I Built The Most Ridiculous End Portal In Minecraft Hardcore

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okay we've collected every illegal item in the game now we just have to uh steal uh steal steal a dragon yeah yeah steal a we got some basic items should be all we need all right who wants to come and steal a dragon real quick yeah you want to come steal a drag you you want you you you not you not you and not you okay here we are oh if you're wondering why it's so laggy here it might be something to do with the giant mapped out globe of my entire hang on a second hold up hang on a second I guess I'm just finding it hard to understand how it broke like that for no reason I mean I I literally put like 50 hours into this thing anyway let's blow it up yeah we are actually going to blow this thing up uh so we can steal that Dragon the hardest choices require the strongest will plus I think it would be pretty fun all right here we go let's blow this thing I have an RTX 490 okay interesting choice of building block I used there okay we carry on we carry oh whoops bound to happen it's bound to happen at some point okay now we just Place some sand to go through the portal and this should show up on the yeah there we go okay so that shows us where the world spawn is it's it's right there and this is where the dragon's going to come through so now we just Place some End Stone right there and that will stop him from breaking the sand okay now that we've blown this planet to Oblivion to make space for a dragon which is fine by the way it's that there's nothing wrong with that it's absolutely fine now we now we build up and make this thing which will freeze a dragon that I'm sorry that makes absolutely no sense but as long as it works I don't care I'm cool with that yeah know this isn't completely depressing watch it was only hours and hours and hours of work that's not even the right [Music] size okay we got one left and now we just wait for it to perch okay there we go now we just destroy this last one and there now it's frozen it's not frozen it's still moving okay oh no it is frozen okay brilliant brilliant now we just need to get it into an end Gateway portal is this going to work is this going to move it no okay let's make something let's let's let's try something else then yeah yeah that works okay nice now we just push him over to the portal and now if we just get him a little bit higher he should yeah okay he's gone okay so that guy's gone through the portal to the end City and now the game's like hang on a second there should be Dragon here let's spawn another one and then we're going to delete this guy when he comes down okay please come down it's very gradually flying down if you can if you can call this flying and then this second dragon should also freeze uh oh oh that's actually really convenient now I can just do this any last words all right I'm bored okay so now we go through here and okay right so this is the first dragon this is the dragon that we put through the portal and now he should fly back to the main island yeah just casually flying with a dragon it's just whatever wow this place this is a complete mess so now it should just perch but it's disappearing into the ground okay okay not going to lie not sure what I do from here oh it's back okay so now it should yeah there we go it's frozen okay so this is now the dragon that we're going to duplicate into the Overworld so now we just have to push it through the portal using machines and that should have worked I think only one way to find out all right moment of truth will we find a dragon at the world spawn or just disappointment uh well I can see sand but no dragon aha a dragon yeah we got a dragon in the Overworld it's no biggie it's just Monday now we just have to move it about 8,000 blocks away to home Okay so right now we're here and we got to push this Dragon 4,000 blocks west all the way to here where we can then change the direction of the Flying Machine to push the dragon another 4,000 blocks north all the way home to this island where he's just going to stay here for a bit really and chill out so this is the island we have to get him to so if I do this then it should start yeah there we go so now we just have to push this guy very very far my question is can I walk on the Flying Machine yeah yeah I guess I can I'm already bored and we've not even got past the desert yet hold up where's The Flying Machine gone where oh okay it's starting to reappear okay good yeah yeah my world is pretty broken at this point I'm surprised it hasn't corrupted already I have just realized this mountain is kind of in the way the dragon will push through it but I think it will break the Flying Machine okay never mind the flying machine's are beast Oh my days this thing can't be stopped okay it just stopped okay uh dragon on the loose don't mind me buddy I'm just going to grab this machine from you real quick uh we may have a slight problem on our hands uh okay just just let me get these slime blocked here now I was thinking of maybe get them another time no I hear you I hear you okay if we just remove some of this dirt and then a few of these trees then we should be ah all right that should be clear enough we continue okay I can see the halfway mark so now we just stop the machine and then change the direction of this thing to Point North and yeah I'm using Co or it's the only building blocks I've got okay begin be where why is it going backwards begin it's going backwards again why is it doing that why why are we going back I am very confused okay it's working I don't know Redstone there's another Mountain the dragon should blast threw that oh no he's left a bit oh dear please don't stop again okay the Flying Machine just took the mountain with it honestly at this point I don't know what's more of a beast the dragon or the flying machine I don't know I'm starting to think it might be this flying machine hey guys hey what do you think about my dragon yeah you're probably going to think twice about attacking me now eh oh that was embarrassing all right let's just keep going keep going okay we're getting close I can see that thing that I built we're finally here okay so now we can stop the machine and there we go we got a dragon we're going to leave him here for a bit but we need to make sure he doesn't drift away which can happen so for that we're going to need a chunk loader which will basically make sure these chunks are always loaded and that the dragon stays in this one spot okay that should work if not he's going to fly all the way back so okay so I'm feeling like this is a good place to build this thing yeah no I like this place but don't know what do you guys think you like it what what are we saying I'm kidding I don't care about any of your opinions right so what I'm thinking is end portal right except it's like one 100 times the size of a normal end portal here's me for reference this thing's massive stay with me we're going to put an entire end island in the middle to scale and then we'll put that dragon that we just caught in there and things will never be better all right let's make a template real quick and uh and see what we're dealing with [Music] um give an idea of scale here's my here's my beacon and there and there's that and there's my and there's my and there's that okay so basically what what I'm saying is this but there that took a very long time to get that angle right I'm not going to lie that I was I've been here for about half an hour okay so first things first quite a lot of the build is in the ground right now as you can see so we need to kind of dig that out we need to EXP expose it why didn't I just build it above ground level you asked um n it's a good that's a good question okay let's pop a beacon down here and then we can destroy all of this Stone okay we've exposed the sides now we're going to kind of grade it up then we can cover it in grass and kind of make it look natural yeah it kind of looks natural still need a bit of work needs a bit of work and we remove all of this place some more grass and just keep doing this all around the build yeah I'm having to go around the cats here why did I bring cats why did I do [Music] that okay done with this area time to relocate the portal and carry [Music] on honestly didn't think this would take me that long currently 3 and a half hours in and not even halfway definitely regretting uh not building it above ground level [Music] but okay that should be the last Beacon that we have to build cuz we're almost [Music] there and we're there it might be 6 hours later but we're there hey you know what I think it was worth it it looks pretty good so by my calculations each one of these pixels should be nine blocks yeah this thing is what why did I why did I build it this big okay let's grab some materials let's grab some of this we'll grab we'll grab some of these blocks these seem like some good blocks to use okay let's start here and just make it up as we go along really okay first row done I don't know it doesn't really look like anything to be honest and out of materials yeah we're going to need some more materials hey you know what that's actually starting to resemble something like a end portal frame I feel like this color might work oh yeah that works let's smell some sand let's get some smooth Sandstone going if I make this you have to subscribe it was meant to be it was meant to be you must subscribe and then we'll finish it off with some more of this hey that actually doesn't look terrible okay now we just have to figure out the top let's collect more of this warped wood cuz I think that warped wood it just kind of worked like I just think it had it was that it just had that just had that right color so this kind of worked really well uh with the the block okay I'm thinking this works I'm thinking this works now let's just grab some obsidian and let's build the eye I need some lime wool but I don't really have a sheep farm so I'm just kind of going around dying sheep it's it's very ineffective this is taking a very long time yeah you know what I'm going to use lime concrete this is so much faster okay Grand reveal that's not terrible yeah I give that like a solid not bad I do give it a solid huge though why did I make it that big but that's okay we only have to do 11 more 11 more of these things okay we're going to need some more storage we are desperately going to need some more storage let's collect some endstone we're going to need a whole load of endstone let's collect some Birch now you know what let let's steal an entire Forest of birch let's collect the whole Forest of this stuff too I'm not a fan of deforestation but I am a fan of overthe toop build so you know we got we got to do what we got to do I've realized I am going to need a lot of wool so I am going to need a sheep farm so let's grow some wheat actually I got one better let's steal some wheat that's it sheep this way this way get in get in the hole that's it there we go there we go there there okay uh all right let's start again we'll start again uh excuse me you are not a sheep so oh sorry about that sorry about that you're not a sheep either okay let's continue okay two down just 10 to go just 10 more to go oh he survived let carry on [Music] and okay let's upgrade the sheep farm cuz we're going to be needing a lot of wool that'll work nicely and let's collect some more endstone cuz we're going to be needing a lot of endstone and let's collect some more warped wood cuz we're going to be need yeah you get you get the point we're going to be needing a lot of every material going to be needing loads of flowers going to be needing loads of cactus I got a cactus farm I got a concrete Farm see this seems like a lot of blocks right you know this this seems like it would last a while but then I start placing them and then I realize that I need more blocks it's just a never ending cycle of collecting blocks placing blocks and then wondering if you place those blocks in the right order I didn't this is wrong but we are getting there now we just do these tops and we'll be [Music] halfway one more eye and we will officially be halfway this is a big milestone and halfway okay that does actually look pretty cool totally worth the 25 hours it's taken to build it so far it would help if I had two Kanis but that's just not possible we want it's been so long that I'm completely out of food I just rely on these random groups of pigs that spawn nearby wonder how much warp wood I've chopped down so far yep seems about right oh dear that's my Electra yep that's gone I'm gone somehow I survived that I guess that means I have to carry on building this thing yay I love building this thing I'm not losing the will to live who said that not me I love placing these birch logs you see I'm using sarcasm here to besides the fact that I actually do regret starting this build so I'm out here collecting warped wood and I I just come across every Enderman ever just in one spot I don't know I just thought that was weird let's carry on placing blocks and we are officially 34s of the way there it's the last stretch morale is up I'm feeling [Music] ready okay we're on the final face hang on a second who's been taking sand from here and over over here it's you guys isn't it oh wait I forgot they can dodge arrows can they yeah yeah no these these guys can dodge arrows okay we're done with all the sides now we just have to do the tops there are a lot of mobs under this [Music] thing and we're finished I can't believe we're actually finished I can't believe it's actually done yeah I'm just going to yeah this seems like a good place I'm going to sleep this feels like a dream doesn't even feel real there's more they've taken more what is it with you guys I'm taking my sand there are just so many mobs under here actually I've got an idea I've literally got the best armor in Minecraft's history so I can use this to go and light the area light sorry what what oh you left click okay that makes sense yeah anyway this this armor is literally ridiculous it's completely illegal but it will help me with the mobs see not a scratch now we can light this area up and I can collect my be oh I wonder what my stats right now that I finished 20,000 and 57,000 that's almost more than the emerald blocks that I have Okie doie so now we have to level the middle out down to this level and then we'll cover everything in Black concrete to give the illusion of the portal kind of like we did with the end [Music] build I'm starving again where are those pigs okay come on Pig come on Pig I can't Sprint I can't Pig I'll get you for that okay now we just have to fill this whole thing with black concrete I've left the water here cuz it means we can place the concrete straight into there I don't know why I only pick on pigs they just spawn in abundance here there's just nothing else to eat nothing else spawns here oh wait I don't need these sheep anymore I'll leave a few to tell the tale of what happened here today okay let's grab some sand let's grab some gravel let's collect some squids and then throw it all together and make this okay so we're going to start with the water cuz that's going to be the easiest part and let's see how far our full inventory gets us not not particularly far that's all of the water done so now we'll just break all these blocks that were containing the water and carry on murdering squids [Music] I see you with my sand my sand see it's everywhere I don't understand why they're obsessed with taking my sand oh this is sad I think he's protesting I think he's protesting on behalf of all of those squids that have died for this build it's not going to stop me buddy it's not going to stop me [Music] so I'm just out here collecting gravel in my base and to give you an idea of how ridiculous this thing is here are my frames outside it somewhere around 360 and then I come inside the proximity casually drops by 300 frames per second that's the cost of being so rich I [Music] guess okay we're done with the sides now we can soak them in water well I hope the replay video looks cool cuz this is all I can [Music] see yeah no that that looks that looks black and it gives this cool effect cuz you can't really tell where the floor or the walls are they kind of just blend into one okay so now we're going to put the end island in the middle and we are going to need so much endstone it's not even funny so yeah this is where I've been getting my endstone from I've pretty much just been undermining my entire end Island so yeah we just carry on and I'm not going to stop mining until this pickaxe is [Music] broken n I'm kidding I couldn't do that but no seriously I'm not going to stop mining until this this pickaxe is I can't do it I can't do it I'm not strong enough okay this this should be nearly enough okay so let's try to find the center of this thing so I guess if we find the center of the center eye and then build out from there then do the same thing on the other side okay that should be the [Music] center looking good looking good so I've marked out where the pillars are going going to be but also we marked out where the tops are so we've got some leftover obsidian so let's just see how far that gets us not very far okay and pillars done yeah not bad happy with that okay believe it or not I do have some Bedrock somewhere from that illegal video that I made so we just have to find it um okay there are some illegal items there but they're not Bedrock um I could have sworn it was there uh oh it's there okay good not going to lie cat I was getting nervous then I was getting nervous that would have been bad if I didn't have any how did you get there it's just weird cuz I never put that c there I just find it kind of strange how he's just staring off into the Horizon like that all right come with me it is a bit strange though I'm not going to lie it is it is okay let's replace these blocks with bed rock now it's time to build a portal so we'll take these and we're going to do this using mushrooms so I've done this method a few times in my video so far but essentially you just build a normal portal and then you activate it there's a normal one there's my one then you dig two blocks down two blocks to the side place a mushroom bone meal it and no that's not that's not right then you bone meal it and no that's not right either then you B really then you bone meal it and yeah there we go okay so you see how it's kind of deleted the portal frames so then we just do that on all sides and there we are we just left with the portal and now we just take the Bedrock and we build a mini end portal usually a dragon egg goes on top but I'm going to put a cat there we go that's it yeah yeah I don't know it just felt right so now we just have to build a chunk loader under here just like that hopefully that will work yep there we go okay so as long as the dragon doesn't go beyond this point then it should line up perfectly so we just and it's going backwards again okay here goes nothing and hopefully that lines up yep he's getting pushed okay we just have to time this right and it should match up perfectly and now okay it's a bit off but that's pretty good here we go Moment of Truth it all comes down to this and okay that's a dragon we actually got a dragon here that is pretty cool actually okay let's place these things and then we can put the cages on yeah I think that's right and there we go got a dragon he's pretty friendly too doesn't even hurt me oh okay last thing we need to do is enchant a home and let's smack it in there Fortune three that's exactly what we need okay let's collect some saplings oh yeah this this fortune 3 was big look at this look at this yield now I don't feel so bad for all of that deforestation so there we are a dragon in the Overworld look at it Majestic if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and if you didn't enjoy this video all I can say is I apologize but that is a cat under a dragon during a Sunset and if that doesn't make you happy then try these videos because they [Music] might
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 1,332,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kolanii, I Built The Most Over The Top End Portal In Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft, hardcore
Id: TjVXrw80MfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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