i built a prison where lunch time means sheer pain

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hey there friends how's it going i have been sponsored by prison architect to make one of the most chaotic prisons i have ever made because of the new perfect storm dlc which actually encourages chaos you can check the game out in the description but let's get started so we got some derelict buildings on our lot which is perfect because my overall plan is to try and make a prison for rats yeah rats like there'll be humans there too but it's mainly the rats that i'm trying to imprison oh we got drake and josh in here who have built the walls around them with no door and they can't get out let's just build a warden statue for me in the meantime i deserve it okay we're starting to process all the prisoners it's also worth noting that the execution room is more of an open plan in this prison and you see it just as you walk in the wardens just waiting there like any takers anyone want to just hop on it's free okay so a new part of the pack is like weather elements quite extreme ones and a heat wave is on the way which will help me it'll get the prison extra stinky to attract in the rats make sure to keep your prisoners and staff hydrated oh that's a good point so i installed this water valve so now i can switch off the water and they won't get any water that'll help a lot oh he said that we were lucky this time with a heat wave all right well at least i'm ready for the next one with my valve good eat yes normally it's not a privilege i give my prisoners but it's good that you're creating a mess wait what happened to you i probably tripped and fell it's not my fault there are no safety issues in my prison i don't know if this will work but i'm putting snack machines in the holding cell it is getting very filthy so that's good to know i like how they're color-coded like the minimum security prisoners are in gray but i just hold them all together anyway so it doesn't really matter i'd like to think it's just to promote infighting you know separate them on two teams putting in an open plan shower in the main hall as well i really like this open plan prison you know it's very convenient you can get your shower and then head straight to your execution having that much water next to an electric chair is probably a bad idea but i'm full of bad ideas i've had worse need to have water that's an important part of a shower i suppose never really thought about it there we go it just floods the room not only that room like three rooms well about five if you're counting these as rooms because you know it is open plan sweet jesus this is going to be a tight fit everyone's just mashed up against each other oh no the ceo wants to call me reform programs what does that mean this is accidentally like one of the most efficient layouts i have ever had it just happened to work out i didn't plan this as you probably already assumed someone's digging a tunnel but like that just leads them out into the yard which is also fenced off like it's so secure the person who actually built the fence can't even get out gonna call the fire engine i don't know why i just want to see how fast the response time is it's pretty quick all right you can go enough sorry you probably weren't able to go to an actual fire because of that two deaths today just popped up it's because of that isn't it they died in a house fire i can choose when to dismiss them i'd rather have them on hand isn't that the best way to stop a fire to have the firefighters there before it even begins all this thinking i always forget to switch on the the equipment when i buy it and i also always forget to build doors so they can actually go out and build the equipment i literally just said a while ago that that guy was stuck out there and then i just left him there i completely forgot about him what what are you doing i think this is just going killing prisoners you know what that's fine there's been a lot of escapes today i wonder where they're escaping from maybe they're just walking out the door that i leave open oh it wasn't even assembled it had been knocked down and they were just walking out but why would you want to escape this i don't understand the storms are bruined oh can i send everyone outside just making the entire day yard time they must be even thinking he's [ __ ] up to something all right we're 100 yard time prison they're free-range prisoners you love to see it you know it goes well with the open plan there we go sending out everyone into the storm great ah and here's the storm a perfect storm if you will [Laughter] yes congratulations on handling the calamity you can expect a reward i get rewarded for this i sent them all out in the storm they were lucky no one was hit by lightning this makes absolutely no sense the new schedule that i'm doing it's just all over the place a riot is underway what is it because i'm forcing the minimum security people to be showering 24 7. i'm getting a call from the ceo hey what's up nothing new here all according to plan okay i have four hours to fix this hold on let me get a lot of staff but that guy has the literal keys to the prison he's just running out shouldn't you be in shower time oh my god yeah you didn't see the dozens of snipers i'd hired did you do i need a psychologist after all this nah they'll be fine once they're old saying violence is always the answer love that saying all right we got it under control everyone who refused to go back to their cell was promptly killed here's a hedge maze by the way if you make it out through it you're actually allowed your freedom it's not even a very tough hedge maze to be honest with you it's just very overcrowded right now we got to do something about this there we go two hedge mazes that seems fair but you know what would be even fairer three hedge mazes i think the builders are getting lost in the maze while just trying to build the thing of course if they get through the hedge mazes they have to deal with the snipers who are just waiting for a hunt god now that i've noticed that this sound is like nails on a chalkboard it's a little bit uncomfortable to build pipes these guys have been blocking traffic for so long all right you know what firefighters you can finally go home and see your families it's only been like a month a lot of people trying to get executed i wonder why that is i hired a doctor to just keep everyone you know healthy and whatnot and he's just going around with the same needle hitting everyone so i think we're gonna have worse problems now soon i also hired one janitor just to cause him a bit of distress because he's to clean the whole prison oh i just picked up the phone and all the power went out and now the janitor is calling me i've just seen a rat perhaps we should think about investing in some form of deterrent no oh my god now the chief wants me again i'm a popular man tonight oh my god the installation of backup generators are a good fail-safe well it's too late now the most dangerous thing about a storm is the lightning well we'll see about that won't we yard time everyone get out there it's midnight time for a midnight stroll gentlemen this guy's making a break for it through the hedge maze it's warning me now like we have a lot of time to prepare for this dude sniper keeps getting an eye on him and then he goes behind the next hedge here's the real test nope didn't take the shot he's probably like but this seems wrong see how he does once he's out of the hedge maze not so good the rat problem is now an infestation my rat prison is working wait the janitor just called me and said congratulations on handling this calamity please accept this bonus of 10 grand why is my janitor paying me and what did we solve he's calling me back immediately like i've just seen a rash so it obviously wasn't that one there's some subsidence issues okay well can we do you promise not to leave yourself because if so i think we can leave this for now why rebuild the wall when i can just build three sniper towers instead i'm turning this into a tower defense game now i've got sniper towers in areas where they'll be walking in a straight line for a while there we go that's a good tower defense so far there are rumors coming from the block that inmates are observing the rats to find areas that might be easier to tunnel the rats would never betray me like that congratulations on handling this calamity what what dream is this guy living in because i'm not solving anything and he keeps giving me rewards like four people died today the rats are chewing through all my wiring that's why the power keeps going off i was confused why would the rats betray me like this or maybe that's their version of the electric chair they know when they've gone too far and they deserve it they're really self-governing they're way easier to deal with than you [ __ ] this guy's just saying bowels he's not very good at small talk oh my god all the exposed electrical wiring from the rats and i can just see them running around okay we're up to 11 deaths today i'm worried that we might be starting some new sort of plague interesting it seems as deaths rise so do escapes or maybe it's that the people escaping are immediately getting shot i don't know this data doesn't prove anything putting in a few more warden statues there's one right at the end of the hedge maze that's the last thing they'll see there we go now it literally is a tower defense game they have to go through the hedge mazes which are already guarded and then they have to go around here around here and around here and then they're free it's a simple and fair game why do you all sound so relieved in here oh you're all relieving yourselves i see all simultaneously that's impressive isn't it nice to hear him happy though oh maybe except that one on the left that didn't now that sounded weird i didn't like that everyone in the prison is under solitary even the people who physically cannot be put in solitary sections of the pipework are frozen solid oh jesus the cold weather brings with it the risk of prisoners catching seasonal flu off they do we're all fact you want to know the funny thing about this prison this prison this prison we are making a crazy profit like we started off with 200 000 i built this whole prison and we have 210 000 now got 29 deaths today that's a new record yesterday was a very dark chapter in the history of this prison we had very different reactions make sure nobody else dies today or you will face prosecution i can actually hear the snipers going off as he told me that fail your criminal negligence you've been found guilty of criminal negligence well it wasn't that hard when you had a voice recording of our phone call and you could hear the snipers shooting in the background make sure nobody else dies today 10 years in prison that doesn't seem fair i like how he took me in the side where the wall is broken too with the subsidence well it's not even really prison because what it's yard time why are you putting me back i know it's yard time because i set the [ __ ] schedule let me out stop it oh god damn it they get me as soon as i get out of my cell and now the power's out have i mentioned i'm scared of the dark no all right i guess i can just dance my time away a wimbaway a wimba a wimba way i would i can't do this for 10 years okay can you all keep it down please i know you all just love to talk about vowels can you stop moaning like that at least despite neglecting it in every way i made the world's most secure prison so i guess that's how his life ends after making a hugely profitable prison like you hear that sound that's not rats and electrical wires sparking that's the sound of profit but yeah just walk away but you live with what you've done to me i've been nothing but a saint all right well i hope you enjoyed my prison if you did feel free to come around anytime you know it's a revolving door you can go in and out at your leisure you know except for the snipers but uh yeah i hope you enjoyed subscribe if you're new check out the game in the description as well very fun game i always have a blast where i play prison architect so thank you to them for the sponsor again and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 499,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, prison architect, prison architect gameplay, lets play prison architect, prison architect game, prison architect review
Id: AG0X0PukrQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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