I built DEEP UNDERGROUND to fully automate in Hydroneer!

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hello you fellow engineers and welcome back to hydr near and welcome to my automated mine now this thing runs on lava so we suck it up here it goes along the pipes and then it Powers these machines this one digs into the ground and you'll see every so often little bits of snow comes out cuz that's what the ground's made of here then that snow drops to the Harvester below which turns it into resources now this is good but it could be slightly quicker if you remember up here I do actually have one of one of these things so if I open this up I can put a shard in there see down here we have three shards in fact let's not just shove a Shard let's put all these into this pan oh and check down here yes we have another shard in there thank you and then we'll take this pan and then if we pour this into this crucible that has now smelted so then I can take that and pour it into there where we've made a little bar so we can take this little bar we can then shove it in there I said we can shove it in there and then close the hatch and then this sort of powers this so it should all run a little bit faster so hopefully we should notice the snow coming out a little bit quicker are you lying to me right now uh not not going to lie I'm not sure that did actually make it any quicker I mean it might be it might be quicker but nice next up where I moved all my dirt this is getting really really annoying can I just dig this like into there oh no I can but I've clogged it up oh dear right put that back back yeah I think in order to get the the snow from here into this machine I got to put it in a bucket first and then drop it and you know what I say to that ain't nobody got time for that so instead I think I need I need a pickaxe basically to get rid of all this ground cuz watch the shovel is good it doesn't like destroy the ground it only allows you to move it which is great when you want to make like half a bridge or then turn it into an engineering sculpure not so much when you actually want to like work here so what I'm going to do I'm going to shove that down there and then I'm going to pick out all the bits of iron and shove them in my pan like that all right and then when we've got most of the iron out we can then grab this and I'm going to turn this into an iron bar itself so drop that in there thank goodness they all went in I have another iron bar here as well so I can shove that in the pot that will also melt down and then when we pour this out oh yes that is quite a big but now I've got some scales over here I'm trying to get a 30 weight bar oh we've done it we've done it so if I grab this let's shove it in the boot like that there's also one of these he stone blocks so that also goes in the boot and then we head on our way back to the town because we can build our own shops if you remember now thankfully whilst I'm away because we have set up automated mining we're finally going to be making money all the time so I should come back to a nice big pile of resources and then I can I can sell all those and hopefully make even more money and then potentially continue automating so so we've arrived at this place I think over this way was where we were building the the store yeah there it is so this is going to be a tier one store you can see I've already wait I thought I already added a hard Stone yeah I have why is it not counted let me take it out let me put it back in again yeah so that counts as a hardstone block it weighs 10 so hence it's 10 out of 20 that's why I needed iron bar of at least 30 so hopefully if I add all these things to the box then that should build do I press I guess I got to press the button right so let's give it a press oh oh wa okay so we now have a tier one store now hopefully there's going to be a pickaxe here if there isn't I'm going to kick off oh do we get our stuff back are we meant to get our stuff back anyway so what do we have we have oh we have more lava drills oh item Buffs speed bonus output size are they do they apply to my other ones I thought those other ones I thought they were like skulls when I got those granted I did buy them from a different store that was up over this week so yeah the on over here which I can't buy more of you can see the item Buffs they've all got skulls now I did Max out those ones but it looks like I can buy more of them over here but they're also potentially better as well I'm not sure how that works we'll have to see anyway what do we have here we have a rake oh we have a pickaxe oh finally 122 quid and then oh we also have ooh Some Masterwork stuff oh is this what you take yeah place on the vas Peak Forge and it tells you what you need oh yeah so do you remember we went up to the where where's the volcano we went up to the volcano last time and we did see like a pedestal I guess that's where we make all the Masterwork stuff oh tell you what since I I don't actually have any money on me I remember I left a ring here remember cuz I was waiting for the demand to go back up I mean it was I think it was 85% so that's more profit than it was so let's do that so we'll shove that in there and then we will purchase probably a dull pickaxe and then I could get a better pickaxe 230 plus I then need 80 iron I'm also wondering about these but they look like effort I tell you what I'll just buy the pickaxe for now and oh look there's a smelter down here 1,300 quid why you having a laugh me I'm also going to head back over here because I believe there was like a like a sorter thing yeah hand sorter this does require a lava input though so I'll need that's 165 I'm also going to need some extra pipes I think I definitely need another tea Junction oh they're only 28 okay yeah pipes aren't that expensive I might buy an extra lava intake as well just for like some of the items I don't need all the time like this hard stone refiner that might be a good one to like connect separately oh do I get a magnet on a stick no it costs 400 quid I cannot afford a magnet on a stick right now anyway these are bought so let's shove them in the back all right so then we'll drive back to the claim yes I am still in my pants all right and then we're back so I reckon this hand sort it oh no we've broken down we've broken down oh Poo I forgot about this okay so I'm going to have to go buy some spanners so I can fix this all right so after another hard slog we're back with the spanners so I got a box of them so I can just click on that and then that is fixed that is now up and running again I will leave those there and but yeah I think I want to shove this sorter basically where this hole is so if I take my new pickaxe I should be able to start getting rid of some of this dirt yes and I don't have to lay it anywhere I swear this was like something you used to start with in the in like the pre- DLC I'm like four 4 hours in or something and I've only just got to the point where I can actually make the land a little bit easier to work with but yeah if I actually start digging down here then this is where I can put my sort at I mean actually I'm going to dig out my pipes just so I can see them and access them should I need to maintain them or anything all right so nice that's a bit of a hold dog in hindsight I probably should have taken more of this and then bought the magnet just so I could move all of it at once can I even place this on resources I can okay that's cool yeah if I were to hang on I don't I don't really know how this works I don't think I've ever used a hand one before so if I just take like gold and then shove that on there oh it probably has to be powered doesn't it yeah but I think gold will then come out of here and everything else comes out of that one oh I just had oh why haven't I been doing that I just realized I should have put my pan under here so all this stuff go straight into my pan oh I've been doing this so wrong or even straight into a crucible yeah I'm I'm an idiot I've just realized I'm a complete and utter idiot he L anyway with that there let's just melt like all the gold we have or at least collect it in The Crucible oh that's going to take so long I should probably turn this off turn off yeah right I'm just going to melt enough gold that I can afford a magnet on a stick and then once I have a magnet on a stick I can then move all of this out the way and then we can do this way more sensibly I might even like buy some buy some like Foundation bits just so like we have a floor it'll be a lot easier to work with Okay so we shove our Crucible on there that should melt quite nicely there it goes and then we can pour that into there so we have a gold bar yeah before I go I am just going to set this up though so this is my other lava Inlet so if I shove that there add another bit of straight pipe then I can put that there and this is where I pour the the hard Stone in so you can see I got a piece of hardstone I probably need like some sort of step ladder to make this easier but I put that in there oh where didn't that work oh the the thing's down the side okay rotate it so that the the lava Inlet actually goes to the inlet then oh can I stand my scales do this oh that's easy Bo and then that gets crunched when that reaches 10 weight we get one of those blocks and then we we spend the blocks on building the town making more shops you we also have this guy here now this is an ice melter so I think yeah that has a lava Inlet and with this I think we're going to have to melt ice so this other one this other drill that I've got we'd probably have to put that like above it so that the ice goes in there we won't get any resources out of this but we will get water and then when we have water we can can have conveyors which means we can make this way more automated right one other thing before we go I want to head down here so this is where I was digging before and if I use this I should be able to dig down a lot easier bear in mind all this digging I did before I had to take all the spills back up that's what this mess was the mess over there that I've like cleared already but I want to see how deep this place is cuz the deeper we mine the bigger the resources we get so therefore we get more value trouble is digging down this deep we will need those conveyors in order to like get everything back up so we'll just dig ourselves a nice little area just so we can see what the floor is doing I think it's leveled out here yeah it doesn't look like it's going any flatter so we could dig down here I'm not really sure what's worth doing though I think we're better off going to like another claim so yeah right as before we'll leave this running and then we'll head back to the shop with our gold in hand realize we can't sell our gold bar here oh that's so annoying so we'll drive all the way to the other place anyway we're back to the starting town and this has a oh this has a stock market I can sell my sword that finally so shove my dagger on there 3177 quid probably not worth waiting for but we have that now and then our gold bar we can sell at this guy the Jeweler he'll buy anything right and then we have a fat parlor stons which means we can buy a magnet on a stick all right so I also went back to Bubble town again because I had some leftover money so it means I can if I wanted to I could start work on a jeweler which means I'll never have to go to that normal town again I can just come over to here so that could be useful at the same time though I'm intrigued by this so that will allow me to get a boat ticket so yeah that's bought let's go shove it yeah we can put it on there so then for this we need 180 weight of he stone blocks so that's 18 of them and then a 200 iron bar oh no Clum bar I don't think I found any any Clum yet but then we can presumably buy a ticket and then go to that island that we had to get a boat to so in the meantime back to the claim and then we can use our magnet on a stick to tidy this place up so first off oh that's a big pile that is a big pile let's just turn that off so I think before we do anything let's just get this sorter up and running so yes we want one there but maybe it's worth doing the one that's going to go like next to it first so what way do these face we've got lava coming in so lava can only come in like a side yeah it's going to have to come in that side which means I need to dig down here to put the gold and then in front Okay so we got to go in front so if I just dig a hole down here all right so we're down to that level we're going to have to go step lower though right so then this goes oh my goodness all the way to that means out in front of it is where I'm going to want like a bucket or something just to catch at least until we get another Sor and then out this this side is where I want a smelter so I'm going to dig like a staircase down I think because smelters need to go like under the ground cuz The Crucible goes on top we're going to have to dig a hole for that as well bling out so much digging okay so I got the smelter out the back so this should go yeah down there nice then Crucible on top yeah I thought I'd Dro that from too height that's not accurate okay that's good now we just need to plug this thing in so with those pipes I bought earlier let's take a te Junction you can then replace that bit so that lava as well as going to our Harvester now comes around this side right nice then these can come across to this point then oh man I'm running out of pipe I hope I got enough for this oh no I actually don't have another I don't have another Bend I tell you what though I could just use this tea pipe instead so yes some lava will leak out the bottom but what's the worst that can happen so yeah we do that so that should get lava in it let's just close up this end so shut that now this should be running so if I grab gold and place it on there oh I need my bucket for down that end hang on pan is not the flattest thing so I will just dig a hole there oh no oh no oh that's my that's my tunnel underneath yeah look if we head down to my tunnel I've just ruptured the ceiling that's going to fill up with all the resources I can't have that where's my Spade fill that back in oh I can't believe that by the way there's me saying I was going to get a floor like Foundation pieces yeah that didn't happen did it right okay so that might be better now I don't know how this works if I just shove like a bit of gold in the top oh I missed does that yes it came out that side but it overshot I'm pretty sure it went underneath great and then if I put a piece of iron in like that that should come out that side okay good that's really good so what I want to do I want to grab a magnet on a stick that's going to allow me to pick up all of these and then I can shove them through there oh my goodness I'm not sure this was a good idea right come on magnet on a stick there you go just get it to there then drop so oh so much stuff came out but yeah just keep going through it a few times and I think we're sort of getting there actually yeah cuz this isn't picking stuff up out of the bucket I think once it's in the bucket it's it's like sort of it's safe from my magnet stick and by the way don't ask how gold is magnetic it just is okay but yeah drop that down a few more times then we just pick up the gold that didn't make it to be honest just smell that straight away no point sorting right and then that's everything sort of sorted so we plan to like sort of automate this by the way you can see the hole that the dripping lava's doing oh there's actually oh there's loads of resources down there as well that's going to keep getting lower and lower oh well nothing I can do to fix that until I go to the shop and buy a corner piece I'm not doing that at the moment but yeah we now have this which is full of gold so this should be a big gold bar right if I pour that in there and then go weigh this oh it weighs 54 so I can either sell that for a lot of money or up over here you can see I I bought a few more notice boards just to just to put all my quests about so we got quite a lot of weight gold bars 43.5 there's one over there for 45 as well they give me the Scout tokens which I can spend on stuff so that's good so we could complete one or two of those now with our with our B but yeah the other thing I need to do I need to sort like all of this stuff so if I swap that if I take the gold out put it up there and then take a piece of like iron shove the iron on that bit there then I can pour this in and the iron should come out there so we got that there I should pick this up then to be honest before I pour that I sort of need another pan which I don't have but I could try and wedge this down this side yeah that might actually work so now when I pour this in there oh this could end so badly so click oh no they all missed still that's fine that's why we have the magnet on a stick right anyway slow really put those in right that's better we got iron down this side now so yeah we just do this a few times until it's all sorted oh this is going to take so long this is such a dumb system then grab all the ones out the holes that I can oh no cuz these aren't in a bucket cuz they're in a crucible they do all stick to my magnet oh no oh nightmare okay I definitely need another pan under there not a crucible still we then have big old iron bar again 50 weights deep decent that I can either make like swords and jewelry and stuff or I can just sell them as bars and the final thing I'll want to sort this seems a bit wrong but I'm going to shove a pan in there cuz then I'm going to shove the hard Stone on top and then I'll try and sort all of that so as hard Stone goes in there it should go into that pan and yeah then my magnet doesn't take it out of it right and then this pan of he Stone I can come over to this drop it in there and then yes that has made me some he stone blocks so I can add them to my truck as long as they stay in the back and then we can go build the the ticket shop uh but what I want to try and do get a little bit of money and then set up my other sorter down here so if it's that level then we should be able to automate the mine again so stuff coming out of there should go there did I actually do that too far forward oh I did it should be there so yeah the way I hope this works is as I sort stuff out everything that doesn't get sorted goes to the one below where that gets sorted and then we just keep stepping down until we've sorted everything sorting with gravity with mat yeah and I'm hoping because I won't be using the magnet stick because it will be sorting everything as it gets made it should work a lot better it shouldn't be as messy so nice I'm going to try and set all this up then and then uh I guess we can go see how that works and we'll probably do that next time so for now guys I'll say peace love and nearly an automated sorting machine that will make me lots of money bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 244,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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