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hey guys welcome to the vlog goodbye Los Angeles we're headed to San Diego today I missed the tour bus this morning Lucy got on it and I missed it so I'm taking an SUV to San Diego let's go so at last night's show my manager brought me flowers John Johnny Hollywood you guys know he says my little caterpillar you have become a magnificent butterfly you spread your wings and flew tonight I'm literally walking down the hotel compressing my vlog trying to get it up it's so hectic on the tour and getting the vlogs up man I'm there always sunny but we gotta make it happen we can go y'all I haven't missed one yet so I'm gonna beat you dude so sorry I'm late all right cool oh you're actually driving oh man well we have outlets no way use my power we need all right guys we're warping straight to San Diego we're picking up on the bus actually right now the mat is rocking it out today whoo y'all I'm diggin the outfit dude yeah what's uh-oh I missed the bus I really had no idea you guys left so early I didn't know I thought he was just coming to get me I thought you guys were still know I was gonna tell together oh let me get a shot of those are those the new air air air 67's what are the Jerusalem Karachi all right guys up in my hotel room I don't have much time but there's somebody very special coming to see me right now and I'm so excited I can't even hold back I'm just so ready like gonna be here any minute what can I I'm so excited guys you have no idea now for a big old steak guys Brits here baby I missed you so much oh my god see she won't be brought in from Ojai today No right baby sign me I flew all day she flew in to see the last show before we go back to Ohio together tomorrow or tomorrow we're leavin yeah yeah tomorrow we're back to a while back with the family back with the fun I gotta eat real quick we actually have the meet and greet in less than 40 minutes and we haven't even fought because on this tour your face is pretty good yeah because I was getting ready to break you so you tell me to show ya he was supposed to be like sad this is the back how are we getting in oh my god I want to share a little secret with you guys so a lot of you don't know when people are up on stage they have to go potty just like the rest of you out here in the audience the only difference is we can't so last night was like a drink like six bottles of water before we went out so during the second half I don't know if you noticed but I was like dying I had to pee so bad by time we got off stage I was running out the whole second half I'm holding my arm in pain I can't tell them why yeah it was bad so as each show goes on Pablo becomes more famous and fat last night he comes out on stage the whole place goes but as that happens he's treating us better look at this he's the one that brings all of this every single night no it's for you no I don't want that I know but oh what a stud it's that yard gnome look brah look turn sideways I don't think you understand the front I don't care what it looks like first got her all-access Pat I've been asking for what he's the whole tour Pablo and she just when your face is on it you usually don't need interesting choice for the meet up tonight it's our last meetup of the tour boosie's bringing some gummy we're licious they are good they're really good we were just about to get our meet up we just said he said I didn't put on Cologne and then I said I didn't put up new I thought you were making fun of me no no no I got some they'll be the worst mistake I cannot stand our theater officially signed my first cast on this tour you've broken 30 bones you're an animal I've seen a lot of really good haircuts this one's got me mad I like this how long that take 50 minutes that's what yo did you see the shirt so these guys come up and it already insult to injury but then watch this turn around at least they're nice about it as a kid that doesn't know where he's at what's up that's awesome what a good idea so she made me a very special gift it is beautiful thank you so much you know where that's gonna go right the new building should be almost done when I get home excited her last Meetup just wrapped up we're done we're gonna do a quick sound check and then this is our final show ah no he's got he's got double-sided tape holding on he puts tape yo my headset up this is all new I can wear a beanie naughty Blair nobody knows about it so this is anti-glare anti-shine gel so then it doesn't illuminate off my forehead and look what's so cool about it Billy it's clear it actually takes the shine away or makes it more shiny it takes a shot away so if the light hits me now Anika's oh my gosh I'm so lucky to have Britney here tonight I was so excited so excited ready last show bro you ready I'm ready I'm excited break it out there now let's go whoa I laughed the whole power went out in the hallway alright so we just wrapped the first set or an intermission right now Britney is gonna come out and surprise the crowd tonight which I'm so excited about they're gonna go crazy probably you're gonna film the reaction of course absolutely who said I'm just eating do your thing i'ma fire that's a rap show 5 complete so in case you guys don't know we did a challenge on stage the whole crowd cheered and firstly cut my hair show them the back as he cut the whole thing off okay the tour just ended that haircut looks so good and I you were freaking out ya know I mean which are you gonna shave his head back you wouldn't let me I saw the fear in his eyes he was like I felt like you would kill no no I was all for it but the whole time that look in my eyes was the revenge like I was just in my actions like Donnelly would go ahead and shave it but there's gonna be you what he started a walk there's gonna tell me everything from me I'm so mad at into it I I thought you would know I thought you were dang it it's just like all this is still long so it takes a long time to leave the venue's because they cover every door the venue so we usually have to wait in a while luckily there's still some VIP that never made the show what's up guys so we're gonna go take pictures with them and thanks guys alright guys so we are leaving the venue which is pretty complicated drivers have to be in perfect position and it's crazy I can hear them you can't hear me the show's been over for more than an hour yeah whatever you think we were gonna we were gonna say final goodbyes to them if you think it's okay it's gonna be long as you can get us the car this is a finalized holy smokes have you ever experienced anything like that hey thank you sir ten stars for you tonight thank you no one knows it's just handprints all over the cover oh nice the crew mrs. Murch Matt dude good job tonight we're wrapping man the tours over oh hey all that rehearsal and it's awesome good job guys these guys made it happen we had no show without them this is Brittany having to go potty really bad look at her I feel yeah I feel the pain we we actually just left your head back to our hotel I'm really exhausted to be honest with you someone's gotta pee I can't even keep up with her all right guys it is the next morning good morning oh what a night woman I hope you guys have a good time before we in this vlog and we got to give some love to one of our sponsors on this channel Harry's you guys hear me talk about him all the time they're always hooking up my family and friends with Harry's and they're here to look you guys up check it out I don't know that's a mystery yeah Harry's two guys bought a factory in Germany they've been making the best raisers for almost 10 years they're hooking you guys up if you use promo code Roman they're always hooking you guys up too so just use the promo code Roman my name Rona and get five dollars off shipping is free so you get this whole package for ten bucks sweet razor you get extra blades what is that these guys are always treating us really well and they're just a good company plus that free shipping and it's a great gift to get it for your dad and your grandpa your mom it's a great gift for everybody yeah we've we've fully switched over am I kidding like not just because it's a sponsor I only use that once a month so that's it guys you know the drill I will put their link in the top of this description if you want to check it out hit it smash it it's a great deal just for you guys so now it's actually time to say good bye bye San Diego Britney and our flying back home to Ohio to be with our beautiful kids that I missed so much I don't know what to do I'm freaking out how'd you enjoy the show it's crazy though we love you guys thanks for all the love and support and thanks for putting up with this haircut for the next two three weeks I don't know if this is what it is so the backs way worse it doesn't look that bad from the front all right love you guys just received email of the next possible tour stop so I'm hoping to announce that really soon and yeah so hopefully we hit your city next thanks for all the love on the tour vlogs and we will see you back in Ohio you're awesome you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,443,868
Rating: 4.9598927 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, family friendly, atwood vlogs, kid-friendly, daily vlogs 2016, romanvsfousey, roman atwood vlogs, family fun, pranks, brittney, roman atwood live, Natural Born Pranksters, youtube pranks, ohio, noah atwood, best pranks, Atwood, Roman Atwood, Roman, live, family-friendly, roman vlogs, kane atwood, family vlogs, roman soldiers, tour
Id: eElFDBdeKow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 29 2016
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