Minecraft BUT we Die if we Stop Building..

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in today's video lizzy and i are going to be playing minecraft however we have a data pack made by m space dev where if we don't place a block for a certain amount of time we die so now if i had to choose between killing this chicken or placing a block i'd still probably kill the chicken now i got this idea from watching mumbo jumbo who built a house and more with this data pack on however we're going to be doing it a bit differently we are going to build five different things with the time decreasing per build whoever can build better under the pressure will win let's get started just kidding i forgot to ask you to subscribe so please subscribe okay thank you now we'll start are you scared nervous yeah i'm very scared i don't i don't think i can do this first up we have five seconds and we're going to building a house get your blocks in your inventory ready oh i've got him i need to get mine oh gosh the pressure what do i get yep five seconds to choose you don't get five seconds to choose no no no no no what are these blocks i'm choosing oh these are so stupid what am i doing looking at these blocks i don't know why i've chosen these but i'm ready are you ready okay i'm ready starting three two one all right stop building oh gosh wait it's survival mode oh joe oh okay wait that doesn't count that's not our house no no no no okay go let's go all right get building this house i'm nervous me too oh no first pace yourself no yeah yeah yeah that's true but if you keep placing blocks you've got plenty of time yeah that's kind of the point well your house is blue yep i see you've gone for your stereotypical house that you always build hey it's not stereo so pic i've worst words my time was starting to run out so i randomly placed a campfire my time is barely running out this is quite easy five seconds quite relaxing it's more like if you have to find the blocks in the creative menu that's when i feel like you could run out of time yeah but five seconds is quite a long time i feel like this is quite a breeze builder house is now just deciding what to actually make this house look like oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i got down to two seconds all right i was taking it too breezily sorry no panic no panic we're fine we're fine i'm doing good you're doing good good for you let's go joel you're doing really well i've put a load of blocks in my inventory but not in my heart bar so i had them ready for later on smart i didn't think of that i should not have said that should not said that my house so far it's hideous what have i built why have i built this this is terrible oh no no gosh one i got down to one second because it was it because you were just looking at your house yeah i was just like what should i add next i almost ran out of time because i was breaking slots to put windows in and i realized that i was just doing a lot of braking and not a lot of placing so this is sort of like the experiment round i feel like we can both do this one building a house we built houses many times before yeah i built a really ugly house though oh it's very very blue yeah sort of did that on purpose but i do have a lot of regret now ah nearly out of time fine oh i'm gonna have to get a block in a second from the menu yeah oh gosh type nope okay just about no i got the wrong block ah okay all right we're good we're good we're good all this stress is probably not good for you no i'm gonna have to get another block as well i did not prepare my inventory well enough oh no oh my gosh i got down to a second we're fine everything's fine decorating the interior uh is going to be the hardest part i reckon yeah definitely i'm running out of time literally just because i'm looking around where to place things we're trying to do some interior design oh it's ugly you're so bleeding it looks quite nice from over here very you very colorful quick oh i'm down as well oh gosh i forgot to place a block all right i'm just i need to get into the habit of just you know just clicking block i'm going to really struggle when the time gets shot i just had to place a flower pot i don't know what else to build i'm not going to lie if you're done that's good that means i've i'm not done yet so i need to continue building yeah i'm going to stop because mine's finished i mean do i lose like what do i want to do here if you've if you've finished you're doing good you could just die now i guess if you're done it'll stop for you yeah i think so maybe i should dye them wait wait wait no don't when you're finished you should die that's going to keep oh that's yeah okay i think i guess that's the case my house i've gone for is way too big this is not good are you gonna die no wait let me at least finish the floor oh my gosh all right well i didn't put a door on you all right well let's have a look at our houses then show me around your house lizzy let's have a look so here's the house here's the front door and there we go okay you've actually managed to do quite a nice little interior in here it's a bit dark in some places but actually you've got a lot of light so you're fine yeah maybe on the ceiling maybe yeah all right actually i've changed my brightness and yeah you're right it's nice and light in here okay well you've done a house you've got a chimney i was gonna do a chimney but i didn't get tired oh you didn't get around to it did you you killed me i didn't kill you i finished my build and i won fair and square okay well now i know that that's a thing oh it's very empty in here it's very empty so i guess you rin round one i guess then cause mine is obviously inferior and unfinished now we're only gonna have four seconds and we have to build a butterfly we're gonna build a butterfly you so get your blocks ready oh accidentally clean that into my inventory i've never really built a butterfly before this is quite hard to choose the blocks yeah i don't really know what to use i don't think you need many blocks for it uh so you've copied me oh wait you said you did it by accident i was joking i was trying to put you off but see because of that i came up with that idea on my own now i think i'm ready i'm ready to fail me too i guess it's gonna be so hard four seconds this time and off we go all right start building butterfly oh you're going for wood yes wait what am i doing i don't know what are you doing oh i don't know oh gosh my plan is gone i don't i didn't have a plan but it's gone terribly oh what is this oh gosh um no i really died uh okay oh no mine's so weird i'll place the blocks in the wrong place i want a refund on my butterfly yeah mine's so bad oh no i need another color that i didn't get oh no too risky i'm gonna have to go without for now oh what is this huh it's hideous i'm just concerned that if you lose i also have to stop building yeah well it's a race against the time to get stuff done before you lose yeah inevitably how's this not even yeah mine's also not even and as soon as i'm done i'm gonna stop okay i'm nearly i'm doing all right oh yeah i think so you're not looking over at mine i.e you've got time to look at mine uh not really no i'm too busy focusing on building my uh ugly ugly butterfly oh my gosh this doesn't look like a butterfly at all oh gosh um what can i place oh gosh it's so hideous i accidentally put the wither skull on my head instead of putting it on the build oh no um flies out my strong suit i've realized why not she's so idiot oh my gosh joel i just look nowhere oh no i'm breaking blocks everywhere i'm trying to get a block out my inventory it's all gone i was happy with mine a bit uneven babe doesn't matter he's one wings in flap and the other one's not quite there yet they're not quite in sync look okay here's his little eyes and he's got antenna and then his body is the wood and he's got a little cute little leg oh he does have cute little legs the monarch butterfly so he's got the blue with the black around the edges and i was gonna put some white in but then you died oops yeah died building this this is uh this is mine i can't believe you laughed at mine and this is yours what do you think why have you got white wither skulls they're just skulls they're not white why did you all use white skulls when clearly they don't have bright white eyes i don't know babe i don't know i was getting bone meal and i failed four seconds he's popping my idea you copied my flowers that's that's karma he serves you right trying to copy my flowers so i guess it's uh it's too nil let's move on to the next book declare me the winner of this one then yeah now we've decreased the time to three seconds and we have to build a tower life hack slabs can be doubled up to make a whole block that's good all right three seconds three seconds three seconds i'm just placing blocks constantly everything's fine there's no power whatsoever i don't like it i'm panicking it's fine everything's good life's good towers are pretty easy you just keep going up and up and up that's true it's not like theoretically we should never lose there's no thinking involved just building like i could lose now and your house would be ugly true but i've i've begun then i'm doing job i'm scared oh i didn't get blocks that i needed so are we about to end it no no no it's fine i'll just improvise with the blocks that i have you're quite good at this tower business you've done this quite a lot i've got a fair few towers in my time i got the wrong kind of quartz and i've realized that now but it's far too late oh you have quite a big tower well you know i wanted to make it bigger than yours that i would win i'm trying to get back down to the ground and i'm just placing blocks all the time oh no i need to get a block i'm not gonna be able to get it got the wrong one oh no oh i got the wrong one again you get your head in the game young man okay i'm just gonna go with this one probably for the best how do i do a roof oh my gosh build it we're good we're good we're good all right you know what i'm doing it i'm not gonna lie whoa did i die oh yeah oh gosh i didn't realize i died sorry did you finish yours kind of not really no i didn't finish the interior i didn't even start on the interior and finish it outside of my hand you've gone for like an evil looking tower yeah i did yeah well very nice very nice my door doesn't work yeah because of you that's it because of you too my tower doesn't work but the interior got some nice grass but yeah okay well it was it was a slow time here's my tower gone for like uh you know tower style tower so four blocks wide yeah but it's gonna be like up here and it's gonna be lovely but instead no so what who do you think's the winner of this one probably you mine's a bit poor okay nice good i tried to go for like something a bit original but unique like i've never built before but you've just went for your old trusty die hard fantasy style tower like i think i should get some points for being creative i went creative with my butterfly and uh i got no points for that yeah maybe don't go off script we now only have two seconds to place a block and we have to build an animal all right so animal lizzy get your blocks this is gonna be hard because we're gonna have two seconds two seconds let's go all right i'll just place some blocks constantly i don't want to fail i'm this good i'm so nervous oh my gosh it's fast it is really fast isn't it huh i barely even have time to switch blocks yeah i know oh gosh oh my gosh i might not even finish it we could have some ugly looking animals i'm not sure oh this is so uneven how am i doing it's so neat oh gosh what's going on this is very stressful oh gosh no idea if the shape is right guess we're just gonna go with it oh gosh okay that way yeah that way ah broke a block ah how's yours going yeah it's going are you laughing at my build no luffing up my own oh gosh i needed another block oh well oh my god mine is ugly no okay okay we're good we're good the panic i saw this cute build one day and i've always wanted to build it but i've not quite done it justice in fact i've done a horrendous job of it i have a guess of what you're going for i've not really had a chance to look i've seen a bit about my peripheral vision i've nearly done are you nearly dead really okay oh the proportions of mine are not good you better fix it try it think i'm done i'm actually quite happy with it i think it's not bad yeah i'm gonna say i'm done with mine too okay let's start panning out the proportions are not great on mine what how have you built that oh what do you like it that's so good what the heck i was well happy with my dolphin i think what do you think it was i thought it was an alien it's a bit short in the body usually they're a bit longer than that i genuinely thought it was like some kind of alien like look at it from the front look at it from here and tell me that looks like a dolphin how have you that's so cool it's only like three blocks as well i went for something really block simple well uh you get the point obviously what now we tried to go down to one second but it just doesn't work so we're doing two seconds again but this time we have to build a flower all right so another two seconds get ready off we go it should be pretty easy yeah you say that nearly ran out of time instantly all right this is going all right this is going all right i'm dead really yeah oh it's hideous i'm not dead that's funny because i'm done no no please let me finish oh my god mine's hideous too oh i'm done mine looks more like a tree oh okay well this is cute though it's the what's it called uh blue orchid the swamp flower yeah except it's the old style the new one's a lot nicer i went for the original design of it looks a bit floppy looks a bit dead yeah what do you think of my true lip oh it's a very cute little tulip there not as cute as your fox but it's still a win in my book they're very cute together i think if you look here you can see all them oh so adorable well for one well done lizzy turns out under pressure you you prevail it's because i plan adequately i get all my blocks out ready and i already know what i'm gonna build and i already know what the hardest parts are gonna be so you know what you always say i'm too worried about the future well suck it because it lets me be ready for things enjoy your prize it's a flower gee thanks i am now going to blow up my tower because i don't want anyone to see that i built this oh no no oh it's ruined your house and your fox a little bit oh his face has fallen off a little bit so there you have it guys that is it for this video thank you so much for watching i hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're new and go check out lizzy's channel as well and we shall see another time for another video goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 2,570,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, ldshadowlady, datapack, stop, building, die, can't, can'tstop, buildingdeath, funny, joel and lizzie, ld shadow lady
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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