My Record Gold Nugget Discovery!

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oh look at that look at that bit look at it all oh man is heat war no freakin way [Music] what's up guys my name is Chris from bogus prospecting today we're crashing up some gold ore from dads reef before we get to that I got a taking back for weeks so when I found it grizzly and I out on the gold filled with the gold monster 1,000 new dads Reef looking for some more ore and I think I might have just found some grizzly has been a super good boy today he's kept his urges to chase kangaroos completely under control and he led me he led me to this rock and it does this we're gonna signal both ways but they know hot rock I'll guarantee you there's gold in there and there's a strong response now that that's interesting it's actually a super heavy rock as well so we'll definitely take this home and crush it up we'll see if we can find any more first we slowly work out loud to the top of the hill plenty of hot rocks and bits of junk but I finally made it to Dad's reef now this just cut him behind me as dad's roof that right there is he shovel a left back here in 1970 HOD and part of his gold pan it's since been through two or three bushfires major bush fires plus lots of other little things and weathering it's a bit rusted down but nice piece of family history to have that's a natural ground level up there and we're in the cut right up the back and I've just scraped away a bit of dirt off the top of this and we've got a little bit of a signal but it sounds like a hot rock so we're going to just find out what it is but it's sharpening up as I dig so we know what's not in this we're gonna get rid of that I'm just gonna really gently scrape away some of the dirt something else to be conscious of if you shake you scoop you stratify your material and whatever the target is will go to the bottom there's my hate little targets Oh a little target pain in my yeah yeah these rocks here which you probably get struggle to see a little bit they're not that good that they're everywhere around here and they just they just have no gold and yeah I spent the better part of the morning looking for gold and I've come back down to where we originally struggle all you can see all this all this beautiful stuff on the ground it all got gold in it the problem is it's super dense and hard to get out I'm gonna take you home and we're gonna crush this stuff up we're gonna weigh it and then we're gonna crush it we're going to see how much per ton this stuff has given us so now that you've seen where this piece of gold ore is come from and hopefully you've also caught up and all the other dad's reef videos linked below we're going to throw it in the dolly pot crush it up and see what's in it so the first thing I want to do with this rock is actually wash it I want to get all this dirt and stuff off just to see if there isn't like a little bit of gold sticking out at us straight off the bat [Music] damn I can huh okay I can see some oh this is gonna be a good crush oh this is gonna be a ruger crush I'm gonna get you as close as I can without going fuzzy but you can you see that tiny little bit of gold just there but I just come back with a tooth brushing and getting this pocket here cuz this pocket it's full of dirt and it goes really deep into the rock so just we might be able to see something more something bigger and I've just got a spray bottle full of vinegar too so yeah a basic white acid wash I was super dubious about this rock because of the signal it gave me and the fact that we had been over this area with the SDC and a gold monster before and for whatever reason we missed this piece of ore but the more I look at this rock after soaking it in vinegar the more gold I can see it is it's it's ridiculous there is so much gold in that rock this is going to be by far one of my most exciting crushes I've ever done so you better get to waiting so I can finally get to crushing so we can we can see exactly how much and I've got a special product a product called a weigh bag it's definitely not a jewelry bag that I've stolen and put my logo on it's not for all the dexterity that humans have a third hand would be really handy okay turn out zeroed into the void this bag here we go well that's a very convenient number exactly 400 grams if you're just getting into a little bit of all processing yourself this is the basic gear you need there's not overly much here we've just got a dolly pot we've got a snuff a bottle we've got hammer and a chisel to split or down to manageable sizes a small gold pan and a sieve honestly this is your most important piece of equipment that you can own and the smaller the sieve particle sizes those little holes are about one millimeter square the better because free mill gold is often very very tiny and locked up in the rock and you want your rock to be powder and the only way you can do that with the dolly pot is to keep saving it and wreak rushing anything that doesn't go through my first step is going to be to break this piece of ore into smaller bits right let the nerve jangling begin well here we go well this is one little bit she's a hard rock one hard hit alright manageable pieces so this is why we have that bag if you don't know how much flying gold is trapped in all this dust will tip that into the dolly pot first but then cracked it dead in half and just trying to see if I can't see any bits of gold we're finally out for the fun bit the bit that we're all been looking forward to and that's crushing these things so we've reduced this down to four main bits plus a couple little pieces I think we're going to crush these little bit first and just get them out of the way and we'll throw this one big gnarly bit in as well and before anyone mentions that I'm doing it on the grass to reduce a bit of the noise that's also why I've got rubber wrapped around it to stop some of that reverb because that thing is really loud when you start smacking rocks right here we go I feel like a caveman or an alchemist Gold Alchemist that's all the little pieces crushed up to dust I couldn't see any chunks of gold in it so if there is anything in there it's probably very fine that doesn't matter we're gonna start doing the big bits that I still have invisible gold in the first bits that I crushed up turned to powder almost instantly but I tell you what the bits that are down there they're refusing to turn to powder they're clinging on to life what we're going to do is just filter it out a lot more often in the hope yes the hope that we can crush these down a little bit easier maybe like a couple big bits like that at a time yeah I think that's the way to go take bacon just having a look through the sieve to see if I can say any big way there we go all right we go on now this is only a small piece of gold it's just there on the end and we've got another piece just there so we've got two nice pieces of gold sticking out here and I've explained a couple of times my post before that gold actually starts its life out quite small in a lot of areas so many people think the gold gets worn down by rivers as it gets traveled downstream from floods and whatnot and to an extent that is true big bits of gold do get reduced in size over time worn down ground down into smaller particles but free meal gold like what we're crushing up today starts its life out just that small that's why you can have an abundance of very small gold in one particular area if there's a reef shedding that has that sort of particle size in it in fact a lot of the mustard pit is due to reef rock bits of all that are floating downstream breaking apart with that tiny freemore particle size in it so it's just something to bear in mind you're not always going to find nuggets that's highly depending on the geology of your area these are just some of the paces of quartz with gold attached to them that I'm pulling out of the sieve fan-freaking-tastic well that took about I think about 40 minutes - no that doesn't work out I got one huge right arm right now but we did get it reduced to powder so all these bits a 1 millimeter or under ideally you really want it even smaller than that so if you've got a fine ass if you use a finer sieve this next bit is definitely my favorite part panning out what I just crushed but before I do that I've got to use one important tool and that is a magnet this particular magnet is a floating magnet from plastic tools it was sent to me a little while ago along with the best damn pan and the Green Mountain gold trap all of which I've got a reviews well first first lookout not really a review video coming up in the next couple of weeks so if you don't want to miss out on that video please hit the subscribe button they'll help micro channel grow and you won't miss out on reviews what first looks whatever you want to call them it's so cool it just floats around and then anything magnetic like iron stone or some black sands and whatnot it sticks to the bottom of it yeah there we go that's all the iron Spalding that we got out of that rock saves you a pocket load of work one of the best things about this is there's not really any heavies in there and usually you don't end up with too much so you can just get away with a bucket or water which in Australia water restrictions and just more pen things will change though when I get across because I want across you and then we'll be sluicing this stuff hopefully put the magnet in one more time just to make sure there aren't any iron filings left there was there was a hate war we can already see some gold oh look at that look at that bit look at it all oh man is he wore no frickin way no that's insane no oh my god I've never seen that much gold come out of that's 400 grams of rock that's not that's not that is a lot I've had way worse days sluicing like all day for way less that's a big bit too that's a nice pickup look at that bit okay okay I'll clean I've got to get my I don't get my head together that's that's nuts I'm in a bit of stunned disbelief like that was a loud signal but I thought I may be one nice bit and that's close to the surface had a big a-frame real gold but that's a lot of gold for 400 grams of rock that's a heap of gold I spent the last 10 minutes washing all the dirt down into this bucket because there is so much gold stuck on quartz it was really difficult to separate those words if I got 1/2 pans worth of dirt are you freaking kidding me look at the size of some of those pieces and at the other end this is exactly us talk about a free meal goat it starts its life out that's small that's exactly why you crush up your or as fine as possible because you're not going to destroy the Nuggets you physically can't crush the gold down but if you don't crush it fine you won't release those small particles and just look how much flying gold there is in that look at it all and as cool as that take is I've got three more in there that were giving me signals I'm blown away this is unreal that is the single best hand I have ever had panning the single best pan there has to be a gram of gold in that rock there's a gram of gold in that rock that is going multiple ounces per ton a Mick strap your jocks on buddy we're going up to that roof and we're gonna find the damn sauce because we know it's there I've let the gold dry out overnight and I'm still in a little bit of stunned disbelief I've had reasonable know that fines up to three point eight grams and finding one and half gram pieces fairly regularly and you know I've had been clean ups from ahlul strings four grams in one day it was about my best take that was that was a pretty good day but to get that from one this sized rock is outstanding but enough UV ever and out of me let's get this gold on the scales and actually find out how much we go that's the gold that we got out of there 400 grams of rock next to a clash guitars pick so you can kind of see how coarse it actually is and this might help some people out see how sharp that bit of gold is it's got real shape to it and real jagged edges that's what reef gold actually looks like so just because you're finding something that has a bit of shape to it in the stream does not mean the reef is necessarily close Gold is very soft and will be warm down quite quickly so if it doesn't look that sharp you probably nowhere near the reef so let's get this on the scales my hope is that we get exactly a gram so to be amazing I'll be really happy with a gihan little did I know a small disaster was just about to unfold before my eyes well absolutely nowhere near it although I'm good a really weird feeling that my scales aren't quite right okay there is absolutely no way that that is only 0.3 so we're gonna do a little bit of a test this is a 10 gram weight and we're gonna put it on there and it doesn't weigh 10 grams and we know something's up 3.8 five grams so my loss like four or five weigh-ins have probably been completely inaccurate so in other words we have absolutely no idea how much that weighs it seems to be about 60% out right so my scales are saying about a point four which means that if my scales are sixty percent out we can add a point to four which are broken up to point six four of a gram so that's that's the rough maths that I'm getting from that I'm gonna have to go buy new scales I'll keep you separate and waited another day and probably posted in a video for you I do apologize this is frustrating me as well well even though we had that bit of a disaster with the scale I think it's safe to assume we pulled out probably around half a grams worth of gold from 400 grams worth of rock and that's about 40 ounces of time I know at 40 ounces a ton that is incredibly rich by today's standards but you do need to extract a ton of rock and that doesn't mean that you can just take me or because if the oil is only this big in the rock face you still need to take this much so you can fit your shoulders and your swing your pick and do all that sort of you know hard mining work and that's dilution which means dilution will take that overall quantity of gold before he answers a ton and strip it right back down to maybe like 5 or 4 or something like that because you still need to work and crush that waste rock on the outside I really hope I've done this video justice for one reason above all else and that's the connection I have with my dad over this spot this was his spot from the 1970s he went up there and he told me about this spot 40 years later and it's something that's drawn both my dad and myself closely together sharing that passion about gold and that excitement about going back to a spot that we now both worked in and found gold game so to find something truly spectacular like this irrespective of how much it weighs and how much it's worth sharing that experience not only with you guys but was my father has brought great joy to my life and it's something I really want to push out there gold prospecting isn't about the money not for me at least anyway and if I'd found one or two specs in that rock I still would have been very excited to go back and tell my dad all about it and I reckon there's a lot of people out there watching my channel right now who get the same experiences with their family members whether you're hunting hard rock detecting for Nuggets out in the middle of the desert or washing the pan in a stream and I kind of want to take this opportunity to celebrate that fact so I'm gonna offer you something as well is that if this video hits a million views by the end of April I'm going to give away brand-new gold monster 1000 ships anywhere in the world brand-new in-the-box and irrespective of how many views this video gets at the end of April I'm also going to give away a chunk of Dad's reap so you can either have it as a specimen on your shelf or crush it up and see what's in it this will all be announced at the end of April all's you've got to do is make sure that you share this video so it gets out there so we can give away a gold monster and make sure you hit the subscribe button to the channel because the subscribe button is how I'm going to be picking the winner for the dads reef specimen there's a little bit more detail on this competition in the description below so make sure you pop down there and give it a quick read now dance reef is a long term project and we hope to bring you more videos of crushing all from there as well as extracting and mining it from the ground in the future as we explore the area further furthermore if you want to hit that like share subscribe or dislike button it's all free and it'll give you access to heaps of gold prospecting content not only on my channel but the collaborations I do with other YouTube gold prospectors all across the world so until next time guys make sure you stay safe out there don't scratch out on behind the ears because I don't want you getting funky viruses peace and I'm out it's probably safe to give you dollar scratch time here for me [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 52,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: 8QPMuPXxo0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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