I coded SUPERPOWERS for Technoblade

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Yakere 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

this was fucking beautiful

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MayOrMayNotBeDevil 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheRealPixelGod 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
so yeah i made a few superpowers for techno four  groups of them to be exact after doing the last   video where i coded superpowers with dream s p  members i was a bit dissatisfied with the lack   of technoblade so this was the product of that  this time though i did all the work myself so   if you want to see more stuff like this which  takes weeks to do please hit that subscribe   button and drop a like that [ __ ] keeps me going  post production note this video was in production   before technoblade made his announcement on his  youtube channel so in retrospect i've decided   to make it a joint fundraiser with anna magician  on youtube's page this means that all the money   you guys donate as well as all the ad revenue  from this video is going directly to the mmr of   charity an organization that helps and develop  cures to currently incurable forms of cancer   alright with that out of the way you might be  thinking to yourself hey ted how the [ __ ] did   you do this well i coded a data pack for a mod  known as the origins mod simply put with this mod   you got to choose a loadout of superpowers called  an origin using data packs you can do some funny   coding and make custom origins if you've seen the  origin s p you kind of know what i'm talking about   also from now on in the video we're going  to be describing these things as origins   instead of superpowers so get that [ __ ] in your  system like the ketamine that your uncle takes   then using my dumb [ __ ] head i went to town and  created origins that technoblade could maybe use   so here's what i came up with in my last video the  techno origin i made was alright but it could have   been better for reference this origin was called  the pigman origin it allowed you to control zombie   piglens and gave you a small permanent strength  boost but you start in the nether take double   damage from the smite enchantment and have  accelerated hunger now in retrospect this is   boring as hell i mean what the [ __ ] is this a  troll video it hits me harder than melatonin so   let's improve it now first we start with the name  you look at this guy right here this isn't just a   man if you saw technoblade on the streets you'd  probably [ __ ] your pants i would too if i saw   eight foot tall humanoid pig creature i mean  hell look at that crown this ain't just a man   this is a king the pig king the pig king origin  is just like the pig man origin but actually good   don't worry the ability to control  zombie piglens is still there but   what if you were anywhere else besides  the nether well this is the new power now you can summon a zombie piglet at any time  and anywhere you want using your primary ability   this guy will be like a tamed wolf but it would  actually do damage let's say you backed up and   in a corner and unlike techno you are [ __ ]  at the game well summon a zombie piglet and he   will fight with you giving you a massive boost in  fighting power you can also stockpile these guys   and create a pretty much unbeatable army of zombie  piglens at your commit so how did you do this you   may be asking well it's simple so first i coded an  origins power type and you clicked off the video i   [ __ ] hate my fine i'll make it simple basically  the hieroglyphics up here runs a command to summon   a zombie piglet right where you're standing and  the minecraft enchantment table language down here   binds it to your primary key easy peasy anyone  can do it now after this there are still things   i can improve in the weaknesses section to make  this origin you know more balance to play i first   started off by getting rid of the smite weakness  in retrospect this made no sense to add that   because the origin wasn't even based on anything  undead then i replaced it with something far far   a weakness so vital that it will make you  essentially disabled in the early game you can't   eat pork all right now what the [ __ ] ted like  40 of the world does this on a daily basis and   you think this is an actual challenge okay hear me  out i know it sounds stupid but it actually makes   a lot of sense firstly you are a pig and i don't  know eating your kind is kind of immoral also   since you start in the nether there's practically  no food other than pork chops you can get from   hoglands and mushroom soup that you can get from  randomly coming across mushrooms on the ground   this combined with the fact that one of these  options are completely removed from your diet   in your accelerated hunger you can tell me what  happens you know what happens you [ __ ] die   that's what happens you either find mushrooms or  conserve your hunger if you can't do either you're   pretty much [ __ ] out of luck the next thing  i added came from a comment i got who suggested   adding some buffs while wearing golden army  pretty cool idea so now you can get some extra   health while wearing a full set of golden army  lastly you only get strength when you are in   the nether because being able to voice shot the  majority of hostile mobs with your bare fists   is kind of overpowered i'd say plus you'd probably  need all the help you can get in the nether   in summary the pig king origin can control zombie  piglets summon backup to help them in battles   receive permanent strength in the nether and gain  a small health boost when wearing golden ornament   however you start in the nether have accelerated  hunger and worst of all you can't eat anything   that you receive from home in your own kind now  that the pig-related origin is close to perfection   let's see what people think techno should be a  with it i would have liked it if technoblade's   origin was the wizard but the pigman is  decent fun fact techno is actually getting   with an origin you suck alright fine [ __ ] it  i'll make a wither origin for techno you happy   now now the idea for this origin was simple in  my brain i want to be able to shoot with the   skulls like the wither itself give the withering  effect to enemies and explode on death i coded   these things in in no time but i was left with a  dilemma the wither has no weaknesses i mean hell   this [ __ ] is immune to pretty much anything like  next you'll tell me he won't get death threats for   saying that dream cheap bottom line is how the [  __ ] am i gonna balance this so much like how all   problems are solved i looked online and found 20  different [ __ ] origins that did the same thing   as this one so for the sake of pseudo-originality  i had to change things up the wither is a vanilla   minecraft boss but let's add some flavor to  that the spicy with it also known as the spicer   is just like the wither but extremely spicy like  the regular wither you get to fire with his skulls   give your enemies the withering effect and explode  on death where the spicy parts come in is in these   next two powers since your spicy counterpart to  the wither you're hot blooded allowing you to   clear all the toxins out of your body so you're  immune to poison and withering also due to your   spices you are visible red and yeah that's it  i wanted to hang with the boys come on if i had   to code a [ __ ] toggleable flying ability the  only thing that would be hanging would be me   in my backyard as for weaknesses the spicy trait  also comes in hand since you're hot the cold   ain't gonna make you feel too well so stay away  from these volumes listed on screen they make   you take damage and for the last spice related  weakness let me put it in an example what do you   do after eating something extremely spicy you grab  that milk bottle and swallow all the white fluid   till the pain is gone basically if you drink milk  you instantly die right that's the joke the rest   of the abilities are non-spice related but traits  that the wither has you have slightly more health   you take more damage from the smite enchantment  and you can't use shields pretty normal stuff   now what if this origin is too spicy for you what  if you prefer something more ordinary don't worry   i'm also a [ __ ] so i made a regular vision of  the wither it's essentially the same thing but   with the cold weaknesses replaced with some water  weaknesses now this isn't the end yet there's   still a few things i want to add to this origin  namely a flight ability but this video is like   a month overdue at this point and i just wanted  to get it out fast if anyone has any cool ideas   that you maybe want me to add make sure to throw  in the comment section as long as you're not being   cringe of course if it's good maybe i'll add it  who knows in summary the spicy weather can fire   with the skulls give the withering effect cause  a massive explosion on death has two heights of   extra health and is red however on the other hand  you take more damage from the spite enchantment   you can't use shields and you're really afraid of  the cold and lastly drinking milk instantly kills   you the wither origin has all these abilities as  well but the cold weaknesses are replaced with   water weaknesses alright the past two origins have  been pretty mob related if you know what i mean   one was based on how techno portrays himself that  being a pig and the other is how techno's persona   is viewed as a mob so let's change it up a bit  let's take some inspiration from somewhere else   in my last video i made a google form where  people can throw their suggestions at me and   hopefully i can pull up some pretty cool [ __ ]  cannot use oregon i cannot download the data pack   i tried and i couldn't do anything it said file  cannot be downloaded does that mean i cannot   download it on a tablet dream not fed welp uh  that was about as useful as i imagined i didn't   know it was that difficult to you know read a  description but i'll put it in the video next time   don't worry what was i expecting anyways anytime  a google form is made it's pretty much anarchy   i want to start this one off with a quote from  techno himself when you need someone to fix your   sink you call it plumbing when you need someone  to fix your electricity you call an electrician   and when you need someone to overthrow a brutal  tyrant you call an anarchist the anarchist origin   is one that represents techno's character on the  dream smp now i know the ideology of anarchism is   much more than just blowing [ __ ] up i watched  j-rag of course this is a much more surface level   representation of techno's character which is  basically [ __ ] authority and blow [ __ ] up   let's take the second part of the sentence which  is our first ability the demolition expert using   your secondary ability you can drop an explosive  which is just a creeper that has a three second   fuse you don't like someone on the silver well  you just drop a bomb right by their house but   make sure to take a few steps back before it goes  off because you all [ __ ] die what are you a tech   talker are you going to do simple parkour while  making an ice and joke damn you got me looking   like this well too bad on my part because the  next ability is oyster by using your primary   ability you can throw fireballs like the ones  you see on bed boys these things will explode   in context so you can probably do some pretty  cool jumps with them as well with all these   explosives it comes to no surprise that you'll  be used to them just like schlatt after having   the 20th twitter thread written about him i doubt  any anarchist will be bothered by explosives so   you have permanent resistance to blast damage  with all this cool [ __ ] though you're still   an anarchist everywhere being right in a sea of  wrong will have its consequences hell even on the   dream smp most people rejected his message they  hated techno because he told them the truth while   plane is the anarchist origin the mobs will hate  you giving them a 10 chance of doing extra damage   also techno isn't a [ __ ] you don't see him  sitting around in the back lines waiting you   see him getting close to the enemy and decimating  them with his swords so naturally the most campy   playstyle of standing back and bowing is gonna  be shitty projectiles will do twice the amount   of damage to you lastly the one block that  is pretty much explosive proof is obsidian   and since your destruction incarnate try to stay  off obsidian with the anarchist complete let's get   on to the final origin the origins you've seen  so far have been somewhat balanced but i know a   small percentage of the people watching this video  don't care about balance they just want to see the   most overpowered [ __ ] they want to see a man  that never dies they want to see the blood god   so i present to you the true blood god origin in  the last video the blood god origin was primitive   it wasn't nearly as overpowered as you would think  but this time around i took things to a whole new   level let's start off with the fact that you have  every single input and buff in the entire game   i'm talking strength speed regen hell you even [  __ ] glow this on top of the fact that your health   by literally looks like this makes the phrase  technoblade never dies really come into reality   ever heard of technoplane well i have too so  you can fly just like in creative mode and   when you enter the water the god part of your name  really comes into life but let's not get too far   before techno was on the dream smp were destroying  people in mcc he was grinding it out on hypixel   long before the days of attack cooldowns so  let's bring that back while everyone else is   waiting for this stupid axe to recharge you play  in 1.8 combat the last ability is called goodbye   to a world and judging by what you're gonna see  you'll be able to guess why it's called that
Channel: TedsAttic
Views: 460,373
Rating: 4.9583001 out of 5
Id: Wmy5DgmF2UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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