I Built the Most OVER THE TOP Dirt House in Minecraft Hardcore Mode, and here's how... (1.18) (E1)

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this is a dirt house but it's not just any dirt house it's the dirt house you've made one i've made one let's face it at some point every one of us has made this exact dirt house it's the go-to starter base but in this video i take that starter base and go completely over the top this is episode one of a brand new hardcore series so if you're not subscribed already now would be a pretty good time to we're going for one million by the end of the year and with your help we just might do it without further ado i built the most over-the-top starter base in minecraft hardcore mode and here's how i did it [Music] yeah that's a good name yeah a brand new world it's got that new world uh smell oh boy here i go chopping down trees make one of these get a bit of this throw it away make a better one minecraft everyone goodbye goodbye hello right great now we've got some food cooking we just need some bit of iron and a bit of coal any down here that's a no wait what i've got fortune three pickaxe that'll come in handy coal check iron check [Music] what i hate golden pickaxes oh look it's an or i'll probably never use okay well that last cave wasn't very good so let's hope that this one's a little bit better let's see well okay no he's got full armor no whoa okay that's a big one all right see if i can make it down without dying actually you know what there we are brilliant cook up a bit of this get a bit of this get a bit of this what is that glowing squid if if you can't tell already i haven't i have no idea what's in this update this is all new to me and i can't see a thing i can't see a thing this the sun is right on my screen okay all right let's make some upgrades one of these i i honestly can't see anything the sun the sun is blasting everything it has at my screen have they have they lowered the brightness in this game yes i have no idea what these things are but they look awesome okay nice nice that's what we're talking about what why is there only one why are they all ones anyway then i had a search around a mineshaft and then made my way out which took a very long time i missed the old minecraft but eventually i made it out smelted up all the stuff i'd mined and made myself a golden apple so that i don't have to delete my channel i'd look around the world and the new terrain was pretty cool i'm not gonna lie it was pretty cool i found a giant mountain and then i found myself a big old lake and i thought yeah this is where i'm gonna build my dirt house right next to this big old lake that i just found so that's what i began doing all right so first things first obviously uh we're gonna need a lot of dirt that is not enough and we'll probably need one of these as well [Music] man let's get this game doesn't even look that bad without shaders i i've been putting my pc through a hard time for no reason guess who forgot to hit record for the last 30 minutes oops i did yes we're gonna have to start again i'm joking we're not starting again okay so this is what i've got so far um i'm making it up as i go along so so you see we've got some little steps here we come up this is the little little entrance bit the doorway is going to be here you see you come in coming through the door you know what i'm going to stop talking now uh it's building montage time [Music] sorry what's that oh yeah want to come and say it's my face okay [Music] [Music] okay so i need some bamboo yeah i need some bamboo i keep falling off my house and scaffolding will help me to not do that that's a nice mountain where you at bamboo there you at bamboo lovely i then picked up some loot made my way back and made some that's a lot of creepers that's a lot like i feel like there shouldn't be that many creepers that is a lot [Music] okay so i need a better shovel this is taking way too long and i don't know what's the quickest way to do that it's probably just going to find a village and you know rip a villager off for a good trade but i i have no idea where a village is i haven't seen one and so i'm gonna have to do this the hard way yeah i really need a cave i see i see a lot of trees and a lot of flowers but no caves oh cave oh boy here i go mining again hope i don't die all right i'm going to say it that makes no sense i'm how we're in a cave and it wasn't a good cave either well there are lots of bad guys in this one so that usually means it's going to be i usually mean it's gonna be a good cave if it looks like you'll die in it probably a good cave i was wrong it was a bad cave it sucked terrible cave this is looking promising oh yeah yeah it wasn't it was it was a bad cave what's with all the dead end caves i'm not sure this is a very good biome for caves what's with all the flowers oh that looks like something i could die in oh yeah i could definitely die in there perfect well it's not perfect i don't know why i said perfect i need like a lot more than that hi bye so finding diamonds is pretty easy these days you just run around caves and then [Music] i can't wait for the comments to tell me how many diamonds i've missed go away i don't have a shield what naturally occurring chain and someone explain to me how that makes sense what naturally occurring wood where it should not naturally occur just trying to understand how this naturally occurring wood that should not naturally occur is naturally occurring it'd be nice if i could find some coal or diamonds or both this is all really great in everything but i really just want some coal now oh look some coal it literally never ends it never ends these caves never end i have been running around caves for a very long time ah okay i get it how many diamonds go into an enchantment table again i think it's three right or is it two i think it's two well if that's the case i just need one more and then we just make the enchantment table enchant my shovel hopefully get efficiency and then we can mine dirt to our heart's extent then i started mining my way out which takes forever now as i'm about to tell you now this takes forever now oh good another endless endless cave no thank you legend has it that there's a surface somewhere i don't know how true that is though i feel like i'm gonna get up there and the sunlight is just gonna melt my skin off am i digging up or am i digging down i just feel like i should have stopped now why am i still mining ah sunlight six months later he surfaced on my way back i collected some more obsidian and now all i needed was a couple of books so i set out on a search to collect leather and sugar canes that ship on land hey that's pretty rare right it's pretty rare for it to not be in the water doesn't even look like a shipwreck just looks like a ship buried treasure map can i be bothered to do this right now probably not i'll do that it's not that far away i mean how buried is it they weren't kidding when they said that it was buried got it no idea what you do but guess we'll just wait for this to grow actually i think this grows faster on sand doesn't it yeah because i remember reading this one comment and it was like why are you growing it on dirt you fool it grows faster on sand what a minecraft noob and after i stopped crying i thought hey that's actually quite helpful i'll remember that for next time and here we are yep this seems like a good time to go afk right let's see what we got what really is that it okay it wasn't it wasn't as much as i thought it would be i have a book a book efficiency one i don't think that's going to insta-break dirt okay i've given it like an hour now let's see how much we've got that's what we're talking about plant some more okay we got nine bookshelves what can we do with nine bookshelves efficiency two i'm gonna have to get some more leather [Music] okay five more let's see let's see nope not good enough two more that's what we're talking about well the good thing is i've got an xp farm under my house okay let's make a fresh one of these and then a sword while we're here great way to get xp is to actually just go to the nether and just and just start mining stuff there we are last one there it is nice that's what we're talking about now we can make some progress okay so i'm struggling a bit with the windows just trying to make this look good and i'm and i'm getting there i think okay so i want this to be this big big dirt dome on the top right so it's going to be like a big big dirt dome yeah kind of like that kind of like that okay the dome is done let's see what it looks like all i know is dirt okay so now i can figure out where the other side of the house is going to start just casually getting attacked by everything as i as i build my house this is absolute carnage this is absolute okay so this is where the other side of the house needs to be this is where this is where the entrance is gonna be this is big this is so big okay now i just have to copy this on the other side [Music] so i want to try something here okay this is minecraft logic okay i'll put a diamond in only gives me this much now i'm going to add two sticks to it but no now it gives me the entire health i've just added two sticks okay so here's the front and here's the back it's kind of kind of crowded back here um so there we are now we know how thick the house needs to be and now we can start building the sides all right guys sorry oh dirt yeah the whole thing [Music] okay so i've got this basic shape going on goes all the way around so now we just have to uh make something from that let's get to it it looks like a mess it looks like there's no plan but there's a plan whether that plan will work or not i have no idea but there's a plan [Music] [Applause] okay the floor is now done on this side it's looking great now let's work on those walls [Music] i don't know how many dirt blocks i've placed now it's got to be pretty high it's got to be up there yeah i don't really know what to do here it's kind of like a big empty area i was going to put a swimming pool but i thought yeah i don't know let's just fill it in and see what it looks like well like we know what it's going to look like it's going to look like a lot of dirt okay the roof is done that took so long that took so get out my dirt house how did you i swear you're here like every five minutes i am in desperate need of placing torches down and i don't think i need to prove that okay let's work on the side entrance get rid of all this okay looking good looking good now there's gonna be pillars around here holding the roof up brilliant but before i could do that i needed to fix my shovel again and to do that i was gonna need some more diamonds so i went out to get some i just need one diamond i'll take one diamond i just need to repair my shovel once and i'm good that is a lot of mobs that's that's so many mobs there are so many mobs oh no this is bad okay diamonds diamonds where you at just need one of you got to be some diamonds around here somewhere could have finished my dirt house by now that's a lie i couldn't i couldn't have done that that thing's quite big these caves are crazy though and it is crazy that i still cannot find a single diamond are those diamonds i think those are diamonds i think there's some diamonds down there oh they're everywhere oh there's more dude that's the whole five shovel repairs right there that might finish me this house six shovel repairs so dude there's just there's too many diamonds here man too many diamonds to even keep up with what are glowberries i should probably use my shield more oh there's more oh i just i don't know if i can hold any more diamonds i'm just honestly not sure that i can oh look there's daylight easy easy escape oh no he fell off glow squid died more like no squid am i right right well that was highly profitable oh boy back to doing that thing that we love doing back to building dirt houses guys yeah okay brilliant that's a whole that's a whole eight shovel repairs right there there we are what should we call it what should we should we spoon perfect you know what i'm gonna treat myself i'm gonna give myself another chest that's right that's right i did it actually i wonder how many golden apples i can make now probably like 22 12 made 12. i'll take 12. what okay i'm gonna light this area up [Music] yeah cool now i just have to do that on the other side yeah now we'll do it on the other side and then we'll touch it up with details and nice stuff and you know make it look pretty because i mean kind of just looks like a dirt house which is exactly what it is so i might change the pillar location i don't know we'll just see how it looks i also have to fill in this entire area with dirt and i am not looking forward to that either so then i mirrored the exact same thing on the other side [Music] so thousands of blocks of dirt and a couple of hours later and it was done okay now i just have to figure out how to make this not look so plain yeah that looks pretty good that looks decent let's do some more of those types of things do a few more of those windows and see how it turns out okay this is either going to look really good or really bad yeah really bad really bad let's try make these pillars smaller and see if it looks better no okay then no no it does not that's a no on the pillars i don't know i just feel like windows are going to be kind of boring at the bottom you know we got them at the top otherwise it's just going to be loads of windows so i don't want too many windows and i don't want too much wood ah okay i think i know what to do okay i take that back never mind i am so sorry that your eyes had to see that no i just don't even know at this point where are you all coming from oh wait yeah this mob farm that i built what even is that all right look there's got to be something there's got to be some way to make this look good okay okay there's something going on there listen i have no idea okay anyway i found something that might not suck maybe right put some glass in there might look good i feel like it's a lot of wood and not enough dirt dirt's kind of like the whole thing you know that's like the whole thing about this is that it's dirt you take the dirt away and it's just a big house there's no meme there there's no meme with a big house okay that's not so bad put a bit of dirt at the top yeah evens it out all right we'll roll with that see how it looks yeah now that that might look pretty sick i'm starving by the way not that i've shown it but i have literally been living off fish this entire video i just every time i'm starving i come into this little pond here find a little a school of fish like this i chop them up i drown a little bit and then i eats the fish yeah looks okay that'll do time to rinse and repeat yep yep yep that's completely over the top perfect but that's just what we were going for oh it's all coming together it's all it's all coming together guys yeah yeah i should get some armor i'm rocking a helmet and some leggings right now imagine i died now it's like not even that far-fetched i have no food i have no stuff really i don't really have anything apart from dirt [Music] now's the part of the video where i do the exact same thing on the other side of the house but we've already seen this so i'm going to do us all a favor and skip past hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of building you're welcome yeah nice cover this up cover this up destroy a bit of this cover this up [Music] cover that up just covering up all of our problems got a problem cover it up there's so much fake ground here look at all this all fake every last block time to do some more fakery i love how i've built all this but i'm somehow still always starving okay while i'm doing all this i'm going to get this grass growing one here here one there there there there there it's starting i don't know if i should grow it up here i think i might i might just leave this dirt just normal dirt you can run but you can't hide well you can't you can't run either actually unlike myself you're bound to the laws of the ocean which clearly states no running [Applause] well this is taking a long time okay let's spice this area up a bit it's looking a bit boring who knew a dirt house could look boring [Music] okay i'm gonna keep it fairly simple for now because i have big plans big plans for episode two there have been enough big plans for this episode far too many if you ask me grass takes a long time to grow in this game well i guess in real life as well so that kind of makes sense this is a good time to go afk okay we're back and now the whole house is grassified grassified yeah well almost all of it anyway so now we're pretty much done well i mean we're obviously not done we still have to fill this entire room and decorate this entire top roof can i call it a roof but we're gonna save that for episode two i got some big old plans for this place ah there she is if you did enjoy this video consider leaving a like let me know what you want to see in episode 2 and i'll catch you dudes in the next one peace out [Music] wonder where my bedroom's gonna be
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 266,149
Rating: 4.9771876 out of 5
Keywords: kolanii, kolanii minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft dirt house, minecraft hardcore episode 1, i built the most over the top starter house in minecraft hardcore, and heres what happened, 100 days, wadzee, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days, dirt base, minecraft hardcore mode, kolanii hardcore, kolanii 100 days
Id: r04QMB-mSoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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