RANDAR: Minecraft's Most DANGEROUS Exploit

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by breaking a block in Minecraft and watching where the item drops it's possible to find anyone's location on any server in real time the most powerful exploit in the game's history has been hiding in plain sight for 13 years and it's finally being revealed to the public this is only possible because in 2011 the game's creator Notch wrote a single line of code that makes this exploit possible today that's right even if your server is on the modern versions your coordinates can still be compromised a group of players from the Anarchy Minecraft Community weaponized the exploit and have been using it in secret for over a year to exert control over multiple servers especially tb2t today we're covering the complete history of what is known as the randar exploit because it is still active we also cover the best ways to stay safe and keep your base secure from this exploit once you understand how it works you'll easily see why it's the most powerful coordinate exploit of all time now a huge thank you to hunky star rail for sponsoring today's video as a Trailblazer explore different worlds Across the Universe and immerse yourself in adventure filled with impeccable animation and music in this original free-to-play Galactic fantasy RPG with the latest anniversary update there's tons of new content to play areas to explore and stories to be told recently the game has introduced new playable characters the first is acaron a Wanderer shrouded in mystery the long sword is her weapon of choice and in battle she does lightning based attacks capable of high burst damage the second is aventurin a social frivolous and flamboyant executive in battle he specializes in stacking group Shields multiple times offering ample protection both characters offer a fun exciting and in-depth play style the new update has tons of features and is ready for you to enjoy on PC Mobile and PS5 download the game by clicking the link in the description and use this redemption code to obtain 50 Stellar Jade thanks again to honky star rail for sponsoring today's video so breaking a block is all it takes to find anyone on any server why did it take over a decade to discover this well to give you the full picture we have to go back to the start it all began with a simple mistake on September 14th 2011 Minecraft updated a beta version 1.8 also known as the adventure update which is the first time Villages were added to the game now in order to spawn into a world these structures utilized r RNG or a random number generator think of it like rolling dice RNG is used to determine many things in Minecraft such as where mobs spawn or where an item spawns when dropped from a block those dice rolls should be unpredictable that's how it's supposed to work however when the game's creator Notch was creating the code for spawning Villages he accidentally did something you really not supposed to do let me show you structure placement and in-game events like item drops should be determined by different rngs as a programmer you would want to keep these things separated however Notch wrote the code so that all events shared the same RNG it may seem trivial but this single mistake would eventually have major consequences however at the time it went completely unnoticed as more updates released new structures were added to the game and like Villages they all shared the same RNG to spawn into the world for 7 years this code remained unchanged it wasn't until 2018 that someone finally realized this Quirk on April 15th 2018 a YouTuber named Amiga uploaded a video where by loading specific chunks then exiting and reopening a Minecraft world they successfully predicted where a line of lightning strikes would occur since lightning is supposed to be random this is the first number known video evidence of RNG manipulation in Minecraft it didn't take long for others to start building on this knowledge a few months later the YouTuber Earth computer released a video further discussing how loading specific chunks could be used to manipulate RNG working together both the prototech and sitecraft Community made more discoveries such as abusing RNG to make insanely fast mob Farms but sadly there was a catch to all of this these experiments had occurred in version 1.12 but a few months prior mojen had released a snapshot of version 1.13 the update aquatic which ended up fixing the issue of in-game events sharing RNG all these major discoveries had happened after the snapshot so it seems Mojang had patched RNG sharing by complete accident at this point RNG manipulation was seen as a novelty in an outdated version and most people moved on there were no major advancements for some time but that's the funny thing about Minecraft a bug being patched means nothing in the grand scheme of things sometimes the right person in the right place can make all the difference a few years later in 2022 a technical Minecraft player by the name of KN Fox had been browsing videos on YouTube and stumbled upon on one of the RNG manipulation videos from 2018 after watching it he realized that a coordinate exploit could potentially be possible by abusing the shared RNG being a programmer himself he started doing some experiments to prove it all of them involving the shared RNG world. Rand in the most recently loaded chunk of a server a woodland Mansion structure will try and spawn into the world it uses world. Rand and do set seed to try and pick a location before it even checks the spawning criteria the game is running this Woodland Mansion check constantly every time a chunk is loaded at the exact same time by mining a block where the dropped item appears is determined by asking world. Rand for X Y and Z coordinates this world. Rand is shared globally between all players meaning that those random XYZ coordinates were actually determined by the location of the most recent Woodland Mansion check so the steps always happen in this order and on a server this information is actually sent to every player's game client whenever they break a block well KN Fox would go on to make a shocking Discovery this entire process was reversible by breaking a block and then using a lot of math on the coordinates of the dropped item you can walk back backwards through the seed generation algorithm and calculate the location of the most recently loaded Chunk on a server all because this information is given to every player's client whenever they break a block even if they weren't the ones who loaded that chunk so if you keep breaking blocks you can continuously see which chunks are being loaded by other players this was huge not Fox tried the exploit in earlier versions of Minecraft as well and found it still worked you just had to change which structure you were looking for based on which one was the most recent on the internal list this exploit worked in every version going all the way back to Beta 1.8 the same one where Notch made that simple mistake with the RNG so from beta all the way to 1.12 the exploit was fully functional now you would assume that since the update aquatic fixed the RNG glitch that modern servers would be safe but that is not the case if they ever ran version 1.12 and Below they are vulnerable because if someone on a server was logging packets for example by using replay mod they could use this exploit to analyze those logs and see where other players were at the time so if a base from back then is still active on a server today it can be found using old packet logs and all of this was possible just by breaking a block KN Fox had discovered one of the most powerful coordinate exploits in Minecraft history one that had been hiding in plain sight for over a decade and affected almost all Minecraft servers in some capacity in order to test its Effectiveness he turned his attention to the Anarchy Community the perfect place to use it without fear of being banned plus many anarch servers at this time were still on 1.12 where the exploit was most effective he started out on smaller servers such as 9b9 where he would show up at bases randomly and fine-tune the exploit behind the scenes since visiting a base would usually end in its destruction this was a rare case of someone becoming a griefer for scientific purposes he would go on to name the exploit randar a combination of world. r land and radar which is effectively how it worked with the randar exploit proving to be a success on smaller servers it was time to try a larger one in March of 2023 KN Fox turned his attention to 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft a place that was no stranger to coordinate exploits over the years just minutes after logging in KN Fox had already compiled a list of coordinates what happened next next is perhaps one of the largest flexes I've ever seen on 2b2 T knowing how powerful his exploit was Fox wanted to use it on one of the server's most infamous groups the spawn Masons on 2b2 T the Masons have their own history of using exploits to become more powerful in fact one of their members leer is considered the Mastermind behind the Noom exploit which actively tracked players across the server in real time and could view distant bases remotely at one point the group had the largest active base on the server and even to this day maintain a decentralized network of item stashes called grots Fox managed to figure out where one of these stashes was located and decided to show up unannounced one of the Mason accounts that was AFK at the stash picked up Fox's username they were taken by complete surprise how did this literal random managed to find one of the most secretive stashes on the server they began to panic and the Mason higher-ups quickly got into contact with him to try and negotiate he introduced himself and revealed that he had used an RNG exploit to Target them specifically as he was not an active 2b2 T player he decided to share what he knew with the select few of them by working together they could improve the exploit and make it more efficient they could weaponize it while also keeping it a secret the Mason's Leisure Bubba J and negative entropy were able to streamline it behind the scenes after some quick coding they were looking at a site all too familiar [Music] players were once again being tracked in real time allowing for the creation of heat maps for instance this one that covers a million blocks in each Direction the Masons had an active database of coordinates that grew to over 90 million entries which included notes screenshots and username associations over the realtime heat map the randar exploit allowed them to observe many interesting player behaviors for example take a look at these rectangles that seem to be forming all over the heat map these are not glitches the Masons were observing AFK accounts using elytra hacks to scan the terrain in a massive pattern moving back and forth every player could be observed just like with Noom and to think all this data could be acquired simply by breaking blocks but on 2b2 t with this much power naturally the question became how to use it well the Masons had some very specific Targets in mind the group's leadership was not a fan of 2b2 T shops or players that would sell in-game items for real world money in their eyes the best way to put these shops out of business was to steal from their stashes this would also allow them to add to their own massive stockpile of items in the grot system but if one of the Masons were caught stealing the community would instantly know there was an act of exploit and their cover would be blown so instead they created a new account with no ties to the group a Persona that would quickly become known server wide the Masons created an account named munmap which had no associations with them any mason using munmap pretended to be a simple base Hunter they never griefed or stole items with this account just to ensure that players wouldn't abandon or self- grief their own bases if a set of coordinates seemed to be active munmap would be sent to investigate all the Mason members combined ended up traveling millions and millions of blocks in just a few weeks if the location was a base or stash and they wanted to steal from it they had a second account named 1248 test user that they would use for the dirty work instead because munmap would never do something so evil like stealing Minecraft items but word quickly began to spread about munmap showing up at different bases it got to the point that the community came up with the phrase mmap exploit the Masons actually played into this meme as it was a good cover for the actual randar exploit it was also important to keep the true exploit a secret so while coordinates would be given to different Masons only the higher ups knew how it actually worked but as the group began plotting some very ambitious heists they received quite the scare on May 1st 2023 YouTuber Matthew Bolan uploaded a video of a redstone contraption that could effectively crack RNG inside of vanilla Minecraft it involved measuring which direction TNT was randomly fired in this proof of concept made the Masons worried as they feared others could keep working on this idea and they might discover the randar exploit on their own but luckily this did not happen and they were still the only ones with knowledge of the exploit but it still put pressure on them to act they had put together a list of all the item shops they wanted to hit and one by one they paid each one a visit with munmap followed by test user shop owners began warning each other that munmap was not just a simple base Hunter and was somehow finding all of their stash locations since the 2b2 community as a whole dislikes item shops munmap started to be considered a hero for months the Masons were successful in using randar to secure more items but in July of 2023 one of their own stashes was stolen from a player named a magnum found one of their gring got stashes and began stealing as much much as they could thanks to the exploit the Masons were able to detect this was happening after a skirmish they got into contact with Magnum and struck a deal Magnum could take half of the stash unopposed as long as they didn't leak the coordinates Magnum agreed but of course it was a trick the Masons used randar to track magnum's location to see where all the items ended up a few weeks later a group of Masons got together and staged a massive Heist taking back everything that was stolen plus interest in situations like this randar was the Ultimate Weapon there was nowhere on the server to run or hide and it would continue to be this way as long as tb2t stayed in version 1.12 well in August of 2023 the server did the unthinkable and actually updated to the modern versions of Minecraft which soft patched the exploit they could no longer track players in real time but they still had a list of every single active base and stash the Masons realized it wouldn't be long before item shop owners started moving their stashes to new chunks so they began working quickly they would spend the next few months hitting as many stashes as they could at some point the gloves came off and they would sometimes raid on their personal accounts rather than mmap or test user they would pull off a massive Heist on Knox shop one of the largest item selling operations on the server the shop owners did their best to defend but at the end of the day out of 6,000 double chests of shulkers 4,500 of them were stolen successfully around this time a whistleblower revealed that the Masons had been using a coordinate exploit for months but they couldn't explain how it worked the community was growing wise to their Antics but it was too late the Masons still had everyone's coordinates and the total item count in the Gringo system had surpassed 1 billion based on what item sellers were charging this meant tens of thousands of dollars in potential Revenue were sitting in their system but of course they would never sell they had managed to put many of the item sellers out of business though a few managed to survive with reduced inventory the Masons now had so many items that that they just started giving them away around Christmas time using a delivery system to gift people shulkers after the holidays the Masons knew it was finally time to reveal the truth to the public about what this exploit actually was leer had first told me about randar back in August or around 8 months ago but I was asked to hold off on making this video Until the Masons could finish their heists prepare the technical documentation and server owners could be warned behind the scenes of this video's release because remember the randar exploit is still active on all servers 1.12 and below and even if you play on more modern versions someone can use old packet data to find you today if not Fox managed to discover an exploit hiding in plain sight this entire time imagine what other secrets are still sitting in Minecraft's code
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,273,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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