Skate 3: HARDEST QUARRY RUN!? | Epic Challenges

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all right here we go let's give it another try and boom oh that one was a little bit better are we gonna make it oh look at that oh we made it up on top of the mountain that was pretty cool but we're trying to go much much farther hey what's up guys zach here welcome back to another video and yes my skater's hair is finally starting to grow back he no longer has a buzz cut cause neither do i i have to try to keep them equal maybe one day the long sexy hair will return we can only hope but anyways today as you can probably already tell we're playing some skate three we're once again going to be doing some of the epic skate 3 challenges you guys have been sending me on twitter instagram and my subreddit so if you'd like to send in your own fxk3 challenge please send them in to one of those three places i'll put the links down in the description oh but yes we've actually been getting a lot of new clips on the subreddit so thank you guys it's actually really cool to see some of the challenges you guys have been sending me because i've been playing this game for so long but still every single day you're sending new challenges and that's absolutely insane so without further ado let's get into the epic skate 3 challenges our first challenge actually comes right here at the super ultra mega park it comes from add shiro on twitter let's watch it they're standing at that spot with the huge drop and oh they just jump off grab the board and they land down there they go up the loop and then oh double flip what double backflip loop-de-loop that's pretty crazy i've never done a double flip at that spot so let's try it out it's crazy that there's still new challenges at the super ultra mega park like i probably made hundreds of challenges here and you guys are still finding new ones it's crazy but anyways let's try this i'm gonna set my marker here i feel like i'm about to like walk the plank or something but i do have to set my difficulty to normal i'm pretty sure that's the only way you can do double and triple flips in this game alright so i guess we'll just try it we're just gonna walk off the edge like this grab the board there we go okay and double flip what that was only one flip and we didn't land it that that was not the challenge it's pretty cool trying to do a double flip on like a loop i think that's something i've never even seen before like that okay we just flew off the board and slammed into the cement wall i think i need to ollie a little bit earlier i think that's why i flew off the board there like then yes okay no not no oh almost got hit in the head by the board how in the world did they do this how did they line this up okay like that and then like one oh okay we did the loop but i've done the loop before we have to we have to do two flips all right come on we're gonna get a nice melon grab here going off the side and ah method grab nice boom and ollie what we what we flipped the wrong way all right new strategy we're not even going to ollie we're just going to ride off it maybe that's what we need to be doing like not oh that was a cool angle i don't know how to do this i think i need to change up the strategy a little bit oh oh just like that oh i did it okay but i didn't land it but that was it that was the two flips but i need to go more to like the left all right let's try to recreate that success right there like off to the left like that okay yep i recreated that success maybe i don't even know what i did maybe i just got lucky i'm thinking like that oh yes oh come on that was so close all right i think i got it figured out i cannot believe this i just need to land it right here yes one flip two flips boom right away oh and the 360 flip miracle whip boom right away that is what i'm talking about that was a good challenge all right let's watch that one back that was really cool all right so we start by jumping off the top of the super ultra mega park method grab landing down in like this half pipe loop thing and then boom double flip right there it's kind of more of like a one and a half flip because you're already like upside down when you start you've already done half of the first flip and then you fly off like that double flip oh clean landing right into the bank that's what we're talking about trey flip away and then woo miracle whip all right let's record it that is an amazing clip at the super ultra mega part very happy with that thank you so much for sending in that challenge all right this is going to sound weird but our next challenge actually comes from the espn tick tock account so many of you guys have sent me this clip i've seen it just about everywhere but let's watch this challenge it's one of the most popular spots they're at the quarry they're going down big method grab they land and then they ollie and coffin 360 over the pillars and they're not done yet they're still going high speed they do a nice little uh superman and then a backflip off the roof and they skate away that is a super popular spot i don't know if i've ever made it over both of like the rafters up there especially not in a coffin so this will be a good challenge so let's head over to the quarry i believe it's in the industrial district and we're gonna go to that spot it's right over here yes so this is like a super huge drop big ramp one of the most popular spots in the game and i've actually tried this challenge and uh i haven't completed it yet it's hard to get over both of like the rafters that's like the really tough part of the challenge everything else isn't too bad so hopefully today is the day i finally conquer it but anyways let's get started we'll do exactly what they did big method grab 720 to get us started and then we're gonna jump up and coughing over oh my gosh so yeah as you can see i hit the first one so getting over both of them is actually harder than it looks all right so this might be a little bit of a battle but i'm ready for it oh well my hand hit that thing but i somehow survived and oh right into the raptor again oh and he landed perfectly in that like triangle of stones that's pretty funny yeah this is a brutal challenge this is what separates the boys from the men that's for sure so oh you gotta get like a perfect landing oh it's just the right time oh we almost made it over it's really just about landing like perfectly straight getting a lot of speed okay that's a good start and then oh no not not ollying that way ollying straight obviously i feel like you want to land higher up on this ramp so that you get more speed like that oh what i hit the roof okay good start yes no we made it over the first one finally but not the second one this is a tough one and beautiful 720 perfect landing and all the oh so close oh i got stuck on top of it whoa what is going on the camera angle is going crazy all right boom nice i like it one oh no i got caught on the second one oh come on yes okay keep it alive okay and land it back flip yes oh we did it oh my gosh that was crazy that was a really cool line oh that was a tough spot not only was it tough but we actually landed the coffin fakie which got me sweating for a second but oh we actually did it all right we cleared both of these two like rafter things that was pretty cool all right let's watch this one back that was one of the tougher challenges i've done recently so we started out we did like a kickflip method 360 down into the massive ramp and then boom he'll flip into the coffin 180 oh that was so clean actually landed in fakie which had me nervous for a second as i said but oh we're flying at this point i was just trying to play it super safe didn't want to screw something up and then landed in a manual of course backflip boom and we ride away that was huge that was awesome all right i'm gonna try to film the part where i go over the two rafters yeah this part oh nice oh i gotta get a better angle though but i don't think i'm gonna film the last part all right there we go that was a pretty nice clip that was a good challenge one of the tougher challenges i've done in like the middle of a video all right with that let's move on to the next one all right so this next challenge actually comes from my subreddit which is r slash zx2zx so you can post your skate 3 clips there as well if you want me to see them but let's watch it comes from a user named xploozy here we go they're at the super ultra mega part they go sprinting down the mega ramp looks so funny and boom oh my gosh they do the launch glitch off of it and they are flying i've never seen someone fly that high in skate three they literally fly across the map all the way over to like the chan center that is absolutely insane and boom the game makes them go back but that was huge i've never seen someone fly that far so we're gonna go try that i think that'll be a lot of fun i've never seen a challenge where you like sprint down this into the launch glitch like it makes sense that that makes you go so much farther so if you've never played skate three at the super ultra mega park basically hello sam taber basically if you run down this you run like super fast so if we put a ramp here we're gonna try to launch out of here all right let's try this this is one of the funnier challenges i've done so we're gonna sprint down the side of this and then boom oh i missed the launch glitch you're going so fast you don't really have that much time to prepare some of you don't know what the launch glitch is supposed to look like it's kind of like not like that i'll try to do it here but basically you grab your board at the same exact moment you run into rip oh just like that yes but clearly that was not as far as the one in the video sent to me yes we gotta try to go really far i feel like we're gonna have to hit it absolutely perfectly if i don't fall flat on my face first all right here we go let's give it another try and boom oh that one is a little bit better are we gonna make it oh look at that oh we made it up on top of the mountain that was pretty cool but we're trying to go much much farther i feel like the launch glitch is mostly just luck like i don't know if you can like skillfully get the perfect one maybe you can but i'm not doing it right now that's for sure absolutely naruto running down and that's another average launch glitch can you land up here oh you probably could i might be able to actually land a trick up there oh what happened oh not good i guess we're just gonna keep sprinting at it until we get the perfect launch glitch i'm getting really good at this one where i go kind of far but not far enough [Music] yes oh my gosh look how far we're going oh that is a massive launch there goes my board oh we didn't make it all the way to their building but wow we just flew across like the entire map okay obviously not the entire map but we just flew over the entire super ultra mega park that was insane sprinting down the ramp boom huge launch we got all the way over the mountain that was my goal and boom into the spread eagle look at that that is a beautiful view you can see the city down there you can see the campus oh wow you can see everything from up here you can see the stadium that was awesome man if anyone could ever do this and actually get into the chan center that would be really incredible yeah that is definitely the farthest i've ever gone from a launch glitch that was crazy if i waited a little bit longer to break out i probably could have made it all the way onto the building and there i go flying off into the distance all right there we go that was a cool challenge thank you for sending that in well all right our next challenge is actually revisiting an old challenge one of my favorite challenges that i've ever done actually so this comes from aiden on twitter let's watch you can see that they're at the docks and boom they do the speakers do the ocean gap but the other way from the way i originally did it so if you watch it again they actually go off the giant fan gap over the ocean and then land next to the giant boat so that's pretty cool so we're gonna try to go do the ocean gap again but this time going the other way this is probably one of my most memorable challenges when i actually capped over this bay or this ocean definitely one of my favorite videos so i'm excited to revisit this one but instead as i said we're gonna actually be launching off of this over the ocean into the like shipyard over there all right so let's give this a try we're going to want to go right up this it's like this was built for this honestly it's basically a ramp so this should be fun all right here we go first sp glitch of the day didn't work never get the speed glitch on the first try or the second try apparently it's been a while since i've tried it there we go oh we're going a little too fast oh into the ocean we go all right we can do this just gotta hit it just right i just gotta not run into the fan like that okay oh we're gonna get close but not all the way there oh we actually landed on the other side hey no no stay oh we almost made it oh there we go nope okay just bouncing off the fan back into the ocean you have to go like right to the right of it yes like that okay and onto that oh we landed but we couldn't find a way to land on the ground it's interesting because there's not really like a great place to land over there you have to like hit the containers oh there we go oh this might be it come on come on oh we hit the ground yeah we definitely have to land on top of the containers or else we're just gonna bail when we hit the ground and go okay looking good oh please hit it yes and boom let's go we made it we did the ocean gap backwards oh we're gonna slam into this yes that was awesome wasn't too difficult but i think it was a great challenge uh to end the video oh yes one of the coolest spots in sk3 for sure speed glitch off of the giant fan over the entire ocean onto the shipping container down onto the ground at a pretty high speed too oh almost at chris cole he's always somewhere he's always in a clip nice there we go that is a great clip to end this episode thank you for sending in that challenge that was a fun one all right that's gonna do it for this episode guys i hope that you enjoyed it once again if you'd like to send in your own epic skate 3 challenges you can send them to me on twitter instagram or my subreddit can we make that note so yep twitter and sexysex instagram at sexysec and my subreddit r slash sexy sex so anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up and as always stay sexy see you guys
Channel: ZexyZek
Views: 543,220
Rating: 4.9507227 out of 5
Keywords: zexyzek, skate 3, skate 3 challenges, zexyzek skate, zexyzek epic skate 3 challenges, skate 3 tricks, skate 3 fun, epic skate 3 challenges
Id: YTo-WE2n_mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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