i broke 9,981,053 bones driving through this

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all right so we're checking out the only game where nicholas cage can air out his groin while attempting to make impossible driving challenges [Music] once again i have looked for various stages that are said to be impossible so this one here you're supposed to make it over this jump the problem is is that not only is the jump almost impossible there's a congo line of high speed buses moving across the screen at all times how many buses an infinite amount of buses they literally have no end and so our job as always is to allow nicholas rage to complete the challenges so i just want to try this one more time just to see roughly where we end up at well we end up at right around 6 million points i think my favorite part is that if you look at this scene look at how ridiculous it gets over time because the pain never ends no joke this game is eventually going to crash i think it is incredibly important to look at this from an instant replay point of view because it gives you a good opportunity to realize just how much further we're gonna have to go to make this that was the vehicle nicholas rage manages to hit the underside of a bus moving at like 400 miles an hour and he just gets deleted okay the first issue i think we have here is that it's possible we're not using a fast enough car now supposedly i can do whatever i want to get over this so in general uh whenever i'm trading my soul for the opportunity to get to one place to the other i like to go for the weekend this just seems to have the best potential to get instantaneously slain let's do it baby that was a pretty good start i don't really know how aerodynamic it is apparently much less aerodynamic than the car that's fine whenever you have a problem with aerodynamics you just have to put nicholas in a place that he is completely uncomfortable in uh that might work if we get the back raise down and the front goes up we may be able to clear more distance here all right how about something that's meant to fly if i use my pew pew at the right time maybe i can get past the that was actually worse than the first time we tried we got a [ __ ] ton more points though i thought i would take this as an opportunity to see exactly where things went wrong right about there that's that's when when my leg turns into part of a vehicle's grill i think that's when things go wrong okay it's pretty obvious that we're going to need a jump here of some kind i don't want to go straight to the viagra drums this semi viagra jump i cannot see this going poorly for us i almost got full speed too all right now that is a ton of distance hell yes not only did we make it now i didn't even hit the the land mines i actually wanted to see if i could land on the platform you abs you absolutely can i like how everything still blew up i didn't even touch all these other cars and they're like screw you were crashing anyway enjoy your 1fps dismount complete i'm sorry that one was just called almost impossible this is called the impossible jump it's not really that you're supposed to land anywhere you're just supposed to not get instantaneously removed from reality by these light speed moving vehicles i'm really curious what are the other poses for this that oh really i'm not sure i have to tell anyone how safe this is does it get any worse oh yeah sure why not rest your balls on the fin of the x-wing i'm not gonna lie i really want to be a hood ornament this is what i always wanted to grow up to be all right let's see how hard it is to get it's going to be pretty hard i just want to let you know it's been like 20 seconds and finally my limbs are hitting the ground i think i may have grossly underestimated just how fast these vehicles are moving and the force with which they have now we did get kind of close to getting through the problem is is just barely touching anything related to these cars will send you into space i'm breaking bones right now that i didn't know i had okay i think that if if we can shoot some of these we may be able to blast our way through if not it's possible that we just need a heavier vehicle all right do the do that i'm surprised we didn't leave the actual level that time yay okay there are other obstacles here it's possible that we can just maybe ramp over the middle the only issue is that the stump is coming from the left and the right and the top down but if we can get over these then we only have to deal with the top ones i feel like if i was doing this i'd be like r2 what did you say and the little thing comes on at the bottom to translate what are two saying it would be like your ass is crazy all right now we got max speed i'm really hoping for a fantastic jump here we may have to get a oh god i love that the only thing i lost was my head okay let's try double turbo pads here we're not stopping until we get this all right turbo pads looking good okay this might actually work we might get above where these spawn the question is can we land it the answer is no okay i need something with a little bit more weight yeah this seems like a great idea all right we should have a look i was gonna say we should have some additional drag because of the front of the vehicle if you pause it just the right moment you can see the instance where nicholas rage is like you [ __ ] okay this looks like it's made to land these types of jumps come on baby get up there yes i'll piss okay so i think maybe half of me might still be in the vehicle i'm really not sure um it appears that my arm and my torso got removed from it though on the plus side it still has all four wheels since i keep flying out the windshield i thought i would just sit in the bed of the truck this might i was gonna say it might turn out a lot better but instead i got decapitated and lost both of my feet okay i'm i'm still in the frame of the vehicle technically i made it see i want to make it the legit way straight through the middle there ain't no breaks okay i may need to see that in slow motion because i feel like there was a lot of hitting going on i'm mainly trying to see if from a rudimentary level this is even slightly impossible i'm not sure it is okay maybe a ton of weight is the key if i can get this thing to swing around at just the right time a ton of weight was not the key and of course the treads fell on top of me holy [ __ ] it landed on its wheels this is the highest i have ever been launched 340 meters into the air terminal velocity where have you been all my life oh my god what kind of [ __ ] is that when a vehicle hits me like a home run in midair like that as i'm coming down i am so satisfied with this result i'm trying all available options okay you never know okay now i know okay it may actually be possible to get through this with that vehicle i just have to pray to god that it shoots at just the right time hold on tight nicholas rage we're going to a place very few people have been oh yes okay we did it i think i've said this before but in these games destroying your balls is always the answer i'm not exactly sure how i think that one of the projectiles just happened to hit yeah see the explosion hit and it just knocked everything off course and when that happened we managed to go right through the middle and land the jump i just wanted to show everyone that we were on the vehicle when this landed all it cost us was some brain damage afterwards okay so this is an impossible frocker challenge but you're allowed a little bit more leeway on this one you're allowed to hit the vehicles as long as you get all the way to the end the problem is as i understand it these vehicles aren't normal mortal vehicles i'll be the judge of that let's do this i feel like if i stay on the back like this we had really good we had good luck back here before okay we're still kind of going oh oh god oh jesus what is this level holy mother of satan what fbs this this level is insane i now know why this level is supposed to be impossible not because you might not get across but because your cpu will fail you before you do okay maybe with speed we can get across i'm going with the wedge i'm going with boosters let's do it nick how you doing buddy he's like kill me all right my man do it okay looking good so far looking way less good now although from this position we actually get to see exactly what happens with these vehicles i think the real issue becomes when they start landing in the way of other vehicles and everything turns into a gigantic domino dog pile okay new plan now supposedly we can use whatever way we want to get across this so i think a ramp might be appropriate here all right full speed using the ramp looking good you get across you get across at least like three lanes that way the problem is that's all the lanes we can manage gonna try a shorter ramp if not we'll we'll try a new vehicle well that sucked ass i feel like if anything can do it it would be this thing because it gets up to speed so quickly [Music] i was wrong motorcycle semi-big ramp for a minute there i thought we were gonna land it this board is the devil oh i i was gonna say we're still alive okay new plan maybe the key here isn't actually speed i'm gonna get rid of everything i'm gonna try through just sheer weight maybe we can get through with this okay got through the first one got through the second one third one's not so easy okay if we can get through the first one and then we ramp here and then we ramp here full speed through the first one okay the ramps don't work this may sound really weird but the it's possible that in order to do this we're gonna need to knock over a bunch of bowling pins the dude all right lebowski hold on to the damn steering wheel how are you supposed to do this don't ask me why i think this will work better than anything else stop in the name of death oh oh i got through it no no damn it all right we're doing it i have to use this just to um full flip okay new plan maybe going straight into this isn't the answer oh oh shucking and jiving didn't work holy jesus look at it go look at what i did 11 million points how about something made to do jumps i mean it got farther than we've gotten i just don't know how i'm gonna get the rest of the way this might legitimately be possible okay maybe not over the first one second one didn't go quite so well i can't even hit the ground before i hit with like eight other vehicles i'm the wastelander i don't take crap from anyone nothing can stop me except for a palm tree okay good height not so good on the landing made it across please land on the wheels yes [Music] i mean we're getting better i'm almost able to get across that second lane like the second big piece of lane i just gotta keep nicholas inside of the freaking monster truck if he can stay inside the monster truck land this and get through that i think we can hit the bowling pins admit you know and get launched to space my car is literally caught inside of a palm tree the aerodynamics of this thing are so good i dammit i broke my spine so good and simultaneously so bad i'm unstoppable it doesn't matter how many attempts it takes it doesn't matter how many lives i have to end the best chance i ever had was the bowling pins i want to mention something i may be at 0.1 fps but my vehicle is still making it through this come on baby you can do it i swear to god i know you can 18 million points [Music] and the vehicle still works okay for real it's like we're it's like we're doing a victory lap at this point the bowling pins totally worked it's actually going to go through the middle of the tree like it's supposed to for the win listen to win it 0.1 fps is still a win one come on get it all the way this is called impossible level the idea is you're not supposed to be able to make it through the deadly roundabout [ __ ] i think we're still working i'm gonna bring nicholas rage with me okay the problem is this is timed out out still alive if i have one hand on the wheel it counts right i decided to merge into traffic and i think that was the answer again he doesn't look real good but he's he's just uh he's just stretching out his scrotum while he does a victory lap around the area the challenge here is simple you have to manage to get past the 140 mark considering there's nothing to hit us this is oh i may have gone down a little bit too fast this may be the easiest challenge we've done yet let's see where the baseline is right around 100. i think i just got decapitated by my own intake i think if you watch really closely you're gonna see as my neck impacts my own windshield at high speed right there somehow though i didn't get decapitated i'm not really sure how okay how about if i go a little bit slower so that we can hug the pavement slightly better there we go we actually got less when in doubt use the force reason why i say that is this thing seems to really get some glide on oh yeah we're gonna get 120 the wedge doesn't have time for your improprieties the wedge is going all the way the wedge sucks it can't even get to 100. okay using terminal velocity is definitely the way to go okay we finally got to like 130 full speed this should be it this is the best that we can possibly do with this vehicle i would say never mind this is probably the worst so getting max speed is actually a problem in this one maybe if we don't look directly at the death i got caught in my own wheel well don't mind me i'm just checking the oil getting so close to that line this may seem like a bad idea but just trust me i feel like if i put more weight on the back end i don't really need the person i just need a vehicle to get to 140. oh yeah you know what hang off perfect gotta hold that back end down so it catches on the road a little bit better see if i remove my body from the equation that's a bunch of weight that's not there anymore behold the power i got rid of most of my car and i held the door all the way to the end we made the farthest jump possible well we did it as i slowly painted to nicholas rage's groin hope you all enjoyed this episode of turbo dismount if you ever make me any levels to try out for challenges let me know until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,165,072
Rating: 4.956799 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jail, funny escape, sandbox games, ragdoll game, physics game, physics simulator, turbo dismount
Id: L1KbyLujzAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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