I MESSED UP in Minecraft Hardcore!

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that's right it's been too calm way too calm in my minecraft hardcore let's play for hours no way scratched up for days we've been watching these little guys grow up like a song cue look at them with three new babies it's okay but today we're about to get serious about to get even more hardcore than our hardcore let's play today we need these cute little guys to grub so we can grab their scoots and take on the sea Guardian temple I'm also I'm also gonna need some doors but that stuff is easy first up we need to grab ourselves some sea grass so we can make these puppies grow even bigger grab their scoots and then what's going straight into action we've been farming we've been trading we've been breeding villages and turtles which sounds really weird actually why have we spent so long doing this oh yeah for money that's fine but today we're getting serious it's gonna happen oh really really you want to do this this is what you want to do is it okay I've got a plan for you guys just hold that I'm just farming don't touch me touch me and you die okay so I have a plan for this I don't know if it's gonna work they're not even coming over towards me just give me a second I need to I need to go and put some things back and then I'll be with you when I said this was gonna get crazy I didn't expect it was gonna get crazy now I just wanted to grab those pumpkins and melons and and go and get some sea grass but no these guys are trampling my crops okay they've gone too far you wait you wait until I put this stuff back what's happening I'm going in but I need to also kind of conduct a plan at the same time because I am NOT doing another raid right now I haven't got time for that so actually I want to keep my farm safe they've already threatened to stomp on it right come here we're starting this off I said this was gonna be a little bit more aggressive than before and I didn't imagine it was gonna start right now you don't even care about okay they care they care what's gonna say you don't even care about your friends I'm out of here don't come near my Turtles actually let's go this way let's be friends where's my shield oh geez where's my shields here it is okay now you guys are in trouble how can you not do that please as long as I don't get hit by the bad man actually can I make them kill the bad man let's do it let's see if this works I don't want to fall down this hole kill that there we go pull down the hole do it pull down the hole yes you're stupid this is fantastic this wasn't actually my plan I was gonna bring the iron golem over here but it doesn't look like I need to do that I'm gonna make him kill his very own commander this is easy it actually works you're a doughnut get out of here oh my goodness it was that was so easy I'm annoyed that they don't drop emeralds they let you don't drop anything apart from an ominous banner and I've got like 24 of those so there you go that was a waste of time never mind Archie was gonna get some sea grass now my goodness that was pointless but also kind of cool if you don't what if you're our voyage the bad omen that's what you do get them to kill each other there you know what that was a good warm-up for today's episode I don't know if we covered this last time but this is gone I want to make buddy as stable but I'm not gonna do it just yet ah you know what I'm gonna wear this right now on my shield because I don't have I don't have my diamond one anymore look at this okay that's what I'm talking about that looks kind of strange I don't know if I don't know if I like that Julie you know Kenna's right let's uh all we need to fix the bridge as well so much stuff has happened let's go and get some sea grass I'm already kind of triggered already have any of you grown up yet before I leave because I need your scoots I feel like nope there's still just chillin right we need to be quick buddy very quick Lego oh there might be something down here actually we don't really need to go that far okay nevermind we do need a lot of it though I grab a lot of this and if you don't know what I'm doing I'm trying to get five scoots to be able to create I think it's good to scoot helmet or the Turtle helmet it's a helmet anyway that you can wear and it gives you water breathing and we're gonna need that to take on the Guardians I'm also gonna need to repair my boots which I should have done before I fought them really because I'm not about to get thorns in time because I need I think it's 33 levels to be able to put that on literally everything hopefully I can get close to that after I do this like really don't know what you get when you defeat or what's at the end of a sea temple I have no idea have I even said that yet we're going to a sea Guardians temple I'm gonna take it out hopefully it's not as far away as the as the desert no wait oh oh let's not die hopefully it's not as far away as the the wooden mansion was because that was a little bit ridiculous this should be enough 64 dude yeah better not be that far away cuz I am walking that far I don't think buddy wants to walk that far either I didn't actually take him to walk 16,000 blocks so I don't think buddy's in the mood for that wow what a trek that was my goodness are your legs tired buddy let me just leash you up real quick don't worry we'll get you a stable soon okay just not yet let's grow these guys that we've got more important business to handle here we go let's go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 right I need to be careful because last time I stood on some of these eggs also we've got a set of four eggs one of these beauties laid four eggs at a time which is crazy now I'm just gonna keep mating these guys over and over again and just get loads of eggs hopefully I won't stand on them all and we'll just be a happy turtle family please grow up I need your scoops please only need three more I've got two three more makes it and then we're good look at this fat turtle good job fat turtle you got this guys guys I fed you like I fed you like a stack of seagrass why are you not growing up what's happening here hello I might just give you some here we go have some more have some more and then have some come on you're wasting time here I also stole something from here but no one saw that oh yeah one of them just grew up let's go write two more please excuse me fat boy let's go oh geez did I just get another one I think I did I'm missing them growing up my babies are growing up and I'm missing it come on you're the last one Hey I've been before my very eyes there you go five scoots I am pleased so now we should be able to craft this let's do it now actually because I've never done this before oh my goodness I was like what why is this not happening turtle shell the only thing is we have to take off our hat to be able to do it but now we have unlimited water breathing which is actually pretty cool I mean we would have had it anyway yeah we could add away the conduit the only downside is that we lose like half and our my point but that's not really an issue so now we can just get out of here I am going to grab the ocean Explorer maps it we traded for this like four hundred episodes ago I'm gonna put the sea grass back I do need some food I'm running very low in the food department I have like no food what am i doing for now I'm just gonna have to use this bread is what its gonna be oh I've cooked cod on me never mind oh we need to take a cow with us that is no joke need to select one special cow from our Cowell pits to go over to the the Guardian temple because we need milk to survive no kidding we need milk so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna take these buckets we don't need our emeralds right now when he dares me to all our tools some of these I think we're pretty good to go you know get rid of this wheat as well let's go select a very special cow we need to go why is that so far away surely we've seen one that's a little bit closer than that no which way is that that's south east so it's that way we haven't actually been that way yet but I'm sure there was one closer I'm sure there was one down to the bottom right I'm gonna go bottom right I think there was one there do you remember all the way back in another episode I feel like there was one there but surely the villager would give us the closest one or would he not would he would he trolled us like that another one let's take some emeralds halfway honey I'm gonna swear you look 27 that's going get another one just in case and hopefully he'll give us a different one I don't know if that is the case I could just be wasting emeralds here you you sell ocean Explorer map and we need a compass twos right back have your lousy compass right I think he's gonna duplicate it it's only ten emeralds we can get that in like one set of farming so that's okay I just want to check though because I don't want to get all the way there so I don't want to spend too long trying to find this because it's gonna be one job trying to actually take it over yep it's uh that's exactly the same one isn't it the air it is it's exactly the same one thank you for your service I appreciate the rip-off okay Carol selection time I'm gonna go for the first one that I wrangle you come with me there we go nope nope stay back you have been chosen my friend come this way come this way I also need you could be free for just a second just a second don't don't try and uh don't enjoy this for too long not gonna be your life you're gonna come with me you're here to work okay all right let's prepare these boots as well hopefully these don't break one two are you kidding me that's how much it's gonna cost gonna cost me 33 to repair these what all that sucks 33 per diamond as well that's broken dude that's the last piece that I need mending for as well oh that's not good I don't enjoy that at all what else did I come up here for Oh a fence I need a fence post so I can actually store him somewhere just grab one of those let's get out of here let's go taking a cow with me is gonna be long like really long so I just find one when I'm there is that gonna be easier I think that's gonna be easier you know what you can stay free for now buddy we out of here let's go we're going on a journey and I'm not trusting any of these ocean monument maps so I've wasted my money on them we're gonna go bottom-left way it could be this way to the ocean monument buddy let's go give me the safest ride you can friend ah buddy remember this you were here for like I want to say like three episodes at least I'm sure he remembers I'll put them in the same house as well and then you'll definitely remember all these villagers debts they're okay they shouldn't be because they still have their protector nope they're good they're just having a little chat and maybe they're talking about you buddy this is where you used to be my friends look at this see we got the chest even though some of my stuff in it okay we have to block you in the dirt nothing personal buddy see you later I'm pretty sure the ocean monument is this way or a different one is let's find out I don't have a boat I don't have a boat this is great news I'm gonna need some more logs too why do I do this to myself ah I'm pretty sure there's even a crafting table over here and if I'm lucky there'll be an actual boat so I'm just about to go off the edge of the map I'm pretty sure this is the way this is the direction that I went to go and find the woodland mansion I'm pretty sure there's an ocean monument over here somewhere and if there is that cartographer is gonna get some words said to him nasty words I'm gonna dock his emerald paid for at least a month he's out to one of my best clients so I can't be too angry at him eventually you'll know where I've been everywhere because they'll just be crafting tables let's put this down there's perfect I'm out of here onwards and upwards and across the ocean I look at a dolphin it's so cool how they do that I'm pretty sure it's over here yeah I'm pretty sure if we just keep going this way we'll eventually come across an ocean monument I've just remembered Justin said to me the other day to bring doors I even said it in the intro I'm gonna have to go and visit this Islands now and get myself some doors oh my goodness I'm an idiot do you guys do that you knew that already oh I'm big on the map now yeah I'm pretty sure this is the way I came I'm sure that I've done that already and I've pillaged that village - so let's just grab some wood from here so I'm gonna need doors I think he said the best thing to do is to block the attacks with them because obviously we've got unlimited water breathing so it doesn't really matter there we go Wood Wood Wood give me wood yeah that would do I also need to find some cows to get their milk I should've done that before I left as well but I am an idiot again skinless cat they have skinless cats this is my favorite village so far I don't actually think that I've pillaged this before Oakland no maybe I haven't maybe I haven't done this one I'm not sure why though give me all your bread okay don't look at me that way I'm not stealing just borrowing you know that let's make some doors here actually one two three yeah this is getting nine I don't imagine we're gonna need any more than that but remember I said that because I could potentially need it yeah here we go this is the stuff right here I'm pretty sure the monument is gonna be this way I think we've been here before we've got doors we're ready to go this is gonna be a perfect operation it's gonna be easy mode I've got a shield I've got crazy armor I just hope that my boots don't break these are some pretty good boots if these break I'm probably gonna cry at least a few tears it's gonna be upsetting the map is filling up I can't quite see it yet but I'm pretty sure it's behind this island it must be I think that means land on the map that's good that there's land nearby so we have a nice retreat but I'm kind of nervous even though we have the armor to do it we've got the Hat this could allow us to breathe forever we haven't got the cow juice we do need the cow juice before we continue because I need to get rid of the mining fatigue I want to bring home those prismarine blocks our rows don't really work underwater that well I'm really nervous the last time we went past one of these things there were so many Guardians like a ridiculous amount it's over here oh it's right here okay that's good I'm gonna park my boat right here and I'm just gonna go in look at the tail I could see the tail how hard are these gonna be to kill because obviously you can't really fire arrows through water very well how are these gonna go I want you to die please look at him just on the surface like it's okay I even get him look how bad they are are nervous I've got a golden darn you bring honey but one golden apple that was a really dumb thing to do oh man look oh now let's not do that the noise is horrible - okay I'm slightly scared by this my water breathing isn't even perfect wait why is the water breathing not working it's only for 10 seconds oh no I have to use these doors okay let's go over and see how quick it is to kill a Guardian real quick I have underestimated this should have bought my conduit with me but hey you know what I messed up I'm gonna I'm gonna put it out there I definitely messed up here we go here's a door so now we should be able to do this and they are starting to find me oh my goodness you can block their attacks with doors though how much damage this is gonna do stop okay that doesn't even work I'm gonna put my helmet back on well this is bad okay they are strong oh they're really strong no I don't like this how am I meant to get rid of all of them oh my goodness this was not the plan I was meant to go in there storm it be undefeatable I don't think that's gonna happen guys at all do they respawn I think they might even respawn I can't hit them with my arrows no get away from me you two I can kill you I can't kill anyone else oh I'm gonna have to sleep I don't have to think about this I wish I bought my conduit with me I haven't made one but I've got the materials to make one I did not think this through oh man time to sleep I only bought one Golden Apple with me like why did I do that why did I not just bring all of them with me what is my problem they're definitely gonna kill my Armour as well I don't even know why I thought that wouldn't happen let's just go in and try and kill one of them and see how quick that is let's see here we go how many shots one two three four five shots five shots kills one five shots that's insane I don't even know do they spawn back as well I'm not even sure bear in mind that was with sharpness four I wish I could kind of hit them with this but I don't think there's any way to be able to do it I'm gonna try and get this guy here we go no can't do it cannot do it hey you know what at least I have some prismarine shot ape but he's so got some of them oh geez okay he's coming for me they do kind of back off if you hit them though there we go that's another one they hit so hard too they probably hit me for like one heart each and when there's so many of them that's gonna stack up pretty quickly I want to try and get rid of all of these outer ones and then I'm goods just gonna have to go in one at a time and do this I do have a totem on me as well actually so let's do this you can't block them with the shield either which is pretty crazy wait why are they attacking the squid what did the squid do to you huh why you got a bully bullying is not nice back off back off right now okay that wasn't too bad I kill two of them for bullying the squid I'm a I'm a squid preservationist think that's a word I kind of not keeping track of how many of these there are though that's the problem so I can take them on one at a time they have thorns do they have thorns as well because I'm taking damage when I hit them I think thorns is in I think thorns is active here oh that's creepy you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna switch hands I want to put this totem in my off hand because they'll give me a little bit of leeway just in case I die I feel like these guardians have thorns when they're I'm pretty sure they have thorns going on so that's a problem myname fatigue is always gonna be a problem I'm just going to try to go through the front door this could literally be the death of me if I can block myself in I bought 60 dirt with me so I want to see if I can like block myself in and get rid of all the water in there so I can just kind of take my time this is gonna be really tricky but I'm gonna go for it let's just go let's do it this is the door and I'm gonna have to lay down some doors at some point this is a bad idea this is already a bad idea oh my goodness right door door door door hey it actually worked okay this is perfect can I put in this just to get rid of the water I think I should be able to write Oh the minor fatigue is gonna be a beast though haha I definitely should have bought milk with me I knew I should have bought milk with me look look a long it takes to get rid of dirt oh this is joke I'm gonna have to do it though I'm gonna have to stick it and see if I can make myself a little base I need a place where I can hide from the Guardians because if you break their laser sight they don't attack you so the only way they can damage you is with their thorns which I'm pretty sure they have so I need to make sure now that I'm inside that I can breathe and have a place to go in case things go bad more breakdown there we go I think it's just gonna top it up as well how how is it possible I'm gonna put I feel like I make it like a little base here the thing is if I misplace it's uh it's gonna give me the mining fatigue again which is bad can I wait out the mining fatigue that could be pretty handy I want to see what happens if it goes down to zero my boots are so gonna die and the thing is I've got depth Strider which is gonna help me I think I'm gonna have to take them off just to save them I'm pretty sure he's done it again great okay perfect so that's not gonna work oh this could work though so if I have if I make a crafting table and make loads of doors like litter use all of this to make doors I should be able to make a little network of doors gives me a perfect little place to just chill out what that opened that open I've put this here that open yes okay a brain is working that's a good sign okay that one didn't work so well I should have put on the other side just like that yeah like this and like this that's how it's done I'm not able to break this one now because of my mining fatigue right let's do this hello Guardian steel if you break their eye contacts they can't actually get you which is perfect I'm just gonna have to go out there and do it let's go what's alright so you look how slow I am now is literally nothing in this room okay that's good to know nothing to the right perfect and I've got doors with me just in case climb yourself you are you gonna come over here and you fight me like a man or you're just gonna chill over there I'm gonna make some more doors just so I've got enough to block up places so right is nothing so I'm gonna put some dirt down there no point in going there I'm gonna mark it with dirt this is the front door so I'm gonna mark that that oh jeez okay that's some that's some big Guardian action right there oh I'm so stressed so stressed could I cover that over with doors I think I can yeah there we go and then put another one here another one here so they can go over the top though so if I put I'm ruining this temple and I don't even care look how many are in there dudes no wait that's the front door how many doors is this thing how okay this isn't a front door at or it's gonna go in I'm gonna do it well I'm stuck in place why am I stuck what happened get him get him get him I it's so slow without my boots really slow my boots are so necessary but so damaged I just can't do it oh hello how are you I'm just here and your door salesman do you need to buy doors I think you've got a water problem in here haha front door this way don't enter where do I need to go then this is like the first floor maybe I need to find another floor oh I can go up okay this is a false dirt block never mind oh geez stop stop I come in I come in the name of love and peace I'm turning all of these into doors I'm just gonna do it look at this I've built doors are opie I've got fifteen I'm gonna have to use them wisely I keep panic placing them you're going I'm going with my doors there we go door door oh jeez door door there we go that's the stuff now I should just be able to open them and kill them one by one look at them all in the hole are you kidding me you're gonna do this to me right you're gonna do this to me dude there's so many there's so many so many I don't think I'm actually taking that much damage though I just need to be careful okay maybe out maybe I am close the doors close the doors open the doors do something with doors I'm just gonna have to take this real slow let me see if I can get my my arrows off because if I'm close I think I can kill them with arrows let's try it I need to be close though here we go arrow yes oh my goodness two arrows kills them two arrows kills them I'm going in wait I think this is important ain't you the door yeah my Thor's over here this looks inborn behind this section hey oh geez yeah that's why it's important this is the elder Guardian section I think as well I'm pretty sure they can be up to three elder Guardians in each room which scares me even more I'm coming for your life I'm coming for your life oh that ping him back far anyone gonna tell me I wasn't ready for this cuz you were right you were so right stop that you can't see me don't cheat yes the bow is so good look at this I'm just ping them in the eyes can take a little bit of damage there we go elder Guardians got a pretty powerful when I guess whoa whoa whoa wait all that damage come from oh my goodness I think I'm not I've got the best food on me that's the problem this is so bad why why is this so difficult it's the water right the water is a pain in my butt the mining fatigue is about to go down to zero by mature he's not gonna let that last long get him get him I kind of want to use looting on him though I don't know if that's a good idea or not there's so many of them do they keep spawning I feel like they just don't go down and now you're trying to hit me from behind a come here come here I've got an arrow your name on it don't even think about it buster no oh the dolphins helping me dolphins grace dolphins come back please yeah can you hear them the Dolphins are actually helping me that's beautiful nature is helping me see even the dolphins don't like you bro they don't like you ad so how much health do you have too much look how many there are oh my goodness what's okay I think I've almost got all of the Guardians out of here there's not that many left to be honest with you I'm not sure what that is that might be a sea guardian from the other side maybe whoa dude okay chill there might be some more in here not as many as there was before though so I might just be able to get him come on ain't guardian I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you it's literally just heal am I gonna heal and then leave and then smack another one that's coming up behind you and leave each swing use your bow I don't even know how many of these bows I've used arrows even oh maybe this is so many of you who invented these I want to find who invented these and make them pay this was not nice yes I just killed him I just killed him I didn't do a flute in three though which I'm kind of annoyed about how many of you are left I don't think there's that many the stress I killed one of the elder Guardians that should mean that my mining fatigue does it carry on even if you haven't killed all three of them I'm not too sure this guy how are you not killing me hello what do you why do you not get on my door huh you want to fire some of my perfect doors oh is that sponge ice picked up sponge how did I just pick up sponge wet sponge I need to dry this out so this can help me oh that changes things I got some wet sponge how did I get that okay it's dropped by Elder Guardians but I think let me just check I'm pretty sure you can dry it out right yeah you can I think we need to do that instead of using doors I think that's gonna be a lot better right we'll leave those open because that is one room perfectly clear oh my goodness why are there so many of you what are you doing here how much they paying you I'll pay you more I paint you more plus five I gotta go an apple I could give you a Golden Apple that's all I've got though go away go away how many are you I thought doesn't even make sense okay I keep getting stuck as well which is less than ideal because if I get stuck I can't swim which means then I'm going to die well this place is massive it's so big so should we go to the surface now and dry this out I feel like that would be a pretty good strategy the problem is I don't really know where I came from this is the door right here now apparently oh there's another old guard Andrew literally above me which is like right at the top dude I could just go in there and get him but I don't know if that's gonna work out very well for me oh look so ready I should not be laughing I think I might actually have to stay in here because of how many there are outside I think I'm just gonna go up you know I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna hit him from the base let's see if I can get away with it pretty sure I shouldn't be doing this I'm just gonna do it drop sponge for me look at this Opie so I pee oh geez I think that might have just paid off he's free to go and then that's to out potentially three of mining fatigue gone because they only go when you stop getting the curse which is which is cool oh you're friendly diamonds door salesman so anyone wanna buy some diamond doors top quality the best stuff you could buy you don't want it you sure you don't want it there we go there's one and then it's got to get in with this no there we go what are you drop wet sponge again okay that's not fun there we go safe oh that's - now we just need to wait in the sea if we get mining fatigue again dude how is there so many of you I'm turning this into my door factory that's what's gonna happen here okay none of you are gonna be involved in this business I'm just gonna take your premises from you you haven't paid your rent and I'm gonna turn it into a door sanctuary I mean Factory okay Factory so that's two done the only thing I'm looking for now is either a third elder Guardian or treasure I think you can find gold here but I'm not really again the vibes that there's many treasures just readily available in here yep there's that mining fatigue again that means that there is one more elder Guardian in here but the question is where is the Punk these are actually is so hard to navigate it's insane oh I found him I found the last one I'm just putting doors down all over the place I'm just gonna do this I'm just gonna go in and do it because I feel like I can I'm just gonna do it I think most of the sea Guardians you know I've actually come in here and tried to kill us already there's re two in here with him I couldn't do this I might just boss the Golden Apple and do it I'm just gonna do it let's go I'm going in boys I'm doing it this is easy easy mode ok maybe not so easy mode he's actually tanking these hits pretty well I just need to remember they also need to not drown that'll be perfect so Kay the garden app wouldn't help that much but it keeps my hunger up and I've got absorption for 1 minute and 30 seconds I believe I might have conquered this very very easily okay easily maybe it wasn't the best description of this but I don't get a little bit easier than I thought I would back off son that Golden Apple read and help me did it ha this sponge is gonna help me either unless I uh unless I dry it out all right come on this cuz that's so far away I plowed so many arrows is this man I really want to kill him with looting though yes I did it I did it right you can go have you got so much health you're out of here I've got some sponge or some other stuff that should be three out of three that should be all three of the Guardians I'm pretty sure that's it we have conquered this so we shouldn't get any more mining fatigue three wet sponge fantastic well we've also got 59 prismarine shard who almost got a whole stack I'm pretty sure this mining fatigue should run out now which means we can try and I think plow through these if we mined through those we can get ourselves some treasure pretty sure there's blocks of gold available in a hard core let's play we're gonna need the gold for golden apples but I don't feel like bringing them with me on adventures so maybe it doesn't matter that much I'm just gonna stay here I'm gonna stay here wait one minute and 30 seconds I believe because we've got the totem if we drown we'll survive I guess but we only respawn me like two hearts oh it's not gonna give us much more damage back it's not gonna give us much more seconds to be alive but at least we bought again we already bought one with us we have 10 10 at home and I bring one and I'm just not great at this somehow this is definitely really challenging though this is way more challenge than I thought it would be I thought that the sea Guardians weren't actually that hard to beat but it turns out with the water and I was at a big disadvantage because I couldn't use my boots cuz they're so close to dying I would have lost those for sure but pair that with the fact that the Guardian is just infinitely spawn and then you get a pretty hard dungeon with not really that greater reward yes buddy let's go I can now mine this to my heart's content I'm so pleased yes look at this and now I just built my own little pocket ahh this is glorious alright what I want to do I think is just get out of here to be honest I just want to try and get out the top and just leave there we go haha you punks I'm out oh jeez it's dark okay I should not have not made them angry I'm going I'm leaving you all behind now the reason I'm doing this is because I want to dry out I want to dry out the sponge so I can try and get this whole temple without water in it but I don't know I don't if I can actually do that cuz I haven't got riches yet I'll let you make nothing out of this nothing at all apart from a few few resources that I can to be fair make a conduit hour which isn't too bad see look another crafting table what did I tell you I'm gonna have to make crafting tables everywhere so let's see how this works I've never actually done this before in Minecraft I've never used sponge ever I think I've got it in you couldn't even get in creative mode at one point I'm not even sure if you can get in creative mode now here we go normal sponge I think we can just keep putting this down and back I'm pretty sure let's try this should be a hole I could make a hole in the top now and just go straight in yeah this is a bad idea oh my goodness this is going in the front door and try going in oh yeah I made front doors for you you need to pay me for these by the way I gave you these free of charge I think that's a pretty good deal so I do this that doesn't work not too well anyway does it get rid of it forever oh oh who's the stupid little fish now huh there we go did you get rid of it forever it does this is a great idea our sponge is the best but now it's wet sponge oh I didn't realize it went to wet sponge afterwards that's kind of annoying what if I do is there anything I need to make wet sponge it's a normal sponge I don't think there is do get out of here this is my castle now still think this is yours huh cute really cute nah not today I still haven't found any gold which is kind of worrying me I thought that was gonna be gold here and we try to make it through here no no God okay that's good to know okay this is a guardian room so let's see if there's anything in this one well there's guardians that's good to know taking these riches whether you like it or not no no this is not happening get out of here right now stop how do you take four arrows when everyone else takes two I'll do this one behind me I don't even notice go I'm gonna drown I'm safe why am I not seeing any gold here huh why is that happening I've trapped myself in a one by one hole I'm not leaving here without my gold where is the God there must be gold in here somewhere I've heard rumors tales of old that there's gold here oh there's a dolphin stuck in here I wonder while is moving faster this is great turtles dolphins and humans working together can you sniff out gold please gold blocks others gold blocks oh geez oh geez I've messed up here guys I've messed up I'm gonna have to drink this oh no I need to get through need to get through oh I found sponge I found sponge I'm in trouble I'm in big trouble what have I done I think if I mine this sponge but it might be it might be wet sponge if it's not wet sponge I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do I had to use my totem I've used my golden apple I don't have anything else to be able to combat this how this could be the end this could actually be the ends I might just have to go for it here we go I'm going I'm going come on oh jeez oh oh oh just saved my life oh we're gonna some outta here I hate this place I'm gone no don't kill me don't kill me oh come on let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go don't kill me now don't get me now okay but now who I panicked I tried to research stuff that could save me and I had no idea my heart my house being on my chest I actually died but the totem saved me Oh buddy oh I'm shaking I'm actually shaking that could have been the whole thing done this thing is going to kill me I'm going home I'm going up I don't care about any of this stuff I've used the Golden Apple I've used I need to use a conduit I need to use a conduit oh my goodness I need to think about my adventures a little bit more that was terrifying actually terrifying I'm not even sure what saved me then it definitely wasn't this dumb helmet whoa I've only 118 levels it's what I need 33 to put mending on my boots okay I've calmed down I think I've calmed down the totem of undying I definitely to bring war with me because the other thing I could have done is just change totems of undying it so I thought the way out well I don't know what saving you the absorption and regeneration it must just been the regeneration that was quicker than my hearts and if it wasn't for that I'll be dead like straight-up dead I'm out of here this place sucks I don't want to be ever near it all to be ever near this again but I'm gonna be so apparently you can use prismarine bricks and prismarine to make a conduit and then a conduit allows you I thought you just know it took my player you can use the prismarine and prisoner even bricks to make this little structure that makes your conduits even more powerful still haven't got riches by the way just saying should I go home well should I go I'm gonna try and make another thing I'm gonna try it I'm gonna get the coordinates for this then try and make a nether portal to like here there's not many things in life to stress me out and this has been one of them oh my goodness I thought if the whole thing would be over oh I'm absolute trash right let's get the coordinates for this I'm gonna take a sneaky pic of it so anyone wait to find out so I'm gonna go home count my blessings and I will see you there I can't believe that just happens but I'm alive well I have no riches I didn't get anything from that but nothing at all was they ever it's not even worse is I actually found a sponge room I found a sponge room which means I could get rid of all the the water in there pretty sure it would be wet sponge like this if I spent the time mining that instead of taking the risk and going straight up I'd be a hundred percent dead buddy get out of there get out of there right now we need to go home this is a terrifying place man I almost never saw you again I'd have been so mad if that happens I just don't believe it buddy hold me close please I'm out of here let's go buddy we need to leave oh you don't know how happy I am to see all of this again buddy stay here which was I wasn't even here to protect my eggs but it looks like it's going okay to be honest with you I could have been tragic but it's fine that's going all in there perfect I'm gonna put that in there too fat a lot of use you were it didn't really work at all as I planned that'll work nothing like I planned that's gonna be our ocean monument chest which we almost never made it back to create I just wanna take the sponge with me and I just need to dry it out first so let's do that leggo let's go get some lava and then what we can do is oh I've looked feather falling without my boots I need be so careful my goodness and I'm gonna try and make it back to the ocean monument the only problem is I don't think there's a way to make an infinite lava source I think I can hear lava I'm pretty sure it's under here yeah there you go okay let's unleash the water and let's grab ourselves some of this obsidian shall we write ten pieces of this let me go back to the nether I'm really far away from home look I'm like all the way at the top left of a map on foot I didn't even use my boy this be the tenth piece right let's go home I'm out of here I don't want any more I'm going to make an easy way to get to the sea temple which if I've done my math correctly will work I'm just worried that the math was too simple hey let's see if it works and then we can see if we can get there easier and then next time we can go and grab some treasure because I can get all of this this the sponge dried out and get some more levels in preparation as well so I can actually get mending on my boots so I can use them and I'm gonna find that treasure oh and we can stir up the conduit as well we should do that too I made it I made it home so let's get out here how you doing prisoner he's chilling goods I'm out of here we've got what we need perfect so let me just bring up those numbers again they'll take a while to go so I need to be out 1 5 9 yeah this shouldn't take too long at all so I'm gonna do this to finish off this episode let's go oh my god it's so efficient hopefully this works I hope I've got my math right otherwise this is gonna be really embarrassing for me oh it's right on a nether fortress that's crazy so four one six is actually right here so let's block that off real quick please make a nether portal right here one two one two three I need to make it safe though because when we come out the other side could be a tragic end if I this open right okay that's not too bad right let's light this bad boy and let's see where we come up it should be exactly as I planned yes all right here literally oh my goodness I thought I died then imagine imagine we just died while celebrating I just arrived perfectly so now I need to do go home get my conduits and you actually need to craft one first that works so well all I need to do is go all the way back through here and eventually all of these tunnels and stuff I will improve to make them ice tunnels which means you can ride a boat down them and they're super quick like really really quick something I've never used before is the nether like this to use like transport and stuff but it's so useful we're gonna make it home in like less than a hundred blocks this is great there we go we made it home we did a voice we did it boys and girls we're here boom this is perfect I'm so pleased that this worked out buddy is that another iron golem surely not are they just sporting them like crazy now we were one two three four five six there's another one welcome to the crew my friends that's for another day today I'm gonna end it here sorry I didn't get to completely finish the see monument but me almost dying literal mistook my life in real life so I'm gonna end it here we're gonna make the conduit next time and get the treasures from it and I think I might try and see how hard it is to make a sea Guardian farm as well so we can get prismarine and experience I'm gonna research that for next time thank you so much for watching guys we can also gather the sponge next time leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're brand new leave a like for surviving we survived episode 22 is almost the end but thank you so much guys now see you next time good [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus full rubber band
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,644,720
Rating: 4.9219837 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: e2TfUIHRidU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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