we remade every mob into rainbow friends 2 in minecraft

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with the new addition of the characters and rainbow friends my friend and I decided to remake every mob into rainbow friends using this wheel I want the new character give me Cheyenne I want cyan please yellow oh my I barely got that let's go that's new and who do you want I'm gonna get blue because my favorite color it's what I always get oh my God oh my gosh I'm gonna be doing this Phantom into yellow you guys know the deal I'm gonna be turning this boarding into blue get rid of these first thing we'll do is we'll turn yellow uh well yellow turn them blue drink his body chop off that head chop off his tail let's go ahead and skinny up the body I'm gonna skinny up his arm and bring it down like this and shorten it shirting his wings will bring up his head like this shrink the head of smidge and move it back bring down the leg round the mouth at his toe shrink up the head sharpen up his little wing right here that's gonna be the crown color in his crown give him his big eye and now I'm just gonna make his tail right here give him his pupil and his ex give him his big old smiley face now we can start by working on the propeller give him his drool give him that Crown Shake bring up the propeller and just like that blue friend is done let's give it the color go ahead and color in the little attachment he has right here I'm not gonna go ahead and rotate the head like this definitely not what I was hoping for but you know what I'm just gonna have to wait it with this head let's just go ahead and add his little eyes here oh no okay well this is yellow it's done let's let's just go see these in Minecraft and don't you just love flying mobs uh sometimes they're kind of scary well let me tell you this one's actually really adorable are you ready to see my yellow let's see your yellow three two boom Oh my he looks away he looks like a spaceship I mean it's a horrible it looks good no this looks really good really I think it looks really good he looks a little blocky but this looks really good you look blocky why is this backpack not on it's very thin it's just super thin all right right and then there's Brown at the bottom what happened here it's pants it's like it goes all the way around I don't remember him having pants but you know what I'll let it slide out it's like it's not pant but like it's like an overall this is really good I like the head shape the most the head shape is really really cool really yeah it gave him the pointy triangle thing that he had going on I generally thought that was the worst part but if you like it I mean that that's perfect so uh yeah what do you what do you what do you give me I really like the effort you put into it and it's not precisely but I also give it a 10 out of 10. let's go I'll you know I I will not complain over a 10 out of 10. I'm excited what let's see what you have let me see your blue say hello to Blue oh man he's already sniffing I mean come on it's good or reliable blue you can't really do anything I'm just gonna say right off the bat 10 out of 10. this already looks just perfect you mad at it you're looking at what's down here boy what's down here the fishy bro you can't swim down there yeah what are you gonna do buddy oh he doesn't have to go down and with that let's go back to the wheel and you're up next who do you want cyan if I'm gonna stick to Blue give me science no it's just at it and I'm up next who am I gonna get today green I'll take a green I'm between the spider and some purple friends and I'm gonna turn this Iron Golem into green I don't need the extra legs we'll go ahead and get rid of the head and the schnoz move the legs down give me up the chest and get rid of his booty and flatten that out stretch the body down add some shoulders stretch the legs out skinny up the legs bring down the body like this make them purple we're gonna raise up the head now that we have that basic shape let's go ahead and make him green and his arm's a little bit too buff so let's give you those up too give him his finger let's go ahead and give him his little smile here make it a foot now now let's go ahead and add his little teeth here add an eyeball here and another one here only his eyes a little bit more funny and make him like cross-eyed and sneak in their little tongue and just like that green is complete give him his eyeball and just like that purple friend is done let's go to Minecraft dance I think this one is better than my last one okay you know what I'm actually really excited now let me see last time I messed up the legs but this time I think I fixed it uh what what happened why is his head over the air so so what did you think 10 out of 10 right uh I'm sorry I blinked I didn't see it I did I blame it it's time to he's grounded he can't come back out to play I'm ungrounding him anyways boom oh we're back in the house why are you doing that to your creation he's grounded he's not allowed to come outside I gotta go somewhere away from you so he can't hurt him anymore uh the legs are going through his butt cheeks right there Forks his hands I think it's kind of funny oh anyways I'll tell you what I've never done this before but if you were to give yourself a personal rating what would you give it you have a conversation with purple real quick all right purple what's going on man what happened what is what is this you're definitely like a four but now I have to lie and say you're like at minimum and eight so I don't look bad uh I think we both decided that he's an eight oh so even he decided yeah yeah yeah he decided that too well I'm glad you all have decided on eight uh I'm gonna have to give this like a six yeah okay that's fair enough fair enough I can't say too much but I made a good job I like the effort it uh it's it's interesting to say the least it's kind of we're considered that you really hyped it up I thought he was gonna be better all right let's see what you did I don't want to look at him anymore all right all right all right well you know what I gotta do I gotta make the Iron Golem here oh you're greens if I was gonna read it this is on the higher upscale no this actually yeah I think this is pretty good I guess it is especially I didn't do it like I'm happy with it I'd give it a I feel like he's a little bit too bulky still for what he's supposed to be really I thought he was too thick but I can't say too much I'll give it a a 9.8 because I want to be super generous I can't give you tens again I think this is more of a 10 than the last one but you know what Beggars can't be chooses I'm gonna be you know I'm happy with it the reason it's not a 10 is because the generosity from the last one took too much why can't you just been perfect why'd you have to not skip armed look at his face while he's cracked he looks kind of creepy where are you going I'm running away I'm going back to the wheel I want the new character come on give me cyan please red no it was so close all right and who do you want I'm gonna get orange because that's what just cyan you know what that's fine it goes with Blues let me turn this husk into red I'll be turning this horse into cyan friend get rid of all the accessories get rid of the ears and the main now let's go ahead and make them red and the snow get rid of his legs we're actually gonna go ahead and make the body white for now this is gonna be his tail now let's go ahead and start by making his lab coat here bring it all the way down like this this make his head longer go all the way around the body like this now let's color in the fish black make it a little bit bigger give him his eyes make him cyan let's go ahead and by start by making his little bow tie here give him his pupil let's add the little detail here I'm gonna widen up the legs a little bit and there we go just like that smush the head a little bit give him his little toe we have a big old giant eyeball so let's go ahead and add this right here rotate just like so now that we have the eyeball set right there and just like that cyan friend is done this looks yep you know what there we go our red is complete let's go into Minecraft and it is time for you to see another Masterpiece are you prepared to see this let's see your 10 out of 10. hey look at his eyes bro uh it always gets me the pop-out eyes always get me uh yeah I was already looking like a 10 out of 10. it actually is I like that the eyes are popping me out like it's supposed to this one's a little more crooked than it's supposed to be but you know what we won't be picky we won't be picky I had a little detail you see that thing with a darker yeah I like the little detail I like the darker red and I like that you put a little Shadow on it okay yeah yeah you see it you see it I see it I like I like them a lot he is definitely a 10 out of 10. all right that was too far it's probably your best friend you've ever done I think you've only done two though to be fair I find I I mean I'll take it uh glad you think so but you know what I think that you can get a better look if you do this if I do what oh oh oh wait I'm surrounded and I'm on an island oh oh no no who can't escape this is the mad scientist maybe he's not a mad scientist but that's besides the point let's say what do you have it all right well let me show you the newest addition to Rainbow friends cyan oh wait wait you look like a Pokemon where'd your legs go why does cyan have no legs there you go now he has legs oh you use the wrong you remove the legs no what doesn't he look like cyan the face looks good you mean that's the body look I even added his tail and it's it's going down like in the game it doesn't have much of a snout though like it has a snout a little bit oh the head's not even a part of its neck it just it's detached this is probably the worst mob you have ever made okay now you're lying it's not that bad he has no leg eggs the heads I've been right it's not even attached to his body and you can write him doesn't that get points okay you know what it does you know I'll give it an eight I'm feeling generous this is an eight and I'll give it a nine if it loves me first I am its owner I am his creator love me Cheyenne look at my back look at my back I have the heart I need the love first let's go if you guys enjoyed this video then be sure to comment like And subscribe bye
Channel: halvetone
Views: 273,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We remade every mob into rainbow friends 2 in minecraft, remaking items minecraft, minecraft mod, i remade every mob in minecraft, making a minecraft mod, minecraft, minecraft coding, cursed minecraft, remaking minecraft, how to make a minecraft mod, minecraft cursed textures, minecraft cursed mods, custom mobs minecraft, minecraft custom mod, minecraft mobs, halvetone, i remade very minecraft mob, rainbow friends 2, minecraft rainbow friends 2, rainbow friends 2 mod, mods
Id: l27vxB87SSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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