I Built Our Real House in Crazy Detail!! (with LDShadowlady)

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so couple of years ago I made a video titled building at my real house in Minecraft it was a kind of accurate build it was decent but back then I did not have the chisel and bits mod so today I have spent 12 hours building our real house in pristine detail from the flowers to the kitchen counters you will see in a second as we get building the second half of the video we're gonna show Lizzy around to see if she thinks I've done a good enough job sorry for now funky intro today but I've literally spent 12 hours building so I'm kind of losing the will to live so when I started this project I thought you know what it'll probably take about four or five hours to finish no I was wrong it took twelve hours of constant building I'll show you the quick files right now of all the time lapses going up and down the screen yeah it was quite a challenge this first little time-lapse here is actually 50 minutes and then I put it into 20 seconds for you guys however I did have a lot of fun building it and it was quite easy in a way although it was just quite long because I could just go around my house and look at everything blah okay yeah that goes there getting the proportions and everything right was a bit tricky at first but as soon as I got the basis down it was quite easy to fit everything else around it now like I said in the intro I have built my house in Minecraft before but my gosh I've never built it in such detail as this this is pretty crazy I think I've never built anything in such detail as this like I've used the chisel and bit smug before I did that little video where I built a house with it but even then it can't compare to how much detail and little things I present to this I'm hoping when I show Lizzy that she's going to be blown away by the amount of crazy detail in it and it looks really like a house and it is to scale as well so you can walk around this life as a Minecraft house and my minecraft character is the same height as I would be in real life kind of so we finished the front there and we're moving on to actually decorating some of the inside of the house we've got the hallway we've got the little downstairs bathroom we've got the stairs the staircase and the banister took very long to build up the entire thing but I think it worked out really well it looks very similar to how it looks in real life can't do things like mirrors so if you ever see some gray in a white frame and that's because that is a mirror and I can't actually do mirrors here we have my office which I'm actually satting right now so it's kind of weird where my desk is which is right there is where I'm actually recording this video very strange got a big old lamp poster got my desk chair got another little jumpy chair behind me and of course a lamp at the top as well I did do ceiling lamps in most places where we have them but for some of them I just got lazy and stopped because it just was taking so long they're the most fiddly annoying things to make and I just did about four or five and I just like I don't want to do any more of these so I kind of stopped doing them in most rooms especially in our bedroom where we've got quite a complicated sort of chandelier type light as well here we have the lounge however which is very grey looking on this and I don't know why I guess it's kind of gray in real life but not as great as this we have two big sofas as you can see here one is gonna go on the other wall and we got a little rug which is actually really useful to have the terracotta blocked you know the glazed ones because I could use those for rug patterns I won't have to do a pattern by myself which was quite nice it is the room that I spend the most time in over than my office and that is the kitchen I like to cook a lot and I cook pretty much every single day and we have a really nice kitchen in my opinion it's got these nice granite gray work tops I try to recreate them in Minecraft but obviously they're not gonna look as nice and shiny as they do in real life this is where Mary spends most of her time as well especially when she was a puppy she used to stay in here and she bit all those little edges and corners of every table chair and anything else you see she's bitten that okay a lot of repairing has been done by Lizzie not me I will be the first of MIT we've also got a fish tank and some chairs in there which Mary loves to sleep on plus a couple of windows and some big doors here you can see the main layout as I'm planning it out with all the different carpet colors we've only got two different types of carpet one grey really soft carpet and another sort of I want to say yellow bit soft like beige colored as well and the roof as well very quick that roof took about 30 minutes America there he goes 10 seconds it's gone not even 10 sec this is the spare room here which Lizzie is currently renovating so it's very basic at the moment she's added a load of stuff since I built this in the past few days and I didn't add that ynx I'm lazy you'll also notice I disappear for a bit and a lot of these time lapses that I'm building stuff on the ground outside and then I sort of bring it in afterwards because it's easier to make it outside and copy and paste it in words and that was the main bathroom it's gone past really quickly but I'm sure you'll see it all in more detail as we go through the house with Lizzy later moving on to the final two rooms now that we've got our main bedroom which has got an ensuite bathroom and then we also have Lizzy's office now Lizzy's office I didn't do a very good job off unfortunately which is probably a bad idea because I'm gonna be showing it around her later she can point out all the floors to you though I won't do it myself our bed I made it out of sandstone is nothing like that color in real life I could not find the color our bed was at all Lizzy's desk though they're massive bigger than my desk and that is the final of the rooms and we move on to the garden this is the front of our house which leads on to the street we got a little bit of driveway there and we've got some bushes and some other bushes down the length of the house as well you'll see in a second outside the back though we've got this pagoda which my father built he's a very skilled carpenter and we have some sort of fairy lights on there which I did not add in the video because this is daytime and they wouldn't show up but if we have some nice fairy lights on there which are lovely and you'll see the rest of the shed and the raised bedding and stuff like that but now we're gonna go show Lizzy around this house I'm really excited to see what she thinks as I think I've done a very good job so here we are with Lizzy the second person who lives in this house one of two I would argue that I'm the first person that lived in this house true to be fair you do own it technically but we're married now we share everything and today I'm gonna share with you the house we live in in Minecraft you excited I am excited I'm curious what is behind this wall okay yeah blocked off of a wall at the moment I'm gonna bring it down now you're ready Lizzy I'm scared okay bang oh my gosh it is our house ignore the bushes way they'll grave you like them okay you didn't put Buddy inside oh no no yeah but he loves to sleep inside these bushes and and I missed out your plant pot here I realized today and you made this one look a lot more lively than it is in real life real I got a garage as well I didn't do the gouge because I would just have taken me about five hours to fill all the mess that's in there so that's yeah sure what would you like to come in the front door yeah sure oh my gosh it's an actual door what the hey so we've got the front door I'll give it one sec yes it's all it's all kinds of colors oh that's closer oh yeah oh good yeah so you'd like to take a look in the bathroom as well I feel like everything's all right in there there is a reading but yeah not the toilet roll holder yes of course it's empty there you should fill it up yeah sorry about that in here though we have our lounge Lizzie oh my gosh look for the first time in my life I'm tall look like barely painted or but you can fit this is so cool you can put the subwoofer in yeah the subway fits in point is the most important part we get the base Wow and the wedding artwork thing did you take pictures in real life so you could show people oh no I'll take a picture and I'll put it on screen of what this looks like right now and my sub plan yeah letís 1 mil we've got our 200 Kay's here as well but they're a bit harder to do because they were so small inside this box right here is all my Disney DVDs that's true Hey the lamps as well this one's a bit small but it's no it looks great the lamps are very tricky to make I just realized this table out here I feel like it's way too tall it's not come up to my shoulders are those in here you should you should put fire because it's always really hot in here because I turn the heat up in this room because I like it toasty yeah I actually didn't put in the heat you think just so you wouldn't be able to do this I did put the 1 for the house and jet all the house out here though so yeah wow you didn't put the cat food right here nobody's Bowl inside here is our kitchen oh wow I even did my fish tank yeah I didn't put the fish because there's not enough space to have are all hide yeah they're hiding at the moment yes Mary's crate yeah which is just a bit a great block I got lazy had that good I think we've got the cute little chairs we've even got over you've got the wrong number chairs here Joel how many I want a refund there's one with arms yeah I know I didn't make that one because there was here normally yeah it does well it fits in the real house how come it doesn't fit in the records all the houses are made of tiny little blocks Lizzie oh my butterflies yeah I did them all different colors like that but not one key thank you and then of course you got the main kitchen area over here this this is where the fridge is right here that's my favorite place in the house even though it's cold I still like it yeah it's full of dr. pepper do you remember we were moved in you told me how important a microwave was the microwave in and the kettle I didn't put any of the appliances in I was put in is it partner I use that microwave every single day for my porridge alright did you do the garden I did do the garden oh my goodness Wow manic guys and then we got all your flowers and plants beds oh you even got this one perfect it's stripping a little bit today got it accurate yeah it's very droopy in here as well we've got the shed which does actually have a working door the shed is my compost heap yeah is your compost every bit of detail is it everything needs to be showed I know there are a couple of things you forgot it yeah I've got the bins cuz they're OK it's the dog turds yep that's more accurate there you go I don't like real life okay let's go upstairs to the next floor up a staircase we've got a city on the other floor yeah but my office with my office I'm sorry right now oh yeah okay right you've made your trail even funkier and I know it's not the pepper gas in real life you've missed out a lot of the clutter as well I see yeah Shh it's not here yeah I couldn't be bothered to build that is too intricate it looks very accurately the sizing is very accurate q and then we got a bedroom which you are why is it purple it's this is blue blue clay it's not though is it's not it looks quite please meant to be my lamb but it's is turned out a bit pear this is not as accurate as I would like it to be it's considering I've put so much hard work into that I just bought a lantern that goes on here I've got my giraffe lamp oh like you didn't even do any of the curtains or blinds because we need the natural light okay Oh what would you like to see next my wave okay in here is lyses our face which I know it was a bit of a struggle I'm not gonna lie you like the mirrors out a bit but we're dangling real life and these box well clearly yeah you didn't you didn't kind of look because they have legs yeah I know I messed that up I've forgot to put the legs on side and all my clutter inside it is it is in there yeah it's probably a decimal we have the bathroom Lizzie oh wow cool this is where Lizzie keeps all their bath bombs in this cupboard here yep got this mirror which lights up and out the window you can see the village sometimes they spy on us yeah that's not accurate there's actually another house right opposite see we've got a little bath mat as well and yeah a nice little bathroom I didn't do my perm aid bath curtain no I didn't do any of the big like lung cancer anything I should have done I know I'm sorry but it's my pride and joy only twelve hours on this Lizzie please appreciate it no okay well let's go into our bedroom then I think I made the bed a bit high and the wrong colour but it's the right color it was quite tricky to find a color that matched it in real life I feel like we got our big wardrobes which is full of Lizzie's clothes Lizzie's clothes take up these two sections here and my clothes section all right but okay yours is erupting on to my side let's just say that and you have mod full drawers yeah that's true but we've got ensuite here as well which I'll let you have a go looking by yourself oh very cute shower oh yeah what's this Joel what's this picture here it's a picture of lilo and stitch it is just you can really tell it just by looking at it kind it's definitely not just a bit of terracotta that I put in there but there you have it Lizzie that is our house what did you think I've done a good job I'm impressed I think I'll keep the current color scheme and layout exactly as we have it instead of changing to this condensed decluttered version oh but i do i do prefer some things for example the dog poop free garden the weed free side of the house here that's nice and the lawn that doesn't need cutting that's fabulous the babies have magically disappeared so they're not just salad yeah I don't have to care about those anymore no such thing as bin night on minecraft there is one addition that I would like to add okay pet horse what we don't pass yeah we do now look outside Joel here we are like I'm not gonna go in look outside of real life wait I'll look outside in Minecraft see I told you not bad nice okay oh it's like us being in here in real life I forgot for the cows no remember all the times we stand outside our house like this in turn just like all those tires okay guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you did enjoy a little house tour in Minecraft and I'm glad that Lizzy enjoyed it as well thank you so much for watching make sure to leave a like and comment if you did enjoy this video and I shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 6,367,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game
Id: dV6gt5cdXRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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