INFINITE UPGRADES Dummy Boss Challenge! (BTD 6)

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if you could upgrade a tower infinitely how much damage could you do well probably infinite but if you only had $5 million maybe it would be a little bit different today Sam and I are going to be going up against the dummy boss a boss balloon that has infinite HP but tracks how much damage you do in it we have the infinite upgrades mod and $5 million we can pick any tower that we want or multiple to upgrade as much as we can with our $5 million every upgrade getting more expensive than the last but to make things interesting saber and I both get to ban two t5s so saber what is the first T5 that you would like to ban I would like to ban the darling Gunner okay not the t5s you can not just oh I have to B A spe I have to ban a specific D5 oh that kind of ruins it I wanted to ban the darling G all together okay how about this I'd like to use both of my bands to ban the rayad doom and the Mad okay fine there you go uh wow all right I'm going to ban I'm going to ban the TX Zone and I'm going to ban the Moab Eliminator oh okay all right all right I'm going to ban those we have $5 million and 10 minutes on the clock to come up with the best strategy possible on your mark get set go all right so we got to come up with the best strategy possible 5 Mill all right so why did I ban the darling Gunter I want to use that all right no actually I did want to do a lot of Moab Eliminator but I guess well we only get one T5 it's not like we have unlimited T5 so I guess it's not that big of a deal only one well no no because we've ascended upgrades so that would have been amazing oh that would have been great hang on wait wa wait can we only do one Tower can we only do one Tower or Nah hopefully Ryan sees this message cuz I don't know I don't think did we specify that or could we just do any amount of towers because I feel like if we can only do one Tower and I just put my ascended upgrade into it then I guess that's like that's a totally different ball game than if I put down multiple Towers but then less ascended upgrades in each you know I'm just going to assume that we can do multiple Towers I'm just going to I'm just going to make that assumption so let's see here who do I want to do honestly all of these towers are going to be Global basically because I can just do ascended upgrades what would be the nastiest Tower I actually don't know also like did Ryan what if Ryan picked like Churchill or whoever that gives you like bonuses against no no no he didn't do that he didn't do that cut to Ryan you're literally putting down like a hero to get some kind of boost oh no I don't know who to use I'm so stumped I'm actually so stumped right now I bet Ryan's already got everything down already figured out all right you know what let's get a Super Monkey done we need to start acting and stop thinking guys okay so let's do let's do an anti- balloon is that worth it I want to do extra damage no I need to do extra oh no I backtracked oh no all right I need to do extra damage against moabs like what if I what if I got like what if I got like sticky bomb would that work also no no I can't do a paragon cuz it's all about ascended upgrades uhoh let's see I could do shattering shells super hot burning stuff that incinerates you know what I'm going to do mortar monkey I'm going to do mortar monkey I'm glad that I backtracked on the Super Monkey I'm going to do Mort monkey and we're going to be doing blue incineration and then we're going to do oh I guess neither of these really matter huh let's do balloon Buster I guess I think it matters cuz we have ascended upgrades all right so let's see I'm going to have to manually Target this aren't I actually no I should be able to let's see okay let's just give each one like five upgrades blindly five upgrades that's pretty fast that's not bad and then let's see here increase Pierce and range range doesn't matter Pierce kind of matters right incre damage and boss damage increased attack speed and projectile speed let's just upgrade another five of these cuz I need as many projectiles come out as possible let's do another five oh wow we have a lot we have a lot of of money here let's just let's just equalize these out and then do another five another five that's looking pretty good let's do another five another five I don't know if Pierce oh dude I need to do my research I need to stop being such a btd6 noob Pierce pops multiple balloons but then what does damage do cuz wouldn't damage no no cuz damage would probably just pop one balloon instantly rather than damaging it I'm assuming but it won't pop once it pops that layer then it won't pop the next layer but does that matter for the dummy boss I don't think so right I don't think I don't think Pearson range matter I'm just going to keep going for the top path and the middle path here all right we're going to have to absolutely clown on this guy all right we're going to take no prisoners so $5 million darling Gunner is kind of banned which is not great I kind of like Popin a could be kind of crazy Popin a could be pretty pretty gnarly I could do like a rude strategy like Avatar of Wrath cuz that is so many that's so many pops right we probably want something that just attacks ridiculously fast maybe ninja monkey throws incredibly fast eight shurikens per shot I'm thinking that we want to do the dro I think that's the play and then just make the dro as crazy as possible I think that's what I want to do man that's probably not the best option but I think it's the one that we're going to stick with and then I can put the Alchemist buff on it and then just make him stronger is is this is this the play I think that's the play it'll probably lag the game but you know all right so we can get this guy Avatar of Wrath definitely Thorn swarm and we need heart of Oak and now let's just go ahead and we want to get let's see it can stack up to five times I'm pretty sure popl plus can so let's go ahead we need to get all of the popus cuz we need to make this guy can stack up to five times on any single tro okay I mean these guys are going to be doing basically no damage the only reason we have them is so that way this guy gets popless what does it do again attack speed and Pierce so I guess it doesn't even matter right like I don't even think that matters too much but it'll still be nice to have we can get a Alchemist so we can go ahead and get perab Brew now is there any other things that we'd want to get I don't know so let's just go ahead and we can just get so ascended strength is increased damage and boss damage so first things okay Force so force is Pierce and range really we just need enough range for him to be able to cover every like everywhere right and so we can cover now he has range on everything oh actually we want just a little bit more range you'll be at it like right there do I want it's $188,000 okay fine all right strength is damage and obviously we're going to want to get a lot of speed as well so we get tons of speed I think we're going to be cooking so ascended speed let's see if we can get I think we want the speed up to like 50 probably all right well oh man damage is 50 and speed is 50 okay that's a lot of damage and a lot of speed now the question is do I want to try multiple towers do we want to try to get like I have $1.5 million left do I get the dling Gunner and just get B exclusion Zone just cuz saber didn't ban it cuz it would be like a super duper troll I feel like that would be so funny cuz you'd be like what you didn't I didn't ban it and then we get them with it all these upgrades are getting pretty pricey pretty pretty pricey I'm going to have to keep on moving resetting the Target in any or like anywhere I anywhere the the the boss goes a man that's gonna take so much work it's gonna take so much effort see I'm starting to run out of Shoney right now I think I should just keep yeah one one give give it the old one too I don't think range matters Pierce doesn't matter so we're just going to done that's it all right so let's see here let's see let's do a little target practice while we oh God this is going to be terrible no I should have done a different hero no who isn't that no hang on hold up I got time I got time I already know what I'm going to do I have to change my hero who is it that does the retargeting thing rage shells and Main gun do wait barrage shells who is it is it Striker Jones is it Churchill dude God oh man I'm so bad at this game bro I'm so bad at this game right there baby right there that's what it is all right we're doing Striker Jones I swear if Ryan and I are doing the exact same Strat I feel like lowkey there's a high chance we could be doing the exact same strategy we both know that this is a cracked strategy so we'll find out let's see all right so I just going to get this down get this to round one all right get Striker Jones down upgrade them all the way okay artillery command is that which one's artillery oh oh also gives double damage for 10 second wait so it's not an ability oh it's not ability it's just in general all bomb Shooters that's so cracked okay all right let's go ahead and get the mort monkey back down now I know you can place it there do not cap me there we go let's just do ahead go ahead and do that so I know I got I got him to like 61 and 62 right so let's just let's just get these upgraded and I still have time it doesn't seem like Ryan was ready yet so that's perfect I think this like the fastest I've ever come up with a strategy this is kind of wild a 60 let's just I don't know if I should do this but we're just going to play it safe and then we'll give one ascended strength all right I'm ready I'm ready baby oh wait oh wait I'm not ready I want to be able to use the abilities should I do cool down no it's fine I don't think it's worth it we could also do monkey Village could be pretty good what else could we try I'm you know infernal ring could also just be the play I'm oh what am I doing it's definitely Inferno ring as well so definitely Inferno ring with because I ban tack back tack Zone but we can go ahead and just get speed uh here let's get some ascended Force as well all right there we go ascended speed and okay ascended strength I'm going to run out of money this is probably not the play but all right let's do 25 ooh I have $100,000 do we want I think you want more speed with this right cuz it shoots out more Fireballs with the more speed so I think speed is pro oh but the damage is so good damage is cheaper I could probably get I can probably get three more instances of damage but only two instances of speed so I'm going to do that oh I okay I can get one more I can get one more ascended strength ascended speed or or or I'm going to get a monkey Village and I'm going to give it primary mentoring and primary expertise cuz it gives it more popping power it's going to be stronger and just for the giggles do we just like give this a sended speed all right I came at one speed upgrade that's it all right I guess I can just upgrade all of these to like Thorn swarms like right I mean I I guess stronger acid I got $100 all right uh free Dart monkey oh and it's in range of the village so I can go quick shots very quick shots long range and enhanced eyesight all right I have spent all of my money I am I am out of money all right I have a weird weird feeling right now my guy weird you say yeah I think we might have done the same thing why why do you say that I don't know I just have a weird feeling we did the same thing I'm not going to lie I just I'd be really surprised if we did the same thing okay okay okay so you did something like out of pocket um not really but okay we we've referenced the crack of this specific this specific Strat before that I done that I did just now really yeah we've talked about it oh I feel like we've talked about every Strat so I definitely made talked about this before but either way let's uh do we want to do a little who wants to go first to try out their build to see who's got what I'll go you know I know neither of us ever wants to go first so I'll go first I'll get it out nice nice nice let's see share your screen let's see what you got here's what I did okay okay I'm going to be like no chance that's amazing no oh okay woo all right all right all right cool you went Bernie stuff you went the wrong path what do you mean you went balloon incineration yeah isn't that just like Moab extra Moab dim is dummy boss not like a MOAB class balloon bro bro that's literally the worst out of all of them wait wait but but it's a MOAB class Bloon is it not yeah but that's like the fire damage on it D look at pop and a move over Pop and a pop and a does bonus D and boss damage and then the biggest one is just the giant one literally that's the worst one you could have picked you pi the worst one bro oh there's no going back now baby there's no going back there's no going back oh wow I didn't think that one threw I just literally looked and I saw oh yeah that's a MOAB dude no no the whole point of that is just like burn damage on moabs I don't think it's going to actually do anything no that's so bad that's so bad oh that's so bad dude if you want I'll give you a fresh restart if you want you sure you sure man I don't know I I mean I may have to reap what I sew here you know what I mean but also but also I'm just curious now because like so bad all right I'll I'll take you up on it but if if you get the dub you'll just have a or if I get the dub I'll just have like you'll still have the moral win which is kind of annoying but let's are you wait do you want to redo it I mean it's super easy it just like repl it really if you do let's first let's just see how much I want to see how much oh so now we're just doing an actual test now we're doing an actual test on it let's let's just do this one and like let's just do both of them to see all right and then oh God I'm going to have to like manually read Target yeah is he let's see all right let's see how this does but you have this yeah you have the ability from Striker Jones oh yeah which one is it oh my gosh okay never mind you're not allowed look how much damage that's doing that's crazy you're good oh no I shouldn't be clicked on it oh well I have to retarget yeah you have to retarget anyways you might just be you might actually win like that's crazy damage oh yeah oh that's so nice that's that's crazy how much damage that doing actually uh you also yeah yeah yeah dude look at that oh my gosh that's so satisfying isn't that amazing actually uh the ability re targeted you're not firing nice nice I think you might actually like whoop me here you might actually have you might might yeah you might destroy me here I didn't go all in on a single Tower I actually that's why that's why I asked I was like wait wait what's the Strat here you know like are we are we doing multiple Towers I don't know oh my gosh you're going crazy on them so you can play at Double speed I'm a little scared of missing you're fine dude it's l not going to miss this is actually insane you might get a 100 million damage uh you mean a billion yeah a billion damage I always get a mix up I always think it's like a thousand or whatever way past 100 million right now the a thousand million a billion damage bro you you're actually probably going to get a billion damage which is I don't think I'm going to get a billion damage I'm pretty sure let's find out let's see I think I probably should have gone second because you could just see how much damage I get like the whole time actually we haven't seen Striker Jones yeah we haven't we haven't seen Striker Jones you know he's going to probably carry it saber use your double damage on the mortar oh dude you're so thank you wow oh my gosh how do you do it man like that's I can't believe like look at how much damage you've got over a billion damage now because of it have you ever has anyone ever told you that you're a fart smer yeah all the time dude all the time dude nice nice man okay one point I actually don't think I can beat that I do not think that my strategy is going to be good enough to beat that really I think you might have I think I think you got the pick here I think that's the W see let's see all right I think and3 billion Dam that's it that's it folks okay I'm going to share my screen I don't think I'm going to be honest I don't think I can beat that but we're going to try okay all right let's find out let's see what this guy did so we got a uh a monkey village with one in speed we got an Absol crazy boosted Dr with all the DRS around him a Perma Alchemist and then a crazy boosted T shooter so let's see how it goes I have no clue what's going to happen here so let's see 1.3 billion is the damage to beat and let's go oh no oh okay oh that's so many darts oh my God yeah and then there's the fire all right let's just see if I don't know if this is going to be enough though like I don't actually you're throwing a lot of projectiles out right now though yeah it is a lot of I mean that is a lot of projectiles but I don't know if they're all going to hit I don't know how much damage they all do right like you had like so much fire I think the balloon incineration actually did it because it add so many pools of fire underneath it so here let's well hang on so you're saying that it was a good call I think it I think it did way better than I was expecting here look all right I got 9,000 pops on my monkey Village that had one bonus speed you know what I think Ryan what I think people should use Creator code tu6 shop yeah that's tww B folks tww B thank you ADV I got I got 8,000 pops on my droods okay okay 600 pops on George yo George is cracked yeah and then 120 pops on my Alchemist so I'm a I'm a little worried about that pop count right now bro I'm not going to lie that's that pop count's a little sus yeah 800 pops there uh 1700 just don't click just don't click on the TX shooter okay the TX shooter is you're saving grace yeah and my middle alchem and my middle Drew oh yeah yeah you're middle DW I'm a little bit worried not going to lie if I click on either of these and it's like less than 500 million I think I just instantly lose like instantly all let's see so so both of them have to get like 700 million pops that's it okay 700 million pops okay I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to reveal it one by one okay all right tag shooter first yeah okay first 23,000 200 12,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 okay I'm going to do I'm going to do the T shooter the dro first the drood coming in at 747 that's exactly what you said you would need oh my gosh 747 million no no that's exactly what you said you would need so if if this tag shooter has 600 if he has 600 thou 600 million or more I win oh no oh no in 3 2 1 at 27 that's so bad bro oh that was so and it got 775 million no it was so bad easy okay so my Str was okay so I didn't I didn't fumble anything I'm actually glad that I didn't end up swapping I justed how it was I think if I had not done that and I had just full sent on my Destroyer worlds here and just gone pure damage I think I would have won so that would wild I should have stuck I should have stuck to my guns but congratulations nice W if you guys want to see more infinite upgrades for the dummy boss hit that like but subscribe turn on notifications maybe we'll have a round two thanks for watching we see you later peace peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 576,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, infinite upgrades mod in btd 6, infinite upgrades dummy boss challenge, btd 6 dummy boss, btd 6 challenge, tewbre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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