I Played Minecraft for 1000 Days.. (1.16 Survival)

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in today's video we are playing minecraft for 300 days bringing our total up to 1 000 days this video has taken me over two weeks to make and i'm super excited for you to see it so please subscribe if you enjoy and leave a like maybe if we hit a hundred thousand i'll do a world tour and download anyway let's get into it oh boy here we go we're back a thousand days let's get on with it shall we i spent the final days of day 700 fixing my tools gathering some end stone for later and then i flew back home looking at my beautiful castle and i decided to kick off day 701 in my good old little house here dancing with leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet and here we go 701 i forgot i made predictions for the 700 days video so here were my predictions the things i wanted to achieve i achieved some of them like some of them okay but the next page i got all of these predictions right and look i even killed a hundred horses as you can see there oh mama but you know what we need grass so i went and got a load of grass that's right we're starting off with a grass collecting time lapse how enthralling i know so fun but it's actually kind of satisfying to watch i think and in that day in a bit there we collected three whole shulker boxes worth of grass as we're going to be working on a bit of a big project but before that we had to you know start off the video with some nice horse screams oh listen to the beautiful sound but on day 703 i got placing all that grass i just collected as we are going to be building upwards here we're not going back down oh no no no we're going up as i want a house and you're saying joel you've got a castle why'd you want a house well there's no bed in that castle and i need somewhere to sleep so i thought i'd build myself a nice house here and oh boy i've designed a nice house you're gonna see later but i also noticed my sugarcane farm had stopped working for some reason so i had to fix that which took like almost a day as i kind of forgot how it worked for a second but we got it going again which is lovely all that sugarcane coming in meaning we don't have to worry about rockets anymore but what we do have to worry about is the massive amounts of mobs that are spawning under our new terraformed area so i went and lit this up of course while getting attacked by about 50 skeletons it felt like oh and i lit up the top as well because i had some problems with creepers spawning and exploding stuff but look i've got 16 never right scraps right but i want more i've got a goal for this episode and i kind of need some never-right blocks for that goal let's just say but either way i went to the nether and started digging down and whilst digging down i somehow placed my shulker box here which is unfortunate because it's got everything we need in it so i had to sort of rescue it by surrounding that there and then we dug down to figure out oh i've already done all the exploding down here so i had to fly off to another faraway location and then i placed the remaining tnt i had from the 700 days in here to see if we could get some never right from it and we got a little bit of ancient debris but not that much really from a stack it was like not worth it whatsoever though i had to switch back to the good old fashioned bed method i say good old-fashioned it's very slow and also i did this so um yeah not a big fan of that method and spawned here but luckily i'd prepared this time we weren't gonna walk back again i got my rockets i got my elytra and we flew home this time oh it's so nice and actually when i went back into the nether i almost died again but luckily we managed to pick up everything and i don't think i actually lost that much stuff i think i may have lost like one or two beds but apart from that that's not terrible to be honest but either way used up the remaining beds and we only got six ancient debris which is not great but it brings our total to 22. and you can see there i'm putting some sandstone in our super smell because i need a lot of smooth sandstone as we're going to be building with that later so i also went to the desert to get some sandstone yanked to the entire path from this village here and then just mined a load of regular old sandstone as well which is really satisfying to do until we had just over a shulker in a bit worth of sandstone i hope it's enough if it's not i'll be sad and when i got back to my castle i put all that sandstone on to smell and i started gathering some other resources as well and my super smelter is good but it takes quite a while to spelt on this sandstone so after i was done gathering all these other materials it was still going so instead of you know just building the entire house i thought you know what let's build the outline of it to give you a little teaser of what's to come you can see here it's gonna be quite a big house and i'm very excited to show you it but not yet instead i thought i'd work on another project as you can see here super smell is still going so i went and bought some glass i also got some item frames and i also went and got some clay to make some terracotta i had to use the furnaces in my old house as obviously my super smelter was all clogged up with sandstone and then i made this terracotta into rainbow terracotta and we collected 10 different colors of terracotta here which we're going to be using for our new project i also gathered some observers some dispensers and whilst i was making all these materials i heard a creeper dying in my house i don't know how this was happening but it scared me either way back to the project have you figured out what it is yet well you should be able to tell once i start placing this glass here as we are going to be making a sort of wool farm i want a wool farm which will give us lots of different colors of wool and that's what all the dispensers are for we're going to fill them with shears we have the observer basically we're just multiplying by 10 our other wool farm and we're gonna have different colors as well and yes i just killed that chick in there for fun but either way we gathered up some sheep and we lured them back up to the top of our sort of area here and then we trapped them in a pen and started breeding them up because we're going to need 10 sheep in total for all the different colors we're also going to need a lot of iron luckily we have an iron farm and with that iron we're going to make ourselves some hoppers and some mine carts as well to make some hopper minecarts but it's time to build the sort of collection area for this wool farm we've got all these double chests here which should be plenty of space for storage because we're honestly not gonna be getting that much will to be honest with you and i wanted to make it look pretty as well as obviously we're gonna be coming in here and collecting our wool so i decorated the interior as you can see here putting some item frames up so that i could tell which wool is which and then i stuffed the dispensers full of shears these should last us for the full 300 days really and also you can see here this is what the terra cotta was for it was to color code it and make it look all pretty and stuff but it's sheep dyeing time as we've nearly got our 10 sheep from breeding them over these days and once we got all 10 died i started laying them out and oh boy what a painful process as you can see here we've got the cyan sheep in with not too much struggle and i feel like i need some sort of clown music in the background here of me just getting all these sheep into all their different containers because oh boy what a pain one of the most miserable processes but we got it all done we got all ten sheep into their holes where they will stay forever and they will just give us wool i'm sorry sheep but you're mine now so the least i could do was decorate the interior to make it look a bit nice for them and making sure it's all lit up so no bad mobs come and spawn in there and i'm quite happy with it i think it looks rather pretty but the outside does not look rather pretty so i gathered up some materials once more as we can't be having this ugly wool farm next to our beautiful village and i built a nice sort of building around it here nothing too complicated i did however want to make sure that it was very obvious that this was sort of like a wool slash color factory so i added in some wool and some colors and some chimneys on top to make it look pretty and we just finished the time lapse so back to the neverwhere i swiftly killed this child i don't know why i just felt like he deserved it i then got collecting a load of stream lights as you could see there and then went an afk my prismarine fan for a bit not for the prism just so i could hear the screams just kidding i did actually need the prismarine but the screams are just you know an added bonus but we're not actually making dark prismarine as you can see there we've made some normal prism arenas we're going to be using that however for building this sort of house that i want to live in i felt like i needed a mascot so i got this cow here and after accidentally hanging him for a little bit i managed to get him up next to our soon-to-be house and this guy's gonna be our mascot while we build our house in fact i might collect more mascots because i quite like having friends and it's quite lonely building in the single-player world but i called him charlie the mascot as you can see here and then we started building and we get about seven days of progress done here basically i just went until i ran out of block and you can see it's starting to take shape now look at charlie he's just spinning around there having a great old time and i was having a good old time building as well because this is our palace this is where we're gonna sleep you're probably thinking joel this is very extra for where you're literally probably just gonna put a bed yes it is extra but we're doing a thousand days of minecraft of course we're extra you have to be extra insane to do this and we're both but you can see we've got the front wall and one of the sidewalls done here charlie the mascot though was getting kind of lonely so i thought you know what charlie needs a friend then what better friend to get than a panda so i actually headed to spawn as i knew there was a jungle there and obviously near jungles you get bamboo forests and i searched and found this village which had a large fern in it so i stole that and then i found some pandas two pandas in total and i was like i'm gonna bring them both back so after a bit of awkwardness i managed to get them both into boats as you can see here and i set off on an adventure to take them home and i swiftly killed one of them instantly when trying to chop down some bamboo so that was a bit unfortunate but the second one is gonna come home with me and we've got about 2 000 blocks of travel and the blocks were glitching out i hated it but after a lot of struggle and a lot of traveling we managed to get on our ways and we headed to the nearest ocean where i got the panda out of the boat and then back into the boat and we set off adventuring and this was a very long journey which took probably about 30 minutes in total i tried to make some canals at one point thinking oh this will be helpful if i need to bring something back in the future but it was a ridiculous idea trying to break through this entire mountain by him so i thought you know what instead let's fly up and have a look around and find the most optimum route to get to the ocean and i managed to find a decent one it still required me to build a decent amount of canals through the land here because the oceans didn't connect to the ocean near our base but finally we got the panda back home and you can see there we're gonna have to get her up a long way but i called her penny the panda because i thought that was a cute name displayed my large fan and then i also went and got some redstone from my chest and made some powered rails as we need to get penny up this hill here and after cautiously breaking the boat didn't want another accident after bringing her all this way we got penny in the minecart look at her go she did take a bit of damage there but apart from that it was a nice safe journey all the way up to the top of our base and after a nice sleep next to charlie the mascot penny was brought up and she is going to stay there and be our mascot and cheer us on and i decided to instago leave her and chop down some trees because i needed some trees i know it's not the most interesting thing but to do interesting things in minecraft you have to do boring things first sometimes so that's why we went and collected a load of wood so we could do some interesting things but we got charlie we got penny let's get building some more of this mansion and on day 741 we got building the back of the mansion and we spent the next few days just building this big tower here as well as trying to finish off the other side there's still the roof to do after this but i wanted to get a decent amount of progress done before i inevitably run out of blocks because guess what that always happens no matter how prepared i think i am i'm never prepared which i think just sums up my life and this series in total but i didn't care because we have penny and charlie by my side and we made a lot of progress we got all the walls done and also started on a bit of the roof as well but before we can do more we need more mascots so we headed off towards the mountains and i found this llama and a child so i was like you know what i don't want the child i want the llama but unfortunately the child came with us so we got two llamas for the price of one that's a deal i'm not gonna turn down and after dragging them all the way home we managed to actually get a lead on the baby llama as well and look how cute they are going across this bridge here but we got them outside our house tied them up named them victoria and david beckham why i don't know okay don't ask me why i do these things i don't know and after victoria was tamed we gave her a carpet but unfortunately david didn't want to be tamed as his only child but he sounds hilarious look at him and then we've reached day 750 which is one-sixth of the way through the video oh my gosh that is quite daunting but i decided to just get on with it and i collected a load of wool from our wool farm as you can see here look how colorful it is but we are going to be using it to do some not colorful stuff in the never that's right we're going to be going for some never right again and you saw me collecting some obsidian there because i decided to head out to find a soul sand valley as these are the best places to get ancient debris so i thought i'd make a little portal here so that i could sleep on the other side just in case i died you know because that happens quite a lot with me it's embarrassing how much it happens like if this was a hardcore series this series would have been called 30 days of minecraft because we'd have been over i did however put my partner in the wrong place as there was just lava underneath it so i had to destroy it and move it to over here where i immediately got attacked by all the mobs which is very annoying but this one led to a cave which is not as nice as the overworld swamp we had before but i put my bed down anyway and set our spawn point just in case we die which will inevitably happen and now get prepared for nature debris mining montage listen to them all break oh yeah baby yes 753 we only got one bit of ancient debris it was very sad but in four days total we got 24 ancient debris and we saved our coordinates of the portal melted it all down into scraps and then added them to our pile in our ender chest went up to 46 still not as much as i'd like however i thought you know what the beds was annoying let's afk our creeper farm so i did i have k'd it for six days i know enthralling content but when i play minecraft i fk a lot because i build a lot of afk farms but look at all that gunpowder oh it's beautiful but of course i had no sand so i had to go to the desert again and mine a lot of sand and i got a lot of sand as you can see here before heading home with the a lot of sand i had to turn it into a lot of tnt nearly five stacks i know what you're thinking blimey you must be able to get like a never right beacon out of all that tnt joel no but before i went and created a massive boom in the nether i had to head to the end to fix all my tools which i did and then i made my way back to the soulsand valley where i got placing all the tnt all big corridors full of tnt you love to see it found some ancient debris while digging out the tunnel that's what i do actually love to see and then set off the tnt and i don't know why this always happens but they never all explode right like look at this side nice and exploding that side stopped but i continued setting it all up as i had lots of buttons and of course we got a massive lava wall yay no ancient debris in there or if there is i can't be bothered to try and clear all that lava and find it but from nearly five stacks of tnt we got 20 ancient debris rubbish but we managed to get over a stack of netherrick scraps now which is promising david beckham had grown up so i decided to tame him as a wicked beast he is give him a carpet and then i gave them both chests because i thought you know what that's kind of cute and i could also store some stuff in there now it's time to finish the roof on our house but before we can do that more mascots i went and got this wolf here isn't she cute gave her a purple collar at one point and then put her down here and called andrea because she looked like an andrea but look at this stupid ruthless palace let's give this thing a roof so i did i forget that prismarine looks really weird in time lapses and sort of glows because prismarine does that i always forget that because you never really see it but in the middle of the roof that's right tower whoa bet you were expecting that a big old tower as well with a big old roof on it the tallest tower in our palace and i forgot to put windows on it i've just realized now but oh well it doesn't take away the design of the palace which i believe is looking rather nice if i do say so myself oh i can't wait to terraform the area around it and of course straight to the never after we finished the time lapse just kidding i actually had to go collect some shulker boxes first and then i slept and then i went to the nether but why go to the nether this time joel you don't need more resources actually i do i need a lot of magma blocks so i spent a few days collecting magna blocks and i collected a lot of magma blocks i then worked on gathering some resources and materials i was going to need and some of those things i needed were some turtle eggs and oh my gosh when did we get so many turtles i don't know what's happened not many of them are named i'll probably go through and name them at some point but there's so many anyway we needed four turtle eggs in total this guy here was just having a panic attack he wasn't laying in the eggs but finally we managed to get a hold of four eggs which is lovely leaving free behind on the beach which means three more turtles i then went and told gerald's stupid friend that he's an idiot and he's stupid and then i went to the never however we need to get to the roof of the never and i managed to find this block here which was the roof of the nether put the ladders on and you throw the ender pearl in the gap here and you're up on the never roof but we need a way back and of course i brought myself a nether portal so i made another portal and it came out here which is not too far away from our end portal but it's time to get working on a farm that farm you can probably tell by now is a gold farm gold is obviously very useful for trading with piglins and piglins give you string which i like using string to like you know do stuff with so i thought this would be a good way of getting string and i followed a tutorial from someone called shulkercraft i'll put a link in the description and it's a very very easy to make gold farm which obviously requires some turtle eggs for the piglens to come be like oh yoink my turtle egg now and then they fall into a hole and die don't you love it when mobs die in minecraft i know i do especially horses anyway what was i saying oh yeah we need to place down a lot of magma blocks oh boy these things are in nine to place down because obviously if you stand on them without crouching it hurts so i had to do this four times and we finally got it done and then we could place this weird glass pattern on the top to stop gas spawning in because they kept spawning in and then we dug all the way up to the height limit which was here and this is our afk platform so i swiftly went and died yep that's right i fell from a high place how do i keep doing this i don't know but luckily i set my spawn just to the portal outside so all my stuff was right there apart from this guy who joined my sword and boot so i have to kill him also i did stand on one of my turtle legs earlier so i had to go get another one place it on the farm and finally we have this thing working so you know what i decided to do i decided to afk it for 10 minutes to see what we get and in 10 minutes we got just over three and a half stacks of gold but i decided to ignore the gold for now and instead focus on diamond blocks because in my house i wanted to flex as much as possible and placing some diamond blocks up there and we did that on both sides using up 16 diamond blocks but now it's time to afk this farm for good and i have k'd it for four days and look how much gold we've got oh yes unfortunately we also get rotten flesh which sucks but i just threw it all on the ground and then i took all the gold that we got which was a lot of gold oh look at all that before deciding it's probably time we got finishing the house again i keep getting distracted from finishing it and we needed stream lights but these guys were like no don't take our stream lights so i killed one of their children sorry that was really aggressive i'm not sure what came over me but either way i started getting some other materials including some green glasses we're going to be working on the interior of this thing we also gathered some birch wood which i'd normally throw up at the site of but here i think it actually works quite well and we got working on both floors and this took a long time to do turns out interiors are slow because they're just like so complex and complicated but i was very happy with the design i come up with so i was very excited to get it into the survival world and we had of course a massive bed look at that thing oh yes that would fit me and my two best friends just kidding i have no best friends but we finished the majority of the interior here there's still those two right rooms which you need to finish in a bit and also we need to finish up the roof of this central bit here and i have something planned for that you will see later but look i bounced on my bed because i was so happy and then i thanked my mascots for their emotional support throughout this time before going to farm some vines as we needed some mossy cobblestone for some stuff we're gonna be doing in these rooms on the right here and each of these rooms are gonna be dedicated to different animals this one of course to penny one of our first mascots so i'm gonna turn it into a habitat she will like there and this is where the mossy cobblestone came in to put us the floor on here but it also needs a roof so i went and chopped down some oak trees and then added on a roof look at the roof here it comes very nice all lit up as well and ready for penny however we're not gonna put penny in yet instead we're gonna head back to our gold farm and afk a bit more and look i wiggle my head here and two days go past and look at all the gold we got oh lovely amounts of gold but now we have all this gold and all this unwanted rotten flesh i don't know what to do with it just kidding i do know what to do with it i'm gonna take it all and put it in this chest here and leave it there forever psych i'm actually gonna head back to the never here as we're going to be building a piglen trading farm now these guys give you a lot of rubbish but also a lot of good stuff so i made a massive storage system to store all that in just kidding it's not that massive but it's pretty big all right please don't judge my storage system i got this guy in a boat and i managed to lay him down into this little room we'd made just kidding he got out the boat and then i spent the next five minutes trying to get him back in the boat but he just wasn't complying i wish this guy would be more like my best friend gerald but he was being nothing like my best friend gerald and i hate him but i fixed the problem by digging out a bigger hole taking the piglet down into the big hole getting rid of the boat and then pushing him into a hole where he will stay forever and then i gave him a name tag of stupid piglet frank yeah piglet frank you're gonna be trapped forever and all you're gonna do is just take this golden and give me items and here you can see it starts to work he takes the gold he throws it in the air the hopper collects it and we get it in the system and of course the first thing he gives us is crying obsidian i hate you stupid piglet frank so i decided you know what we need some more piglets as well as stupid piglet frank so i went and gathered some more piglets in the boat and this took a long time as you can see we're nearly approaching day 800 as we spent about four or five days just trying to get this idiot into the hole and i collected four piglets in total and i didn't think they were worthy of actual names so i just called them all stupid piglets one day when i returned to the surface it was raining so i was like oh is it as thunderstorm no it's not it's not thunderstorm that's sad anyway back to trapping piglens forever yeah look at him go but that was our final one so we could add in all the droppers we needed to add in now and we went and got all our gold out of our chest and placed it in these droppers and got them going with the trades all you need to do is press this button on the back of each one here and they will start collecting the gold and spitting out items so i afk there for a bit and we managed to get a decent amount of items and the most important one that i'm looking for is string i really need a way of getting string and this is the best way to get it and i used them instantly to make some more scaffolding as i kept running out of scaffolding and then i saw my painting of lizzie and this gave me an idea i remembered that i'd made a space in my new house for this portrait of lizzy in particular so here it is it's going right in the center piece when you walk into the house i think that's very very cool and then i spent the rest of day 799 just going and afk in this farm to get some mastering and more items before collecting a load of stone and cobblestone as on day 800 that's right we have reached day 800 a third of the way through the video we're going to be doing some terraforming i know exciting well it actually is kind of exciting because i think it looks kind of cool so don't patronize me like that i don't know who i'm talking to i'm sorry for insulting you anyway do you want to subscribe please one day 800 of 1 000 guys oh my gosh look at this terraforming it's looking so lovely i ran out of grass multiple times but we managed to get the stone in and we also got adding a waterfall i think this looks really really cute and i'm only doing this entire video so i can get a really cool screenshot at the end just kidding i'm actually making it because i want the money just kidding again or am i i don't know either way i went an afk my creeper farm for five whole days i made sure to sleep as i was working on something on my other monitor just editing whilst afk and this creeper farm and we got a decent amount of gunpowder but i didn't collect it just yet instead i went to the nether as i needed some more storage i kept running out of shulker boxes so i thought let's go get some more shulker boxes i raided a few end cities got some elytra some diamonds some gold but most importantly those lovely shulker boxes and we managed to get a decent amount of shulker shells having quite a blast here as you can see just floating up hitting shulkers with my sword i do actually quite enjoy end raiding i think it's quite fun although a bit tedious it's all the same but hey when you place about four hours worth of grass in this world killing shulkers is quite fun all right but on day 813 i returned to the surface and you can see there we got 20 shulker cells which made 10 shulker boxes and i instantly went and filled some of those shulker boxes with gunpowder and then with tnt i managed to make three in a bit stacks of tnt which is really nice headed straight back to our portal and i started exploding stuff but then of course you know me we can't go to the nether without a death where we die in lava and lose all our stuff and of course did i have my spawn point set no no no no i didn't so i had to get my emergency elytra and rockets and as you can see here everything had burned all those tnt stacks had burnt i afk'ed for nothing i was so mad so so luckily i had been to the end just before though so i managed to go and make myself a nice shiny new elytra although i didn't have enough enchantment points got to do some pumpkin trading first and then i called it 1 000 days of dying l-u-l anyway more obsidian because i needed to make myself an ender chest and then i decided it's time to head out into the lovely world and kill some horses i was mad at losing all my tnt i needed some relief this brought me relief okay don't judge me it's just really satisfying to hear the screams okay you can judge me for saying that because that was really weird anyway i had to play out like 3 000 blocks to find those horses so i made my way home gathered a load of wool as i did want to get all that ancient debris and i did it the old-fashioned way with the beds which took quite a while so here we go again with another ancient debris mining compilation i did this over about four or five days i can't remember in total nearly died there getting that bit of ancient debris but i just wanted to get the amount we needed done and our goal is completed when we reached day 820 as you can see here we put them all got our never egg scraps and we could make 27 never right ingots which is free never right blocks but we're not going to use them just yet you'll see i'll use them a bit later also i went and fixed my tools there quickly and then we got working on some more interior of our house and the first thing we did was finish off the ceiling here and also add in a lovely golden chandelier we need to flex and this base is flexing all right we got the diamonds we got the gold but what we didn't have was grass so that's right i went and collected the load of grass this took me a long time but i don't care i like collecting grass that's actually a lie i don't like collecting it it's very boring but i got it done and we got four shulker boxes worth of grass so i don't have to worry about grass for a long time okay and i immediately took some of that grass and moved it to over here as we got finishing the terraforming on this side as well i got way too much grass for how much i actually needed i also added in a wall here instead of like a rocky side because i thought it just looked quite neat with the village behind it and the reason i terraformed that area is because i wanted to use it and to use it for some bees i've always wanted to make like a honey farm and i've never got around to it's been my goal since like day one because i've just never really done it before so i thought this would be a great opportunity so i went on the search for bees and i hate this bees are really annoying okay getting them in the beehive is a pain as you can see here i'm struggling i'm trying to lure them in with flowers it's not working also these guys showed up which is kind of annoying but we got them in the beehive and then i forgot that my axe didn't have silk touch on it so uh they immediately all started attacking me so i took out some of my stress by killing these horses here they deserved it and then i went and tried to get some more bees and after a long time of just waiting around for him to fly into the beehive we managed to get one bee in there so i killed some horses to celebrate of course and then i found some more bees and try to lure them in as well and finally after a lot of struggle you hear that satisfying pop sound oh lovely and we now have three bees in this beehive meaning we can take them home so on day 830 i did and i also went and got some spruce wood as i wanted to make a little breeding area for these bees because eventually we're going to be putting them in an automated farm so for now i thought i'd make a cute little dome where we can just breed bees for the future if we ever need bees so this dome here is going to hold all our lovely bees and i just thought this would be a really cute sort of design as i personally believe bees are one of the cutest mobs in the game just ignore the fact that i killed some earlier okay thank you anyway we added flowers and some coarse dirt in there then we got placing some beehives and we got space for nine in here which is not terrible and we started breeding them up and look how cute the baby bees are they're so cute i then began gathering materials to make that automated machine i was talking about earlier it required some dispensers some hoppers some redstone comparators and that's about it so i was following a design by shulkercraft again hopefully i'll remember to put the tutorial in the description but you need eight full beehives for this to work so i was breeding my bees as i went along and oh gosh they take a long time to breed we didn't even get anywhere close to eight full beehives how many bees is that it's 24 i just did the maths just kidding i used a calculator actually no i didn't i'm actually really smart anyway day agent 33 we've finished the machine as you can see here all it needs now is the bees oh and actually it needed some glass bottles as well to collect the honey so i had to go buy some glass from these librarians here and then make a load of glass bottles breeding my bees as i went look how cute they are oh they're so cute and then i decided to decorate around the waterfall adding in some flowers some bamboo etc some leaves just making it look a bit nicer and overgrown and i also added in this tree here which i felt looked really cool and it sort of sits really nicely in this little waterfall area and while i was doing that i was breeding my bees and we now have the nine bee hives in here but we're gonna leave them alone for now just breeding them up occasionally and head straight to the end to collect a load of end stone as we're going to be working on the project which involves the blocks of never right and this needs a lot of resources so i collected a load as you can see there and we also needed some more diamonds as i wanted 10 diamond blocks so i headed back to my beacon mining placing started collecting a load of diamonds it took us about a day or so to get i think it was 22 or is that wrong no 16 blocks of diamonds and we managed to get 33 from that so pretty good with our fortune and we also had time for ten blocks of diamonds i know look more bee breeding oh and also for the build i needed gold so i went an afk for four days in the nether and we managed to get a decent amount of gold in fact we got a lot of gold and more than we actually needed but who cares extra gold i'm not complaining anyway what i am going to be doing now is working on my throne room you heard me right this is a castle i need a throne to sit on if i'm ever going to be in this castle i have my palace to sleep in and my castle for sitting in i did run out of materials halfway through to go get some wood and then finished off the throne room we've got some pillars we've got some end stone we got a giant chandelier and we've got a massive pile of gold behind us and more importantly we have a never right thrown look at me look how cool i look you're jealous i know afterwards i went and chilled with my bees a little bit because i wanted to breed them up a bit more and then i was thinking i need to do some achievements i've barely done any and the fun one to do is the catalog one which basically means you tame every type of cats so basically i'm going from village to village killing horses as i go of course and also looking for cats the main thing is looking for cats i was just killing horses for fun i found a ginger cat i found a black cat but i think i've had those before but what i hadn't had is a jelly cat so i tamed this cute little jelly cat here and checked my achievement progress and i was on 7 out of 11 meaning we've got four more cats to tame and this one here is one of them it's like that sort of shaggy grey cat i'm not entirely sure what it is but either way after chasing it across the entire village oh my gosh this thing didn't want to be tamed like seriously this took about 10 minutes almost for this one cat but we got him or her eventually bring this to eight out of 11. i then found another ginger cat in this village and i was frustrated so i chased after it i found a siamese cat in this desert village here and i also saw another one as well tame the siamese cat but i'm pretty sure i'd already got one of those as well killed the ginger cat because it was annoying me and now we're on 8 out of 11 meaning three more to go killed some horses found a grey cat and after chasing it for a while managed to tame that one as well meaning one 9 out of 11 two more to go and i noticed as well we were very close to completing the all the biomes achievement we're not flying i ran across one of the portals i'd made earlier when i was in the soul standby meaning we're 8 000 blocks away from home so that was kind of fun i also killed some horses which was also kind of fun i then found a white cat in this biome here tamed it to realize i'd only turned one before in the past meaning we still had to find two more cats found a diamond in this desert temple found another grey cat forgot that attained it before when i realized i had i killed some horses and a chicken pretended to lure in this ginger cat here because i didn't actually need it and then chased it off before finding another ginger cat in another village and actually killing that one i'm sorry if you like cats but reached 10 000 blocks away so decided to turn around and fly back but as i was flying back came across this cat here the persian cat bringing us to 10 out of 11 one cat left to go slept by these horses over here they knew i was coming in the morning of course it is death for them it's their fault for existing don't blame me okay but i made it home with only 10 out of 11 cats bred all my bees up as you can see here went into the end to fix my elytra quickly before heading out in another direction came across the ice spikes band before and then also managed to get the adventuring time achievement meaning i found every single biome and nearby in a village i found a black cat the final one giving us the complete catalog achievement very very nice and this black cat it was special so i decided you know what it's coming home with me it was the one we got the achievement with i want to take it home so we traveled across the ocean it took quite a while and actually found the route we brought penny the panda back before so that was quite nice and i got the cat up here sat it next to my bees and then i gave it the name tag and of course it's going to be called bob and then on day 858 i realized that all my villagers in here had died so that was not fun i'd lost all of those so i had to go and get some more as i come to visit them to get some bricks so after getting another villager in here and also converting one as well for the future and then i bought some bricks off him as well as gathered some dark oak wood and some birch wood as well i know birch crazy and then i got working on a little building i say a little it's quite big for our b honey farm and i wanted to build in a different style too i've been building in before this is kind of similar to our palace rather than our sort of you know like village we've got up top there and i also added a water wheel on it which i thought was just kind of cute and sort of linked it up to the river and it's looking rather cool added some barrels on why because i like barrels and also some lanterns and then decorated the sort of area with some plants etc but we were slowly building a chest monster as you can see here so i decided to clear some of the shulker boxes out and put them into our storage system however you'll see that i don't control it and later it actually grows a bit more but then i went and chopped some jungle trees and while i was doing so uh this wandering trailer came up to visit me which is kind of weird but the reason i got the jungle wood is i was making a path in this area as it was all still grass and i wanted that to change and i used some jungle wood some jungle logs and some mushroom as well i also went and collected some vines to make some mossy stone brick walls as i sort of wanted you know like a little barrier on this path as well as adding in some leaves i moved bob over as he was in the way then made a little pond here as i just wanted the area to look a little bit nicer than it was looking before and in my entire area i'd start be missing out little details so i wanted this area to look nice and complete so i also added in a tree as well because i like building trees and i think they sort of add to the area you know add some height etc and seeing as i had some leaves i thought i would decorate the room up here and this is going to be penny the pandas room added in some bamboo so she'd feel right at home and then all we had to do was get her in here so i led the minecart all the way up pushed her in and she's looking so happy and there wasn't she's such a glorious panda my one and only panda yeah she took some damage there and then i tried to get her out of the minecart and um gave her some bamboo to try and heal her up and uh uh yeah i killed penny i was so mad i actually was like so angry that i just flew up to the sky and took off my electro because i felt i didn't deserve to live in a world without penny unfortunately this wasn't hardcore mode though so i survived and had to go and relax by placing down some grass and some stone to make a nice little area next to our house i then went out in search of a different bamboo forest from before and found a couple of pandas they are not penny and they're never going to be able to replace penny but i got them both in some boats and then i set off home and oh boy this was a long journey these guys were quite far out and along the way i had to sort you know find the perfect route for them to go and had to dig out some places as well so we could get the boat through as unfortunately you can't use leads on pandas making them very awkward to bring home this block was annoying me but after a few glitches we managed to make a sort of passage through all these little areas into a river and this river led right up to here unfortunately i cleared out most of the river there for our squid farm so i had to get a load of rails and get this panda in a minecart and i know what you're thinking joel you couldn't get the last panda at the minecart well this time i've come prepared all right i've looked it up i know how to do it and it involves this cactus here look at that breaks the minecart yes it hurts the panda a little bit but less so than me punching it and killing it to death so i got our first panda in the minecart and set him off on this long long rail path that i'd made praying that they don't die on the cactus and they did take a bit of damage more than i should probably have let but finally we got them off and they are safe put them back in a boat as we can break those pretty easy and called him percy i then headed back to the bamboo forest to collect the other panda and set off on the same journey this time a bit easier as i already cleared out all the paths managed to get them to here as well and get them in a minecart and their time has come to meet the cacti and also the reason we've got two is that we can breed them in the future of course this time i was more prepared with the cactus and it didn't take as much damage and i called her pansy and now all we need to do is build an area for them to live and i had an idea and that endear involved some clay so i head out quite far to find this badlands biome so i could collect some red and orange terracotta as well as some red sand to make some red sandstone as well and you can see from my coordinates here we are quite far out around 5000 blocks away so it took a while to get home so i killed some pauses on the way to pass the time but then i made it back to our two pandas put all our new stuff in here smelted the sandstone and then we got working on our panda enclosure we've got two circles here you'll see what they'll become just in a second and i also extended the terrain as well so we'd have a bit more space as i want to breed these guys up and then we've got these two hertz here one orange one red one's a bit smaller than the other one and these are sort of you know a little bit of shelter for the pandas if they want any i also did a little path and some puzzle and some cars dirt and then i put a sign up here dedicating this entire area to penny the panda and then did a free swipe salute also the timelapse didn't show the inside of these huts which are really quite cute with little fires and leaves hanging down but it's not finished just yet we still need to add like a wall on the back there before we can let the pandas loose and i wanted to add some more decoration to it and i needed some string to do that as i wanted to place down some bamboo so i went and got some string some gravel some black stone from our area but then i got distracted and realized this area here i never really completed it it's just like the ugly pipes and stuff so i went to the never gathered up some whopped stuff and then got adding a little wall on here like nothing too crazy this honestly took like five minutes so i don't know why i didn't do this earlier but i was very happy with the result and it looks a lot neater now when you come into the castle but after that little distraction i went back to the panda pen and started adding in a wall on the edge here to stop the pandas from escaping it's not looking nice on the other side but on the side of the pandas is looking quite nice so i finally let them free and bread them together giving us our first baby panda look how cute it is oh so cute i named it perry because it looked like a perry and then i got finishing the enclosure by adding in some rocks some more bamboo some bone milling of the ground flowers etc just kneading it up and making it look all nice and tidy and then i bred pansy and percy again and as you can probably tell at this point all the pandas names are going to beginning with p i was naming them every name i could think of that began with p and we started to run out after we got to paulie to be honest with you but it was annoying me that the entrance of my house was looking kind of bare so i decided to change that up by neating it up a little bit and also started working on a path here up and down and also added in a couple of trees oh lovely and during this time i was breeding up my pandas i really want to get a brown panda they're just so rare and hard to find but if i keep trying i will succeed but either way i got distracted again and decided to work on something here as this area is kind of looking kind of like lacking something so i thought i'd add in a shepherd villager in like a little hut this is more just for like decoration i don't really want to trade much with him but in the future if i do need something from a shepherd he's here and it works just really well having this nice little hut with the background of the city and i brought a villager along locked him in there forever and if we ever need some emeralds and i can't find anything else to trade we can always trade well with this guy which is pretty good added a bit more of decoration to the area nothing too crazy just some barrels and realized pansy had escaped somehow not sure how it happened but i'm pretty sure it was this block here so i decided to remove that to make sure it didn't happen again then brought pansy back in and look percy's enjoying the hut there and i got a runny nose panda they're kind of rare but i spent the last two days afking before day 900 where i got all the gunpowder to make enough rockets to basically last us to day 1000. and speaking of things that will last forever we have enough pumpkins to last us forever and to be honest i was kind of getting overrun with pumpkins so i thought we got that area just at the bottom of like the city bit there and i thought hmm i could add something here so i did i extended the land a little bit and terraformed it to look a bit nicer before adding on a little sort of farmer house here as well i wanted some more farmer villagers to trade my pumpkins with and i thought this little house here be perfect for them i brought a few of them down and started the process of you know conveying more villagers etc and there's space here for four farmer villagers and i started getting them in their little holes which went easily just kidding they kept getting out and it was really really annoying but finally we managed to trap this guy in this hole here get him out of his minecart and now we can trade with him for pumpkins but i forgot to finish the roof so i went back and finished the roof and after the roof was done which was looking nice and overgrown i went and had more problems with the villagers before finally getting our second villager in here and uh we can start trading with him as well but we've got our farmhouse underway what we need to have around it now is a farm so i went and gathered up some crops and also got working on a path up the hill as well as making some farmland around this area lots and lots of farmland we're going to have wheat carrots potatoes on here because we don't really have too many of them around we've only got a few patches near our starter base i thought if we needed them in the future this would be useful i could have automated it but we don't need them that badly okay it's more just for aesthetics and oh gosh it's looking good i'm very happy with it and we actually did kind of need some early on to trade with our villagers to make sure that they had the pumpkin trade this one did this one didn't so unfortunately we had to put an end to him in a second as you'll see after making some more farmland for my potatoes of course it felt weird going back to planting seeds but i didn't mind it it's quite therapeutic and then what was more therapeutic was making this villager die here and suffocated him in this block so that the other villagers wouldn't mind and after his swift death we went and replaced him instantly and managed to get a farmer villager that did trade pumpkins which was lovely and then i brought a few more along as well and they all traded pumpkins as well meaning that we had four villagers that traded pumpkins for emeralds the perfect situation and all that terraforming and crop planting made me remember my map and i was like oh that's going to look so much different but i thought let's not waste it for now let's look at that when we reach day 1000. so instead i went and grabbed a load of oak logs and oak leaves and got making a big old tree at the end here cause i didn't know what to put down and i thought a tree would be quite fitting and i think it is quite fitting and then i also extended the farmland up the hill even more i'm not sure if i'm gonna extend it any further than this but it's looking good as you can see here and you know what else is looking really good our picture of lizzy our map art we made last time so i decided to lock that map out in and then i went and got a load of blackstone and headed over to the map art and i had a had an idea you see and you can kind of see me placing some blocks here went back to the never to get some more black stone as i kept running out you'll see what i'm doing in a second i don't want to spoil it just yet but it involved a bit of blue wool as well as you can see here and we're sort of placing it on top and we needed a lot of black stone i kept having to go back to the nether to get a load of black stone place down all the black stone kept running out of black stone then heading back to the nether to get more black stone repeat process until finally we completed it and here it is i think it's a great improvement i think lizzy's looking really good with this monocle top hat and mustache buffy looks so good so i put that in my house of course as i just look so funny before chopping down some spruce wood as we're going to be building something else as i want more place for villagers those four on here they're not enough i want more and i thought i'd put them in a windmill here and i built this sort of old style windmill but it had enough space for four villagers in the bit at the bottom and i was really happy with it i think it really added to the hill started getting some villagers in there as you can see which obviously they didn't cooperate like usual but look how cute they look in this windmill base oh i really really like it but you know what i don't like the fact that i'd ran out of potions of weakness and i thought hmm this is an opportunity an opportunity for me to build something and i'm not going to pass up on that opportunity so i went and found a few materials i needed one of them was dark prismarine that screamed a glorious sound and you know what's more glorious the dark prismarine we're going to be crafting here i love this farm it's by far my best farm it's so efficient it's the best but after gathering up more materials we got working on our potion workshop this is going to have a machine it where i press a button and it makes the potions for us we don't have to worry about it or adding it in manually perfect so a very simple building on the outside and on the inside you can see we're gonna work on this sort of redstone machine very very simple you basically just have these hoppers some droppers it didn't take long to make this and all we have to do now is press a button on the front and it will start working but before we can press that button we need the materials and those materials involved spiders eyes and i need to go get some spiders i try to go kill some spiders as i don't have a spider spawner which is honestly something i probably should have at this point but oh well we got the machine working we added all the stuff into each place including the gunpowder for the splash potion part and the spider's eyes as well fermented of course the only thing we needed to do was get some glass bottles so i went and got some emeralds from trading our farmer villagers and then i bought some glass from our librarian villagers as you can see we're getting a lot of emeralds now from trading all our farmers and after loading in a full double chest of bottles of waters we could put the final four in here as well as some blaze powder push this button and all we have to do is wait a little bit and then voila we have potions of weakness splash potions of weakness yesterday in that chest it's perfect i won't celebrate it by breeding my bees i still haven't made that honey farm just yet but i will get working on it in a bit i just need to make sure i've got enough bees and i also want that brown panda but i had been ignoring the other side of my house so i thought of an idea of something to add in here you can see i'm sort of layering it with the stone here and then i went and got a load of blocks of iron because you may remember a fella called halfway harry well in his memory i thought i would make a few more halfway iron golems as you can see here you gotta use pistons to push them into place but look at them oh my gosh i don't know why this is so funny but i love it they're all stuck in the ground and i gave them all names we've got hannah harriet harvey holly henry and finally hayley look at them all i don't know why i love this so much but i think it's just great anyway more panda breeding and i was very happy with how this area was looking so i thought let's go and prove it a bit more i went and gathered some mushroom as well as some jungle logs which are the blocks we use for our path and then we got adding in surprise surprise a path and i made sure to decorate it all the way down trying to link it up with the village in a bit and you can see here it's looking rather tasty from down below especially oh look at the view but i realized i'd never actually harvested honey so i went and got the advancement for that and then i noticed my diamond supply was very very bad so i went to the never fixed up my pickaxe and all my other tools as well before moving my beacon to a new strip miners we're going to be working on getting some diamonds i just want to have diamonds i miss having diamonds all right there's something about it i just get a bit anxious when we don't have diamonds so i spent the next five days strip mining with our beacon it's so quick so effective and we got a decent amount of diamond oz and we also bumped into this skeleton spawner here and managed to get a music disc we hadn't got before so that was quite nice but anyway back to the diamonds sometimes i'd accidentally mine up the diamond blocks with our fortune pickaxe instead of our silk touch one i want to do the thing at the end where you place all the diamonds you mind them all at once oh and i found another skeleton spawn completely different to the first one with different stuff in it so that was kind of fun i did manage to find a lot of diamonds on day 945 as you can see here this is all one day we're finding so many veins of diamonds it was a treat a very very nice treat and then on 1946 we managed to get enough where i was like yeah that's enough and we managed to get nearly a stack and a half of diamond ore and i then went and placed it in a big tower along with our coal and mined it all out as you can see here we got a lot of diamonds oh that's so good i'm so happy with that i went and tested out my new disc it's terrible i hated it so i put it back in and i thought you know what i could do with a new parrot and i put a parrot in where penny was going to live i know it's not going to take penny's place but it looks quite cute in there but what doesn't look cute is the grass on the left here this whole area is looking kind of ooey still so i went and gathered some puzzle and then got placing in a waterfall here as well as sort of terrifying a bit more and also adding in some dirt podzill and some bamboo as well as some leaves and look how much nicer that's looking now beautiful and what is also beautiful is our bees and we've actually got enough bees now where each of these hives is full which means our honey farm is ready to go so i started placing all these hives in here which all got three bees in them and then broke the slabs that were in the way and added some flowers in and these guys are all ready to start producing honey for us look at them all in there they're so cute and honey is already being produced which means we can finish the advancement of jumping into the honey sticky situation there you go done very nice and i can start replacing the beehives in there as well so we can keep the bees in the dome because i think they just look so cute in there and then i spent the next day gathering oak logs and oak leaves again because that area was looking like it was missing a tree and of course you know me i like building trees so i added in a big old tree here probably our biggest tree yet and i think it fits in so nicely and this area in total is looking so good you'll see in a second and also i was just showing off my uh my honey farm working there by the way yes i'm getting honey and i wanted this area here to be complete so i didn't have to worry about terraforming it again in the future i added in a pond i added some flowers did some coarse dirt some leaves a wall etc and just try to make it look all nice and finished and you'll see here look at this look at that what a beautiful area to be walking around in so of course we'd finish the time lapse i went to the nether in search of polar bears which you don't find in the nether but you do find here i've never really interacted with these guys before and i figured out that you can't get them in a boat but what you can do is attach a lead to them and pull them behind you on a boat and that is perfectly fine so i went and gathered a couple of polar bears up but unfortunately the polar bear the child sort of made these other polar bears kind of angry towards me so i just had all the polar bears attacking me which kind of sucked sorry to kill these polar bears because they were stuck on my lead and uh yeah then i went and avoided the polar bear with the child and instead got two new polar bears and took them on an adventure all the way home which took quite a while but we made it and after pulling them 4 000 blocks across the ocean here is where they decided you know what i don't like leads i can't get up this singular block here but after a bit of struggle we got them both here attached them to leads and called them mike and sully but these guys need somewhere to live and of course that area is gonna need to have snow so i went and gathered up a load of ice stone snow and you can see here we've got so many materials is we're going to be doing a lot of work here and i did some terra farming we added in the snowy area where they're going to go and i made sure to make it all rocky and nice and also made sure that they wouldn't be able to escape from there and then worked on a path winding through the middle of it all as well which i think worked out really really well and don't worry we're not going to leave it looking like that kind of looks like a spleef arena at the moment instead we're going to add a nice little hut on here as well as some blobs of ice around and as you can see here mike and sully absolutely love it let's hope they can't find a way to escape but let's be real they probably will as all the pandas have somehow figured a way to escape in there super slow but here you can see how nice this area is looking but it is missing something and that thing rabbits that's right i went back to the desert where we collect all our sand and sandstone picked up a rabbit and then started bringing them home met this dolphin along the way and out the corner of my eye spotted something so obviously i had to go and do my duty and get rid of them feeling peaceful i set off back home and i thought i'd bring the dolphin with me as i can bring it basically up to the castle and you know i might build a water tank or something in the future where i can have some pet dolphins and we managed to get them both home nice and safely however i went to get a name tag for the dolphin and it disappeared so i'm guessing it's dead so that's a shame but we got the rabbit out of the boat and we called it judy then i headed back to the desert to get another rabbit took it the seven minute journey all the way home and then broke the boat and killed it at the exact same time yay i hate my life anyway i flew straight into the ground out of frustration but didn't die which was kind of nice and i thought i needed a nice treat so i went and stood in my mansion for a little bit and looked out and slept in my big boy bed and then went back to the desert and got another rabbit of course brought it all the way home once more got out the boat safely this time and attached it here a lead and called it sam but we need somewhere for these rabbits to live so of course i got out my sand and we set off on a big old time lapse trying to turn this place into a desert looking sort of area add in a little oasis started adding a wall around it and then swiftly ran out of blocks so i had to go back to the desert to get more sand and more sandstone and then got placing it once more this time adding in a few other things and finishing off the wall as well meaning we could now bring our two bunnies into the area which i did i brought them in i bred them up and we got a baby little bunny i'm hoping to get lots of baby bunnies in the future but the area was still looking kind of plain so i went and collected some jungle wood and jungle leaves and got adding in some palm trees and yeah that happened another bunny down it climbed up my scaffolding and died so obviously i i need to go get another one after this time lapse but first palm trees yay and bushes they're nice and my polar bear escaped somehow i don't know why animals just don't want to be near me maybe it's something to do with killing all those horses i don't know but we went back to the desert collected some dead bushes as well as another bunny brought that all the way home once more our fourth bunny now that we've done this with and called it judy 2.0 and brought it into the arena to meet sam where they swiftly made a baby oh by the way the other baby had died because it had fallen off the scaffolding i then placed all the dead bushes around looking all nice and stuff just trying to make it feel like a proper desert and then we got working on another project because i kept running out of bamboo so i thought you know what let's make a bamboo farm they're really easy to make and it's something i could put in this area here as i didn't know what to put here so i extended the grasses area to make it a bit of a bigger space and then we got placing a very simple bamboo farm this thing just doesn't need a lot of bamboo stocks because bamboo grows so quickly so it doesn't have to be a massive building and we don't need that much bamboo all right we need a decent amount but not that much okay and you've probably seen this sort of farm many times before just an observer some pistons some redstone easy peasy collection system bamboo in the middle and we're off to the badlands where we're gonna collect some more red sand to make some more red sandstone as we're gonna put a building around this bamboo farm obviously look how ugly it looks right there so i gathered up some other materials as well and then we got working on a kind of long time lapse in fact about seven or eight days i'm pretty sure we spent here building this building which didn't take too long as you can see looking all nice and sort of funky with you know a bit of orange a bit of warped on the roof and bamboo on the roof as well and we also added in this path coming down here linking it all up to the area and then we finished off by placing some rocks down terraforming it in to make it look like it fits in there and this thing was already producing bamboo meaning i could go breed up my pandas some more hoping to get that brown panda but of course no luck i also bred up my bunnies as well because we want to get loads of bunnies and i'm just looking at this area it's looking nice however there is a couple of things missing so i went and gathered up some more materials including some vines and then went and dropped those off and realized oh my gosh this chest monster just seems to keep growing and i can't do anything to stop it i then went and got some pumpkins because i kept running out bone mills so i use these to get some bone meal from this sort of automatic bone meal thing here and then spent a decent amount of time collecting some oak leaves and some oak logs that may look like a lot but what you're about to see in this time lapse here we use pretty much every single one of those oak logs there's still some leaves left over but the logs are all gone because of course we're gonna be adding in some trees as well as the walls and you know just like making the ground look all nice with flowers etc and just making the area look quite pretty i also added a tree on in this side as well because all the trees were on the other side and i thought it needed some balance so i did a couple on this side as well and there we have it the area is looking rather clean right now look up from here oh my gosh i can't believe none of this was here at the start of the episode and i'm sorry i can't help myself i just have to show myself walking through it's so pretty and more panda breeding because i still haven't got that brown pound there it's honestly getting quite sad at this point we've got so many pandas but none of them are brown i then afkeed my creeper farm for about half a day just to get a decent amount of gunpowder as we are going to be crafting something in particular you'll see in a second it requires a lot of different types of materials including glowstone dust as i wanted to make some fancy fireworks stars to make some fancy fireworks so we can send off on day 1000 with a bang quite literally so it took me a quite a while to just make all these fireworks as those loads of different types as you can see in the shulker box here but we need somewhere to shoot these out of no we're not going to be shooting them out of our bow we're going to be shooting out some dispensers and we're going to be building a place for them to like sort of explode behind so it can look all nice and cool so i did it behind my house here made this little system but we obviously don't be standing here while we see the fireworks so i made a little tower over here and then made this ridiculous redstone signal which almost got me killed by this creeper here all the way over to the back of our house it took quite a lot of redstone repeaters but we got to set it up and then we made a little tower here around the button so we'd have a very nice view and with that we're on day 999 look at all the progress we made i just kept walking around looking in awe at the amount of stuff we've done and you know what i said i'd do it the map it's time to change it look at how much of a difference this has made especially over here look at all that new stuff oh my gosh we've done a lot this episode i spent the rest of day 999 just looking around in awe at what we've done i can't believe it and of course i had to try for that brown panda but after breeding up pretty much every panda we had no luck no look i can't tell you how many pandas i've bred you well you can kind of see how many are bred but no brown panda but the sun is setting i'm kind of reminiscing at this point it's firework time and as you can see here uh it was kind of a bit of a failure not that impressive so i decided to actually go behind it and have a look at the fireworks myself and they are quite lovely however kind of underwhelming which is quite fitting to end this 1000 days but i slept in my big boy bed and there it is day 1 000. look at all my statistics here we've done so much stuff over these 1 000 days i actually can't believe it that we've actually reached this point i'm kind of relieved but also kind of sad that we've reached this point as i'm not sure when i'll be playing this world again as i'm going to take a little break as i've been just investing my entire life into this world and i kind of need a break from that but 88 000 stone blocks mined we've used a pickaxe like 144 000 times you'll see in a second here ridiculous but that is it 1 000 days complete and here of course we've got a bit of a shaders sort of fly through of our world here and this video is an hour long so if you've reached this point please leave a like please subscribe as this has been a fun and really cool journey and i hope you've enjoyed it as much as i have thank you for watching good bye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 3,507,416
Rating: 4.9518566 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 100, days, 1000 days, 1000days, ofminecraft, survival, hardcore, 100days, 500days, hugebuilds, farms, castle
Id: kxAroNweJX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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