This Rock is FULL of GOLD! ($11,000 worth)

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what's up guys Chris e8 from Vargas prospect if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome if you're an old smog like this one welcome back today I've got something really cool for you I have found a chunk of gold ore and we're gonna take it home and crush it to see what kind of little nuggies are hiding inside [Music] now that I've got you back home underneath the baby doll I'll sacrifice to the gold God's tree I'm gonna run you over some of the equipment you're going to need if you want to do this sort of stuff at home to start your own hardrock expedition you only need a few of the most basic tools a sweet pair of shatterproof safety glasses a dust mask to keep the silica out of your lungs a chisel and a hammer that'll allow you to break up rocks to fit them in your dolly pot a small clean pan that allows you to pan off your crush dust and throw it away if you don't find anything to release the gold from the rock and your inner frustrations some kind of dolly pot and the last thing you want is probably some gold bearing or rock that feels as heavy as your thoughts of feelings late at night the first bit of all that we're doing is the piece that didn't give me any signal why I want to do this piece is to know if there is ultrafine undetectable gold sitting in the same Rock because if there is it means we've got even more that we're gonna be able to more the very first thing I want to do is actually weigh this gold so if we get a Weibull amount of gold in that rock we know how much it's going to go per ton [Music] [Music] once you've got your all down to a fine Christ you want to introduce the next piece of equipment that I haven't shown you and that is a fine mesh strainer this is in fact the one I use for pasta just last night the reason we like pasta strainers is because of how small these holes are you really want to crush you all down to about one millimeter in size and these holes are about that now why do you want this one millimeter in size well a lot of the gold is going to be what we call free milk it's just going to be floating in there they're not going to be big chunks they're actually going to be tiny tiny little pieces of gold trapped in this quartz and if you don't get it down to that particle size it's highly unlikely that you'll liberate it from the quartz and recover it in your pan anything that doesn't meet the cut back in the dahle pot wreak rush here's our results so far we've taken some ore we've put it through the dolly pot crush it up into tiny little pieces of quartz and off and then reduced it to powder over about four different runs and the other thing you want to be doing is just checking for any Nuggets because if you have Nuggets this is where they'll be now there's no real method to crushing the or it's just get something really big and heavy this is a custom-made crush you can just use an axle stub and hit it like it dumped your sister knows your money got one super important thing to do now and let's get some water rights a boss any chance I could pay you to use your water in your pool [Music] thank you so now it's time to uh take this and make that water slightly muddy oh we got we've got gold well there you have it guys look at that that is a nice little tail of color out of 250 grams Rock he saw how much dust was in this pan we're talking about a small pan at a 10 inch pan that had only not even the first rueful covered in dirt now if I was highbanking alluvial rock that would be a dish worth chasing this is easily a hundred specks of color in that pan even though they're fine that adds up very very quickly now we're going to do the rock that had the big signal in it now the big thing with this is I'm gonna have to break it into four when I run the SCC over I'm only getting a signal on this side and when I hold it all the weight you can actually feel the weight just in this area here so I'm gonna try and find a fracture maybe on this side in along this oxidized layer and try and split it open ah yeah alright one point six six five kilograms there we go when you get bits of all that cracked like this and you've got signals in them this is the point you look for your really good specimen pieces so we just flip it open and we look see if we can't see any gold hiding in that rock well we've got to been going this rock after the fourth split I just looked I can see some gold right there that's awesome so we definitely know there's going to be some nice bits of gold hiding in this piece of or we're going to do all the little broken off pieces and the pieces I can't see any visible gold in first and then we're gonna start doing the stuff like it's invisible gorian we're going to just crushed out a little bit slower just in case there is a nice specimen in there I don't want to bust it up too much and squish it this is the all that's left over from the crushing that had no visible gold in it so all of these pieces I couldn't visually see anything in them I crushed a lot of it down and we got this amount of powder out of it which is a little bit more than what we wash down for that first piece so wash this out quickly and see what comes out of this [Music] whoa we got some way nicer pieces oh yeah oh yeah well that's a good little result for that let me show ya now unlike the first time we've got a heap of very fine gold but also some nice-looking chunks now those pieces there are exactly what I'm talking about may I say how the gold is dispersed all through the rocks so no signal in that bottom part of the rock and more importantly the visible gold and we still managed to pull out those nice pieces now a lot of people are here talking about hunting gold and that the gold gets milled down into very fine particle sizes and that is partly true if you're working in an area with lots of water flow so such someone such as pioneer Paul is working in an area where the rivers get very violent every single year and that will wear down gold quite quickly however here where I'm working in Australia there are a lot of places where the gold comes out of the rock naturally like that it's shedding at an unbelievable rate because there's just literally thousands of pieces of very fine 100 200 300 mesh gold locked up in that rock and as we get storms it gets broken up and then that's how it gets released it's not really a product of big gold getting shredded down at least not in my area because it's just not enough water for it to happen because it's all part of the same wall and I'm slowly collecting a dog family yes making it hard now for the partner I think we've all been waiting for which is to crush the ore that has visible gold in it I've left all the gold that I got out of the first part of the crash in this pan because it's all coming from the same piece of or the same piece of rock so I don't think there's any point in separating - let's get to it we're going to take it nice and slow just in case something big jumps out at us [Applause] well there's little nugget yes hahaha he's not very big but that's our first knife picker I've reduced that first piece of visible gold ore down to this this is what I've got left over now most of this is fine there's absolutely no big chunks left of this court I've searched throughout multiple times and I cannot see any more nuggety bits I'm gonna put this stuff aside for another day there's probably more free more gold inside it I'm just not going to spend my time doing this cuz I've really been hammering at this bit of rock now for about half an hour instead I'm gonna start on the next one this is the one that had the most amount of visible gold in it as I was looking through the sieve to make sure I hadn't missed anything I came across this really cool little specimen now it's not huge it's not gonna be the best thing you've ever seen in your life when it comes to gold but it does clearly show just how gold in quartz forms check that out a little button of gold sitting in pearl white quartz that is spectacular that's nature at its finest this is why I was saying about crushing it down so small because just looking through this stuff there's no way you would know that if a piece this size that tiny little dot of gold was in a rock like this so you've got to keep crushing keep crushing got to get it down to at least a millimeter none of your gold gonna get crushed away if anything it will just flatten out well that took me about 40 minutes to reduce those couple of bits of rock down into this powder is seriously hard stuff so we know there's gold in it we've already pulled out one nice little specimen and we've also pulled out a tiny little nugget so we're gonna see if there's any more [Music] oh oh I'm gonna wash all that back I want to show you that look at that that's why the detectives give me a faint signal I mean there's enough gold there if it was all in like one spot which I'm assuming it was it was all on those those two rocks that cracked open that is a nice nice chunk of gold plus it a little other picker that we got look at this bit look at this bit I don't even see him in the sieve he just went straight through didn't even pause he is nice so we're definitely gonna weigh this up that's our end result for our crush 1.6 kilograms worth of ore turned into just that we'll wait for this to dry and then we'll take it in wait up and see how much gold we liberated from the rock viva la liberacion that's the total amount of gold we got all cleaned up from crushing 1.6 kill is rock now obviously I didn't quite completely crush that rock this is a good chance there's a little bit more gold hiding in the parts I didn't crush and for a little bit of scale this is the gold next to a clash guitars pit and this is the biggest bit of gold we got on the clash Qatar's pit all right now we're gonna find out exactly how much gold came out of that rock and now we can work out the per ton rate 0.27 so one quarter of a gram just over a quarter of a gram of gold from 1.6 kilos of rock now by my maths one ton divided by our sample size one point six five or there abouts gives us six hundred and six sample sizes of that size now if we times that by our gold weight that we got 0.2 seven days 163 grams per ton or if we divide that by our ounces is about five ounces worth of gold in every single ton of that or that is insanely rich so at the moment gold sitting in around 20 $100 an ounce so if we have we're on about $11,000 a ton that's ridiculous that's absolutely mental and I hope that I've also shown you the not all gold starts its life out as big chunks like this and gets worn down it can in fact start its life out as a tiny little speck in your pan just like that and even though we only crushed out a lot of very fine stuff today there's always a chance that you'll find big nuggety pieces like this waiting in the rock for you now it is Christmas time it is the Christmas season and I have something to give away as a present a bit of a thank you to everyone out there first as a patron only prize you don't have to do anything to end up you're already entered if you're part of my patron account and that is a bag of pay dough with some gold in it from the mustard pit so you can enjoy practicing planning out the ridiculously fine gold like I have the other competition is open to absolutely everyone and that is a brand new in the packet o gold hog flow pan if you want to enter the competition it is super simple all you've got to do is reply to the pinned comment in the comments below and I will announce the winner by editing that comment on the first so make sure that you bookmark this video so you can go back and check it if you haven't already please check out my streaming channel 89 X gaming over there we have live conversations talking about all things prospecting lifestyle play video games it's been a hell of a lot of fun playing games with subscribers as well so if that sounds like something you're interested in jump over and check it out please hit that like share and subscribe button because that helps me grow this channel bigger and better for you the bigger we grow the more competitions like this I can do thank you so much for watching until next time give your dog a pat for me peace and out [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 79,186
Rating: 4.8890858 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: JR6DUIm-Gz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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