I Walked in a Straight Line and Built a House with the Blocks I Collected..

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so a lot of people are doing these challenges where they walk in a straight line and at first I was skeptical I thought that's weird and boring but then I did it with yeah me and Lizzie and Scott and I was like it's not that boring however I'm gonna do my own little twist on it I am walking in a straight line for an hour with the purpose of collecting blocks we're gonna do this in a modern world which means you can collect hundreds of different blocks and at the end we're gonna build a house names are that we won get a call block two we kill lots of chickens and free I don't I didn't have a third one the chicken one is the most important let's start off by making a brand new modded world where we're gonna walk in a line Wow content is weird these days so brand new world biomes o plenty world survival mode call it one hour walk in let's find out where we spawn I hope it's in a nicest place and we are gonna use one sheet and that is keep inventory because we might die at the end and that would be very awkward and I don't want that to happen we've spawned in quite a nice buyer I'm gonna go in a straight line from the way we were looking which was this way one hour let's get going so our coordinate is minus two three five as you can see in the top there and already we got some wood thank you very much that was a good start grab all the bits of both me as well it is just plain old boring oak wood but hey it's wood a bits got stuck up there I can't get it that's a shame and another tree okay we can actually start making some tools we're gonna make a wooden pickaxe so we can make some stone tools there we go we got the basics and then let's continue on oh gosh I'm gonna play some blocks here we got that dirt from earlier I'm hoping we get out of this biome soon but let's collect all the wood along the way as it might come in useful so a different biome here but so far it's just been oak wood again although there are some flowers here I'm gonna take those I chose to use mods because I thought you know what we'll come across some funky biomes but so far the only biomes are come across I mean the most boring ones and she wrote me checked where our starting point was cuz I have no idea how far we're actually gonna travel we have an hour so it might be quite away really use with can animal walk and in front of our pack for something so I can kill it for food yes sheep say still no oh well that sucks aha but we have got some more wood different type this time some good old spruce ok maybe one of these pigs will just stumble into our puff like that yes no I can't reach it Pig Cup come here come die in front of me hoping he's gonna panic run into me but oh there we go no that's gone out reach again yes ok we got one bit of pork ok and there's another few bits yes ok we're getting some pork that's be actual got pretty lucky there let's make ourselves a furnace never pig yes alright we've actually got seven bits of pork that's a lot more than I was expecting to get we've been doing this for 10 minutes so far I'd say things are going pretty well you probably wondering why am i collecting these flowers because you can turn them into dyes and then you can actually dye wooden planks with that so that's why I'm collecting the flowers it is nighttime now which means these fellas are appearing can't collect that night in my lane alright let's get going this is scary gosh that's a cocoa bean in up I'm getting chased by mobs well I think I do want to find out one point is some iron so then I can make a chisel oh gosh mobs oh no this is not a good time type of tree oh it's like weird would that have been good as well but there's mobs everywhere as I was saying if I can find some iron or a diamond I can make a chisel oh no this is quicksand I don't know following this oh gosh quickly my dear out get away it's okay we're across okay the creeper in the water close to me that's gonna blow up knock me off the thing oh goodness he'll heal up come on skeleton shoots me I'm dead here so much stuff around I might have to make a boat cuz this is ridiculous I don't even have swimming so I'm 1.12 it's a little bit of land I can use there maybe make a boat but there is a skeleton right next to it and I've got no way of defending myself and now it's hitting me I'll stop pushing it in place skeleton that sucked this this is pretty hopeless right now our progress is so slow and Dale times come in so I want to get as much progress done in the day as possible what if I head down and build up oh gosh no drown okay okay we might drown a little bit but we're building up Owen okay we made is the surface crafting table ah goodness boat yes and we're off land thank you oh my gosh 20 minutes in and the best block we have are some spruce planks I need to find some cool stuff quickly which is good because we've come to a desert which is always full of lots of cool stuff and not just sand I've fallen in quicksand I thought it was fine but it's not oh this sucks I can't move from goodness we're out okay oh we just missed the only cool thing in a desert which is these trees palm trees would be quite nice but no oh oh dear bit scary see you if you worth getting on the line I'm on down there though just lava leap of faith Oh more ocean land and it looks boring why why give me something fun height and this is Christmas miracle although it's not Christmas anymore yes chicken is now a dead chicken on our path not sure whether I should eat that I'll keep it for a shrine back tomorrow ssin at nighttime yay just really hoping for some more interesting biomes this is so sad Oh out stay on the path stay on the path oh gosh Oh yikes ah okay well there we go which way did we go I think we went that way so let's go north this time we're gonna go the other direction staying on the - two three five line hopefully we can find some across this way oh but more skeletons and Oakwood quick quick quick quick quick let me through the who stay I like still my line I'm gonna dead again but we're gonna keep going off old gosh and being knocked off the line constantly oh there's so many mobs for the rest of this we're gonna to leave the day cycle off and just do it in the daytime because I want to just travel I don't care about killing mobs and surviving we're over halfway through now and we're we've died really quite a lot here and even in a day time there's still blooming loads of mobs holy moly come on I like to say my line I'm gonna die again there's no way I'm getting through this tree Oh am I oh gosh Bruce why are they so many mobs quick quickly oh my gosh I'm actually surviving eat oh my gosh didn't actually have to kill a cow there's just a zombie slowly following me I'm pretty sure I can't see it anymore okay but we're out stay time hopefully none of that stuff happens again looks like we've got quite a hilly biome ahead of us let's hope beyond this hill is a beautiful biome oh we actually just killed two sheep so love to make a bed but we got some raw mutton so we've got plenty of food supply now eventually looking pretty full I'm gonna get rid of these cacti I'll eat this berry Oh some clay only two bits not really enough to make anything oh okay so we actually have something interesting up ahead oh but there's a plumbing ravine here there's iron but can't reaches just out of my reach and though she's a massive and this forest is dense so we should hopefully stumble into one and I can already see we're going to yes this is what I'm talking about look at this and we can actually climb up the tree and take this entire thing but that's something different I'm glad the mods have actually come in useful we've got enough wool for a bed which is good we can have a bedroom in our house once we get over this hill over here and have a look and if there's anything interesting we'll keep going but if not I think he's time to dig down and try and find some iron as I really would like a chisel okay so that's actually pretty hopeful there's some like Jacaranda trees I think they're cold over there and a field of lavender let's throw some to top off to the side but as cobblestones grab some lavender from our path let's hope one of these trees is in our way we've got so much lavender but is not looking hopeful we just miss this one by one block No that's so sad we actually found an interesting biome please we can use the lavender to make some stained planks we've got plenty of oak wood so I think stay in planks are gonna be the way we're gonna have to go but we got 15 minutes left so I'm thinking maybe we should start looking for this iron so underground we go they to use my coal to make some torches although if I just put it in my hand I think we've shaders wait that marble is marble nice sick we can use this full stack will do for now there's a cave here coal on the right of me I into the left and Here I am stuck in the middle with nothing yes iron thank you two bits three bits four bits that's enough to make some chisels event she's getting pretty full now we're at the surface it is raining although it looks yeah it looks like it's clearing up now which is nice we're still walking in a line we have just over five minutes left probably should cook some food let's see if we can stumble into something great over then oak wood Wow lots of oak wood get out my way oak wood no my goodness gracious right well the chance of us finding something good it's very slim this is gonna be a disappointing end oh the last minute I was hoping would be spent in some mystical Grove but no big old tunnel to one and time right no more collecting not that we can pick any of this stuff up let's find a place suitable for building game ot get there quickly I want to quickly check oh my gosh this place is massive I was gonna check what's on the other side of it was there anything interesting oh my god would take me ages to get through this and now it's just some spruce logs this looks like a nice place to build my house back into survival so let's sort everything out first we'll put our crafting table down our furnace down and let's make a chest quickly so when you put in a chest like this it doesn't really look like much does it that's a shame let's make the chisel we've been talking about very simple to make these and it means we can turn this cobblestone here into an actual nice looking block such as this so I'm thinking we're gonna use marble for the floor and a good floor pattern is this one here which we've also used the chisel modifier we can't build a massive house as we don't have a massive amount of blocks but we should be able to make a reasonable sized house I've already nearly ran out of marble already we've got another stack so let's go for a standard L shape like this although let's make this bit stick out a little bit maybe there that'll do and we're gonna use this cobblestone as a sort of accent block as we've got a load of cobble and then we're gonna get our lavender here and turn this into some nice purple dye get some of this boring old oak wood and make a few stacks of purple wood two and a half for now which is actually quite a lot we've got loads more dye as well I mean I've got quite a lot of my oak cuz we're gonna build a purple house oh my gosh I just realized we didn't get any sand I think I threw away on my sand we've got sandstone we can't make windows I didn't think of that oh I'm such an idiot so the walls are on it's looking okay obviously we forgot lemon glass so no windows which is a shame I'm gonna use the Redwood here as the roof it might not work or it might work those are the two options we're gonna convert all the redwood into stairs that's a lot of stairs I'm hoping it should do the entire roof if it doesn't we're screwed but red and purple is an interesting mix I have to admit myself but we don't really have much choice so I have used all the red word there and I forgot about the middle needs slabs I might actually have enough to do this wait where do they go that there they keep going visible we might be okay it'll be close but hope is not lost the hope is all gone right I'm gonna do something with the red dye that I've collected oh it's only free good good good so that's 24 planks and it's not even remotely close to the same color we can we can turn it into stairs 32 it's all we've got and that's not even talking about like you know the center bit that we need to do on the middle of the Hat yep cool yeah that looks not the best choice so from here it looks alright even from over here not that bad beside yeah it's alright but over here yeah that that that's happened that's the roof done we'll make a nice evany door which doesn't match at all put on anyway i have to light it up a little bit it's very dark I'll have a little crafting area in the entrance lovely double chest next to it can make ourselves a bed and diet purple plop that down here that's where our bed will go outside well we'll plant some lavender because we've got lots of its spare can use a shovel to make a lovely path up to the house kind of struggling right now what else to add it's not really that much choice from all of this is there you can add some more flowers around like these maybe a nice door entrance like so I guess we can make some sofas the old-fashioned way although I bet I can use this wood somehow to make like a table yeah look a table wait can I make a chair as well oh I can while I'm making it the old-fashioned way an oak cabinet or two here very nice what are these mini chests all that cute cool are these around on the tables and stuff just have one item in them to be honest I'm struggling to think of anything else I could add in but not a bad effort really seeing as we can only walk in a straight line that wasn't that much option I think this is pretty good it's not pretty it's not a good house but it's our straight-line house and that's what matters we'll top it off by planting some cocoa beans out here so there you have it a house built from blocks collected by walking in a straight line I would not recommend this do not do this thank you for watching make sure to subscribe and comment I'll see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,099,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, walking, in, straight line, building, house, timelapse, modded, mods, biomes o plenty, funny
Id: MjL5IrObKuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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