per P rate from a cilx farm as with the farming bases this can be scaled up with higher star levels but in one of my previous videos I went over the issue with ranch animals and how they are not affected by work speed in the same way as other Pals so work speed will not increase their effectiveness but with a Max Star level you can expect them to produce about 2.5 times as much gold per hour as I stated above from our results the AFK gold methods in terms of rates per hour would look like this the best method for a 20 pal base would be berries at a gold per hour of 193,50 gold per hour and the second highest per P rate of 9,657 the second best method for a 20p base would be salads at 139,900 gold per hour but with a perp rate of only 6,960 gold per hour the third best method for a 20p base would be nails at 9565 gold per hour but with the best perp rate by far of 31355 gold per hour and lastly cilx would give us a rate of 26,600 gold per hour with a per pal rate of 1330 gold per hour this would lead to the obvious question of can we combine a metal and and Berry base to make the perfect 20 pal dedicated AFK gold farm and here is how we would do that for this base we only need to use floes to collect all our loot as it will increase the rate significantly if we weren't using floes combining these two methods would actually be worse than just farming berries this is because Anubis will be constantly transporting berries instead of mining iron I actually tested this over the course of an hour with 10 Anubis and the results were terrible giving me almost zero ore for 10 Anubis okay so for this base to work we'll be using aagon instead of Anubis as he is level four in mining and does not have the transportation trait to slow him down you'll also only need to use two of these as they are both faster at mining than AIS and won't be transporting their ores to chest layout for this base is as follows two aagon two gerti ignis 13 lilen and three ger tide in terms of plantations at minimum we only need 51 Berry plantations from 4 and 1 half hours of afking I received 7,400 berries or 15,622 berries per hour which is equivalent to 15622 gold per hour in terms of ore I received 2,420 ore which is equal to 537 ore per hour or 8644 gold per hour so in total we earn 24226 gold per hour from a 20 pal base and a perp rate of 12,13 gold per hour so what is the best AFK gold making strategy in the game the methods I believe are worthwhile are Berry farming Berry Plus Nail farming and nail farming the pros and cons of berry farming are that it has the highest potential of scaling into the late game and has the most amount of money you can make from a single method in 1 hour from a 20 pile base its downsides are that it is the least AFK method of the ones I mentioned in this video and you have to come back every hour or so to cook your berries this doesn't take very long but it is still the AFK method in the video Additionally you need to do the Floy method which requires you to stand AFK in the base the combined barri Plus or method is also very good it skills worse than the Barry method but is the best method at lower power levels and passive skills the last method that I can recommend is the nail method it is by far the most efficient method in the game and works much better than the other methods when you are not in your base its drawbacks are simply that you cannot do with more than three Pals per base but this isn't much of a drawback and I consider this Farm a must have in any of your bases if you like this video and want to see more content like this please consider hitting that subscribe button and that like button thank thank you so much and have a good day
Channel: Eifjien
Views: 15,553
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Id: DiByY3aW6mk
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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