I renovated the ugly bar in The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle

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hi everybody its Kayla I'm sorry I can't do it oh that's funny welcome back to speed build Sunday today we're going to make fun of yet another EA build and this time fix it but in speed build form been a while since we had a speed build Sunday I thought I'd bring it back you know we just had a new pack come out this week it comes with a new world called evergreen Harbor there are a bunch of lots we've gotta fix and today we start out with the bar it's called the caboose it's not even that bad it's just not it's not that good either I have a few major complaints that we can make fun of in a second but so here's the bill I like the concept a lot it's kind of fun how it's this like old train station the area it's in is really cool this whole world is so exciting I made a whole world - if you want to watch it all link it down below but there's one thing that really stands out to me I don't know if you've noticed this but the roof is lopsided there's like a weird overhang on one side so we got to fix that honestly some pieces of this like why is that just floating there I know it's just cuz of how it places in the roof but I I personally would not have kept that item there that's just me down here you'll notice that one of the windows is the wrong color like for real all the windows are this swatch this darker swatch that's the one next to it at first that was like a weird lighting issue it's not it's just the wrong swatch which these things are small things they're just minor mistakes they're like little oversights I just don't understand a lot of the choices they made like the layout of this back porch I don't get it and like the placement of the columns I don't get it like why is it can someone please attempt to explain to me why the stairs are like this - I just there are so many things about this that I really truly do not understand the actual inside of the bar is fine this room is okay it's it's nice it's kind of big it's furnished there's a staircase that takes you upstairs to the bathrooms gentle neutral bathroom doors I don't know why they're blue but it's kind of fun the single-pair painting that's kind of low on the wall that sort of amuses me as well it's okay this room is odd to me it's very empty I don't know why they did this I was saying in my other video that if they had honestly even placed like the furniture in the center of the room like even if you did this and had a single rug underneath it I would have respected your decision so much more I just don't understand why it's like against the wall like that and the placement of these chairs is super odd to me I'm sorry I'm ripping it apart for no reason it's just weird I don't get it but everybody's got their own personal preferences I just would have made some different choices with build also the doors not centered with this thing above it I don't understand why but it's not I think it's because originally it's like on the three tiles right it's right here but now we can put doors on half tiles so you can Center it so why why didn't you and look the door in the back is like offset one tile I just oh it's it's the little things why is it ever so slightly not symmetrical you got to make it like super not symmetrical or or completely symmetrical you can't just have slight things that are off like this is just it bugs me so much okay I'm sorry let's renovate hi everybody its Caitlin looking like to speak I'm sorry I'm sorry welcome back to the speed build portion of this video today we're 20 renovating this lot starting by moving the roof and then centering the doors because that is my priority obviously I made a few major changes to the exterior of this build because I wanted to keep the like main shape the same because I liked the concept I don't want to renovate it too much I don't want to like completely change everything but I did want to make it like a little bit more hip on the inside that was the five I was going for because a lot of times with places like this you'll have this older building obviously the building has been around since like 1902 but they've updated the interior to make for kind of a hip local bar or something so the inside doesn't necessarily match the outside in style but that happens all the time with real life community lots and stuff and so I wanted to have that but I also didn't want it to look ridiculous and so what I ended up doing was painting the outside instead of brick with that like wood paneling on the inside and then I changed the roof color we like redid the roof I changed the columns all the windows I ended up using seasons and university in this build I think that's it I used seasons windows I used university toilets and I used a ping-pong table so I'm sorry that I didn't use just the base game but I wanted bathroom stalls okay I had my priorities and they were toilets so I didn't put some university toilets in here and I put also a red roof which I really enjoyed it kind of matched a lot of the trains that are nearby so it's kind of into the concept so you'll see we do that we made all the windows black instead of brown because it already had the black trim and like black fencing and black columns so I wanted to keep that but make it look a little bit less dumb I don't know it was a work in progress to put a sign on the front of the instead of just an empty wall and a top floor I did I did a few little things things that are actually feasible renovations - which is kind of fun I don't often do that sometimes they come into these builds and I just change everything for like redoing the back deck and like refinishing the exterior isn't actually that hard although I suppose when the whole building is made out of brick to replace it with wood paneling is not necessarily a simple path but it's the same so it doesn't matter I guess it kind of does still look a little bit like a train station not that much granted it wasn't ever actually a train station but I figure in my mind that it may be used to be a building by the local train station or the local train station and then they've sort of you know updated it now because the train station is no longer in function the trains are no longer running and instead it's the caboose it's the bar can you believe that we got trains and the sims floor before cars we got trains we got boats we got bikes we don't have cars though classic to be honest I think I really struggle with this build it's definitely out of my comfort zone style wise I don't often do stuff like this and because I was trying to sort of combine this like it's an older building I want to have some older features but I also want it to be updated on the inside I was like how updated are we going for what items do you use because it's one thing in real life when you do something this we have an older building that you've sort of changed but in this Sims it can be kind of hard to mix and match styles and not make it look weird I think because you're still limited with objects and stuff and so I really struggled with that personally trying to furnish this I did it on streem last night which by the way I stream every single day on Twitch except Sundays so may be a bad time to bring it up but I do remember down in twitch we do a lot of building I've been playing eco lifecell for the last few days obviously I've been having a lot of fun with this pack I think this one is one of my favorites we've had in a long time obviously I loved University and stuff but I just wasn't expecting this pack and the game place - pleasant surprise and I've been having a lot of fun doing it like the other day I was I've been playing with my sim self here's a breakdown of my my recent events in game I'm playing rags to riches in the new world I've got my sim self except instead of my actual so himself I took Eliza pancakes and then dressed her like me and changed her hair color because the truth is that I look exactly like last pancakes and some employee Liza pancakes she's been like a freegan dumpster diving for money and food and stuff we ended up having an affair with Bob pancakes so Bob cheated on Eliza with a clone of Eliza who is and then we had a kid together and then I divorced and killed him all in the same day it's just it's been quite a day quite a time but like I've been having a lot of fun playing Sims this way I don't often do this I mostly just build nowadays so I've been having a lot of fun going back to my roots it's like playing with rags-to-riches legacy style gameplay and stuff and also just the idea of bobbing kicks cheating on Eliza with Eliza and then marrying new Eliza and then getting divorced all in one day it's just very exciting if you ask me I don't know anyway back to the build you can see the style that I was going for kind of coming through now it was definitely hard to furnish because it was a complete change from what it already was and so it took me a little bit to figure out what I wanted but I think it turned out kind of cute in the end I think I would actually like to have my sims come here I ended up changing the back room to be more of like a living room sort of set up it's got a big TV it's got a couch and some tables and stuff kind of how it was before just less centered and like that one wall there's a big square rug and a bunch of seating around it and stuff the other room has tables in the bar still and then upstairs is the bathroom but there's three bathroom stalls instead of just to not to brag but I got an extra toilet in here I also put a dumpster in the back of the lot because you know priorities you want to woohoo in the dumpster you got a whoohoo in the dumpster so you want to make sure there's one nearby there is actually a dumpster in the world like right next to this lot but maybe you need to I don't know what you're up to you know so I wanted to cover all the bases you made sure there was a dumpster back there I think dumpster ooh who is one of the most unexpected but also like natural things to have ever been added to the Sims ever like I never would have thought like this is the thing that I want in the Sims for you know but like the fact that it exists it's like oh yeah ah but obviously your Sims can move in a dumpster like why wouldn't they it's just so funny how things like that happen with the Sims like there's these ridiculous features they're just like oh yeah of course it's the Sims you know what why not so dumb I really like that about the sims 4 though it's fun how are these things that don't make any sense somehow makes so much sense in this game I mean like cow plants what what is that but for some reason it's like oh yeah duh cow plants I mean like man-eating cow plants like duh the other part of this pack that I absolutely obsessed with is the fact that one of the plants looks just like my plant there's a plant that looks just like Jeffrey and this game and that brings me a lot of joy Lee even the plant stand is kind of similar to mine although this one's from Target and it's like kind of wide at the base the one in the game is kind of tall and skinny but like the plant looks just like Jeffrey I really was very pleased about that oh god speaking of which look at my stuff to him ah he fell over I didn't even notice I'm sorry please I'll cover it with my shoulder don't look back there I wanted to also mention my save file quickly because I know you're probably wondering like where is this did he say when's it gonna get updated I'm working on it I've done this bill I've done a few more and stuff so we're working on getting the Sims II save updated you don't know that is I have got a save file where I've renovated every single lot in the game so when a new pack comes out I renovated all the Lots I add a bunch of new Sims and fill the world of townies and stuff and then post the save file for download I've got like a million version so that's my updated it was for university though so I'll link the past video in the description box you want to watch it but just know that I'm working on the new one it just might take me a second cuz we've got a lot of lots to do this is a big world so we got a lot of work cut out for us here I'll be doing that like all week on Twitch so if you want to come watch my twitch links in the description as well I mean I'm just saying I stream everyday on Twitch I'm actually getting very close to 200,000 twitch followers so I mean if you want to come follow me not not to beg for followers not to be that guy but also miss my twitch streams you can watch the real uploads on my youtube channel I've got a second channel called more Sims II where I post all the stream reuploads they're just like straight three hour long videos so that are my streams posted on YouTube so you can watch them there if you want to also you can watch them back on Twitch very easily but they go back up on YouTube like a monthly so if you couldn't watch the recent ones I would go to twitch but I do post them on YouTube also and while we're talking about life updates I have one more it's my cat's birthday today she's 12 today so can we get a round of applause for a snap I'm sorry I'll link her Instagram down below too if you want to see it I bought her some new toys and everything she's living her dream right now speaking of cats I was talk about my save file earlier I was talking about Bob pancakes and fake Eliza and stuff fake Eliza also adopted a raccoon recently um I'm so dumb but I got a record because we were like haha she digs around in the trash she got a trash cat - isn't that funny haha I always forget the raccoons and the Foxes exist in the sims 4 and then sometimes I use them that I'm like this other one else things where it's like of course this thing has a raccoon in it like of course you can have a raccoon as a pet if you want it but like why but then if you're like oh yeah it's the same obviously it makes perfect sense nothing nothing to see here nothing weird about that it's totally fine and this build was my 1000 first upload onto the sims 4 gallery I missed my 1000 my 1000th I cannot say that word built along the gallery I guess not just but I've got builds and Sam since I'm up there but like I missed my 1000th upload yesterday I posted that micro home that was my 1000th upload to the sims 4 gallery and this one's 1000 and first which is kind of wild to think about having that many things posted on the sims 4 gallery but I do build like every single day in the sims so I guess it makes sense but I cannot believe that I have posted that many things on the gallery how many uploads in the gallery do you have I assume probably not a thousand because I upload like everything I build because people want to see it from the videos like most of the things that I post my gallery I probably wouldn't post if I wasn't like making a youtube video on it like if I did a done like solid color challenge or you know each rooms a different color challenge I think just for fun I certainly would not share that on the gallery but because I did it for a YouTube video I do so I have more things I'm sure you probably have a million bills that you wouldn't post on the gallery but you did so I realized that my number is ridiculous but it's kind of scary I haven't playing The Sims for a lot for many years so it makes sense it's just kind of embarrassing but it's okay looking back at my gallery recently tooks I do so many build challenges for YouTube videos and like things that make you have ugly builds like different packed challenges different color challenges like so that the build ends up looking like an absolute nightmare I've got so many of those that I've done recently so like a lot of my recent those in the gallery are just an absolute disaster so don't recommend following me there could be honest if you're looking for some high quality content go fall like James Turner or something you'll get better stuff out of that maybe like Simla see Avellino go follow them don't don't follow me that's we're not the place you need to be and now we're getting into furnishing this room I'm starting to feel embarrassed because I was trying to use the new furniture and it just doesn't look that good and so coming back and like starting to use it starting to look at it and like oh god that looks absolutely terrible why did I take those colors don't worry I ended up changing it I went through like four of potential color schemes in this room I did those tables I did like glass with red chairs I did a bunch of different things and we ended up just like scrapping it coming back a few times not I can't be trusted with this stuff clearly but don't worry it we did come around and it didn't look as bad as it seems by the end I don't actually remember what I picked for the downstairs I know there's a ping-pong table I know there's some tables and chairs but I don't remember oh they're brown chairs oh I use them they're the ones your assumes you can find in the trash cans I use the brown chairs your Sims can find in dumpsters this Tim is one chairs I used those I don't think it looks that bad but I feel like when you say that like oh I used the brown chairs it's like okay clever color scheme this builds got some odd choices in it it listen I was trying to have that mix between old and new and maybe I didn't achieve it very well but at least it looks a little bit better than the original it's got more things in it there's more to do right not even really I get it the only difference there's a dumpster now and a ping-pong table so I guess there's one more thing to do but there's still a TV just a bigger one there's a few more tables there's a few more chairs but realistically there's not that much to do here I was trying to not use a million packs so I would have maybe put a dance floor in here otherwise I don't know why I said dance like that sorry yeah but I feel like I would have put a dance floor in here but I also didn't want to use get together so I was trying to limit the packs a little bit so it was more usable and to be honest as far as packs go for like ones that people have I feel like a lot of people probably have seasons because I mean if you're just gonna get one pack for the sims 4 if I had to choose just one pack to have I would pick Seasons I mean I I like this new pack eco lifestyle it's great a lot of them are great they're all fun they've all got fun items in them but like as far as seasons goes for actual gameplay it literally changes everything there's in a new world but like it changes every other world so much like seasons affects your gameplay so much I was saying this on stream last night but like you don't play with seasons seasons plays with you like it it changes the weather and all the holidays in this season it just it's so good it's so good I love the gameplay effects that it has and even for building like it's kind of fun to build a house in the snow or like autum house it just it sort of changes everything I keep saying that over and over again but seasons is a life changer if you can pick one pack I would highly recommend seasons even the cast is pretty good the bill items are pretty good I also just like that style a lot so I use it all the time but like I really like it so much plus it comes with Scouts for your sims children I really enjoy Scouts underrated feature to be honest I'm just I'm just saying you're seeing now my embarrassing back and forth between chairs by the way but I ended up going with the brown chairs I wanted that catch a mustard basket on the tables because in my head I was looking at the outside right and we have that yellow sign there's the yellow flowers there's the red roof and my stream was joking about how the build looks like ketchup and mustard so I wanted to keep that ketchup and mustard vibe on the inside so I made sure that we add ketchup and mustard on the tables that this is a dumb bill I'm sorry you don't deserve this no one deserves that so we're getting really close to the end of the video here so I want to jump back into the game and show you the finished product well we're here though I just want to show you something really annoying when I went to upload my finish bill to the gallery look at where the front of the lot is isn't that so frustrating I mean it makes sense because the sides on the road but like they've built it from this side doesn't this look so stupid okay here's my finished build I'm kind of happy with it I changed it to use red brick instead of black brick we've got all the landscaping and stuff I think the outside looks way more fun I really enjoyed this rounded deck oh there's a chess table see there's some really fun objects here you can educate yourselves you can light this random fireplace in the middle of nowhere you can sit at these tables I'm not sure the color scheme makes that much sense but it's kind of fun I also really enjoyed the use of this wall by the way I think this room looks really cool I am a big fan of this space there's a little hallway upstairs that takes you to the bathrooms and of course the best part is the toilets it's the bathroom still I don't think it's bad in here though I'm kind of into it I am excited to bring my Sims here I think it's a lot better than the original I don't think it's great I'm sure that other people will do better but you know what I did my best and that's all of it matters feel free to download my ugly bill in the gallery by the way if you want my origin ideas lil Susie you're welcome [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 403,515
Rating: 4.9587355 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, renovation, sims 4 build, let's build, speed build, house build, sims building, eco lifestyle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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