Renovating Stinky EA Builds (Streamed 2/1/21)

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welcome back uh hello oh no you know what i realized recently because i i've been like cutting my own hair for like a year you know and i was messing with it more this weekend and my hair is so choppy i don't know if you can tell very easily but it is not it looks fine on camera i guess that's oh i guess that's all that matters just don't look at my hair too closely pl please don't just don't look at me anyway hi guys welcome back i hope you're having a good day today we're going to do some sims building i want to renovate any an ea house because there's a house that i like have never well maybe i've tried before but there's one from cats and dogs that is massive that i haven't really renovated and i think i want to do it simsy stream samsay stream hi little zeke how are you doing aj thank you for the seven months amber thank you for the eight months um also also mythical thank you for the stuff that was before i went live but thank you so much um anyway hi everyone laura thank you for the two month three sub um but put a trash can i will i mean thank you yes basically thank you for the seven months oh boy anyway my cat's in here she's asleep right there just out of your view it's honestly it's kind of funny how she does that she like that you know the bench is there she's like right where you can't see her destiny thank you for the two months um but that's pretty typical of her you know just sit right out of frame emily thank you for the five month reset also um destiny i think you thank you for the two months but thank you so much the house that i'm talking about is um is this one this is the house that i am referring to um this one is a nice house it is very large very large bit mcmansion like and i'm gonna try to um shrink and improve it doesn't help that it's so cloudy let me fix that really fast season's cheats let's make it summer um change weather sunny here we go this will solve our problem just you wait the clouds will go away the sun will shine come on that's better okay we got it um freya thank you for the 10 months silver thank you for the two months martin thank you for the five months grace thank you for the sub later with the 15 months tara with two months pixelate jordan with the nine months emily thank you for the five months brookie thank you for the three months jordan thank you for the five months jules the year the two months eliana the year for the four months shannon with the tier three ten month resub by the way oh my god thank you so much chan uh and av thank you for the for the uh nine months alexis thank you for the bits caitlyn thank you for the three months lexi thank you for the five months ellie thank you for the bits kyoto thank you for the two months um says thank you for the three months okay i think we're good i think i think we're good we have everything under control anyway happy february um this weekend i've got a quick update for you all this weekend saturday i'm doing a 12 hour stream it's rick astley's birthday um in the past like three years we've we've done like a special stream on rick astley's birthday kind of as a joke um and so rick astley's birthday is on saturday so i'm gonna do a 12-hour stream on saturday i announced it on the discord today but just in case you missed that um i will be live for 12 hours on saturday uh to celebrate my friend rick astley's birthday um did i see what ludwig said about my emote oh no no i didn't should i be nervous what did ludwig say about my emote you can't just come into chat and say that to me without context you have to tell me now dizzy thank you for the stuff um elvenar thank you for the seven months anna thank you for the five months rogue thank you for the seven months julie thank you for the bits i will sing you a special song for your 18th birthday on saturday julie don't worry um coding thank you for the two months laurie with the 21 months alexis with the bits gab with the four months mel with the five months stage low with the four months miss kate thank you for the bits map that you're the sub gift oh my god antisocial thank you for the bits ashley with the four months hattie with the five months um car world thank you for the four months anna with the prime stuff liberty with carry on with the five months nancy land grab with the 10 months lyria was the seven months elephenor with a seven months dizzy with a sub okay oh vic thank you for the seven months also um okay but i'm trying my best to stay up to date as you can imagine um yeah tomorrow stream on saturday thief that's what i was trying to say before i got distracted why is my game lagging like that i'm going to go to manage worlds and come back we're going to do a 12-hour stream on saturday i think i want to try to speed run the 100 baby challenge a little bit um so a little bit we'll probably have like eight babies um so stevie thank you for the six months lila thank you for the two months ashley you for the two months in advance thank you so much um okay um are we good are we are we done lagging yeah i think so okay um liberty thank you for the sub gift thank you so much faith thank you for the four months okay do i post on sundays i post videos on sundays usually however i have had a very rough weekend so i didn't record a video frankly because i had a horrible headache and i was nauseous for like 14 hours straight on saturday so you didn't get a video on sunday i usually post videos on sundays there was just um a bit of an incident um wait thank you for the bits i have a bone to pick with you i've played so much sims lately and it's all your fault i'm so sorry how dare i alexis thank you for the bits uh hinata thank you for the prime sub persona thank you for the sub uh it's a birthday year of the seven months beanbag thank you for the four months ace read up the year of the four months faith thank you for the four months liberty thank you for the sub gift lucky thank you for the 14 months akira thank you for the bits oh i hope i didn't miss anybody cassidy um laurel so you will for the recepts as well um i'm okay some of us are just um on our periods and and we get really sick on our periods we being me um some of us have a rough time i had a really rough day on saturday um chris thank you for the bits um i respect that have fun dating the ghost in the new pack uh man thank you for the sub hit me the face thank you for the four months i think i think i'm caught up i'm really sorry if i missed anything like subways that's obviously not on purpose it happens um and i'm sorry but it was scrolling so fast so i probably did miss one or two and if that's you i'm really sorry thank you for the subs or the bitzer or whatever um ainsley thank you for the four months uh thank you guys so much i didn't go to university of florida no my i live in central florida and i went to um a university in central florida the university of central florida i didn't go to uf i applied to uf but i decided to stay closer to home for school um anyway you don't care totally aggressive thank you for the two months um sims bagel thank you for the 14 months lyndon thank you for the three months alexis thank you for the bits uh glitter thank you for the bits i hear thank you for the bits oh witty thank you for the bits uh iron with the two months gypsy with the four months riley with the bits jessica with 15 months i'm sorry honey noah cinnamon sprite sunshine did i miss anybody else i'm so sorry thank you guys so much um yeah we're gonna renovate this house today uh which i'll explain more in a second i just sometimes there's a lot going on in the beginning it's really been live for like seven minutes there's a lot happening in the beginning history we just gotta like you know adjust we all are here we're doing it um also i saw someone in chat say their birthday was yesterday and someone else's birthday is today so i will sing you both a song right now pietro o'reilly sunshine thank you guys um samara thank you for the 10 gifted subs hello oh my god thank you so much i really really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you thank you um okay let me get oh no i closed my chat by accident i was trying to get oh no help like open mod view by accident what is wrong with me okay i think we're fine okay for those yesterday too uh little thank you for the four months jen thank you for the five months cupcakes thank you for the five gifted subs lexi thank you for the four months alexis thank you for the bits katie thank you for the thousand bits we're not thank you for the six months nerd thank you for the sub antisocial thank you for the bits again thank you guys so much okay can i sing a birthday song for you on march 27th hopefully ducky if you ask me then i will um let me know let me know i'll keep that in mind i'll remember march 27th that's my grandma's birthday so really no but nice that's exciting are the captions on oh nope yes they are now i had it open but i didn't have them on yet i'm sorry um they should be working now um bear thank you for the sub luna thank you for the four months slowly thank you for the six months let us thank you for the nine months kiki thank you for the 10 months thank you guys so much i'm sorry you had a rough day i hope that you're okay um anyway so this house is one of the pre-made houses that comes in bridleton bay um so it belongs to the delgado family and it's a nice house i like the idea of it it's a really nice spot um i just it's kind of mcmansion like like it's a massive massive massive house in a bad way like it's too big and it just it you know so i think we're gonna try to renovate this house today and we're gonna try to make it hopefully a tiny bit smaller maybe um and just better looking if i get my way that's what i'll have to smaller and better fiance thank you for the 13 months chelsea thank you for the bids today is harry styles birthday isn't it um amber thank you for the six months dc thank you for the three months uh nit thank you for the four months cynthia with the bids ginger the year of the 1500 bits it's your 21st birthday oh that's way more important than harry styles [Music] um jay thank you for the seven months alexis thank you for the bits agnes thank you 11 months oh my goodness thank you guys so much um i hope i didn't mess miss anybody i'm so so so so so so sorry uh but like thank you for the four months ashley that you're the primes up ruby thank you for the three months okay i think we're caught i think we're good are we good um who cares about harry styles when there's me exactly exactly i'm i'm glad you have that outlook um god this house is so so much i i i've got good vibes we can make it work i just it's gonna this is gonna get a lot uglier before it gets prettier so let's just keep that in mind everyone we need to come into this with an open mind it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better um and i might cry in the process so we got it we're fine we're fine the roof is a bit weird yeah but that's okay this is i don't this is fine everything is okay we're gonna make it work this is this is fine all right i'm just gonna get my second obs open let's build shall we if you just believe oh you know we need to do step one bb dot move objects on all right we're in so i think that i um i don't know like okay for example this kind of thing why why was it not squared off like that you know like why why was it necessary no um so we start off with that one we start there and we will go on from it let me make the whole house a little bit smaller i'm just gonna like shrink this side of the house maybe like honestly maybe even like two tiles what vibe are we going for well the same vibe just less ugly it's still this sort of like cape cod um mansion right but the existing one there's a lot going on in a bad way i think so what we're going to do is make the house smaller see go away oh no i'll just redo the whole porch it's okay we'll just we'll start over with the porch the porch i will do myself i trapped the toddler on the floor underneath the porch that can't be good okay she's fixed nevermind we're fine false alarm sorry to my toddler um how do the white lines in build mode if you you mean the grid if you press g you can turn the grid on and off very very useful um pro tip right there you can press g to adjust the grid um am i gonna put like a oh that's a platform i don't want a platform i want a room look at this what is going on i just wanted it to look different um oh that's awesome i'm glad i saw that happening in chat well i had my stream open before i went live obviously i saw people helping you pick a topic for your essay that's awesome i'm glad that they could help okay i think let's just wrap around the whole porch you know what that'll be a nice touch wrap around porch is always a good thing oh god what have we done okay okay okay let's just we're gonna be okay just start over just start over all right thank you for the two months ashley thank you for the five months lilac thank you for the 10 months um rob the year the 17 months mister with the prime sub simpson with the bits uh jk with the five months strangerville matthew sailor melon ruby ashley um cindy thank you for the nine months spooky with the four months uh me with the five months thank you guys all so much for the recepts and bits and stuff i really really appreciate that okay oh my god do you know what we could probably just get rid of like half of this building okay this is fine are you all this is all one room right yeah build ceiling there we go so that'll be a nice wrap around porch situation um oh my god this is we're doomed we're doomed i'm alright thank you for the seven months um adia thank you for the seven months blue monster with the five months thank you guys so much yeah the whole chimney was unnecessarily big i don't know why it was three tiles like that i can't i can't really get behind it but it's okay um maybe i'll i'm just trying to think i like the idea of there being a balcony here but i think i might prefer if the balcony is like to there you know just like all the way across and we shrink this like why does it have to be so big it doesn't or why does the house have to be so big we're trying to have less house whatever we can do to have less house is what i'm going to try to do because this house is really large i'm gonna cry it's so big and for what reason i might make it smaller again i i think i think we have to oh no i have to redo this whole thing again maybe we'll just let this be straight for now and then we can come back and we can add like we can fix it later in case i have to make the house smaller again you know because the more we have to keep changing it it's just gonna be annoying so if we simply come back to it yeah we're just trying to cut off all the square footage of the house i am looking for a significantly smaller house we don't need all this space i feel like in real life that sounds ridiculous but you know that it's a good idea in the sims this house has no business being this big it's already massive like the number one best way to make it look less ugly is to do this okay i kind of want to just like what if we deleted the whole roof the whole third floor and we'd start it over with it because we can like we can do better than they can we just have to figure out like how the roof is cj thank you for the prime sub uh cycle thank you for the three months jay thank you for the best congrats i'm getting something to college that's amazing um raspberries thank you for love months not bad thank you for the four months tiny with the bits clementine with 10 months maggie with the tier two eleven months penguin with the little sub coat with the sub juicy with the three months sparkles with eight months elliot with the prime stuff ally with the four months thank you guys so much uh yeah this house is a bit of a confusing nightmare that's a good way of describing it confusing nightmare i'm i'm with you there why not just two floors well the third floor is in a full floor the third floor is uh decorative mostly the third floor is there because the roof is there um it's just like the roof pieces fit into the third floor you know um and it happens to be a big enough house that the third floor can be kind of large um so we're gonna have somewhat of one but not a big one you know because that's not what we want but we can have a slight third floor what why that's so weird i don't understand i don't anyway anyway am i in classes right now um i graduated last year almost a full year ago i graduated in april so i'm not in i'm not in classes right now no i've been there done that so oh it's medium wall height i didn't even realize it was medium wall height no wonder it looked so ridiculous why did they do that with the roof that was i never even noticed that that's the whole problem that's the entire problem with that roof solved why did they do that you think you can trust these people and then you find out that you can't okay we delete we're gonna do this we're gonna rebuild this but i'm gonna center it with the wall so it's gonna be the same basically i'm just i just deleted the whole thing and we're gonna um anyway for those of you who didn't know i graduated uh university in last april with a degree in history okay is that the right size i think so i think so katie thank you for the bits food goddess thank you for the four months sam thank you for the 21 months big girl thank you for the three months julia the year for the seven months green eyes stay with the bits uh and tony to thank you for the five months julia thank you for the six months ugly i thank you for the 10 months amazing grace thank you for the nine months kate the year of the prime stuff mara thank you for the four months tragedy thank you for the nine months aaron thank you for the five months dragonfly thank you for 11 months i'm sorry i oh my gosh there are so many moths uh with the 10 months and cj thank you for the prime stuff you guys thank you so so so so so much thank you so so so much um okay see this is a significantly improved version of the same roof that they had at least in my opinion it's improved um yeah laurel that's how i feel i'm like in my head i'm like yeah i just graduated and then i'm like oh it was last april it's almost been a year so i i didn't so much and just graduate anymore that was kind of a while ago but it still feels so recent in my head you know um i don't want this to be giant like that i don't like it i'm telling you the number one best way to make these houses look better is just to shrink them it's like the only way look at the kitchen the kitchen was so small compared to the size of the massive house how old is my cat she's 12. turns 13 in uh in june one tile oh no oh no i haven't seen one division no but i've seen a lot of people talking about it truthfully though i haven't seen most things if you're ever thinking to yourself i wonder if lil simsie has watched this uh the answer is probably no i haven't seen most things i'm like really behind with tv and movies and such i've not even seen like what's an example like all the marvel movies i've never even seen them like it's kind of embarrassing i probably shouldn't admit this on the internet but um that's the truth snap is little simsy or well yours your name was like i stan lil smimsy or something which is a good username okay this house is gonna be so big okay well the house is already big but you know what i mean is duck dan in the chat oh big fan big fan okay i might actually um i'm gonna trash this room i'm sorry but hear me out we're trashing that room and then there's gonna be a small balcony over there like this and then the rest of this is gonna wrap around like that's gonna have a roof on it um but we'll do a wrap around roof it'll look good geez thank you for the 20 months grace thank you for the thousand bits do you like peanut butter asking for a friend yeah this morning i ate bagel with a peanut butter on it for breakfast i said bagel with a peanut butter a bagel with peanut butter i should have said eddie with the 14 was thank you uh rock thank you for the 10 months uh marina thank you for the three months potatoes of the two months baby with the four months katie with the bids food goddess with the four months same with the 20 woman's i think mandolin with the nine months cheese for the 20 months did i say everything i forget where i left off last time a single peanut butter yeah i ate i ate a bagel with with just one peanut butter on it um that's that's what i ate for breakfast this morning just the one peanut butter though okay this is it's making more sense at least you know and that's that's good i think the roof there's like more um logic involved with this roof now which is what we needed all along this juno cart music is kind of scary i'm skipping it i'm skipping it but like i said i want the house to look this like i want it to still look like the house that i'm renovating like i don't want to completely change it but we're just trying to clean up the roof a little bit you know okay yeah there's a massive third floor their third floor was this big too but theirs was empty i'll probably keep ours empty as well um what sort of we get like a little teeny chimney oh no maybe i'll oh that's fine right the chimney is is purely for um looks but they had a three wide chimney before ours is one wide hmm can be an art addict i think i think you're underestimating how big this house is i i don't think we need i don't think we need the third floor to have furniture in it i you i think i think you're um expecting too much of this home that is already a million rooms sim's life uh cat hannah talia pasta bridgette uh mrs elena mandolin i don't know thank you all for the reset thank you so much stinky ea builds exactly tom yeah you could fit like four more kids in the attic this is an entire house like most of my houses that i build are smaller than this um i think i'm gonna have a big like we'll we'll probably have more open space like around the staircase you know like i'll probably i won't do it just like this we have to redo some roofing but i'll probably have more open space around the staircase um just as like an excuse to make the living space smaller and have less furniture because it's already so big toddler attic yeah this house would be good for the 100 baby challenge to be honest it's really big um plenty of space for having lots and lots of babies in this one [Music] how do i feel about that i can't tell do i want it to be how far out do i want it to go huh there any mods installed yeah i um don't really use build cc or anything although i do have some in my game right now i was playing with little dica's new cc pack earlier um but i have mc command center and ui cheats extension in my game right now um i might make this a little bit taller just so it looks better i don't know you can't really tell oh my god it the like mass of blue i think we'll need to get some different textures on the exterior you know i think that will help us um that's not right i put it in the wrong space i need this room to be a room and then i need to go like that with it okay okay oh that's true i also have the uh a cast slider mod in my game you're right but this house is just so big and it looks so like samey you know but i guess once we i mean well the roof isn't supposed to be this color i think the roof we'll put it back to the same color it was before i think that'll help like break up the i don't know just more contrast is nice but we'll figure it out and the windows will help but obviously we don't have any of those right now because we're still trying to fix it like i said with renovations like this it gets much worse before it gets better before we can make it look pretty we have to make it look worse eventually we'll get there eventually it'll be fine um okay how so large how did they do it before i can't believe i'm trying to act like how well how do they do it is if i can steal it guys i'm not gonna put a cat attic how many times have i told you i'm not furnishing the third floor i don't think you understand what you're asking for it's too much the house is massive already i i we can't we can't do it all please stop yelling the same word in chat i'm ignoring it for a reason cool thank you for the 13 months shambles thank you for the four months amelia thank you for the bits happy birthday um awesome line with the bits maggie with the sub uh chicken thank you for the [ __ ] hannah i think you're for seven months caleb thank you for the prime step adorable thank you for the two months tom thank you for the 21 months matt thank you for the prime steps it was like that you're for the three months okay i think i'm caught up that was for your 18th birthday by the way congratulations on getting old uh i don't i don't i don't know being old can't relate uh-huh yeah brayden you're getting old too what if we made it that big it doesn't look right we need to make it like bigger um the room itself needs to be like i don't know i guess i'm trying to have the same thing they did but you see their house was more like it was like way far off and the roof was like that and i don't like that um so i'm trying to like figure out how to make it in a way that i like better but um i would i think it would just be way easier if it was just straight across and we wouldn't have to worry about this at all we can just have a nice wrap around porch and nobody would cry and everything would be happy and and nice okay um oops but isn't that so nice everyone don't you like it how is that too far out let me put my fence down i don't know this is gonna be a long day friends thank you for the six months i'm out of the year for seven months jen thank you for the eight months alchemist thank you for the 30 months tails that you have the 13 months after the year for the nine months jamie thank you for the bits grace thank you for the premise of ashley thank you for the prime sub cool thanks again for the 13 months you guys thank you so much yes this the the cats and dogs fence is so beautiful it's like one of my favorite uh fences in the game something about it is just so nice it really is such a pretty fence um okay we need to scoot this okay and then the way you're gonna fix this is we'll put a half wall oops needs to be taller i guess maybe i'll have the half wall beat all the way to hmm that's kind of sad actually that's okay oh i was just about to say i don't like it and you should change it ava sometimes the only message i see in chat is just someone being like you know your house is kind of ugly i don't know what you're talking about though do you dislike my house still or are we okay now what's the context i think we need like chunkier columns than these little tiny skinny ones i think we have to use like bigger more substantial columns for a house this big you know just for the record if you don't like my house that's cool but you know there's there's ways to go about telling people that you don't like their sims builds that aren't mean um so i hate that rather unhelpful but uh oh what if you tried this instead helpful so you know consider um consider thinking about your tone when talking to people on the internet gingy thank you for the 12 months margo thank you for the three months drew thank you for the three months fish girl thank you for the two months pretty the year for the three months turtle thank you for the four months oh thank you so much you guys um okay um i think i'm gonna try and make it base game in cats and dogs abigail just because of the fact that it's like we're renovating like an existing like a pre-made house you know i think it's probably best if we try and limit the packs to just the base game and the packs that it was originally using um but we could always change our minds on that i guess we'll see we'll see how the build goes um the thing is i want to you like i really want to have like the get-together columns because the cats and dogs ones are not what i'm looking for but i guess it works when you like raise them all the way up i don't know okay why are you clipping oh there we go i fixed it false alarm save and sip you make a good point probably should save the game um anyway like i said this house is gonna get a lot uglier before it gets better so don't be rude yet maybe later once it's actually you know close to being done um but this house is not even close to being done so that's nice what is that oh random dog diagram should we do it like should i have a giant giant giant no one is allowed to be rude to simsy except for the mods you make a good point um okay oh oh oh no okay if we put it like there uh the house can be closer to this oh don't oh my god imagine i bulldozed it by accident what's wrong um before the lot was like over here that simply does not work um so we have to scoot it over because you'd want the entry to be centered ideally the entry would be like there but that is right at the edge of the lot so let's see if we can make this a little bit smaller and solve that problem anyway is my dad in chat hi dad this will probably be better anyway with the two wide now time to do some shrinking i guess it's okay it'll look really good over here it's so weird how it's like far off on the side of the lot but um tavi thank you for the four months by the way hot soup thank you for the 14 months william say you're for the two months hazel thank you for the four months stream girl thank you for the bits i'm glad i got your idea to start you i'm also addicted to stardew um uh sarah thank you for the seven months witchy thank you for the eight months gingy thanks again for the 12 months thank you so much um okay i want to put like um something in the front of the house just to be like slightly more i don't know just there needs to be something slightly more on the front of the house i guess that actually looks pretty good to be honest um we can still no we're still gonna have a courtyard here don't it's there's still gonna be a courtyard it's just gonna be small it's not that big of a deal guys i liked the courtyard it's just smaller and it's probably better that way anyway um okay to be honest what if i don't know the blue is a lot i'm gonna let's just put all our columns in and then we can start looking at windows see it'll look a lot better once there's like windows and all the columns in and stuff because it'll break up the blue a little bit more which is sort of what we need um tiger thank you for the three months tabby thank you for the four months uh toxic cherries thank you for the two months also i want to have a big side yard too because we have to make take the most out of we have to make the most out of all that massive space but right now i'm not worried about the yard right now we just need to make sure the actual house looks okay it's definitely an improvement right have you ever dreamed of being with rick astley sims fan can i get some clarification on the question being with rick ashley in what way i i i do not wish to be in a romantic relationship with rick astley i simply like his music and think he is a fun guy um i missed a lot of roof paint i know don't worry um i am well aware of that fact okay um okay i want to put i didn't i like i like the idea of like a fenced in courtyard sort of thing but i didn't like their hedges i want to get like an actual hedge fence instead i think um oh we can put like a little one of the little gates to this thing there nice you like the balconies i like the balconies too i think they're nice i don't know what to do about this part of the roof um i think it looks nice but i'm feeling a little bit stuck oh we can center this door now oh that's fun let me delete that look how low this window is why why did they put it there um marissa and generally listen to all of taylor swift's uh music and in february you're doing the same thing with one direction oh that's a fun idea to like go through listen to every swift album in one month and then in the next month only one direction that sounds about right make it a sunroom i think these rooms kind of have sun room vibes as it is if you want me to put a glass roof i'm not gonna if you're asking for a glass roof the answer is no um but uh it kind of already is a little bit sun room like because of the fact that there's uh the big balcony and like there'll be big windows and stuff so jones thank you for the sub um finish things again for the bits marella thank you for the two months uh thank you guys so much the cats and dogs windows are really nice aren't they ew ew okay now what if it's the same color right but what if we were able to like just get some slightly different textures going on so that it's not all shingle everywhere you know we can keep that like blue look that they seem to like so much but we just sort of branch out a little bit um i think that helps um let me look at the cats and dogs windows some more i want to use this window somewhere but i don't know how or where pika pika thank you for the two months jonesy thank you for the stuff again thank you guys so much okay it's already 10 times better i agree i think i think this is a big difference i kind of wish oh never mind it's just this door we can use a base game door that's fine this door will be we need a door to the patio somewhere oh thanks tomato gal i'm really really sorry that i hope they're okay i'm glad i can be a distraction for you there um i really really hope that you're all right the moon in the back is huge oh i didn't even notice it yeah it is oh my god why is it so big that is a very large moon yeah okay geez that's nice i think i want a different stone um do you know what i really wish we're playing with just the base game and cats and dogs right now but i really really wish that i could use a jungle adventure stone i think that this sort of thing would be very useful for this house like i think that looks way better in the courtyard and stuff but we can do it with the base game we can figure out a base game one that'll work um should you go to school in ireland or scotland i have one week to decide jenna i am the wrong person to ask i don't know what your situation is like i don't i don't know which one would be a better fit for you um i wish that i had more advice to offer but i feel like my my opinion in that situation is somewhat irrelevant because what really matters is what you think is best for you um but um we can use this this will look nice brooke thanks for the five months nikki thank you for the 12 months thank you so much chad i'll tell you chad'll have advice um okay how about we do a little brick no what if we made we changed the foundation to be like white paneling instead of the gray brick and make the foundation a little bit shorter it can still be tall it doesn't have to be four high it doesn't need to be so much okay um god the back is such a mess there's so much going on um i don't like how um much space is by the door either like i wish that because i feel like you can't put windows very easily next to the door there jack that you've 11 months by the way sophia thank you for the 12 months uh kai thank you for the bits jenna thank you for the eight months again thank you so much you guys um i don't think the skinny windows look good i like i don't like how it looks when you put windows next to this door something about it is just not i don't like it like it probably is okay i just don't i don't like it i don't like it go bigger go home do an entire window wall there that's what they had originally i was thinking about putting um i'm making custom windows right now everyone please don't mind me as i make my custom windows i'm going to do this in the front why does it have to be so difficult to all place them they really make it so complicated okay i think that's nice touch i don't want to use shutter windows because i'm trying to specifically use the windows that came with the pack on this one um like i'm trying to like specifically prioritize the pack windows because i want it to look like the original house looked right and this original house was one of the default houses that came with cats and dogs so who made which one of you made that poll mods given okay there we go that's nice wait what's that oh weird i think this is coming along nicely like i think we're we're kind of getting somewhere with this the floor plan is gonna be a massive pain the floor plan is gonna be horrible but we'll get there when we get there for now we just mess with the outside and make things smaller and such i think you definitely get the vibes they were going for so why is that room so empty the whole house was empty that's just they made a massive massive massive house and then the whole thing was super empty when you went to play in it um this pack is from cats and dogs or this sorry yes this pack is from cats and dogs no this house is from cats and dogs it's in brendelton bay um it's one of the pre-made houses in bridleton bay okay uh i think a lot of people play in ea builds aries i think you would be surprised i think that a lot of people that are like you know first starting like you open at the sims and you start playing like you most people probably play in ea builds when they first start you know um and then you might eventually like edit them or build yourself a new one but when you like first load into the game um a lot of people start in like ea starter homes and stuff so um and then maybe they only play in ea builds that's why they like obviously have like full pre-made worlds that you can play in when you come in to play the sims okay this is actually kind of nice it's growing on me joe thank you for the four months peyton thank you for the bits glam thank you for the sub seafoam pudding with the 18 months thank you so much you guys okay now what to do with this situation and now where do we go from here okay how about a big door over there all right yeah the landscaping of this house will be fun there's i think i'm more concerned about the furnishing this house is going to take me so long to build how to wait what did they do with theirs okay i don't know how i want to do this cause like oh no wrong spot the lattice thing is kind of a fun idea for the roof but um okay calm down all right there we have a nice little roof thing yeah there are three floors in this house the third floor is uh is the roof though think of it being sort of like an attic um i'm not gonna like actively furnish the third floor it's more so just an attic okay the original house had that too that isn't just my idea i just i had deleted it um and now it's back but i deleted it because we moved and like shrunk this building it's off to the side here it would be really fun if this i don't know was a bathroom or something i want to put so their house they had something kind of like this i think i'm gonna do it too it's like a little mini balcony oh why are you doing that to me okay but isn't that fun i do have tick tock i don't really post on it but i have a tick tock account um my name is just little simsy on tick tock if you want to follow me so we're gonna thank you for the prime sub deep fried thank you for the prime stuff meg thank you for the four months casting you for the prime sub i don't like to pick names thank you for the prime sub denise thank you for 11 months um okay i think that is a nice touch i don't know this room's gonna be i was thinking about it becoming a bathroom but i guess we'll see i guess we will see um no i'm gonna use this door i like this door the other ones from cats and dogs are really small i picked this one on purpose um they have like the three wide door which is possibly an option i guess it could be fun to use that one instead but there's so many little tiny squares it was kind of a play room for the kids before i guess well it depends how we do the floor plan because we'll probably change it um it's probably gonna end up being very different from the original one so it's hard to decide what the room is gonna be if we haven't done the floor plan yet oh god that was so big why is it so large president thanks for the prime sub there isn't a rocking horse no that would be nice but we don't they don't have that um in this game unfortunately it does not exist um i might do this oh that works out pretty nicely to be honest with you and we can put the hedge along the side of this as well okay i don't know will i be making a lasagna shed maybe there might be a shed in this house i guess we will see um can i use this door yeah yeah i don't know what that room's gonna be yet okay well they'll definitely be a pool yeah don't worry don't worry there will 100 there will 100 be a pool in this house um i might make the backyard bigger i'm just trying to figure out noisy you gotta stop spamming that same thing over and over again i literally don't know what you're saying what happened to the dinosaur toys you're saying in all caps do you mean the dinosaurs from my advent calendar last year they're in that drawer box thing right there please stop spamming the same question over and over again you've answered it so many times they don't listen when you when you tell someone who's spamming chat the mods will answer their question and they completely disregard anything the mods say and they just keep spamming it over and over again because they don't care what anyone has to say except for me they just want me to say it um so they just they yell and they yell and they yell and then my mods sit here trying to help them get an answer to their question and they just ignore for whatever reason um please please no spam it's no fun there are a lot of things in chat i don't know if you guys noticed but chat's kind of spammy sometimes there's a lot of people here um it's it's best if we don't all just yell into the void you know if you've got a question and i miss it you're welcome to ask it again like a few minutes later you know like if you were like hey kayla you know what pack is that door from and i missed it and no one saw you could ask again a few minutes later but try not to have it be the only thing you're saying in chat you know because that that's what spam is when you only type one thing in chat um lots of times that's when it gets kind of spammy uh robbie thank you for the 10 months thank you so much nell thank you for the for the 10 months holly thank you for 11 months vampire thank you for the vampiret nice thank you for the two months also uh grandma thank you for the six months meg with the three months and meg a different meg with the bits oh no same meg with the bits okay sorry i just saw megs in numbers laura thank you for the primer stuff also okay i don't know what to do about this part of the roof i guess i might just make it gray it can be flat that's fine wisely thank you for the sub okay i think that's turning out very nicely we'll get how about um i'm not gonna make a platform no i don't think it makes sense for that one in particular uh just because we can doesn't always mean we should you know that's that's what i always say what if we like i don't know just big windows and lots of them that'll be nice from the inside okay that's too high up yeah that'll be a nice room yeah babe thank you for the seven months skip links thank you for the five months wesley thank you for the sub laura thank you for the private stuff also okay and you see thank you for the eight months also um we'll want to have a nice entryway so we'll have to like rearrange some of this because you want to like prioritize having a super nice entry to the house also i like the white flooring but i i think it's not helping the house feel really empty and like i don't know at least just something about the white flooring that's like not working it needs to be different we could keep like a light colored flooring but i think it would be better if it wasn't like white wood floor right like that's better right i think so right yeah something about it it's just very cold seeming the big white floor i don't know i didn't like it very much but it's gone now so it's fine atticus thank you for the 17 months reindeer thank you for the sub gift uh lucy thank you for the four months olaf with the 33 months baby move objects thank you for the prime sub lady thank you for the sub gift uh laurel thank you for the 15 months mythics thank you for the four months happy birthday um marxley thank you for the two months rainbow thank you for 11 months charlie the year for the three months cosmic day for the 12 months oh thank you guys so much um i will sing a song to you my friend okay filter by cats and dogs we can change these windows we can get like the same windows oh ew i want a couple wins like i guess that doesn't look too bad and then if we just have like the same oh and we could line it up but that is not good the roof like completely blocking half the window also it's low um that's where it auto places that's fine right hopefully it looks good from the inside but the thing is we wanted to put a fireplace by the chimney like it'd probably be best if they were like further out i don't know we'll we'll figure this out once we start furnishing we can always move them okay [Music] um i'm just the more i look around inside the more i'm like oh my gosh the furnishing of this house is gonna be a nightmare no i've we've we've like jokingly used the auto place window feature did you all know they have an auto place window feature look at that it tries to auto place windows in the rooms mm-hmm see for whatever reason i it's not good isn't that horrible though who did that okay ah stop do we do it like that does that look bad [Music] um would i consider adding planters there will be ellie we just haven't done the furnishings yet you guys you're getting you're getting too far ahead of me here we can't we we have to take this one step at a time um okay um i like how that looks it's kind of small but what if we did it like that i don't know uh you tell i'm trying to stall okay this would be a nice little yeah reynolds definitely has like hamptons vibes um i think that's on purpose kayla deep into thought i'm just thinking about my build i'm trying to figure out what to do with it i'm sorry um don't mind me i'm just um desperately trying to figure out a solution to this weird house it's so large i'm kind of thinking maybe i should put like another porch there could always be like a big porch with a two-story balcony over here i don't know what oh sorry i drew it in the wrong place oh my god oh my gosh okay that was fine false alarm no worries everyone well maybe we shouldn't have a second floor like maybe it shouldn't have um thingies on the second floor i mean um what if we did it like this what if there was like a i don't know i don't know why doesn't i have a roof 12 months steph thank you for the 12 month reset baby bad thank you for the three months bet thank you for the four months jp thank you for the sub colin thank you for the eight months marie thank you for the three months raven thank you for the prime sub uh huh what thank you for the two months overwhelmed thank you for the two months june thank you for the 27 months last year for the sub crypt of the year for the six months charlie the year for the three months oh my goodness i'm so sorry um we put this back um the bay window will be a nice touch i think and then there could be like little doors on either side watch this like that that's fun i don't know i like it we could do doors like that downstairs too maybe not maybe we'll change that i don't know i think that's kind of pretty though there's a little bay window it's gonna be a weird room but that's not my problem okay now i'm starting to wonder if this should instead of like anything big if we should just make this a a regular roof piece you know i don't know how i feel about this that much i don't know personally i think every wall space should be a door brayden i think you you make a really good point there hi kiwi tiny thank you for 11 months by the way thank you so much am i playing stardom again kayla uh alicia i i put on my schedule this week um i post myself on the discord uh i was planning on playing story on thursday um that's always subject to change though you know sometimes when i'm having a really bad day uh i don't feel cut out for sims streams because oftentimes sims streams are bigger than my other when i play other games right and sometimes when i'm having a rough day uh i don't feel like i am emotionally capable of people yelling at me i'm feeling yelling when i'm playing starting rally so sometimes like there's you know plans change um but uh we'll see not that i don't like sims streams obviously i do otherwise i wouldn't do them but um sometimes they're like a little bit more overwhelming than other times you know and and for that reason um sometimes if i'm feeling super anxious i like won't build in the sims um because i don't wanna i don't wanna like cry you know uh bachelin thank you for the bits thank you so much um oh thanks sophie i appreciate that okay i don't like this i don't like it i don't know i don't know what to do obviously we need a window in the roof and we need to put like stuff in the roof like i'm thinking we need to put um maybe like some more dormers or something up here would be beneficial kind of like that just that there's like something else going on up there do you play the sims okay that's a good question chad do you play sims actually i think um you would probably be surprised to know how many people don't play sims but watch my videos and they're like kayla i never play the sims but i like live vicariously through you i get that a lot in my comments um and i respect it we will put paneling on this part okay you're playing right now nice chris ken thank you for the bits uh aysha can thank you for the four months rebecca thank you for the sub thank you so much um dorms are a nice addition i think i think that looks nice i'm a little bit biased but i think a lot of people are that way sham i think well this goes for most games i think a lot of times people play it like you'll play a game a ton um and then you'll put it away for a little bit you know and then you might like play the game a ton again and then put it away for a little bit like i think a lot of people play the sims that way and also games like stardew and stuff you might like play it a ton and then not play it for a year and then come back and play again a ton and then not play for a year you know like i think that's a fairly common thing oh i don't know how to do i don't i don't know how i wanted this to look uh 90 percent of you are playing the sims and i thank you for the prime stuff thank you that doesn't surprise me um is steph here oh my god i didn't even notice by the way everyone if you don't follow my friend steph on twitch um you should god there's just so much going on i don't even know who's in my own chat that's stefo sam's big fan big fan okay i think i think that the outside is pretty well like resolved we can always add more windows but i want to figure out the floor plan and then base the rest of the windows off the floor plan you know i think that's the best bet i'm going to delete all of the interior furniture i am sorry to the sims that live here but your house no longer exists so hope that's okay with you they'll be fine who needs a house with furniture in it they can just have their house was basically a giant empty box anyway so they'll be fine okay i think um part of what i wanna ew why are those things so far apart and why are they so low on the wall part of what i want to do with this one is put a big open space around the staircase like i i really would like to have um a big opening to the downstairs it's a big house and there's lots of space for it so i think that would be nice like we don't need to have you know furniture and bedrooms in every room of this upstairs area we could absolutely have a big opening to the downstairs so i think i'm gonna do that um i might scoot the staircase over a little bit i like the idea of maybe like that i don't know and then there'll be like a living room here i guess it could have been the bigger ones we can have a oh no no no do it like this sorry false alarm i was gonna say we could have a three wide archway but i can put a three white archway there anyway because we can center them now look at how nice that'll look hey frost what's up oh i love the build alien thank you for the four months french thank you for the bits one of the nook chairs we were trust me i am four steps ahead of you there if we keep this um there'll be a a little bay window seat there don't worry that's half the reason i put it there okay i'm just gonna get a bunch of lights up here come on and okay isn't it so funny when it's delayed like that it's like let there be light and then it shows up um okay i wonder what this room will be maybe this could be like a formal dining room sort of space oh we could also you know we could do how would it look if the stairs were there lots of space for a living room and then the dining room can be bigger and sort of like in that space or well you could try and center [Music] center with the door with the windows oh no we'll figure it out you're making air frying chicken air fryer chicken nuggets right now since then that's fun uh half a month thank you for the four months olivia thank you for the three months thank you so much you guys am i gonna include the vet stuff um i'm not sure about the furniture yet don't i don't know i need you we gotta um we'll see i i need to figure out a floor plan first then we can talk about what's gonna go in the floor plan is there a channel point reward to demolish and try again be nice i did justice to this house it looks really cool or well it will god could you imagine if i had that channel point reward curse absolutely cursed that would probably make me cry um i missed your bits bet i did miss your [ __ ] oh my god okay baby f thank you for the sub is it thank you for the 10 months too busy game and thank you for the privacy blue blue for the prime minister rachel thank you for the four months taylor thank you for the three months sammy thank you for the tier two 18 months oh my god um but thank you for the bits and i thank you for the primes i'm so sorry i didn't it wasn't just you it makes you feel better it was everyone the landcraft house is the pinnacle of modern architecture okay [Laughter] oh my god how am i gonna lay this out this is a really weird house i think we'll put like um one second let me oh no oh no it's gonna clip and then i'm going to cry look your wall you oh i'll show you and it can't it's impossible it can't be fixed i guess we could put like a bathroom you know we can pretend it's a bathroom i just don't i don't like it i don't like it i have to do something else okay why must it do that oh you these are really important questions you're asking yourself here we could always do it like that um i have to change the roof trim i forgot i was going to do this when you pick one that doesn't clip this one doesn't clip let me go change every roof trim don't mind me just redo the entire floor plan let me just bulldoze the house um that'll solve our problem probably and no worries i tried to make it in lots of pieces i don't think you understand it doesn't um it's it's this part could be done in small pieces it's this part that will always clip um see because you can't make it smaller and if it's this big it's always gonna clip and we don't want that um it's fine we can just close off the window it looks better that way anyway encourage thank you for the two months um put a platform inside of the window to cover it oh that's an interesting theory that you suggest what people are telling me to do which i know you can do because i do it um for the record is you make the roof in lots of parts um so that it doesn't have this clipping problem um you basically build it out to completely surround the outside if i did this like never mind i fixed it then i still have to have this weird empty space which i don't like lindsay with the 39 months by the way oh my goodness i almost rather i just closed it off i don't know i guess we'll decide how i feel i don't like it no wrong thing what i just what just happened um lacey thanks again for the 39 months uh flippy thank you for the bits also i don't want to put plants there i don't like that idea i'm sorry maybe we could put something else there i'm not sure about plants um i don't i don't know if it'll look right what are you doing hello oh my gosh when i hold shift to place it just on that wall it doesn't go why why me okay let's let's split it up uh we'll cut that into something i don't know what yet that'll be a room there can be a nice bathroom here um the stairs are but are still bugged when they have no flooring above them i didn't miss your bits oh i just didn't read them i thanked you for your [ __ ] i just didn't read them um are the stairs still won't function i'm not going to change the design based on that because they'll fix it eventually um but that's annoying that if they're still bugged when it's lofted like this um that's a bedroom this could become two rooms if i wanted it to uh there has been a glitch recently where sims like won't go up the stairs that's what they're talking about um i don't know if that's true or not i'd be willing to take their word for it because i have seen it happen but um like where your sims like don't use the stairs apparently they said it was because there's not a roof above them like there's not a floor over here um but i don't know if that's true or not i don't know if that's true or not um [Music] i have when there's a fence across them but there has to be a fence for it to work anyway it's not a big deal they'll fix it eventually i'm not going to play in this house um zion thank you for the prime step by the way casey thank you for the bits put chairs up there like olive garden god could you imagine we put like a fake table up there i'm gonna leave it there and hope that it bothers you um it shouldn't be the invisible fence you guys there's an invisible fence in front of these stairs too your sims will still walk up this you can sit there and you can say that all you want there's a fence right there it's still a fence um okay um i guess this will be a really nice bedroom for the parents we can make like a big bathroom and there can be like a nice hangout space in this hallway you know and then what four bedrooms two bathrooms i guess this is kind of a bedroom too okay yeah the space being lofted helps with the house feeling so empty it really does because then you have like there's less that you just actually need to furnish you know um because the house is really big so you like you can have these like sort of grand things like big lofted living rooms that help with the house feeling so empty but also get rid of space that you don't have to furnish it this is a delgado house yeah it is indeed the delgado house i want like i don't know which door i guess we could use these the doors they had before we could use it again oh we can put a double door into the parent's room too that'll be nice where is it there it is fancy okay okay four bedrooms oh yeah they're they're um rich rich this family yeah oh i didn't put wind doors into these bedrooms oops should we like i don't know i kind of want this this um hallway to be less like long and flat what if we do it like that just that there's like something else happening on it and we can put maybe like a i don't know bookshelf or something right at the top of the stairs that helps there could be like a little hangout space over here like some sort of small living room i don't know and then downstairs is a whole other problem ellie they give the 12 months by the way anxious thank you for the bits sierra thank you for the 16 months thanks guys i like that it's just um just a couple bathrooms upstairs too i don't know we can have a couple bathrooms downstairs there'll be like four we need a basement too yeah okay so we need the whole first floor the whole second floor the whole third floor and the basement um we probably could get do you want what if we like um if the stairs aren't gonna work the way i want them to into the and we could get the stairs into the attic like that if we wanted to we could still have them no harm in having them we had him before i was thinking about doing a ladder but there could be stairs i'm not i don't want to furnish the upstairs though it wasn't furnished in the original build either um i don't know what i would put up here the house is so big already and they only have two kids like you have males in the gallery don't worry i put all my girls in the gallery i was thinking about doing a ladder and having it be like an attic but um the staircase takes up space which is somewhat useful i sort of i sort of need space to be taken up you know um you could put a ladder room to take at the same space yeah that's why i was thinking about putting over here um but then i didn't i don't know if i wanted it there because i didn't want to like close off this weird hallway but this could easily be like a door and then a ladder um which is what i was originally going to do but now everyone doesn't like my ideas so i have i can't do the thing i wanted now i have to do this oh the corner that's nice that it's in the corner actually well we could put it like that that's fine i might put this back bigger bathroom is better okay okay cow plant in the attic i can do that ladders are in the base game they're not in a pack they came out around the same time the eco lifestyle came out um but they're they're in the base game you don't need to have a pack to use ladders uh there's one in the base game and then there's a couple that are oh no there's a there's one more that came with eco lifestyle so there's two in the game but um there is a base game ladder so you don't need a pack to use it okay guys there was already a cat room in the house before i started renovating it so i'm gonna put a cat room in this one you can stop yelling about it please do not spam it makes me very nervous oh no oh god um please you don't need to you don't need to spam and copy paste the same thing over and over again all right we're all on the same page we all want a cat room oh my gosh it again bad fish thank you for the sub gift why do i keep deleting everything by accident okay let's do this so this was the living room situation right lane thank you for the four months um okay thank you for the six months cub thank you for the two months alc thank you for the 19 months alicia thank you for the bits uh miss wait mrs dodge lumo sam i'm so sorry thank you 11 months oh no i didn't even see you coming to chat hi um i hope you're doing well thank you for coming in um and thank you for the reset i'm sitting here like stressing about the floor plan i'm not even seeing anything in chat um okay let's mark those as bathrooms that we don't forget um thank you for the five months um yeah that solves the problem if we just delete the whole build then we don't have to figure out a floor plan okay i think i want to have like a sort of formal entry living room here's the problem here's here's what i'm the issue that i'm facing is that i very much would like to have a fireplace in front of the chimney but then what is this how many living rooms are we gonna have like we need to have a living room that's like centered here and i need to like close this put a living room in this small space like that's that's what i want it to look like in an ideal world this is what my living room will look like but then it's not gonna be centered in here either okay let's get a couple of these i just want like a formal entry you know um and we can get some big windows in here but this is gonna be like a sitting area sort of thing um i like that guess it doesn't bother me if the fireplace isn't in front of a chimney these are electric fireplaces as far as i'm concerned um so i don't care if they're not in front of a chimney but a lot of times people in chat care a lot if there's a chimney and there isn't a fireplace in front of it but in my mind i'm like there used to be a real fireplace there then they renovated it and now the chimney is still there but obviously the fireplace is no longer there so it doesn't bother me it's not a mod to moving closer together it's uh just a cheat if you put bb.move objects space on then you can move anything wherever you want you know um is there a reason we can't move the chimney because it's centered why would i move it it's centered we can't move the chimney it's centered um should we put the kitchen like i don't know maybe there could be a bathroom here that's way too big to be the kitchen we can have two fireplaces 100 i was already planning on it like there could be a fireplace in the kitchen if we wanted to nothing wrong with that it doesn't have to be centered either if it's in here this could be well this was going to be a dining room but it doesn't have to be chimney is decorative zonks thank you for the fits um wait you made the sims with the the scene that i downloaded today on my let's play episode that's so awesome i'm so glad that's awesome news um let's make that year 11 months by the way so thank you for the six months cats thank you for the four months suburban again thank you for the four months father bold thank you for the bits um cherry bomb lydia thank you guys for the resets also well we're gonna have a tv room don't worry but that's not gonna be this room um i think i might put the tv room like i don't um i don't know how i want to do this kj thank you for the five months quincy thank you for the bits it's okay don't worry don't worry i'm okay um but i appreciate that thank you do i even want this to be a kitchen or would this make for a nicer dining room there's not a lot of windows in here though well what if okay hear me out what if it's like a like a breakfast nook sort of situation i'll change the rug this is just like a filler just for an idea right but what if this is part of the kitchen there's like a small breakfast nook and then the kitchen is like i don't know along that wall or something front door is over here so you walk into a sitting room and then it takes you into the kitchen off of it i don't know i guess we want to have a big i feel like this isn't good enough though i want i i don't know i don't want this to be the kitchen because i want to have a big island in the kitchen this isn't good never mind no so thank you for the bits that's awesome i'm so glad that i got your got your sims in my let's play um emma thank you for the five gifted steps by the way thank you so much because we want to have a big kitchen island so that's not gonna work it's two fireplaces is not a bit much you ever been in a fancy old house well i haven't been in a fancy old house but i've seen lots of pictures on zillow um some of these houses have fireplaces in every room you don't understand what you're asking for it is not unreasonable um there are fireplaces everywhere um okay i want to put a couple windows i guess i could make this into the dining room i would rather it have more windows in the dining room but it's okay we can have like no windows in the dining room everything's fine still windows but it's not like the prettiest room uh cindy they're definitely fireplaces in florida but um you're not gonna find them commonly like you know how like in some places i feel like every house would have a fireplace that's not gonna be the case around here um but you know you can't make a blanket statement like there are no fireplaces in florida because people definitely have them um so i think that would be a nice formal dining space and then hopefully the kitchen i guess that could be the bathroom still if we like the kitchen come off of this i wish that there was more wind that's the issue with like the the middle of the house is that it's so big that there are no windows in the middle of the house um can we like swap it um that's gonna be a little hallway i'm thinking we'll put like see just random space filler live in a very old house 13 fireplaces total oh my gosh see point proven um okay no where does the kitchen go this is horrible and what is this room now what is that um opal thank you for the bits yeah i put chimneys in all of my builds too it's a good space filler i like chimneys as a decorative feature in the house um you guys say a study but realistically this is not an ideal place for a study like right off the entryway with no door it's gonna be loud um what's the dining room that's kind of what i was thinking we would do it too just put like a desk in there there's not a lot of space for bookshelves on the wall either um which makes me feel sad but where do i stick this is making me upset let's get a smaller archway we're gonna force people to walk out this way from this room the kitchen could always be there but i i kind of want the rooms to be a little bit smaller um ally thank you for the for the tier three sub gift to to spa water thank you ellie thank you so much katie thank you for the eight months also um it could just be in the living room like a sunroom sort of thing there's a lot of rooms in this house that we need to fill up so this would make for a good kitchen to be honest with you like the counters would fit nicely back here um let me just put random counters down so i can figure out a layout and see if i like it let's stick some random ones and then you get like a big island literally a massive island and then i guess this can go back to being a bathroom the tv room can go over here which will be nice do we get like we do we swap it back and put like that we're not playing with laundry i'm sorry there's not going to be a laundry room um because we're playing we're trying to run at the house with just the base game and cats and dogs because originally the house was just base gaming cats and dogs and so we're trying to make sure we we sort of stick to that so that um anyone can download the renovation if they have the world so um so there's two bathrooms downstairs like a smaller one over here and then a bigger one there that makes sense the house is so big yeah it's a very large house jasper they're here for the two months the dining room is over here this is like a formal dining room though the thing is like your sims are never going to use that room so we're going to want to have like informal dining in here somewhere um i'm trying to figure out let's see let me get a rug really fast because this is the tv room right this room here so there will be big big big big couches probably like that and then a big big big tv well you know you will make it work but um ideally that'll be what it's like and then there'll be some windows possibly i don't know and um there can be like a smaller dining table i don't know what to do in this space though have i saved yet not in a while guys this tv we aren't this isn't actual furniture we'll put a bigger tv there will be different couches i'm literally just trying to see if it fits um josh thank you for the prime sub thank you so much try lowering the tv room to separate it without having to use walls you want me to put a sunken living room wow um i might i might raise it instead of syncing it because the walls are very high in here but platform that's a pro build tip from tim guru frost right there what if we like this is ridiculous but what if we put like another random fake hallway there's like an entry into the bathroom there's like a fancy it's absurd i guess the bathroom could just be bigger but like then it's too big no it can be that big we can put like the cat's litter box in there and stuff i guess this should be like that i like that okay okay give me some windows we'll move them once we figure out like the furnishing like once we get like a tv stand and stuff but um angel thank you for the prime stuff flour again your birthday's the day can you get a song yeah acid thank you for the two gifted subs by the way and josh thank you for the prime sub [Music] yeah i'm gonna use a bigger tv i just didn't i couldn't be bothered to i'll do it now see in my head i was going to change the tv once i actually furnished the room it was just a filler but i just didn't want to have to use a cheat to unlock this one but it's okay i'll do it now i was gonna do it later but we can have a massive tv now okay that's helpful and then we'll have like the living room space i might like steal this same rug there will be another dining room table it could honestly it could be like that like that it can be like that level of empty the furnishing you know the island isn't center what are you talking about the island is censored with the window we're not gonna use these counters either that was just a filler all right thank you for the sub uh katie thank you for the two months angel thanks again for the prime sub okay four bathrooms five bedrooms giant attic okay okay that's helpful hmm you guys we're not just so so we're all clear please stop yelling at me i'm gonna put like pianos and furniture everywhere this all i've done is put filler furniture so you don't have to get all frustrated and act like oh my god why haven't you got a piano yet when like i just i haven't done any furniture yet trust the process it's okay it's gonna be okay please don't yell at lil simsy not build looks good ship it or upload it all right bill's done put it in the pack we're good kevin thank you for the bits art thank you for the sub uh katie thank you for the two months thank you guys so much done we're done just fill the whole house with pianos oh that's a good idea i don't know why i didn't think of that myself why why oh that worked actually that time okay good good thank you oh i forgot i left that there is a joke i'll move that before people get upset sorry about that my bad tiny thank you for the five months annie thank you for the two months no toilets seems right well i wasn't gonna be the one to say it but you're making a you're making an interesting point there okay i might stick a little window this is a bathroom and i guess this is a that's the hallway where like the ladder is so there could be about there could be windows there right oh look at how far along that that place why did it do that i can't shift place it though it won't let me i'm holding shifter doesn't go but i don't like that it i guess we can just pretend and put it there for fun is that the only place that you can see it on the outside yeah because there's roof everywhere else okay i don't mind uh maya the cc that i've got in my game is from little dica's new cc pack there's no like simsy t i don't know why you put that emote but it's just little tinker's new cc pack that came out for early access today or yesterday or whatever um that's all it is it's the like restaurant pack that he made call me edge okay i'll try to remember i'll try to remember edge um i will do my best but i promise i'm not like calling you the wrong thing on purpose a lot of times i just like read out the first name the first word in a name so i might mess up but it's not on purpose i'll try to remember just remind me each time and then we'll be good um i just just you know fair warning um because a lot of times like i just when i'm reading out names in chat i'll just say the first word like as as easy because it's just the first thing i see you know um but i do my best to remember if you asked me to play something different i try um what's it dan sent me flowers he just said to me was anything just delivered so i went to check my camera there's flowers on my porch that's kind of nice go get them i guess i could when they are outside i probably should go get them if they're just sitting outside i'll be right back hang on everybody one moment please half you'll get my flowers hang on i have a present um not to brag but i've got a gift i like these i quite like it when i have flowers look at how big that one is oh my god it's like the size of my head these are nice thank you duck dan i'm sitting up next to me hey binky what's up shay thank you for the stuff also um this is so fun i'm gonna save my game before i forget one second anyway thank you for the sub dan said is there a note on there or no if not i'm gonna sue and i had to respond and say yes there is but i took it off because it had my address on it so i had to um i left that one downstairs i'll look at that later i was like don't even bring that up here don't even risk that you keep that away oh my cat is uh being a little chaotic by the way i think you can see her tail yes you can she was just clawing on her cat tree and then she um went to go play with her toy i snap yeah we can keep that note away from the stream though just just um as a precaution anyway um oh sam's band wait um sorry oh cindy i'm sorry that happened to you it really really sucks getting yelled at by by i can't imagine like having to deal with customers that are screaming at you um that sounds like an absolute nightmare and i am so so so sorry um you don't deserve that okay um tay thank you for the sub also well let's be the dog's bathroom this is gonna be the one where the litter box is so it'll be the pet bathroom for sure to an extent um not to freak you out but i think your editor likes you beth do you where do you get that idea from is it the flowers no we're dan and i we're just friends is all yeah really good friends really good long distance friends that's all don't it's not nothing though don't worry about it editor's getting brave okay should we put a like a giant tub in here or well it can be like a little tub but still a pretty tub i might use the skinnier curtains i was thinking about doing the triangle tub but i really don't like the base game triangle tub that much like for some reason it just is ugly i think it's like the i don't know like the like the black stuff on it i don't uh i don't like it this ties up the tub okay okay um yeah i didn't i don't know i didn't like the tub diagonal tub that much where how do i uh what else do we i don't i don't tap on a platform why i know it would help with the giant room problem but maybe if we like put the sink in a more open spot it would like fill up some of this massive wall we could also center it on the massive wall and that might help and then we could always oh you know what we could do is we could make like a toilet room oh i don't like how that looks we could do it like this the toilet could go in there i don't like it never mind sorry no false alarm i don't want to do it anymore this bathroom is so big i am not good at furnishing massive rooms like this i know you know this but i like i am so out of my element with this kind of thing we're not gonna do laundry that you guys you keep saying laundry i know it's a good idea but we're trying to keep this house just base game and cats and dogs um because we're renovating like an ea cats and dogs build we i'd like it to be available for anyone who has cats and dogs to replace the lot and not need like other packs or anything um because that would definitely be super easy like it would way fill up the space um but unfortunately we're trying to limit the packs a little bit in this one to just cats and dogs and base game because then anyone who has cats and dogs can use it too so that is the plan well we can use that rug i don't know well this will be fine this like we're we're being really dramatic about this it's gonna look fine like i'm not even i'm not even worried about it like that's not even that bad and we get like some um like maybe a cabinet next to the shower like it's gonna fill up the space perfectly fine you know you stick this thing over here maybe like some towels i don't know it just needs like some plants and stuff and then it'll be fine it's obviously just kind of empty because we haven't furnished it yet i think that layout works though it splits it up well i like that towel it is pretty isn't it maybe we can get like matching hand towels on the wall i don't know oh we're gonna put the litter box in here and then i forgot it dang it that's fine no this is fine it'll fit this is fine the litter box goes right there easy right in the corner perfect it fits it works it's good how about wait what if we like swap it oh where did my toilet paper go what did i not put it yet that really threw me off just then did i have i not put it down yet probably not ellie thank you for the nine months uh pastel thank you for the six months electorate thank you for the two months olive thank you for the bits blueberry thank you for the bits that is awesome news library i'm so glad to hear that um oh nb thank you for the sub also thank you so much why did i get flowers because dan sent me flowers i didn't read the note um yet but i don't know just because why not um it is uh from my idea i didn't read the note yet because i didn't want to leak my address but um because the the note had like my address printed on it and so i was like take that off put it on the counter downstairs don't even bring that up here you're not risking that at all on stream but um we applied for the the visa the fiance visa exactly a year ago um so i assume it might be related to that i assume it probably has something to do with the visa situation so um that's what you do you send your boss flowers right yeah um sweeney thank you for the bids thank you okay anyway now i'm embarrassed [Laughter] leave me alone everything's fine i'm gonna stick this in here that'll be nice nice little touch little basket of some decorations um we can get two towels by this would it be better if we like snuck this back in this corner yeah that probably fits better there okay okay nice bathroom oh calm down we applied for a k1 visa a year ago it's not even close to happening um they're not processing it right now so don't get your hopes up about anything um there's not any like exciting news or announcements or anything like that um we applied for a k1 fiance visa a year ago though in hopes that dan could move here at some point in the next year and then there was a pandemic and it is taking a very long time and it won't happen for like another year probably at least so um don't get your hopes up too high but this is um old news old news i don't talk about it a ton on youtube because i feel like when you mention it people get their hopes up really high and they're like what fiance visa where's the wing when when's the wedding when in a minute um and then it like they're i think their expectations so they you sort of ignore what i said about like don't get your hopes up um and then they just go to like wedding and then it's like no no this is a visa that we have to wait for approval for because dan lives in a different country and he can't come here so it's a long process very very very very very long process so um that's why i try not to talk about a ton on youtube because i don't have like news to share there's not like good news that he's coming here soon um once i get good news that he's coming here soon then i'll talk about it more on youtube because then there's like actually something to show for it you know um i think i just we need to keep everyone's expectations very low for a long time mrs thank you for the five gifted stuffs lily thank you for the seven months um tori thank you for the bits oh my god don't bring that up tori's talking about cover jesus again cassidy stop oh good meme though yeah does this mean you have eight hearts with dan get it like in stardew get it like in starting valley get it like legends turn your belly okay anyway anyway please as i said previously keep your hopes at a minimum um i know it's all very exciting but uh this is um quite a painful miserable process that's gonna take like probably another year for him to be able to move here because they aren't processing our visa category right now because the borders are closed so um you know tone it down um how do we meet we met on twitch technically tash we have a lot of the same friends um like internet friends on twitch and we met that way and then we met in person because of that like i was going we technically met in person not technically we did meet in person i went to go see book of mormon with steph um like three years ago um and like our whole friend group was going and obviously dan came too unless we met in person for the first time um but we used to talk a lot on the internet before then so um book of mormon is a good musical yeah i i really wanted to go see it in london i had already seen it but i wanted to drag my friends to see it and then i convinced all of my friends to see it with me and it was a very fun day all right that's a nice half bathroom we'll keep that okay let me stick this here nice oh sweet starfish i'm sorry i really i really miss live shows i miss musicals i miss i like theater i just miss the existence of it it's very sad this time this time is a really horrible time for lots of reasons um but dan and i watched the greatest showman yesterday um last night and i i was like getting sad thinking about like how because i missed watching like live shows i don't miss watching um animal abusing circuses uh like them but i do miss watching live shows i miss doing things and i miss like seeing people perform things and i just anyway um the grocery one was a good movie yeah um it's a i like the music in it and like zendaya's in it it's a good film um the guy it's about is not so good but that's you know it's okay that's fine who cares sarah thanks for the five months another sarah thank you for the 15 months and grateful thank you for the tier two five months giving thank you for this here three seven months thank you guys so much um watchmen summer dance for a couple movies i haven't seen it tori um let me i'm gonna text the message i'm texting that word to him maybe i'll watch it something i brought to college that i wish i had left at home that's a good question olive i think that i probably like i didn't well i'm gonna say over packed clothes i didn't like over pack clothes but i i definitely like didn't need to bring like i think people have a tendency to like want to bring all of their clothes but you don't really need to do that and you also have space i don't know where you live i live in florida so i don't have like winter coat type stuff that i have to pack but like um you'll probably be going home at some point like you probably could like swap them out you know like you don't have to bring like all your stuff with you at once um and you don't have to bring like everything you can prioritize um that's very games hi thank you for the two month reset um was tori making fun of me and i didn't know is it a horror movie and i didn't know it's okay um i maybe i want to watch a horror movie i wasn't actually going to watch it even if tori was like you would love this film and it was not a lie i still wouldn't watch it uh pedro thank you for the prime stuff i just thank you for the fits i wasn't a theater kid in high school no i wasn't like in theater but i've always been um a big musical fan like i mostly only watch or listen to i mean musicals like that's my um my main interest but i wasn't like a theater kid in high school like i wasn't like in the theater department or anything um but that's because uh i wasn't trying to i was scared but anyway um i still like most of my friends were theater kids in high school i say most of i had two friends in high school and they were both theater kids um i just like theater simsy is so talented at singing dan is making fun of me right now he's because i am the worst singer he knows he's making fun of me so that's rude dan i don't make fun of you i guess you're not a bad singer like i am but i'm really not a good singer it's quite devastating to be honest with you i don't know how i'll go on but i'm really not a good singer like i don't think you understand not a good singer my whole family sort of lacks musical talent not a single one of us has any not an ounce of musical talent around these parts let me tell you um what is my hidden talent oh sims builds no i don't know i don't think i have a hidden talent i think my greatest wish is to be good at singing i i think i would feel so powerful if i was a good singer that would be so much fun for me but alas nope i don't know what my hidden tale i don't know if i have a secret talent i like to think that i'm like decently good at cooking or at least i want to be maybe i just want to be decently good at cooking and so i pretend that i am no my secret talent is playing the harmonica duh no yeah yeah yeah my my my hidden talent is harmonica playing i'm really good at the harmonica yeah um well as all of you know because i perform for you every day but you know if you saw me on the street you would never guess i was a professional harmonica player but i am i am one so it's your birthday you demand a song i can sing you a song thanks thank you for the four months um no that's true no screams you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it um like i don't need to be a good singer to have fun singing however if i was a good singer i would be a lot happier you know singing would solve all my problems sorry thank you for the five months the cause of all of my pain is the is the fact that i can't sing god could you imagine if that was like my greatest problem with myself i'm never gonna start voice lessons i don't actually care that much i'm kidding i don't care that much i don't actually want to sing however it would be cool if i was a good singer but that's not you don't understand i don't i have absolutely not no musical talent in any way shape or form like i i'm not cut out for that okay um give me this that's a nice bathroom it's small simple would you pay kayla to play harmonica at your funeral i'll do it for a small fee of 5 million i think is my fee i just you can't find talent like this anywhere else so you know i gotta i gotta charge my worth just kidding i wouldn't if you wanted if someone wanted me to play harmonica at their funeral i would do it for free so don't worry i got you guys you're covered no worries what's snap's price range oh she's really expensive if you want if you want snap to perform like you you can't afford it snap's too expensive her rates are so high you figured out how to make a poll nice tori congratulations how exciting for you what does snap do oh snap sings oh it was so funny yesterday my my mom came over uh to drop something off and she like hung out for a second and was like talking to me and my cat and stuff and so she started brushing snap because snap very much likes to be brushed um and she'll take any attention she could get and so my mom was like i'll brush her because then she'll love me and be happy and so she was brushing my cat right um and then and then i was like watch this mom pretend to like stand up and stop brushing her watch what she does because snap like screams if you try to stop brushing her like you you pick the brush up and you try to walk away she looks at you and just is like what are you doing how dare you she cries she just she fully guilts you if you try and stop brushing her and she gives you those like little eyes and she's like why would you stop but it was really funny because i was like mom stand up watch what happens and then she immediately she did it she's like you yelled it makes me feel so bad because sometimes like i'll be downstairs and i'll like put my food in the oven and then i'll brush her like the whole time it's cooking and then like you know it like timer beeps and i'm like okay snap i gotta go like take the food out of the oven and then i try you can't leave like you try to get up and like walk away to take the food out of the oven and then she cries and it makes you feel so bad but i just sat here and brushed you for like 15 minutes anyway she's a nice cat karate thank you for the five months yeah but you can't burn your food exactly it's like stuff i can't i need to get it out but you just you're guilting me right now i feel terrible they know exactly how to push your buttons like that she knows exactly what she's doing that is completely on purpose your dog throws hands when you stop brushing them too yeah what is up with pets in their tantrums and they know that it'll work that's the problem they know all they have to do is cry and then you'll be like okay i'll keep brushing you okay let me oops i don't want to use the corner tub i don't like the corner tub i think this bathroom is nice though i think this is fine that layout works um the history of the birthday song i don't have an answer to that question i don't know how it happened either it just did it just it just happened one day i don't know i don't know what to tell you about that one yeah pets have us trained right um jughead knows how loud he is and uses it for violence so we have no peace yeah my cat's not really like a loud cat um like she doesn't she doesn't yell often but when she does she majorly guilts you it's like when you try to to um stop brushing her and stuff oh also the other day i was literally just going to my parents house for dinner like i was going to be gone for like two hours right i walked out the door to leave said bye to my cat before you know walked out the door to leave and then i forgot something so i came back inside to get it and then snap like looked at me and then when i went to leave again she like cried and i was like oh snap i'm sorry i'm sorry i have to be gone for like an hour and a half i'm so sorry oh i felt so guilty i felt so bad because she like saw me come back in and she came running up and then i was like okay i have to go again and then she cried just like all this loud meow you know oh i just i feel so bad ravenclaw thank you for the four months because she's not really like a a loud like yell kind of cat like my friend hope um hope's roommate had a cat called gilly that was just it used to scream forever this cat just yelled all the time um i've never had a cat that's loud like that sometimes they'll like meow when they want something or whatever but they don't like just yell for no reason this cat gilly yelled for no reason lonnie thank you for the 13 months ravenclaw thank you for the four months sleepy thank you for the 10 months and morris thank you for the two months thanks so much you guys also father both thank you for the bit squid thank you for the sub everly thank you for the three months i'm sorry thank you guys so much okay i want to get a different i need i need a base game painting i think um the cell notes are fish are because cats like fish that's your answer fish cats it works that's why the submits are fish i don't know i just wanted cute fishies and so i got myself some cute fishies um if you're subbed the discord if you connect so in your discord settings connect your twitch account like like in your discord like account settings um and then it'll automatically sync your sub and give you the sub perks in the server it's it's automatic it's synced with my twitch account um so all you have to do is connect your twitch account to discord and it'll automatically give you the sub roll so instead of a camera once when you left and your cat screams when you leave oh that makes me feel so bad oh poor kitty they oh that make they because they don't understand that you're gonna be back you know like i just all that makes me feel so bad oh that makes me feel so bad love it um you have to be subscribed for the sub perks but anyone can be in the discord server um but the sub perks like gives you like a special role makes your name purple and stuff and you can like use the emotes on discord and all of that that's like for people who are subscribed and it automatically sinks so joanna thank you for the 12 months uh bumbling thank you for the six months thank you so much you guys okay well we furnished the bathroom that is some serious progress if you ask me i kind of want to work on the outside a little bit i kind of want to try and landscape a little um let's do it [Music] base game perhaps like we stick these here or something i don't know just cover the window that's the bathroom window so it's okay if it's covered with trees because you don't be able to look into it okay double sunglasses oh wait oh my god i respect it it's kind of fun you can use like the point rewards to like edit the emotes and like flip them or like add sunglasses or whatever um that's kind of fun okay let me get i want to use the pink flowers i think because i don't want to that would be nice this renault is cats and dogs we're this is in brindleton bay that we're renovating okay gem we're gonna play sims on saturday i i haven't had a villager asked to leave in my animal crossing island so like we can't village or hunt on saturday although that would be fun we have to wait until someone has to leave though um okay hmm i want like a i don't know i want to put a dog door somewhere obviously this is not a platform can i stick this tiny bit on a platform too oh i might do that just so it looks flat if i put a staircase does it function can you get a staircase all the way up oh that's kind of nice because this is on a platform we want the thingy to be on a platform too okay nice that's fine that works okay oh yeah you wouldn't even know well it's kind of clipping a little that's annoying i want one that's got like a slight overhang if possible there we go that works oh that's really good okay i feel really good about that actually problem solved there could be a dog door here if we wanted to that would be nice we'll get a big dog door oh that looks bad well no actually that's fine we can leave it like that i think the house is coming along very nicely i'm not a huge fan of this part of the back but eh it could be worse stick that there no swears in chat pencil unfortunately um this is a family stream we try to not swear in chat if you fl if you slip up sometimes it's no big deal autumn model pick it up but you know if it's a little bit excessive we'll probably have to time you out but it's like if you you know everybody makes mistakes sometimes it's not a huge deal but no swearing please did i say unfortunately i think i did you know what i mean it's fine unfortunately no swearing here um yeah if you if you slip up it's no big deal don't worry and mostly it won't even let you send messages with swears most of the time um and otherwise if you slip up and it gets through it like it'll go pick up by auto mod and then it's no big deal we have never banned a regular person for swearing although i have banned trolls for swearing before like people who come in on their first message is like i don't know fu and it's like okay maybe maybe you don't need to be here maybe you don't need to hang out and chat like you you're fine maybe you can just watch the stream without typing in chat um that's that's a bit of an extreme example but you know what i mean um some people i think people like because we're starting to the family friendly category or to tag i mean and then people like browse that and then go to those streams to troll and sometimes they'll just come in and just like type a bunch of swears and it's like it's your first message what are you doing you have nothing productive to add like i don't trust you i just ban you i don't mind that's just a troll whatever um that looks super weird doesn't it with like the double paneling i'm going to keep the light floors the original floors in the whole house were white um i don't want to use the white ones because i think it looks kind of weird but i will um i still want to keep um some flooring that's like lighter because it kind of fits the vibe you know no the wallpaper this wallpaper is from cats and dogs i'm trying to prioritize using cats and dogs wallpapers in this builds and just like focus on cats and dogs in general because this house is a cats and dogs builds what's happening to simsy tofu i don't understand this is gonna be an office they can have some wallpaper like this in here i guess that's kind of pretty honestly i could keep that simsy tofu gets picked up that's weird oh mods can someone permit it um if you know how to add it in auto mod can you permit it because i think it's the fu that it auto mod is like this is not okay but can you permit the word simsy tofu yeah that should be fine it just thinks something is wrong when it's not no big deal no big deal um that's a nice empty hallway mods just ignore it it'll stop nerdy thank you for the four months uh cs thank you for the sub envy thank you for the bits um i really appreciate that joanna thank you for the 12 months again by the way thank you all so much okay [Music] you don't enjoy tofu tofu is one of my favorite foods um big fan of tofu over here okay i'm gonna furnish this random hallway because i want to make it feel like i've made more progress than i actually have so i'm gonna stick a bookshelf maybe a dresser too that's easy and perhaps a painting maybe like a chair i don't know this is ridiculous this is ridiculous um i don't know why you would sit in here but this like dark no windows hallway probably not the ideal hangout but at least you have it if you want it put a car in the hallway put it put a garage in the hallway why not let me raise this up that'll be a nice touch right okay i think that is a nice room it's a little bit bland color scheme is a little bit bland can we pick something else blue stripes and then yellow stripes nisha thank you for the prime sub snap thank you for the bits um i'm sorry you got to deal with that that's a very stressful situation but thank you for the bits and you you'll get through this i promise um completely you're the bits i'm really proud of you that's that's wonderful news um we'll put a runner in here i was gonna put a rug i'm just trying to figure out like oh what if we had like a blue oh that would be nice and we'll get like a little a little blue rug that's cozy maybe like if there was a lamp back there we're gonna spend so much time furnishing these weird little nooks that it's gonna take us forever to finish the build oh no okay maybe the plain one that's nice right should sid order chipotle tomorrow yes it go for it i'm kind of jealous that sounds really good um okay random hallway is a very useful thing fills up the space which is helpful so yes thank you for the sub gift to adelaide by the way thank you so much everything good in life has carbs lansi i'm sorry this is a difficult time being forced onto that is is unpleasant and i'm sorry once a mod the the mod people that have swords next to their names in chat they're my friends um who help me moderate the chat as in keep it safe they like delete messages that are inappropriate um stuff like that um oh anna that's awesome i'm glad to hear that congratulations congratulations um but you'll see you'll see their names with the swords the green sword and chat um why did i make a nook in the first place what the little hallway because the space is too big the house is far too big and i was trying to fill it up with random things that would make it so i um had like more clearly defined spaces in the home oh this is the mermaid song i don't like it um how about some sort of big mirror i guess there aren't many big mirrors we could use this one this is a nice side door like side entry to the house because you could always well i guess you couldn't come in very easily but isn't it it's a side entry to something um but it's your birthday can i send you a birthday song [Music] oops okay um that's a nice touch sure let's furnish the kitchen for real let's do it we can make it we can make it happen but now look there's lots more furniture in the house than before we're definitely gonna have to finish this later this week though what's my schedule what did i say i wanted to do okay tomorrow we're playing animal crossing um we'll probably finish this build on wednesday um this will be this will be a finish finish on wednesday kind of deal we have a lot to do we are not even close to being done yet so we'll have to we'll have to come back to this one on wednesday um i wanted a big island we'll put a sink in the kitchen island we'll get some bar stools in the kitchen island i don't know why did you glitch thank you these are later songs are so weird i'm going back up to the top 1.5 soundtrack let's go okay first i'll go over here let's see uh do i purposefully move the camera slow so it doesn't look weird on the speed builds no um i don't really think about that too much um i definitely try not to like like rotate the camera around a ton when i'm building um partially for that reason so that it looks okay and speed builds and isn't like sickening to watch you know because sometimes when like the camera's moving around a ton like i i would probably cut that kind of stuff out of the video if i had like moved the camera around a bunch and it was like all over the place because i didn't i wouldn't want to like make people feel sick watching the speed build back or anything um maybe i'll get a smaller window here like one of the there's same window but obviously ever so slightly smaller maybe we could stick like or well this is not a good i don't know what i want it to look like my mods in discord are rude omar i wouldn't call my mods rude um i don't know what happened but that's probably not a good idea guaranteed they weren't rude for no reason they probably weren't even rude um and the the discord mods are the same as the twitch mods so i would be careful um i think people think that getting scolded for something is equivalent to my mods being rude and that's just not the case you don't get to break the rules my mods are my friends please be nice to my friends okay stick some like kitchen utensils [Music] um um i don't like this i don't know what i want it to look like i guess we can do this well that's not bad right can i put it up three then yeah i'll do that that's nice a nice touch oh i don't know what happened but earlier today like earlier um as in like an hour or two ago for some reason there was like three people that all were making fun of my nose and they all got banned at once and i didn't want to react to it because i wanted to think that it was upsetting me i'm way used to it it doesn't bother me anymore people because they come in and do it like that so much but there were like three people that were like what's wrong with your stupid ugly fat nose or worse than that it was bad but i was like why are there so many of them right now what is going on because usually like maybe there's there'll be like one or two in a day but there's like three all at once they're probably all friends yeah that's what i'm guessing is it was like a friend group coming to troll on purpose like oh let's see what happens when we make little sims you mad um but okay um this is not gonna work yes thank you for the sub gift it's okay like i said um well well used to it now the the um so many people do it that it's it is no longer a thing that bothers me which is good um we're growing yay me okay face game one second okay i wanted to put a fruit bowl on the counter um there's nothing wrong with your nose and these people are just very very weird yeah no it whatever they're they they know that it bothers me and that's why they keep talking about it you know like they know it because i've acknowledged that it's an insecurity and that's why they um um ben thank you for the sub thank you so much [Music] uh amelia this rug i think is from the deluxe edition of the game so if you don't have the deluxe version of the game you might not have that rug that might be why um it's in my game and not in yours uh i think that's why but i could be wrong um okay that's a nice touch yeah i'm gonna put his washer i wanna put another sink and a dishwasher over here don't worry i'm three steps ahead of you dishwasher i want the sink i want it to be centered oh that's really bothering me actually like really bothering me oh no oh no we're using just the base game and cats and dogs unfortunately um because we're trying to make sure everybody can um it's not like what am i saying we're because we're renovating like a cats and dogs like default build we want to make sure everyone can use the renovation so we're trying to keep the renovation to just cats and dogs and the base game with this one why are there two sinks sofia this is a big house i think if you could have two sings in your house you would so don't lol me we we shouldn't be so opposed so quickly to two things um i think if we all could have a kitchen big enough to have two things two sinks then um oh that person who said that my mods were rude uh they had a offensive username in discord uh so my mods weren't rude to them they just had an offensive discord username um with an inappropriate one about body parts so um there you go that's why my mods were rude apparently because they got told i don't even think anybody said anything to them um but yeah my mods are the problem in that just situation troll apparently no big deal problem solved should we use like how about shiplap in the kitchen okay i like the idea of that i think that's nice joanna gaines is shaking right now okay go off joanna gaines nice um i don't know what to you know what i don't understand the shiplap trend i'm gonna be honest i like i think it's pretty too don't get me wrong i'm with you but i don't understand the the like trend of putting it everywhere like i wouldn't want this on every wall you know um that one that one i'm not so sure about what is it exactly it's just like wood paneling on the walls um a lot of it's like very uh trendy it's like old but brought back and trendy now you know um but i think it's a nice feature while on like one wall you know like just behind a bed or something but i don't know about putting it like everywhere i see a lot of people that put it like in these shows they'll put it like on the wall and on the ceiling and like i'm just that it's too much for me i i'm a fan of uh less is more but if you like it doesn't matter it's your house but i just wouldn't do it is what i'm trying to say um small pantry cabinets perhaps oh maybe that'll be better over here oops oh one pantry cabinet perhaps and then this is more near the dining room those lights are from cats and dogs aren't they nice i kind of like them yeah we're trying i'm not i'm not gonna use that actually now that i think about it i should put um dog balls but yeah we're trying to use just the base game in cats and dogs for this yes i missed kayla's birthday a month ago and i'm sad about it that's news to me my birthday was in august that um i guess i missed it too then okay no my half birthday's this month in two weeks no that's not happened yet either um oh yeah i've got a birthday every month no i yeah you know you're right you're right every every 14th is my birthday and i deserve to celebrate it ninja of the sim guru variety sim guru ninja hi this mat is cats and dogs right yes and putting it down is like a little food mat underneath the cat and dog food because then they won't spill it everywhere all right let me look at i want to get a painting but i don't like how it i don't i don't know i'm gonna move these things and put them somewhere else sorry false alarm i'm going to put a small table here renovating stinky builds shortest stream ever there are none oh yes you're absolutely right there are there is no such thing as as a stinky build could you could never do such a thing we've been working on renovating the delgado family's house from cats and dogs by the way uh now i furnished like well i finished most of the outside i'm trying to like furnish the interior now um the frame is big on that painting yeah it's quite something all right let's stick the trash can next to this we can always scoot this over get a trash can there it's 12 hour stream then this is a big house it really is gonna take me a long time to finish it but um it's coming along nicely and in fact i'm doing a 12 hour stream on saturday to celebrate rick astley's birthday those you who didn't know i will be live all day on saturday because it is rick astley's birthday uh and we're celebrating again so get ready is the third year in a row that i have celebrated rick astley's birthday like this and i cannot wait to do it again i like that kitchen oh the shiplap stuff this is base game by the way it's called industrial interest they've got a vertical and a horizontal one and it's pretty so i have it as the backsplash okay this is not necessarily the formal dining table which is surprising sure because there's a whole second dining room right there but this is the informal dining table i warned my mods what are you talking about i've been saying this for a long time what do you mean you didn't warn your mods um it's the two year anniversary of me pulling a tory when i saw the rick themed badges on saturday oh that's true pulling a torrey means marissa said a bad word in twitch chat dory thank you for the bits don't let this distract you from the fact that my birthday is more important tori i don't know how to tell you this but you will never be more important than rick astley try as you might rick ashley will always be better than you um also love for all people thank you for the bids little pup thank you for the nine months um opel thank you for the best typical vegan thank you for the bits minnie thank you for the bits k with the three months uh thank you so much also i bought um dan i bought discovery plus uh last week because i wanted to watch hd tv shows and dan and i did watch the new fixer-upper episode they have um new fixer-upper episodes airing um like new ones for the first time in years and years and years that's happening on if you buy discovery plus a streaming network streaming service you can watch them there's only one out so far but i was very excited about it uh so i watched it who is rick astley rick astley is a musician um i guess a bit before our time um but rick astley is a musician you may know him from the song and never gonna give you up the the rick roll um rick astley rick astley anybody anybody anybody rick astley anybody um he is a very talented uh musician i saw him in concert once i flew all the way to boston to see him in concert with my mom um kind of as a joke it started out as a joke i started like a couple years ago um jokingly standing rick astley and then it turned into me like actually genuinely being a rick astley stan like i i love rick astley i am obsessed with him and i think the idea of throwing a birthday party for him is really funny so um that's what we're doing this weekend for the third time um okay no you're not old for knowing who rick astley is don't worry some people just um they might like know who he is and not remember his name or whatever like it's no big deal um or if they don't know who it is now they know who it is and that's that's all that matters don't worry uh it talks a lot most of the time me and dan uh like press play at the same time to like sync up things like we'll put a youtube video and be like okay three two one go and then we watch or sometimes i'll share my screen or he'll share his screen on discord or whatever um it depends like with thing or or use vpns or something um it just depends like where it is like what the thing we're trying to watch is on and stuff like that like with like disney plus we both have disney plus we can both watch things on disney plus really easily but um in like youtube videos we can both pull up but yeah i went to boston to see rick astley in concert a couple years ago i've only been at two concerts in my life i say only i guess that is um relatively a big number um compared to some but i went to a jonas brothers concert once when i was nine that my friend's mom won tickets to on the radio and she brought me and then i went to a rick astley concert a couple years ago um so we're doing great um all right let me see set color and intensity this light to be different thank you that's better i have not been to connecticut no maybe someday not anytime soon that's for sure victoria thank you for the bits you have a qr code sticker on your water bottle so you can rick roll people i respect that also smokey thank you for the four months and cast thank you for the sub um okay this is coming along nicely i am a fan i want to put like well if we do it like this it's kind of floating but we can sort of build like a pretend console table basically it's floating because it's attached to the wall but that's our our fake console table for underneath the tv and then we get like big big giant cozy looking sofas um what happened to the pog mode what do you mean sims fan it's still there what do you mean pax should we try and use the cats and dogs sofa um we can use it in that the white color feels appropriate we probably should what are you talking about um yeah sure what is that what are you saying i said do you mean the global pogo mount um sims fan i i thought it was uh just you guys know we were the pog champ emote but only for a day that was the whole point is our remote was the podcamo for one day and then um every day for like a month or so they're having a different person's emote be the pogchamp emote so we had it for 24 hours and then someone else was it um it was always gonna be for 24 hours so today is someone else i don't know who it is today um but today it is someone else um i'm trying to think like yeah cool table right isn't that fun um base game i can hear my neighbor and his motorcycle friends outside sorry if you can hear that that's just my buddies um hanging out with their motorcycles being loud you can't hear it that's good consider yourselves lucky um because i can okay it wouldn't be as bad if i didn't already hate those people but these neighbors these are the neighbors that throw parties all the time right so i have very little respect for these people and they're pandemic parties um and also they're loud all the time so i like you know my patience so low absolutely despise them they could do something nice for me and i'd probably be like wow can you believe these mean people baked me cookies god because i feel that much rage towards them right now but anyway i have these neighbors that keep throwing parties during the pandemic and they wake me up at night with their loud music all the time and i just i do not like them very much so anyway i was saying that you didn't warn about this being a 12 hour stream since you're fixing stinky ea builds oh you made a joke oh i thought you meant i didn't warn about my um 12 hour stream this weekend um but you were kidding you're making a joke about this being a 12 hour stream i'm sorry it wasn't clear because we were talking about the one this weekend so it wasn't clear which one you're talking about it's no big deal don't worry maybe we can get up nice cats and dogs painting statement shoving behind the sofa i was thinking about that too but i don't know if it would look good or not i might do like um some wall art some nice statement wall art wait let me stink stick these like that i'll do it that order that's nice that's a good room oh there is that cabinet from cats let me look at like all of the cats and dogs furniture and we can try oh because we can pick out some things that we want to use like for example these benches in the front porch we can just go around and pick out stuff this is like a giant cabinet oh i want to find a spot for it really badly now oh well it could go in the fancy dining room oh perfect okay good nice problem solved can we get a fish tank somewhere um it's too big we can put it in the hallway upstairs oh that could be cool right at the top of the stairs i like the cats and dogs furniture they have some nice stuff in this pack it's always fun to use i don't want to bother with that can't be bothered with that what else how about that i always thought this kind of thing was like the most fascinating like i was always so obsessed when i was younger with like anything miniature so you know when you would like go to a restaurant or like a museum or a hotel and they would have like a thing like this there i would sit there and stare at it for so long like i was so obsessed with this kind of thing when i was little i i still would like to honestly i still am but like i i think this kind of thing is so cool for some reason any kind of like miniature thing you know sometimes they'll be like oh you know here's a miniature of this new building that we're building so you can see what it's going to look like when it's done and you get to just sit there and stare at it yeah i like that at the art museum in chicago um there's this like miniatures room and it's basically just like a a whole bunch of like doll houses like there's like windows and inside there's like little like miniature really fancy furniture god i have always been so obsessed with that it's so cool it's so cool and it's like really it's like fancy little mini furniture you know because it's like really well made fancy sofas and like it just oh it's a really cool spot um so anyway i like that place um i always i always thought that miniature things were so fun maybe that's why i like to build in the sims so much just in general but chicago has some nice museums yes sid i dan and i when we were in chicago we went to go see my grandma um not last summer but you know in 2019 when it was not a pandemic um and we went to go like we went to chicago and like stay with my grandma and stuff but we also went to like a bunch of museums went to the field museum the art museum like um it's it's fun um quite enjoy that i liked getting to show dan the miniatures i in the in the art museum because i was really excited about it going to see them again um because i had been there before when i was younger but um anyway you know what i really miss is museums i don't get to go to museums very often in general but like i just i like museums i like wandering around museums so much okay i'm looking up right now little dica i'm not even kidding i'm gonna leave it open so that i remember mini things oh that's fun tiny houses with real concrete look you know what i've seen um i've seen one of their videos before it was probably this one that i've seen oh that's fun some lincoln mods please oh okay this is a video but i'll link the i'll link for you i'll just link the whole channel why not here you go here you go miniature things no shh don't want you to play the video anyway big into it thank you little zika for the recommendation because i'm gonna like that crazy kate thank you for the two months rin thank you for the five or for the sub gift that's the person's five month reception give it some gift jess thank you for the bits every weekend your downstairs neighbors throw parties and blast you to like 2 a.m i'm so sorry i'm so sorry but then you wake up bright and early and clean your apartment very heavy footage just stopping around bright and early i respect it as you should jingle thank you for 17 months because i spent the year for three months crystal thank you for seven months um skyler thank you for the 29 months thank you all thank you so much anyway i like miniature things uh that's the moral of the story what's your favorite museum what are your oh okay i was like which museum did you put but it's it's just categories of museums i see i see it's like which museums did you pick for people to choose from how are they supposed to decide um but yeah well it's been about three hours i think we've kind of come to a small bit of a stopping point um and then um because we we furnish like most of these rooms you know so we could probably finish this pretty easily on wednesday yeah um and then we can go try and find someone to raid yeah tomorrow we're going to play a little bit of animal crossing i'm sorry to get off if you're just getting here but i usually stream for about three hours um and i'm kind of hungry so i'm gonna go find somebody to raid preferably someone i don't know who we haven't raided in a while let me scroll around and see who all is live [Music] um you know what tyler oakley's playing animal crossing i think it is only fitting if we go over and say hi um you all might know tyler oakley uh from youtube um but i have been a big fan of this for a long time and he's playing animal crossing on twitch he also has a wig on i don't really know why um but he's he's doing it he's having a great time um so let's go hang out shall we um baby thank you for the sub by the way thank you all for hanging out i'll see you tomorrow we're gonna play animal crossing tomorrow too but then again sims on wednesday if you missed it the discord has like my stream schedule for the week i don't always post it but this week i decided to because we've got like the 12 hour show this weekend um so keep that in mind too on saturday i'll be live all day from 10 a.m eastern time to 10 10 p.m um and we're gonna celebrate rick astley's birthday but i will see you all later thank you for hanging out have a wonderful night okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 98,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: sEkGoJJK2ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 13sec (11293 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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