I Challenged 100 Players to a Build Battle in Minecraft!

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welcome back to another video where hello there joel um hi remember me uh no should i why yes it is i freddie the chicken you let live in one of your intros a few months ago i watched as you kill all my brethren and i spent all these months training and preparing to kill you so joel finally i get the chance i've been waiting for this for sure sorry about that like i was saying make sure to subscribe and um yeah let's start the video so in around 2016 i used to make a lot of videos on minecraft build battle this is where you're given a theme and you have to build something for that theme in a certain amount of time and then people vote on which they think is the best and not to do my own horn but i was uh pretty good at it just kidding people only voted for me because i had the youtube rank and i got the urge to play the other day however i thought hmm wouldn't it be funny if it was me against 100 other people building together and you're now thinking but joel wouldn't they just completely destroy you and and yes that might be the case but here's my thinking okay i can build something and i control everything i'm a bit of a control freak i get to build to design every part of the plot however they they have to somehow work together with a hundred people and try and build something cohesive which is is gonna be very tricky for them also i'm gonna be allowed to use world edit so it should hopefully sort of even things out a little bit but let's be real it's still i'm still gonna lose so let's hop onto my server mc.beanblocks.com if you want to see any of the builds in this video come to creative mode right now and you can have a look for yourself and let's set up this whole thing so here i am on the server i've set up two plots right next to each other so people can come back and forth and have a look at what i'm doing but not copy me and we've told everybody what the deal is and everybody's arriving i've also put some signs down over there you can kind of see wait they're building already they shouldn't be able to do this and i'm going to say an hour and a half because i think that's how long it's going to take me to finish this flipping thing so let's allow people on and off they go oh my gosh it's mayhem i think there's actually more than a hundred people on so this is gonna be a bit crazy this is my plot over here and i've actually got my account logged in with the replay mod running so we can record a time lapse and i can show you guys at the end it's gonna look like mayhem i'm pretty sure but now i need to decide what i'm building on my house wait oh my gosh i can see on my second screen look at this how are they've done so much already oh my gosh they're all working together this is actually insane how are they doing this this i did not expect this all right we need to get to work desperately i think i'm gonna go for like sort of medieval style house i have not planned this out whatsoever i really really should have and quite honestly my confidence is going down after seeing how organized they all are already i did what how are they doing this so i'm gonna build a decent sized house nothing massive though this is looking okay but i might change these logs to stripped i think that could look a bit better yeah that is looking better making this sort of like archway but it's gonna be like the windows etc on this level i'm not entirely sure what i'm gonna do for an entrance just yet but we will see and luckily we're allowed to use world edits so everything should go a little bit quicker i'm not entirely sure where i'm going to put the windows here or which height to put there i think maybe that height might look a bit better here let's go with that height and i think on this end i might add in a tower yeah that could look quite cool but i need to build out a different sort of block than the ones i'm using right here also i think i'm going to bring out the entrance a little bit like so although that might be a bit wide here maybe let's make it a bit smaller like that and the next flaw is actually going to stick out a little bit so it's a bit like sort of jutting out if that makes sense and we're gonna use dark oak wood for this next layer just because i think those go better than they do with the spruce if that makes sense with the stripped spruce it's weird i know but i'm just gonna go for it and i'm gonna make the tower bricks and granite i think that just goes really well and i might i'm not sure can i use red never bricks oh yeah they do have them i thought they only had them in 1.16 but no we have them here that's awesome so that's going to be our roof block i think that'll look really cool and go well with the bricks and granite and we're going to go for this sort of like white wool quartz and was it smooth quartz here and i'm kind of lagging the server out at the moment so everything's being really slow but we're getting all this wool in using a bit of world edit command very simple the shape is really starting to come together now i'm quite liking this although it's not perfect but yeah let's use a bit welded it make this look a bit nicer although that front bit is really pointy this bit's gonna be more curved if that makes sense i'm gonna try and make it less pointy kind of like this although i'm going to change that top block to slabs there we go yeah i like that shape i think that looks awesome and although i said red never brick stairs the roof i'm actually going to use some dark oak stairs as well around the outside because i just think it looks a bit nicer you know we're about an hour in and um i'm a bit behind this is not going super well for me roof is done it's starting to come together i think it looks okay let's work on this tower a little bit shall we trying to add some detail on this to make it look a bit nicer at the moment it's just like you know tricky i'm not very good at detailing these sort of things but we'll give it a go i might be going a bit overboard i'm spending way too long on this tower all right time to add in the glass on these windows i'm not sure if i'm gonna get chance to decorate the inside of this thing but you know what that's okay theirs is gonna be nicely decorated inside i'm gonna run out of time every good house needs a chimney right guys right just trying to add some details on and stuff it's looking all right at the moment but still i'm kind of panicking and you know what i think this is probably enough detail for the house we're gonna have to start working on the garden and terraforming a little bit sort of thing and i'm starting by making a tree over here i think this will look quite cool been taking some tips from fwip recently of these trees and i think it should turn out a bit better than my previous trees it's okay it's okay gotta make underneath it look nice as well what the heck there's people with pigs on my plots how are they on here let's add in a little wall leading up to this place as well as this path and i'm going to add a little smaller tree on this side as well really running out time now there we go used birch leaves for that one it's not looking bad all right i think one last thing probably a lake over here somewhere plop some lily pads down on it add a few rocks around the edges etc with some cast air and some podzilla and we're really ringing our time so you know what bushes let's just add some bushes in the interior of the house is not going to be complete i just i don't have enough time i really underestimated this but it it it's done it's done uh yeah this is what we've managed to build i'm happy with it i think it looks decent you know so let me give you a quick tour we've got the nice oak tree here some melons around it got some hay bales on the side quick tour of the house on the back here we've got those little things sticking out we've got a back door which i i forgot to finish i know time's up but they had a hundred people okay there we go that that's fine that's fine and yeah we've got the big tower which is made out of brick i kind of like fit in the stripped spruce logs and the dark oak logs as well to try and like add it all together and it looks alright it looks okay it's it's it's not my best work but i was kind of panicked i'm very happy with the design took some inspiration from double o a little bit and we got the pond here with the bushes and the rocks round it obviously would like to have added more trees but again just didn't have time inside the layout is completely empty there's nothing in here there's the the route to the tower here and i've not done any stairs or anything because again ran out of time very unfortunate but hey let's go have a look what the hundred people have done shall we and i've logged into the server the next day so i actually haven't seen what it's looking like recently now so let's have a quick look oh my gosh what okay well this is a board here i think this is pretty much everybody who took part there's probably some people missing from here but wow this is crazy and this was what it looks like when you have a hundred people all building on the same plot it look goes really quickly and it looks pretty mental to be honest with you this is about an hour and a half worth of progress obviously a lot of it got done so quickly that i probably should just give them 20 minutes as they all got finished but let's go have a look around in more detail all right so oh my gosh so that i did say and specify that it only could be one house so i'm going to take this main house here as the main build although we've got a lot of decoration around it we've got a lovely archway land bridge team 100's house leading over and all the people outside and stuff pond bamboo everywhere they've like they place yeah they play string on top of it so it's all like nicely placed these lanterns here are looking really really good we've got some custom trees around here which everyone's made oh my gosh the apple tree this tree the spruce tree wow this tree over here as well all the custom trees looking amazing in here we've got the house which what the heck this is so cool look at all the leaves and stuff it's like overgrown and nice looking they've actually made like a really unique house here it's not just the square it's got like different bits sticking out of it loads of different windows everywhere it looks like a really cool layout it's a really unique house whereas mine's quite like basic and like blocky this one's really cool let's have a look inside wow okay so we've got a lounge a little sofa area here the kitchen is looking insane okay the open drop what okay well yeah nice nice they oh my god they've got some wall out here as well which is from like a plot which someone's made on the ground insane we've got a staircase down there we'll head down in a second got like a little lounge area what's back here what oh my gosh they've got a little pool room with like oh wow and they've got a pool where i'm swimming we've got a rubber duck got a lilo and stuff there's like a shrek thing on the wall oh there's like a lamp or something i'm not sure my head just randomly everywhere someone's watching the duck holding something i don't know we've got a staircase over here let's head down okay yep chicken dungeon of course dust gur joel's evil twin she doesn't look very much like me guess we're not identical we've got a staircase up let's head upstairs first where we've got a lovely little area looking over the pool we've got a bedroom here mary's bed okay buddy's bed very cute me sat at my desk making this fit oh my gosh over here we've got is this a bathroom i don't know but there seems to be some people watching me if that is a bathroom i like the lanterns and stuff over here i presume this is my bedroom i don't know but we've got like a tv and then over here we've got lizzy's secret hideaway which oh wow okay this has got a nice little attic bedroom up here very cute and there's a secret room here as well wow really cool the staircase goes up even further this way as well we know you like furnaces so here joel's there's a lot of furnaces up here what the heck okay and then the stairs actually go down as well so let's have a look down here we've got a room and then there's a chicken pit here all the hail the almighty joel what the heck please die with chest because you're so rich in minecraft a little bedroom little cute little room here as well is this like a secret room okay down even further there's another room here bamboo for some reason interesting and then over here got another little bedroom then in here another bedroom with me and lizzy go down here thank you bella over here we've got another room and then a secret tunnel wait let me get in where we've got like a little sort of secret base watching youtube straight vibing bunk bed and this says do not enter but i'm just going to just taking a nap leave me in peace okay wait it goes even further down this is crazy i don't even get back up let's have a look at the outside because there seems to be a lot of stuff up here go out the back door where we've got like wow trees whoa this is lovely the little waterfall and stuff with the lily pads and the wow that's so cool we've got a little camp site back here got my face i presume and the evil villain flag little tree houses a little section over here what is this i can't get down because of the vines wow look at this nice cave looking amazing and over here we've got chicken pit another sort of cave with oh my gosh yes a lot of chickens what the heck some awesome looking trees we've got like some sort of mansion front here which is insane that looks awesome although it's not part of the main house but still a lots of different stuff around here like garden stuff there's a lot of people who built loads of other stuff which is crazy but the build battle is the house versus the house but wow this is insane lots of cool little builds here i love this terraform as well that's looking epic that looks so cool big jeremy sign amazing so yeah what he goes up as well what's up here got a cool looking flowing island we've got like wow there's a crazy dragon thing which is looking awesome butterfly very cool floating ship i'm not sure if i'm gonna win this to be honest which cows do you guys prefer mine or theirs let me know in the comments honestly i think they wouldn't like they do have a hundred people though so that i'm gonna use that as an excuse but wow very creative by all of these guys it's crazy they've all managed to work together that's awesome but unfortunately that's all we have time for for today guys make sure to leave a like and comment if you did enjoy this video and subscribe if you are new and i shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 570,006
Rating: 4.9610505 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 100 people, in, vs, me, build battle, 100 person build battle, buildbattle
Id: M5FgFp4ej84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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