I Transformed The End in Minecraft with Mods!

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well well well well well I guess this is the end actually no this is the overworld now this is the end and no I'm not talking about that movie with Seth Rogen I think the end is ugly yeah I said it Terry's friend Terry - who just behind me agrees isn't that right Terry - and Terry free today we're gonna try and improve the end by giving it a makeover okay she's got my video so here we are on a brand new Minecraft world but we don't want to be staying here on the surface let's get straight to the end and yes I'm just gonna cheat the portal in because I'm lazy I normally mess this up but let's see if we can get it to work first time I think the eyes go this way nice into the end we go and Bluma neck oh it's dark let's see if any of our other shaders work cuz obviously these ones don't well not a fan of that one to be honest that's not too bad still really dark yep - dark let's just turn them off there you go that's much better now I'm gonna place a block randomly over here as we're gonna use that as like a before and after image so here's our before and here's our after just kidding we've actually got a sort of work on it I guess we should probably get started by killing the ender dragon which should be too hard is wearing creative mode and can just do this still a bit of a pain to kill this guy even with creative mode it would have been cool to keep him but it's just really annoying and destroys stuff so all her mic read ever said there then dragons female or male or maybe it's genderless my sentence there is so pause just listen to it again mine cred ever said theft and Dragons what the heck I'm a stroke there we go it is pretty I'll give them that and now we've got our egg with our credits portal which I hate looking in to be honest it really trips me out we're gonna start off by lighting this place up and I think the time-lapse will do for that took about 10 minutes to place all these torches because surprisingly this place is a lot bigger than it initially looks you may notice there's some weird-looking blocks there as well that looks kind of like an aw we're gonna change those as well as at the end stone when we convert this to something a bit nicer and now the question you've all been waiting for can we put shaders back on think it's the sky the sky just looks terrible and plunder pixels and for some reason on the other shader packs the torches just don't show up part from this one so yeah let's just leave no shared is on so I've killed all the Enderman but they seem to just really spawn I'm not sure if they're just responding kisses end stoned so let's start off by changing all of this top block to grass well actually no we should puppy change it all to stone first using world in it and then change the top to grass this probably is gonna lag out my minecraft entirely but we'll do it anyway oh wait I didn't realize the pillars stuck out from the bottom like that strange okay I've done the command alright it wasn't too laggy we've done it let's change all this or as well now nice alright so there's still Enderman here but they were here before let's hope that no more spawn in think we should be able to yeah just use this brush here to change the top surface and only the top surface to grass although I am changing some of the stuff down here as well this is kind of fun it's just like painting it's very experimental so my aim is not to change any of the terrain whatsoever and build round it by that I mean the shape of it obviously I've completely changed it to stone and grass but hey let's stand on that glass block and do our first cut so this is what it looks like right now we've done quite a bit of grass but let's change this with a click of my fingers I clapped ebert expecting that way you and look at it now oh oh it's green it's looking less like the end apart from the horrible sky still lots of Enderman here they've not gone they're gonna stay and of course we kept the dragon egg here as well that's not gonna move anywhere now I've had an idea I'm not sure if this is gonna work but we're gonna try it anyway I think this is gonna have to be massive so let's try this oh it's a cylinder so there you go that's too small now let's try 150 let's do a sphere instead actually woah look at that is that completely encase the island or is there bits that are sticking out that's close to the edge there it looks like it's got it all though it's a shame that obviously it meets the bottom here the same level these cut off I'm pretty sure you can't go lower than this yeah so these are right at the bottom kind of like it but I'm kind of not such a fan I'm gonna say no to the glass fear to be honest I think you'll look better without so I guess we should probably get renovating this thing and I've got an idea of what I want to build so we want to make the center of the build around the dragon egg here and I've got a color theme that I want which I think would look really good with the end and that is white and purple and I think it'll just look really cool and yes I am gonna change some of the terrain to make this build fit oh I just fell in the flippin pole now there's gonna be a few experiments going on here so let's cut to a time lapse time lapse Joel how's it looking because you've actually seen the finished product and I've got no idea well I can tell you Joel that is looking ok I did stick to the white and purple theme and I'm really liking it I think the sort of contrast with the sky and the grass that we now have looks really really cool and very happy of it I sort of made the central dome around the dragon egg and it's all built on top of it as well made this sort of spirally white and purple thing here which I've quite liked the look I've got this glowing water in the side of it as well this is like the sort of central part of the entire island I just want it to stand out you know it does look very mysterious with shaders on but honestly I prefer it without the sky just looks horrible just looks like static so one of the big problems I've come to realize is that the Enderman they just steal your blocks like look they've been taking these I'm lighting this area down here cuz I'm not seen to be spawning down here yeah they're just stealing all my blocks perfect now I'm gonna try and incorporate these towers into the bill because I'm pretty sure they're all the same distance apart from each other although they're different whips and stuff but it's pretty circular and because we built in the centre of the dragon egg I'm pretty sure they're all centered around that we'll find out as we build the next part how's it going time-lapse Joel to be honest Joel it was going pretty good but then something happened that wasn't so good look at this what the heck has just happened are you serious is this a glitch is this actually here what let me log out quickly what perfect goodness it was just a visual glitch I thought I'd just basically somehow broke it entirely let's continue on our wall around here also Enderman just respawn back in straight away look this is what happens when you kill them they've disappeared as you can see and then they're already back quite literally you kill them and they come back instantly yeah there's there's no getting rid of them I realized cool so we kind of have to work around the fact that Enderman can just appear out of thin air I guess it is the end so it kind of makes sense but as you can see the wall around the edge links up pretty perfectly I use a bit of worldedit to spawn in at first that's off edited it a bit myself I also want it to give like a little ode to what the towers were before so I put in some like crystals which were really big and then I also added in this like sort of weird circular thing you'll see in a second which kind of matches the tower in the center and there you go I think the progress is looking pretty good it is kind of weird cuz the towers are all different heights but feel like that adds to it in a way we're gonna work on a bit of the central stuff here now as well I think I'm gonna actually make this a little bit smaller make a dome there then have another one coming off the other side but look the plumbing Enderman keep messing with my grass stop leave it alone yeah let's make this an actual sort of like base or something like that rather than just this weird sort of tower it is at the moment I'm really liking this purple and white theme but I'm really hating Enderman do not build in the end they are so annoying they're just constantly crowding you look you can see them here they're just all around my base like get your own base you stupid enemy I don't I'm saying but yeah when I think of like the end I do think of Enderman and like I don't know it's kind of like a space vibe for it so I kind of made this like sort of like a moon base but obviously made out of purple and white and it's in Minecraft so it looks nothing like a moon base but I kept to the domes on the side apart from on the right where there is a tower which I thought would just like break you up a little bit make it look nice and even so we'd have to have a dome on every side I then added in some trees and Bou milled the ground just to make it look a little bit more homely I think is looking pretty good you got the gates here to get in and that's really grand in here looks really cool you sort of enter different zone of course you got the dragon egg in the center still there are Enderman inside you can't keep him out I've tried you can't they just break in got a little chest real slash crafting area here he's like purple crafting tables furnaces anvils and all the chest and everything you'd ever need then over here we've got some animals for some reason cat will spawn in but if you try and do any other animals like sheep oh it's working now it wasn't working it far well yeah here's the animal section chickens that will be slaughtered but yeah they're sort of like really far away from everything else so if you stand here it's lovely with this build is you might accidentally fall in the end portal here and the credits will start rolling and then over here I was gonna have a bedroom but then I realized we're in the end you can't bear dreamers who said it's just a bit empty at the moment yeah I don't know what to put in here but it looks nice and you got like this cool window to look out across the end we have a shade a check like honestly not that bad it's boys got it sort of misty vibe to it when you stand up here this one it looks pretty cool here but it kind of loses the purple effect as all the lights glowy orangey and this one look how creepy this looks holy moly oh my gosh that's horrifying the Enderman Oh up there as well that's scary I kind of like it but what the heck but now we've got get working on the outside now where do we actually tell apart into because there's a little obsidian platform that you spawn on there it is so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna alter this a little bit and make a little bridge over to the main island maybe some stairs as well they all have to need and then we're gonna just sort make this look a little bit different cut to time-lapse so I want it to stick to the theme of the rest of the base by making it out of some like quartz and white concrete and just purple I use this purple water and just let it fall into the void and I think he looked really cool in the end when i zoom out and show you a bit later you'll see what I mean and then I got working on adding some trees to this place which I actually used worldedit to help me so there's quite a lot of saplings just around and stuff but it's safety about 15 minutes worth of placing trees I also have used this bone meal command as well which bone milled or the grass for me which was beautiful so here you go this is what I was talking about it's nice and purple there you head up through here across this little lovely path through these really cool trees here and then you get to the center where you can head in to the main base this now looks just completely different to the end I think it looks pretty cool I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and now I'm gonna do a big transition let's get up that shot from the beginning again and let's do a fade cut between the two I'm hoping this looks okay but here it is what a transformation I am really happy of this I think it looks awesome it's just something nice for when you come into the end you know and I really enjoyed this project still looks hideous with shaders although this one looks pretty cool when you come in it's all mysterious and there you have it my end transformation thank you so much for watching this video guys I hope you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like and come if you did and I shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,896,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game
Id: EXSrh0p3y5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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