Minecraft but there's Only One OP Block

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I'm stuck on a block in the middle of the sky but lucky me it's an OP block dude the more I break it crazier things happen but I sure hope there aren't some insanely op mobs that try and stop me from getting back home I'm liking this already dude the block looks gorgeous and colorful a little Rainbow treadmill so if I break it what happens oh my gosh I just I just got just got an enchanted golden apple is that all obsidian more apples I think this might just be my food source dude my only food source is Enchanted gold and apples I mean I can't complain I don't love the flavor let's just use our valuable resources to expand this bad boy I'm just using like emeralds and netherite just for a ground to walk on kind of strange looking good already what just happened oh it's raining diamonds yes please so we get random events that also happen and we're just using netherite to make a floor it's an OP project yeah you do what you got to do I finally got wood I was getting very nervous what's the point of netherite unless you get oh I got a fre pickaxe all right we take those what's the point of ow gosh dang it okay good and bad things happen when you mine the one block good to know looking good our wood weirdly enough is like the rarest thing I can get but at least now I can get myself full diamond looking good and we'll make a diamond sword in case I need it come on give me something cool wa what is this the endless elytra oh yes dude I just Squat and I can fly endlessly oh I like it I have no Islands to fly to yet but I'm sure we'll get there n skirt ow gosh ow ow oh two wood in a row yes please I'll take that is it weird the most excited I get is when I get a piece of wood oh Island unlocked yes our first island check that out it's a giant old TNT near SK what do you have epic Island oh gosh I can't break into it what is there a door around here somewhere how do I get into you mysterious TNT oh snap what just happened oh my elytra whenever I fly into blocks it'll just break break them oh that's awesome thank you oh gosh danger the TNT Island will explode unless disarmed oh goodness what am I supposed to do get out of here rainbow creeper yeah I don't know what to do I'm just going to press buttons guys don't do this at home okay if you end up inside of a bomb don't press buttons ah life lens with crafty ouch oh gosh I am being timed though get away get away do I break the TNT no I can't do that wait a second maybe I can fly into the fuses I can just smash the fuses is with my elytra take that I just have to make sure it doesn't explode that's all I got to do this is such a cool elytra man if I wasn't terrified for my death I think this would be a lot of fun take that TNT oh the timer's still ticking down how much more do I going to break this thing maybe this blue one yeah yes success the TNT has been disabled crushed it dude there are still a bunch of creepers down here but you guys can live here that's fine we shall live in harmony together back to the one block we go and check this out dude we got a lazy Miner pickaxe hey Who you calling lazy I prefer the term energy efficient thank you very much it mines in a 3X3 area which is cool and I can hold right click on blocks to duplicate them that's insane wait so if I just right click a block yeah it does it just makes a copy of that block I can just get infinite amount of iron or netherite whatever I want can I make infinite one blocks uh no well we tried that's so good man I have no more wood problems check it out we can get ourselves a bunch of diamonds and why not let's make a beacon huh might be the first beacon I've ever had in a crafty episode oh never mind one jump boost please thank you my boy what else you got up your sleeve Mr one block oh a new island ah heck yeah already man ah look at this glorious Island I love getting around so quickly too the op elytra is incredible that's all you got dude a single melon 10 bone blocks to grow the melon it looks like oh gosh how am I going to get bones dude I need like 90 of them for that a bunch of diamonds bottles of enchanting this is the richest Village I've ever seen in my life oh yes a businessman okay goodbye do you trade anything my boy 64 blocks of diamonds for a shielding sword that seems cool no problem me boy I'm just going to duplicate some of these blocks here for you this is so cool man it's like I'm harvesting the diamonds for more diamonds EXC excellent can you not stand inside me please thank you that's what I'm looking for my boy 64 diamonds for a shielding sword yeah oh goodness ah protect the village run boys he's like this is fine this is every Tuesday for me no problem I've got this sword now what does it do yeah I can smack with it uh that's normal for swords can I oh check that out if I squat I create a shield around me that whenever a mob damages me it just does all the damage to him I'm basically invulnerable dude ha can't touch me now and I have this rainbow attack I can use yeah Taste the rainbow yeah crushed it man that was easy dude rainbow zombie no problem and the statue is complete that's what he wanted the diamonds for not to like feed his family or make armor to fight off zombies no is to make a statue n that's cool all right my boy let's see so how do I get bone blocks now uh it'd be a lot of skeletons to fight oh I know are you a big crafty fan I mean who wouldn't be except for that guy the best way to support us is with crafty merchandise comic books plushies backpacks everything the biggest crafty fans could ever need go to our website crafty do store today I can duplicate the carrots for infinite food and then I can use that into the composter and get um a single piece of bone this might take a while I do have an idea though I don't know if this is going to work but if I place items inside of a chest and then I duplicate the chest do I get the stuff inside a no I thought I could cheese it all right well got to do this the oldfashioned way okay that's 10 bone meal now if I do this that makes oh that makes a bone block okay fantastic I thought it was going to make like just a normal bone I was like that's going to take forever dude now we can duplicate some of these bones and now my boy grow the melon grow that's it that's all it did it just grew a little bit oh you need more okay I going to say I did all that work for what an extra large melon there you go my boy and that's more like it man oh my gosh that is a massive melon yes it looks gorgeous a beautiful rainbow melon there you are my boy there's three more oh my gosh it keeps going is it forever just going to take up the whole world there we go six more keep growing boy oh it exploded there it goes what did you drop normal melons and we've got a super mega first prize melon okay let's eat it shall we do it taste good oh my goodness it just gave me like 25 hearts and I can eat it forever what it's permanent food okay yeah that's incredible thanks buddy you gave me the prized melon I kind of feel bad since I grew it so much do you mind if I give this back later I'm just going to munch on it for a while okay I just grew his melon up and then just stole it from him my bad dude I'll give it back eventually oh that is so op it heals all my hearts instantly well let's keep a rocking shall we let's see what else we can get from this bad boy oh we have some new items now we got like red stone we have lapis lazuli now ah creepers oh no why a it even broke my beacon my jump boost no there we go little guy our jump boost is back anything else Mighty oh okay that's that's great that's great the op1 block is really nice but also it just yeah it randomly does that that's just so annoying why dude gosh dang it I really like the one block but it also randomly just gives me okay good good good that's diamonds I thought I was going to get my head squished from the Anvil what's riches without a little bit of a risk of death you know oh Chester we've got op Chester what's up buddy boy does he give me anything oh my gosh it turns any block into 64 okay one obsidian is now 64 obsidian oh that's insane one glistering melon 64 blistering melons there you go buddy I told you I'd give it back to you that's so cool I don't even have to multiply my blocks anymore Chester does it for me thanks my boy I love you I love all his colors he's very cute thanks for joining my journey Chester hey and you're about to join me on a new unlock a new island adventure awaits us it's looking kind of gross honestly a the cactus have little hats on them that's very cute okay hopefully there's some kind of crazy treasure inside here no crazy treasure just uh very dangerous traps what do you think Chester you ready for danger hello over here yeah you ready for danger this is going to be the easiest trap ever I could get hit by every single thing ow oh no oh no I'm going to die oh man how terrifying normal arrows yeah we're so op we really don't have to worry about this at all so we're just going to power right through this a nice massage of arrows in my Cranium oh this is cool I got to run through these little traps here ouch and try not to suffocate ow okay that's actually going to get annoying it's like that scene from Star Wars you know what I'm talking about ouch the one with the doors that are opening and closing hey yeah oh goodness make it through come on keep going Chester buddy you all right ah you made it nice job with only slight Suffocation oh gosh I see lava dripping that might not be good oh my okay this is going to be weird oh my gosh there's arrows there's lava there's these walls so I have to run in between oh gosh careful Chester you're right in line of the Fire Chester buddy no take my potion of healing you're right buddy you're all right stay still stay still all right well it is what it is we got this we got this just got to avoid the arrows oh my gosh this is actually kind of hard ouch come on come on all the way yeah we've made it that was pretty easy it would have been much harder if I didn't have all my op items already but uh you know what are op items if it doesn't make everything extremely easy to do back to Safe land we got ourself a knockback cannon and I how do I use this do I shoot it yeah wao and you're being hypnotized ooh subscribe oh I I I place it down it's a cannon that shoots nearby Hostile Mobs with insane knockback it's so colorful come with me buddy I'm sure this will come in handy very soon oh gosh I'm not wearing my elytra oh that was a close one uh Chester where did Chester go Chester needs a home to respawn in oh he's not going to respond until he has a house oh no I need my Chester for my journey all right no problem looks like we need some walls and ceilings and stuff so let's go grab those hello boys I'm back I've never had Chester no it's just the normal chest I miss him already he needs a quartz ceiling is this quartz this is what I'm looking for right smooth quartz I assume that's going to be fine oh man I can't multiply them either where's Chester when you need them huh we also need Diamond floors so we'll grab a couple of these bad boys I'll grab a bed and he wants a garden oh man he's picky today we'll grab a daisy and then one of these glorious all oh gosh a moss block no I want grass there we go that should cover everything we need oh my goodness that's a lot of bad guys oh my hey no no no no please don't explode my stuff gosh dang it oh oh gosh we got monsters to battle no they just keep spawning ah they're going to make this Chester house very hard for me wait hold on I got my knockback Cannon right I place you there come on I'm hoping this works knock him back go yeah sick dude oh this is awesome I'm going to have him sit here take out these mobs let's go build our Chester home let's duplicate some of these blocks there good job buddy man that Canon's coming in handy dude I will warn you this will not be a pretty house but the text on the screen doesn't say a pretty house it it just says house now can I duplicate these flowers oh I can't perfect okay there's our little Garden Path yeah one down he wants Diamond floors for some reason I like walking on my money yeah there we go it's not going to be a giant house but Chester's a small boy so it works out a I love that Cannon man this is so nice there's our Oak walls um probably needs a door too huh I was going to grab a door from the village but none of the houses have doors I guess this is just an open door policy everyone here is so rich No Stealing here here how to fix theft in a society everyone be rich but they have glass though I'll take some of these paines yeah that's not looking too bad dude and there's our door yeah we've done it this looks pretty nice man now for a ceiling a ceiling of quartz I thought this color scheme would work pretty bad but dude this house is going to look sick man Chester deserves to have a nice home you know a looks so good in here there's my ceiling complete last but not least we just got to add a bed yeah hey there he is welcome to your home Chester buddy welcome back ah his house is looking glorious oh gosh it looks kind of ugly from the outside wait no hold on wait wait I have an idea if I do this does it kind of look like [Music] Chester those are his eyes and this it's very bad but I like it it's Chester's home very Derpy very cute do you like it buddy do you like your house he likes munching on that door okay buddy let's get back to the one block shall we so glad to have you oh gosh dang it I broke the wrong Chester sorry buddy you're doing okay not going to talk about that come on give us an island give us a cool oh waa that's not what I was expecting okay check that out dude we got some cool new armor yeah looking good I want to keep my elytra on though just in case I fall off the edge this armor is sick dude it gives me double the amount of armor and any hit I take from a mob it'll reflect double damage too so that's pretty stinking sweet what do you think Chester yeah I think so too a nice little shovel of mending ah very useful come on give me an island yes a new island wo this is looking sick it's a giant rainbow spawner there's like spawners on the inside looking spooky dude I like it I uh let me put on my elytra first before I forget and fall off the edge what do we got going on over here challenge break all the spawners okay no problem can do oh goodness that's a lot of mobs was that you Chester did you just do that do it again dude yeah get him oh Chester is sick man I haven't seen him attack yet he does a warden blast at like every mob around us oh gosh you missed one you missed one okay who needs those knockback cannons when you got a Chester on your side hey yeah the mobs keep spawning where's Chester dude Chester ah you might have fallen down uh-oh okay okay break him real quick then we're hopping down where Chester is there he is what's up buddy let's get these spawners huh you keep handling the bed oh goodness gracious don't fall don't fall you keep handling the mobs I'll take out the spawners all right we'll tag team this together oh no Chester fell it's a solo mission until he respawns yes got one and I think this might be the last one heyy challenge complete nice job dude that was a tough one I've got a lot of arrows in my face how about you nope looking spotless my boy okay did we get anything cool from that here's something yeah we've got the rainbow it's a rainbow bow if it rained rained it'd be the raining rain rainbow bow what does it do I shoot it oh it just breaks all the items that is so nice it breaks all the items in front of me and then it erupts into fireworks oh it's G gorgeous I love that very destructive but in a very satisfying beautiful way it's kind of funny how we have these two islands that look really nice and then we have this catastrophe over here oh well it was worth it a new island already oh my gosh what just happened oh no what that just happened everything is bedrock free the op Islands oh I got to do something can I break this with my pickaxe no maybe with my bow oh gosh Chester are you all right Chester where are you buddy Chester okay he's fine he's fine do have this new island it's like an obsidian egg but I think we have to rescue our other Islands first what are you doing up here my boys get out of here end crystals okay that's working so I guess that's what I got to do here yeah oh no my poor villager friends look at them shocked and confused actually they look pretty chill about all this they're like we're too rich to care about any of this we're too rich to care about the sun let's take you out oh no is it going to explode everything it's going to explode everything well I'm sorry boys I got to do what I got to do can I do less damage if I Encompass them into dirt hey oh gosh I'm just breaking the whole village but I have to hey Island freed kind of that is so nice three more crystals one two three and here's the last ones yeah Arrow go that's so cool and that should do it ouch ah the Bedrock is free now it's time for the new scary Island W what's going on here giant Bedrock egg I do hear Phantoms in there Chester get ready for anything dude I don't know what's in there oh gosh yeah rainbow Phantoms hello boys hey arrows attack rain down upon them oh such a cool weapon dude yeah take that Phantoms this is the easiest battle I've ever done dude and even if they do attack me they take double damage cuz of my armor H feels good to be op dude hey there's something in there let's grab that after we take out these bad boys nice little target practice all right Chester you take out the rest I'm going to handle this thing hey yeah pardon me prison Gates yeah what do we got here we've got a damage dummy ow stop trying to explain the cool item I just got throw a dummy that looks similar to you what do you mean you're calling me a dummy you saying this looks like me do I look like that what's the difference I'm honestly offended come with me dummy we're going to see what this last island has to offer oh gosh there's a bunch of phantoms Chester are you supposed to take them out it's all good I got it last one hey got him back to the one block we go I still can't get over our Chester house I love it so much what's next for us one block a new island man this is happening fast oh my oh I don't like that I don't like that at all Chester me boy are we ready for battle uh probably not let's do it anyways hello Mr Warden boy oh it's the op Warden it's battle time heck yeah we got a nice sword to take him out we've got a rainbows ow what the heck is that yo get away I don't like those things ew he has little minions oh he does a lot of damage he does a lot of damage oh my this is not going to be an easy battle oh man I'm overpowered but the warden is too so this is going to be interesting damage dummies go distract them do a pose yeah get them Chester yeah don't worry Chester you take out the oh wow this is going to be a hard battle okay oh man I really want to put on my armor but if I fall off the edge I'm done for run run oh no no no no no no no no keep eating the melon no ah this is going to be a difficult battle dude yes distract them perfect perfect hit him a couple times with the arrows oh man that does not do very much damage we're doing a little bit of damage okay okay now I'm going to fly run run run now while I'm flying I can munch on my melon and swing back down yes I used his own attacks against him I forgot I have like an invulnerability sword shield Warden has been taken out and we've got ourselves what is this an OP present oh I like that all right let's use it what happens hey W okay I'm op crafty now and I can fly Ah that's cool I'm back on the mainland and your boy can fly I like it now it's your turn to Mosey on over to the one block like button and press it my friends we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,762,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft 1.20, minecraft challenges, minecraft custom, op, minecraft op, one block, minecraft one block, minecraft only one block
Id: Hz0nR32HXGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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