These conveyors will make me FILTHY RICH in Hydroneer!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to hydron oh did it always have that there well yeah we're playing the DLC the journey to vocalid why can I never pronounced that word confidently anyway this is our current claim at the base of a of erupting lava I'm sure it'll be fine yeah and last time we started building this and I have now finished it so it should be a completely automated sorting machine lava flows along here powers that machine so that as this digs stuff up it goes into there and then get sorted accordingly very annoyingly as stuff flies out of here it it flings over the The Crucible what idiot designed this thing you did Sir and these are snapped to grids you can't just slightly move it forward all I do know is I need to think like an engineer if we're going to solve this problem cuz that's very annoying so ah I've thought of a solution where's my Spade there it is so if we dig like to there is then we do the same here we can just do like a little little chy things and then hopefully these should act like a backboard so yes did you see the iron going all right keep an eye on this oh what was that I don't know what that was hopefully it wasn't iron so there's more gold yes hits the backboard goes in okay this is good this is actually fairly automated now um the trouble is I was going to add like loads of these like one for each resource we're sort of at the bottom I wouldn't really be be able to add another sort of thing down here so for now all the odd bits are coming down here so that's gemstones and these shards anyway at the bottom we've got this little guy this turns was it is it called hard Stone yeah hard Stone into these blocks so we should see as hard Stone comes down it should come into this and then eventually when it reaches a weight of 10 we get a block uh next up we have over here we have the other drill that I bought and then also this guy here now this creates water so I need this to dig snow into the top and then water will come out of it cuz it gets melted and and with that water we can then have conveyor belts which means we should be able to sort things way easier um I think for now though we'll keep that going exactly how it is that is decent it is decent we'll grab this block shove it in the boot of our car you can see we've got a few more blocks in there and then I might go for a little explore ah I found the water stuff so Frost hydrop pipes so yeah we're going to need a load of those ah to put the conveyors on oh conveyors I have missed conveyors so they just take normal money oh look where we are we're back to this bridge and you know what that means uh two things actually one I better pick up this rib down here and this bone over is this a head we found the head but what it actually means since we're no longer in the Early Access period we need a revised ethical Bridge review all points of the previous Bridge review stand but since we're not being bribed anymore we can change the score to something that actually represents the quality of the bridge the positive points which are far and few between are the Triangular supports underneath and that's where it stops everything else about this bridge is bad so therefore we're going to give this a 3.3 out of 10 ethical Bridge review oh but oh what is this unrefined Forge Mark take to the shattered Outpost refiner to turn into a forge Mark which can be applied while forging pickaxes blah blah blah blah blah ooh what's a forge Mark I think I want one it's got a hook on top so I reckon there's like a crane vehicle and I think you've got to get a a boat ticket so we can go see the vehicles anyway look how many bones are in the back of my truck I keep finding like loads of new ones the museum man is going to be very impressed with me ah this this is not ideal um we' we've just run out of fuel don't you just love modern game play so hopefully I can just jump up here and then when I'm on top I can just oh I missed I missed the tank oh no I can't play this game it demands too much of me oh Poo bum Willy plop right anyway after that slight meltdown we have made we have made it back to this place so I'm going to go to the museum I'm going going to give them all these bones so let me hang on let me reverse this thing in right coming through coming through so this is how much of the dinosaur I've made so far not that much I reckon there's probably more in my boot than I've actually made so far so it'll be interesting to see what this looks like once all these bits and Bobs Go in all right so that's the last lot let's have a look at this now oh man it's actually starting to look like a dinosaur all right so yeah this guy wanted 12 Bones I think I've probably easily done that yeah I've got 19 so I'll give that back to you mate and then you can give me 1,000 TD twid with a T it's like quid but twid so I can combine that with my twid I already have B then we got 1,29 I don't even know what I spend those on and then he wants 24 now and we get 3,000 for that bloming out man I reckon there going to be a lot of spine cuz that's how long the tail is right oh I was about to say remember this has been running the entire time so we should have made lots of money but no it's broken down where's my my spanners so fix that there you go up and running again but yeah I think what I'll do I'll just shove another another one of these over here so basically you could go or you could go over this side actually so if you went there and we just need to rewire this a little bit and we'll just rotate all these around so it makes sense all right so I just need one more corner piece to go on there like that and I think that's everything backup connect oh no it isn't I forgot you so you oh I have the vertical piece I just pickaxe under there yeah I've already got that piece as well I just need the straight and I think I've got three straights over here yes I do we just shove that there now we're back up and running so if I turn that on that snow going in there if I turn this one on we've now doubled our output capacity cuz there's two machines going into this beautiful which means we should be getting some stons right now yeah look we've already got a few blocks and then down here do we have is that Clum oh no oh it's a new it's a new resource a diamond ooh what are these other ones they're just sapphires yeah they're all sapphires ooh so if we grab a diamond what's that worth that's worth 146 if I cut that over here and then shove it back on it's now worth 243 oh a nice Diamond that's a new gem I didn't realize there were new gems would it be worth doing a cleanup getting some cash right pour out that gold bar I think we'll heat up the gold bar in there so that's warming up nicely we'll go set this to a a ring we're going to make a diamond ring so that goes there this bar when it's warm yeah looks toasty ha hot hot hot quick quick put it down all right then give it a whack with a hammer Bo we've made a diamond ring and what should this be worth so this should be worth oh about 6 grand that ain't bad so if I were to sell the ring now we'd get oh we get 5 grand s it that's 5 grand more than I have at the moment so we'll take that so oh there's only 200 iron bar and yeah 18 okay 18 of these I think so if we shove one in that should weigh 10 yeah 10 out of 180 now we definitely don't have 18 yet but I imagine we're somewhat close how I how are these going to fit in how do I fit 180 in there that's going to these are starting to over spill now they're all falling out how I going to build this there's only 30 now why is can I not just press the button to like get them in yeah it's not counting the higher ones can you combine these you must have to like combine them or something we're like we're over halfway there so that's good uh in terms of the bars so 200 weight so what does that one weit oh nearly there we nearly there on the iron cuz I got another one here so if I shove that in 246 okay we're done on the iron I don't understand how we actually do those and then of course we need the Clum anyway let's go to the shop see what I'm going to buy a tier 2 shop just cuz I want to see what we need to get to actually build one of those so plop that down what does this need to build 70 blocks 800 weight of bar and 40 Clum okay that would take a little while so in the meantime I could buy another lava drill that's the only one I can buy though and then I guess we need to craft them and that's when you go up to the mountain to craft more oh okay um I guess then we'll go to the to the conveyor store bad conveyors and pipes so we'll shove those in and then we're going to want like straight conveyors we're definitely going to want uphill conveyors going to want Corner ones oh yeah and then these Splitters that's how we actually automate stuff like properly so one of each conveyor cost how much two grand then our pipes aren't too bad okay so we got the pressure t tank which we'll need then we'll need like straight pipes we'll need a load of Bendy pipes we'll need tea pipes most likely will we need tea pipes I better take at least one just in case but yeah I think the rest I'm just going to spend all my money getting as many bits of pipe as I can as many bit of conveyor as I can and then we'll attempt to build like at the bottom of the CER okay so what doing a little bit of fossil hunting I did actually have a thought I know dangerous but yeah should I actually put all this stuff at my current claim cuz it's it's the starting claim it's not going to go as deep there's not going to be as good stuff there should I instead move to another claim are you insane uh by the way this thing has like four legs plus it has arms at the front it's like an ant dinosaur cross thing what anyway we've now got 24 so I can give that to you that's 3,000 tokens cheers dude now he wants 36 we get 5,000 tokens in return thing is I think I've worked out I don't really want tokens I imagine that's like 100 hours worth of game plate game plate use Loosely that I have become very like bitter in my old age like I hate spending time playing games if there's like a like a 100 hour epic game or like a 1 hour like clicker I'm choosing the 1 hour clicker every single time stop it get some help so I have just got a pickaxe we've gone to the bottom and I'm going to try and make a bit of space and we're going to try and move our drill down here hopefully it will make a difference unfortunately the pickaxe digs so small I mean it's better than a it's better than the speed but remember I had to spend like 3 hours unlocking this thing still we got a bit of room there now so let's go grab the other drill from in here and we can place that somewhere I don't know there is okay so just shove those down there for now there's quite a few I'm going to have to get down there then once all the pipes are down we'll need the conveyors as well yeah I think B basically we have a pipe come out of there this is the water pipe and then we just do that like in a staircase up so this is going to need quite a bit of digging right so there's the pipe work going up haven't quite got to the top yet but then conveyors they will go like that so I need a flat conveyor there but then I think all of these ones should just go up like that yeah that's decent so we can plunk that there then oh this is actually coming together now I'm glad I went all out on just the upward conveyors right that gets us to there we then just that's the right height I think we've just got to end up on top of that so that could mean slightly adjusting all of this yeah it will right tell you what I'm going to turn this off for now cuz we're going to have to do quite a bit of adjusting so I just grab my bendy bits of pipe from down here shove them around there I can then put my corner pieces on like that that needs another straight and then another straight and then a corner I'm going to have to move all of these there you go just to make room for these to go on top right somewhere in here should be a cork that I there it is so the cork can just go in the end of that so that will keep the water pressure height so I think conve are done we've just got to do the the lava wiring up so we'll grab my pickaxe and then try and work out how do we Plum this in so we got up there and down there to do right oh should be an easy bit of Plumbing then I won't lie the pipe work to get the conveyors to work bit of a ball Lake thankfully conveyors are cheap so I'm not going to complain too much then take him to the surface pour them into there and they should melt in The Crucible there we go so then I can pour those into there and then we have a battery that we can shove in this thing like that and then when we close this we should get power everywhere so that should mean everything's running at like good speed good capacity which means I can work out how to how to fill the thing with ice so where is my where's my Spade it's there so if I just grab this snow and then fill this bucket can I then grab this bucket and just stand like there and then drop that so are the conveyors oh the conveyors are moving yeah they are okay nice so now I've just got to try and get to the switch to turn that on oh no the conveyor stopped oh they do need constant water oh Bulls so I am going to need a drill above it that's really really annoying yeah for now aim of the game is just keep this stocked up this is so stupid honestly as cool as this DLC is it's a bit like hydr near but with extra steps I don't know maybe some people are into that I'm quite frustrated by it I'm not going to lie I've spent so long on this series and like we have nothing to show for it right but then oh the good news is yeah down here you can actually see like they're visibly bigger so because this is lower it's created visibly bigger resources I still don't see any Clum though slightly concerning I tell you what actually I might just move like if I take that I might just move that to where does it need to be yeah it needs to be like there doesn't it so more pipe work then just grab the last little bit of pipe and I think this should do it that goes in there so this should be up and running why aren't you working I just shove some dirt underneath then pull the handle yes okay now it's running now it's running so now we just got to keep an eye on does the snow actually land down the hole oh balls it doesn't right we'll do the backboard trick right I think I've got it bouncing right keep an eye out for a little block of white coming down bo bo oh no it came this way okay that one went in and yes conveyor is now moving we just got to see is it consistent I think it might be ready ready where is it where is it boo bo bo I think they're going in conveyor is constantly moving oh what is that clacium yes we found clacium yes okay so it did actually work how heavy is this cuz I need a 10 weight bar oh that's going to take no time at all cuz there's another bit in there already a yes we've cracked it we just had to move the drill down to get Clum yeah look we're we're we're halfway there we are halfway there already okay so all we have to do next time is try and work out how the hell we get all of these to fit in the in the barrel thing oh good oh man these are clogged these are clogged we've made so many this thing's been running for so long yeah we've definitely got the 18 blocks we need I just I don't know how to merge them together H I have to have a think for now though we're going to we're going to leave it there we'll wait for the final bits of Clum so I'll say peace love and hydr a but with a whole lot more steps bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 264,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: 8pvkUpVIVBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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