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let's get started as you can see there are five staircases behind us at the top of each one is a fabulous treasure hours for the taking oh what kind of treasure is at the top let's go all right we're going to climb each of the five staircases and find out what they're hiding this one is first oh it's made of dirt I'm so excited let's go what's this it looks like a parkour section Mikey we're already pretty high up I wouldn't want to fall that would hurt be careful nice pop across let's keep moving hang on hmm it's a dead end there we can't reach you're right but look over here we walked right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let's see well what do we have here there's a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those gonna help us check this out let's put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure foreign okay I'll try not to fall off let's try it again here I go three two one yes nice I made it let's go all right okay whoa what's all this let's not saying we're high up this is scary Mikey I don't want to fall off go slow oh hi hi you can barely look down this is seriously crazy take it easy and you won't fall it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough yeah that was close but I made it okay I made it yes wow we're almost to the top look whoa already that was easier than I thought now we just have to get the treasure from inside this house still don't let your guard down okay let's go here we go [Music] what no seriously uh Mikey you fell there was a hole inside I know it's a trap that you have to jump over to get inside let's jump it's pretty easy okay try again finally I made it whoa nice all right that's cool we made it to the chest so let's open it up and see what kind of treasures inside open wow nice amazing check it out it was full of coins awesome we got the treasure I'm really stoked about all these coins we made it to the top of the first staircase and we got our treasure [Music] all right let's move on next one now we're climbing the wooden staircase yep let's get to it to it look over here there's a chest let's find out oh bows and arrows huh hey we both get a set that's nice but why do we need these to climb a staircase huh you make a good point there's a button here look you're right let's push it maybe it has treasure can I be careful Mikey it could be a trap it's fine three two [Music] [Music] it looks like poison the staircase is covered in Poison ouch there's no way we could climb up now ouch it hurts this is seriously bad we need a plan do we give up maybe not see that button you pushed yeah if we can go push it again maybe the poison will stop flowing down the stairs but we can't reach the button now we can't even get close oh what do we do well Mikey there might still be a way we still have our bows what if yeah we push the button with an arrow try it too that's a tough shot again go I hit it well look the poison it's going away whoa Nice Shot thanks fully climb it yeah once it all clears up we can start climbing again what a nasty trap but we figured out the solution the poison is gone let's go and please don't touch the button again I promise I won't come on let's go quick okay I wonder what's at the top huh a dead end again oh man well we can't climb or jump that high but look there are two buttons this time one on the left and one on the right yeah so one has to be the correct choice and the other the Trap which one is it um well let's try the one on the left okay I have a good feeling this time it will give out treasure can I push it sure but be careful okay please be something good here it goes I don't know whoa It's still spitting out lava Mikey the left button was the wrong choice the right button is good wanna push it [Music] good work Mikey it's set up so we can climb using the water okay a little more alright let's go yay let's move almost there we're at the top hmm where's the entrance there's no way in look Mikey there's another button oh if we push it will an entrance appear but what if we push it and something bad happens it could be a trap but I don't want to push it you do it [Music] okay Mikey I wonder what it will do three two one it worked oh when you push this button a c a seats opens up let's go in here we go [Music] I wonder what's down stay on guard let's explore there must be something huh a dead end really oh there's another button see you're right but it might be a trap be careful [Applause] okay I'll push it here I go good luck click hmm ah is that a hidden chest this must be the treasure let's open it up whoa cool look at this awesome wow swords armor let's try it out yeah here you take some too Mikey there's more than enough for both of us check out this armor WoW sweets looking sharp hey you too man this treasure was totally worth all that effort going up yep not too shabby look at this we climbed the wooden staircase ready to move on definitely all right next we're gonna climb the white quartz staircase I wonder what treasure awaits yeah there's something here hurry what a chest let's open it hold up Mikey if you look closely it's actually a trap chest see that red around the latch we don't know what'll happen if we open it be careful it's fine there's probably something useful inside yeah it's both there's nothing good inside the chest what happened no what we're driving I see the chest triggered a cage trap who cares we need to get out of this cave games let's think about how he can escape from here was there anything inside the chest not really nothing that looked useful to me [Music] there's a stone sword yeah it's nothing good bricks crafting table watermelon and cobwebs I guess we could snack on the watermelon that'll help us survive wait a sec don't eat it I know what to do all of the items in the chest will help us Escape I have a plan no don't eat anything fine all right first yeah I'll put the crafting table here but it's not high enough the next step is Mikey so there are nine slices of watermelon right if we use the table then we can make a watermelon block oh I see there step we have bricks we can use three to make a flower pot what I'll put it right here see already a bit higher it's not enough well not yet we haven't used the cobwebs yet we have eight of them first I'll put them all down like this okay then we use the stone sword what it's okay I promise just watch and see we have string and then one we put four strings together and we have wool then put it together it makes three pieces of carpet um yep now what watch this stand on the flower pot and then layer up the carpet and climb out of the cage oh wow your turn here I go [Music] here thanks okay [Music] this oh wow let's go let's keep moving right another a chest open it there might be goodies oh [Music] that's rotten flesh maybe we should take it with us just in case we need it I'll take the rest I oh maybe this one has something good let's find out no huh more rotten flesh this is weird what's this oh what wait a sec let's figure this out it looks like we can't get through here the iron door is locked how do we get in what's the deal with this villager if we had a lever we could open this door so maybe the Villager has a lever [Music] hmm and he gives us a lever that must be why he's here good idea yep okay um nope he won't trade for rotten flesh he wants a cake for his lover or a golden carrot for a laser rifle he drives a hard bargain oh we don't have either of those things what do we do now maybe we missed something let's retrace our steps we didn't miss anything we got it all we must have I like another chest yeah let's look hmm I don't see anything nope well nope Mikey I found something really yeah it's under the stairs I'll check it out three two one whoa perfect what is it it's full of ingredients I think we can use them to make cake and golden carrots ready let's start with the cake put an egg in the middle sugar on both sides and voila looks delicious now the golden carrots first take the gold ingots and make gold nuggets place the carrot in the middle and you have golden carrots here's yours Mikey thank you oh now we can finally trade with the Villager a cake for a lever a golden carrot for a laser rifle and we did it we have everything we need now I have a laser rifle too but I don't see this is gonna be helpful hmm it's cool though yeah well let's keep moving let's use the lever to open the door oh and now we can go in yeah let's go what'll be at the top I wonder we made it already oh yeah well we made it let's go in I'm excited treasure one three two one open yay huh what's in here use your laser rifle whoa did we beat it wow awesome amazing I wasn't expecting a clown to drop all this treasure seriously crystals what's that oh really I wonder why this stuff is glowing even the necklace looks expensive so much it's crazy wow wow look at this ring totally we finished the white quartz staircase we got loads of treasure huh no we did let's do the diamond staircase next ready oh yeah let's go I already see two chess oh what's inside wow let's check this out what's this it's a gauntlet it looks really powerful coming can we beat them just by punching with these on yeah yeah whoa whoa these punches knock things back wow hey Mikey just leave the husks let's keep moving there's another one whoa It's a husk wearing armor oh punch it off these husks are trying to follow us I'll take care of them defeated we took care of all the husks with our punches we're strong yeah all right let's go what's this another high wall that's even higher there's no way we can jump that it's possible what do we do now look at this Mikey is it some kind of weapon wait it's a Grappler it shoots a long cord and pulls you up you can use these to keep going it's super easy if we use Grapplers here we go this is pretty fun go wow this is fast you're good at this cool oops hang on are you okay did you fall what happened [Music] Mikey I thought it was easy it's a little tough I'll give it a try it's seriously hard whoa now I'm dangling now what okay here I go I'll try again wow I made it let's go inside three two one open well what is it oh the treasure is just sitting out in the open this time what could it be let's check it out whoa oh awesome Treasures this is amazing wow expensive cars there's so many it's great hey let's try them out right away Mikey let's drive yeah I'll put one of mine down right here whoa I'm gonna drive my expensive car down the stairs watch this is gonna be fun here I go I guess it Glides you can fly [Music] oh wow Mikey your car looks really good thanks [Music] I'll put mine out too go for it this one that one looks good this one oh there's so many a few more we've got a full collection of cars now cool you're good It's tricky to control awesome definitely at the top of the diamond staircase was a collection of cool cars finally we'll take on the magma staircase this one's gonna be tough huh it looks real really dangerous hey oh it's hot are you okay try going fast all right let's go fast yeah there's water that was hot yeah looks like there's some armor here let's put it on okay here this will help us out a lot right it all has blast protection on it which means this is a TNT elevator I see we'll be fine if we push this button it'll launch us into the sky ready [Music] you have to aim and land on the Slime whoa nice job that was fun your turn here I come okay oh nice hurt I'll try again all right huh good come on up Mikey no I made it that time there's another one there's another Cannon up here really it's like we're human Cannonball are we going up to oh that's far away can it rain it's far but we have to get up there okay I'll go first are you sure yep can it really reset it's fine really it has to be whoa whoa yes your turn I'm coming I hope this works okay awesome wow I made it nice easy yeah okay Mikey let's go we're already at the top you're right let's run up what's inside the Magma's gonna be hot ready well we did it okay we made it to the top of the magma staircase and here's the final treasure I wonder what's inside what could it be three two one open huh what's this huh it's weird it looks freaky oh these are super rare explosives Mikey let's try setting them off let's do it let's go back all right what we have here are rare explosives see wow I want to try setting them off you ready sure I'll do it too all lit once what's gonna happen crazy what's happening if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 21,656,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: y1Z-O_iGpMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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