abusing barrier blocks in bedwars

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I was live-streaming some bed Wars games to my fans then an admin showed up and it went terribly terribly wrong also there's a few video quality things that I'll be able to improve and stream highlights from streams after I make this but until then just ignore the broken subscriber counter on the top right of the screen nothing yes and now we're gonna have a lot of people with a lot of armor trying to kill me I believe in the heart of the cards got a kill okay okay we got this take down blue team mmm that is a lot of stuff well actually it's just iron armor but still it's a lot more than I have so mm-hmm and subscribe I'm gonna die fall damage I don't care I feel like Green Team is the next target to go for overall why are you here what is your knock back out of here but I believe Aang can save the world we don't yes the plays welcome to the guild oh snap speed mode engaged I can't see anything because of this fov and I somehow got a kill pure skill speed mode oh my god god mode engaged wait a minute ah her speed for him that poor guy was said we were straight up going Barry Allen on him subscribe to techno blade I agree wait I didn't say that axe mmm how many golems does this guy have how is he still losing oh my god oh I'm still not used to this layout the new menu is hype though because you get 21 custom slots people were hating on the update because the shop changed this shop is Austin these are all customizable you can put whatever you want here you're never gonna have to go through this because you can put every item you're ever gonna buy right there on the front page it's awesome how could you possibly hate on that oh and fireballs are cheaper where is he what I have an idea worth it yeah anything is possible the sky's the limit you can achieve anything I'm a bad person oh don't mind me this is just a speed bridge on air don't mind me I'm just really good at the game yep move along now you see here I see here you can do it I believe in you never gets old yes yes yes the dream the dream guys guys guys guys guys guys no no now you leave nether smite no I'm done dude think about it think about it someone's like running along the bed is completely open and the base is empty they run along they start trying to break it they can't barrier blocks fortunately I got another chance to abuse barrier blocks in the grand finals of a hide-and-seek tournament I hosted a few days later now why was the grand finals of a hide-and-seek tournament in bed worse because they were too good at hiding man I got bored of looking for them so I just said you know what bad words let's go there's three people left I'm liking this defense I'm liking where this defense is going all right you noobs fight to the death winner has to break my bed if he fails banned quick Adam and give me creative mode so I can spectate creative mode are out spectate man this is it ie 5 vs 8 FCC 8 okay they're good at height and not making usernames okay also while we're here let me just uh don't mind if I do don't mind if I do it all expecting yep that's what I'm doing ripped inventory cleared I don't think we're getting away with that one he's going all the way okay this guy's gonna get to his base faster but on the other hands oh he has a diamond pickaxe really get there in time huh he's gonna get there in time if he jumps off all but it's gonna be close both everybody's are gonna get broken this is it final 1v1 no no why would you jump off then pool break my bed within two minutes orbán I'm starting the stopwatch 50 seconds left now go go go wait a minute wait no he must never know yep it's completely surrounded in barrier blocks there is nothing you can do might as well give up 20 seconds 10 sec he's just killing me man eight seven six five four three two one it's it's open the timer's going off you lose [Music] there was a hole it was right here fool hahahaha victory banned forever techno blade wins wha I mean he's still in the chat so I'm assuming he wasn't bandit but still wiped out don't cry they're just they're everywhere out of here why is Red Team here no no every team in the game what is this betrayal what speed why do we all have speed what's going on let's what what how much speed is this this is like speed five teams No okay in my defense I'm not used to speed six okay Oh make fun of me die thus begins our quest to actually leave our base we have a water bucket for some reason I feel like we're gonna get launched into the air oh god it's just me he's just launching me run run run run no no no I'm the best wait no my water bucket disappeared scam why do I have stone okay whatever this is this is legit I'm not getting any help stone is an item you can get in bed worse no you can fireball stone what is this okay okay the more you know we didn't okay they're in vision or something now don't give me extra health this won't help I'll still get one hit into the void they're invisible what is this what fair I'd been I love you this isn't sheets guys this is legit stop being mad just because you're not as good as I am this is legit bridge eggs fear me casuals yes they'll never know which bridge were attacking them from now there we go and let's uh and while we're here let's buy some of this as well oh we can bridge with obsidian this is the highlight if you don't have the bridge with wall anymore man how did he get so many emeralds it's cuz I'm really good at the game pack John I'm just really good hello there would you like to subscribe to my youtube channel bye this is fair I'm having a good time he's no match for the obsidian speed bridge fear me mortal wait what oh the admin just got sold out get revealed get exposed die you know what try to kill me try it I'll wait I'll wait this is an admin abuse I'd got this regen with skill and I'm 41 complains this is over this is a private game the stats aren't counted you can't sue me 1v1 at nip let's go but I'm bad I don't think skill is a factor anymore oh no I'm getting hit whatever will I do but I think if I can hold myself up in here and they go like this no I was so close I was so close ladies and gentlemen they're escaping Oh Dragons watch me lose oh no they're invisible oh no wait this isn't my enemy this is the admin no no no no you should creative mode I can't hit him I win pure skill easy subscribe for more top 5 plays of the week big shout out to Karl in foot for making this all possible unless he wasn't actually supposed to use his admin powers like this in which case I have no idea what she admin did it who could it have been I don't know man I ain't no snitch anyhow if you want to see more bad words admin abuse check out this video it has some as you could probably guess from the title so so click on that pour it out whatever
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,354,397
Rating: 4.9313674 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, minecraft bedwars, bedwars admin abuse, admin, hypixel admin abuse, bedwars admin, hypixel admin, barrier block, bedwars barrier blocks
Id: nsj4xLhJMes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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