I Dug out an Entire Chunk and Build a Castle in it!

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hello for today's intro it's going to be me standing here and looking at you and saying words first words are please subscribe to my youtube channel the second words are i don't have any more words enjoy enjoy the video those are the last words so as you probably know in minecraft we have chunks each chunk as you can see here is 16 by 16 wide and then 256 blocks high starting from bedrock of course today i'm going to challenge myself limit myself to a chunk and the basic idea of this video is i'm going to only be allowed to use those blocks in that chunk i'm going to set a world border so i can't get any blocks outside the chunk and also put myself in survival mode give myself some tools and we're gonna dig down collect all the blocks and then rebuild to the chunk and see if we can make something cool but obviously we've gotta find the chunk first now i'm gonna just allow myself to see if i could find the best chunk let's go out into the world of minecraft and see what we can find so i want to find a chunk which has got lots of stuff in it maybe two types of wood maybe some granite a decent amount of grass and dirt maybe some water and um that's quite tricky because that's a lot of stuff i'm asking for i think the best option i'm gonna get is like birch and oak for wood as that's just how the biomes work and i want to find like a high up area somewhere over here actually might be pretty decent although i could go to a jungle and get jungle and oak like here for example this jungle tree is in and we've got all these sort of oak trees as well plus a load of leaves which i do like building overgrown stuff the floor level is only 64 though which isn't very high but it does go up over here oh if i could get a bit of bamboo as well hmm this bit here would have been perfect but the oak is just outside the chunk although this one here is looking pretty good the lowest point in this chunk is 80 which is 11 more and it goes all the way up to 90 here and also we've got this massive oak tree plus this massive jungle tree and a load of other little jungle trees you know what i think this might be the one i'm going to change the world border so i can't get anything outside of it there we go i've got it pretty much perfectly lined up as you can see here this is the board for some reason it does it just a half over but i'm pretty sure i should be able to get these blocks here but now i need to give myself the tools this is what i'm going to give myself so obviously we get to give ourselves some never right tools we got a pickaxe of silk touch an axe a never right hoe with silk touch but i'm not sure if that's necessary and a shovel which also has silk touch plus some shears as well because obviously we're in the jungle there's vines so i'm gonna hop into survival mode now and clear out a load of this space until we have a blank canvas let's see what blocks you get and you know what i think your time lapse is in order please give me some interesting blocks under the ground please so you know earlier when i was like really wanting it to be like quite high up so i found a really high x level of 90. well that was a lot of space this took an hour and a half to clear out i had to add a beacon in because otherwise it would have taken me about three hours probably and i'm pretty sure i got quite lucky there was a lot of cool blocks like granite and diorite etc and i think i have too many blocks now oh my gosh i can't believe i've just spent an hour and a half digging out this hole and yes there's still some bits here all right i i just can't be bothered to collect them they're just awkward spots also this water here is really annoying also at one point i typed slash clear like this and got rid of my pickaxes and all my other tools so that's why i've only got the pickaxes left but let's have a look what we've got so starting from the top we've got all the leaves vines some grass some ferns even a sapling or two some wood etc then over here we've got all our dirt and grass plenty to fill up this cube and then from here on out is just stone and cobble and granite and diorite and undecided which we've got a decent amount of so i'm happy about that can see more and more and more and more and more and finally three diamonds we got three diamonds i didn't have fortune on my pickaxe is sad so we only got three can't really do anything with those we got some water as well because i collected the water from that bit there and i just put it into two waters as we can just making a limited water source from there redstone some lapis lots of boring blocks but the good thing about these boxes we can convert them into interesting stuff and we've got the tools to do so because we've got iron so we can make a sawmill thing or whatever they're called i'm excited i think it's time we get started i'm not sure how we're gonna make this look good and also i'm so sick of seeing these lines i can't wait to get this build done and not have to see these lines ever again time for another time lapse where hopefully this one actually looks pretty although the last one was pretty satisfying wasn't it so we started out by just filling in like the grass area and it was quite tricky to work on this layout because we don't have a lot of space i wanted to add some naturey bits in and like some cliff bit here so i needed a tiny little section in the corner and i also started up a little section over here where i've been smelting some iron i used some to make this stone cutter here i'm not sure what we're gonna use the rest of the iron for maybe just iron blocks got some coal blocks as well i made some coarse dirt with the gravel i collected probably saw in the chest that we collected some grass and ferns etc with our shears however we're slowly running out of ferns but i think that little section there looks nice if you just ignore the rest of the jungle that that that'd be good but now we've got to work on the building and there's not really that much space obviously we're gonna make it out of stone maybe some granite as well i've got some ideas it's probably gonna be like sort of like quite towery as obviously we can't go wide let's just cut to the time-lapse so i actually decided to build it up again as you can see here i go for like more of a sort of cliffy area here for our build to go on and obviously it's not going to be a house i tried to build some sort of like weird small castle but it's quite hard to build in this tiny little space also for a bit of it i did actually have to fly around because it's just such an awkwardly shaped build but obviously i removed the blocks so we're not gonna run out of blocks anyway we've got so many blocks the only things we're probably gonna run out of are like the grass and the ferns so it's kind of hard to see from down here but this is our build looks good doesn't it no but i've not finished it just yet we need to add on some detail and stuff we've got no sand so we can't have glass so we have to use like fences for the windows it is kind of like a castle but at the same time it's kind of weird it's got this granite tower here on it i think it looks okay the roof is a bit dodgy on this we have to use diorite which isn't the prettiest block but it's okay and this bit here is just a bit awkward also i did run out of space on this roof so it's not a complete roof but we can pretend it's not there right guys we can pretend that there's not this weird arrow here but as i said we have legitimately so many blocks let me head in here look in this chest here we've got still so much stone cobblestone etc that i'm actually gonna do the next part in creative i'm just going to detail this a bit we're going to use all the blocks that we have access to obviously we're not going to cheat any in we still got a load of jungle wood left as you can see in here let's see what we can do let's see if we can make this look all right i'm not going to time-lapse this instead i'll just walk you through it so let's start off with some fences as we're gonna be using these for the windows as we have no of a choice they look okay as windows but i'm not a huge fan most of the time i'm also gonna add a layer of stone slabs here just for looks and some up here as well just to give it a bit of detail you know speaking of detail let's add a grass block here and make some more trapdoors let's add some jungle stairs on this part here and some andesite slabs has a bit of decoration around i figured out what i'm going to use some of this iron for and that is to make some lanterns then we can hang these around to get a bit of light in this place as it's looking quite dark there we go that's looking a bit better it's so hard to get like how this looks because i'm stuck inside this blooming world border you know what for now that's probably as much detailing as we're gonna be able to get done we don't have a huge selection of blocks so let's work on the interior we only have a small selection of oak logs i'm gonna do this part in survival but i want to make some oak stairs like this put like that and also for a little chair in the corner and you know what we'll have some oak doors as well which actually works out as the perfect numbers we only really need three here beautiful i haven't used oak dolls in so long they kind of look ugly don't they and for a little decoration we can also make some rails put on top of there i know it's not the normal one you use but oh well made another lantern to put on there suppose i should probably make some chests but there's not really enough space in here to put them so we'll put them upstairs and we can make some ladders to get up there to put here not that much room for chests up here either but we'll fill as many as we can there we go that'll be enough storage i bet this looks so weird from out there in this tower here we're gonna make more ladders and uh we don't really have many blocks left for floor so diorite floor yay we had lots of other options i just wanted to use diorite as it was different from the stone of the castle but you know there we go kind of ugly and also we got this gap here but if we ignore the gap fact we can fill the gap in up here what could we have another seat some grass that's about it fun times yeah i'm not sure there's much we can add inside there but down here let's add a few vines in we've got loads more vines in the chest by the way it's actually kind of ridiculous how many vines we collected more coarse dirt yes please no i just wasted one of my bits of grass we'll use our free delicate ferns up and also there's a bit of grass up here as well which we can replace of course dirt can also do some hanging leaves yes i'm doing this in creative we've got so many leaves in the chest down there it's fine do we have anything else we can use we got these blocks of coal i guess i could just you know place them around down here why not i honestly think that might be it let's take away the world border for a second so we can have a proper look at this thing there we go you know what from a distance it doesn't look that bad but from this side oh just ignore it from that side but from this side as soon as we built that with everything that was found in that one chunk i'm quite happy with that it's quite a nice little build look at it there in this little chunk how adorable let's get back in so there you have it guys that is it for the one chunk challenge that we've done today i'm pretty happy with this i think we've managed to make something pretty cool seeing as we've only got the blocks from this one chunk what do you guys think let me know in the comments down below subscribe if you're new and make sure you leave a like as well i shall see you another time for another video goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 775,778
Rating: 4.9591126 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, one, chunk, 1 chunk, one chunk, builds, challenge, build, building, house, tower, castle
Id: ePakM0RJVks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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