I Collected The Most Illegal Items In Minecraft Hardcore

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I am a liar you see in October of last year I released a video called I collected every illegal item in Minecraft hardcore where we went back in time fre Minecraft's updates taking advantage of the bugs and the glitches and collecting items that no one should be allowed to have in 100% hardcore but after extensive typing and researching I realized there are far more illegal items out there to collect and there's only one way to fix this grave mistake I must return to the time machine and finish the job it did get blown up that that one time but hopefully it still works and this time we're going all the way back to May 5th 2011 to the release of Minecraft 1.6 test build 3 before hunger itself was invented on a desert island just me a desert island and nine chests full of every item in the game I'm talking grass blocks what is that text I'm talking I'm talking half beds it's half a bed portal block fire red stone dust it's not not red it's it's white stone dust water block lava block diamond block I'm taking the diamond block it's not illegal but that's right in beta 1.6 test build three when you load your world you get given 11 chests full of every item in the game for literally no reason but as you saw these chests are full of illegal items I mean look at this crops need I say anymore and I'm going to collect all of them and bring them home cuz that's just the type of guy I am oh looks like the sun's going down let me just let me just grab half a bed real quick yeah this this is not going to work is it why does why does this exist anyway like all good Minecraft worlds this one starts off with a simple house to store all of the illegal things we're going to collect but I know what you're thinking wait Kanani can't this house just blow up yes yes it can which is why we're going why is this boat so slow which is why we're going to go back and grab another boat but also some bedrocks we can build an indestructible base with bedrock walls and portal window all right it still kind of blows up but that's okay doesn't matter it's just a place where we can put all our illegal stuff let's put in a floor real quick yeah that's a really nice floor actually I'm sure nothing nothing bad can come from it okay so yeah the house does spawn pigs um okay enough playing around let's get all of the Forbidden items and let's just excuse me let's just just just come in here and place this chest here okay so so far we've got half wooden door half iron door portal redstone dust that isn't red and is white uh Dead Leaves um water lava half a bed lock chest fire off State redstone torch Farmland um and crops brilliant off to a great start all right it's update time because you may have noticed we are not actually in hardcut Boat Boat where you going boat stay what's going on Boat Boat all right here we go and we're now in 11w 49a and it looks a little bit different the water's changed color the chests have changed color they still work and we're now in hardcore cuz in the last update it didn't exist yet now we may be in hardcore but I bet you I can take that Creeper explosion straight to the face with no armor want a bet you want a bet all right buddy boy I can't wait to see the look on your face I'm invincible and and in creative mode yep in this update you just get creative mode don't know why they just give it to you all you got to do is press B press B on your keyboard and you get creative mode in hardcore but since we've updated let's just check okay let's just check that everything's still here okay now we got dead Bush and a shrub they look the same but they're not the same and now they leaving are just leaves the these are not illegal anymore we got to take them out yeah unfortunately as we update through the game we are going to lose some items but hopefully not that many okay so I'm going to do is just collect some food real quick there we are we got some food that should that should last us but the main thing we're here for are obviously the spawning so let's just grab a whole load of these and boom every spawn egg all right now to progress any further we're going to need a huge XP farm so let's just come in here and do some Minecraft hardcore off camera work real quick yeah wait hang on a second I can build this out of literally whatever I like and there we are we got we got ourselves a nice little spawner there now right now they spawn pigs but spoiler alert we will be able to change that later on okay this is what we got so far along with our spawn eggs it's update time okay let let me just grab some more spawn eggs real quick just in case something happens to the others okie dokie time to update and this time we're going to wait hang a second wait what hang on a second where are we ah this thing must have malfunctioned right let's see what's going on here where wait hang on a second wait big thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video listen is your browser looking like this potato here boring and completely featureless then Opera GX is the browser for you my friend with endless customization features Opera GX allows you to completely transform your browser and with the latest mods feature it's easier than ever simply find the mods icon locate the store and browse an endless supply of custom mods all with their own unique wallpaper background music keyboard and clicking sounds I mean look at this Minecraft sounds in a browser and it also comes with some chilled out Minecraft background music but hey maybe that's not your style maybe you prefer something with a little more spice we'll say no more yeah this is more like it this this is what we're talking about I I can't hear myself think and if you aren't into music you can go over to your mods Tab and choose exactly which sounds you want and if you ever get tired of a mod you can simply disable it and choose a new one easy but I know what you're thinking K won't all of this literally blow up my PC nope thanks to the built-in RAM and CPU limits you can have all these tabs open without it having any impact on your game's performance with the import feature it's never been easier to switch to Opera GX simply go to settings scroll down to synchronization click here and you can transfer all your bookmarks browsing history and cookies from your previous browser over to Opera GX in seconds click the link in the descriptions download Opera GX today right let's try this again all right here we are we are in 13w 338b and we are Steve for some reason this is not a good sign uh this probably means my game is breaking already which is not good considering we're this early in the video anyway let's check the items yep no I think it's pretty safe to say this game's breaking already Pig and avoid is never a good sign all right let's check these items let's check where's my door where's my where's my dog onone oh dear I'm scared this is not good ah okay so we' we've lost a few items but on the bright side we still got our spawn eggs and an invisible door which is pretty cool and we're in this update for one reason and that is to uh kill kill a villager no like seriously like kill a there we go what did the Villager drop you ask literally nothing like I'm not holding anything it's just air stick air sword air Pig air it doesn't even make a sound when I punch them but I guess why would it cuz it's just air it's just it's literally nothing it's just air thanks for nothing hey he actually gave me three he gave me three air anyway you get the point villagers drop air in this update for some reason and uh we're going to take it okay there we go we we've lost a lot of items but we've gained technically nothing but also kind of something this is I I broke all my boats this is very sad okay here we go we don't stop all right here we are Minecraft 1.12 and hey I can actually see some things now that's nice and hey I'm myself again that's also nice um uh okay this is this is slightly worrying me oh this is not good looks like a lot of those items in the chest are gone but at least this boat's faster at least at least as that yeah I can see my portal windows are gone oh dear oh dear this is not good hey we got a door back though all right no no what I don't I don't even think a dead bush is an illegal item now I think of it all right we got a shrub and farmland not not exactly the results we were going for but and obviously we still got all the eggs and stuff but we're not done no in fact I'm more hungry than ever for illegal items I pity anyone who gets in the way way of me and these illegal items right let's come down here real quick oh wait yeah that's that's not how it worked yeah you know what this is actually a very inefficient very expensive way of of collecting Cobblestone all right now that we got all this Cobblestone we're going to smelt it all up yeah the the pig situation the pig Situation's getting a little bit out of hand all right let's quickly Grab Some Coal okay let's smelt the stone up H yeah excuse me I think you should be trying to blow me up okay we've got all this Stone now and a creeper egg now we're going to open the recipe book and find there we are stone bricks now what's left to do is Drop The Egg and while we're picking up the egg click the stone bricks really quickly and 162 stack of Creeper eggs oh you thought things only stacked to 64 in this game yeah no so did I but now if we come up here we can use these eggs to change the spawners so there we are it's changed to a creeper spawner and now we just do this everywhere and we've got a giant creeper spawner okay we need a few more to complete the farm yep that'll do okay a 244 stack should finish it off don't judge my roof okay I I still need all the Cobblestone that I collected all right let's see how well this works yeah that works pretty good then we'll just come in here and enchant a few pickaxes and then we can combine these two together and now we can collect loads of stone without having to smelt it what if I want a stack of Enchanted pickaxes well there we go and what if we try put this in our chest ises it okay so it splits into Stacks but that's still pretty good we got enough pickaxes for everybody out here you want a pickaxe you want a pickaxe do you want a pickaxe sir okay I'm going to enchant one more thing to overstack and there we are that's pretty decent and here we go 311 I think that's the record so far right okay I think that will do with Enchanted stuff so now let's just overstack some normal diamond armor and tools and there we are we've got the over stacked enchanted diamond stuff and then we got the full set of overstack diamond armor and tools I'm trying to get an over 64 stack in here but it's not working I can't see seem to place it anywhere all right it's time to update so we're updating pigs and this time we're going to 18 w6a and let's just quickly check the items okay I think we've got everything but I don't think a dead bush is an illegal item anymore it's got to come out and for my next trick I'm going to need some more diamonds if only I had a giant spawner that was made exclusively of diamond blocks okay let's grab some of these okay we got a full diamond set here but ideally I want to enchant this set right but enchanting it's a pretty lengthy process you col all the XP you got to get lapis if only you could just type in whatever enchantment you wanted and it would just give it to you yep that's right in this update you get Enchanting commands in 100% survival with no cheats all right let me just quickly set the world record for the amount of time taken to fully enchant a complete set of diamond armor in hardcore all right let's take this trash off this is more like it now I can run straight to my spawner and my time machine who needs both now that's fine that's cool but what if you could enchant your items with I don't know say Unbreaking zero that's right Unbreaking levels it it has zero benefits it's Unbreaking level zero protection zero yeah we'll have some protection zero and there we are a full negative Enchanted set this is the most useless armor in Minecraft now to prove that this just doesn't work we've just given this sword fire aspect zero I'm going to hit this pig nothing there's there's zero fire here the world's worst fully enchanted diamond sword there we go and the world's worst fully Enchanted set okay now I've gone ahead and what why are these all the wrong way around this is really triggering me so I've gone ahead and Enchanted every single item with every single enchantment and now we're going to update to 19 w2a why is my old armor back that's kind of that's kind of weird um this isn't good okay well we've still got all our stuff maybe it just rolled back my inventory and it still saved everything I did here I don't know well that armor was nice while it lasted but we're here for some far better armor you see in previous versions of Minecraft you could stack multiple protection enchantments on the same piece of armor making it completely overpowered all you have to do is keep combining the armor in a specific way so that it doesn't doesn't become too expensive and if you do it right you can create the most overpowered armor in Minecraft's history well that was good timing all right let's take this trash off for the second time all right let's test this out nothing oh two hearts okay let's let's start a raid I need more of a challenge here that guy over there is just like yeah I'm not I'm not even going to bother don't blame you I do not blame you however we are breaking it now it's probably time to stop all right let's quickly fix it that was completely unnecessary I just want to see how many pigs we can get before we leave okay God Armor goes into the chest yeah this is what I'm talking about yeah we're we're accumulating some pigs now okay it's time to transfer all those items to my main world and yes this is where I got my stone from in case you were wondering so now we're going to put all the items we've collected in the nether all righty here we go hang on a second what are there pigs down there why I'm sorry but why is there a second unlit portal down here surrounded by by pigs I I literally can't escape you guys this is so weird okay we got all our items inside this chest now we're just going to seal it up okay we're ready to go back home but as usual you already know we got to destroy all the evidence of what's happened here there can be no Trace left just going to make a quick safe place here honestly at this point nothing surprises me okay let's blow up all my stuff okay pigs It's been a pleasure but I'm going home okay here we go and finally home at last ah yes my stuff okay it's time to go grab those items now to explain how this works in your world files you have a nether folder so all we have to do is replace my nether with the one with the items in it go inside and collect those items come back out and swap the Nethers back over and boom you've transferred items across World okay let's just grab these quickly and here we go I really hope this works okay here we are so now we just have to find the exact coordinates of the chest with all the items in and it should just be there okay this looks familiar I think we're there it is and the pigs are still here all right here we go Moment of Truth has this all been one big waste of time or not it's time to find out all right here we go all right it's all there awesome now we just got to take it all and bring it back home wait how do you move these again oh dear oh this isn't good okay why can't why can't I just place it okay this is very Str oh dear okay it's working I got I got it working okay we lost we lost a couple of Swords there but I can live with that all in all a success all right let's get these items home and in the museum I love this door so much watch this look at that look at that okay there we are the items is safe in the museum but we're not but we're not done yet oh that was a fail oh you thought we were done yeah that was nice that was a nice one we're going back we're ow we're not done in fact now we're going to collect the most illegal items so far why have I got an extra hand you see this is the 22 W13 April fools update otherwise known as the one block at a time update why is it called that because you can only pick up one block at a time makes sense so far but blocks aren't the only thing you can pick up you can also pick up grass you can pick up pigs you can even pick up children how about a chicken in hey I'm gliding hang on a second I can fly oh this is going to make things easier now I am going to explain what's going on here but first we just need to get to the nether so I'm trying to look for a portal ruin aha a portal ruin okay yeah this this will do nicely and I's see what's in the chest yeah chest blow up for some reason in this update ah perfect flint and steel that will come in very handy to like the portal right let's remove this crying obsidian that took so long oh no a skeleton yoink mine now careful you're about to get yed yink yo okay I've successfully yed many skeleton dear oh dear a rival skeleton Tower so yeah you can kind of use skeletons to protect you in this update but nah I don't need them wonder if I can pick up this and throw yeah all I really need is my chicken okay let's come in here and grab this obsidian so we can finish our portal now it's called one block at a time cuz you can only carry one block at a time but it's not actually true cuz you can put one in your off hand and then you can carry another one I have spent an entire day and night doing this okay there we go okay so now we can place these finish the portal grab the flint and steel and boom now we just need to yink a chicken throw them into the portal and this is where the fun begins begins you see in order to collect our next items we need to get to the end and in this update since there's no inventory armor or tools the only way to get to the end is to build an end portal using end portal blocks that you can only find inside chests in Nether fortresses because that is a reasonable thing to do okay so can we just y this thing now all right we got our first one now we just got to get out of here on a chicken okay so you may be wondering how we find the stronghold uh you throw this up in the air and whichever direction it's pointing in is the direction of the stronghold and then because we put it on this flower we can pick it back up again this is the weirdest weird update okay it's this direction okay let's try again and okay now it's saying to go back so we've gone past it and let's try again okay right it's here it's pointing down which means we're literally above it so theoretically if I just dig down we should we should find the stronghold but Kanani isn't this going to take hours and hours since you have no tools yes and yes I have to return to the surface every time to get rid of these blocks okay we found a cave and a salamander but no this is good cuz at least it means there's like 20 blocks that I don't have to bring up I can't believe we found it the it feels like an eternity that I've been digging for okay here we are please tell me there's at least a couple end portal blocks here so I don't have to collect okay no that's literally the worst thing that could have happened we now have to collect all 12 of them these are the most annoying mobs in the game okay well we've got our first one at least and just pop him there we just have to do that 11 more times okay last one don't die now no like no like seriously don't die now it's okay I yed them every time I go hunting for chest I have to trap my chicken like this it has been very painful now we just grab some buttons because we'll need them later okay here we go all right there we are let's just put them there for now now you're probably wondering what we're doing in the end we see in this update for whatever reason Enderman spawn with blocks in their hands that they eventually Place anything from Steve's head to netherite blocks to ultra rare blocks like dragon eggs and end Gateway portals now the chances are very low and it takes a long time but eventually they do Place some very illegal items and as soon as they do we're going to collect them yeah the only Annoying Thing is for some reason they drop a load of water logged blocks we're going to have to keep blocking these water sources so that endon can keep spawning okay let's dig a little safe hole down here did you just hit yourself all right well he he hit me that time yeah know his his aim is improved oh come on I was so close all right I'm going to have to build a safe shelter just that I can dig my safe hole all right here we are got a little base going on we got some food got an anvil we got some books to read if we get bored got this thing and we got some friends these these are my these are my friends okay it's been a little while let's see thanks Dragon let's see how many blocks we got looking good we got some more blocks up here and we've got a command block this is the first illegal block on our list is that a water logged camp fire okay that's not enough we've got an AFK in the AF cave for a little bit longer okay this is looking better the great thing about this update is that if Enderman attack you you can just pick them up and ye them off the edge what even what even is that we're now a few afks later and yep things are getting weird now okay we starting to get some good stuff now this is a structure block very rare there's a pig spawner hey I wonder if I can spawn some pigs what is going on here come on grass block yes yes we got pigs in the end by this point we were starting to find a lot of the items left on the list and it was finally time to start collecting them but Kanani how are you going to collect them you can only do that in creative mode not if you have a dropper and a button see I told you we'd need these buttons okay we're going to start with this command block we're going to place a dropper there place a button there activate the dropper and now this block is in like a falling State I can walk through it so you should be able to yeah pick it up well that was close Okay my base is flooded so that's always good okay I'm going to try and store this over there you can't place it so you got to throw it yeah that did not work okay let's create some room okay let's try again I'm going to try and throw it over there all right well that works as well and we got the command block why is every Enderman ever hanging around my base do they know about my blocks yeah listen you guys are kind of like attracting the dragon so I'm going to have to move you all I am lifting the most insane amount of Enderman right now you got to see this look at that Tower of Enderman okay we got the chain command block jigsaw block and now we're going to find the four different types of structure block okay and that's the last one okay now we just need to build a system where we can drop these really quickly then update the game and collect them really quickly here I'll show you what I mean okay here we go so we got multiple droppers and multiple buttons so this will mean that we can really quickly activate all these blocks into a drop State and then when we update the game and come down here they should be on the floor ready to pick up hopefully but you may notice there's a free space here there's still a block we haven't collected yet and it's the rarest Block in the game that's right I'm talking about the barrier block the barrier block is an item in Minecraft used to stop a player from going Beyond a certain point it's so rare in fact that you can't even see it unless you have cheats enabled and are holding another barrier block in your hand but theoretically by now there's a chance that an Enderman is Place one of these blocks on this island how are we going to find it well the only hint we have is the blocks outline look here's an example of what I mean you see the block outline on this Coral yep that's what we're looking for it's going to be like finding a needle in a hay stack but the needle is also invisible so my tactic is to literally scan the ground like this until I see the blocks outline and just hope that I notice it so my search began I searched high and low for what felt like forever and after scanning the entire main island my search desperately led me to the Island's edges where I was about to give up but then wao hold up wao that's it I'm pretty sure that is it okay I've marked it with this plant pot I just need to get a dropper all right moment of truth is that yes there it is the barrier block okay let's get this back to the AFK cave okay here we go I should just be able to place this yep okay nice we're almost ready let me just quickly make a time machine yeah listen it's it's not the best time machine that you've ever seen but it'll do now all that's left to do is activate all these blocks just like that they now should all be in a pickup State and now we just need to update the game to 1.19 and here we are I'm back to one hand okay hopefully they should all be down here ready to pick up and then we can just pick well pick oh I shouldn't have done that oh I should not have done that I just flooded the AF cave all right it doesn't matter they they still should be down here yes there they are I can't believe that actually worked that actually worked okay so the structure blocks did all just turn into one but that's fine we can live with that I'm actually very surprised that worked with every block I was not expecting that now we just have to transfer these items to the Nether and just like that nice and safe let's go back to the time machine we go how is this guy still not growing up from when I threw him last sorry about that the way here you go here's all my stuff live a good life buddy okay next stop home and here we are all right let's collect all my stuff let's go get these items we're close I can smell them just down here I think yes there they are okay let's get them back and in the museum and boom there we are we have got a lot of illegal items now I might even go so far as to say too many yeah we we're going to need to expand this [Music] place [Music] okay we got this big old open area now and of course we're going to do the same mirror effect the only tricky thing is that I can't move this portal in fact if I just place a block next to it the entire thing will break we're going to have to kind of work around [Music] that I just realized I placed all of that glass on the wrong level [Music] BR okay this is looking pretty good now we just have to build the item containers the same as we have over there [Music] and I think here we'll do one giant [Music] one okay we're ready to put these items on display and we'll start it off with the negative armor set and then the overpowered armor yeah Farmland doesn't exactly look like the most exciting item but okay so in the first video we didn't have enough space for each item to have its own container but now we do so let's take the enchanted dirt we can put that here and we can do the Stacked armor okay now here I would love to have a single portal block but unfortunately in Java you can't pick it up but technically there is a way that you can do it okay so essentially we're just going to build an end portal [Applause] here and then we're going to strategically place this mushroom and grow it no that's too big okay that's just right yeah and now you can see as it's grown it's deleted the blocks on the side so now we're just going to keep doing that all around until we have one portal block left and last one there we go that actually worked really well okay if I place a block next to it okay yeah it's fine okay brilliant there we are we've got a portal block I mean you you can't really see it unless you jump but it is there there we are portal Block in Brackets jump Okay negative tools stacked tools and we can take this nameless Diamond over here and put that in its own spot then we've got all of the command blocks and now we can start with the spawn eggs I'm going to place the bad guys first and then we can place the passive mobs there we go that actually looks really good jigsaw structure block and finally the barrier block we are done and it's looking pretty good I must say it's looking pretty good now I marked out the center cuz I just feel like something should go here like some sort of display or something yeah I feel like a tree would look good here just a normal tree nothing special and there we are a spawner tree why I don't know looked cool now all there left to do is to mirror everything we've done down here but first you may notice that there's still one container that's empty and that's for good reason we're going to attempt to get the end Gateway block now I don't know if this is even possible but I do have a plan that might work okay this is this is is the last journey Let's Make It Count yeah I I don't have space for everything I'm just going to leave it there all right let's go okay we are back in the one block at a time update let's quickly grab a cheick in and find the world spawn okay here's the world spawn you can tell that a few Endermen have gotten through the portal and come here cuz there's like random blocks everywhere okay so here's the plan we're going to go back to the end and we're looking for Enderman that look like they're holding nothing in their hand like this guy because while it looks like they're holding nothing they're actually holding blocks that don't register as a texture in your hand and there's a very small chance one of those blocks is the end Gateway so this guy technically could be holding it in his hand right now and all we have to do is transport him back to my world and have him place it inside the container yep easier said than done so here's what we're going to do we're going to throw these guys in through the portal to the Overworld spawn then we're going to come over to the time machine we're going to update it to 1.19 then we're going to jump through and now we just need to trap these guys with boats quickly so they don't place the blocks and there's another okay we've managed to trap three but I have just noticed this guy has placed his block even though he's in a boat and now he's picked up another block so I'm not going to waste any time I'm just going to take one I'm taking one Enderman the chances that this is going to be an end Gateway block is so unbelievably low okay buddy let's go just me and you I think the portal I used is somewhere around here yep there we go okay now we just got to get him through and we'll come in here and place a load of boats so he gets trapped when he comes in break the boat send him in and then if I trick him into attacking me okay there he's trapped okay I'm just going to squeeze by here thank you all right now we just need to go home okay here we are let's quickly grab our stuff now we just need to go through this portal and find the Enderman I think he's around here I I I recognize this place okay I think he's down here yes okay all right we found him and he hasn't placed the block yet okay good now we just need to make a ridiculously Long Bridge straight to the portal okay so the plan is I'm going to get him to chase me and then I'm going to run over these boats and hopefully he gets trapped okay let's break it and then look him in the eye okay let's go is he chasing me yep he's chasing me okay buddy let's go and trapped okay now we just have to survive the death Bridge almost there now we just have to trap him here no no no no okay there we go now we just have to build a container to keep him in he doesn't go anywhere break the boat and just hope that he places an end Gateway block right there I guess I don't know it's worth a try I should probably try and actually make this area smaller wait hang on no way there's no way Steve you're supposed to be an end Gateway block that's kind of hilarious though I mean technically it's an illegal item honestly not even disappointed that that's a win I mean it could have been so many other blocks Steve is a win all it's left to do now is finish the mirror and boom there we are yeah I didn't have enough spawners to finish the tree so I kind of just did the rest in Bedrock but n looks pretty cool so there we are we collected even more illegal items in Minecraft hardcore if you enjoyed the video then leave a like helps me out a lot and I will see you in the next one [Music] goodbye [Music] he
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 1,547,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, kolanii, hardcore, I Collected More Illegal Items In Minecraft Hardcore
Id: jtivpE4GGX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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