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Uncle Roger heav reviewed Jamie Oliver for a long time now wonder how my old friend doing you're going to absolutely love this recipe this is a modern day fast food classic pad Tha deliciously healthy why P Tha like that packed with why so much vegetable you should this P chili egg oh no the what's Jamie Oliver wedgie and party those what don't go together Uncle think this week you're going to give me heart at attack I need my good morning towel for me to scream into a traditional recipe would have dried shrimp it would have fish sauce and we can't have that cuz we're going veggie right we're biging up the veg but I don't want to compromise in the flavor no way Jose so I've kind of evolved this recipe and had some fun with it no no no no Jamie don't Evol don't have some fun with anything those word coming out your mouth that's scaring all Asian people all over the world we've got some chili sauce chili sauce wrong soy sauce soy sauce wrong now Tamarin Tamarin okay Tamarin correct sauce for Pai is just tamarine palm sugar and fish sauce that it if you really want to make it vegetarian do you know niece and nephew they make vegetarian fish sauce also yeah but un don't recommend that just eat the real thing weaken people life too short just use real fish sauce fish almost weaken anyway because fish got no leg got no feeling can't make sound it almost plant now Tamarind it's from a bean that's sweet and sour it's a really important flavor in Asian cooking and then a little sesame oil sesame oil wrong tofu it's madey beans tofu Tofu for okay but need to be square fight tofu hopefully he do that tofu it's made out of soybeans and it's a great source of protein to get your veggie P gar bash up two cloves of garlic just Cho garlic enough no pesel MCE and pureed and then I'm going to use silk and tofu silk and tofu wrong put in dishes in cubes slices what we're going to do is use it as a foundation of the sauce t for sauce G wait what what what no no no no what UNC just watch silk and T is wa what what no no he put tofu in pesel and M and he's just pounding and destroying to just L down from chair of course L down from chair who cook tofu like this Jamie in his egg f r he crushed tofu with hand but this time that not even enough he have to crush tofu in pesel and M he just destroying tofu Jimmy Oliver really is the Isis of Asian food silken tofu is ultra smooth it'll give you a sauce so silky it'll cling to your noodles any sauce will cling to Noodle that how sauce work that how any liquid work it cling to Asian people don't crush tofu like this UNC you never see white people Crush tofu like this either where you get this recipe from Jamie outer space this must be Jamie worst recipe so far why you trying to turn tofu into sauce I'm just sad now ha this we going so bad uncle Raj need to take break talk about our sponsor expect VPN just like Uncle Roger want to save you from Jamie Ola cooking I also want to save you money Miss and nephew you spending too much money on subscription look how much it cost to have Netflix Hulu Disney plus and all others ha if you buy all subscription that going to cost you more than $1,000 a year but you say uncle Roger I want to watch too many things for just one streaming service that why need and if you need Express VPN an app that let Uncle Watcher unlock thousand of new show on Netflix alone watch this Uncle Watcher want to watch Oscar winner Oppenheimer just open up Express VP and change country to Belgium just like that Uncle Roger can watch whole three-hour movie or maybe I want to watch Cowboy Bop unle just switch location to UK and watch whole series maybe this and if you want to watch other type of video on internet so you go on incognito mode but incognito mode don't make you Incognito from school work and internet provider but Express BPM make information travel to encrypted tunnel to make all your online activity pirate that why all of you should use expressvpn and if you use Uncle Roger special link expressvpn.com unle Roger you get three extra month free when you sign up for and now we go back to getting tortured silk and tofu is ultra smooth so silky unle defeated now then get building flavor a tablespoon of whole thing going to look like tpoon or two of sweet chili sauce then The Tamarind you want a nice tablespoon of this paste Tamarind is a key ingredient in wor cheer sauce so you know it's it's there in your life you just don't know it okay Uncle Roger understand why he do that he trying to make tamarind familiar to British people Uncle use same technique to explain thing to Asian people also like ketchup is white people s Raja and C iron skillet it white people walk it's the most brilliant flavor and I'm going to put a little teaspoon of sesame oil in there as well oh sesame oil wrong also ju lime also wrong lime imp you just squeeze on before you eat not in sauce sauce going to go in walk you cook lime in high heat it going to lose flavor half a juicy lime and that my friends is your sauce oh look at that the look like you eat on Fear Factor for the all important noodles grab yourself a packet so these are rice noodles rice noodle correct with 150 g no no no no you don't want to put in boiling water it going to overcook noodle rice noodle put in room temperature water pan and you leave those for about 7 8 minutes but check the pack they're all different when yes pack tell you how long to cook it for but remember P the noodle still going to get cooked in walk so don't finish cooking noodle in water you need noodle to be a bit undercooked then finish cooking in water you see that noodle Jamie noodle I guaranteed overcooked going to be too sticky run them under cold water that stops the cooking process see see it ready overcooked you leave those for about 7 8 minutes but check the pack Jamie this Asian noodle not pasta don't just follow instruction on box n and nephew you can't trust instruction on Asian noodle packaging anyway it all wrong you have to cook we feeling and then just add a little sesame oil to stop them sticking sesame oil again no to stop the for sticking don't over cook it simple lightly toast and Bash up 20 G of salted peanut peanut good give a glorious crunch to the veg Pat is that kind of brilliant mix of veggies but then you get things like salad and herbs that are raw and cold and fresh so there's that kind of jarring of hot and cold crunchy and soft it's just a brilliant thing honestly Uncle Roger don't know if I can continue to watch this so there's that kind of jarring of hot and cold crunchy and soft what he's saying Patti jarring of hot and cold where got cold thing in Pai you eating Pai with Ice Cube is it what P time no jarring of hot and cold it's just noodle dish keep it simple Jamie olive oil I've got some broccoli some asparagus baby corn Pac Choy the outer leaves P Choy classic mistake oh how to make this dish more Asian I know let's put this Chinese sounding vegetable in there P Choy woo yeah cut the core of the pack Choy in half and the baby corn keep the asparagus tips and finally slice the stalks some bean sprouts here which okay bean sprout only correct vegetable and I just want to kind of Click them off this stuff can change up what's available in the supermarkets the markets your budget that's what's cool about this finally slice a shellock shot correct okay start to dry fry all the veg wait what what dry what the hell and Char and give you some is he is he F shallow with no oil at all oh uncle is so upset and not just L down from chair my whole body is SL down from chair py o Jamie ha that pen that pen just comes straight from Factory it dry as hell and he whack shallot in there no oil no Loop just nothing W it he just raw dogging shallot into pan n nephew use oil it make everything cook better dry frying is like dry humping nobody want that smokiness so we're gaining flavor if you dry fry aspar you get nuttiness what happened to your sesame boy you using so much earlier at least put some sesame oil in there better than this I'll go in with some of these bean sprouts some of our noodles get yourself a little water and this is a screaming hot pan not just pan screaming all our Asian ancestors screaming also get yourself a little water the the water going to overcooked noodle even more High the noodle going to be soggier than baby food what you doing Jamie kind of goes a little bit crazy now so this is exciting right it's not exciting it's heartbreaking and a nice watch of this oh diarrhea sauce start tossing it around and this is the fast bit so you've got to concentrate a bit more but it's not hard it's not hard it's exciting so in we go no no no no no metos spoon in nonstick pan usually that biggest sin in Asian Kitchen but this video is so terrible that metal spoon in non-stick pan the smallest mistake crushed nuts lettuce leaves get in some coriander mint and Basel B only H in PTI is garlic Chi coriander mint and Basel like what it going to taste like it just too many thing Jamie too many thing and then we want a little dry fried egg so wipe out your pan dry fry again and of course you need a nonstick pan for this sprinkle with salt and chili chili flakes and when it's crispy flip it over and give it just 30 seconds look at that yeah the pencil knew it comes straight from Factory if you listen to it you can hear the stretch shop worker crying and then the last little kiss is of soy sauce soy sauce wrong so that my friends what why W sticking out like that this food so even letters trying to escape it's all I got to do now get myself some Chopstick all you got to do now is go to Thailand and apologize let's get amongst it that the worst n po hour the use of that tofu what the hell s is a bit of a game changer Asian food the game perfect already no need Game Changer Jamie don't change game change yourself second like see a dish that's Health he eat one B notice how he only eat one bite no second bite he's just pushing Noodle around even he know it Terri super nutritious and really cool I love it look at this P if you want to make vegan P it's simple just substitute with vegan fish sauce and dry shrimp you can substitute with mushroom because they both give P Umami flavor that is we P very simple Jamie oliveo you the first chef who make anaja fall down completely from chair Uncle Roger extending invitation man to man when Uncle Roger hit 10 million subscriber I have happy to fly to wherever you are we make one Asian dish together okay can be fire rice can be Ramen can be Pai you choose and if you agree to film together Uncle rer will even eat chili jam with you okay [Music]
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 1,119,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: ZmmSl6WpyJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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